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What is climate?

climate is the average pattern of weather in a place.

Global Warming

to 0.23 degree Celsius is risen in air temperature per decade. It is the most the rapid increase of temperature in the last 12000 years.

The main cause toward climate change!

Human activities that are...


contributors to possible climate change:


oil, and natural gas, when burned release carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas

Carbon dioxide emission


dioxide concentration has increase from 280ppm(parts per million by volume) to now 385ppm. If current emission rate of carbon dioxide continue, it will rise until 450ppm by year 2040. Every rise of 40ppm will bring one degree of Celsius in air temperature. The emission rate is 2 to 3 ppm per years.

modest contributors to possible climate change:


when wood is burned, the carbon contained in the trees is released as carbon dioxide. When wood rots in swamps methane can be produced. Living trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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