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Features 1.


Observations Cutting between different motifs back and forth Performance main throughout video Ambiguous ending

2. Editing

Cut to the beat Breaks continuity rules

3. Camera Movement

Extreme differences between shots CU used frequently

4. Diegesis

Motif repetitions Gaps in the narrative

Examples Vernallis said that there is not necessarily a balance between the narrative and the performance and that the narrative can be fragmented. This is shown in our video as we cut back and forth between motifs. The performance drives our video more than our narrative, though this is conventional for a rock video Vernallis also said there may not be a clear resolution at the end, and we have stuck with this as we have an ambiguous ending of the lead singer blowing out the candle. For the majority of our video the editing is cut to the beat. We also break many continuity rules with our video, as there is no match on action and we also cut within the lyrics. We use extremes when it comes to changing the shot framing, as we go from close ups to long shots and back to close ups again. Close ups of the band, especially the lead singer, provide visual hooks for the audience and provide opportunities for them to relate to the band members. Throughout our video there are the main narrative motifs which repeat, and then the performance motifs which also repeat themselves. There are also gaps in our narrative, which involve the audience into trying to think and fill in the gaps themselves.

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