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PHYLUM Platyhelminthes Flatworms

Facts: 20,000 species Both free-living and parasitic species Can be free-living species can be nearly microscopic Flat worms can be over 20m long Worm is not a taxonomic name but term for animals with long, thin bodies Evolutionary History: Evolved over 500 million years ago platyhelminth means flattened dorsoventrally or flat worm

Characteristics: Live in marine, freshwater, and damp terrestrial habitats Undergo triploblastic development Flat shape places all cells close to the surrounding water

o Enables gas exchange and the elimination of nitrogenous waste (ammonia) to occur by diffusion across the body surface o Relatively simple excretory apparatus functions to maintain osmotic balance with surroundings o Apparatus consists of ciliated cells called flame bulbs that waft fluid through branched ducts opening to the outside

3 main types:
1st - Tapewormscanals 2nd - Planariansthicker 3rd - Flukescanal ANATOMY

Bilateral symmetry Central nervous system processes info from the eyes and other sensory structures No body cavity or organs for circulation: acoelomates Thin bodies between the dorsal and ventral surfaces


Filter feeders

Reproduction: Most are hermaphrodites

CLASSES: Calcarea-calcerous sponges, having spicules




Demospongiae-horn sponges (like bath sponge)

Homoscleromorpha Phakellia Challnula

Sclerospongiae-coralline/tropical reef sponge

Callyspongia Sclero Lycos

Hexactinellida-glass sponge





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