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Purpose Generic structure : To entertain the readers with a story that deals with
Problematic Events which lead to a crisis, and then it needs a resolution

: Orientation
It is a set of the scene, where and when the story happened Introduces the participants of the story; who and what is Involved in the story

It tells the beginning of the problem that leads to the crisis Of the main participants

It tells the solution of the froblem, either in a happy ending Or in a sad ending

Re-orientation Language feacturs

This is the closing of the story and it is optinal. It contains a moral value,advice or teaching from the writer : focus on specific participant (the fox,snow white etc) Use of past tense(went,lived etc) Use of temporal conjunctions(then,adter that,finally) Use of temporal circumstances(long ago,one day) Use of ,aterial/action procces/actiom verb(went,lived) Use of saying verb(said,told) Use of circumstances of place(at place,in the forest)

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