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CLOULCE THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR THE FOODSERVICE PROFESSIONAL Second Edition Lendal H. Kotschevar, Ph.D., FMP. Valentino Luciani, CHE ‘WILEY John Wiley & Sons, Inc. “This hook sprinted on seid-fee paper: @ Copyright © 2007 by toes Wiky & Som In Al ght esr Pblished by fon Wiley & Sons, Ines Hooke, New Jere ‘No par ofthis plication may be eprodicd, stored ina retieval stem, or transite in ay frm permited der Section 1070108 ofthe 1976 Unite Stats Copyright Act, wthoat eter the prior switten permission ofthe Publisher, or ahorizton through parmen ofthe approprine per copy fee te the Copyright Clearance Cater, Ine 92 Round Dr (978) 750 Bo. fx (678) 70-70 or on the web at ww copyrightcom. Requests tothe Publisher for permission shoukd be ateseto the Permissions Department, Ion ley & Sons, Ini River Sircet, Hoboken, NI rot. [0] re Fa aot 748 S008 mit penmenordinatertwie.com Umit of LitiyyDisclaimer of Warranty: Whi the publisher and author have wed thar bes etots in preparing this book, they make wo representations or warrant wih resect othe sca oF complatenet ofthe contents of thisbook and specifally slain any implied waruntes of mer ‘chant eines fo a partir porpoe, No warrant may crete eMtond sles Fp reventaives er writen stes materiah The advice ands egies contained hersin may nt be table fir your situation. You shoul consalt with a professional where appropriate. Neier the publisher ‘ne autor sal beable for any fos of prot e any other connect clams including but not lined to specs incidental, aunsequeti or other damage. Gastomer Care Departrent within the United Sates (80) 62-2974 outide the United Stites at (1 5723995 of G7) Wiley sso publishes its ons in a variety af elestronc formats Some sontent tha! appears in print nay net be alle in dectrnie books. For me information about Wiley products sit our web brary of Congress Catalogig-in- Publication Datc ke Presenting urvce the ite ge forthe fedsesceprofessonal Lena chev, Lendal Henry 008 oteclevar, Valentine Lacione — an ed pcm. Includes Wbiowaphial erences an inde ISBNs 978 471475784 (pth) ISBN 01 47985 pb) 1. Feod sevice. 2, Food srvccempbyeesTeaningot: 1 Lacan, Yalentno. 1. Tie 12—deas aoasosstas rote inthe United Stites of America CONTENTS ix Preface a A Historicat OveRVIEW OF SERVICE 2_Introduction 2_ The Age of Service 3. Service: A Total Concept - 5 —_ 16 Chapter Summary 17 Chapter Review 17 Case Studies ? (2 , THE PROFESSIONAL SERVER 20 Introduction 20. Finding Work 20 Looking Professional 21 Demeanor and Attitude of Successfil Servers 24. Learning Skills 24 Product Knowledge 24 Suggestive Selling, 25. Organization 28 Tips 29 Unions 30. Laws Affecting Servers 33 Chapter Summary 34, Chapter Review 34 Case Studies , @) EXCEEDING Peopie’s NEEDS 36 Introduction 36 Managing Guest Complaints

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