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comp.unix.aix: svmon or some good memory usuage tool?

svmon or some good memory usuage tool?

Source: Date: 06/14/05

Date: 14 Jun 2005 03:23:38 0700

Hi, OS : AIX 5.1 I wish to know from AIX experts how to find out the exact memory usuage (by each process level). Basically i'm Solaris guy , using manual i managed to get few spl. commands (svmon) for AIX. svmon is quite useful to say how much memory is consuming (4k pages) per process level. In that svmon can anyone say which one i need to take (either InUse or Pin). In any cases if i calculate all the inuse column for the system wide its going more than my physical memory .Same as if i calculate all the "Pin" which says only 25% of memory only used , but acutally 90% of memory is getting used. I'm not sure whether i'm doing wrong calculation. Say for example.. I used following find out the top 25 memory / SWAP consuming process #svmon Put 25 Which will display top 25 memory using process #svmon Pgt 25 Which will display top 25 SWAP using process. (svmon P 1000) (though i give 1000 ,actually 110 process only running) ) > If i calculate the 3rd column (Inuse)for the total process (110) and converting into Megabytes ( Total * 4096 /1024 / 1024). The size is more than the physical memory. Similarly if i calculate 4th column(Pin i.e pages in) and converting into MB the total is 25% of my real memory). But in the svmon G the system says 90 to 95% memory is in use. why its not matching?. can anyone suggest the best way to tally the total memory and usuage memory ? Regards

svmon or some good memory usuage tool?

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