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International Relations

Main purpose of IR is relationship between employer and employee. Definition: According to the Hanry Recherson. IR is the art of living together for the purpose of production. The parties involve in IR, employer and employee/worker. They willingly bind together to work. IR tell us about the possibilities of conclude which may result interruption in production and may call for some other agencies by government. IR covers both individual and collective relations. It includes the individuals joints consultation between employees and the organization or association. The relationship between labor and management is based on mutual adjustment or interest and goals. It depends upon economic, social, psychological satisfaction of the parties. Higher the satisfaction of both, the healthier relationship is in practice. Welfare motive---------------------Socialism Profit motive ---------------------Capitalism Welfare/profit ---------------------Mixed economy.

Objectives of IR:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The development of healthy employee To maintain industrial peace and high productivity The growth and development of industrial democracy The improvement of economic condition of workers State control on industries for regulation of workers.

Some other objectives of IR with special relation of employer and employee 1. Wages and salary adjustment 2. Career prospectus including promotions 3. Retirements benefits and medical 4. discipline 5. Training and development 6. Counseling 7. Workers competition 8. Insurance

Factors of IR:
Following are the major factors of IR. 1. Employer 2. Employee 3. Government 4. consumer 1. Employer: Employer is the most important factor in IR responsible for generating and for risking his capital and most of them to manage business. This category includes proprietors, partners and Joint Stock Company, state and central government.


Employee: It is 2nd important factor in IR. They get employment on the basis of skills, abilities and working conditions. Some time they work individually and some time in a chain system.

3. Government: It is a very important factor in IR because it makes rules and regulations as well as guidelines for the industrialist and workers. Some time Government also performs as an employee. 4. Consumer: It is 4th important factor in IR because the consumers are those persons who are chancing or encouraging the organizers or industrialists to produce according to their wants and desires.

Conditions for good relations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Past record of industrial relations Satisfaction of economics needs of workers Social and psychological needs of workers The job conditions of workers Strong position of labor union Negotiate skills and attitude of workers and management Public policy and legislation Education, training and developments of workers Interpersonal skills

Causes of Poor industrial relations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nature of work Political nature of union work Level of wages Occupational or professional instability In fare practice In healthy behavioral climate Out dated and out model laws

Approaches to industrial relations

1. Unitary approaches (Input) 2. Pluralistic approaches (Conversion) 3. Radical approaches (Output)


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