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Neus Castellvell i Potau Intermedi II B / 29-11-11 Oliver Twist is a book written by Charles Dickens and it was published in 1838.

The story is set in various spaces of England, but the mostly part is located in London, I suppose that is set about 1830. The book tells the story of Oliver Twist, an orphan boy who was born in a workhouse. Oliver, for his poverty, is doomed to work in bad conditions and, after, steal in London. Finally, after a lot of hardships he discovers who really is: a rich mans son. Mr. Bronlow is a very important character in the story. They meet each other when Oliver is with two boys whom steal the old man. He is a gentleman and he trusts Olivers goodness and he allows that Oliver live with him. Finally, he discovers than Oliver is a son of his best friend, who died ten years ago, and he helps Oliver to leave bad live. I liked this character because he is a good man and he trusts Oliver all the time. I like this people because its difficult to find people who believe in humans goodness and I think hes a good example. I liked the book, although I had a problem: I didnt understand a part of the final. I didnt understand what is happen with Sikes and a fire (is that possible?, I understood nothing about that!). However, I liked the book. I think is a good story with strong characters and it is fun trying to recognize London, because now its so different that its unrecognizable to me. Only thing I didnt like: its too coincidence that Mr Bronlow and the Maylies are related to Oliver. Its too easy, in my opinion.

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