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Questions of general order 1. 2. 3. 4. In which year have the African nations cup begun?

(In 1957 in Soudan) What is the full name of headmaster of ENSEA? ( Koffi Nguessan) Before Mr Koffi Nguessan, who was the headmaster of ENSEA ? (Mr Yattien Amigu) In 1981 who was the president of these countries:

-Russia ? (Lonid Brejnev) - Mali ? (Le general moussa traor) -Niger ? (seyni kountch) -France ? (Franois Mitterand) 5. In which year the subprime crisis took place? (2005) 6. What is the capital of Egypt? (cairo) 7. In which year Ivory Coast Won the African Nations Cup? ( in 1992) Preterit and past participle of some verbs To steal (stole, stolen) To dwell (dwelled, dwelled or dwelt, dwelt)
To kneel (kneeled, kneeled or knelt, knelt) To freeze (froze, frozen) To smite (smote, smitten) Spelling

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