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Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit Criterion D Scientific Enquiry Teacher Comments: Level DESCRIPTOR

The student states a clear focused problem or research question, formulates a testable hypothesis and explains the hypothesis using scientific reasoning. The student selects appropriate materials and equipment and writes a clear, logical method, mentioning all of the relevant variables involved and how to control and manipulate them, and describing how the data will be collected and processed. The student comments on the validity of the hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation. The student evaluates the method, commenting on its reliability and validity. The student suggests realistic improvements to the method and makes suggestions for further inquiry when relevant. The student states a focused problem or research question and makes a hypothesis but does not explain it using scientific reasoning. The student selects appropriate materials and equipment and writes a mostly complete method, mentioning some of the variables involved and how to manipulate them. The student comments on the validity of the hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation. The student partially evaluates the method. The student suggests some improvements to the method or makes suggestions for further inquiry when relevant. The student attempts to state a focused problem or research question. [ ] The student states improvements to the method OR suitable further inquiry ideas [ ] The student gives a clear AIM and states a HYPOTHESIS [ ] The student produces an EQUIPMENT LIST and METHOD including attempts to control, change and measure VARIABLES [ ] The students CONCLUSION reflects on the HYPOTHESIS [ ] The student assesses some of the limitations of the method in the EVALUATION section

MYP Grade:

Task Specific Clarification

[ ] The student gives a clear AIM and provides a HYPOTHESIS with a clear scientific explanation [ ] The student produces a DIAGRAM with a clear numbered METHOD including how to control, change and measure all the VARIABLES [ ] The students CONCLUSION evaluates the HYPOTHESIS [ ] The students EVALUATION refers to reliability of measurements made and validity of method [ ] The student states sensible improvements to the method AND suitable further inquiry ideas



[ ] The student attempts an AIM [ ] The student has a method


The method suggested is incomplete. The student attempts to evaluate the method and respond to the focused problem or research question.

[ ] The student attempts to assess the limitations of the method in the EVALUATION section and responds to the aim in the CONCLUSION

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

Pupil reflection: To improve on my next Scientific Inquiry task, I will Criterion E Processing data Teacher Comments:

Student Prediction:

MYP Grade:

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit


The student collects sufficient relevant data and records it in a suitable format. The student organizes, transforms and presents data in numerical and/or visual forms logically and correctly. The student describes a trend, pattern or relationship in the data and comments on the reliability of the data. The student draws a clear conclusion based on the correct interpretation of the data and explains it using scientific reasoning. The student collects sufficient relevant data and records it in a suitable format. The student organizes, transforms and presents data in numerical and/or visual forms, with a few errors or omissions. The student states a trend, pattern or relationship shown in the data. The student draws a conclusion consistent with the interpretation of the data. The student collects some data and attempts to record it in a suitable format. The student organizes and presents data using simple numerical or visual forms. The student attempts to identify a trend, pattern or relationship in the data. The student attempt to draw a conclusion but this is not consistent with the interpretation of the data.

Task Specific Clarification

[ ] The student collects required data and places it in a clearly headed RAW DATA TABLE [ ] The student calculates averages and makes further required calculations (without errors and clearly showing workings) and places solutions into a clearly headed PROCESSED DATA TABLE and a well labelled GRAPH [ ] The student describes trends (relating them to a line of best-fit if suitable) from the GRAPH and identifies anomalies [ ] The student states a clear CONCLUSION and provides a scientific explanation [ ] The student collects required data and places it in a RAW DATA TABLE [ ] The student calculates averages and makes further required calculations (with errors) and places solutions into a PROCESSED DATA TABLE and a GRAPH [ ] The student states trends from the GRAPH [ ] The student states a CONCLUSION relating to the data



[ ] The student collects some data and attempts to place it in a RAW DATA TABLE [ ] The student makes basic calculations and places solutions into a PROCESSED DATA TABLE or a GRAPH [ ] The student attempts to state trends from the GRAPH [ ] The student attempts to state a CONCLUSION relating to the data


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

Pupil reflection To improve on my next Processing Data assignment, I will

Student Prediction:

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit Criterion F - MYP Grade: Teacher Comments:


DESCRIPTOR The student requires no guidance to work safely and uses material and equipment competently.

Task Specific Clarification

[ ] The student acts independently and competently [ ] The students work space does not impact others [ ] The student works successfully with others by putting in equal effort and consideration


The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student cooperates with others. The student requires little guidance to work safely and little assistance when using material and equipment.

[ ] The student generally acts safely AND needs little help to complete investigation [ ] The student generally keeps equipment tidy


The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group the student cooperates with others on most occasions. The student requires some guidance to work safely and some assistance when using material and equipment.

[ ] The student generally works well with others

[ ] The student struggles to act safely AND needs help to complete investigation [ ] The student struggles to tidy equipment


The student requires some guidance to work responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others.

away [ ] The student struggles to work with others

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.

Pupil reflection To improve on my next Attitudes in Science assignment, I will

Student Prediction:

Collision lab Introduction:

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

Background information: Inertia is the tendency of an object remaining its state of rest. An object will remain constant unless the object is acted upon external factors.[1] In terms of if a movement of an object stops instantly for example a car, the passenger will keep on moving because the passenger is still in motion. Aim/Research question: How does the force applied upon the car affect to the distance traveled by the dummy after the collision? Hypothesis: It is predicted that an increase in the force applied upon the car can increase the distance traveled by the dummy after the collision. The more the force is increased, the more distance it will travel. Relating to Newtons first law, when an object is rest stays at rest, when an object is in motion stays in motion. When the moving car has collusion, changing the state of motion, the dummy will however still continue to move because the dummy still stays in motion, it will continue to move forward.[2] Looking at Newtons second law of motion, F=Mass x Acceleration. ( ), when there is a change in force applied to an object and the mass is constant, the acceleration of the object will change. The more force applied to an object, the more the object accelerates and the more distance the object travels after the collision.[1] Because the object accelerates more, the momentum the object increases as well. The momentum is how hard it is for the object to stop. Variables: Independent Variable: The independent variable is the force (N). The force will be changed in each steps of the experiment (5n, 10n, 15n, 20n, 25n). The elastic band and the convertible truck toy car will be required and used by placing them together. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the distance traveled of the dummy (cm). The dummy will be on top of the convertible truck toy car. In order to attach the dummy, the wood block, and the blue tack will be required. The convertible truck toy car will accelerate coming from the force to collide with the collision wall woodblock and create a distance traveled of the dummy after the collusion. The equation will be involved. When force is applied, there will be a level of acceleration of the dummy colliding with the wall woodblock creating the dummy to travel in a distance after the collusion. The momentum will also be involved, . When the force increased, the velocity will increase as well and the momentum will also increase which will affect the distance traveled of the dummy(cm).

Comment [NC1]: Scientific facts not successfu joined up

Fixed Variables: The mass of the car and materials inside the car (convertible truck toy car (66.2g), Lego dummy (17.2g), the wood block to stable to lego dummy (151.2g), Blue tack (7.6g)) will be maintained constantly to keep the mass constant. The total mass of the

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

car is 0.2422kg (242.2g). The mass must be fixed to be able to determine the relationship between force and acceleration, The distance between the elastic band and the collision wall woodblock (10cm) must be fixed of all time. The elastic band must be fixed with the two science chairs in all time. If it is not fixed, the amount that the elastic band is stretch will be different each time and the results will not be reliable Mass of collision wall woodblock (312.7) must be the same throughout the entire experiment, do not change the woodblock.

Procedure: Materials: 1xElastic Band (47cm) 1xLego Dummy (17.2g/) 1xConvertible Truck Toy Car (1) (66.2g) 1xBlue Tack (7.6g) 1xWood Block to make the Lego dummy stable (151.2g) 4xMass (50g) 1xCollision wall Woodblock (312.7g) (21lengthx6.2 widthx3 height) 1xMeasuring Tape (100 cm) 2xScience lab chair 1x Newton meter (5N,10N,15N,20N,25N) 1x MaskingTape 1x Ruler




Collision Wall Woodblock

Measuring Tape

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit Masking Tape


Science Lab Chair

Blue Tack (Hidden inside)

Elastic Band

Woodblock to stable dummy Convertible Truck Toy Car

Newton Meter

Method: 1. Set up all the equipment by attaching the blue tack (7.6g) to the convertible truck toy car (66.2g). 2. Place the woodblock (151.2g) and the Lego dummy (17.2g) to the convertible truck toy car. 3. Attach the elastic band to the two science lab chairs, the elastic band must be stretched out all time.

Comment [NC2]: Are these controlled variabl or do they need to be these values?

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

4. Place out the collision wall woodblock (312.7g) from 10cm from the science lab chair and place the four mass (12.5g each)on top of the woodblock, 2 on each side. 5. Roll out the measuring tape and spread it out until the end and then use the masking tape to attach the measuring tape to the floor so that it is stable. 6. Hook the Newton meter to the elastic band and pull until it is 5N and place the car (including all the materials involved in the car) to the elastic band. 7. Hold the elastic band and let go of the Newton meter 8. Then, let go of the elastic band letting the convertible truck toy car travel to collide with the collusion wall woodblock 9. Measure the distance traveled of the dummy by the ruler and record the result into the word document in the computer 10. Place all the equipment involved with the convertible truck toy car together and place in next to the elastic band. 11. Repeat step 6 to 10 for 4 more trials with 5n 12. Repeat step 6 to 11 for 10N, 15N, 20N, 25N.

Results: Raw Data: Raw table 1: Raw table of the force (N) affecting the distance traveled of the dummy with a constant mass of car and Dummy The Force (N) 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 The Distance Traveled of the Dummy (cm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 97.9 134.8 182.0 234.4 289.4 92.0 138.9 191.7 218.3 294.6 95.3 137.6 186.4 217.6 278.9 101.2 136.4 174.2 236.8 265.1 96.9 138.5 183.7 227.3 302.0

Observations: Throughout the experiment, it is difficult to maintain the length of elastic band after releasing the Newton meter. The surface of the floor appears to not have a lot of friction, affecting a long distance of the dummy traveled. Throughout the experiment, the dummy seems to land differently each time. Most of the time it lands head in front, but sometimes it does a summersault.


Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

Averaging the distance traveled of all dummy for all the trials:

Sample Calculations: Average of the distance traveled of the dummy for 5N: = 96.7 cm

Processed Data:

Processed Data table1: Processed Table of the Average of the Force (N) affecting the Distance Traveled of Dummy after the Collision. The force (N) 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 The average distance traveled of the dummy (cm) 96.7 137.2 183.6 226.9 286.0

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit


Graph of the Average of Increase of Force (N) Affecting the Distance Traveled of Dummy after the Collision
350.0 300.0 250.0 Distance /cm 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 Force/N 20 25 30 y = 9.3664x + 45.58 R = 0.9953

Analysis: Looking at the graph, it does not appear to have any strange swings or anomalies. The R value is 0.9953, which indicates a strong positive correlation. Looking at the data, the average distance travel of the dummy appears to increase as the force increases. For example, when force is 5N, the average distance 96.7cm, and when the force increases to 10N, the average distance also increases to 137.2cm. When the force is at 15N, the distance increases to 183.6cm, and when the force is 20N, the distance goes up to 226.9cm. And when the force is 25N, the distance traveled of dummy increases to 286cm.

Comment [NC3]: No trends are stated

Discussion: Conclusion:

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate on how the force applied upon a car affect the distance traveled of the dummy after the collision. Based on the results, it can be clearly seen that the hypothesis is supported.The graph indicates a strong positive correlation between the force and the distance traveled of the dummy. It is determined from looking at the R value, which is 0.9953. In an example, in the graph and the processed data, the average first set of trials with the force of 5N is 96.66 cm distance traveled. When the force is increased to 10N, the average distance traveled went up to 137.24cm. When the force is increased to 15N, the average distance traveled goes up to 183.6cm. This clearly indicates that as more force is applied, the distance traveled of the dummy after the collusion will increase. A scientific explanation for this is that Newtons first law of motion states that when an object is rested stays at rest, but when an object is in motion will stay in motion. When the moving car has collided with another object, it changes the state of motion of the car, but the dummy will however still continue staying in motion. Relating to Newtons second law, , the more the force applied to an object, the more the truck toy car accelerates, and the more the distance the dummy will travel after the collision. When the object accelerates more, the momentum will increase as well. If the force increases and the mass are fixed, the velocity will increase and the momentum will increase as well

Comment [NC4]: This still does not explain yo findings

Evaluation: Looking back at the research question, how does the force applied upon the car affect to the distance traveled by the dummy after the collision? there are enough results collected to answer the aim. The range of distance traveled of the dummy after collision showed a very clear and enough trends. The method helped collect sufficient data to answer the aim. All the fixed variables were successfully controlled in the experiment making the experiment valid and fair test. Thus, it is proven that the overall method is valid. When talking about the theoretical experiment, since there is no literature value, it is very difficult to conclude whether this experiment is accurate or not. Looking at the graph, the trend line looks like it will fit the graph, making it fit the theory. The r2 value from the graph is 0.9953, which indicates a strong positive correlation. This means that the data fit the line of best fit very well, making the results reliable. Looking at the range of data, the raw data results of each set of tests are very close to each other. Every trial in each set is very close to each other. The trend showing is very reasonable and understandable; it shows a strong positive correlation. The graph does not appear to have any strange swings or anomalies. The range of the IV, the distance traveled of the dummy after collision, is sufficient to show a clear trend. In conclusion, the overall data is reliable. When talking about the reliability of method, there are clearly an adequate number of trials in each set. This number of trials was enough to see a clear trend. Looking at the raw data, the overall mass of the entire car (dummy, convertible truck toy car, woodblock, blue tack) is 0.2422kg (242.2g) It is only measured in 1 decimal place in grams, which is already

Comment [NC5]: The trned requires a range o trails not a number of repeated versions

Name: Bond Uahwatanasakul Partners: Nakarit and Nopakit

measured accurately by the electronic scale. This is already precise, but 1 decimal place might not be precise enough. To lessen this random error, it can be measured in 2 decimal places instead. During the experiment, there are several limitations that cannot be prevented, such as when the dummy is traveling after the collision, it appears to land differently each time. Most of the time it lands head in front, but sometimes it lands sideways. Preventing this is impossible because it can never be determined how the dummy will react after the collision. However, this can be fixed if the dummy is measured where it first landed. There are also other errors like when the surface of the floor appears to not create a lot of friction, affecting the dummy to travel in a longer distance than usual. Again, this can be fixed if the dummy is measured where it first landed. However, these errors did not specifically impact my data but if the improvement has been made, it will improve the data even more. So overall, the method is still reliable even though the instrument is measured in 1 decimal place.

Comment [NC6]: This measurement had no impact on your investigation!!

Further Investigation: For a further investigation, there can be an experiment on how the change of mass affects the distance travel after the collision with the force (N) as a fixed variable. Another further investigation can be to find out how the change of speed affects the distance traveled of the dummy after the collision

Worked Cited: "How Does Inertia Affect Motion?" - Answers to Questions. 1996-2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2011. <>. [1] "Newton's First Law." The Physics Classroom. ComPADRE. Web. 03 Nov. 2011. <>. [2] " Motion: Momentum." Rader's PHYSICS 4 KIDS.COM. 1997-2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2011. <>. [3]

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