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WS518: Worship Ministry on the Lords Day Winter 2012 (FOL)

Case Study III Of Advents and Bridegrooms PRE-WORK (90 mins)


1. Watch the [Planning Meeting] for the [Lords Supper Service]. (50 mins) 2. Read Lords Supper.pdf and Book of Worship-Communion.pdf on the assignment webpage. 3. Now, watch the [Lords Supper Service] from 53:20-1:20:53 (from the sermon through the benediction). As you watch, make notes about the celebration of the Lords Supper, especially in contrast with the typical practices of the Evangelical Covenant Church. (30 mins) 4. AFTER watching the service and taking notes, watch at least five (5) post-service interviews with church members about the service. (Click on the menu item [Participants] then select the [after Lords Supper Service] from the drop-down menu on the upper-right side of the screen). (10 mins)

THE TASK (90 minutes)

For a third time, RCC has hired you as a consultant for their worship life. Using your now burdensome liturgical knowledge gained in this you are tasked to revisit this Lords Supper service. In particular, youll want to consider the wedding theme as a motif for Communion. Did it work? What would you alter? Preserve? Your task is evaluate and, where needed, revise this service. Do you find any missing elements from the ECC documents or the history of Lords Supper services at RCC? What would you keep, change, alter? You may keep as much of the service as-is, or you may make substantial changes. Either way, you need to provide the reasons for your choices, making strong use of vocabulary, concepts and categories we have learned in this course.
DO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the template provided. Write down every element (use the DVD-ROM to help you here) Make thoughtful changes Include all lyrics and text of songs/prayers in this service. Be sure to consider the context of Ravenswood as you make changes. (this will mean exploring the DVD-ROM and the interviews with the participants). 6. Explicitly use course vocabulary, concepts, and categories. DONT: 1. Make changes without noting why. 2. Keep elements the same without noting why. 3. Confuse RCC with your own church context, plan for the congregation as you have come to know them. 4. Write this in paragraph format.



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