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8us|ness ent|ty 8u||d|ng]|and kenta| un|t Lease out t|me

kL SA In kL SA b||||ng done |n two step
kL post|ng wh|ch create the open |tem |n customer and respect|ve GL done by kL user
through 1C (ICSA)
II c|ear|ng II c|ear|ng c|ear the open |tem wh|ch has created by kL ost|ng done by II

Ior gett|ng |nformat|on on kL post|ng we can use tab|e (VI8L)

Ior gett|ng |nformat|on on II c|ear|ng
We have number of reports

S_99_41000281 kenta| Account

CIC1 Cpen Items L|st


Dsage type

0001 8everage Counter
0002 CC
0003 Automated 1e||er Mach|ne (A1M)
0004 Shop
000S Cff|ce
0006 Warehouse]Stores
0007 Advert|s|ng space
0008 Vend|ng mach|ne space
0010 ark|ng Space (commerc|a|)
0011 ark|ng Space (pr|vate)
0012 ark|ng Space (m|xed use)
0013 Super Market
0014 Iood keta||
001S Cafeter|a
0016 1e|ecom Center
0017 Apartments
0018 Med|ca| and Cther ract|ces
0019 Cthers commerc|a|
0020 Advert|sement through LCD D|s
0021 Ma|nt |nc chrgs of CIC cab
0022 Ma||s
0023 I1 ark
0024 81S
002S 8ooks Stat|onary
0026 k|osksothers

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