Religion and Ethics

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Indian ethos were built long before other religions and cultures evolved.

The ethical teachings are present in all 4 vedas, upanishds, Smriti and Puranas These were told mainly in epics Ramayana, Mahabharat and Gita
Further they are reiterated in Panchatantra , Katha Saritsagar, Chanakya Neethi, Bhagavatha and so many other scriptures. They basically thrust the following principles Dharma Righteousness Artha Creation of wealth Karma Work Moksha Liberation to spiritual core

Mans inner strength, simple living Holistic relationship between man and nature Cooperation with each other Yoga and meditation i.e. excellence and concentration Spirit of sacrifice Internal orientation towards belief that Work is Worship The triumvirate of Indian values Satyam (Truth, ethics), Shivam (Welfare, economist) and Sundaram (Beauty, Aesthetic)

People act not in self interest but for responsibility of other members of the society In society each is indebted to others in the same way as others to him Principle of fairness and equality, which brings justice in society believing every one has equal rights Principle of integrity and honesty, the society members cooperate among themselves to live with honesty and integrity building harmony Principle of human dignity, man being supreme over animals can decide what is right what is wrong

Dharma (to abstain from evil and purify ones mind) Sila (life with good conduct) Samadhi (attaining concentration and balanced state of mind) Prajna (Cultivating insight) Buddha has taught the following eight principles - Right understanding - Right Mindedness - Right Speech - Right Action - Right living - Right effort - Right attentiveness - Right focus and concentration

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