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University of Aden Faculty of Engineering Odd Semester Final Examination (2010-2011) Subject: Artificial Intelligence Date: / /2011 Class:

B5CS/B5CSE Time: 2 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS 1# (a) What is a Game Tree? State the Minimax algorithm used with the tree. (b) Apply the Minimax algorithm to the game tree below. Write the estimated values of the intermediate nodes. Complete the solution by applying the alpha-beta technique. Mark with an "X" those branches of the tree that do not need to be searched.

2# (a) Consider the following statements: (i) The cat is small. (ii) Every small pet is an Apartment pet. (iii) Cats are pets. Using the forward resolution and backward (refutation) reasoning, prove that Cats are Apartment pets (b) What are the four approaches in giving the definitions of artificial intelligence? 3# (a) State the algorithm of Best First search. What are the different types of this search? (b) Describe the Goal_based agent program, draw its structure.

4# (a) For what type of business problems might Game theory be helpful? (b) Suppose you are searching for a name written using only the letters D, N and A. You have the letters ordered alphabetically (A, D, N) and you start writing down possibilities:
A, D, N, AA, AD, AN, DA, DD, DN, NA, ND, NN, ...

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

How many strings of four or fewer letters are there? Are you searching in a depth first or breadth first way? What are the next three possible names you would write down? How many possibilities will you write down before getting to AND?

5# (a) Explain are the MODUS POENS and the MODUS TOLLENS reasoning, with example? (b) Given the following payoff matrix. Determine the optimum strategies for players A and B? B 2 3 4 15 A 9 11 8 13 5 13 9 6 6# (a) What is a Heuristic function? When it is Dominating another function. Describe a good dominating heuristic function for the 8_puzzle problem. (b) What are the Limitations of the theory of Games? .

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