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Corporate Manual Standard HR Policy Manual Contents: 1. About the Manual 2. Employment Policies 2.1. Employee Status 2.2.

Employment Process 2.2.1. Employment Procedure 2.2.2. Equal Opportunity Program 2.2.3. Employment of Minors 2.2.4. Employment of Women 2.2.5. Probationary and Qualifying Periods 2.2.6. Orientation 2.3. Attendance 2.4. Promotion 2.5. Release of Employee Information 2.6. Lay off 3. Performance Management 3.1. Responsibilities of managers and supervisors 3.2. Process 3.2.1. Performance Planning 3.2.2. Monitoring 3.2.3. Performance Appraisal 3.2.4. Recognition 4. Compensation 4.1 Salary 4.1.1. Salary Scale 4.1.2. Annual [and Mid-Year if it exists] Increase 4.1.3. Deductions 4.1.4. Bonus System 4.2. Overtime 4.3. Pension Fund 4.4. Medical Insurance 4.5. Social Security 4.6. Housing Allowances 4.7. Travel Allowances 4.8. Mobile Phones 4.9. Cars 5. Benefits

5.1. Training and Development 6. Leaves 6.1. Holidays 6.2. Annual Leaves 6.3. Sick Leaves 6.4. Maternity Leaves 6.5. Leave without Pay 6.6. Special Cases 7. Disciplinary Code 7.1. Classification of Offences 7.2. Penalties 7.3. Procedure and Documentation 8. Grievances 8.1. Procedure and Guideline 9. Work Place 9.1. Rest Periods 9.2. Work Appearance 9.3. Smoking 9.4. Drugs and Alcohol Abuse 9.5. Security 9.6. Emergencies 9.7. First Aid 9.8. Personal Phone Calls 9.9. Visitors 9.10. Office Services 10. Termination of Employment 10.1 Resigning 10.2. Retirement 10.3. Death of Staff member 10.4. Certificate of Service 1. About the Manual: This manual is the official statement of <company> HR policies. It is designed to provide managerial and supervisory staff with uniform knowledge in order to assure equitable and consistent application of these policies. It is the responsibility of each manager and supervisor to administer these policies consistently and impartially. The policies in this manual are applicable to all persons employed by <company>. The Office of the manager of Human Resources department is responsible for HR policy revisions and revisions to this manual in cooperation with Mashora consulting company.

This manual is consistent with the Egyptian labor law to assure that employees get their deserved rights to achieve the goals of <company>.

2. Employment Policies: 2.1. Employee Status: <company> has the following types of Employees: [Positions types and relation with the company and job description for each position] 2.2. Employment Process: Recruitment and Selection aim to search and hire suitable candidate to fill vacancies in <company> with the view to satisfy HR Specifications. The success and adaptability of a Company depends upon the recruitment of appropriate employees who are flexible, adaptable and committed to the policies of the company. 2.2.1. Employment Procedure: 1. The department manager who has a vacant position should complete the Recruitment Request (Appendix 1), and deliver it to the HR Department. 2. HR officer should revise the request to <company> policies and circumstances, then he should deliver the modifications made to the recruitment request to the department manager to revise to approve. 3. HR officer begins the recruitment process choosing the best method to announce the position needed to be filled considering the internal and external environments. 4. After receiving all applications, the HR officer should choose the applications that meet the minimum requirements, and then forward it to the department manager concerned. 5. The department manager and HR officer make interviews to choose the appropriate employee for the position vacant. 6. After accepting the candidate for the position a Job Offer (Appendix 2) will be sent to him through the HR department. 7. The new employee should sign the Contract of Employment (Appendix 3). 8. Personal Data Form (Appendix 4) about the employee should be delivered to HR Department. 2.2.2. Equal opportunity Program: Equal opportunity shall be provided for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability unless sex or something else is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)1. The company will adhere to the Egyptian labor law and all other laws about employee's rights. 2.2.3. Employment of Minors:

A BFOQ is a legal exception to an otherwise discriminatory hiring practice that is "reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business."

In accordance with Egyptian labor regulations, a minor less than 18 years of age may be employed by the company only under certain circumstances. This policy details those requirements: Its prohibited to make the minor work for more than 6 hours per day and he/she should have one break or more during the day. These breaks are not less than one hour in total, to have rest and food. These breaks are arranged to make the minor dont work for more than 4 connected hours. Its prohibited to make the minor work for extra time or in the holidays. And under any circumstances its prohibited to make the minor work in the hours between 8pm and 7am. The HR Department should have all information about: names of minors, their jobs, work and rest hours, and the names of supervisors on them. 2.2.4. Employment of Women: In accordance with Egyptian labor regulations when women are working in <company> this entire manual is applied on them, adding that: [All the appropriate women working rules such as: A woman shouldn't work from the time from 7pm and 7am.] [All leaves for women are stated in the section of maternity leave section 6.2 in this manual.] 2.2.5. Probationary and Qualifying Periods: Any appointment made on <company> shall be subject to a probation period as specified in the contract of employment. [The appropriate time] towards the end of the probation period, employees responsible supervisor shall make an appraisal report recommending a confirmation or termination of the employees services. Where necessary, the probation period may be extended as considered necessary by the company. An employee who is on probation may have his appointment terminated at any time without notice. In the event of such termination, the employee is paid for the period worked up to the time of termination. Confirmation of appointment: On recommendation from the responsible supervisor the HR manager should confirm the appointment. 2.2.6. Orientation: All new employees shall undergo induction training to assist them in the process of becoming integrated to the company within the shortest time possible. The responsible supervisor in collaboration with the HR Officer should conduct induction training which orient the employees with the company. 2.3. Attendance: For all departments in <company> should have records to document hours actually worked using Time Sheet (Appendix 5). Each time record must be signed by the employee to certify correctness of the work time reported.

At the end of the applicable pay period, all records must be reviewed and signed by the appropriate supervisor. An employee who falsifies a time record is subject to a disciplinary action. All absences from work including annual leave, sick leave, or other excused or unexcused absences must be reported to the HR department signed by the employee and approved by the supervisor.

2.4. Promotion: <Company> is committed to providing upward mobility for its employees. This policy is established to outline a means of providing direct promotion to employees within a department where a promotional opportunity exists. Any employee who is to receive a direct promotion will be subject to the same requirements as an outside candidate for the vacancy that exists. The department manager shall initiate the request for a direct promotion by completing the Recruitment Request (Appendix 1) with a special notation it is requesting a direct promotion, to be delivered to HR department. Attached to it a list of all persons within the department, who meets the minimum qualifications for the vacancy and who wish to be considered for the job. HR officer and the concerned department manager will take the decision of the appropriate employee for the promotion.

2.5. Release of Employee Information: All personal employee information will be regarded as confidential and careful consideration must be given to ensure this confidentiality unless disclosure is required by law. Requests for information about current or past employees who have provided written permission to release employment information must be referred to HR department for response. Information regarding current or past employees who have not provided written permission to release employment information, the HR Department will determine what information may be released. If approved by HR Department the following information may be released without authorization: [certain information about the employee].

2.6. Lay off: Any department considering a permanent or temporary reduction in force should contact HR Department to discuss the layoff policy and proper layoff procedures prior to notifying the employee. Employees shall be given at least [appropriate time] written notice of layoff. Employees are referred, as appropriate, to the HR Department for information related to eligibility for unemployment in the event of layoff.

Recall: the Company shall, in its discretion, after a reduction in force, determine the occasion and the advisability of recall of part or all of the laid off employees. The company shall consider the needed qualifications, as well as the nature of the jobs for which the employees will be recalled. Employees rehired will be treated as newly hired from the time of the rehiring.

3. Performance Management: Decisions concerning career development, promotion, succession planning and compensation depend on information provided through effective performance management. <company> will therefore ensure that all new employees understand the requirements of their jobs as well as the expected results. The actual assessment of how well they have done will be undertaken at the end of each year [or by the end of some objective] through a comprehensive appraisal of their performance. 3.1. Responsibilities of managers and supervisors: Managers and Supervisors are responsible for conducting substantive discussions and taking conclusive performance-related actions. These actions include: Developing performance plans. Communicating outcomes and expectations to employees. Establishing employees' development plans. Providing performance-related feedback to employees at prescribed intervals. Preparing end-of-cycle [or at the end of some objective] summaries. Discussing the summaries with employees. 3.2. Process: 3.2.1. Performance Planning: A Performance Plan is a written document between an employee (or team) and his/her manager. The performance plan describes what has to be done during the performance cycle, how well it has to be done, and how the accomplishment will be measured. This part is based primarily on the goals of <company> and the employee's job description. 3.2.2. Monitoring: Monitoring is the process of making accurate and objective performance observations based on the outcomes and expectations contained in an employee's performance plan. In addition, the manager will provide timely feedback throughout the performance cycle to encourage employees to maximize their performance. Performance observations will be provided from multiple sources: 1. Employee providing self-evaluation. 2. The direct manager on him/her. 3. Two colleagues in his same level. 4. Two employees are under his/her supervision. To fill in the Performance Appraisal Form (Appendix 6) to be delivered to the HR department.

3.2.3. Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisals regularly record an assessment of an employee's performance, potential and development needs. The appraisal is an opportunity to take an overall view of work, to look back on what has been achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next. Performance appraisals are used for: Identifying developmental needs. Determining compliance with the performance plan. Analyzing individual/team performance. Basis for individual/team recognition. Frequency: is determined by the department manager in collaboration with the HR department. 3.2.4. Recognition: A means of acknowledging employees for sustained outstanding performance and providing incentives to continue provide outstanding performance. Recognition should be linked to performance outcomes. HR department should be consulted in determining the appropriate acknowledgement. 4. Compensation: 4.1 Salary: The department of [the appropriate department] is responsible for giving the salaries. 4.1.1. Salary Scale: <company> uses a salary scale to hold a well defined system to assure given salaries that meets the internal and external circumstances. It states the job title connected to its salary. Any changes in the salary scale is the responsibility of the HR department and it should be reviewed by [certain person] in the <company>. 4.1.2. Annual [and Mid-Year, if it exists] Increase: As stated in the Contract of Employment (Appendix 3) the annual increase [and Mid-Year, if it exists] is [certain increase set by the HR department and reviewed by certain person]. It will be given at [beginning of the pay period or the appropriate time]. Setting the annual increase [and MidYear, if it exists] is the responsibility of the HR department and reviewed by [certain person]. 4.1.3. Deductions: The deduction from the salary is evaluated using the Time Sheet (Appendix 5) to identify the actually worked hours and leaves taken, signed by the employee and his supervisor. 4.1.4. Bonus System: For [certain achievement per project or per year basis] employee should have a bonus which is [appropriate bonus] determined by the manager of the department and approved by the HR department.

[Considering that it could make the employees salary vary every year regarding his/her performance during the year. That happens when the employees salary is divided into two parts: fixed and variable which is the bonus]. 4.2. Overtime: Overtime is all time worked by an employee for the company that is in excess of [time set in the Contract of Employment] and its determined from the Time Sheet of employee [or the recommendation of the supervisor] and it should be added to his salary paid after approval of the manager of the department. The overtime compensation is calculated [the appropriate overtime compensation]. 4.3. Pension Fund: For retired employee the company presents a pension fund that is considered a tribute from the company to the contributions employee provided. The HR department is responsible for setting the appropriate pension fund. 4.4. Medical Insurance: For employees working in the company for more than [certain time], <company> provides a medical insurance that is set by the HR Department which is consistent with the Egyptian labor law. 4.5. Social Security: For employees working in the company for more than [certain time], <company> provides a social security that is set by the HR Department which is consistent with the Egyptian labor law. 4.6. Housing Allowances: For employees that are assigned in another city, <company> provides them housing allowances that is determined by the HR department and the manager of the employee department. For more than [certain period] the allowance covers employees spouse and children under 18 years old. 4.7. Travel Allowances: For employees that working circumstances obligate them to travel, get appropriate allowances determined by the supervisor and approved by the HR department. For more than [certain period] the allowance covers employees spouse and children under 18 years old. 4.8. Mobile Phones: For the purpose of facilitating the communication between the companys employees, mobile phones will be accordingly provided to: [employees that their work obligates them to have mobile phones].

4.9. Cars: Cars will be provided to those whose nature of duties requires frequent out of office work. 5. Benefits: 5.1. Training and Development: <company> strongly believes that a well-trained and efficient workforce is crucial for the development of the business of the company. The objectives of the Training and Development Policy are to: 1. Assure aligning all the company to the policies governing the company, and to achieve the goals of it through the core values of the company. 2. Assure distributing the training and development programs to all the levels of the company. 3. Create an environment that encourages self-development and career advancement. 4. Cure the weaknesses in performance of the employee/team understood from the performance appraisals. Training or development program shall only be offered after a through needs assessment by the HR Officer in consultation with the Department Managers, filling in the Training Needs Form (Appendix 7). 6. Leaves: 6.1. Holidays: The following days have been designated as official <company> holidays: [The official holidays as: Eastern Christmas Day Jan 7th Sinai Liberation Day April 25th Sham El Nessim April 28th Labor's Day May 1st Evacuation Day June 18th Revolution Day July 23rd Military Day Oct 6th Islamic New Year Moharam 1st Prophet Muhamed Birth Rabe-Awal 12th Eid al-Fitr Shawal 1st Eid al-Adha Du-Alheja 10th] If work necessities attendance on an official holiday then the employee should be paid for by overtime compensation set in this manual. 6.2. Annual Leaves:

Employees are entitled to fully paid annual leave as: [Set the number of days related to years of work] [Set the difference between the continuous days and separate days for the leave] Procedure: The employee who is willing to take a vacation should complete a Leave Request (Appendix 8) authorized by his supervisor, and deliver it to the HR department to approve. This request should be authorized and delivered before taking the leave with [certain number of days] for a leave more than [certain number of days for the leave]. 6.3. Sick Leaves: Employees have [certain number of days or opened period] as sick leaves. Procedure: The employee wants to have a sick leave should notify his supervisor with [in the same day or before it with certain number of days] and he should deliver authorized medical certificates from company approved physicians to the HR department to consider this leave as a sick leave. An employee who falsifies medical certificates is subject to a disciplinary action. 6.4. Maternity Leaves: When a woman is working for [certain period of working] she can have a maternity leave for [certain period] this is not to be deducted from annual leave [and she can come to work for an hour late or leave an hour early after the maternity leave is over for breast feeding and this will last for the duration of 12 months]. 6.5. Leave without Pay: For some circumstances an employee can have a leave without pay. Procedure: The employee should deliver a Leave Request for HR Department with the approval of his supervisor. HR department may approve this leave after consulting his department's manager. An employee can have a leave without pay for [certain period] after working for [certain number of months or years]. 6.6. Special Cases: In Special Circumstances an employee can have a leave as: Bereavement Leave: up-to 3 days may be granted when a death occurred in his/her family. Pilgrimage Leave: Muslim employees that worked for [certain period] can have a leave for one month maximum.

7. Disciplinary Code: Formal disciplinary action should be the final course of action in rectifying employee behavior. Disciplinary action should be supported through investigation, reasonable evidence of guilt and careful consideration of the circumstances of each case before formal action is taken. A successful disciplinary system and climate is dependent on the good judgment, understanding and consistent treatment of the parties involved in disciplinary action. 7.1. Classification of Offences: [These offences are related to the company and its circumstances] 7.1.1. Absenteeism 7.1.2. Offences related to Control at Work 7.1.3. Offences related to indiscipline or disorderly behavior 7.1.4. Offences Related to Dishonesty 7.1.1. Absenteeism: Absenteeism means being absent from work for [certain period] without taking the right procedures stated in this manual. 7.1.2. Offences related to Control at Work: 1. Poor Time Keeping and related offences: a) Reporting late for work. b) Leaving work early. c) Extended or unauthorized breaks during working hours. 2. Sleeping on duty: Any employee who is found asleep on duty, whether or not such an action constitutes a hazard to the safety and health of the offender or others or leads to damage to company property, shall be deemed guilty of an offence. 3. Damage or Misuse of company property: a) Damage to company property: any act whereby an employee through carelessness or negligence causes or allows company property to become damaged. b) Misuse of company property: using company property for a purpose other than that for which it was intended. 4. Unsatisfactory Work Performance: a) Carelessness: Performance of a task or duty without the exercise of due care and attention. b) Negligence: failure to exercise proper care and regard to the manner of discharging duty to the extent that tasks have to be repeated or equipment or persons are at risk of damage or injury. c) Inefficiency: failure to carry out work at the required standard or failure to complete tasks within the given reasonable time limits, without reasonable cause. This includes poor supervision. d) Loafing: passing time idly.

7.1.3. Offences related to indiscipline or disorderly behavior: 1. Disobedience and related offences: a) Refusing to obey an instruction: deliberate refusal to carry out a lawful and/or reasonable instruction given by a person in authority and within the area of his jurisdiction. b) Failing to obey an instruction: failure to obey a lawful instruction given by a person in authority and within the framework of his/her jurisdiction. c) None-compliance with established procedure / standing instructions: failure to follow established procedures. 2. Disorderly behavior and related offences: a) Abusive Language: The uttering of any words or the publication of any writing expressing or showing hatred. b) Insubordination: Insolence towards a superior shown by action or words. c) Disorderly behavior: Indulging in rough or unruly behavior or practical jokes whether or not such behavior endangers the safety or health of others or the smooth running of the work place. d) Threatening violence: Threatening to do physical injury to any other person. e) Fighting: Physical contact between two or more persons, engaging in or inciting a group of persons to indulge in disorderly behavior or willfully to damage company property. f) Riotous behavior: Unruly behavior between two or more persons, engaging in or inciting a group of persons to indulge in disorderly behavior or willfully to damage company property. g) Sexual Harassment: Any unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, causes unreasonable interference with an individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. h) Discrimination: Any act whereby an employee discriminates against any other employee or group of employees on the grounds of nationality, race, color, origin, sex, marital status, religion, creed, political opinion, social or economic status, degree of physical or mental ability, or culture. 7.1.4. Offences Related to Dishonesty: a) Bribery or Corruption: Giving or receiving or attempting to give or receive any bribe or inducing or attempting to induce any person to perform any corrupt act. b) False Evidence: Deliberately giving untrue or misleading information or testimony whether verbally or in writing. c) Forgery and uttering: Falsifying or changing any documentation with fraudulent intent or attempting to do so. Uttering or attempting to utter fraudulent or false statements or documents. d) Misappropriation: Applying or attempting to apply to a wrong use or for any unauthorized purpose, any funds, assets or property belonging to the company. e) Theft of or unauthorized possession of company property: Stealing or attempting to deprive the company permanently of its rightful ownership. Being in possession or disposing of company property without due authorization. f) Fraud: The unlawful making of a misrepresentation with intent to defraud, which causes actual or potential prejudice to another party.

7.2. Penalties: 1. Verbal Warning: Any supervisor may, at any time and at his discretion, reprimand an employee without completing a complaint form, in which case there will be no entry made on the employees disciplinary record. When a verbal warning is given, the supervisor must ensure that the employee being reprimanded is made aware of the existence and function of the Disciplinary Code. A verbal warning is usually issued where the offence is of a minor nature. 2. Recorded Warning: This may be given for a repetition of an offence for which an unrecorded warning has been given, or it may be given for a first offence. The employee must be informed that the warning will remain in force for a period of [certain number of months]. 3. Severe Warning: Given for a repetition of the same offence or similar offence during a period when a recorded warning is still in effect, or for a first offence of a more serious nature. The employee must be informed that the warning will remain in force for a period of [certain number of months]. 4. Final Warning: Given for a repetition of the same offence or a similar offence during a period when a severe warning is still in effect or depending on the nature thereof, for a first offence of a serious nature. In the case of an employee being found guilty of an offence of a dissimilar nature within the prescribed period, the hearing official may, at his discretion, issue a comprehensive final warning on the understanding that if any offence is committed within the next [certain number of months], it will render him liable for dismissal. A final warning is effective for a [certain number of months]. The employee is advised in writing by the official hearing the case of the period applicable and reminded that a repetition of the offence or the committing of any similar serious offence within the prescribed period will render him liable for dismissal. A copy of the notice shall be forwarded to the HR Department. 5. Dismissal: is the final penalty and should be used: When other forms of disciplinary action have failed. When an employee on a final warning commits a serious offence. When the offence committed is of such a serious nature. In cases relating to dishonesty. Once an employee has been dismissed in accordance with the procedure contained in this Code, under no circumstances he will be considered for re-employment. If it is discovered that a dismissed employee has obtained re-employment with the company either inadvertently or through deception, his services will be terminated immediately. 6. Demotion: is not an acceptable corrective action and is therefore, not used as a punishment for a specific offence. It is used only where the employee is unable to meet the requirements of his present job but is suitable for continued employment in a lower capacity. 7.3. Procedure and documentation: A record of all warnings issued to an employee will be kept in his/her file and the employee will be informed.

The maintenance of workplace discipline is strictly a function of direct management. HR Officer should be available to assist direct management where required. As far as possible, the HR Officer should, in consultation with the official manager, ensure that disciplinary action taken is procedurally and substantively fair. The HR Officer should be available to advise and assist all employees on all disciplinary matters. The HR Officer must not impose penalties, nor hear appeals in respect of own subordinates or immediate supervisors. Every offence has its appropriate penalty as determined by the HR department. 8. Grievances: Grievances may be real or imagined, but in either case, it is essential that the grievance is brought to light, discussed and the matter resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned. Failure to do so will only result in the grievance becoming a worsening source of conflict and eventually ending in a far more serious problem. <company> regards its importance that all its employees will have sufficient knowledge of such procedure and easy access to it. To this effect, <company> has formulated a grievance procedure, which has as its main objective speedy resolution of grievances and thereby eliminating possible and unnecessary causes of conflict. 8.1. Procedure and Guideline: The Grievance Procedure will be implemented as follows: Step 1 - Immediate Superior: 1. In step 1 the employee must discuss his grievance with his immediate superior or the latters superior in the event of a grievance against an immediate superior. 2. The superior must try to solve the problem and inform the employee. 3. The employee not satisfied with the outcome; he may proceed to Step 2. Step 2 - Department Manager: 1. The employee should complete a Grievance Form (Appendix 9) with all relevant details. He may be assisted by the HR Officer in completing the form. The form is handed to the Department Manager. 2. The Department Manager shall try to solve the problem and inform the employee. 3. The employee not satisfied with the outcome, he may proceed to step 3. Step 3 - Grievance Hearing: 1. The matter is referred to the CEO by handing him the grievance form together with any other further relevant written information. 2. The CEO shall convene a grievance hearing and attempt to resolve the matter. His decision shall be final.

Procedure to be followed by a Group of Employees: If a grievance to be raised affects not one employee, but a group then a spokesman for the Group, accompanied (if he so wishes) by a delegation of not more than ten of the employees concerned, should proceed with Step 2 as for an individual grievance. 9. Work Place: 9.1. Rest Periods: The working day is [certain number of hours] beginning at [certain time] and ending at [certain time] [or they are flexible according to the nature of the position] each employee can have [number of rest periods and their duration]. 9.2. Work Appearance: Each employee shares the responsibility of maintaining a professional environment therefore: Work areas and common areas should be kept as neat as possible. All trash must be disposed of in the proper trash receptacles. Objects that may cause safety hazards should be labeled and stored properly. All employees should come to work with presentable appearance [if theres a uniform for certain types of positions]. 9.3. Smoking: [Stating the policy of the company with smoking] 9.4. Drugs and Alcohol Abuse: [Stating the policy of the company with drugs and alcohol abuse inside the company and outside it] 9.5. Security: All the buildings of <company> should be secured and all employees should follow security instruction. [Stating the security instructions of the company] 9.6. Emergencies: In the event of an emergency, employees should follow the following instructions: [Stating the instructions of the company to face an emergency] 9.7. First Aid: <company> will provide first aid and ensure that at least [appropriate number of employees] are trained on how to face such situations.

9.8. Personal Phone Calls: Its important to keep telephone lines of the company free for business purposes and customer calls. Using companys phones is intended for business-related purposes only. 9.9. Visitors: All visitors are welcomed at <company>. They should report to the reception of the company and follow the instructions of workplace in this manual. 9.10. Working Services: <company> offers its employees the following working services: [stating the services that the company offers] 10. Termination of Employment: 10.1. Resigning: An employee who has presented Resigning Request (Appendix 10) will be required to liquidate all loans with the company. He should finish his work and handle his duties and tasks to the employee replacing him. This period is for a [certain time] since the HR department accepted the Resigning Request. 10.2. Retirement: The normal retirement age shall be 60 years. An extension of appointment beyond this age requires the approval of [the appropriate responsible]. Medical grounds: <company> may, on the basis of a medical opinion from company approved physician, call upon an employee to retire. 10.3. Death of Staff member: All wages and terminal benefits due shall be paid to the next of kin, as specified in the Personal Data Form according to law. 10.4. Certificate of Service: Employees who leave the company's employment are entitled to a Certificate of Service (Appendix 11) that can be written in Arabic or English. It contains: [The contents of the Certificate of the service].

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