The Gingerbread Baby

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The Gingerbread Baby Vocabulary Worn- shabby Pranced- danced about Delicious- tasty Tumbled- fell Tabby- a type

of cat that has stripes and spots/blotches Twitched- jerked Whiff- smell Braid- woven hair Snout- nose Meddling- getting in someones business Smug- really happy with yourself and you dont seem nice Brash- not paying attention to consequences Peppy- happy and energetic 1. Matti took down a worn looking cookbook with old-fashioned writing on the cover. Worn means: a. new b. shiny c. shabby 2. He pranced around the big bowl. Pranced means: a. danced about b. fell c. jumped 3. Whats that delicious smell? Delicious means: a. tasty b. unpleasant c. sour 4. The Gingerbread Baby tumbled through his legs. Tumbled means: a. fell b. swam c. drove 5. He ran by the tabby cat. Tabby means: a. brown b. striped and mottled (having spots and blotches) c. black and white 6. She twitched her tail. Twitched means: a. Jerked b. Scratched c. Washed 7. The dog caught a whiff of gingerbread. Whiff means: a. smell b. crumb c. piece

8. He took a braid from Martha and a braid from Madeline. Braid means: a. hair that is woven b. something to make a sandwich c. something to nibble on 9. But the Gingerbread Baby twisted in the air and came down hard on her porky snout. Snout means: a. hand b. head c. nose 10. Who is meddling with my milk? Meddling means: a. interfering b. helping c. drinking Comprehension 1. Matti lives in a village that is surrounded by: a. beaches b. forests c. mountains d. oceans e. deserts 2. Matti got the recipe for the gingerbread from: a. a cookbook b. a school book c. a friend 3. The recipe told Matti to cook the dough for ______ minutes. a. two b. four c. six d. eight 4. The recipe warned Matti: a. Do not peek b. Keep the gingerbread boy in the oven for an extra two hours c. Take it out when the timer rings 5. What happened when Matti opened the oven? a. He saw that the cookies were done b. A gingerbread baby jumped out of the oven c. He saw that the cookies were done d. He closed the door and waited another ten minutes 6. Where did the gingerbread baby run? a. To Mattis bedroom b. To find his mother c. Out the door 7. What did the gingerbread baby shout? a. Its cold out here! b. Catch me if you can!

c. Too bad! 8. What did the gingerbread baby do to Martha and Madeline? a. Tied their braids together b. Told them where he was going c. Told them to find Matti and get some of the gingerbread cookies. 9. How did the Gingerbread Baby get caught? a. Matti made a gingerbread family and the mom and dad called for him. b. The villagers set a trap c. Matti baked a gingerbread house. 10. Who visited the Gingerbread Baby in his house? a. Mattis family and friends b. Only Matti c. All the villagers who tried to catch him d. All of the above Compare/Contrast with other Gingerbread books Title? Author? Who made the gingerbread in this story? What kind of decorations does the gingerbread man have? Who does he run from? Who ate him? More Comprehension Questions 1. What was the recipe for that Matti found in the old cookbook? Gingerbread Boy 2. How long was Matti supposed to bake the gingerbread boy for? 8 minutes 3. Was Matti allowed to peek in the oven? No 4. What did Matti do after waiting for 5 minutes? He peeked in the oven 5. What happened when Matti peeked in the oven? A gingerbread baby jumped out 6. What did the Gingerbread baby sing as he pranced around the bowl? I am the gingerbread baby, fresh from the pan, if you want me, catch me if you can. 7. Was Mattis mother able to catch the gingerbread baby after chasing him around the kitchen? No 8. What happened when Mattis father came into the house? The gingerbread baby ran out the door and into the yard 9. What was the first thing the gingerbread baby ran by in the yard? A tabby cat 10. What was following the smell of the gingerbread baby when he ran to the garden wall? A dog 11. What did the gingerbread baby do when the dog started barking? Climbed over the garden wall

12. What were some of the things Matti heard when he was still inside? He heard his mother and father yelling, a cat meowing and a dog barking and the gingerbread baby calling catch me if you can 13. What tried to catch the gingerbread baby when he ran into the barn? A goat 14. Who was standing by the well when the gingerbread baby stopped to take a drink? Martha and Madeline 15. What did Martha and Madeline use to try and catch the gingerbread baby when they saw him by the well? A bucket 16. What did the gingerbread baby use to tie a knot? A braid from Martha and a braid from Madeline 17. What was Matti doing at home in the kitchen when the gingerbread baby was out running around? He was baking more gingerbread 18. Who did the gingerbread baby sit next to on the wagon? A mama pig 19. What did the mama pig do to the gingerbread baby? She threw him in the air and tried to catch him in her mouth. 20. Where was the gingerbread baby when he got trapped by the villagers? On the bridge 21. How did the gingerbread baby escape from the bridge? He jumped onto the raling, backflipped through the air and landed on a chunk of ice floating down the river. 22. Who was watching the gingerbread baby when he jumped from the river? A fox 23. Where did the gingerbread baby hide after he escaped from the fox? Inside the milk and cheese mans can of milk 24. What did the gingerbread baby find in the middle of a clearing? A gingerbread house 25. What did the villagers find in the clearing when they followed the gingerbread baby? Just some crumbs 26. Where was the gingerbread baby? In the gingerbread house 27. Did Matti tell his parents where the gingerbread baby was? No 28. Was the gingerbread baby happy? Yes

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