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Photo I

River Hill High

Finding Deeper Meaning through the Principles of Photographic

Photo Shoot #1

Answer the following questions about your three chosen prints as thoughtfully and
honestly as possible.

1) Why did you choose each of these prints (yes, respond for each print, not an overall
general response.) Which of the three is the most meaningful for you? Why?

2) Which image do you think is the most successful PRINT (we are talking about
technical printing skills now, not meaning)? What makes it successful? What do you
think are the most important characteristics of a successful print?

3) What are three goals you have for your next shooting assignment? What can you
improve upon that you learned through this assignment?
Photo I
River Hill High School

Finding Deeper Meaning through the Principles of Photographic

Photo Shoot #1

Grading Criteria: Three Best Prints


The three selected Each image exhibits You properly The prints are
prints were each a strong composition adjusted the shutter evident of quality
clearly inspired by with a clear sense of speed and aperture, time, thought, and
one of the provided visual movement as well as the care. They are free
prompts and utilize (how our eyes move exposure time and of chemical stains,
the matching throughout the aperture in the scratches, folds,
Principle of image). It is evident darkroom to achieve tears. The borders
Photographic that you considered a wide range of are evenly cropped.
Composition. every component of values, from the
the photos, from the darkest darks to the
placement of your lightest lights. Your
subject/objects, to images have an
what is happening in adequate amount of
the background. contrast and are in

/15 /15 /15 /15

TOTAL: /60
Grading Criteria: Contact Sheet


Your entire roll of film is Your contact sheet exhibits a The contact sheet is free if
shown on your contact sheet wide range of value, from the folds, creases, rips, tears,
in the order your photos were whitest whites to the blackest scratches, chemical stains,
taken. darks (and all of the “in- water drops.

/5 /5 /5

TOTAL: /15

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