Gambia Fundraiser 2011

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Friday 9th December 2011 10am-2pm The Assembly Hall, Royal College, University of Strathclyde Free coffee, tea, cakes, snacks. Cards, gifts and goodies, plus an amazing raffle 3 suggested entry

Making a world of difference

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The Gambia Rural Electrification Project is organised and run by students and staff in the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering. The Project Team raises funds, sources equipment and installs solar power at schools and clinics in rural Gambia and, since 2006, the project team has installed power at 7 schools and 2 health clinics. Please help to sustain this good work. Having the solar power means that the school day is lengthened and more children can receive an education. Some of the communities have set up small business enterprises by selling surplus electricity to mobile phone users and the proceeds have been reinvested in the provision school meals, uniforms and equipment for the school.
If you would like more information about the project or would like to help us raise funds please contact: Michael Dolan Christine Donald Scott Strachan

Design donated by Graham Galloway and print generously supplied by J Thomson Colour Printers Glasgow

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