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Theory of Automata (CS402) Assignment No.

2 Assignment Submission Deadline Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 17th of November, 2011. [Upload your assignment well before due date to avoid any assignment uploading related issues] Rules for Marking It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: o The assignment is submitted after due date o The assignment is copied Objectives Objectives of this assignment are to make students able to understand the following concepts, o Transition graph (TG) o Generalized Transition graph (GTG) o NFA o Kleens Theorem Question No.1 i. Draw the Transition graph (TG) for language of words in which the b occur only in even clumps and that end in four or more as. ii. Draw the Transition graph (TG) for language of words starting with three as or three bs and ending with bb or aa iii. Draw the Transition graph (TG) for language of words having aab or bba anywhere in it iv. Draw the Transition Graph (TG) for language of words EVEN-EVEN, v. Draw the Generalized Transition graph (GTG) for below given regular expression: a*+ (ab+a)*(b+ )+a* Question No.2 Review the below given TG and check if the below given words can be read through this TG. i. a ii. bba iii. bbab iv. abbaaabba

Question No.3 Consider the FA1 and FA2 given below, FA1

b a a


a a

a b a

b a

b a


ii. iii.

Give REs corresponding to FA1 and FA2 Find FA and RE corresponding to the Union of FAs (FA1 + FA2) Find FA and RE corresponding to Concatenation of FAs (FA1.FA2)

Hint: First find FA and then find RE considering that FA as TG Question No.4 Consider the FA1given below and find its closure (FA1*) also give RE before and after finding closure. FA1

a a


Question No.5 Give Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) for each of the following language defined over alphabet = {a, b} i. Language having all strings with alternating as and bs , some example strings are ababab or bababa ii. Language having all strings NOT containing aa at any place You can have a look on demo at link given below to draw FAs and TGs Assignment Uploading Instructions: o Upload single word file having solutions for all parts o You can crop and compress images in the word file by double clicking on an image and selecting compress all images option to decrease file size before uploading it.

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