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Is A

My Personal Journey Revealed

P.E.P.P 1970 All rights Reserved "Michael-D" 1990,2010,2011 Michael D All rights Reserved are you interested in making some money you can everything is ready for you when you are ready send me an email to address above with extra cash ! in the subject line PS: I got an exclusive for you so stay tuned and be ready you can make a bundle purchase for one time low investment Poverty Is A Curse Mind In Exile Contradictory Vegeey I published several articles over the years and managed to retain only a few Negotiations is an article about give and take in order for both parties to reach a deal where they are happy with their lot Deadweight is another article dealing with a serious element everyone must encounter at various levels of experinece throughout life I worked on this one more times than I wanted to to get it to personify in a gentle and pleasant manner while still making readers feel how dangerous this factor is SAR another article about a machine you will find valuable and necessary in your online affairs I explore many of its abilities and challenge you to explode this article into even more avenues Poverty Is A Curse is the volume this report is all about Every question will be answered in easy language It is about my experiences at street level A real eye opener for those who are only familiar with what movie personalities promoted solely for financial gains and or what you read in news magazines and heared through the local gossip sources Purpose of this report is multi fold purchase a formal business address expand property into a wood carving training facility This Report is not complete though it is 100% truthful I am speaking from my personal experience What is poverty Let me ask you a question Did you at any time ever hear anyone say (I want to be a pathetic low down lazy free loading degenerate parasite loud mouthed uneducated asshole and spineless social outcast ) I hear talk like this on the street after they pass and when they think no ears can hear AND this talk comes primarily from females the same creatures who think themselves unaccountable for .... a snake is always a snake no matter how it appears What are the 8 kinds of females a brother must avoid hand rocking the cradle rules the world time to remember this clich'e how to avoid wasting your 75 trillion cells take fathers out of the equation and you are left with a society of degenerate parasites and spineless pukes what is your life worth what being gentle really means Well done all you.... I don't need no man I survived in my little mini van visiting libraries and book stores seeking to upgrade my academic skills so I could pass admissions for a college course Over $180 dollars in text books were stolen by the mission and the director (chuck) it threatened to get me locked up it also refused to return my books even after I gave indisputable proof in front of 12 witnesses he of course is a christain how I survived sub zero weather I survived poisoning by personnel in both missions and shelters and managed to escape 4 homicide attacks I then survived several food poisoning by chinese restaurants and other buffets and they are all christains what are 30 automatic conditions of poverty what are your rights when impoverished . Never in my life did I ever expect nor ask anyone to give me a handout I mentioned my skills and bargained with them It means nothing to those who are on a perpetual hate train a truth is impervious to those suffering from emotional instabilities I put my craft work on consignment and repeatedly took a loss I finally concluded any further association with them so called muslims what benefits are available in poverty I got the flu 6x this year

what causes the dreaded sleep

how to separate yourself from religion when in poverty how to avoid lice how to maintain self esteem while impoverished what you loose when impoverished how to avoid being stinky how to prevent a diseased body hunger is better than sweets is racism in poverty is sexism in poverty is there any hope when impoverished who controls poverty what controls poverty what is a vampire can truth thrive in poverty can i get out of poverty A truth remains steadfast -is immutable what are agents of poverty I will elaborate on the time I printed 250 flyers....

"give a man fish and you will feed him for a day" mighty righteous yeah problem is caused by a many few in position ( those who engage in biblical buffoonery and religious racism )
they managed to forget and ignore a most important part of this equation is there any beauty in poverty can I control my weight while in impoverished how do I rewire myself to achieve better can I control my associations

how can I clean my mind

a truth ignores those who think themselves unaccountable How can I sleep better How can I feel more pleasant maybe even joyful what is process how can I protect myself from degeneration how can I protect myself from being horny how can I remain or become independent how can I remove deadweight

a truth laughs at materialistic hypocritical paganism,mythical propaganda

how do I avoid getting foot fungus some encounters from helpful persons you are single what do you need help for we are here to help only those who need our programs we cannot give help to just anyone who walks in off the street you talk too well to be in need of help we don't help people like you we don't have a program to fit your needs and more how can I avoid anxiety,frustration,depression,fear Always I am required to fill out several pages of personal information before they tell me to go and see someone else or we can't help you They are quick to tell me if I am interested in helping then they might be able to do something for me can I self develop a skill talent ability As I said charity is what I now refer to as slave labor watch out Black Man Also these same people who you trust to give your donations to are those who take anything and everything they choose and if anything remains then the needy receive avoid involvement with females until you achieve your ultimate goal avoid disgussing your goals-especially with females and faggots avoid jokes relating to race sex religion politics avoid loud mouthed (out spoken)gossiping ganging jealous humiliating talk avoid depending on hand outs( even when nothing else is available) avoid stupidness-rudolph red nosed-red riding hood-snow white-clicking your heels wishing the shit dont work ever avoid getting into conversations with known troublemakers especially when alone good day is often more than necessary how to determine when so-called help is working for you avoid nonproductive conversation-especially loud mouthed females -drama queens always looking around to see who is watching avoid those who belittle others how do I avoid bad /non productive thinking how to shield yourself from loud base conversation what is a mindset did you develop a sound personal philosophy how to dream effectivelyhow to keep working toward your goal how to discriminate between what is needed and when case worker is being nosey or simply seeking attention what resources do you possess NOW to help leverage you to your goal this is only a small segment of what to expect in your volume and more importantly I will answer all questions in simple easy to comprehend language and if you still want an even more detailed answer then contact me and we may go at it one on one remember: as you read I am often partially immersed in those moments ;so you might find yourself ( if sensitive enough) feeling some emotional tension

I know for a fact those charitable religious groups and all who become devoted members are intent on "keeping the poor among us" by giving fish to some men and solidifying degenerative bonds between females who love to hate males especially black males
How can you best help those impoverished avoid becoming one and do everything in your power to separate from any and every aspect of poverty disconnect and disassociate with all you know for a fact are content with existing in their protective environment following tradition (faithfully)and not offering solutions (not opinions) being fearful cowardly and petty minded as you can see everything is down to earth easy to understand and sensible though not necessarily common some thoughts you might remember giving attention your volume will introduce you to encounters I met as you travel through "my personal journey" I found those who demand honesty from me are biggest of dishonorable people they lack honour and many if not all necessary attributes required to lift themselves above and out of the muck and mire of racist hate generating tradition those same humans touting virtue are society's most criminal poverty is what enables overflow of jails and wasted expansion of acreage for hospitals and graves a society fueled by racism and sexism is degenerating a civilization thinking it can prosper by genocide of healthy ruddy black males is obviously doomed any body or firmament who holds said society will ( when its spirit develops )rebel and seek total destruction of all participating thought duly regarding it as abomination murdering black men and castration of others will immediately leave only a society of spineless cowardly bent worthless pukes free your mind and your ass will follow Mind In Exile is a volume about a personal life altering event Do you remember Alex Haley ROOTS well his editor thought my situation was important enough to write about unfortunately several unimportant jealous little ingrates interfered with this opportunity and we both lost contact with one another In the meantime I managed to proceed alone I started with the script and then start and continue with the volume ( I am still adding finishing touches now ) PS: I was on national cable and featured on several local tv shows as well as written up in newspapers Two well known tv shows resulted from my event as an attempt to explain what happened to me still I as well as they know not how it all happened nor why

PS: I got an exclusive for you so stay tuned and be ready you can make a bundle purchase for one time low investment Poverty Is A Curse Mind In Exile Contradictory Vegeey plus articles you may use as promotional products for your own profit OKAY heres the EXCLUSIVE DEAL PIAC + MIE +CV +ARTICLES you decide what it is worth and email me IF and ONLY IF I think it fair will I sell you my bundle as we agree NOTE also this is between you and I only some else may pay more so I suggest you keep silent PS I can and will turn the tables on you if you got loose lips If you are confused as to how this relates to poverty purchase and read you volume "poverty is a curse" and I can almost guarantee your eyes will be fully opened your question will be completely answered and your clouded mind will be less clouded and greatly freed a truth is self supporting PS I also noticed those named by titles eg angel etc are most decietful and hating among hypocrits and their close associates successfully ignore their base attributes all are christains ( christ stains) My journey I reveal all encounters a-z and more you might be able to profit from reading/studying you will extract something of value when you are open and ready you should be shamed by seeing how lazy tardy hateful jealous vane selfish and thoughtless you are anyone who can sit back and relax ( get slothful obeise senile)and calmly even be amused at barbaric pagan racist despicable genocide perpetuated against innocent ( and defenseless) little black boys black men and not even raise an eyebrow is something spewed from cast off abortion so foul it outstinks sewage burning human bodies and a field of rotted corpses snakes hiss-listen to conservations-notice anything peculiar-beside terminal gossip-note liberal hissing I am asking for donations of $10,000 dollars or more If $1000 dollars is more within your budget then thank you OR give within your means to assist me in this venerable cause I will be happy to explain in more detail when you make your donation Contradictory Vegeey as you probably perceive it is about vegetarian life PS: before MIND IN EXILE and after I managed to be a vegeey I also managed to bend the rules quite a bit and still be an authentic and honorable vegetarian I explain several things about life as a vegetarian especially when it involves survival in many different settings I intended for it to be a single book publish it and be done with it (1970) Over several years I was asked questions and ended up compiling my knowledge into a multi volume set probably four volumes now I see the disadvantaged deeply inmmersed in religion and gambling (lottery)(remember craps)-no family destruction and wholesale gambling ever existed on scale it is this hour DECEMBER 2011 Those satellite (bookie) stations throughout black communities killing family bonding and accelerating destruction of creative potentials Isn't this an example of devils handiwork now do you see who your devil is NOT Lucifer I said your devil Now I ask you What's Your Life Worth !? Where lies importance- a bmw already rusting (invisibly) on a side street a noble defiant little flower eagerly blossoming up through a crack in concrete a little bird cheerfully singing as it goes about its daily activities building repairing hunting feeding its young with a beak wings feet celestial mind divine humble heart humans are dumbhands mind feet machinery weapons houses jails and racism as well as all those other petty prejudices ALWAYS BITCHING ABOUT NOTHING EVERY DAY OF ITS MISERABLE POLUTING STINKY FOUL EXISTENCE
and leaving behind death destruction and decay
P.E.P.P 1970 All rights Reserved "Michael-D" 1990,2010,2011 Michael D All rights Reserved

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