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Tools for grups

Roti tawar + Selai / perasa Botol air mineral Kain mori 1x1 M Cat air dan kuas Lilin + Korek batang Sarung 3 buah Clipboard dan alat tulis Spidol, lakban dan gunting Tools Senter Bambu Minyak tanah botol air mineral kecil Garam 1 bungkus

Plastik besar Hanger Baju Rafia Kecil 1 (Sesuai warna Kelompok)

Clothes for LDK

Time afternoon - APEL games maghrib - sleep Night survival Morning survival Final ceremony Clothes black and white uniform fit in with color of groups White clothes Black and white uniform, shoes and attribute sport uniform, attribute and shoes White clothes and treasure

*All member must come to Event on time (13.30) on Friday, if theres missing person(s) in one group, it mean that group will be get the Negative score


Tools for individual

Snack (jangan mie instant) Teh / kopi + gula Pakaian ganti Pakaian kelompok Baju olahraga Celana panjang gelap (untuk cewe dan cowo) Seragam putih sekolah Dasi (warna gelap) Peralatan ibadah Anti septik (Antis, Carex dsb) Peralatan mandi Obat-obatan pribadi Kaos kaki Sepatu wajib hitam Jaket Sandal Parfum (optional) Sabun cuci muka (optional) Gelas plastic Kantonsg plastik

Beras liter


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