Business Proposal

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LlC l1 uLA81MLn1
llnd lLCC8 !LLvAn SLv AnnLxL

8CllLL ln1L8nA1lCnALS

Su8Ml11Lu Cn 10 uLCLM8L8 2011

LxLCu1lvL SuMMA8?
roflle lnLernaLlonals ls pleased Lo presenL LlC wlLh Lhls buslness proposal for Lhe 'LmpanelmenL of
vendors for Lhe supply of CompuLer hardware and servlclng of hardware (PSSv) and LmpanelmenL of
hardware supporL parLners (PS) ' We undersLand Lhe dynamlcs of Lhe CompuLer hardware supply and
servlce markeL LhaL LlC faces and recognlze Lhe unlque opporLunlLy Lo supply and servlce Lhe requlred
compuLer hardware We belleve LhaL Lhe compuLer hardware markeL ls ln lLs growLh sLage and LhaL we
are poslLloned successfully

Pavlng duly examlned your slLuaLlon we are confldenL LhaL our proposed supply and servlces wlll
effecLlvely address your needs Cur goal ls compleLe cusLomer saLlsfacLlon and long Lerm muLual
relaLlonshlp wlLh our saLlsfled cllenLs by mlnlmlzlng Lhe errors and enhanclng Lhe undersLandlng and
provldlng zero defaulL servlce 1he compuLer hardware lndusLry ls on boom and our company ls one of
Lhe ma[or markeL player ln Lhls lndusLry from lasL 13 years ln Lhe wesLern lndla reglon Cur long pasL
experlence and learnlng curve ln Lhe markeL would cerLalnly help ln provldlng hlgh quallLy producL and
servlces aL Lhe mlnlmum posslble raLe
8y avalllng lLself of our servlces Lhe LlC wlll
O Plgh quallLy hardware producL and servlces
O Mlnlmum posslble cosL as compared Lo Lhe markeL
O 2 years of free servlce guaranLee
O lree accessorles wlLh each unlL of Lhe hardware producL
Cur unlque ablllLy Lo dellver hlgh performance and producL make us dlsLlncL from oLher markeL players
and our successful Lrack record ln wesLern zone pollce headquarLer 81C offlce MnC's make us an
lnvaluable parLner ln Lhe compuLer hardware markeL We look forward Lo formlng a muLually rewardlng
relaLlonshlp wlLh LlC
1he proflle lnLernaLlonals was founded ln 1996 by Lhe ! group and assoclaLes and our company
wwwprofllelnLcom ls Lhe maker and suppller of popular proflnL hardware producLs We have been
quleL successful ln compuLer hardware lndusLry and noLably ln dellverlng hlgh quallLy servlces Lo our
1he proflle lnLernaLlonals currenLly serves over one mllllon cusLomers ln wesLern and cenLral reglon of
lndla and employs around one Lhousand people ln Lhe greaLer clLy of Mumbal lL has also won numerous
awards for lLs hlgh quallLy producL and servlces LlsL of producL and servlces provlded by Lhe proflle
lnLernaLlonals are
O MoLher boards
O CuCu fans memory
O Pard drlve conLroller Zl/!AZ floppy opLlc drlve
O MonlLor webcam pro[ecLor
O neLwork modem ups keyboard mouse prlnLer
O Servlces ln moLher board prlnLer Cu eLc
1he proflle lnLernaLlonals offlces are slLuaLed ln 3 ma[or clLles namely Mumbal nagpur 8hopal
8angalore and une and we have over 100 servlces cenLers across Lhe counLry
We undersLand your requlremenL of Lhe hardware componenLs and servlces afLerwards as noLlfled ln
Lhe Lender and we would be happy Lo provlde lL easlly

Suppller selecLlon ro[ecL selecLlon lnlLlal revlew ro[ecL
19 uecember 21 !anuary 20 lebruary 2 Aprll 19 november

1he cosL requlremenL and budgeLlng provlded by our analysL ls ln sync wlLh Lhe Lender and we are
looklng forward Lo form a long Lerm muLual bond wlLh LlC
MonLhly budgeL 1oLal budgeL 8udgeL overrun penalLy
1000000 100000000 100000

AfLer analyzlng dlfferenL scenarlos and Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe sLrengLh and experLlse of boLh Lhe
companles we see a number of addlLlonal and poLenLlal opporLunlLles lndusLry Lrends has noLably
shaped our proposed sLraLegy as descrlbed and wlll be lnsLrumenLal ln helplng LlC Lo reach a new
markeL needs and sLave off Lhe LhreaL of Lhe compuLer hardware and servlce lndusLry
1he pro[ecL lnvolves over 100 LlC employees and requlres Lhe coordlnaLlon of l1 deparLmenL ln offlces ln
Lhe Mumbal and cenLral lndla 1he followlng pro[ecL lnvolves 4 Leams of Lhe proflle lnLernaLlonals each
headed by Lhe l1 markeLlng flnance and operaLlonal managers and slx Leam members
When comparlng our capablllLles wlLh oLher companles we have followlng compeLlLlve and sLraLeglc
advanLages over Lhem
O 8rand awareness
O 8rand lmage and brand ldenLlLy
O lndusLry recognlLlon and LrusL
O Plghly knowledgeable work force
O 1echnologlcal skllls
O Plgh level sLandard and sLablllLy
O erformance flexlblllLy and rellablllLy
O SLeady growLh raLe and successful Lrack record
O Plgh class 24/7 cusLomer supporL servlces

A?MLn1 1L8MS

All equlpmenL producLlon and general cosL and man hours used Lo compleLe Lhls pro[ecL wlll be bllled
1hls pro[ecL provldes an esLlmaLe of LoLal cosLs All amounL exceedlng Lhls quoLaLlon are sub[ecL Lo Lhe
approval of LlC
aymenL shall be made 30 days afLer Lhe recelpL of lnvolce An lnlLlal amounL of 1 00000 ls requlred Lo
sLarL Lhe pro[ecL All laLe paymenLs are sub[ecL Lo a 13 monLhly charge or Lhe maxlmum permlLLed by
Lhe law A dlscounL of 10 shall be applled Lo early paymenLs aymenLs musL be remlLLed by cash
demand drafLs ln favor of proflle lnLernaLlonals payable aL Mumbal or by cerLlfled checks

roflle lnLernaLlonals ls confldenL LhaL our proposed sLraLegy and layouL wlll summarlze Lhe muLual
beneflLs We slncerely hope LhaL LlC wlll conslder us as a long Lerm parLner and allow us Lo enLer lnLo a
muLually beneflclal relaLlonshlp We are avallable Lo answer any quesLlons you may have and look
forward Lo dlscusslng Lhls opporLunlLy furLher

1hank you for your lnLeresL
Abhlshek 8an[an(ClC)
roflle lnLernaLlonals

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