Creating A Web Service

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Creating a Web Service In the function library (SE37), display the function module.

Open the function Module : ME_GET_CURRENT_USER_ID

Choose Utilities -> More Utilities -> Creating a Web Service -> From Function Module.

In the Web Service Creation Wizard, choose Continue. Enter the name of the Web Service Definition

In the following screen, enter the required data and select the checkbox Name Mapping. If the checkbox Name Mapping is ticked, the wizard accepts the existing names for the end point.

Choose Continue. In the following screen, enter the required data and select the checkbox Release Service for runtime.

Choose Continue.

Choose Complete.

Save as local object. Testing a Web Service. Prerequisites Open the transaction WSADMIN.

Select the Web service definition you have created under SOAP Application for RFC-Compliant FMs Select and expand the ZWEB_GET_CURRENT_USER and select the Web Service as shown in screen.

You have entered the address of the application server on which the J2EE Engine is running in transaction WSADMIN under Goto -> Administration Settings.

Check the J2EE Server and check in your server.

Choose Web Service Homepage (Execute Button ).

Select the Document Style under Style definition in WSDL.

The Web service requires authentication.

Enter the user and password

Click on the Test.

Select the Operations.

Fill in values for the method parameters underneath the heading Request if required. Choose Send.

The required values are displayed under the Response heading. The Web service has not been tested successfully.

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