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Nom: Roger Rovira Assignatura: angls Professora: Ester Berbel

1. Austria

2. typical food
3. monuments

Inhabited since ancient times, the territory of

Central Europe that is now Austria was occupied since pre-Roman times by various Celtic tribes. The Celtic kingdom of Norica was later attributed to the Roman Empire and become the province. After the fall of the Empire, the area was invaded by the Bavarian, Slavs and failures. Charlemagne conquered the area in 788 promoted the colonization and Christianity are introduced. As part of eastern France, the central areas of the territory of modern Austria were inherited in the house of Babenberg. This territory was known as the March of Austria and Orientalis Marchi or

Austria, also known as the Republic of Austria

(Republik sterreich in German) is a member country of the European Union with capital Vienna. has a population of 8.3 million people

Typical food
Wiener Schnitzel: the Venetians in the fifteenth

century put gold leaf on the food but they change for breadcrumbs. This recipe came to Vienna in the fifteenth century.

Salzburg Cathedral:

It is the oldest cathedral churches built in the style of the north Italian Alps, and the center of the old city.

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