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Questionnaire of TATA Nano

1. What is the first thing, which comes into your mind when you think
about NANO?
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2. Instead of purchasing a Bike, will you prefer to go for the NANO?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

3. Which feature of NANO attracts you most, that inspires you to go for
1. Price
2. Design
3. Mileage
4. Interior space
5. All the above
6. Cant say

4. Which colour of NANO would you prefer?

1. Red
2. Blue
3. White
4. Yellow
5. Silver
6. Other, Specify

5. For what purpose would you like to use NANO?

1. Will offer it to your children to use it in place of a two wheeler.
2. Will use as family car for shopping and travel.
3. Will prefer as a taxi.
4. Would like to offer as gift.
5. Any other, specify.................................

6. Do you think NANO is people's car

1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

7. Will you recommend NANO to your friends and relatives?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

8. Which small car would you prefer to buy?

1. Maruti 800
2. Tata NANO
3. Other..

9. How long can you wait for NANO?

1. 1-2 months
2. 2-4 months
3. 4-6 months
4. Cant wait

10. If the price of NANO rises, would you still purchase it?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

11. Will Tata be able to maintain the price of nano in future if there is hike in
cost of raw materials?
1. Yes

2. No 3. Cant say

12. How will you feel if NANO is used as a taxi?

1. Embarrass
2. Dont care
3. Cant say

13. Will there be traffic problem with the introduction of nano on Indian
1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

14. Can you trust NANO for safety?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Cant say

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