Reflective Cover Letter For Literacy Narrative

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Dear Robert, Throughout the entire writing process, most of the steps consisted of retrieving past information from

memory and deeply reflecting upon periods throughout my life. As for the revisions in my final draft, I expanded upon general, broad topics that I presented in my initial draft; I included how my youth pastor, Steve Lee, influenced my literary life and served as a sponsor of literacy, instead of just inserting a reference of him as my teacher in the conclusion paragraph as I did in my initial draft. I chose to write about imagining and relating to readings because it directly links to my most important goal- to learn and apply the principles of the truths of Jesus Christ in my personal life through a love relationship with Him; this can only be done through reading The Bible, while imagining, analyzing, and relating the Words of God in my life. The most difficult part about writing this paper was the revising process. It took me very long periods of time to think of the most perfect ways to include and smoothly synthesize specific information in order to further explain a general topic that I presented in the paper. An example is when I included the fact that I went to school and learned throughout the entire school day about specific materials, such as the relationship between plants and photosynthesis, in order to give a specific example and reason that supported the decision of why I chose to grow apart from reading during my middle school and early high school years. Conferencing was one of the most important factors for the process of revising my paper; the advice and corrections that I received from conferencing provided a foundation and basis for me to start my revision process in which I expanded upon. Writing this paper helped me to realize that there always remains much that I can expand from, in terms of the general and broad topics that I tend to present without specific examples or support. Also, the writing of this paper helped me to be more cautious in terms of paragraph transitioning- to make sure the transition is smooth. I feel

that the final outcome of my work exists as a very refined and strong personal narrative; it could still use more refinement and work, however, but I am satisfied with the product and the final outcome of my work effort on this paper.

Sincerely, Il-Woong Oh

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