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NUR AISYAH BT AHMAD NORUDDIN 260110083020 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. There are three types of herbal medicine.

The following are correct, except: A. Jamu. B. Standardized herbal product. C. Phytopharmaca. D. Synthetic drugs. 2. These are the requirements for standard pharmaceutical herbal, except: A. Right. B. Sterile. C. Safe. D. Clean. 3. All of these are part of quality assurance, except : A. Guarantee consumers needs. B. Satisfy quality requirements. C. Based on pharmacope or other official books. D. Products have standard quality. 4. The standard pharmaceutical herbals requirements include right, clean, safe, and gives good effect. The parameter clean must satisfy: A. Pharmacognosy parameters. B. Phytochemistry parameters. C. Microbiological parameters. D. All of the above. 5. The standard pharmaceutical herbals requirements include right, clean, safe, and gives good effect. The parameter safe must satisfy: A. Pharmacognosy parameters. B. Phytochemistry parameters. C. Toxicity parameters. D. Microbiological parameters.

EKSTRAKSI 1. The right path for obtaining simplisia is: A. Seed -> Plant parts -> Plant culture ->Plant -> Simplisia B. Plant ->Seed -> Plant culture -> Plant parts -> Simplisia C. Plant culture -> Simplisia -> Plant parts -> Seed -> Simplisia D. Plant -> Plant parts -> Plant culture -> Seed -> Simplisia 2. The following are the right definition for terms used in exraction, except: A. Menstrum : final product of extraction. B. Miscella : solution containing extract. C. Lixiviation/ Leaching : process of extraction using water as menstrum. D. Solute : herbs phytoconstituent. 3. The following are the extraction techniques that use heat, except: A. Soxhlet. B. Reflux. C. Enfleurage. D. Maceration. 4. The mechanism of extraction process is/are: A. Process producing equivalent solution of miscella and simplisia. B. Process of complete extraction of solute from simplisia. C. Both A and B. D. None of the above. 5. Phytopharmaca preparations need to undergo: A. Pre-clinical test. B. Clinical test. C. Both A and B. D. None of the above.

FOOD SUPPLEMENT 1. The most important criteria of food supplement is: A. Safe. B. Delicious. C. Attractive. D. Nutritious. 2. Food supplements made rich in natural products, used in order to prevent illness. This statement describes: A. Functional food. B. Designer food. C. Pharma food. D. Nutraceutical. 3. Food or food component made to prevent or cure illness. This statement describes: A. Functional food. B. Designer food. C. Pharma food. D. Nutraceutical. 4. The process of preparation of food can cause loss of food component. That is why we need to take food supplement, in order to: A. Replace damaged food components. B. Acts as drugs. C. Replace food components. D. Acts as fibers. 5. Choose the wrong combination of positive correlation between food and its effect on chronic and degenerative illness. A. Fibres reduce risk of colon cancer. B. Folic acid protect nerve fibres. C. Calcium incease production of melanin. D. Antioxidant anti aging.

PHYTOESTROGENS 1. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring pant compounds that have . type chemical structures similar to those of estrogen. A. 2-phenylalanine. B. 2-phenylnaphthalene. C. 2-phenyl-2-propanol. D. 2-phenylpropene. 2. The following are the main class of phytoestrogens, except: A. Isoflavones. B. Glycosides. C. Lignans. D. Coumestans. 3. What is/are the mechanism of phytoestrogens action? A. Bind to estrogen receptors. B. Act as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM). C. Exert estrogen-like and estrogenic activity. D. All of the above. 4. How does phytoestrogens prevent osteoporosis? A. Promoting bone mass and preventing bone loss. B. Exert estrogen-like activity on bone. C. Both A and B. D. None of the above. 5. In order to reduce cardiovascular disease, phytoestrogens act as: A. Antioxidant. B. Antifungal. C. Antiinflammation. D. Antiaging.

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