7.3 Acids & Alkalis

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Lesson Plan for 7B1 on Tuesday 14th October P5

Time (From-To) Room (note facilities available) No. of pupils (M/F) Prior attainment range (use levels or Specification references

2:20 S4 grades if appropriate)

Topic title: Acids and Lesson focus Expected prior knowledge (from previous topics or lessons)
Lesson no.
Indicators Safety working with Acids and Alkalis

Outcomes (These should be specific, descriptive of pupils' learning and assessable. Numbered referencing may help here for differentiation and assessment purposes.)
All (pupils to support may be
listed here)
I know what an indicator is and what it is used for Level 4 L4

I can describe how litmus paper and methyl orange can be used to classify a
substance as an acid or an alkali Level 5

Some (higher attaining pupils

may be listed here)
I can explain how to test for acid and alkalis level 6


Safety including risk assessment and COSHH details Resources:

(from Hazcards). AS7 books
Worksheet C2 ( don’t hand out)
Investigation Sheets

Per Group:
3 Test tubes
Dil HCl and Dil NaOH
Test Tube Rack
Litmus Blue and Red
Methyl Orange
Dist water

Structure and sequence (Normally this should include entrance and /or starter activity at the beginning of the lesson and a plenary session at the end.)
Time Teacher Activities Pupil Activities Level (LSH)

2:20 – Greets students at door, reminds them to remove Students enter. Jackets and bags must be
2:25 jackets etc. left at rear of room, take out pencil case
and planners and collect books.
Take register & deal with latecomers.
Take down objectives

2:25 –
2:35 Starter:
Read page 37 and 38 and write in your
books a list of rules for using acids and
2:35 – Read page 39 aloud Read pg 40 “Using Indicators”
Ask what is an indicator Q 8 a-c
- Made from dyes
- Changes one colour for acid and another for

2:40 – Instruct students on practical

2:45 Collect 2 test tubes , 1 piece of litmus blue, 1 piece
litmus red, 1 methyl orange
Half fill test tube with each of the mystery
Test each one and decide if it is acid or alkali
2:45 – Collect Equipment
3:05 Carry out Investigation and write up
results on investigation sheet


Write up method

3:05 – Tidy

3:10 – Hot Seat


3:15 – Dismiss

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