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Andrea Miller

Discussion 1

1. Many people have a hard time taking a systems view when it comes to managing projects.
Why do you think this is the case? What can be done to help people take a systems view?

Many people experience difficulties taking on a systems view when it comes to managing
projects becasue each project should be approached holistically and analytically. This can be
most challenging for indivduals becasue most opearte in isolation and also negate the realism
that a project is a system; interacting components working within an environment to fulfill some
purpose. In addition, many do not identify the complex issues associated with the business,
technology, and the orginization; which is imperative in order to carry out projects in the best
interest of the orginization.However, one can overcome these difficuties and take on more of a
sytems view by taking on a differnt approach.

This approach should include devoping a sytems phlosphy, systems analysis, and systems
managment. Systms philosphy entails determining how the project relates to the entire
orginization. For instance, what departments will be impacted; understanding the needs of the
stakeholders, etc. Through accessing how a project relates to the entire orginization, issues will
arise. An indivual should migrate towards developing the systems analysis. This analysis
provokes problem-solving, requires the defining and disseminating the scope of the project,
identifying and evaluating the issues, needs, oppurtunities and consraints.

2. Do you think it’s harder to manage an IT project or a traditional project, such as building
construction? Justify your response.
Yes, I think managing an IT project is more challenging than that of a tradtioanl project. IT
projects tend to be more diverse than that of other projects.Firstly, taking into account the skill
set of the project manager. For instance, project maangers for a tradional projects, sucha s
building construction, tend to have the same skill sets. The project manager most likely had been
a genral contractor herself and may know dry walling, how to lay ceremic flooring; and poring
concrete, etc. However, in regards to an IT project, depnding on the project wheter hardware or
sodtware related, will require the project maanger a more concise skillset. For example, the
project manager chosen to develope an entire customer management database would have a
different skillset of the project manaager assigned to develope and entire IT Network.Within
each of the IT projects there are still diverse factors to consider such as scalabilty, IT
infrastructure, permissions, security risks, software and hardware needs and requirements.

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