CSR Activities of Service Sector

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6 Nidhi Mittal Anuj Surana Karan Malhotra Soumik Mitra Kush Shrimali Ga utam Malhotra



Provide equal employment opportunity to differently abled in co-ordination with Ability Foundation, an NGO. SIPS, a division of Siemens presently employs 45 per sonnel who are differently abled When a candidate is hired by SIPS, Ability Foun dation takes an audit of the work facilities, which include the provision of a s pecial ramp to ensure ease in mobility and specially designed restrooms Turtle W alk : It is an initiative aimed at educating the fishing community and the gener al public living near the beach on the need to protect Oliver Ridley turtles and its turtle nests

WELSPUN INDIA LTD. In sync with their guiding path of five E's , Enrichment of mind, Enrichment of body, Education, Empathy, Empowerment of Women and contributions for other socia l activities they try to make continuous efforts to better the lives of everyone involved with us both, directly or indirectly. ENRICHMENT OF MIND : Workshops on Yoga and nutrition Employees are taught easy s teps that can be practiced at the work place as well to derive the benefits of Y oga. Classes on nutrition are also held at all their plants

CONT.. ENRICHMENT OF BODY : Medical camps for women The aim of this exercise is to ensu re that all their employees are physically fit which in turn leads to their ment al health. EDUCATION : Especially through vocational training to economically ba ckward children. Educational Institutions: It has set up " Welspun Vidya Mandir ", a school up to class 10. Recently they have set up ' Welspun Anganvadi' which is a pre-primary school for children; these schools are open not only to the ch ildren of the Welspun employees but also the children of the other local familie s

CONT.. EMPATHY Their contributions are aimed at improving the lives of Individuals and helping them in their society to become self supportive. Some of there contribut ions include: Visually Impaired Children: Welspun is closely associated with bli nd and visually impaired children, specifically girls. Water Effluent Plant: the y have set up a Water Effluent Plant at Welspun City at Anjar in Gujarat . This plant recycles the water to be used for industrial and household purposes. Jatro pha Plantation: The Jatropha plant is a drought resistant perennial and grows we ll in Sandy and well drained soil.They have undertaken a drive of Afforestation at Welspun City where by thousands of saplings of the Jatropha tree were planted extensively Blood Donation Camps

CONT.. EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN : As part of vocational training, they are supplying the in stitutes with facilities and man power to offer free computer classes. They orga nize computer courses that are offered to working women who intend to apply for positions in both Government and non-government organizations. Project Lijjat Prog rammes providing training in the art of papad making have been organized, where women of one hundred and forty eight Welspun families from a tiny village have p articipated and have trained for two to three hours daily. This project has prov ided vocational training and in turn has led to the women making a small amount of money that today makes a significant difference to their lives therefore empo wering them.

KANSAI NEROLAC PAINTS LTD. KNP have chosen four specific areas and most of CSR activities centers around th e same. These include: Education, Health Community Development Enviornment Prese rvation

There set of CSR activities Education includes : Scholarship to deserving studen ts. Promoting education for females. Vocational classes in rural areas. Vocation course facility for the handicapped & the mentally challenged. Infrastructure f acility for schools. Promoting education by distributing books/ equipping librar ies. Sponsor research in design/ innovation areas in educational Institutions


CSR activities of KNP in Health includes: Health Checkup camps Equipment to hosp itals Financial support to those needing treatment for critical illness Mobility camps Support Cornea collection Adopt themes like Renal failure & support activ ities in this area CSR in Community Development includes: Rural water supply fac ility Assistance during natural disasters Community centers

CONT.. Support activities at Old age homes Senior citizens outreach programs Welfare of families of ex- servicemen Traffic Signage Restoration of historic areas Preser vation of Art at heritage institutions Sponsor activities for the underprivilege d children. CSR in Enviornmental Preservation includes: Tree plantation Water co nservation projects Area beautification

How they operate Every plant works out a detailed Annual CSR activity plan in th e beginning of thefinancial year and the activities are carried out thereafter a s per the plan. Each activityis assessed, debated & then approved. While working out the activities, the plantkeeps in mind the broad CSR objectives and follows the guidelines provided in order to maintain objectivity. Proper reviews are ca rried out on the activities and results obtained. RADAR approachis followed for every activity. Results are identified & targets set, approach is decidedon what they want to do and why, approaches are deployed systematically, the approachis assessed and reviewed for the results achieved with learning incorporated for.i mprovement

GODREJ CONSUMER PRODUCTS LTD Overall CSR policy : Their Corporate Environment Policy has identified biodivers ity enhancement as a focal point. The preservation of open spaces and specially green open spaces such as mangroves has been a priority for them. Godrej's entir e campus, known as Pirojshanagar, is an industrial garden township. Godrej stron gly believes that this green environment enhances productivity and quality. It h as been greatly appreciated by all their employees and visitors.


Mangrove conservation has been the key focus of the Environment Cell Godrej has formed specialist groups, for example the Envirotech Group for pollution-reducti on and related matters; The Encon Group for energy conservation Most of Godrej's businesses have the ISO 14000 certification, along with strong Environment Mana gement system For the Godrej family Nature has always formed an important part o f their upbringing and their garden township at Vikhroli bears witness to this. Every year thousands of students visit the mangrove area. They are guided on spe cially organised tours, which are interesting and educative.


CSR activities: DSPML Akanksha Centre at St. Xavier's High School, Mumbai Akanks ha Mentoring Program Office Assistants' Employee Children Scholarship Program Ak shaya Patra Foundation The Akshaya Patra Foundation, a not-for-profit organizati on, has been providing free meals everyday to poverty stricken school children i n and around Bangalore city (India's Silicon City) in southern India. A Strategi c program to address two of the most pressing problems of India: Hunger & Educat ion


Health -Employee Awareness Program Camps: Blood Donation camps. Thalassaemia det ection: organized along with Citizen, an NGO dealing with Thalassaemia awareness and counseling Cancer detection: organized in conjunction with Cancer Patient A id Association ( CPAA), an NGO working with Cancer patients Hepatitis B Vaccinat ion drive Lectures: Health & Nutrition Better Eyecare


Impact India Foundation DSPML has been associated with IMPACT India Foundation, A registered Public Trust promoted by the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, and the World Health Organisation in association with the Government of India, in undertaking the Disability Reduction Project. DSPML also supported the highly acclaimed LIFELINE EXPRESS, the world's first hospital on a train, durin g the Gujarat Earthquake relief Environment and Wildlife: Recycle & Reach Out (R &R) is a program initiated to enable employees to recycle / donate item(s) to de serving charities such as Asha Daan - run by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Cha rity, CPAA (Cancer Patients Aid Association).

CONT Old greeting cards are donated to Jai Vakeel school for the mentally challenged where school children use the cards in school projects Used Toner and printer ca rtridges are donated to the Dhanraj Pillay Academy. The sale proceeds of the ref illed cartridges augment the corpus of the academy. Bombay Natural History Socie ty (BNHS): DSPML is assisting BNHS in some of the conservation efforts in Boriva li National Park. The forest is also home to endangered flora & fauna including leopards as well as the atlas moth--the world's largest moth.

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