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Material Safety Data Sheet


o o MSD S modif icat ion : none. Det ails of t he supplies

High Precious Co., Ltd.

54/37 Pracha-Uthit 33, Yak 4, Thung Kru Bangkok 10140, THAILAND o Clas sif icat ion : 100 % N at ur al Bot anical E x t r act W it hout Chemical T r eat ment

2. Composition, Information on Ingredients

Chemical Identification Chemical Family Dangerous Ingredients Heavy Metal

N at ur al Bio-O r ganic Liquid Plant Food

Organic Liquid

3. Hazards Identification

Industrial safety & Health Law (Article 41, the regulation about writing chemical material safety & health data sheet, keeping this data sheet and etc. pursuant to the article 32-2 of the Enforcement ordinance of the Law and the article 92-2 of the Enforcement regulations of the Law, or the article 92-5 of the regulations of the Law and to the classification standard of the labor notification 1996-12-3-3) Adverse Human Health Effects Physical And Chemical Hazards
o o F ir e or expl os ion haza r ds F ur t her haz ar ds

N/ A
N O par t ic ular f ir e or expl os ion haza r d N/A A c c or di ng t o E C c r i te r i a, th is pr oduc t is not c las s i f i ed as a H aza r dous S ubst ance

Classification/Specification Hazards

4. First-Aid Measures
Inhalation Skin Contact Eye Contact
Move t he a ect ed per s on to f r es h air ar ea and call a doctor Rinse t hor oughly with plenty of wat er I mmediat ely r inse eyes with plenty of w at er f or at leas t 115 minut es whils t kee ping t he eyes open. A lways r ef er to an eye s pecialis t , even if t her e ar e no immediat e sympt oms.


Rinse mouth wit h wat er . I f t he per s on is f ully conscious, make him dr ink 3 4 glas s es of milk or wat er and induce vomit ing by s t icking f inger down t he t hr oat. N ever give an unconscious per son anyt hing to dr ink. Call a doctor

Chronic Symptoms Carcinogenicity

NI L N o inf or mat ion available.

5. Fire-Fighting Measures
Extinguishing Media
o o S uit able N ot S uit able N/A N/A N/A Boot s, gloves , goggles, s uit able r es pir ato r y device.

Specific Hazards Protection of Fire-Fighters

Material Safety Data Sheet

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