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To: From: Date: Re:

Dr. Kevin Brooks Jacob Ritteman 5/4/2012 Building a Mystery Proposal

The Question
Does the ability to find inspiration, and methods to do so, remain uniform across the arts?

The Relevance
If this is true, it will help me in finding my own inspiration. Inspiration does come here and there, but to make it more of a regular ordeal, I think a documentary dedicated to the idea of it will help greatly. If there is something out there that Im missing, that my interviewees can show me, Ill be able to alter my current approach and set some goals.

My Current Understand of the Topic

Inspiration is something Ive channeled, and something I can grasp, but its elusive. I know all artists receive inspiration anybody that has any form of literacy receives inspiration but I want to know if its through similar means across the board. If there is a secret or revelation to be found or had through this documentary, I will find myself fulfilled.

I will have to find journals or theories based on the idea of inspiration, and those resources will be implemented into the overall documentary. The meat and potatoes of the project will come from human subjects. I have a list of interviewees that I think will contribute wonderfully. All of them are relevant to literacy, and they span from writers to photographers to musicians.

I think Ill find that artists of different types find inspiration in similar ways. However, even if I am right, something may be discovered in doing this project, either for myself or for viewers of the documentary.

Potential Interviewees
Jon Harris Musician Cole Hooey Musician Muzzamil Muhammad Photographer Ishanka Wimaladharma Sketch Artist Mark Halvorson Writer Dayna Del Val (hopefully) - Writer

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