AWW - Explanatory Memo

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To: From: Subject: Date: Dr. Kevin Brooks Jacob Ritteman Explanatory piece for Personal Fact Sheet December 14, 2011

This memo includes my justification for the content and style of my Personal Fact Sheet. Like my Fact Sheet, it is quite straightforward and a quick read. You will notice that it addresses all criteria included in the assignment sheet. Fact Sheet Included Content My Fact sheet includes a foreword, learned editing and writing techniques, and an afterword. The foreword introduces my audience to my level of understanding before Advanced Writing Workshop, while the afterword details my understanding postAdvanced Writing Workshop. I chose to include the paramedic and side-shadowing editing techniques because they were the most useful, and are ones which I look forward to using in the future. This does not mean other methods were un-useful; they just arent as interesting to me. Both of these techniques are more thoroughly addressed in the Fact Sheet. As for writing techniques, I chose to include journaling and the mystery product project. The journaling, on which I go into more detail in the Fact Sheet, was most beneficial for me and I will be continuing the process in my personal life. As for building the mystery, I hope I get an opportunity to take part again in the future. Again, this choice is more detailed in the Fact Sheet.

Fact Sheet Excluded Content I didnt exclude any content due to it being useless I merely wanted to highlight what specifically will be a part of my future. If I had included extra methods/strategies which wont play such a pivotal role, it wouldve messed up the style and effectiveness of my Personal Fact Sheet. Style Choices I went with a fairly standard layout, and did so because, with a clear, common template, a reader will locate and navigate through content more quickly. Also, I made transitions quickly, so a person could get through the material efficiently, while still retaining information. I think this is a very necessary quality of any piece of writing. In regard to myself, Im a pretty plain guy, with a very dry sense of humor, and the layout of my Personal Fact Sheet reflects the plainness and dryness that defines me.

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