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Political risk is becoming a growing concern for investors in the United States as the government plays a larger and hotter role in private enterprise because of the financial crisis. State intervention in economic affairs is always closely watched by investors for what it means for their decisions on where to allocate money, although this is usually more of a worry in emerging markets than in developed economies. Political risk is becoming more of a U.S. issue as some investors how over what they see as subjective disturbance by the government in business affairs. The corporation tax also cut from 30% to 28% by government to saves big company such Homejay large sum of money. Economic

Recent dissatisfaction in American housing and employment figures suggest the world's biggest economy is at an angle point. The jobs weakness was visible across a broad range of industries, from manufacturing to retail and high-tech companies. This is show the consumer are reduce of purchasing power and this also will directly to reduce the sales of the Homejay. However, thre are also some positive aspects. If Homejay has any vacamcy, the company will have more choice and people may even work for lower watges.

The war on Islamic terrorism: this should be presented as including the Iraq and Afghanistan wars or conflicts, but also as including the Homeland Defense and the attendant peril of our Constitutional and human rights. This will restrict the Homejay when they trying to export their product to those countries likes Malaysia or


Technology TQM introduce can help HomeJay to lower cost through decrease waste as fewer defective products and no need for separate. It also can higher employee morale such worker can motivated by extra responsibility, team work and involvement in decision of TQM. Beside that

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