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Focus on (#8 Famity ACTION 8655 Expcorer Drive Cotorano Sprinas, CO 80920 (866) 655-4545 Dear Colorado Voter, I'm writing to you today with some very troubling news that deals specifically with the campaign for your state assembly district. | believe that you, as an upstanding citizen, will want to know this information — and then take action on it. | hope and pray that you will As you may be aware, there is a national effort led by homosexual mutti-millionaire Tim Gill to bring San Francisco values to Colorado and other specific states around the coun- try. How is he doing this? By shrewdly targeting key legislative races, he is helping elect those who support his extreme agenda. In 2006, Gill, a Denver-based multi-millionaire, targeted 70 key races and won an aston- ishing 50! The Atlantic Monthly wrote about Gill's incredible success in an article appro- priately titled “They Won't Know What Hit Them.” In large part due to Gill's efforts, several legislative bodies around the country changed hands in 2006, including the Colorado State Legislature. Recipients of Gill money deliv- ered on his investment and passed numerous bills granting special rights to homosexu- als. Gill's influence remains so prevalent that in Colorado, one legislator summarized a re- cent legislative session as “Windmills, mill levies and a million paybacks to Tim Gill.” This year, the Colorado legislature passed the so-called “bathroom bill.” In the name of toler- ance for homosexuals and transgenders, this law allows men to use women's restrooms in any public place — schools, libraries, and businesses across the state, you name it. One of your candidates, Bernie Buescher, voted to pass this bill. Buescher is the beneficiary of Gill's efforts, as he is receiving donations from Gill and a group of like-minded activists. Gill and these other donors only give to a select number of handpicked candidates, which says a lot about where Mr. Buescher stands on marriage and the gay agenda. My friend, | cannot overstate the gravity of this situation. Tim Gill is transforming America — one legislative district at a time. Now he has brought the battle home to your district! HE FAMILY My job is to let you know the facts, which are in the public record. The action is up to you, but here are a few things that you can do: 1) Please contact Bernie Buescher and urge him to renounce Tim Gill's agenda and promptly return donations from Tim Gill and other like-minded contributors. You can con- tact him at (303) 866-2583, or his website is Note: You can find out more about these donations and targeted candidates on our web site, www. 2) Please pass this information along to anyone else in your area who may be con- cemed. Consider copying this letter and sharing it with friends, family, fellow church members, etc. Coloradans in your area need to know who is trying to influence their election ... and for what reason Thank you for taking time to read this, but most importantly, thank you for your action on ‘such an important matter. Sincerely, TT | Tom Minnery Senior Vice President Government & Public Policy FAO8JCOHS5:

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