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Arm Circles 2X20 (ambas direes)

Cross Crawls 2X20

Trunk Rotation 2X20

Walking Lunges 2X15

Leg Swings 2X20

Skip and Rope 4X60seg

Medicine Ball Toss 2X20 (ambos os lados)

Trunk Twists 2X20

Prisoner Squats 2X15

Jumping Knee Raises 2X15

Jumping Ankle Taps 2X15

Light Jog 10 mim


Side to Side Jumps

Short Sprints

1-Foot Square Hops

Leg Trainer Skating Continuous

5 Cone Drill

Fast Crossover Shuffle

Backward Stride

Squat Jumps Continuous

Lateral Skating Jumps

Side to Side Hop - 1 Foot

Step Over Shuffle

Squat Tuck Jumps

Skipping Bounds

Split Jumps

Lines Conditionning Drill

Stutter Steps

1 Leg Stickhandling Drill

RESISTNCIA Leg Trainer Skating Push

Leg Trainer Side Push

Power Builder - Snap

Tricep Push

Bicep Pull

Push Ups

Abs - 3 Way Crunches


Fique em p com os joelhos dobrados. Puxe uma das pernas da frente Leg Trainer em um ngulo de 45 graus, ea perna de retorno posio inicial. Repita Front Push com a outra perna. Concentre-se em um movimento lento e controlado. Leg Trainer Inner Pull

Power Builder - Slap

Power Builder - Backhand

Back Push

Chest Push

Med Ball Lunge

Med Ball Abs

Med Ball Side Core Twist

Leg Raise Toe Touches

POS-TREINO Standing Quad Stretch

Seated Hamstrings

Standing Calves

Hip Flexor

Seated Groins

Wrist Flexors

Shoulder Stretch

Lower Body & Hips

Hip Rotators

Wrist Extensors

Elbow Pull Back

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