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WorldFuture 2009: Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World July 17-19, 2009 - Hilton Chicago - Chicago, Professional Members’ Forum: July 20, 2009 The World Future Society’ annual conference for 2009 —"WorldFurure 2009: Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World” to be held July 17-19, 2009, in Chicago, linois—will bring together some of the world’s leading, thinkers to discuss a range of subject critical to our common future. Approximately 150 experts will offer more than 75 sessions and events over the course of two and a half days. These sessions will cover a wide range of topics including; * Business and careers, + Technology and its impact, + Futures methodologies and processes, + Govemance and communities, and the environment, + Education and learning, + Consciousness and spirinuality, + Health, and many more WES speakers come from a vari top management positions at Fortune 500 companies like IBM and institu- sions like NASA, the FBI, the U.S. Army, and the United Nations. At WorldFuture 2009, attendees of all ages and from every walk of life will help y disciplines and professions. Many hold hape a new vision for tomorrow. We're anticipating as many as 1,000 attendees from more than 35 countries around the world at WorldFuture 2009, Some conference goers will be coming to share their innovative ideas, Others are ‘coming to learn new skills and hear about new opportunities. And still thers want to explore the diversity of people and viewpoints to be found at Society meetings. Conference attendees will be envisioning —and creating —humanity’s future I's a rare opportunity to discover what’s happening rot only in your sector, industry, or region, but in ‘many others as wel, Come to Chicago! Explore the museums, tour the histori land~ marks, sample the international culture, and enjoy the rich diversity of one ofthe most exciting cities in the world. Millennium Park the ‘Chicago Loop, the Att Institute, the Aquarium, and the Lake Shor tance of the hotel “The Hilton Chicago is at the center of downtown Chicago, right on Michigan ‘Avenue. Richly appointed and luxuriously comfortable amenities combine with access to world- famous museums, gorgeous parks, shows ofall types, and fine dining close by the shores of Lake Michigan. We look forward to welcoming you to Chicago— and bringing your World Fucure Society experience se all within walking dis- to life Please join us. Details: www: htm Yes! i want to meet exchange ideas with, and lean from my futurist colleagues. lease reserve WortoFurure _my place at the World Future Society's WorldFuture 2009. | understand registration includes admis siontoall sessions, the welcoming reception the conference volume, and a stfprevegstrans And for any reason lam unable to atten may cancel and receive a ful refund ur June 28, 2008, Innovation and Creativity [member may register adtonal person (end, colleague spouse et) at the member ate ina Complex World Pease use a separate form foreach registrant photocopies ae ine) Pleas nck the spon sering members name/dentfcation aumber here. July 17-19, 2008 Hilton Chicago Name Cieaglinois Identifieation Number ‘Your contact formation wl be publshedin the final program. Please check hereifyou donot vant published, Iesterby _Repiterby _Regsterby_—Registerby Register by ‘vount (0ce5,2008 Oe3,2008 Fab 77,2009 Aprt90,2008June30,3008 Onsite Dee egstation 700 Member Rate ss seri Cie 65 cde suo 280 sao 0 ss00 580 rae of developing ation Fubtme suerte teageat2s $125 13s sn ss sn 50 Pease aach appropate documentation) 2ay Luncheon Faclage wth spekes)— $119, Single uncheons S65 Cicleone Saturday Sunday Profesional amber Forum — $115 ler Pron Members cri =_ Profssonatembeship—$135 Renewal New Joi now to quali forthe Fon) Comprehensive Prefers Membernip— 5245 Renewal New Wort Future Socity mambariip —§59(520for tine students under the ef 25) henenal"O New donno andiakeadentage ofthe ember ed “eecdeductible Contribution a Scholarship Fund {your S125 contbyton wl make posbl fora ten otter but evry dlr wl el. Method of Payment check or money oserenosed, Payable to Word Fate Sait) pchase onder enone 0. Please cuigemye MasterCard QVGA COiecover Amacai pe atone Siena Name Osteen ees coy ‘sate or Province Comey DPorPosal Code Prone (aay Fa = ema ott esraton fg set wth te achnowledgment of istaion or youcancal theta sett 3292244000400 LIONS Mention tat soure standing he WPS mecung ta rece your pec ae O78 angl er ouDe pe gh. REFUND POLICY: you plano stand he conference change you may receive 3 fl fund nl une 26 208 Tere wil be $75 arnt age or ‘analitions eevee ne 25 2008 No teunds et uy 32008 Refund request ening by ala oats at wel ‘MAILTO: Wor Future Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 450, Setherda, Mayland 20814, USA. «FAX TO: 1-201-951-0394 CALL TOLL FREE "1000385274 out tafe callng sec 301 86.8574) EMA hecho WERSTE wo

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