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Anish Paranjape (06) Ankita Singh (08) Kanchan Tapadia (22) Tushar Tatiya (53)

10 amazing facts of albert Einstein

Follow your curiosity I have no special talent I am only passionately curious.

Perseverance is Priceless Its not that I am so smart, it's just that I stay with problem longer.

oImagination is powerful Imagination is everything,

it is the preview of life's coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Live in the Moment I never think of future -its come soon.

oKnowledge comes from experience Information is not knowledge, The only source of knowledge is experience o Learn the rules & then play better You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better then others

Inspiring lessons to be learnt from sachin

To start young. To start from scratch even after achieving Your targets Passion. Taking Decisions. Discipline

Thank you

Behind every successful man, so goes the saying, there is usually a woman. In the life of the legendary Dhirubhai Ambani, that woman was his wife, Kokilaben. She was his fount of inspiration and support in a life that began in extremely trying and modest circumstances but blossomed into the greatest ever success story in the annals of Indian industry.

He was Dhirubhai Ambani. He was a genius. He had an extra ordinary talent. He was creative. He mastered the secrets of business. He was the founder of Reliance industries. Dhirubhai Ambani changed the stream of Indian industries. He was the pioneer and hero of this success story. He changed the investment scenario of India and surely the shape of Indian stock market. Dhiru bhai Ambani is an Indian business icon and gem of the gems.. He is a man rags to riches. He was undoubtedly the most talented businessman of his time. He amazed the world with his success stories. He became a celebrity in India and overseas.

Business Secret ..

Gather information, whatever it may be. Find an opportunity.

Jump from an orbit to the next.

Complete projects on time. Think big. Think global.

Hire the best people. Pay them well.

Pay share holders well. He paid his share holders the best.

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