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Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012

Schedule of 3 year IUMP Genito-urinary system (16th module)


Saturday 24/12/2011

Topic Lecture 43: Histol: Prost., acc. Gl, penis, erection Lecture 44: Pathol: Dis. & tumors Of Testis Practical (11): Anat: Male reproductive organs Practical 12: Histol: Testis, Practical 13: Bio: Semen Practical 14: Pharma: drug prescription

89 C Lecture 43 Hall 3

9 10 C Lecture 44 Hall 3

10 11 A Lecture 43 Hall 3

11 12 A Lecture 44 Hall 3

12 1 B Lecture 43 Hall 3

12 B Lecture 44 Hall 3





Group 3 Morgue 4 Group 1 Lab 3 Group 6 Lab 5 Group 2 Class 12 Group 7 Class 12 Group 2 Lab 5 Group 3 Lab 3 Group 4 Lab 5 Group 5 Class 12

Sunday 25/12/201

Lecture 45: Pathol: Dis. & tumors Of Prostate Lecture 46: Anat: Organs of U T. , Kidney + ureter

A Lecture 45 Hall 3

A Lecture 46 Hall 3

B Lecture 45 Hall 3

B Lecture 46 Hall 3

C Lecture 45 Hall 3

C Lecture 46 Hall 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Practical 12: Histol: Testis, Practical 13: Bio: Semen Practical 14: Pharma: drug prescription Tuesday 27/12/2011 Lecture 47: Physiol: functions of kidney lecture 48: Hist: Kidney Practical 13: Bio: Semen Practical 14: Pharma: drug prescription Practical (15): Histol: epid, spermatic cord, Prostate, seminal vesicle, penis Practical (16): Pathol: Gross &histopathol of prostatic hyperplasia, seminoma, T.B. epidid., gumma of testis, teratoma Group 4 Lab 2 Group 7 Lab 5 Group 3 Lab 10 Group 6 Lab 2 Group 4 Lab 5

B Lecture 47 Hall 3 Group 7 Lab 10 Group 3 Class 4

B Lecture 48 Hall 3

C Lecture 47 Hall 3

C Lecture 48 Hall 3

A Lecture 47 Hall 3

A Lecture 48 Hall 3

Group 1 Class 4 Group 2 Lab 10 Group 6 Lab 10

Group 6 Lab 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Wednesday 28/12/2011 Lecture 49: Histol: Renal corpuscle, GFB Lecture 50 Physiol: GFR and factors affecting it Practical (15): Histol: epid, spermatic cord, Prostate, seminal vesicle, penis Practical (16): Pathol: Gross & histopathol of prostatic hyperplasia, seminoma, T.B. epidid., gumma of testis, teratoma Lecture 51: Bio: Kidney as metabolic organ Lecture 52: Physiol: Concepts of plasma clearance, Practical (15): Histol: epid, spermatic cord, Prostate, seminal vesicle, penis Practical (16): Pathol: Gross & histopathol of prostatic hyperplasia C Lecture 49 Hall 3 C Lecture 50 Hall 3 A Lecture 49 Hall 3 A Lecture 50 Hall 3 B Lecture 49 Hall 3 B Lecture 50 Hall 3

Group 5 Lab 10

Group 7 Lab 10

Group 1 Lab 10

Group 4 Lab 10

Group 5 Lab 1

Group 2 Lab 5

Thursday 29/12/2011

B Lecture 51 Hall 3

B Lecture 52 Hall 3

C Lecture 51 Hall 3

C Lecture 52 Hall 3

A Lecture 51 Hall 3

A Lecture 52 Hall 3

Group 3 Lab 10

Group 7 Lab 3

Group 1 Lab 3

Group 4 Lab 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012

Saturday 31/12/2011

Topic Lecture 53: Histol:PCRT, DCRT, Coll T, Loop H Lecture 54: Physiol: Autoregulation of GFR Practical (16): Pathol: Gross & histopathol of prostatic hyperplasia, seminoma, T.B. epidid., gumma of testis, teratoma Practical 17: Anat: Organs of the urinary system ( kidney) Lecture 55: Physiol: Functions of renal tubules. (transport) Lecture 56: Bio: Physical prop. Of urine Practical 17: Anat: Organs of the urinary system ( kidney) Practical (18): Histol: Kidney

89 C Lecture 53 Hall 3

9 10 C Lecture 54 Hall 3

10 11 A Lecture 53 Hall 3

11 12 A Lecture 54 Hall 3

12 1 B Lecture 53 Hall 3

12 B Lecture 54 Hall 3





Group 3 Lab 3

Group 4 Group 6 Morgue 3-4 A Lecture 55 Hall 3 A Lecture 56 Hall 3 B Lecture 55 Hall 3 B Lecture 56 Hall 3

Group 1 Morgue 4

Sunday 1/1/2012

C Lecture 55 Hall 3

C Lecture 56 Hall 3

Group 2 Group 3 Morgue 2-3 Group 7 Lab 3

Group 5 Morgue 3 Group 4 Lab 3

Group 7 Morgue 3

Tuesday 3/1/2012

Lecture 57: Physiol: Tubular transport maxima Lecture 58: Bio: Chemical prop. Of urine Practical (18): Histol: Kidney Practical 19: Physiol: Renal function tests

B Lecture 57 Hall 3

B Lecture 58 Hall 3

C Lecture 57 Hall 3

C Lecture 58 Hall 3

A Lecture 57 Hall 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 A Lecture 58 Hall 3

Group 5 Lab 3 Group 4 Class 7-8

Group 6 Lab 3 Group 7 Class 7-8

Group 2 Lab 3 Group 1 Class 7-8

Wednesday 4/1/2012

Lecture 59: Physiol: Transport maxima, Mechanisms for dilution Lecture 60: Anat:, U.B., urethra Practical (18): Histol: Kidney Practical (19): Physiol: Renal func. Tests Practical (20): Bio Exam physic. & chem.. prop.of urine +report

C Lecture 59 Hall 3

C Lecture 60 Hall 3

A Lecture 59 Hall 3

A Lecture 60 Hall 3

B Lecture 59 Hall 3

B Lecture 60 Hall 3

Group 1 Lab 5 Group 2 Class 7-8-9-10 Group 6 Class 7-8-9-10 Group 7 Lab 9

Group 3 Lab 5 Group 5 Class 7-8-9-10 Group 1 Lab 9 Group 4 Lab 9

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Thursday 5/1/2012 Practical (19): Physiol: Renal func. Tests Practical (20): Bio : Exam physic. & chem.. prop.of urine +report, Practical 21: Anat: Organs of the urinary system ureters, urinary bladder, urethra) Group 3 Class 7-8-9-10 Group 2 Lab 9 Group 3 Lab 9 Group 6 Lab 9 Group 5 Lab 9

Group 1 Morgue 3

Group 7 Morgue 3

Group 4 Morgue 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012

Week 7
Sunday 8/1/2012

Topic Lecture 61: Histol: Ureter, U.B, urethra (JGA??) Lecture 62: Pharma: Diuretics Practical 21: Anat: Organs of the urinary system ureters, urinary bladder, urethra) Lecture 63: Physiol: Mechanisms for concentration of urine Lecture 64: Pharma: Thiazides Practical (22): Bio: estimate serum urea & creatinine Practical (23): Histol: Ureter, Urinary bladder

89 B Lecture 61 Hall 3 Group 6 Morgue 4

9 10 B Lecture 62 Hall 3

10 11 C Lecture 61 Hall 3 Group 5 Morgue 4

11 12 C Lecture 62 Hall 3

12 1 A Lecture 61 Hall 3

12 A Lecture 62 Hall 3





Group 2, 3 Morgue 3-4

Monday 9/1/2012

C Lecture 63 Hall 3

C Lecture 64 Hall 3

A Lecture 63 Hall 3

A Lecture 64 Hall 3

B Lecture 63 Hall 3

B Lecture 64 Hall 3

Group 1 Lab 10 Group 3 Lab 5

Group 7 Lab 10 Group 6 Lab 5

Group 2 Lab 10

Group 4 Lab 10 Group 5 Lab 5

Tuesday 10/1/2012

Lecture 65: Physiol: Acid/base balance Lecture 66: Pathol: Pathogenesis of GN Practical (22): Bio: estimate serum urea & creatinine

A Lecture 65 Hall 3

A Lecture 66 Hall 3

B Lecture 65 Hall 3

B Lecture 66 Hall 3

C Lecture 65 Hall 3

C Lecture 66 Hall 3

Group 5 Lab 10

Group 3 Lab 10

Group 6 Lab 10

Practical (23): Histol: Ureter, Urinary bladder Wednesday 11/1/2012 Lecture 67: Physiol: Acid/base balance & comp. mech. Lecture 68: Pathol: Pathogenesis of GN + nephritic syndrome Practical (23): Histol: Ureter, Urinary bladder TBL1 Histol : JGA Thursday 12/1/2012 Lecture 69: Physiol: water balance Lecture 70: Pathol: nephrotic syndrome TBL1 Histol : JGA

Group 4 Lab 5 B Lecture 67 Hall 3 B Lecture 68 Hall 3

Group 1 Lab 5 C Lecture 67 Hall 3 C Lecture 68 Hall 3 A Lecture 67 Hall 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Group 7 Lab 5 A Lecture 68 Hall 3

Group 2 Lab 10 Group 6 Class 7 C Lecture 69 Hall 3 C Lecture 70 Hall 3 Group 4 Class 7 A Lecture 69 Hall 3 A Lecture 70 Hall 3 Group 7 Class 7 B Lecture 69 Hall 3 B Lecture 70 Hall 3

Group 1 Class 7

Group 5 Class 7

Group 3 Class 7

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 89 B Lecture 71 Hall 3 9 10 B Lecture 72 Hall 3 10 11 C Lecture 71 Hall 3 11 12 C Lecture 72 Hall 3 12 1 A Lecture 71 Hall 3 12 A Lecture 72 Hall 3 23 34 45 56

Saturday 14/1/2012

Topic Lecture 71 Pathol: nephrotic syndrome + Ig A nephrop. + chronic GN Lecture 72: Micro: U.T. infections1: Streptoc . pyro.,TB, E. coli, Klebsiella TBL1 Histol : JGA TBL2 Physio : Mictur reflex + causes of incontinence

Group 2

Group 6

Group 4

Group 7

Sunday 15/1/2012

Lecture 73: Pathol: Acute tubular necrosis + urinary stones + hydronephrosis Lecture 74: Anat.: Embriology of GU sys. 1 (Development & anomalies of gonads) TBL2 Physio : Mictur reflex + causes of incontinence

C Lecture 73 Hall 3

C Lecture 74 Hall 3

A Lecture 73 Hall 3

A Lecture 74 Hall 3

B Lecture 73 Hall 3

B Lecture 74 Hall 3

Group 1

Group 2

Group 5

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Tuesday 17/1/2012 Lecture 75: Para: Schistosoma hematobium Lecture 76: Pathol: Upper & lower U.T. infection TBL2 Physio : Mictur reflex + causes of incontinence Practical (24): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of chronic GN, pyelonephritis, hydroureter, hydronephrosis Practical (25): Para: : Schistosoma hematobium Wednesday 18/1/2012 Lecture 77: Pathol: Tumors of renal system Lecture 78: Anat: Embryology GU2 ( development & anomalies duct system) Practical (24): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of chronic GN, pyelonephritis, hydroureter, hydronephrosis A Lecture 75 Hall 3 A Lecture 76 Hall 3 B Lecture 75 Hall 3 B Lecture 76 Hall 3 C Lecture 75 Hall 3 C Lecture 76 Hall 3

Group 3

Group 4

Group 1

Group 5

Group 7

Group 5

B Lecture 77 Hall 3

B Lecture 78 Hall 3

C Lecture 77 Hall 3

C Lecture 78 Hall 3

A Lecture 77 Hall 3

A Lecture 78 Hall 3

Group 6

Group 2

Group 7

Practical (25): Para: : Schistosoma hematobium Thursday 19/1/2012 Lecture 79: Anat: Embryology GU3 ( development & anomalies& external genitalia ) Lecture 80 Micro: UT infections2: Proteus, Pseudomonus, Staph. Saprophyt., Enterococci Practical (24): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of chronic GN, pyelonephritis, hydroureter, hydronephrosis Practical (25): Para: Schistosoma hematobium Practical (26): Micro: examine cultures for E. coli, Klepsialla, Pseudomonus, Proteus C Lecture 79 Hall 3 C Lecture 80 Hall 3

Group 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Group 1

A Lecture 79 Hall 3

A Lecture 80 Hall 3

B Lecture 79 Hall 3

B Lecture 80 Hall 3

Group 3

Group 2

Group 6

Group 4

Group 1

Group 7

Group 5

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012

Saturday 21/1/2012











Lecture 81: Anat: Embryology GU4 ( develop & anom of of kidney Practical (26): Micro: examine cultures for E. coli, Klepsialla, Pseudomonus, Proteus Practical ( 27): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of bilharzial cystitis, renal cell carcinoma, Willms tumor, bladder cancer Revision Anatomy Revision histology

B Lecture 81 Hall 3 Group 6

C Lecture 81 Hall 3 Group 4

A Lecture 81 Hall 3 Group 2

Group 7

Group 5

Group 1

Group 1,2

Group 4,5 Group 6

Sunday 22/1/2012

Lecture (82): Anat: Embryology GU5 ( develop & anom of ureter, UB, urethra)

C Lecture 82 Hall 3

A Lecture 82 Hall 3

B Lecture 82 Hall 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Practical (26): Micro: examine cultures for E. coli, Klepsialla, Pseudomonus, Proteus Practical ( 27): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of bilharzial cystitis, renal cell carcinoma, Willms tumor, bladder cancer ILA 2: Renal failure (histo, phys., bio, patho., pharma., nephrol.) Revision Anatomy Revision histology Revision pharma Group 3

Group 2

Group 6

Group 4

Group 1

Group 7

Group 5

Group 6,7 Group 4 Group 5 Group 1 Group 3

Monday 23/1/2012

Practical ( 27): Pathol: Gross & Histopathol of bilharzial cystitis, renal cell carcinoma, Willms tumor, bladder cancer

Group 3

ILA 2: Renal failure (histo, phys., bio, patho., pharma., nephrol.) Revision Anatomy

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Group 6

Group 3

Revision histology

Group 2

Group 7

Group 5

Revision pathology

Group 4

Group 2

Revision Bio

Group 5

Group 6

Group 7

Tuesday 24/1/2012

Revision histology

Group 3

Revision pathology Group 3 Group 1 Group 5

Revision Bio Group 1 Revision Micro Group 2 Group 5 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Revision para Group 5 Revision physiology Revision pharma Group 7 Group 4 Group 6 Group 4 Group 2

Group 4

Group 6

Group 7

Group 5

Wednesday 25/1/2012

Revision pathology Revision Bio

Group 6

Group 7

Group 4 Revision Micro Revision para Revision physiology Revision pharma Group 7 Group 6

Group 3 Group 1 Group 2

Group 4 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2

Group 6 Group 7 Group 3 Group 1

Saturday 28/1/2012 Saturday 4/2/2012 Wednesday 8/2/2012

Practical exam End of module exam

End of semester 15

Genito-urinary System - Module 16- 2011/2012 Thursday 9/2/2012 Saturday 11/2/2012 Saturday 25/2/2012

End of semester module 16 Mid year holiday Start of 2nd semester

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