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Position Paper: 3 Classroom management Organization, Rules and Procedures in the Classroom Classroom management refers to the actions

and strategies that are used to maintain order in the classroom such as issues of supervision, refereeing, facilitating, and even academic discipline. Planning for management involves planning for instruction, motivation, addressing student diversity, and parental interaction, conducting the class centralizes on establishing a positive, productive and proficient classroom environment, promoting appropriate behavior. Is important to know that not all student behaviors require intervention or confrontation, for this reason is important to establish rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year. According to Gootman (2008), rules give students concrete direction to ensure that our expectation becomes a reality. It is relevant that students know and remember all time their rules and procedures established by teachers, because rules and procedures promote motivation, discipline and respect into the classroom. On the other hand, if teachers do not establish rules neither procedures at the beginning of the school year, they will lose the control of their classroom, it becomes increasingly more difficult for them to regain that control.

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