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Question Number (1)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-Jonction Of Road With Other Small Road. 2-Slope Of Road. 3-Over Taking admitted.



Question number (2)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-No entry. 2-Prohibition of stopping. 3-Prohibition stopping and parking.



Question number (3)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-Stop 2-No parking 3-Go



Question number (4)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1- separating wane 2-Overtaking allowed on one side 3-Overtaking prohibited



Question number (5) When entering a roundabout , the right of way is for vehicles In the a roundabout Out of a roundabout coming from the right.



Question number (6)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-Go 2-Be ready to stop 3-Stop



Question number (7)

3.5 m

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-Forbdden for trucks more than 3,5m long. 2-Allowed for trucks more than 3,5m long. 3-Wide road 3,5m



Question number (8)


What The Meaning This Signal ?

1- Stopping 2-Cross 3-Priority road ahead



Question number (9)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1-Prohibition stopping and parking 2-No entry 3-No waiting



Question number (10)

What The Meaning This Signal ?

1- Go 2-Stop 3-reduce speed

The End
Good luck



Question number (11) What the meaning this signal 1- End of road 2- Road intersection 3-Intersection of main road with side road

Question number (11)

What the meaning this signal 1- End of road 2- Road intersection 3-Intersection of main road with side road



Question number (12) At the rainfall He advises

1-The avoidance of the brakes use. 2-The avoidance of the following on the dusty ways. 3-all the above

Question number (12) At the rainfall He advises

1-The avoidance of the brakes use. 2-The avoidance of the following on the dusty ways. 3-all the above



Question number (13)

What the meaning this signal

Mandatory direction One way mandatory Go straight

Question number (13)

What the meaning this signal

Mandatory direction One way mandatory Go straight



Question number (14)

No there difference between parts of original and commercial

1- Correct 2-False 3-Sometimes

Question number (14)

No there difference between parts of original and commercial

1- Correct 2-False 3-Sometimes



Question number (15)

What the meaning this signal

1-Overtaking prohibited 2-Overtaking allowed on one side 3-Separating wane

Question number (15) What the meaning this signal

1-Overtaking prohibited 2-Overtaking allowed on one side 3-Separating wane



Question number (16)

In circumstance the bad weather must be the driver

1- Slow down 2-Slow down with action 3-All the above

Question number (16)

In circumstance the bad weather must be the driver

1- Slow down 2-Slow down with attion 3-All the bove



Question number (17)

Avoid to slight light a car to the drivers in the night must be

1- Stop the light Avoid usage of head lights Attion usage of lights

Question number (17)

Avoid to slight light acar to the drivers in the night must be

Stop the light Avoid usage of head lights Attion usage of lights



Question number (18)

From the record the driver completes dropping the points

At the passage of a year

At the passage of a year with your non getting on its disobedient

It does not fall

Question number (18)

From the record the driver completes dropping the points

At the passage of a year

At the passage of a year with your non getting on its disobedient

It does not fall



Question number (19) What the meaning this signal

1-Work of place 2- Swing bridge 3-Railway intersection with gate

Question number (19) What the meaning this signal

1-Work of place 2- Swing bridge 3-Railway intersection with gate



Question number (20)

the reasons that lead to the explosion of the frameworks

1-increase of the carrying. 2-increase or the insufficiency of the air. 3-all the above

Question number (20)

the reasons that lead to the explosion of the frameworks

1-increase of the carrying. 2-increase or the insufficiency of the air. 3-all the above



Question number (21) What the meaning this signal

1-Turns 2-Work of place 3-Electrical cables

Question number (21) What the meaning this signal

1-Turns 2-Work of place 3-Electrical cables



Question number (22)

What the meaning this signal

1- No trucks 2-No buses 3-No cars

Question number (22) What the meaning this signal

1- No trucks 2-No buses 3-No cars



Question number (23)

At the approach of the driver from the intersection of his locking an iron, he stands at a distance of: 1-30m 2-50m 3-100m

Question number (23)

At the approach of the driver from the intersection of his locking an iron, he stands at a distance of: 1- 30m 2-50m 3-100m



Question number (24)

From the camels behaviors when it sees a vehicle it crosses the way goes a distant from the way its does not fear it and does not become far from it when she sees it stands its place.

Question number (24)

From the camels behaviors when it sees a vehicle it crosses the way goes a distant from the way its does not fear it and does not become far from it when she sees it stands its place.



Question number (25) What the meaning this signal

1-Attion 2-Stop 3-Descent across

Question number (25) What the meaning this signal

1-Attion 2-Stop 3-Descent across



Question number (26)

when stopping your vehicle in the way side, there is on you putting the safety triangle behind the vehicle at a distance of when stopping your vehicle in the way side, there is on you putting the safety triangle behind the vehicle at a distance of 1-50m 2-100m 3-70m

Question number (26)

when stopping your vehicle in the way side, there is on you putting the safety triangle behind the vehicle at a distance of when stopping your vehicle in the way side, there is on you putting the safety triangle behind the vehicle at a distance of 1-50m

2-100m 3-70m



Question number (27)

If was in the accident injured and the crime scene fire is not found, there is on you a movement the injured for their rescue 1-This making correct 2-This making false 3- This making correct sometimes

Question number (27)

If was in the accident injured and the crime scene fire is not found, there is on you a movement the injured for their rescue 1-This making correct 2-This making false 3- This making correct sometimes



Question number (28) What the meaning this signal

1-No entry 2-Prohibition of parking 3-No stopping

Question number (28) What the meaning this signal

1-No entry 2-Prohibition of parking 3-No stopping



Question number (29)

The maximum limit to the number of the points that interrogate drawing the license 1-12 point 2-18point 3-20point

Question number (29)

The maximum limit to the number of the points that interrogate drawing the license 1-12 point 2-18point 3-20point



Question number (30)

No allowed overtaking in higher or turns because:

The vision vanishes in the opposite direction found a fog prevents the vision. The fall of the rocks enables from the mountains and the heights

Question number (30)

No allowed overtaking in higher or turns because:

The vision vanishes in the opposite direction found a fog prevents the vision. The fall of the rocks enables from the mountains and the heights



Question number (31)

The traffic systems enjoin on each driver that leads his boat on the way in Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia that he is at him A full insurance against the accidents A mutual insurance against the others money

Question number (31)

The traffic systems enjoin on each driver that leads his boat on the way in Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia that he is at him A full insurance against the accidents A mutual insurance against the others money



Question number (32)

From the better to the driver the use of the low lights

1-On speed road 2-On entry way

3- Already

Question number (32)

From the better to the driver the use of the low lights

1-On speed road 2-On entry way

3- Already



Question number (33)

There are three categories of the frameworks (A.B.C) attribute the categories to Saudi Arabia circumstances with respect to the high temperature 1-C 2-C.B

3- B then A

Question number (33)

There are three categories of the frameworks (A.B.C) attribute the categories to Saudi Arabia circumstances with respect to the high temperature 1-C 2-C.B

3- B then A



Question number (34)

Out cities maximum speed to towing trucks

1-70Km\hour 2-80Km\hour


Question number (34)

Out cities maximum speed to towing trucks

1-70Km\hour 2-80Km\hour




Question number (35)

The driver license suspends when he arrives his account from the points. 1- 16 point 2- 18 point

3- 14 point

Question number (35)

The driver license suspends when he arrives his account from the points. 1- 16 point 2- 18 point

3- 14 point



Question number (36) What the meaning this signal

1-Mondatory direction 2-Traffic on of side

3-Turn right or left mandatory

Question number (36) What the meaning this signal

1-Mondatory direction 2-Traffic on of side

3-Turn right or left mandatory



Question number (37) What the meaning this signal

1- No entry 2- Closed to all vehicles in both direction

3- No parking

Question number (37) What the meaning this signal

1- No entry 2- Closed to all vehicles in both direction

3- No parking



Question number (38) There is a pushing power at the side of a vehicle, this power is know as :
1- Gravity 2- centrifugal power

3- Law of floatage

Question number (38) There is a pushing power at the side of a vehicle, this power is know as :
1- Gravity 2- centrifugal power

3- Law of floatage



Question number (39) Taking medicine of headache and flu

1- Never makes the driver sleepy 2- Often makes the driver sleepy

3- Not dangerous

Question number (39) Taking medicine of headache and flu

1- Never makes the driver sleepy 2- Often makes the driver sleepy

3- Not dangerous



Question number (40) What dose this sing mean?

1- Dangerous Ascent 2- Dangerous Descent

3- Mountain Zone

Question number (40) What dose this sing mean?

1- Dangerous Ascent 2- Dangerous Descent

3- Mountain Zone



Question number (41)

What dose this sing mean?

1- Dangerous Ascent

2- Dangerous Descent

3- Mountain Zone

Question number (41)

What dose this sing mean?

1- Dangerous Ascent

2- Dangerous Descent

3- Mountain Zone



Question number (42) Should Drivers follow the speed Limits in all circumstances ?
1- Yes in all circumstances

2- shouldnt follow but considering the Road status, weather and ambient circumstances

3- As the driver wants

Question number (42) Should Drivers follow the speed Limits in all circumstances ?
1- Yes in all circumstances
2- shouldnt follow but considering the Road status, weather and ambient circumstances

3- As the driver wants



Question number (43) What dose the existence of tow solid Lines in the middle of the road mean ?
1- Overtaking is allowed 2- Overtaking is not allowed

3- No parking

Question number (44) What dose the existence of tow solid Lines in the middle of the road mean ?
1- Overtaking is allowed 2- Overtaking is not allowed

3- No parking



Question number (45) What dose the driver do to switch Between tracks ?
1- Using light signals and let others know this 2- High light

3- Low light

Question number (45) What dose the driver do to switch Between tracks ?
1- Using light signals and let others know this 2- High light

3- Low light



Question number (46) What is the blind area ?

1- The area you can see without moving the head 2- The area you can not see without moving the head 3- The area you can not see Form the back mirror

Question number (46) What is the blind area ?

1- The area you can see without moving the head 2- The area you can not see without moving the head 3- The area you can not see Form the back mirror



Question number (47) Why is overtaking prohibited in heights and bends ?

1- The opposite direction is not visible 2- Fog prevents visibility 3- Rocks may fall from mountains and heights

Question number (47)

Why is overtaking prohibited in heights and bends ?

1- The opposite direction is not visible

2- Fog prevents visibility

3- Rocks may fall from mountains and heights



Question number (48) Researches and studies confirm that safety belt helps to ?
1- Reduce accidents 2- Reduce the potential injuries and severe damage on accidents 3- Stop moving inside the vehicle

Question number (48) Researches and studies confirm that safety belt helps to ?
1- Reduce accidents 2- Reduce the potential injuries and severe damage on accidents 3- Stop moving inside the vehicle



Question number (49) To what extent a pregnant woman needs a safety belt ?
1- Very necessary 2- Unnecessary

3- Dangerous

Question number (49) To what extent a pregnant woman needs a safety belt ?
1- Very necessary 2- Unnecessary

3- Dangerous



Question number (50) Committing legal traffic violation means :

1- Paying a fine 2- Adding points to the drivers log 3- Paying a fine and adding points to the drivers log

Question number (50) Committing legal traffic violation means :

1- Paying a fine 2- Adding points to the drivers log 3- Paying a fine and adding points to the drivers log


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