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I miss you guys for few days.....great discussion going on..i really missed it.... Hi Anonymous....great to see you...

all your questions are correct and your doubts are nice.....i wish to tell you the below....hope i may answer few of your questions... Master told that spirituality is a science of belief and personal experiences...those who believe it only, will try to explore it and so as only those who try. may get something out of it,if. So if you dont belive , nothing wrong. Else you have a great chance since you are a human being you have chance to exploit the world of gods/demi gods etc. if you want. One graet sage( may be shyama nanda lahiri , dint remember exaclty) famously state that : instead of wanting to see the brahmam. Wich has charactersicks of void, he want to see a kid , holding flute in his hand surrounded by girls playing in the sands of yamuna river. The above tatemnt shows the major difference between the believers in india( as you said that you are a hindu you willunderstand it for sure) . many sanyasa traditions says to try for nirvana and few traditions like radha-krishna says to love the god with out conditions. Even if you dont belive all this, fine no issues. Just read mahabharatha, the book of lifestyle. Suggetsts to take sanyasa in the old age , may be after 55-60 years try for any spiritual things. If you believe. Many teaditions in India like shakthi, shaiva,vaishnava,vionayaka,radha-krishna etc though different in their practices, are common in one thing.that is guru.1. for spiritual advancement you need guru 2.else

And you said andhashradhdha..yes

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