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Which of the following describes the OSI Class 3 transport (TP3) a) Do nothing b) Signaled Error Recovery c) Multiplexing d) Signalled error recovery and multiplexing 2. The issue of chekpointing and synchronization is handled by which layer a) Session Layer b) Transport Layer c) Pressentation layer d) Application Layer 3. In the OSI model, the responsibility for negotiating the encodings to be used in any perticular connection is entrusted upon a) Application Layer b) Session Layer c) Presentation Layer d) None of the above 4. TCP/IP is built on _________ technology a) Connection oriented b) Connection less c) Datagram d) Ethernet 5. IP addresses are ____ bit long a) 4 b) 64 c) 48 d) 32

a) 16 mbps 1000 mbps

b) 100 mbps d) 10 mbps


Router c) Final Destination d) Never 14. The source quench _________ message is used to control the rate at which datagrams are transmitted. a) IP b) ICMP d) TCP c) SNMP

8. The Synchronous Optical Network is an ANSI standard. A similar standard established in Europe is a) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy b) SONET c) Switched Multi megabit Data Service d) Distributed Queue Duel Bus 9. In the TCP/IP protocol family ___________ provides reliable transport service. a) Transport Protocol b) Transport Layer c) TCP d)All of above 10. IP address is a ___________ address. a) Network Layer Address b) Layer 2 address c) Hardware Address d) None of above 11. An IP address when logically ANDed with netmask, the result is _________________. a) Host Address b) Network Address c) Broadcast Address d) None of the above 12. Remote boot uses _______ protocol to discover IP address of diskless machine. a) ICMP b) SNMP ARP d) RARP c)

15. TCP establishes an end to end _______________ between the sender and receiver. a) Connection b) Virtual Circuit c) Path d) None of above 16. UDP is used with ___________________ Protocol. a) Trivial File Transfer b) ICMP c) LDAP d) All of above 17. IP is a ___________ protocol a) Routing Protocol b) Routed Protocol c) Both of above d) None of above 18. ______ is a complex data structure that contains details about a connection a) Socket b) Port d) None of above c) TCB

6. Which of the following is not a network operating system a) Windows for Workgroup over MSDOS b) Novell Netware c) Windows 95 d) None of the above 7. Fiber optic token ring networks operate at the speed of

20. The bind socket call is used to __________________________ a) Bind a local application to a remote application b) Bind a socket to local port c) Bind a socket to a remote port d) Bind a local port to a remote port

13. Once a datagram is fragmented in a IP network it is reassembled only at ____________. a) Next hope b) Next

21. Each SNMP managed object belongs to a ______________ a) Community b) Network c) Organization D) SNMP Group 22. RTCP is the ________________ protocol designed to work with RTP a) Application b) Control c) Network d) Transport 23. For block devices all I/O occurs through the _________________ a) Blocks b) Device c) Buffer cache d) None of above 24. _______ is a international standard file format for describing interactive 3D multimedia on the Internet. a) DHTML b) XML c) VRML d) None of above 25. ___________ is a distancevector routing protocol a) RIP b) IGRP d) All of above c) OSPF

28. OSPF features include __________________. a) Multi-Path routing b) Equal-cost c) Routing based on upper-layer TOS request d) All of above 29. IP address is assigned to a __________. a) Network b) Host c) Interface d) All of above 30. Token Ring network operate at a speed of a) 10 mbps b) 100 mbps 20 mbps d) 16 mbps c)

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given 35.IGNOMINY : DISLOYALTY :: fame : heroism death : victory derelict : fool martyr : man 36. EXPLOSION : DEBRIS :: flood : water famine : food fire : ashes disease : germ 37. Bland : Piquant :: inane : relevant charlatan : genuine slavish : servile terse : serious 38. NEGLIGENT : REQUIREMENT:: remiss : duty cogent :argument easy : hard careful : position Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word 39. FETTER : delay stretch comply thrive 40. SEDULOUS : rampant esoteric morose indolent 41. SUCCULENT : ordinary

31. Ethernet is an access method that strictly adheres to the a) CSMA/CD b) Token Passing c) SPX/IPS d) TCP/IP 32. 100BASET4 operates at 100 mbps using base band signaling and the media is a) Two stands of fiber b) Two pairs of data grade UTP c) Four pairs of telephone grade UTP d) None of the above 33 .Length of Ethernet address is a) 24 bit b) 12 bit bit d) 32 bit c) 48

26. IPng provides security through Authentication Headers and the default encryption method is ________ a) SSL b) Public Key c) MD5 d) None of above 27. RTSP is a ___________ protocol similar to HTTP a) Network Layer b) Internet c) Application Layer d) None of above

34. Frame Relay protocol is used for a) WAN b) LAN c) Token Ring networks d) None of the above

tasteless inexpensive invigorating 42. DORMANT : authoritative elastic active uninteresting 43. COURT : reject uncover infect subject

4 3 2 1 0 <------ans 47. Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a float pointer: float ptr; float *ptr; <------ans *float ptr; None of the above 48.If the following program (newprog) is run from the command line as:newprog 1 2 3 What would be the output of the following? void main (int argc, char*argv[]) { int I,j=0; for (I=0;I<argc;I++) j=j + atoi(argv[I]); printf("%d",j); } 123 6 123 Compilation error<------ans 49. Which of these are reasons for using pointers? 1. To manipulate parts of an array 2. To refer to keywords such as for and if 3. To return more than one value from a function 4. To refer to particular programs more conveniently 1 & 3<------ans only 1 only 3 None of these options 50. The code int i = 7; printf("%d\n", i++ * i++); prints 49 prints 56 <------ans is compiler dependent expression i++ * i++ is undefined

44. The expression x = 4 + 2 % -8 evaluates to -6 6 4 None of these options 45. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> main() { register int a=2; printf("\nAddress of a = %d,", &a); printf("\tValue of a = %d",a); Address of a,2 <------ans Linker error Compile time error None of these options 46. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; int i,*ptr; for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++) printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]);(as the 0=4,for -1 it becomes =3) } Error 65432 0 garbage garbage garbage garbage

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