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Use Of Company To Evade Legal Obligations @ To Commit Fraud -the members can be made liable.

Case: Gliford Motor Co v Horne Held: The court granted injuction againts both Horne & his company having held that he had breached his agreement.

Company Employed As An Agent @ Alter Ego Of Its Controllers -members can be made liable for companys liability. Case: Smith, Stone & Knight Ltd v Birmingham Corporation. Held: the waste company was a tool of Smith. The occupation of the premises by the waste company was Smiths business. Therefore, Smith was entitled for compensation.

Where The Company Is A Sham @ Mere Facade Concealing The True Facts. GR : where the company is a sham or mere facade designed to conceal the true state of affairs, the court may lift the veil and treats it as one with the members. Case: Adam v Cape Industries plc. Held: Court have no discretion to lift the veil of incorporation unless it is shown that the companies concerned are a sham or facade.

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