Ultimate Health Plan

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We offer A Health Plan which not only pays your hospital bills, but it also helps to pay your

health insurance premium*

Comprehensive coverage guaranteed Unique Benefits Guaranteed fixed amount of money, irrespective of the actual hospital bill Guaranteed renewability of health cover up to 85 years of age, one of the highest in the country Cashless facility in more than 3000 key hospitals across the country Benefit amount inc reases by 10% for every no claim year subject to maximum increase of 50% Include additional family members (wife & children) at any point of time during the policy duration No medicals upto 50 years of age and sum assured of Rs. 3 lakhs

Comprehensive benefit structure

Benefit Daily Hospitalization Cost Benefit Intensive Care Unit Benefit Surgical Cash Benefit Critical Illness Benefit Total Silver 120,000 120,000 200,000 50,000 490,000 Gold 180,000 180,000 300,000 75000 735,000 Diamond 240,000 240,000 400,000 100,000 980,000 Platinum 300,000 300,000 500,000 125,000 1,225,000

Illustrative premium - Gold Plan: Total coverage (Rs. 7,35,000)

Age Group 26- 30 31-35 36- 40 Level premium Rs. 6,471 Rs. 6,941 Rs. 7,636 Self Single premium Rs. 15,466 Rs. 16,612 Rs. 17,576 Self + Spouse + 1 kid Level premium Rs. 14,371 Rs.15,312 Rs. 16,703 Single premium Rs. 34,615 Rs. 36,907 Rs 38,840

For enquiries please contact us on 09849912679 or 09346012679. Insurance the subject matter of the solicitation.(* O T & C A ) is

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