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Types of Noise Source Noise is therefore a common occupational hazard in a large number of workplaces such as the iron and

steel industry, foundries, saw mills, textile mills, airports and aircraft maintenance shops, crushing mills, among many others. In many countries, noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most prevalent occupational diseases. There are three noise sources that give hazard to health. Commercial Noise Noise from machinery, factory pumps, industrial blowers and processing equipment is continuous and tonal, which can be subjectively annoying especially in relation to distance or time. Measurements of commercial noise, therefore, if not in relation to urban planning or zoning requirements, are often based on complaints from neighbouring residents. Construction Noise Construction noise related to noise from machinery, drilling, demolition work and other kinds of activity on construction sites can be very distressing for people who live nearby, particularly in otherwise quiet residential areas. Construction noise also can be include noise from demolition and refurbishment as well as building works. Legally speaking, noise is normally taken to include vibration. Control is exercised at local level by local authorities. Traffic Noise The most common source of environmental noise is road traffic. Road traffic noise accounts for more than 90% of unacceptable noise levels in Europe. Other forms of transportation noise, such as train and aircraft noise is generally a more local problem, but can still annoy many people. Therefore, traffic noise reduction measures often have the highest priority whether imposing restrictions on the noise sources (cars, lorries, trains), rezoning residential areas, setting up noise barriers, or enforcing faade sound insulation measures in buildings. The intermittent nature of traffic, however, presents a number of challenges for the environmental engineer, other variables, such as weather, road conditions, sirens and aircraft noise footprints.

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