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Banner Request from 1001

Apply Interworking and Add Rulesets to be included

Get Ruleset to which 1001 is statically associated

Is this the only rule for the RuleSet A No

Yes Get Rulesets for 1001's Recommendations Get Rulesets for 1001's Events A Keep Ruleset in inProcess list Is Ruleset to be excluded based on Interworking A Get inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Static/Event with AND strategy

Get inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Static/Event with OR strategy


B Get inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Static/ Recommendation with OR strategy

Add to final Rule Set and Remove from inProcess

Get inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Static/ Recommendation with AND Strategy

Filter Preference Rulesets for 1001

Filter inProcess Preference Rulesets to which 1001 is statically associated (and does not have Event/ Recommedation)

Filter inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Preference / Recommendation with OR strategy

Filter inProcess Preference Rulesets for 1001 having Preference / Event with AND strategy

Filter inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Preference / Recommendation with OR strategy

Filter inProcess Rulesets for 1001 having Preference / Recommendation with AND strategy

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