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Wireless communication has been and will always continue to be making profound success. Wireless technologies are evolving with standardizations that define how wireless communication devices interact and soon will allow the creation of a global wireless network that will deliver a wide variety of services. Wireless networking has been allowing businesses to develop WAN (Wide Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) and LAN (local Area Network) without a cable plant. This development is in a way credited to IEEE from standardization point of view. Communication, which is the process of sharing ideas, information and messages with others in a particular time and space, remains a vital element for project management team. A reliable wireless communication network infrastructure that could be sustained over time remains a necessity for industries. Project management techniques, methods and tools will be explained in relation to wireless network infrastructure deployment. In this project, how the activities, milestones and resources could be keyed in the simplest and quickest techniques and tools will be considered. The Internet (internetwork of computers) and software application (for example, Microsoft Project software) as key elements of wireless network communication infrastructure provides solutions to problems associated with demands on effectiveness and efficiency among industry practitioners.


This is to certify that this work was carried out by Mr. Sylvester Arimokwu in Department of Management Information Systems Technology (M.I.S.T), Institute of Sciences, Cyprus International University Haspolat, Lefkosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (T.R.N.C) Via Mersin 10. Turkey.

----------------------Asst. Prof. Dr. Ruhsan Onder (Supervisor) Department of Computer Engineering, Cyprus International University.


This research is dedicated to my father, the Almighty God for making me a true testimony of success and for sparing my life hitherto.



In all, I cannot but express my profound thanks to the Most High God who has made all things work together for good. Sincerely, I undoubtedly appreciate the relentless effort, care, support, prayers and funding of this work, fetched from my dear, awesome, incomparable and indispensable family, whom I cannot but always remember as food to my strength in accomplishing this fabulous, long dreamed achievement. My special thanks to my indispensable, humble and friendly supervisor, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ruhsan Onder, for her assistance, guidance and for broadening my horizon in carrying out this work and, research generally. I also appreciate the effort and priceless contribution of Instructor Nidai Kordal in accomplishing this project. In light of my achievement in this work, I truly appreciate the head of institute, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmed Ali Egemen and all other lecturers in the institute for they are more than resourceful to me and I must confess I am not the same as I was when I first found myself in this institution.




Local Area Network

WAN Wide Area Network MAN Metropolitan Area Network IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Qos ICT Quality of Service Information and Communication Technology

PERT Program Evaluation and Review Techniques CPA/CPM Critical Path Analysis/Critical Path Method PMI Project Management Institute

WAP Wireless Access Point 1G 2G 2.5G First Generation Second Generation Second Generation Interim

3G Third Generations 4G Fourth Generations 5G Fifth Generations AMPS Advance Mobile Phone System MHz Megahertz GPRS General Packet Radio Service v


International Communication Union Code Division Multiple Access 2000 Code Division Multiple Access 2000 Extended Evolution



Wideband Code Division Multiple Access Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service High Speed Downlink Packet Access/High Speed Uplink Packet Access

Megabits per Seconds Television

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity GSM Global System for Mobile Communication WiMAX World Wide Interoperability for Microwave Access WLAN Wireless Local Area Network LMDS Local Multipoint Distributed System

MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distributed System DSL GHz IPv6 3D PM Digital Subscriber Line gigahertz Internet Protocol Version Six Three Dimensional Project Management

PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge VBA Visual Basic Application vi


Category Five Wireless Encryption Protocol Media Access Control Internet Protocol Version Four Network Address Translation Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Internet Service Provider Internet Protocol Security Association Security Parameter Index Top Level Aggregators


ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................i CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................xi INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background to the Study........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Significance of the Study ....................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 Time Saving .................................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 Comparability of project Results ................................................................... 4 1.2.3 Personnel Flexibility...................................................................................... 4 1.2.4 Standardization .............................................................................................. 4 1.2.5 Simplification of Communication ................................................................. 5 1.3 Task of Project Management ................................................................................. 5 1.3.1 Planning ......................................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 Controlling..................................................................................................... 7 1.3.3 Team Leadership ........................................................................................... 7 1.3.4 Organization and communication ................................................................. 8 1.3.5 Means of Project Information........................................................................ 8 viii

1.4 Statement of the Problems ..................................................................................... 8 1.5 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................ 10 2.1 Project related communication ............................................................................ 10 2.2 Computer supported communication ................................................................... 11 CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Fixed wireless ...................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2 Mobile wireless technology......................................................................... 13 3.1.3Wireless Network Evolution ........................................................................ 14 3.1.4 Satellite Communication ............................................................................. 16 3.1.5 Wireless Standards ...................................................................................... 16 3.2.1 Fibre Optics ................................................................................................. 17 3.2.2 Wide Area Network and System Architecture ............................................ 18 CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Research Analysis ................................................................................................ 23 4.1.2 Brainstorming .............................................................................................. 23 4.1.3 Fishborne Diagrams .................................................................................... 24 4.1.4 Critical Path Analysis-CPA (Flow Chart or Diagram) ................................ 25 4.1.5 P.E.R.T(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) ................................ 27 4.2 Gantt Charts ......................................................................................................... 28 4.2.1 Microsoft Project Software.......................................................................... 31 ix

4.2.2 Comparative Studies.................................................................................... 44 CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................. 51 5.1 Wireless Network Infrastructure Deployment ..................................................... 51 5.2 IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)....................................................................... 52 5.2.1 IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) Problems and Limitations .................... 52 5.2.2 Deployment State of IPv6 ........................................................................... 53 CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................... 58 6.1 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 58 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 61

1. Management Cycle [23] 2 .Connection of wireless computers to a network using WAP( Wireless Access Point)[11] 3. A placement site plan for Wi-Fi components [19] 4. Wide Area Network showing wireless components.[7] 5. A usage model of WiMAX services. [6] 6. Matrix key of four project management techniques. 7. Showing a fishborne diagram[14] 8. Showing a typical CPA diagram.[15] 9. PERT Chart [15] 10. Showing a sample Gantt Chart of IPv6 deployment activity in written form. 11. A screen shot of IPv6 deployment activities showing main task and subtasks on Gantt Chart. 12. A continuation of figure 11 showing the remaining acivities in Gantt Chart layout and milestones. 13. A network styled layout of the activities of the project team. 14. Showing a continuation of network styled activity . 15. Showing network diagram of further activities on main task and subtask( continuation) 16. A continuation of calender of activity.


17. A screen shot of network diagram showing main task and subtask proceeding from previous figures. 18. Showing non critical path of main task. 19. Shows main task and subtask having the features of critical path within the bordered lines. 19. Calendar interface continues. 20 Showing project management tools and Techniques. [20] 21. Using Microsoft project to build and execute a Grid based workflow[21] . 22. Schedule obtained by the built-in resource-allocation procedure of Microsoft

Project (screenshot)



1.1 Background to the Study

Given the separate successes of wireless infrastructure deployment, operators and equipment (off-the-shelf) vendors are shifting focus towards various data applications and wireless access to the Internet. Apparently, with the use of project management techniques and tools, a clear connectivity can be provided. However,

consumers/industrial practitioners preferences are strongly influenced by cost, ease of access, maintenance, speed and many other demanding factors. Hence, it is believed that increasing data rates will also be required in the deployment of wireless network systems. To support high data rates with wide area coverage at a low cost, it would consequently require substantial planning and technological advances. Relaying techniques could also be used to increase coverage for high data rates, and bandwidth requirements can be improved to a more efficient exploit -varying channel condition while meeting quality of service (QoS) requirements. In parallel, alternative project management techniques and wireless network technologies are frequently discussed. By exploiting multiple radio access technologies and existing wireless networks, an affordable wireless access is envisaged. Application of Gantt Chart and Critical Path Analysis on wireless deployment will be demonstrated. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. A general background for the study is first presented in section 1.1, including an overview on the development of wireless infrastructure network, demand for wireless access services, project management tools, and constraints associated with wireless network infrastructure deployment will follow. An overview of prior work related to project management techniques and tools and their application to the deployment of wireless network infrastructure will follow. The main research problems addressed within the respective area are defined and the outline of the research is presented and contributions are listed (per chapter of the study).

In chapter three, wireless communication systems will be discussed, and


components of wireless technologies will be covered to provide a fine-grained 1

understanding of wireless technology prior to its deployment. The content will definitely show wireless usability since wireless network often faces signal deteriorations, user feedback and why system upgrade are being required. Important classifications and usefulness of such classifications are demonstrated in this chapter. This work will show the application of Gantt Chart method with critical path analysis on wireless network deployment. Research has shown these are the techniques that are best suitable for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related projects. Other techniques apart from Gantt Chart and CPA/CPM (Critical Path Analysis/Critical Path Method ) are Fishborne or, Cause and effect Diagram, Brainstorming, PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) analysis, but they are only named or mentioned in this project. Industry supported and favored these techniques in the standardization bodies, in that some are so popular as a result of their ease of use. This ease of use feature makes them to be found within standardization bodies, for example, PMI (Project Management Institute). Findings have been shown that a sound knowledge is needed for the usage of these project management techniques within the framework of potential workforce and practicing workforce. So, applying these techniques and tools to the field of wireless network infrastructure deployment is well found. Critical Path Analysis or Method (CPA/CPM) is typically used industry wide but is based on unique areas of project planning. Fishborne Chart or Cause and Effect, is another technique that will be addressed in this project as it will show where it is needed. Brainstorming as a technique is inevitably required in many cases of project planning but has its limitation; hence its application in project management is acknowledged. Gantt chart is a default tool found in Microsoft project software launch, and its benefits will be the focal point of this project because of its simplicity and quickness in project resource planning and management. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is one of those tools or techniques that have gain attention in the industry; its benefits and limitations will be addressed. These tasks cannot be generally accomplished in conventional hierarchical line organizations. The organization structures are changing from being function oriented and fixed to be flexible project team oriented. In recent times, project demands present more of holistic 2

approach to optimize problem solving. Competitive conditions are getting more challenging and most tasks are characterized with growing complexity and extended interdisciplinary aspects. For example, new wireless technologies are evolving in project durations, which are getting shorter and shorter, while business requirements and development costs are increasing [23]. Project management has many important ingredients that includes planning, monitoring and control of all aspects of a project and the motivation of all those involved in it, in order to achieve the project objectives within agreed criteria of time, cost and performance.[1] This could be achieved through a number of methods , procedures and techniques that has been developed with the general management and people skills. It enables the project manager to meet the set criteria of time, performance, and quality in the most effective way. This will reflect in further content as I proceed in this project.

1.2 Significance of the Study

For an example, a company reported in 2001 that 31% of all information technology projects were canceled before completion, that only 16% of projects were completed successfully, and that 88% of all projects were budget, over schedule or both. The company also reported an average cost overrun of 189% and an average time overrun of 222% of original estimates.[2] One of the reasons for this high failure rate is that many companies dont have process for selecting the project manager or they have little idea what management skills and personality traits are needed for the project manager to succeed in I.T related project management.[23] By the time a professional project management is employed, it will show these results or improvements: Deadline delays will be decreased Quality cost will be decreased Production cost will be decreased Contentment of the project managers will be increased 3

The introduction of project management methods brings many advantages. An overview of many achievements will be given in what follows.

1.2.1 Time Saving

By structured planning of tasks, time can be utilized more efficiently. For example, if all tasks are assigned in details to the project team members at the beginning, there is not much coordination effort needed afterwards and no tasks are carried out twice. In addition, good project management makes team members a part of project. Each member feels responsible for project success which leads to efficient time utilization.

1.2.2 Comparability of project Results

Since a project is a unique undertaking, it may be assumed that project may not be compared at all. But projects are usually subdivided into several work packages or activities, which indeed can be compared to equal or similar work packages of other projects. This is mainly the case if many companies run many projects parallel. For instance, the comparability of the results is a requirement for the project progress statistics.[23]

1.2.3 Personnel Flexibility

Project management provides project transparency with project documentation, therefore it is easier to add or change personnel.[23] Thus, the period of vocational adjustment for new project members is decreased. Besides, all members bring in their special skills to the team. This variety of knowledge is especially valuable within interdisciplinary projects especially software engineering. Though, it can be shown in other disciplines or studies where application of many activities and tasks supports flexibility.

1.2.4 Standardization
Workflows, terms, documentations, forms protocols etc can be handled more efficiently due to standardization by project management methods. With each project, each task are getting more and more routinely.[3][4][23]

1.2.5 Simplification of Communication

Due to membership of a project team, communication between its members is greatly improved. All participated persons and departments benefit from integrated communication enhanced by project management. Usually, the emerging cost of introducing systematic project management methods are over compensated by cost reduction and accelerated project realization.[4]

1.3 Task of Project Management

Project management can be divided into universally valid management functions. Various studies on management skills and good personalities of a competent project manager shows that a competent project manager has the following characteristics: excellent communication skills-knowing when and to whom to communicate; strong leadership skillsleading teams; love of work-embracing the challenges; clear visioncommunicating ; strong team building skills-setting positive tones; structure and alignment-creating the environment and direction and discipline .[2][23] To achieve the project goals with project teams, a project has to be planned, controlled and organized.

Figure 1. Management cycle: [23] In Figure 1, the function of planning, controlling and organizing is visualized, thereby showing how various functions are interconnected within the context of management. This is applicable within the framework of project management.

1.3.1 Planning
Planning is directed into the future, preparing decisions and actions thinking ahead and gathering information about the future is an important part of planning. If defaulted, in the middle of the project has to be kind of make shift (substitute) leading to uncertainty whether the project ends with success or failure. [23] Planning includes: [5] Clarify and define project requirements 6

Define schedule and cost Identify quality approach Organize staff Identify risks Develop plans

1.3.2 Controlling
This is different from planning, controlling always takes in the present and relies on the cognitions of the past. Controlling ensures that all tasks are accomplished as planned and adequate counter measures are established if any disruption occurs. Controls implement the management solution, and it thus includes [5]: Measuring project performance Managing requirements and configuration Taking corrective action Reporting performance information

1.3.3 Team Leadership

Working in teams brings some advantages such as increased creativity, productive competition and accelerated information spreading. Although, teams have to be created and guided, and decisions have to be made.

Team leadership include: [1] Project member selection. Encouragement of goal acceptance, development and cooperation of the team members (motivation, coaching, dealing with conflicts within the team).

Initiating changes and advancement of working conditions Participating decisions.

1.3.4 Organization and communication

In project life time, tasks are relevant and their importance is often underestimated. This part of project management includes: [2][1][23] Informing Atmosphere creating Distributing Communicating

1.3.5 Means of Project Information

The formation of efficient project information is getting more and more important during flexible collaboration in organizations. They are becoming one of the most critical success factors of projects. Means of project information cover all activities and instruments which support exchanging project related data and therefore foster collaboration between the persons who are involved in the project.

1.4 Statement of the Problems

Frequently experienced problems regarding project management are: The involved project team members talked at cross purposes, for example, they interpret same terms differently. The project teams are making decisions without informing the regarding persons. Insufficient information about the project status, project strategy, and the unsettlement of team members. All team members get every project report and are 8

overwhelmed by the vast amount of information. Thus, relevant details for individuals are difficult to examine.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

By planning all information flows in a project knowingly it can be assured that all project members get the information they need in order to achieve their work. This information should be available in time, included all needed details and clearly structured. In addition, this part of project management includes establishing preferably short and direct information communication channels. Independent from the whole organization, project members need their own specific information exchange possibilities increasing decision making and project cycle. Such a system should also provide project team members with a concise access to all information regarding the project. The visibility of this information and the progress of the project are vital to project success. A possible approach will be [1][23] Definition of the recipient of the project information Arrangement of types and frequency of project meetings Declaration of rules which regard relaying information within the project team Determination of type and frequency concerning written reports Establishing a common document project system for the project


2.1 Project related communication
To identify the meaning of communication, we have to understand what communication is and what it is not. Communication can be understood in various contexts, cultures, channels and media, as it focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings. Communication is rather a combination of sending information by the sender and the receiving and understanding this information by the recipient. As long as the recipient does not understand the transferred data, communication has not been established. [23] The project team members, especially the project manager needs the ability to communicate. To be efficient, you have to put yourself in the position of the communication partner. For example, you have to communicate to some one in the language he can understand. Many problems arise in the course of project because of defective communication between the persons involved in the project. Efficient communication definitely increases the success potential of the project. A vital part of good communication politics is to regularly announce the challenges and achievements of the project. Team members need this information to be proud of their efforts. Informed team members are much more motivated than uninformed ones.[1] Communication aspect of project management covers three Cs: Communication, coordination and collaboration. Communication is transfer and exchange of information between communication partners. This aspect serves as the basis for coordination of the processes and the collaboration of the project members. To reach efficient collaboration, the communication processes must lead to well coordinated tasks and a project-wide agreement on common goals with the project team. 10

The communication network in a project should satisfy the following tasks. [1][5] Exchange of information: Everybody knows something, altogether know more whether information of the project manager or any other member, project internal communication should allocate every useful piece of information to anyone who could need it. Exchange of experience: Everybody has skills to achieve something, all together can achieve almost everything. If any problem is encountered, it may be possible that someone in the company, organization or project team, already dealt with such a problem. These experiences can be shared and much time and money can be saved. Mutual assistance and help: Many developments of project teams can be reused in other. Something that is difficult to accomplish in one team, maybe no problem for another one. If the needs of the project are communicated properly with available knowledge resources, the project will benefit. Coordination between the project team: Coordination is based on communication and essential for successful time scheduling, resource planning and controlling aspects[23].

2.2 Computer supported communication

The computer evolved from a technical marvel in its early days to a practical assistance nowadays. First, the computers were used for calculations, and then utilized for information systems such as database and computer networks. Today, computing is beginning to rejuvenate communication. This change away from conventional communication methods towards new information infrastructures will affect our lives, but in which way is not known in detail yet. Experiences from earlier major technological developments may presume complex consequences. The build up of local computer based information infrastructure is underway and irreversible. Computer supported communication causes shift in the things we do and in our way of thinking, too. These new forms of communication have the ability to alter personal relationships and the manner how people communicate with each other. For example, the dependence 11

of personal relationships is getting more and more unimportant. Instead of personal relationships, loyal dependencies are getting more relevant. [23] These dependencies are based on common aims such as implementing a new software product, for instance. For this reason, it is very important that communication partners who are possibly anonymous can trust each other. Therefore, computer supported communication will increase human to computer and decrease human to human dialogues. [3][2] Within this context, wireless network communication plays a lot role. The deployment process requires a lot of rigors in project management perspective. Further analysis on the infrastructure of communication networks shows LANs, MANs and WANs requirement constraints for a project manager and his team could be made. These constraints can be technological, social, political, or economic. The network infrastructure needs to be designed to meet three high level goals: It should be designed to provide timely, reliable, secure data transport It should be adaptable to satisfy ever changing-application demands The cost of future growth needed for business or information expansion should be appropriate to the extent of the required changes A carefully planned task is a necessity for all stakeholders to avoid the trouble with wireless communication system. The issue of pre-work for deployment, feasibility study, definition of requirements, and constraints will be addressed in the subsequent chapters.



WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS In wireless communication networks, there are many component technologies that ought to be understood by potential project manager or project management team that is going to be deployed. It is necessary for the project management team to know the evolution for wireless technologies prior to the deployment in any given project scenario. The managerial skill, concept and human skill are required by the potential project managers. In wireless technology, we have fixed wireless, mobile wireless and component technologies associated with it. There are also technological services that are required to be known by the project team.

3.1 Fixed wireless

This is a variant of wireless broadband, where a radio link is used instead of cable for the transmission of data and voice.[10] It has advantages which is low installation costs, and simpler . It has the possibility of broadband to access and many users in that it provides a high data rate connection to the internet. This is different from the traditional dial-up access. There are different kinds of fixed wireless which is point to point based on large based stations, multipoint to multi-point user equipment functions as mini base station.

3.1.2 Mobile wireless technology

It refers to any wireless technology that uses radio frequency spectrum in any band to facilitate transmission of text data, voice, video or multimedia services to mobile devices with freedom of time and location limitation. [10] Mobile wireless technologies uses public stations, antennas, wireless access points that are connected to wired network in a building or public area to give a way of access for web resources and communication for mobile wireless communication technologies users. Examples of mobile wireless technology components are PDAs, mobile wireless PCs, handheld devices, and mobile wireless phones. 13

Figure 2: Connection of wireless computers to a network using WAP (Wireless Access Point) [11] In Figure 2, wireless devices connected to wireless access points is shown which makes it a representation of both fixed wireless and mobile wireless technologies.

3.1.3Wireless Network Evolution

A sound knowledge of this technology evolution on services that is being offered to consumers in the industry is expected to be on the knowledge of the project management team. The inability of not knowing how this technology works will not guarantee a successful wireless network infrastructure deployment. The evolution of both fixed and wireless communication comes in many generational progresses:


First Generation Wireless Technology (1G): This is based on analog technology or AMPS advance mobile phone system, and it was designed to carry voice traffic only. It uses 150 MHz frequency up ward.

Second Generation Wireless Technology (2G): This is based on digital technology, and it offers increased voice quality and capacity over first generation. Delivered data at the slow rate of 9.6 Kbytes/sec. Its GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) can provide data rate from 56kbits up to 115kbits. The second generation system (2G) is being replaced by second generation interim2.5G network and third generation network. The 2G interim provides improved data rate through packet data service, and is based on digital technology. It has been implemented as GPR-general packet radio.

Third Generation Wireless Technology: This is based on digital technology. It offers increased voice capacity and improved data rate than 2G and 2.5G networks. According to ITU(International Communication Union), CDMA2000( Code Division Multiple Access2000),CDMA2000 1X-EVDO(Code Division Multiple Access Extended Evolution Data Optimizer, WCDMA( Wideband Code Division Multiple Access), UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service) and HSDPA(High Speed Downlink Packet Access)/HSUPA(High Speed Uplink Packet Access).[11] On its interim, it offers between 7.2 and 14.4Mbps on cell phones. Its basic speed is 2mbps.

Fourth Generation Wireless Technology (4G): This is on the proposing stage or is still on then research. No Frequencies has allocated on it. Although it has the potential to deliver high speed wireless network, and it will support 100Mbps peak rate in wide area coverage.

Fifth Generation

Wireless technology(5): The idea came from fourth

generation. The following evolution will be based on 4G that will boost the dream of having real wireless world. 5G will provide better services than 4G.


3.1.4 Satellite Communication

This is an artificial satellite stationed in the space for telecommunication technology, and is used for fixed services (point-to-point), and it provide a microwave relay technology complementary to that of submarine communication cables. They are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships, vehicles, planes and hand-held terminals, and for TV and radio broadcasting, for which application of other technologies, such as cable, cannot be used.

3.1.5 Wireless Standards

In wireless communication network, there are standards that has been developed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers). They are also known as Wi-Fi technologies, and they conform to 802.11 a,b,g , 802.16 and many more as well as Bluetooth technologies. It is required for potential project managers to know the pros and cons of theses technologies prior to their inclusion in the deployment. The different bandwidth rate that is applicable in all the standards. It will help in making educated network building decision. How they can be included in the designs, specifications and cost estimation will help in making the applied project management techniques and tools successful. Wi-Fi ( Wireless Fidelity) Is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency to send data through the air. It stands for Wireless Fidelity, and it represents any of the 802.11 networks, and 802.16 as well as others. The main focus on this techno logy is the speed at which it uses to transmit data, the distance at which it can withstand signal fading, the security capabilities between each standard. It has been stated to be using 1 and 2Mbps initially. A pictorial view of a site plan where Wi-Fi technology components are mounted will be shown in the figure below:


Figure 3. A placement site plan for Wi-Fi components [19] In figure 3, Wi-Fi components are paced on site that are being planned for wireless network deployment , this is more of a layout design on where the wireless access will be mount during installation. This is in line with the details given about IEEE 802 wireless standards that are mostly used for wireless LANs.

3.2.1 Fibre Optics

This technology uses light diodes for communication and wave lengths. The predominant use of optical technology is as very fast electric wire. Optical fibres replace electric wire in communications systems and nothing much else changes. [12]


3.2.2 Wide Area Network and System Architecture

WANs cover a large geographical area, may require the crossing of public right of ways, and it consist of number of interconnected switching nodes.[2] It requires a lot of human effort to implement in the context project management. The system architecture in this case describes the wireless technology network functions, protocols, and how they are spread over a large number of technical documents which contain many details with some of the critical issues. A topology of wide area network showing wireless components is exemplified in the exhibit below:

Figure 4. Wide Area Network showing wireless components.[7] In Figure 4, it talks about wireless communication, and many technologies that are in high demand industry wide. For example, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), WiMAX (World wide Interoperability for Microwave Access requires a lot of engineering techniques in the context project management. The deployment of theses technologies requires a lot of human and material resources. The drawbacks associated with these technologies cannot be compromised anymore in that 18

it has motivated many scholars to be researching on how proper planning could be initiated prior to the deployment to minimize risks and uncertainties. The efficiency of network service in any given network scenario gives competitive edge for the stakeholders. A usage diagram of WiMAX service is shown in this diagram as well as the diagram below:

Figure 5. A usage model of WiMAX services. [6] In Figure 5, Considering the usage model diagram of WiMAX services, it shows that the technology can deliver wireless broadband anytime, anywhere. Wireless broadband is high-speed Internet and data service delivered through a wireless local area network (WLAN) or wireless wide area network (WWAN).


As with other wireless service, wireless broadband may be either fixed or mobile wireless which was mentioned earlier. A fixed wireless service provides wireless Internet for devices in relatively permanent locations, such as homes and offices (as shown in the figure above). Fixed wireless broadband technologies include LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution System) and MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service) systems for broadband microwave wireless transmission direct from a local antenna to homes and businesses within a line-of-sight radius. The service is similar to that provided through digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modem but the method of transmission is wireless. A mobile broadband service provides connectivity to users who may be in temporary locations, such as coffee shops. Mobile broadband works through a variety of devices, including portable modems and mobile phones, and a variety of technologies including WiMAX. Mobile WiMAX based on IEEE 802.16e standard has been developed for high-speed data rate applications especially in mobile environments compared with other IEEE 802 series standards( as mentioned in the WiFi standard ). The first standard was published two support communication in the 10-66GHz frequency band. A revised version introduced in 2003 was introduced to provide additional physical layer specification for 2-11 GHz frequency band. Because of scarce frequency resources, it is unavoidable to interfere the neighboring commercial mobile networks when mobile WiMAX system is deployed [26]. Hence, all these are reflected in the figure titled wireless broadband anytime, anywhere which shows WiMAX services.



PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS In the preceding chapters, project management overview was given and communication aspect of it was discussed in the same light as benefits of human efforts in project related management or alike. Although the concept was more of managerial outlook but it is necessary to include it in this research because is ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related. There are a lot of techniques and tools in project management that has proven to be helpful in planning and completion of projects across diverse industries. In the context of this project,four project management techniques have been chosen and one of them (GANTT CHART) is used to demonstrate the logic through the Microsoft project management software , which by default launches Gantt Chart . This makes it scientific, engineering in applicability (the real time software interaction with the user, the visual effects on the software platform and many features makes it engineering or scientific). Each technique and tool is unique in its application and process. For the sake of this research, I focus on Microsoft project software, that is, Ms Project which is a computer software application based technique or tool. Information could be keyed on it from Gantt chart layout, as a lot of studies has shown that. The methods and tools that project managers use can be helpful for everyone, and task does not necessarily have to be called a project in order for project management methods to be very useful in its planning and implementation. There are four project management tools or techniques, which are brainstorming, Fishborne/Ishikawa Diagrams, Critical Path Analysis Flow Diagram, and Gantt Chart. Theoretically, the methods and techniques are not restricted to this four mentioned. In addition to this four, another one to be included is PERT (Program evaluation and Review Technique) and many of these are listed in a sample of related study. Each of these tools has their strengths and purposes as which will be analyzed. 21

A matrix key of them is shown in figure 6: B Project brainstorming and initial concepts, ideas, *** structures, aims, etc Gathering and identifying all elements, especially causal and hidden factors Scheduling and timescales Identifying and sequencing parallel and interdependent activities and stages Financials - costing, budgets, revenues, profits, variances, etc Monitoring, forecasting, reporting Troubleshooting, problem identification, diagnosis and solutions 'Snapshot' or 'map' overview - non-sequential, nonscheduled Format for communications, presentations, updates, progress reports, etc * * *** ** *** ** *** ** * * * ** *** * *** * * *** ** F ** C G





Figure 6. Matrix key of four project management techniques. The matrix shows how important how the information is, in comparison to other tools. The Matrix key represents the following:


B= Brainstorming F= Fishborne

***-main tool **- optional/secondary

C= Critical part analysis Flow Diagrams G= Gannt * - sometimes useful

4.1 Research Analysis

In this context, the usefulness of all the mentioned project management techniques is shown in figure 6 and whatever project that is set to achieve a goal can apply anyone found suitable. The problem associated with wireless technology in industry wide is mostly signal deterioration, which has been its drawback, and it has been motivating many professionals in the ICT to improve on such problems. Prior to deployment of wireless network infrastructure, a lot of resources are required to be put in place, and this could cover human and capital resources. The humans are both project members and management they work with, while capital is the tool, machine that is applied for pre-installation of the technology. This is reflected in the analysis of the technique applied in this project and related studies.

4.1.2 Brainstorming
This is different from most management skills and methods, and its first stage is ideally a free thinking and random technique. It can be overlooked by many people because is not a natural approach for many people whose main strength are in systems and processes. Result wise, the stage of the project planning process can benefit from being facilitated by a team member able to manage such a session, specifically to help very organize people to think randomly and creatively.


4.1.3 Fishborne Diagrams

This technique is mostly used in quality management fault detection, and in business process improvement, in the case of manufacturing and production but the model is very useful in project management and task planning and task management generally. Within project management, Fishborne diagrams are useful for planning. For instance, is use during brainstorming. It is said to be not good for scheduling or showing interdependent time critical factors. Fisborne diagrams are called cause and effect diagrams or Ishikawa diagram after Kauro Ishikawa, a Japanese Professor, who specializes in engineering and quality management. The diagram looks like a Fish bone that is why it is called fishborne. In analysis, Fishborne diagram can support any category that makes sense in project deployment. Typically, Fishborne has six or more main bones feeding into the spine. The categories mentioned include environment, management, systems, training, legal and others. It is said to be an effective model and tool for mapping of an entire project operation. Where a Fishborne diagram is used for project planning, the effect is shown as an aim or outcome or result, and not a problem.


Problem Statement

Figure 7. Showing a fishborne diagram[14] In Figure 7, Fishborne diagram which is one of the project management techniques is demonstrated through the arrows moving towards various directions . The underlying analysis helps in understanding how proper planning and management of resources could help in solving problems already foreseen.

4.1.4 Critical Path Analysis-CPA (Flow Chart or Diagram)

This is a logical and very effective method for planning and managing complex projects. It is normally shown as flow diagram (organized in a line). Another name for critical path analysis is critical path method, abbreviated as CPA, CPM. They enable a plan to be scheduled according to timescale. It also enables costing and budgeting but as


easily as Gantt Chart. They also help planners to identify casual factors or elements but not as easily as Fishborne diagram. The critical path analysis example below shows just a few activities over a few minutes. It is possible for one to use MS Excel or similar spreadsheet to show critical path analysis, which allows financial totals and time totals to be planned and tracked. Although, there are various specialized project management software that can enable the same thing. It can require no computer training at all in that you can put 90% of the thinking and structure in place.

CPA flow diagram example:

Figure 8. showing a typical CPA diagram.[15] In Figure 8, the diagram on CPA demonstrates how it functions in the above paragraph. I am going to talk about the benefits and limitations of CPA, which is stated below:


Provides graphical view of the project. Predicts the time required to complete the project. Shows which activities are critical to maintaining the critical and which are not.

For limitations of CPA, it was said to be easy to understand and use. It does not consider the time variations that can have a great impact on the completion time of a complex project. CPA was developed for complex but fairly routine projects with minimum uncertainty in the project completion times. For less routine projects there is more uncertainty in the completion times, and this uncertainty limits its usefulness . [15] All these explanations are found in the sampled activities mentioned above.

4.1.5 P.E.R.T(Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

For (PERT) which stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique, is a network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times. PERT was developed in the 1960s for the United States Navys Polaris project having thousands of contractors. It has the potential to reduce both the time and cost required to complete a project. [15] It was briefly mention in my CPA analyses but a broad detail about it in this session will be given. It is typically represented as an activity arc network. In which the activities are represented on the lines and milestones on the nodes. Diagrammatically:

Figure 9. PERT Chart[15] In figure 9,the milestones generally are numbered so that the ending node of an activity has a higher number than the beginning node. Incrementing the numbers by 10 allows for new ones to be inserted without modifying the numbering of the entire diagram. The


activities in the above diagram are labeled with letters along with the expected time required to complete the activity.[15] Considering its benefits, it has the following: Expected project completion time Probability of completion before a specified date The critical path activities that directly impact the completion time Activities start and end dates

For the limitations, it includes the following: Activity time estimate is prone to bias as the group or person conducting the activity could use personal judgment that could lack objectivity The underestimation of the project completion time due to alternate paths becoming critical is perhaps the most serious

4.2 Gantt Charts

These are extremely useful project managemmet tools. The Gantt Chart is named after U.S engineer and consultant Henry Gantt(1861-1919) who devised the techniques in the 1910s. Gantt Chart are excellent models for scheduling and for budjeting, and for reporting and for presenting and communicating project plans and progress easily and quickly. As a rule, Gantt Chart is not as good as critical part analysis flow Diagram for identifying and showing interdependent factors, or for mapping a plan from and /or into all the detailed casual or contributing element. Gantt Chart can be constructed using similar spreadsheet activities including timeline for the duration of the project. You can schedule review and insert break points. At the end of each line, you can show as many cost columns for the activities as you need. The case example shows a lot of activities that will be carried out using the Gantt Chart technique and microsoft project managenent as atool that is inseparable in the conetxt of 28

this project. Gantt Chart are probably the most flexible and useful of all project management tools, but remember they do not very easily or obviously show the importance or interdependence of related parallel activities,and they dont show the necessity to complete one task before another can begin. Gantt Chart Usage Case Example: In a case of wireless network deployment scenario where IPv6(Internet Protocol version 6) is being considered for deployment, it could be shown in tabular activity format. Thus: Activity Code Activity Duration days A. Main Task Technical Specification Contact with Hardwofare Subtask vendors Get information about the Hardware 14 in Depends on/Predecessors 2,4 3( subtask)

B. Main Task Subtask

Specification analysis Analysis group Analysis group Check for compatibility of Hardware and Software site survey report Review by technical team approval by the HR by Software by Hardware


1,5 7,8 11(Subtask)

C. Main Task

Installation approval Cost estimation Budget Approval



D. Main Task Subtask

Deployment equipment Power equipments Network devices software packages

of 6


E. Main Task


Installation 4

19 9 21(Subtask)

Commencement Subtask UPS & electrical devices Routers & switches workstations

F. Main Task Subtask

Installation of network 5 components WAN installed LAN network devices network devices



G. Main Task

Installation of software 4 Utility






inbtw LAN/WAN Anti-virus on workstations LAN

H. Main Task Subtask

Verification validation

and 3

29 (Subtask)

Testing between LANS I. Main Task Subtask Performance evaluation Feedback 2 31

Figure 10. Showing a sample Gantt Chart of IPv6 deployment activity in written form 30

In Figure 10, a tabular representation of Gantt Chart is shown. Gantt Chart is the quickest and simplest method for formal planning. The analysis does not end with what is displayed in figure 10, the software tool will be used as we proceed to demonstrate deeply all variables associated with the deployment. It can be very useful in planning project with a limited number of tasks and the chart shows activities in horizontal lines, whose length depends on the time needed to completed the activities. The lines could show how much activity that has been completed. So, drawing a Gantt Chart requires informaion on the following areas: The logic of the tasks The duration of the task The resources available to complete the task

4.2.1 Microsoft Project Software

It is one of the most widely used software packages for project management. It can be used for resource constraints projects in that the package applies a priority based procedure using a specific schedule generation scheme. Studies have shown that computational results for a set of 1320 project from the standard test set indicate that the result- allocation capabilities of Microsoft Project comparable to those of the best performing softwares packages. [13] Task of Project Management software Scheduling: It helps in scheduling series of events or taskand the complexity of the schedule can vary considerably depending on how the tool is used. Providing Information: Project planning software can be expected to provide information to various people. For example, task list of people,and allocation schedules for resources. Approaches to project management software Desktop: It has the capability to run on desktops if implemented in such platform. And it has the ability to collaborate with nother users.


Web based: It can be implemented as a web applcation , people can access it through internet, intranet and extranet using web browser.

Collaborative: A collaborative system is designed to support muliple users modifying different sections of the plan at once.

Integrated: An integrated system combines many project management or planning, with many aspect of the company file.

There are many benefits associated to using this Microsoft project management software, it is listed in details:[16] Familiar and intiutive: With the use of favorite tools and graphical menus, it create a familiar experience that will help you reporting your project. Save time and effort: The functions helps in making your task faster , and you put less effort in running many applications like text wrapping, zooming, copy and paste features make collaboartion with other microsoft office applications possible. Flexible and powerful: This could be exemplified by saying that it works with summary of data initially or shift to a more detailed approach when its convenient. It helps in making information available through note reminders. Easier to see and share: This feature helps in clearer view of tasks and milestones. Important dates could be shared among project team. At -a glance: It provides the mix of people and resources. It also helps in resolving conflict derived from a task schedule. Control and deliver: This stands for quick view of budjet comparison, in cases of actual budjet, forecasted values to measure initiatives progress with flexibility. Evaluate possibilities: This case helps in evaluating scenarios and you considering options. You can esily experiment with your project planning using what if-analysis tool. Collaborate with others:This option aids collaboration with other microsoft utilities like Microsoft Sharepoint which could be useful between project


members. You can send your files in this sharepoint sites for your team members get communicated plans of the project. Grow capabilities: It helps in delivering end-to-end capabilities to help organizations prioritize investments and optimize resources, gain control of all types of work, and visualize performance by using powerful dashboards.[16] Enhance performance: It has the capacity to handle very large project and program as it shares compatibilty with other project management tools like project server 2007 and many utilities.

This resource allocation also could involve or could be used in the context of ICT projects planning, designing, and maintaining all the resources that is needed for a successful wireless network infrastructure deployment. Moreover, the use of this software as a project management tool is not restricted to the benefits mentioned above. It can be divided into three sections, which are planning, communicating, analyzing and tracking. It will increase the effectiveness of project managers in any given project. This software utility which comes with a default Gantt Chart has the advantage of multi-level task undo that makes planning to be flexible. It will enhance effectiveness and productivity of a potential project manager.


Figure 11. A screen shot of IPv6 deployment activities showing main task and subtasks on Gantt Chart. In Figure 11, the left pane of the microsoft project software windows environment shows a Gantt Chart activity of the deployment process of IPv6 in a given scenario. The columns and rows represents different resources and variables required by the project team. This involves the task pane, duration of the task ,start and finish dates, the predecessors which represents the dependencies between each activity, and resource names. It shows nine main tasks and subtasks under each main tasks. The activities in days and weeks are shown through a displayed 3-D Gantt Chart formation or milestones. Thus, showing interdependencies of each task prior to completion by the project management team. It means that there is no task that is completely independent in this scenario.


Figure 12. A continuation of figure 11 showing the remaining acivities in Gantt Chart layout and milestones. In figure 12 , the first miletsone is shown in gray coloured Gantt Bar followed by subtask that are coloured in blue. The drop down arrows indicate the dependencies inbetween the main tasks and subtasks or the link between tasks. These dependencies started as a result of assigned resources names whose actions determines the next action of other names, and they come in form of team members playing ther official roles in order to come out with a result.The resource names are human resources/technical , management approved, logistics,site activity I,site activityII, core site activity, comment and results.


Figure 13. A network styled layout of the activities of the project team. In Figure 13, each activity has a blue colored box to show the migration process and the start date as well as the finishing dates. It shows interconnectivity of task ,that is , critical in path anaylsis. The blue lined layout shows where the subtasks joins each other thereby reflecting the kind of job done as well as time duration. It starts from technical specification main task through contact for software,contact with hardware vendors. From the figure, we have technical specification , contact with hardware vendors, contact for the software, get information about the hardware and generate report on technical specification.


Figure 14. Showing a continuation of network styled activity . In Figure 14, it start with specification analysis with critical path indication because it has red lined borders , then followed by analysis on hardware group, check for compatibility, then it moves to UPS and electrical devices. We have the remaining five activities below the upper part following the chain.


Figure 14 continued In the same Figure 14, a continuation of the previous activities showing fully a connection between the networked tasks, it shows interconnection the previous subtasks to a last subtask of routers and switches, they afre all blue lined.


Figure 15. Showing network diagram of further activities on main task and subtask( continuation) In figure 15, a continuation of the main tasks as conducted by the project team as shown in the networked portions of the activity blocks. The ones with blue lines represents non critical activities as conducted by the project team. It shows less intensity of the tasks being executed. From the contact of the hardware vendors through get information about the hardware, and generate report on technical review.


Figure 16 A screen shot of network diagram showing main task and subtask proceeding from previous figures. In Figure 16, we have nine networked activities showing both main tasks and subtasks. In cases where there is no interconnect occurs as result of the timing as designed by the project team which makes the activity or task to be independent from the previous activity in the network activity. The subtask of feedback is bordered with a red line and it shows critical nature of the task.


Figure 17. Showing more of network diagram of tasks

In Figures 17, illustrate the start date and finishing dates within the main task and subtasks. The networked path starts from the Anti virus on workstations LANs and moves to verification and validation and testing between LANs. This critical path shows a great deal of work by the project teams thereby indicating durations and task dependencies but is not reflected in this figure. The task dependencies relies on the main tasks which specification analysis in this diagram. The performance evaluation is the main task while the feedback is the subtask. The task in them is said to be critical because we can calculate the changes that occurs between the original task and the subsequent tasks. It is obvious to note that feedback got a high intensity of tasks as it shows red linings on it.


Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Wednesday 15

Thursday 16

Friday 17

Saturday 18

Sunday 19

Contact with HW vendors, 3 days Cnact for the Software, 5 days

Figure 18.Calender Interface.

Monday 4

Tuesday 5

Wednesday 6

Thursday 7

Friday 8

Saturday 9

Sunday 10

Generate report on technical Analysis by HW3 days 3 days Specifications, group, Analysis by SW group, 3 days

Check for compatibility of HW and SW, 8 days

site survey report, 6 days Review by technical team, 7 days Installation Approval, 4 days Cost estimation, 2 days Budget Approval, 2 days

Figure 19. Calendar interface continues.


Monday 18

Tuesday 19

Wednesday 20

Thursday 21

Friday 22

Saturday 23

Sunday 24

Check for compatibility of HW and SW, 8 days approval by the HR, 3 days

Deployment of Equipment, 10 days Network devices, 6 days First Installation Commencement, 3 days Routers & switches, 2 days

Figure 19 continues In Figures 18 and 19 the calendar of previous figures aligns. It helps to knowing the week and month duration of tasks in calendar format, in this case we will know which month all the task was executed as well as the days of the week. This calender interface shows the beginning of the tasks pictorial format which will help the project team in creating effective report on the job done. Each 3-D Gantt bar represents the task name and the number days it was conducted.This covers two subtasks , but the individual subtask on Technical specification is covered for 14 days and from the Gantt bar layout we have it as three while the fourth one is Specification Analysis which has 11 days from the Gantt bar layout.

Limitations The constraint in this project case comes in all activities or subtasks shown on the Gantt Chart case analysis. From technical specifications to the last activity performance evaluation, they all have their own degree of constraints. It occurs mostly in the technical specification subtask and the installation approval subtask. The case of technical specification is a rigorous task to implement because a lot issues has to be addressed, brainstorming among project team has to occur before technical specification. 43

Although there could be budgetary constraint but that could be handled by the management over time. Moreover, it is bound to happen and the critical path layout will go along way in helping the project management team measurement of various tasks as variances occurs. With this view, the project management team can communicate the information provided by the tool. The Gantt bar shows a nucleated form of all the calendars and task names assigned to it. A wide range of computerized systems softwares now exist for project management and planning. There are many methods in the industry but the focus of this project will be Ms Project utilization for sustaining wireless network infrastructure deployment. Prior to the deployment, proper planning is required with proprietory computerized softwares, managing and maintaining the wirless network infrasturcture and resources allocation is required over time calls for this MS project software understanding .

4.2.2 Comparative Studies

A lot of studies have been found successful where PM tools assure project success. In a project scenario, where a technology intensive work was carried out, a project management framework that includes a PM Plan, project organization, PM tools and techniques, and performance monitoring, measurement control, where integrally applied.

The use of these project management techniques conform with the globally accepted model called PM framework which is PMI (Project Management Institute) and PMBOK Guide (2008) which is a Project Management Body of Knowledge.[20]


Figure 20: Showing project management tools and Techniques. [20] 45

In Figure 20, shown in the study of Angelo Bernard Pinheiro, on the tabulation of different Microsoft project management techniques, for instance, PERT and CPM was shown in the list and it was applied by the authors. In the work of Gregor von Laszewski and Leor E. Dilmaniane it provided a rich environment with powerful visualization capabilities. This case of the project management tools was used in escience project and experimented with Microsoft project. The objective was based on Cyberaide framework for simplifying the development of advanced Cyberinfrastructure or e-science applications. Much of the framework allows integrating various components through drag and drop components directories. The component includes access to social networking services. Though this integration is rich set of functionality addressing the development, deployment and execution of e-science application is available to the end user. [21] The result was that it helps the end user for workflow modeling and design tool in Grid computing, and the intention of the project (related study) is not just to create an interface to Grid back-ends. The full potential of Cyber aide becomes apparent [21].

The reason for the adoption of Microsoft project software was its ease of use by many professionals, and the collaborative features that supports planning, workflow composition, execution, documents publication; notification information sharing may be conductive to the scientific discovery and review process.


Figure. 21. Using Microsoft project to build and execute a Grid based workflow[21].

In Figure 21, it shows a workflow and highlights the well known features of Microsoft in the Gantt Chart view. Also, in the study of Gregor von Laszewski and Leor E. Dilmaniane.

In the study of Norbert Trautmann, Philipp Baumann where this technique was applied, studies have shown that computational results for a set of 1320 project from the standard test set indicate that the result- allocation capabilities of Microsoft Project comparable to those of the best performing softwares packages. A case of Microsoft Project which generates some initial schedules by sampling various priority rules, and improve each of these schedules by iterative backward passes.[13]This software tool work on RCPSP( Resource-Contraint Project Scheduling Problem), and how resource could be allocated on the software platform. A sample Ms Project screen shot will be shown below:


Figure 22. Schedule obtained by the built-in resource-allocation procedure of Microsoft Project (screenshot)[13] In Figure 22, from the screenshot, the Gantt Chart portion could be seen as default task pane which contains task name, duration, start, finish etc. It was actually used for resource allocation heuristically. The new heuristic renders the resource-allocation capabilities of Microsoft Project competitive with those of the best-performing project management software packages; this holds in particular for large-sized projects. The iterative backward/forward scheduling technique decreases the average deviation from the critical-path based lower bound from 37.91% (default priority values, without iterative backward/forward) to 31.77% (best-choice priority values, with iterative backward/forward).[13]

Hence, the iterative capabilities of Microsoft Project shows a lot of activity inputs in a given project that was numbered up to 1320( One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty ) , and the result was gotten. The Microsoft project software was used under VBA ( Visual basic Application). Computational results for a standard test set consisting of 48

1320 projects indicate that the presented heuristic improves the resource-allocation capabilities of Microsoft Project considerably.[13] This is considered the result of the study because it was more of comparison. .The underlying idea, skill or concept of this resource allocation also could be involved or could be used in the context ICT (Information and Communication Technology) projects planning, designing, and maintaining all the resources that are involved for a successful wireless network infrastructure deployment.

In the study of Wei jia, which is on construction project management, techniques and tools of project management where applied. The technique was named Matrix Organization Structure, which conforms to the logic being portrayed by the topic of this research. [22] It goes to demonstrate how this technique is being applied, and the result gotten was as follows: Clearly define the project objective Divide and sub-divide the project scope into work packages Define the specific activity that needs to be performed by each work packages Graphically portray the activities in the form of a network diagram Make a time schedule for how long it will take to complete each activity Make a cost estimate for each activity Calculate a project schedule and budget to determine how long the project will take [22] All these are reflected in the Microsoft project software as a tool applied within the context of this project. In this case, there were no numerical results in form of figures but were more of theoretical findings as listed in the bulleted points above.

In line with the same comparative studies, some topics where the project management techniques and tools are applied could be stated further. They are all shown in this subheading of comparative studies, in the case of Norbert Trautmann, Philipp Baumann on an Iterative Backward/Forward Technique for the Scheduling of Resource-Constrained Projects using Microsoft Project [13], they provided a comparison of Microsoft project with other software packages or state-of the-art methods for scheduling of resource 49

constrained project, and they claimed that Microsoft Project performed poorly unlike other software. But they presented a trial and error (heuristic) study for Microsoft Project which generates some initial schedules by sampling various priority rules, and improve each of these schedules by iterative backward-forward passes. The result shows that the calendar constraints in the Microsoft project, through the trial and error, employs only Microsoft projects schedule- generation scheme.

The final result on this study was gotten from a computational result for a set 1320 projects from the standard test which indicate that the presented trial and error (heuristic) renders the resource allocation capabilities of Microsoft project comparable (similar) to those of the best performing packages. Gregor von Laszewski and Leor E. Dilmanian, on e-Science Project and Experiment Management with Microsoft Project, which uses visualization capabilities of the project management software in managing the grid workflow Wei Jia on Application of Project Management Techniques in Construction Management, which applied project management techniques .


5.1 Wireless Network Infrastructure Deployment
In this session, wireless network using Internet Protocol Version six(IPV6) was used as a point of focus or technology for analyses. Wireless networks are becoming more and more afordable and easier to adopt than ever. A wireless infrastructure can make it easier to recognize your office space growth and changes. When you take into account productivity gains, both inside the office and at public "hot spots," going wireless is an obvious choice, especially when compared to the cost of running a Cat 5 network LAN cable throughout a building.[18] In this case, some steps could be considered; it can stand as the pre-installation or predeployment task in a given scenario, or comprehensively, the feasibility study prior to deployment, like these ones: Understand it: There are a lot of benefits associated to wireless in that it can help your business to be more productive. In comparison to wired networks, wireless networks are a viable and affordable alternative that offers the benefit of making your environment more flexible. On the other hand, wired networks can be an inefficient network medium. Plan it: It involves consideration of benefits you could get after installation or prior to the integration of wireless in your infrastructure. Some advantages like reduced cost of installation, flexibility, convenient information access. Further, evaluation of your future networking needs and current one should be kept in mind prior to deployment. Do it: This has to deal with actually setting up wireless network after it must have been planned. Once the equipments are noted down, like the wireless clients and access points, installation process that will meet your network needs begins. For instance, testing, environment, network compatibility, number of users should be considered.


Use it: This has to deal with recommending some wireless specification measures to ensure that your wireless communication network is secure. For example, WEP security control, MAC addressing scheme, and many more.

Support it: This involves using third party professionals to support your network as it grows over time because the dynamics of wireless network utilities will definitely call for problems and upgrade.

Going through IPV6 (Internet Protocol Version Six) wireless network infrastructure deployment in North America, a lot of resources were required. As a case study I will use to implement the simplest and quickest technique (GANTT CHART) through its default launch on Microsoft project software platform. There are issues that we need to address: Where are we with deployment? Where do we go next? Good news predictions for years ahead! What are the business drivers for this technology?

5.2 IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)

Is defined as the network layer protocol for the internet, and is one of the pillars which support the internet. IPv6 is designed to solve the problems of IPv4. It does so by creating a new version of the protocol which serves the function of IPv4, but without the same limitations of IPv4. IPv6 is not totally different from IPv4: what you have learned in IPv4 will be valuable when you deploy IPv6. The differences between IPv6 and IPv4 are in five major areas: addressing and routing, security, network address translation, administrative workload, and support for mobile devices. IPv6 also includes an important feature: a set of possible migration and transition plans from IPv4. [17]

5.2.1 IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) Problems and Limitations

There are many problems associated with the use of IPv4 which are: 52

Running out Internet Addresses: This limits the internet growth for existing users and hinders use of the internet for existing users. It also makes internet routing to be inefficient. It forces users to use translation, that is, Network Address Translation (NAT).

System Management Costs: It is labor intensive, complex, slow and error prone. It has inconsistent level of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) support in clients. It calls for renumbering of networks. There is the issue that causes address space shortage when choosing a more competitive ISP (Internet Service Providers).

Considering the limitations and problems associated with IPv4, results from various researches has provided IP version that will perform beyond such limitations and problems, which is IPv6.

5.2.2 Deployment State of IPv6

This consists of the following: Core standards defined within a specified time frame; Initial network pilots on internets and labs; Base network products and platforms in the market; Requirement definition for IPV6; Internet Service providers begin infrastructure deployment; Application development heterogeneous platform and Complete IPV6 networks and systems. Where is this Network Infrastructure Located? At the client network which is found within LAN computers and has web browsers thereby receiving and requesting information over the network. At the provider network involves companys that provides internet services to customers or on the other hand, it could be an organization that provides bandwidth by direct backbone to customers, and at the applications point of service network.


Deploying Network Infrastructure for Mobile IPV6 Network must be a priority

Mobile IPv6 networks further complicate the infrastructure planning process, but imperative [17].This is because many mobile users need it , for example,

the soldier in military operation needs it for his communication gadgets, as well as typical scenarios.

What are the Components for Network Infrastructure with Mobile IPv6? Network Access Operation which provides access to other network users, that is,

components with the internetwork that plays such role. Network Provider Operation involves firms working as ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to multiple subscribers or end users. Network Management involves skill professionals in the field of managing network components within organizations.

Points of Network Infrastructure( Geography) Packets over local link which is the transmission of data over LANS that falls within communication control protocol. There is Packets over site which is transmission of data between routing topologies or different locations ( WAN) that has been configured to use IPv6; Packets over intranet occurs when data transmission is within an organizations or a companys (internal) network ; Packet over Internet occurs when data is being transmitted between computers in the inter network; Packets over mobile IPv6 Network (wireless) is when the data moves between network components using IPv6; Packets from IPV4

network through IPV6 cloud to IPV4 network this talks about compatibility between the services IPv4 and IPv6 .


Points of Network Infrastructure (Nodes) This involves the following: Clients which are computers that shares resources with other computers in a network. Servers are the computer machines that host information and resources for other computers. Routers are network devices used as gateways between multiple networks. Switches are network devices used within local area networks, Printers, Gateways are devices that support computers and other electronics within a network, Firewalls are devices that are used to protect networks organizations, they provide many features within intranet and internet. Proxies are any network device or applications platform that can serve other machines on the network; Management Nodes (For example Network, Security, Mobility, QoS);Any Node supporting Transition


Points of Network Infrastructure (Software)

Network Management and Utilities involves the software that is being used within local area networks of a company or intranet of an organization, for instance, firewalls; Network Internet Infrastructure Applications involves data communication between networks of computers within the internet

infrastructure. Network Systems Applications involves applications that run within servers and other edge computing services.

Infrastructure Deployment Hot Spots

Wireless Communications and integration with Wire line (Broadband) Communications -The hotspot that requires wireless services components does not fully rely on wireless component rather integration of the both wireless component devices and wired devices is required in the deployment process.


Mobile IPv6 for Wireless Handoffs and Mobile Ad--Hoc Routing This talks about routing capabilities for a mobile user or host to roam outside their home network with the capabilities of IPv6. Research findings has shown that IPv6 was designed to replace IPv4, considerations for introducing new functionalities and improving on IPv4 where taken into account. IPv6 routers have built-in functions eliminating the need for a foreign agent. Triangular routing and tunneling required for IPv4 can now be avoided through IPv6 routing headers. Security problems are intrinsically solved with improved addressing architecture and scalability issues are overcome with its 128-bit address space [27].

Application Porting Methodology- In this context, porting application to 32-bit operating system to 64-bit applications or operating systems shows compatibility functions of IPv6 with many application that will be deployed within a network infrastructure hotspot. Whatever issue that is found in this case will be handled the methodologies employed in application process by the engineers. Tunnels around IPv4 encryption The devices that cannot be upgraded to IPv6 immediately and performance of that tunnel will require encryption in that the data passing through the devices will be secured. It will help to avoid possibility of spoofing between within both tunnels of IPv4 and IPv6. The concept of the tunnel consisting of a pair of unidirectional security association (SA) at each end of the tunnel that specify the security parameter index (SPI) , destination IP address, and security protocol employed. Then, through Security Authentication, an IP tunnel can be provide the following functions of privacy (via encryption), content integrity (via data authentication), and sender authentication (via data origin authentication) [28].

IPv6 Security infrastructure requirements- This requires best practices on installation of the communication equipment that will forestall security standard and protecting the network infrastructure hotspot where the IPv6 applications will run. IPv6 Intrusion Detection- This shows the data management capabilities in IPv6 network in comparison to IPv4 network in that Routing is one of the banes of the current Internet architecture. 56

The propagation of routes and, in particular, the lack of use of aggregation by major ISPs means that routing tables are huge and growing. IPv6 was designed from the beginning to be class-less and in particular the address allocation scheme means that you will no longer be able to take a bit of the address space and carry it with you. There will be Top Level Aggregators (TLAs) which will delegate parts of their huge address space as need be. Another significant enhancement is the complete lack of checksum in the header. In the current IPv4 protocol there are lots of redundant checksums: In IPv6 the idea is that if you really need a checksum then you want a cryptographically strong checksum. Otherwise there is no point in wasting both space and compute time [29]. Training, Porting applications, and Hardware Upgrades for some nodes will have cost The deployment hotspot requires training of the onsite users in areas of handling security issues and other issues hardware upgrades and usage within a span of time. Network Management of new IPv6 infrastructure and points of transition- The point of transition here will require network management of the new technology deployed which is IPv6 especially, the point of transition from IPv4.

All these categories listed will be required by any project team deploying these technologies. Before planning, knowledge of what you desire is a necessity, because you could face a hitch. A necessity requirement of the network edges will permit true end-2-end security and operational trust model.


Project management from the forgoing can be applied in any field, that is, any profession requires project management techniques, and the analysis in this project is not based on a small project. It is centered on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related based project with high risk and demand. Planning, communicating, analyzing in project management helps project team to be effective in task delivery.

I have found it necessary to elaborate on project management theories, concepts and practices in the preceding chapters, for instance, Gannt Chart which is project management technique or tool was proposed by Henry Gannt .Henry Gannt is famous for his theory on the use of Gannt Chart tool as a planning and control techniques in complex engineering projects. The project content will not be richly acknowledge if I did not go into communicational aspect of project management where these resources are being debated, supported and promoted. In trying to demonstrate the application of project management techniques to wireless network deployment, it is imperative to come up with fine-grained analysis of what wireless communication system stands for in overview. Understanding the underlying technologies is very important for potential project managers, and its industry best support has come of age.

The developing economies of the world with special reference to Africa have demonstrated the need for these technologies through telecommunication evolution in their industry. For instance, telecommunication industry in Nigeria and other African countries are on the rise to deliver high end telecommunication services through upgrade of analog to digitalization of wireless communication infrastructure, which led to 2G, 3G and the G technologies that is prevalent today. Most human resource professionals has found it necessary to be including a knowledge and skill of project management , as a prerequisite for potential or would be employees in the process of recruiting job within multinational companies. The recognition it got from 58

standardization bodies like Project Management Institutes (PMI) has demonstrated the need for scholars to be researching deeply on how project management techniques and tools could be improved.

The use of these techniques (Gannt Chart, Brainstorming, and Fishborne) is not limited to ICT alone, but many other areas like construction projects, and other engineering disciplines. The planning, designing, implementing, managing and maintaining a wireless network infrastructure, that worth millions of dollars cannot be based on paper work anymore web collaborative tools is now a necessity. The oil and gas sector has found it worthwhile in using this project management technique to enhance their performance in the context of budget, resource allocation and accountability, thereby aiding efficient use of resources. All these became possible as a result of the flexibility and collaboration feature of the software ease of use.

A point of recommendation goes to project management theories to be mastered by all professionals in the field of management and information technology. The project management techniques and tools require proper mastering of both in that it will aid efficient and effective utilization resources. This has been a hallmark of professionals in skill and theory of project management in all industries.

In the case of deployment of wireless network infrastructure, a lot high risk is involved and the use a simple and quick project management tool like Microsoft project guarantees effectiveness, productivity and efficient use of resources. The complexity of wireless network deployment calls for the need of this project management techniques (Gannt Chart, Fishborne and Brainstorming) because a successful outcome is required by the stakeholders. However, knowing the best project management software in the world cannot guarantee you success in project planning, rather having a sound knowledge of these tools and techniques. The logic it portrays helps project managers and non project managers to achieve effective results. By the tools and skills, Fishborne diagram, PERT analysis, brainstorming, Gantt chart and Critical path analysis. 59

The efficiency of these tools and techniques has gotten a wide range of support and recognition by academicians and industry practitioners which calls for its inclusion or drafting into academic curriculums. In recent times, we have project management as a course of study in many institutions of learning, and this shows that what I set to achieve in this project is not only logically bounded within the content of this research, rather an open-ended proposition is thrown to us, to see project management, skills, methods, tools and techniques as a potential area for knowledge building, research and development, efficient and effective use of resources that could enhance productivity.



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