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BladeLogic Network Shell Command Reference

Version 7.4.3

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2008 BladeLogic, Inc. All rights reserved. This product or document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, reproduction, distribution and decompilation. No part of this product or document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of BladeLogic, Inc. BladeLogic, Enabling Continuous Configuration, and Network Shell are registered trademarks or trademarks of BladeLogic, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. BladeLogic reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions asset forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at FAR 52.227-7013. BladeLogic, Inc. 10 Maguire Road, Building 3 Lexington, MA 02140

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Network Shell Command Reference


The Network Shell (NSH) commands are file manipulation utilities designed to look and feel like their UNIX counterparts. The difference is that the NSH commands are able to access and manipulate both local and remote files without using NFS/RFS or the .rhost remote authentication mechanisms. Using the NSH commands, you can manage your network of UNIX and Windows machines as one large host. You can perform system administrative functions on multiple remote hosts from a single machine. Instead of having to rlogin or telnet to a host to see what is going is on, or to make a quick change, you can just use the NSH commands to access files on local and remote hosts directly from the command line. You can use the NSH commands to write new scripts, or modify existing scripts and make them distributed. The Network Shell Command Reference provides both summarized and complete descriptions of all commands and utilities available in Network Shell. Use this document as follows:

To view summarized descriptions of commands and utilities, see the alphabetized table in Summarized Descriptions of Commands. To view complete descriptions of commands and utilities, see Complete Descriptions of Commands.

Authenticating with Network Shell

When you use Network Shell in conjunction with a Network Shell Proxy Server, you must first authenticate. Once you successfully authenticate, you are issued a session credential, which grants you access to the proxy server. If you are using Network Shell interactively, you can either obtain a session credential using Configuration Manager or Provisioning Manager or you can use the blcred command line utility. If you are running Network Shell in batch mode, you must use blcred to obtain a session credential. For more information about blcred, refer to the blcred man page or see the BladeLogic Administration Guide, which describes typical scenarios for using the utility.

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Network Shell Command Reference


ZSH Support
Network Shell supports both 4_0_4 and 4_3_4 versions of ZSH. By default, Network Shell calls the 4_0_4 version of ZSH. If you want to access the newer version of ZSH, do the following:

1 2

Cd to <BladeLogic install directory>\bin. By default, this is C:\Program Files\BladeLogic\OM\bin on Windows and /usr/nsh/bin on UNIX. Do one of the following:

On UNIX, enter the following commands:

mv nsh nsh-4_0_4 ln s zsh-4_3_4 nsh

On Windows, do the following:

a b

Rename the existing "nsh.exe" executable to "nsh-4_0_4.exe". Copy the "zsh-4_3_4.exe" executable to "nsh.exe".

Summarized Descriptions of Commands

The following table provides a brief description of all Network Shell commands and utilities.
Network Shell Command Description

agentctl agentinfo autolic awk bl_gen_ssl bl_srp_agent blcred blexpr blkeylogman bllogman blquery

Controls the functions of an RSCD agent. Provides information about an RSCD agent. Licenses RSCD agents using a web service. Scans files for specified patterns. Creates an X.509 certificate. Activates a user information cache on UNIX.

Manages authentication profiles, session credentials, and trusted certificates.

Creates and evaluates an expression based on input in the form of arguments. Remotely manages keystroke logfiles on a machine running an RSCD agent. Remotely manages live RSCD agent logfiles. Extends the functionality of blexpr by providing functions that are able to query the asset types supported by the BladeLogic environment.

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Network Shell Command



Utility for compressing files using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considerably better than that achieved by more conventional compressors. Concatenates and prints files. Sets or changes the agent password on one or more Windows servers that have the BladeLogicRSCD agent running. Changes group (and user) ownership of files. Changes the mode (protection attributes) of a file. Changes user (and group) ownerships of files. Changes the current role. Display file checksums and block counts. Compares the content of two files checking to see if they are identical. Removes columns from a file. Selects or rejects lines common to two files. Compresses data. Copies files. Converts data in a comma-separated value format to XML format. Selects portions of each line of a file. Converts and copies a file. Compares the differences between files and directories. Executes a remote df command. Synchronizes two directories. Displays disk usage information for files. Echoes arguments. Expands tabs to spaces. Extracts specified fields from a data row. Determines file type. Walks a file hierarchy. Filters the contents of files to limit line length. Prints fully qualified domain name of the current or specified host. Extracts files from a ZIP archive in a pipe.

cat chapw chgrp chmod chown chrole cksum cmp colrm comm compress cp csv2xml cut dd diff df dsync du echo expand fields file find fold fdqn funzip

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Network Shell Command


getlic grep head hexdump hgrep hostname join lam less lesskey link ln ls man md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mv ncp ncpu ndf ndircmp ndsync nexec nlogin nmem nnet nohup

Gets remote license data from RSCD agents. Searches files and selects lines matching specified patterns. Displays the first few lines of a file. Performs an ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, or octal dump. Highlights the results of a grep. Prints the name of the current host. Provides a relational database operator. Outputs files side by side. Displays files on a CRT. Specifies key bindings that are used by the less command. Creates a link to a file. Creates a link to a file. Lists the contents of a directory. Get man pages from a remote host. Calculate the MD5 checksum of files. Create directories. Creates a named pipe. Creates a special file. Moves or renames files. Copies/synchronizes multiple sources to multiple destinations. Displays CPU information. View usage statistics from one or more hosts. Compares contents of multiple directories. Copies/synchronizes multiple sources to multiple destinations. Provides an interface for running remote commands. Log in to a remote host. View memory and swap statistics from one or more hosts. Displays network adaptor configuration data for one or more servers. Invokes a command immune to hangups.

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Network Shell Command


nover nprocsum nps nsh NSH-Perl nshopt nshpath nstats ntop nukecert nunzip order paste pax pkgadd pr prune putcert putlic redi renice rm rmdir rscd rsu runcmd runscript

Displays a system overview in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. Displays process summary from one or more hosts. Displays process information from one or more hosts. Outlines the differences between Network Shell and other shells. Describes the use of the Network Shell Perl module. Tests different network write buffer sizes. Shows the path where an nsh executable resides. Displays a system overview in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. Provides a collection of commands used to view information and statistics for one or more servers. Removes certificates from servers. Decompresses or compresses files. Sorts a list of strings (or lines) in a specified order. Merges corresponding or subsequent lines of files. Reads and writes file archives and copies directory hierarchies. Provides a Network Shell wrapper to the pkgadd command. Print files. Prunes log files to a specified size. Pushes a certificate generated by bl_gen_ssl to one or more servers. Uses raw licensing data to license remote RSCD agents. Used in conjunction with getlic. Redirects input to a file. Alters the priority of running processes. Removes a file. Removes an empty directory. Describes the Remote System Call Daemon (the RSCD agent). Runs an NSH command with alternate privileges. Runs a Network Shell command on one or more hosts. Runs a Network Shell script on one or more hosts.

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Network Shell Command


scriptutil sdiff secadmin sed sort split strings su tail tar tee test touch tr uname uncompress uncp unexpand uniq unlink unzip unzipsfx uuencode uudecode version vi vsh vshview vtree

Copies and executes scripts on remote servers. Compares the differences between files and directories side-by-side. Defines encryption security when modifying the secure file. Provides a stream editor. Sorts or merges text files. Splits a file into pieces. Finds printable strings in a file. Substitutes a user identity. Outputs the last part of files. Reads and writes file archives and copies directory hierarchies. Copies standard input to standard output, making copies of the input. Tests the value of an expression. Changes the last update and modification times of a file. Translates or deletes characters. Prints the operating system name. Expands compressed data. Uncopies files that were backed up during a cp or dsync. Replaces spaces with tabs (see also expand). Reports or filters out repeated lines in a file. Unlinks a file and/or directory. Lists, tests, and extracts compressed files in a ZIP archive. Provides a self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives. Encodes a binary file. Decodes a binary file. Tells what version of BladeLogic software is installed on a server. Provides a text editor. Starts a shell and captures input and output. Views the log files created by vsh. Shows the directory structure of a file system.

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Network Shell Command


wc zcat zip zipcloak zipgrep zipinfo zipnote zipsplit zshall

Counts the number of lines, words, and/or characters in a file. Expands compressed data. (zcat is an alias for uncompress.) Packages and compresses (archives) files. Packages and compresses (archives) files. Searches files in an archive for lines matching a pattern. Lists detailed information about an archive. Packages and compresses (archives) files. Packages and compresses (archives) files. Provides man pages for Network Shells preferred command interpreter, the Z shell.

Complete Descriptions of Commands

The following pages provide complete documentation for all commands and utilities available in Network Shell other than the BladeLogic configuration files. To view documentation for a particular command, use Adobe Acrobat to click on the bookmark for that command. When viewed in Acrobat, bookmarks are listed alphabetically on the left.

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

Network Shell Command Reference


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


agentctl Control the functions of an RSCD agent

agentctl [-b] [-f] [-q] [-r] [-v] \ list | start | stop | kill | restart | exec cmd [args]

The agentctl command lets you control the running of the RSCD agent. This command is part of the agent distribution and controls only the agent on the local machine. You cannot control remote agents with this command. (Note that you can use the nexec command to remotely control the server agent.) The following actions are supported: list start List the current agent processes that are running. This list uses a style similar to the UNIX ps command. Start the agent on the local server. If the agent is already running, then a warning message is output and the operation is aborted unless you specied the -f or -r options. On UNIX systems, you must have root privileges to use this command. Otherwise the agent will not start. On Windows systems the BladeLogic RSCD Agent service is started. stop Stop all RSCD agent processes on the local machine. If no agent processes are running, a corresponding warning message is output. On UNIX systems, when a sub-agent starts, it creates a new process group. When you issue the stop command, a SIGHUP (hangup) is rst sent to all processes in the respective process groups, followed by a SIGINT (interrupt) one second later, followed by a SIGKILL (-9) one second later again. This hopes to allow processes to gently exit before they are forcefully terminated. On Windows systems, the BladeLogic RSCD Agent service is stopped. kill The option is similar to the stop command, except that on UNIX systems it does not try to gently terminate the processes, but rather just sends the SIGKILL (-9) to each respective process group. This option is recommended only when you need to halt immediately. This option is a combination of doing a stop followed by a start. This is not just a convenience command -- the restart command also lets you restart an agent remotely, using the nexec command, as described below. Once you issue a stop command, a remote start is no longer possible, because the agent is no longer running to service the nexec command. However, the restart command has been specically designed to survive the agent going down while restart is still running. restart accomplishes this by changing its own process group ID, which allows it to run independently of the agent. To use this functionality, invoke restart with the -b option. For example, to remotely restart an agent, use the following syntax: nexec hostname agentctl -b restart The agentctl command attempts to automatically determine if its parent process is an agent. If it determines that its parent process is an agent, it automatically turns on the -b option.




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This option is similar to the restart command, but with the added ability to execute a given command between the stop and the start. When performing a restart create a new sub-process with a separate process group ID to do the actual work and just exit. This operation is necessary to be able to remotely restart an agent, because stopping an agent will also stop all sub-processes of the same process group ID. agentctl will attempt to automatically determine if its parent process is an agent. If it determines that its parent process is an agent, it automatically turns on the -b option.



When starting an agent, either through the start, restart, or exec command, the default is not to start the agent if agentctl detects than an agent is already running. With this option, agentctl will always try to start the agent. Quiet mode. With this option, agentctl does not output warning messages. stdin, stdout, and stderr are all redirected from/to /dev/null (UNIX) or nul (Windows), so that no messages are displayed when the agent is started. Pass the -r option to the agent (UNIX only). The agent -r option tells the agent to retry (approximately every 10 seconds) listening on the effective TCP port, if the port is already being listened on. Verbose option. With this option, agentctl generates more output to let you know what the program is doing.




sol8dev# agentctl list HOSTNAME USER PID CPU MEM VSIZE RSS PRI START TIME COMMAND sol8dev root 6086 0.0 0.8 4520 1840 0 14:45:15 0:00 rscd sol8dev root 6085 0.0 1.2 4656 2968 0 14:45:15 0:00 rscd sol8dev# agentctl -v stop Stopping pid 6086 ... Stopping pid 6085 ... Stopping pid 8488 ... sol8dev# agentctl restart agentctl: Warning - RSCD agent currently not running rscd - Copyright (C) 1996-2003, BladeLogic Inc. sol8dev# nexec winhost agentctl -b restart

agentctl exits with a value of 0 if the requested operation was fullled without any problems or issues. Otherwise it exits with a non zero value.

agentctl was written by Thomas Kraus




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


agentinfo Output information about remote RSCD agents.

agentinfo [-?] [-c] [-H] [-f le] [hostname ...]

The agentinfo command gives an overview of generally important information about a remote agent. agentinfo outputs the information in the following manner: Agent Release : Hostname : Operating System: User Permissions: Host ID : # of Processors : License Status : solarishost SunOS 5.8 4507/51 (tmk/sw) 80F8EC76 1 Expires Mon May 12 14:58:38 2005

Note that, by design, the number of processors reported by agentinfo does not consider hyperthreading. If you need CPU counts which account for hyperthreading, use either the ncpu or nover commands. With no arguments, agentinfo outputs data about the current remote host. If the current directory is on the local host, agentinfo displays a message to that effect. You can also specify the names or I.P. addresses of the hosts for which you want information. Put a space between each host name.

-? -c -H Displays a general usage message. Tells agentinfo to output the data in a CSV (comma separated value) format. By default, the CSV le includes a header line. You can turn off the header line with the -H option. Do not output a header.

-f lename A at le containing the names or I.P. addresses of the hosts for which you want information. List one host per line. hostname The names or I.P. addresses of the hosts for which you want information. Put a space between each host name.

Display information about the current remote host. nsh% cd //linuxhost/ linuxhost% agentinfo Agent Release : Hostname : linuxhost Operating System: Linux 2.4.2-2 User Permissions: 4507/51 (tmk/man) Host ID : 44434057 # of Processors : 1 License Status : Licensed for NSH, Configuration Manager Display information about multiple hosts. nsh% agentinfo solarishost windowshost solarishost: Agent Release :



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Hostname : Operating System: User Permissions: Host ID : # of Processors : License Status : windowshost: Agent Release : Hostname : Operating System: User Permissions: Host ID : # of Processors : License Status :

solarishost SunOS 5.8 4507/51 (tmk/sw) 80F8EC76 1 Expires Mon May 12 14:58:38 2005 windowshost WindowsNT 5.0 SYSTEM F454127F 1 Licensed for NSH, Configuration Manager

The agentinfo utility was written by Thomas Kraus.

ncpu (1), nover (1), version(1)



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autolic License RSCD agents via web service

autolic [-luexvV] [-f le] [-c count] user password [host1 ... hostn] autolic [-proxyHost <host>] [-proxyPort <port>] [-proxyUser <user>] [-proxyPass <pass>]

The autolic command lets you license RSCD agents in a single step via the BladeLogic licensing web service. Previously the licensing of an agent consisted of three steps: 1 2 3 Run the getlic command to gather data required for licensing. Login to the BladeLogic support website, upload the license le created by the getlic command, and then download the generated license.dat le. Apply the licenses with the putlic command.

The autolic command combines these three steps into a single non-interactive step.

The following four options allow you to select a subset of hosts based on their current license status. You can specify more than one option. If you do not include any of these four options, autolic processes all the hosts you specify, regardless of their license status. -l -u -e -x user password Your registered password for the above user on the BladeLogic support website. -c <count> The number of CPUs in the license request. -v -V Verbose output detailing individual steps. Debug output. In most cases, do not use this option. Display license information for hosts that currently have a valid permanent license. License hosts that are currently un-licensed. License hosts that currently have a valid evaluation (timed) license. License hosts that currently have an expired evaluation license. Your registered username on the BladeLogic support website.

Other options include:

-f lename Instead of listing your hosts one at a time on the command line as arguments, you can use this option to point to a le containing a list of hosts for which you want license information. List one host per line. host1 ... hostn List of hosts for which you want to retrieve license information. -proxyHost host Hostname of the proxy server -proxyPort port Port to connect to on the proxy server -proxyUser user User to connect to the proxy server as -proxyPass pass Password to use to connect to the proxy server



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host $ autolic -u username bombay : Licensed for madras : Licensed for bagalore : Licensed for password bombay madras bagalore NSH/CM NSH/CM NSH/CM

If you need to go through a proxy, you must update the autolic conguration le called share/autolic.conf (from the NSH install directory). Running the following command will Add/Modify the entries in autolic.conf: host $ autolic -proxyHost -proxyPort \ 8080 -proxyUser username -proxyPass password # # Proxy information # proxyport=8080 proxyuser=username proxypassword=password Adjust values as required. If you are going through a non-authenticating proxy, do not set the proxyuser and proxypassword entries.

You cannot select the license type (evaluation or permanent). Instead, the BladeLogic licensing server automatically determines the license type, based on the your current customer/prospect status. For autolic to function properly, the host from which you launch autolic must have Internet access through port 80. If Internet access is not available or if port 80 is blocked (for example, by a rewall), then use the getlic and putlic commands described above to license your agents.

autolic was written by Thomas Kraus

getlic(NSH), putlic(NSH), agentinfo(NSH).



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


awk - pattern-directed scanning and processing language

awk [-safe] [-V] [-d[n]] [-F fs] [-v var=value] [prog | -f progle] le ... nawk ...

Awk scans each input le for lines that match any of a set of patterns specied literally in prog or in one or more les specied as -f progle. With each pattern there can be an associated action that will be performed when a line of a le matches the pattern. Each line is matched against the pattern portion of every patternaction statement; the associated action is performed for each matched pattern. The le name - means the standard input. Any le of the form var=value is treated as an assignment, not a lename, and is executed at the time it would have been opened if it were a lename. The options are as follows: -d[n] -F fs Debug mode. Set debug level to n, or 1 if n is not specied. A value greater than 1 causes awk to dump core on fatal errors. Dene the input eld separator to be the regular expression fs.

-f lename Read program code from the specied le lename instead of from the command line. -safe Disable le output (print >, print >>), process creation (cmd | getline, print |, system) and access to the environment (ENVIRON; see the section on variables below). This is a rst (and not very reliable) approximation to a safe version of . Print the version number of awk to standard output and exit.


-v var=value Assign value to variable var before prog is executed; any number of -v options may be present. The input is normally made up of input lines (records) separated by newlines, or by the value of RS. If RS is null, then any number of blank lines are used as the record separator, and newlines are used as eld separators (in addition to the value of FS). This is convenient when working with multi-line records. An input line is normally made up of elds separated by whitespace, or by the regular expression FS. The elds are denoted $1, $2, ..., while $0 refers to the entire line. If FS is null, the input line is split into one eld per character. Normally, any number of blanks separate elds. In order to set the eld separator to a single blank, use the -F option with a value of [ ]. If a eld separator of t is specied, awk treats it as if had been specied and uses <TAB> as the eld separator. In order to use a literal t as the eld separator, use the -F option with a value of [t]. A pattern-action statement has the form pattern { action } A missing { action } means print the line; a missing pattern always matches. Pattern-action statements are separated by newlines or semicolons. Newlines are permitted after a terminating statement or following a comma (,), an open brace (()), a logical AND (&&), a logical OR (||), after the do or else keywords, or after the closing parenthesis of an if , for, or while statement. Additionally, a backslash () can be used to escape a newline between tokens. An action is a sequence of statements. A statement can be one of the following: if (expression) statement [else statement] while (expression) statement for (expression; expression; expression) statement for (var in array) statement



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary do statement while (expression) break continue { [statement ...]} expression # commonly var = expression print [expression-list][>expression] printf format [..., expression-list][>expression] return [expression] next # skip remaining patterns on this input line nextle # skip rest of this le, open next, start delete array[expression]# delete an array element delete array # delete all elements of array exit [expression]# exit immediately; status is expression


Statements are terminated by semicolons, newlines or right braces. An empty expression-list stands for $0. String constants are quoted "", with the usual C escapes recognized within (see printf(1) for a complete list of these). Expressions take on string or numeric values as appropriate, and are built using the operators + * / % (exponentiation), and concatenation (indicated by whitespace). The operators ! ++ -- += -= *= /= %= = > >= < <= == != ?: are also available in expressions. Variables may be scalars, array elements (denoted x[i]) or elds. Variables are initialized to the null string. Array subscripts may be any string, not necessarily numeric; this allows for a form of associative memory. Multiple subscripts such as [i,j,k] are permitted; the constituents are concatenated, separated by the value of SUBSEP (see the section on variables below)). The print statement prints its arguments on the standard output (or on a le if >le or >>le is present or on a pipe if | cmd is present), separated by the current output eld separator, and terminated by the output record separator. le and cmd may be literal names or parenthesized expressions; identical string values in different statements denote the same open le. The printf statement formats its expression list according to the format (see printf(3)). Patterns are arbitrary Boolean combinations (with ! || &&) of regular expressions and relational expressions. Regular expressions are as in egrep(1). Isolated regular expressions in a pattern apply to the entire line. Regular expressions may also occur in relational expressions, using the operators and !. /re/ is a constant regular expression; any string (constant or variable) may be used as a regular expression, except in the position of an isolated regular expression in a pattern. A pattern may consist of two patterns separated by a comma; in this case, the action is performed for all lines from an occurrence of the rst pattern through an occurrence of the second. A relational expression is one of the following: expression matchop regular-expression expression relop expression expression in array-name (expr, expr, ...) inarray-name where a relop is any of the six relational operators in C, and a matchop is either (matches) or ! (does not match). A conditional is an arithmetic expression, a relational expression, or a Boolean combination of these. The special patterns BEGIN and END may be used to capture control before the rst input line is read and after the last. BEGIN and END do not combine with other patterns. Variable names with special meanings: ARGC ARGV Argument count, assignable. Argument array, assignable; non-null members are taken as lenames.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary CONVFMT Conversion format when converting numbers (default "%.6g"). ENVIRON Array of environment variables; subscripts are names. FILENAME The name of the current input le. FNR FS NF NR OFMT OFS ORS Ordinal number of the current record in the current le. Regular expression used to separate elds; also settable by option -F fs.


Number of elds in the current record. $NF can be used to obtain the value of the last eld in the current record. Ordinal number of the current record. Output format for numbers (default "%.6g"). Output eld separator (default blank). Output record separator (default newline).

RLENGTH The length of the string matched by the match() function. RS RSTART The starting position of the string matched by the match() function. SUBSEP Separates multiple subscripts (default 034). Input record separator (default newline).

The awk language has a variety of built-in functions: arithmetic, string, input/output and general. Arithmetic Functions atan2(y, x) Return the arctangent of y/x in radians. cos(x) exp(x) int(x) log(x) rand() sin(x) sqrt(x) Return the cosine of x, where x is in radians. Return the exponential of x. Return x truncated to an integer value. Return the natural logarithm of x. Return a random number, n, such that 0<=n<1. Return the sine of x, where x is in radians. Return the square root of x.

srand(expr) Sets seed for rand() to expr and returns the previous seed. If expr is omitted, the time of day is used instead. String Functions gsub(r, t, s) The same as sub() except that all occurrences of the regular expression are replaced. gsub() returns the number of replacements. index(s, t) The position in s where the string t occurs, or 0 if it does not.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary length(s) The length of s taken as a string, or of $0 if no argument is given.


match(s, r) The position in s where the regular expression r occurs, or 0 if it does not. The variable RSTART is set to the starting position of the matched string (which is the same as the returned value) or zero if no match is found. The variable RLENGTH is set to the length of the matched string, or -1 if no match is found. split(s, a, fs) Splits the string s into array elements a[1], a[2], ..., a[n] and returns n. The separation is done with the regular expression fs or with the eld separator FS if fs is not given. An empty string as eld separator splits the string into one array element per character. sprintf(fmt, expr, ...) The string resulting from formatting expr, ... according to the printf(3) format fmt. sub(r, t, s) Substitutes t for the rst occurrence of the regular expression r in the string s. If s is not given, $0 is used. An ampersand (&) in t is replaced in string s with regular expression r. A literal ampersand can be specied by preceding it with two backslashes (\). A literal backslash can be specied by preceding it with another backslash (\). sub() returns the number of replacements. substr(s, m, n) Return at most the n-character substring of s that begins at position m counted from 1. If n is omitted, or if n species more characters than are left in the string, the length of the substring is limited by the length of s. tolower(str) Returns a copy of str with all upper-case characters translated to their corresponding lower-case equivalents. toupper(str) Returns a copy of str with all lower-case characters translated to their corresponding upper-case equivalents. Input/Output and General Functions close(expr) Closes the le or pipe expr. expr should match the string that was used to open the le or pipe. cmd | getline [var] Read a record of input from a stream piped from the output of cmd. If var is omitted, the variables $0 and NF are set. Otherwise var is set. If the stream is not open, it is opened. As long as the stream remains open, subsequent calls will read subsequent records from the stream. The stream remains open until explicitly closed with a call to close(). fush(expr) Flushes any buffered output for the le or pipe expr. expr should match the string that was used to open the le or pipe. getline Sets $0 to the next input record from the current input le. This form of getline sets the variables NF, NR, and FNR. getline returns 1 for a successful input, 0 for end of le, and -1 for an error.

getline var Sets $0 to variable var. This form of getline sets the variables NR and FNR. getline returns 1 for a successful input, 0 for end of le, and -1 for an error. getline [var] < le Sets $0 to the next record from le. If var is omitted, the variables $0 and NF are set. Otherwise var is set. If le is not open, it is opened. As long as the stream remains open, subsequent calls will read subsequent records from le. le remains open until explicitly closed with a call to close().



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary system(cmd) Executes cmd and returns its exit status. Functions may be dened (at the position of a pattern-action statement) thusly: function foo(a, b, c) { ...; return x }


Parameters are passed by value if scalar, and by reference if array name; functions may be called recursively. Parameters are local to the function; all other variables are global. Thus local variables may be created by providing excess parameters in the function denition.

Print lines longer than 72 characters: length($0) > 72 Print rst two elds in opposite order: { print $2, $1 } Same, with input elds separated by comma and/or blanks and tabs: BEGIN { FS = ",[ ]*|[ ]+" } { print $2, $1 } Add up rst column, print sum and average: { s += $1 } END { print "sum is", s, " average is", s/NR } Print all lines between start/stop pairs: /start/, /stop/ Simulate echo(1): BEGIN { # Simulate echo(1) for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) printf "%s ", ARGV[i] printf "0 exit } Print an error message to standard error: { print "error!" > "/dev/stderr" }

egrep(1), lex(1), printf(1), sed(1), printf(3) A. V. Aho, B. W. Kernighan, and P. J. Weinberger, The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-07981-X.

An awk utility appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.

There are no explicit conversions between numbers and strings. To force an expression to be treated as a number add 0 to it; to force it to be treated as a string concatenate "" to it. The scope rules for variables in functions are a botch; the syntax is worse.

/**************************************************************** Copyright (C) Lucent Technologies 1997 All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name Lucent Technologies or any of its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specic, written prior permission. LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL LUCENT OR ANY OF ITS ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/



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bl_gen_ssl create an X.509 certicate


The bl_gen_ssl command creates an X.509 certicate in a le named id.pem. Creating this certicate generates a users public and private keys. Invoking bl_gen_ssl prompts the user to enter a password and conrm it. This password is used to gain access to users private key. Once a certicate is created on a client, every time a Network Shell session is invoked, the user is prompted for a private key password. On UNIX, id.pem is stored in /<home_dir>/.bladelogic, where <home_dir> is the users home directory, such as /home/johnk. In Windows, id.pem is stored in /<user_profile_dir>/Application Data/BladeLogic, where <user_profile_dir> species a path such as /Documents and Settings/johnk.



bl_gen_ssl was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.



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bl_srp_agent activate a user information cache on UNIX

bl_srp_agent --background

The bl_srp_agent command activates a user information cache on UNIX. When you run bl_srp_agent, the system prompts for a user ID, password, and role. After you provide this information, the system generates a message like the following: set BL_SRP_INFO to <xy> to reuse this private key. where <xy> is the hexadecimal value of the location of the shared memory segment. After entering your user information, bl_srp_agent runs in the background with the user information cached in a shared memory segment. This shared memory segment is only usable for the user who ran bl_srp_agent. To reuse this shared memory segment with Network Shell, set the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: BL_SRP_INFO=<xy> Export the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: export BL_SRP_INFO The bl_srp_agent program remains in the background holding the user information cached in a shared memory segment until you kill it.

--background Instructs bl_srp_agent to run in the background. If you do not use this option, bl_srp_agent runs in the foreground. Other programs can use the information cached by bl_srp_agent whether bl_srp_agent is running in the foreground or background.

bl_srp_agent --background

bl_srp_agent was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.



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blcred A command line utility for managing BladeLogic authentication proles, session credentials, and trusted certicates.

blcred [-p <authentication proles lename>] [-c <credential cache lename>] [-x <trusted certicates keystore lename>] [cred -list [-verbose] | -destroy | -acquire [-prole <prole_name>] [[-username <username>] | [-password <password>]] | [-i <srp user_info.dat le>] | [-loginconf <kerberos login.conf le>] | -test [-prole <prole_name>] [-username <username>] [-time <min remaining lifetime (minutes)]] | [authprole -list | -delete [-prole <prole name>] | -add [-prole <prole name>] [-host <auth_service host>:<auth_service port>] [-type [srp | adk -spn <auth_service SPN>]]] | [cert -list | -delete [-all | -alias <cert alias>]]

The blcred utility manages authentication proles, session credentials, and trusted certicates. To use blcred on a client machine, you must have Operations Manager installed. To log into a BladeLogic system, a user must rst acquire a session credential from a BladeLogic Authentication Service. Using that session credential, a BladeLogic client application (i.e., Conguration Manager, Provisioning Manager, Network Shell, or BLCLI) can connect to a BladeLogic Application Server or Network Shell Proxy Server. To obtain a session credential from an Authentication Service, you must provide an authentication prole and other information. The authentication prole identies the Authentication Service you are contacting and your authentication mechanism. If you are using SRP authentication, you must also provide a user name and password. If you are using Active Directory/Kerberos authentication, you must possess an AD/Kerberos user credential (that is, a Kerberos TGT). Using the information you provide, the Authentication Service validates you as a user and issues a session credential. This session credential can be stored in a credential cache le. The blcred utility lets you acquire a session credential when using a command line environment. The utility lets you test whether a valid session credential already exists and determine the lifetime remaining for that credential. The utility lets you show, add, and delete authentication proles. And, blcred lets you review and delete trusted X.509 certicates, which are used when establishing a TLS connection to an Authentication Service, Application Server, or Network Shell Proxy Server.

-p <authentication proles lename> Name and location of the authentication prole conguration le, which is an XML le that holds all authentication prole denitions. This option overrides whatever is specied by the BL_AUTH_PROFILES_FILE environment variable. If neither this option nor the BL_AUTH_PROFILES_FILE environment variable is specied, the default authentication prole conguration le is used. This default le resides at <OM install directory>/br/authenticationProles.xml



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-c <credential cache lename> Name and location of the credential cache le. This option overrides whatever is specied by the BL_SSO_CRED_CACHE_FILE environment variable. If neither this option nor the BL_SSO_CRED_CACHE_FILE environment variable is specied, the default credential cache le is used. This le resides at <user_home_dir>/.bladelogic/bl_sesscc for UNIX and C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows_user_name>\Application Data\BladeLogic\bl_sesscc for Windows. Default credential caches are unique per user. -x <trusted certicates keystore lename> Name and location of the keystore le, which holds trusted X.509 certicates. To acquire a session credential, blcred establishes a TLS connection to the Authentication Service, which presents its X509 certicate to the client. The user is prompted to trust the unrecognized certicate. This option overrides whatever is specied by the BL_SSO_TRUSTED_CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE environment variable. If neither this option nor the BL_SSO_TRUSTED_CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE environment variable is specied, the default keystore le is used. The default keystore le resides at <user_home_dir>/.bladelogic/client_keystore.pkcs12 for UNIX and C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows_user_name>\Application Data\BladeLogic\client_keystore.pkcs12 for Windows. Default trust keystores are unique per user. cred list [-verbose] Displays the user name, issuing service URL, authentication type, and expiration time of session credentials. Using the optional -verbose argument causes the utility to display all information about credentials, including the client IP address, destination service URLs, and service ticket. cred destroy Destroys the contents of the credential cache. cred acquire [-prole <prole_name>][[-username <username>] [-password <password>]] | [-i <srp user_info.dat le>] | [-loginconf <kerberos login.conf le>] Acquires a session credential using the specied prole and stores it in the session credential cache. When employing an AD/Kerberos prole, the users Kerberos credential is loaded from the local Kerberos cache. When selecting an SRP prole, the user is prompted for a user name and password. Both can be passed on the command line using the optional -username and -password parameters. Alternatively, the SRP credential can be extracted from a persistent credential le (the user_info.dat) using the -i parameter. When an AD/Kerberos prole is employed, the -loginconf parameter can be used to override the default location of the blclient_login.conf le. The optional -prole argument overrides whatever is specied by the BL_AUTH_PROFILE_NAME environment variable. If neither the -prole option nor the BL_AUTH_PROFILE_NAME environment variable is specied, blcred prompts the user to specify an authentication prole name. cred test [-prole <prole_name>] [-username <username>] [-time <min remaining lifetime (minutes)] Tests whether a cache contains a valid credential corresponding to the specied authentication prole. If an authentication prole name is not specied, blcred prompts the user to provide a prole name. If the username option is present, blcred tests for the presence of a valid credential issued to the named user. If the time option is present, blcred tests for the presence of a valid credential with a remaining lifetime equal to or greater than the specied minutes remaining. blcred test can return the exit codes described below in EXIT CODES. authprole list Displays information about each of the proles dened in the authentication prole conguration le. authprole delete [-prole <prole_name>] Deletes a prole with the given prole name. If a name is not specied, the user is prompted for a name.



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authprole add [-prole <prole name>] [-host <auth_service host>:<auth_service port>] [-type [srp | adk -spn <auth_service SPN>]]] Adds a new prole to the authentication prole conguration le. There are two types of authentication proles: SRP and AD/Kerberos. In either case the prole must have a unique name and must be associated with an Authentication Service. AD/Kerberos proles must also specify a service principal name. The prole name, Authentication Service, and authentication type can be specied on the command line through the -prole, -host, and -type parameters. Additionally, the AD/Kerberos service principal name can be specied using the spn parameter. Users are prompted for omitted information. cert list Lists all X.509 certicates in the trusted certicate store. cert delete [-all | -alias <cert alias>]] Deletes X.509 certicates in the trusted certicate store. The -all parameter deletes all certicates. The -alias lets you provide an alias for the certicate you want to delete. (Use the -list option to obtain aliases for all certicates in the store.)

0 1 2 3 4 Successful test result; cache contained credential with desired properties. Named authentication prole did not exist. Cached credential did not match named authentication prole. Cached credential issued to user is different than named user. Lifetime remaining for the cached credential is less than minimum lifetime specied.

See the BladeLogic Administration Guide for some typical scenarios that use blcred.

BL_AUTH_PROFILES_FILE Location of the authentication prole conguration le (override with -p). BL_SSO_CRED_CACHE_FILE Location of the session credential cache le (override with -c). BL_SSO_TRUSTED_CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE Location of the TLS certicate store (override with -x). BL_AUTH_PROFILE_NAME Name of the selected BladeLogic authentication prole (override using the -prole option in conjunction with another option, such as -acquire -prole prole_name.)

blcred was written by Denis Knjazihhin.



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blexpr BladeLogic Expression

blexpr expr ...

blexpr is generic expression evaluator. It takes all of its arguments as input, then creates and evaluates an expression. It prints the result to stdout. If you do not specify any arguments, blexpr reads the expression from stdin. An expression consists of operands and operators. You can nest these (multiple levels) using parentheses ( and ).

blexpr supports the following operators. Lower priorities have higher precedence: Operator % / * + > >= != = <= < ! && || & | Name REMAINDER DIVIDE MULTIPLY SUBTRACT ADD GREAT GREAT THAN OR EQUAL NOT EQUAL EQUAL LESS THAN OR EQUAL LESS NOT AND OR BINARY AND BINARY_OR BINARY_XOR BINARY NOT Priority 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6

blexpr supports the following operands: Operand nnn 0nnn nnn% 0xABC a.b.c.d "abc" abc $name function() Name Decimal Number Octal Number Percentage Floating point number Hex Number I.P. address (converted to integer) String supporting \ for special characters String (no special character support) Variable name (see set_variable() function) Supported function.

You can use whitespaces (SPACE, TAB, CR, LF) as optional operand/operator separators.

blexpr supports the following operator types: Integers



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary Floating point numbers 64 bit integers Strings


Here are some examples of how blexpr handles operations between two different operator types. In the case of the three numeric types, blexpr will make the appropriate conversions as necessary. If one operator is a oating point value and the other is an integer or a 64 bit integer then blexpr converts the integer values to oating point, with the resulting value also being a oating point value. If one value is a 64 bit integer and the other is regular integer value then blexpr converts the (regular) integer value to a 64 bit integer, with the result also being a 64 bit integer value. blexpr handles operations between a string and a non-string value such that the operation does not just automatically fail. When blexpr encounters an operation between a string and a non-string value, it rst checks to see if the string is a recognizable numeric value. If it is, blexpr converts the string to the respective numeric type, then proceeds with the operation. If the string is not a recognizable numeric value, then blexpr returns an appropriate error value.

blexpr also supports functions to determine operand values. The supported functions are: average (arg1, ...) Return the average of all arguments given. blexpr adds the arguments, then divides by the number of arguments. Example: $ blexpr average (1, 2, 3, 4) 2 $ blexpr average (1, 2, 3.0, 4) 2.5000 atoi (val) Convert val into an integer value. If the argument is a string, then this function uses the same function as the internals of the API to detect a numeric value. It detects octal numbers (strings starting with a zero), hex numbers (strings starting with 0x), decimal numbers, and oating point numbers. The function also checks for a trailing % which will cause the value to be treated as a percentage (meaning divide by 100). If atoi cannot convert val to an integer, it returns 0 (false). Example: $ blexpr atoi ("4") * atoi (3.14) 12 equals_any (val, arg1, arg2, ...) This function returns true (value of 1) if val equals any of the remaining function arguments. Example: $ blexpr equals_any (atoi ("3.14"), 1, 3, 5) 1 $ blexpr equals_any (atoi ("3.5") * 2, 5, 7) 0 equals_range (val, min_val, max_val) This functions returns true (value of 1) if the value of val is greater than or equal to the value of min_val and less than or equal to the value of max_value. Example: $ blexpr equal_range (strlen ("Hello world"), 7, 12) 1



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get_date () This function returns the date and time on the local system. The date and time is expressed as the value in seconds since the epoch (00:00:00 Jan 1 1970). Use the show_date () function to turn this value into a more meaningful string format. Example: $ blexpr get_date () 1060378146 $ blexpr show_date (get_date ()) Tue Jan 14 11:56:02 2003 if (val, true_val, false_val) The if function evaluates the value of val. If val is true, it returns true_val, otherwise it returns false_val Example: $ blexpr if (atoi ("3"), 14, 27) 14 printf (format, args ...) sprintf (format, args ...) Both these functions generate a formatted output. The printf function just prints the output to stdout and returns the number of bytes it wrote, while the sprintf function returns the formatted output as a string. The functions work in a similar way to the C-library printf function call but without all the bells and whistles. The functions support the following argument types: string (%s) oating point (%f) integer The functions support the following output format types: decimal (%d) unsigned int (%u) octal (%o) hex (%x or %X) I.P. address notation (%p or %P) The functions also support left justication with the optional - after the % as well as output precision in the form of n[.m]. Example: $ blexpr sprintf ("%12.9s", "Hello " + "world") Hello wor $ blexpr set_variable ("FIRSTNAME", "Peter") set_variable ("LASTNAME", "Pan") sprintf ("Name = -- %s %s --\n", $FIRSTNAME, $LASTNAME) Name = -- Peter Pan -$ blexpr set_variable ("IP", printf ("ADDRESS:\n DEC = %11u\n HEX = %11X\n


= %p\n",



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary $IP, $IP, $IP); ADDRESS: DEC = 169090600 HEX = A141E28 IP =


set_variable (string, expr) You can use the set_variable function to create an addressable variable. You dene the name of the variable with string, and you dene the value of the variable with expr. Once you have created a variable this way, you can use the variable in a subsequent expression by prexing the variable name with a $ symbol. Example: $ blexpr set_variable ("FOO", "bar") $FOO bar $ blexpr set_variable ("FOO", "Hello " + "world") toupper ($FOO) HELLO WORLD show_date (date, format) This function takes the numeric date argument and converts it into a string representation. The optional format arguments species output format. The function uses the C-library strftime function to convert the value and therefore, you should use the respective macros supported by the call. If you do not specify a format, then the generated date is in the form of Fri Nov 08:31:22 2001. Example: $ blquery -h linux -e show_date (get_date()) Tue Jan 14 11:56:02 2003 $ blquery -h win2k -e show_date (get_date (), "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") Jan 14 2003 11:56:02 strstr (string, val) strstr can be used in one of two ways. If val is a string then the function returns the rst occurrence of val in the string. In val is of type integer then the function returns the string with an offset of val bytes. Example: $ blexpr strstr ("Hello world", "ll") llo world $ blexpr strstr ("Hello world", 6) world strlen (string) Return the length of value string. If you supply a value that is not a string, strlen returns a length of 0. Example: $ blexpr strlen ("Hello") + strlen ("World") 10$


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bl_gen_ssl create an X.509 certicate


The bl_gen_ssl command creates an X.509 certicate in a le named id.pem. Creating this certicate generates a users public and private keys. Invoking bl_gen_ssl prompts the user to enter a password and conrm it. This password is used to gain access to users private key. Once a certicate is created on a client, every time a Network Shell session is invoked, the user is prompted for a private key password. On UNIX, id.pem is stored in /<home_dir>/.bladelogic, where <home_dir> is the users home directory, such as /home/johnk. In Windows, id.pem is stored in /<user_profile_dir>/Application Data/BladeLogic, where <user_profile_dir> species a path such as /Documents and Settings/johnk.



bl_gen_ssl was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.


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blkeylogman remotely manage keystroke logles on a machine running an RSCD agent


blkeylogman allows a system administrator to manage live keystroke logles on the RSCD agent to accomplish basic tasks. blkeylogman provides a limited set of functionality that can be used in conjunction with existing, traditional logle management systems to provide a complete solution. There are four primary functions provided by blkeylogman, as follows: list copy cat listsessions list <hostname> list --verify <hostname>|<keystrokelogle> List (and optionally verify) keystroke logles for host --verify This option is useful only when you have enabled keystroke logging on a remote host, and the resulting keystroke les have been digitally signed. This option displays the status of each keystroke le as either "Consistent", "Inconsistent", or "Unknown." An "Inconsistent" status indicates that the log le may have been tampered with. You can request the status of all the keystroke les on a host, or specify a full NSH path to an individual keystroke le to request just that les status. If the signature le needed for verication is missing on the target host, the status displays as "Unknown." hostname Name of host for which to list keystroke logles keystroke_logle Full NSH Path to remote keystroke logle. e.g. //<hostname>/<Path to keystroke logle> copy keystroke_logle localle Copy remote keystroke logle to local host keystroke_logle Full NSH path to remote keystroke logle. e.g. //<hostname>/<Path to keystroke logle> localle Path to local le cat [-t 0123] [-s <session id>] [-h <clienthost>] [-u <clientuser>] [-a <time>] [-b <time>] [-p] <hostname>|<keystroke_logle> Output remote logle -t List specied type of entries. This option takes a combination of the following characters as input: 0 1 2 3 List live keystroke logles for a specic host Copy remote keystroke logles Concatenate remote keystroke logles View a list of nexec sessions logged in remote keystroke logles



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0 Show STDIN entries 1 Show STDOUT entries 2 Show STDERR entries 3 Show STARTSESSION and ENDSESSION entries. -s -h -u -a -p Show entries for the session specied by <session id> Show entries for the specied client host Show entries for the specied client user Show entries where "entry timestamp" > "specied timestamp". The format of the timestamp is "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.mmm" or "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS" Process non-printable output characters before printing Sometimes, if output of interactive commands is logged inside a keystroke log le, executing a blkeylogman cat command causes the terminal to process and interpret special terminal handling control characters (contained in the log data). As a result, the display gets garbled or sometimes even cleared. Exercising the p option, makes blkeylogman process the special terminal control characters to printable ones. -b Show entries where "entry timestamp" < "specied timestamp". The format of the timestamp is "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.mmm" or "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS"

keystroke_logle Full NSH Path to remote keystroke log le listsessions [-s <session id>] [-h <clienthost>] [-u <clientuser>] [-a <time>] [-b <time>] <hostname>|<keystroke_logle> List all nexec sessions on a particular host or keystroke logle -s -h -u -a -b hostname Name of the host whose sessions you want to list keystroke_logle Full NSH path to remote keystroke logle whose sessions you want to list. e.g. //<hostname>/<path to keystroke log le> Show the session specied by <session id> Show sessions for the specied client host Show sessions for the specied client user Show sessions that were in progress after specied timestamp. The format of the timestamp is "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.mmm" or "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS" Show sessions that were in progress before the specied timestamp. The format of the timestamp is "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.mmm" or "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS"

The following will cat the logle "keystroke.log" on the remote host "host1": $ blkeylogman cat //host1/usr/nsh/log/keystroke.log To list all keystroke logles on host "linux1": $ blkeylogman list linux1 To list all keystroke logles with verication status on host "solaris10":


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$ blkeylogman list --verify solaris10 To list only one log le with verication status on host "solaris10": $ blkeylogman list --verify //solaris10/usr/nsh/log/keystroke.log2 To list nexec sessions on host "solaris10": $ blkeylogman listsessions solaris10 To list nexec sessions from le "keystroke.log1" on host "solaris10": $ blkeylogman listsessions //solaris10/usr/nsh/log/keystroke.log1

blkeylogman was written by Rajesh Jangam of BladeLogic, Inc.

bllogman (1) exports (5)


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bllogman remotely manage live RSCD agent logles


bllogman allows a system administrator to manage live RSCD agent logles to accomplish basic tasks. bllogman is not intended to be a feature-complete logle management solution, but rather provides a limited set of functionality that can be used in conjunction with existing, traditional logle management systems to provide a complete solution. There are six primary functions provided by bllogman, as follows: tail copy list cat rotate verify Tail remote logles Copy remote logles or signature les List live logles for a specic host Concatenate remote logles Rotate remote logles or signature les Verify a digitally signed log le locally

There are global options which affect all functions, and there are command-specic options affecting only particular commands, as follows: -? -v Generate run-time usage Be verbose when performing functions


tail [-f -v] target Output the last part of a logle -f -n n target Tail forever Tail n lines Name of remote logle you want to tail

copy [-S] logle|signature_le localle Copy remote logle/signature_le to local host -S Indicates that the le you are copying is a signature le. Use only when copying a signature le.

logle/signature_le Full NSH path to remote logle/signature_le localle Path to local le cat [-1|-2] [-d] [-l le] <-h host> | logle Output remote logle logle -1 -2 Path to remote logle Show INFO/INFO1 logle entries only (default is all) Show INFO2 logle entries only (default is all)


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-d -h host -l le -s le

Output selected elds in tab separated values format Show all logles for host Create a tab delimited last entry timestamp le Use the last entry timestamp le to determine start of searching

list [--verify] hostname list --verify //hostname/Full_NSH_Path_To_logle List logles on a host --verify This option is useful only when you have enabled secure agent logging on a remote host, and the resulting log les have been digitally signed. This option displays the status of each log le as either "Consistent", "Inconsistent", or "Unknown." An "Inconsistent" status indicates that the log le may have been tampered with. You can request the status of all the log les on a host, or specify a full NSH path to an individual log le to request just that les status. If you have not enabled secure agent logging on the remote host, this option returns a status as "Unknown." hostname Name of host for which to list logles rotate [-S] logle/signature_le Rotate provides a simple, iterative rotation function which simply increments the lename extension by one until an available lename is found. For example, the rotate option will rename the le "rscd.log" to "rscd.log.1," assuming "rscd.log.1" does not already exist. -S Indicates that the le you are rotating is a signature le. Use only when rotating a signature le.

logle/signature_le Full NSH path to remote logle/signature_le verify logle signature_le certicate_le privatekey_le Verify log le consistency at local host. To execute this command, you must have the corresponding signature le, certicate le, and private key le on the local host. logle Full path to local log le. signature_le Full path to corresponding local signature le. certicate_le Full path to the local certicate le that was used to sign the log le. privateKey_le Full path to the local privateKey le that was used to sign the log le. Note: All les needed for this command should be local. This command is intended to be used for client side verication.

The following will cat the logle "rscd.log" on the remote host "host1": $ bllogman cat //host1/usr/nsh/log/rscd.log


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To retrieve a list of tail-specic options and usage: bllogman tail -h For general usage: bllogman -h To list all logles on host "linux1": bllogman list linux1 To list all logles with verication status on host "solaris10": $ bllogman list --verify solaris10 To list only one log le with verication status on host "solaris10": $ bllogman list --verify //solaris10/usr/nsh/log/rscd.log2 To copy a signature le from host solaris10 to local host: $ bllogman copy -S //solaris10/usr/nsh/log/rscd.log.sig2 To tail forever (or watch) logle "rscd.log" on host "sun1": bllogman tail -f //sun1/usr/nsh/log/rscd.log To rotate a signature le on host solaris10: $ bllogman rotate -S //solaris10/usr/nsh/log/rscd.log.sig2 To verify the consistency of logle "rscd.log3" against its corresponding signature le "rscd.log.sig3" using the certicate stored in le "certicate.pem" and the private key stored in "privateKey.pem": $ bllogman verify /usr/tmp/rscd.log3 /usr/tmp/rscd.log.sig3 /usr/tmp/certificate.pem /usr/tmp/privateKey.pem All les need to be on the local host. You cannot use this command for remote logles.

Logman was renamed bllogman as part of the 6.3.0 release. For backwards compatibility purposes a logman command is still included. logman is just a copy or symlink of bllogman. bllogman should be the preferred utility moving forward as logman may be fully removed in the future.

bllogman was written by Damon Miller of BladeLogic, Inc.

exports (5)


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blquery Evaluate expression to query BladeLogic assets

blquery [ -h -l ] [ host1 ... hostn | -f le ] { -e expr | -E le }

The blquery utility is an extension to the blexpr utility. blquery provides additional functions that can query various asset types in the BladeLogic environment. You can query against the local host (see CAVEATS), or against any number of remote servers. To query the local host, just omit any server names. If you specify server names, then blquery will query against each of the given servers. blquery works by applying the given expression to each host and then outputting the results to stdout. The default output format for each server is: hostname: value

-l -h Generate output only for hosts that resolve to true. Do not include the hostname as part of the output. Instead, output only the resulting value. This is the default behavior if you specify only a single host.

host1 ... hostN The hosts you want to query. In addition to specifying host names on the command line, you can also use the -f option to specify a hosts le. If you do not specify a host name, blquery will query the local server. See the CAVEATS section for limitations on local servers. -f le -e expr A at le containing the list of hosts you want to query. Expression to run against the given hosts. To help avoid some of the shell special character handling issues, and the subsequent escaping thereof, you can also use the -E option to dene a le containing your expression. A le containing the expression you want to run. To create comment lines, start them with a hash (#) and blquery will ignore them. If le is a - then blquery reads input from stdin.

-E le


le_is_directory (path) This function returns 1 if the given path exists on the host and is a directory, otherwise it returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_is_directory ("/etc") 1 $ blquery solaris8 -e file_is_directory ("/etc/passwd") 0 le_is_regular (path) This function returns 1 if the given path exists on the host and is a regular le, otherwise it returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_is_regular ("/etc") 0 $ blquery solaris8 -e file_is_regular ("/etc/passwd") 1 le_is_symlink (path) This function returns 1 if the given path exists on the host and is a symbolic link, otherwise it returns 0.


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Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_is_symlink ("/etc/passwd") 0 $ blquery solaris8 -e file_is_symlink ("/etc/hosts") 1 le_exists (path) This function returns 1 if the given path exists on the host, otherwise it returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_exists ("/etc/passwd") 1 $ blquery solaris8 -e file_exists ("/etc/PASSWD") 0 le_size (path) This function returns the size of the le path. If the path does not exist or is not accessible it returns the value of -1. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_size ("/etc/passwd") 635 le_uid (path) This function returns the paths ownership as a numeric UID. If the path does not exist or is not accessible it returns the value of -1. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_uid ("/etc/passwd") 0 le_gid (path) This function returns the paths group ownership as a numeric GID. If the path does not exist or is not accessible it returns the value of -1. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux -e file_gid ("/etc/passwd") solaris8: 3 linux: 0 le_mode (path) This function returns the paths le permissions. If the path does not exist or is not accessible it returns the value of -1. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux -e \ sprintf ("0%o", file_mode ("/etc/passwd") & 07777) solaris8: 0444 linux: 0644 le_md5sum (le) This function returns the 32 byte string representation of the les MD5 checksum. If the le does not exist then it returns a zero length string with the appropriate error set. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e file_md5sum ("/etc/passwd") f59c3bfa14ac178b4098e03f9afe64fe

Although the various supported platforms all have their own concept of what a software package is, they mostly support the general concept of software installations, patches, and bundles.


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The following three functions abstract this concept for the various platforms and will automatically adapt to the type of server you are dealing with. Note that the concept of patches is not supported on RedHat Linux systems, and that bundles are HP-UX specic. patch_installed (patch) This function will check if the software patch patch is installed on the given server. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 -e patch_installed ("109608-*") 1 $ blquery -h win2k -e patch_installed ("Q811493") 1 package_installed (software) This function will check if the software package software is installed on the given server. Example: $ blquery -h linux -e package_installed ("cracklib-2.7-8") 1 $ blquery -h win2k -e package_installed ("Norton AntiVirus*") 1 bundle_installed (software) This function will check if the software bundle software is installed on the given server. Bundles exist only on HPUX machines. Example: blquery -h authpux11agt3 -e bundle_installed ("Base*") 1 You can use the next three functions to scan/search through the list of patches and software. These functions take an expression as their argument, where the following dynamic variables are initialized for each software/patch entry. NAME VERSION VENDOR DATE Installable name Installable version Installable vendor Installable date of installation (0 if you do not know the date)

CATEGORY Installable software category (On AIX the install status) DESCRIPTION Installable short description SIZE Size of installable in KB (0 if you do not know the size) All the above variables are of type string with the exception of SIZE which is an integer. Note that not all platforms furnish all the above data, so the values are not guaranteed to be set. You do not need to specify the type of machine you dealing with, because the function automatically determines the platform type at runtime. patch_record_count (expr) package_record_count (expr) bundle_record_count (expr) rpm_record_count (expr) Return the number of installed patch/software/bundle/rpm components that match the expression expr. All platforms support the concept of installed patches and software components (the names however differ from OS to OS), with the exception of Linux, which does not support patches. The


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concept of bundles however is supported only by HP-UX machines. Because these functions scan through all entries, you can also use them for reporting. To do this, include the printf call inside of the given expression. Example: # # Number of hotfixes installed on Windows server # $ blquery win2k -e patch_record_count () 25

# # Show install date of the "cracklib" RPMS # $ cat expr.blq package_record_count (NAME = "cracklib*" && printf ("%s - %s\n Install date: %s\n\n", NAME, DESCRIPTION, if (DATE <= 0, "Unknown install date", show_date (DATE, "%b %d %Y"))) $ blquery linuxdev -E expr.blq cracklib-2.7-8 - A password-checking library. Install date: Nov 16 2001 cracklib-dicts-2.7-8 - The standard CrackLib dictionaries. Install date: Nov 16 2001 The following functions let you extract individual elds from a given piece of software. patch_version (software) package_version (software) bundle_version (software) rpm_version (software) Return the softwares version number. Not all software has a version number. In this case, these functions return a zero length string. patch_latest (software) package_latest (software) bundle_latest (software) rpm_latest (software) Although specically designed for Solaris patches, these functions may still have a universal appeal. The idea is that because the patch name also incorporates a version number (which is also stored in the VERSION eld), you may have the same patch installed twice but with different versions, making it seem like two different patches are installed. By using these functions, you can nd the name of the patch that has the highest version number. Example: $ cat patch.blq patch_record_count (NAME = "109793-*" && printf ("%s\n", NAME)); $ blquery solaris8 -E patch.blq


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109793-12 109793-03 $ blquery solaris8 -e patch_latest ("109793-*") 109793-12 $ blquery solaris8 -e patch_version (patch_latest ("109793-*")) 12


The following functions let you access the BladeLogic cong les. The grammar to be used to scan a given cong le is automatically determined by consulting the index le. For UNIX and Linux systems, the le is found in /usr/nsh/scripts. For Windows systems, the le is found in <install dir>/om/scripts. Cong les are generally treated as a series of sequential records that contain a number of elds. The rst record/eld is 0. The supported functions are: cong_record_count (congle, expr) This function returns the total number of records in the congle that match the expression expr. The expr argument is optional. If you omit the expression, the function returns the total number of records. Example: # # Number of records in password file # $ blquery -h solaris8 -e config_record_count ("/etc/passwd") 15 # # # # # $

Field 5 is the HOME directory field and as such we are finding all entries in the password file that have "/" as the HOME directory and outputting their user names

blquery -h solaris8 -e set_variable ("HOME", "/"); config_record_count ("/etc/passwd", "$5 = $HOME && printf (\"%s\n\", $0)"); root daemon sys nobody noaccess nobody4

cong_record_number (congle, expr, skip) This function returns the record number of the rst record in congle that matches the expression expr. The skip parameter is optional. If you use it, it will skip over the rst skip matched records allowing one to nd alternate records to the rst matching one. This function is often used with the cong_eld_value() function to identify the particular record you need a eld value for. As its second parameter, this function accepts an expression that it matches against each record. Because you often want to match against specic elds within a record, this function automatically recognizes and interprets specic variable names. The variable names matching the (string) elds are $0, $1 ... $N for each respective eld in the current record. The variable $RECORD indicates the current record number you are dealing with. The variable $FIELDS indicates the number of elds in the record.


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Example: # # Record number for first entry in the passwd file with a HOME # directory of "/usr/bin" # $ blquery -h solaris8 -e \ config_record_number ("/etc/passwd", "$5 = \"/usr/bin\"") 2 # # Scan the Windows INI file and get the value of the entry # "Access" in the "connect CustomerDatabase" section # $ blquery -h win2k -e set_variable ("INI", "/c/WINNT/MSDFMAP.BNI") set_variable ("ACCESS", "Access") set_variable ("CUSTDB", "connect CustomerDatabase") config_field_value ($INI, config_record_number ($INI, "($0 = $ACCESS) && (config_parent_field_value ($INI, $RECORD, 0) = $CUSTDB)"), 1) ReadWrite cong_eld_value (congle, record, eld) This function returns the value of eld eld from record record of the cong le congle. In many cases, records occur in a cong le in no particular order. If you do not know the specic record number you need a eld value from, then you can use the cong_record_number () function to search for a particular record. Example: # # Return the GCOS field of the first record in the # passwd file # $ blquery -h solaris8 -e \ config_field_value ("/etc/passwd", 0, 4) Super-User # # # # # $

Output the username of the first account in the password file that has "/usr/bin" as its HOME directory blquery -h solaris8 -e set_variable ("PASSWD", "/etc/passwd") set_variable ("USRBIN", "/usr/bin") config_field_value ($PASSWD, config_record_number ($PASSWD, "$5 = $USRBIN"), 0)



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cong_parent_eld_value (congle, record, eld) This function looks at the parent record of record record in the cong le congle, and returns the value of eld eld. Although cong les are generally treated as at les, there is an implicit hierarchy by which particular records may point to a parent record. Not all cong les have a hierarchy, but ones that do include Windows .BNI les and Linux Xinetd cong les. On its own this function has limited value, however you can use it in conjunction with the cong_record_number() function to nd particular records in a le. Example: # # Scan the Windows INI file and get the value of the entry # "Access" in the "connect CustomerDatabase" section # $ blquery -h win2k -e set_variable ("INI", "/c/WINNT/MSDFMAP.BNI") set_variable ("ACCESS", "Access") set_variable ("CUSTDB", "connect CustomerDatabase") config_field_value ($INI, config_record_number ($INI, "($0 = $ACCESS) && (config_parent_field_value ($INI, $RECORD, 0) = $CUSTDB)"), 1) ReadWrite cong_parent_record_number (congle, record) This function returns the parent record number of record record in the cong le congle. If the function returns a negative number (-1), then the record does not have a parent record. Example: $ blquery -h win2k -e config_parent_record_number ("/c/WINNT/MSDFMAP.BNI", 3) 2


These functions let you access local user and group accounts. These functions work cross platform (UNIX type systems and Windows systems) however some of the available data may be OS specic. Details are included below. For the user based functions that take a expression as an argument, the following dynamic variable are supported. NAME GROUP UID GID The username. The name of the primary group the user is a member of. The numeric UID of the user. The numeric GID of the primary group the user is a member of.

FULLNAME The congured name of the user. COMMENT The comment associated with the user account. HOME SHELL TYPE The users HOME directory. The users initial shell (UNIX) or script (Windows) program. This is the type of account which can be one of:


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BUA_ADMIN_ACCOUNT (1) On UNIX systems, accounts that are root (UID = 0) accounts are considered to be of this type. On Windows systems, accounts that are Administrator accounts are of this type. BUA_NORMAL_ACCOUNT (2) One UNIX systems, account have this type if they are not root accounts (UID != 0). On Windows systems, accounts that are Normal accounts are of this type. BUA_GUEST_ACCOUNT (3) UNIX systems do not have the concept of guest user accounts and therefore will never be of this type. On Windows systems, accounts that are Guest accounts are of this type. LASTLOGIN The date and time of the users last login. If the date and time is not known this value is 0. This value is expressed as a time in seconds since the epoch. LASTCHANGE The date and time of the users last password change. If the date and time is not known this value is 0. This value is expressed as a time in seconds since the epoch. EXPIRES GROUPS The date and time of the users password expiration. If the date and time is not known this value is 0. This value is expressed as a time in seconds since the epoch. This value is a space separated list of the groups to which the user belongs.

The supported functions are: user_record_count (expr) This function enumerates through all local user accounts and returns the number of users that match the expression. expr. Example: blquery -e user_record_count () 15 $ blquery -e user_record_count ( "printf (\"%-8s: %s (uid = %d)\n\", NAME, if (TYPE = BUA_ADMIN_ACCOUNT, \"Super User Account\", \"Normal Account\"), UID)"); root : Super User Account (uid = 0) daemon : Normal Account (uid = 1) bin : Normal Account (uid = 2) sys : Normal Account (uid = 3) adm : Normal Account (uid = 4) lp : Normal Account (uid = 71) . . user_exists (user) This function returns 1 if the given user exists as a local user account. If the local account does not exist it returns 0. Example: $ blquery linux1 linux2 linux3 -e user_exits ("toor") linux1: 1 linux2: 0 linux3: 1


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user_uid (user) This function returns the UID of the user. If the user does not exist then it returns an error message. Example: $ blquery linux1 linux2 linux3 -e user_uid ("toor") linux1: 0 linux2: Bad argument type: Unknown local user "toor" linux3: 2 user_gid (user) This function returns the GID of the user. If the user does not exist then it returns an error message. Example: $ blquery solaris linux -e user_gid ("root") solaris: 1 linux: 0 user_fullname (user) This function returns the fullname associated with the user. On Windows, local user accounts have such a eld associated with the account and therefore, that eld is returned. For UNIX systems the GECOS eld is returned. If the user does not exist then this function returns an error message. Example: $ blquery win2k solaris -e user_fullname ("Administrator") win2k: Local Administrator Account solaris: Bad argument type: Unknown local user "Administrator" user_comment (user) This function returns the comment associated with the user. On Windows, local user accounts have such a eld associated with the account and therefore, that eld is returned. For UNIX systems the GECOS eld is returned. Note that the user_fullname () and user_comment () functions also return the GECOS eld for UNIX systems. If the user does not exist then this function returns an error message. Example: $ blquery win2k -e user_comment ("Administrator") win2k: Built-in account for administering the computer/domain user_homedir (user) This function returns the HOME directory of the user. On Windows this value is most often not set and therefore has limited value. If the user does not exist, the function returns an error message. Example: $ blquery linux solaris -e user_homedir ("bin") linux: /bin solaris: /usr/bin user_shell (user) This function returns the start program (shell) for when the user logs in. On Windows this value is most often not set and therefore has limited value. When it is set, the function refers to a start script. If the user does not exist, the function returns an error message. Example: $ blquery linux solaris -e user_shell ("lp") solaris: /bin/sh linuxdev: /sbin/nologin


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user_type (user) This function returns the type of user account user is. There are three types of possible accounts: , administrator, normal, and guest, with respective return values of 1, 2, or 3. For Windows, account type is one of the inherent account properties while for Unix systsems an account is an administrator account if the UID is 0. Otherwise it is a normal account. There are no guest accounts for UNIX systems. If the user does not exist, the function returns an error message. Example: $ blquery linux solaris -e user_type ("root") solaris: 1 linuxdev: 1 $ blquery win2k -e user_type ("Guest") 3 user_last_login (user) This function returns the date and time of last login (as expressed in seconds since the epoch) of user user. If the function cannot determine a date of last login for the user, the function returns 0. To display the date of last login in human readable form, use the show_date () function. Example: $ blquery win2k -e user_last_login ("Guest") 1067983862 $ blquery solaris -e show_date (user_last_login ("root")) Fri Feb 13 13:30:48 2004 user_locked (user) This function returns value of 1 if the users account is locked, otherwise it returns 0. For Windows systems, these are inherent attributes of a user account. For UNIX systems, an account is considered to be locked if you can unlock it without having to provide a new password. Example: $ blquery win2k -e user_locked ("Administrator") 0 $ blquery solaris -e user_locked ("Oracle") 1 user_group_names (user, sep) This function returns a string representing a list of user groups to which the user belongs. The optional argument sep must be a string whose rst character will be used as the separator for the list of values. The default separator is a SPACE character. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e user_group_names ("root") other root bin sys adm uucp mail tty lp nuucp daemon user_group_gids (user, sep) This function returns a string representing a list of GIDs to which the user belongs. The optional argument sep must be a string whose rst character will be used as the separator for the list of values. The default separator is a SPACE character. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e user_group_gids ("root", ",") 1,0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12 user_group_count (user) This function returns the number of groups to which the user belongs. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e user_group_count ("root") 11



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For the group based functions that take an expression as an argument, the following dynamic variables are supported. NAME GID MEMBERS The groupname. The numeric GID of the user. The users who are members of the group (space separated)

COMMENT The comment string associated with the group. The group related functions are: group_exists (group) This function returns 1 if the given group exists as a local group account. If the local account does not exist it returns 0. Example: $ blquery linux solaris win2k -e group_exits ("uucp") linux: 1 solaris: 1 win2k: 0 group_record_count (expr) This function returns the number of groups that match the expression expr. Example: blquery -e group_record_count () 18 $ cat showgroups.blq printf ("Group GID\n"); printf ("-----------------\n"); group_record_count (printf ("%-10s %d\n", NAME, GID)); $ cat showgroups.blq | blquery solaris -E Group GID ----------------root 0 other 1 bin 2 . . group_gid (group) This function returns the GID of the given local user. group Example: $ blquery solaris -e group_gid ("other") 1 group_comment (group) This function returns the comment eld of the given local user group.

Example: $ blquery win2k -e group_comment ("Administrators") Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/dom group_members (group, sep) This function returns a string representing a list of users who are members of the given local user group. The optional argument sep must be a string whose rst character will be used as the separator for the list of values. The default separator is a SPACE character. Example:



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$ blquery solaris8 -e group_members ("uucp", ",") root,uucp group_member_count (group) This function returns the number of users who are members of the local user group. Example: $ blquery win2k -e group_member_count ("Administrator") 6

The following functions let you query against the congured network adapters and their respective settings. All of these functions take an expression as an argument. This argument identies the particular adapter you want to query. Within these expressions, you can use the following dynamic variables. NAME MAC IP SUBNET BROADCAST The adapters broadcast address in the standard 4 octet notation. IN OUT The number of bytes received by the adapter (supported only on Solaris and Linux) The number of bytes sent by the adapter (supported only on Solaris and Linux) The name of the adapter (for example "hme0") The adapters MAC address. Each hex value is treated as a two character value using lower case alpha characters. The adapters I.P. address in the standard 4 octet notation. The adapters subnet mask in the standard 4 octet notation.

The supported network functions are: net_interface_name (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the name of the rst interface that matches the expression expr. Example: $ blquery solaris linux -e net_interface_name ("IP = \"10.20.30.*\"") solaris: hme0 linux: eth0 net_mac_address (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the MAC address of the rst interface that matches the expression expr. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_mac_address ("NAME = \"hme0\"") 08:00:20:c1:d6:8c net_ip_address (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the I.P. address of the rst interface that matches the expression expr as a string in the standard 4 octet notation. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_ip_address ("NAME = \"hme0\"") net_subnet_mask (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the subnet mask of the rst interface that matches the expression expr as a string in the standard 4 octet notation. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_subnet_mask ("IP = \"\"")



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net_broadcast_address (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the broadcast address of the rst interface that matches the expression expr as a string in the standard 4 octet notation. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_broadcast_address ("IP = \"\"") net_bytes_in (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the number of bytes received by the rst interface that matches the expression expr. The return value is a 64 bit integer. This function returns useful information for Solaris and Linux servers only. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_bytes_in ("NAME = \"hme0\"") 651703216 net_bytes_out (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the number of bytes sent by the rst interface that matches the expression expr. The return value is a 64 bit integer. This function returns useful information for Solaris and Linux servers only. Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_bytes_in ("NAME = \"hme0\"") 330533685 net_ags (expr) This function enumerates the available adapters, and returns the status ag for the rst interface that matches the expression expr. The status ag of an interface is a series of bits that may have the following values (available only on Solaris) 1 2 4 32 64 The interface is running at a speed of 10Mb/sec. The interface is running at a speed of 100Mb/sec. The interface is running at a speed of 1000Mb/sec (1 Gb/sec). The interface is running in half duplex mode. The interface is running in full duplex mode.

Example: $ cat speed.blq set_variable ("FLAGS", net_flags (NAME = "hme0")) printf if if if ("SPEED ($FLAGS ($FLAGS ($FLAGS = & & & %s/sec (%s)0, 1, "10 Mb", 2, "100 Mb", 4, "1Gb", "NA"))),

if ($FLAGS & 32, "Half Duplex", if ($FLAGS & 64, "Full Duplex", "Auto"))); $ blquery solaris8 -E speed.blq SPEED = 100 Mb/sec (Auto) net_record_count (expr) This function enumerates all available adapters and returns the number of adapters that match the expression expr. If you do not specify expr, the function matches all adapters.



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Example: $ blquery solaris8 -e net_record_count () 2 $ cat adapters.blq printf ("INTERFACE IP ADDRESS SUBNET MASK\n"); net_record_count (printf ("%-10s %12s %15s\n", NAME, IP, SUBNET)); $ blquery solaris8 -E adapters.blq INTERFACE IP ADDRESS SUBNET MASK lo0 hme0


blquery has a generic mechanism to access ntop data. It also has a series of pre-dened wrapper functions where you do not need to know any ntop details to get the information. The wrapper functions are described rst, followed by the generic functions. os_name () This function return the name of the operating system of each host. Example: $ blquery solaris8 linux win2k hpux11 -e os_name () solaris8: SunOS linux: RedHat win2k: WindowsNT hpux11: HP-UX os_release () This function return the OS release for each host. Example: $ blquery solaris8 linux win2k hpux11 -e os_release () solaris8: 5.8 linux: 7.1 win2k: 5.0 hpux11: B.11.00 os_patch () This function returns the maintenance release of the each host. Different operating systems deal with this in different ways. On Linux, the function returns the kernel release number. On AIX, the function returns the maintenance release. On Windows, the function returns the Service Pack. Other platforms, such as Solaris and HPUX return a zero length string (meaning no value). Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e os_patch () solaris8: linux: 2.4.2-2 win2k: SP3 sys_cpu_count () This function returns the number of CPUs on the system. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e sys_cpu_count () solaris8: 4 linux: 2 win2k: 1



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sys_cpu_speed () This function returns the CPU speed in MHz. Not all systems return a value. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e sys_cpu_speed () solaris8: 440 linux: 2386 win2k: 797 sys_memory () This function returns the total amount of main memory in MB as reported by the OS. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e sys_memory () solaris8: 256 linux: 128 win2k: 511 sys_swap () This function returns the total amount of swap space in MB as reported by the OS. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e sys_swap () solaris8: 513 linux: 258 win2k: 2047 stat_load_average () This function returns the systems load average as a oating point value. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e stat_load_average () solaris8: 0.0100 linux: 0.0300 win2k: 0.1400 stat_mem_capacity () This function returns the percentage of memory used on the system. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e stat_mem_capacity () solaris8: 0.5100 linux: 0.9100 win2k: 0.4100 stat_swap_capacity () This function returns the percentage of swap space used on the system. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e stat_swap_capacity () solaris8: 0.0100 linux: 0.0800 win2k: 0.1000 stat_proc_count () This function returns the number of processes running on the system. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e stat_proc_count () solaris8: 43 linux: 57 win2k: 38



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stat_uptime () This function returns the number seconds that the machine has been running (meaning the number of seconds since it was booted). Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e stat_uptime () solaris8: 2524551 linux: 598933 win2k: 107898 df_total (partition) This function returns size in KB of the named partition. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e \ df_total (if (os_name () = "WindowsNT", "/C", "/usr")) solaris8: 2056211 linux: 1035660 win2k: 39045982 df_used (partition) This function returns the number of used blocks (in KB) of the named partition. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e \ df_used (if (os_name () = "WindowsNT", "/C", "/usr")) solaris8: 775191 linux: 829532 win2k: 9579678 df_free (partition) This function returns the number of free blocks (in KB) of the named partition. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e \ df_free (if (os_name () = "WindowsNT", "/C", "/usr")) solaris8: 1281020 linux: 206128 win2k: 29466303 df_capacity (partition) This function returns the percentage of used disk space of the named partition. Example: $ blquery -h solaris8 linux win2k -e \ df_capacity (if (os_name () = "WindowsNT", "/C", "/usr")) solaris8: 0.3800 linux: 0.8000 win2k: 0.2500 The following functions are generic functions to access ntop data. ntop_value (type, column, expr) This function calls up the ntop data of type type (one of "PS", "DF", "STATS", "OVER", "NET", or "MEM") and returns the value the eld named by column of the rst record that matches the expression expr. Column names are specic to the particular ntop data type. Check the individual ntop commands for more details. A quick guideline is that if you run the corresponding ntop command, the rst line of output consists of the column names. Some columns have a two word name. In this case, use the rst word of the name to identify the column.



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The expression argument (third argument) is useful for ntop data that consists of more than a single output record (such as, "DF" and "PS"). If you specify an expression as a string, the function will loop through all records and apply the expression to each record. When a record matches the expression (expression evaluates to true), the function returns the appropriate eld value (based on column name). You may use column names to construct the expression. If the expression is a numeric, the function considers the numeric to be the specic record number you want to access. The rst record is 0. Negative numbers tell the function to start looking from the back of the list (for example, a value of -1 means the last record). If you do not specify an expression, the function returns the eld value of the rst record. If the function does not nd any matching records, it returns a value of -1. Example: # # Same as stat_swap_capacity () # $ blquery solaris8 linux -e ntop_value ("STATS", "SWAP") solaris8: 0.1200 linux: 0.0100

# # Same as calling df_capacity ("/usr") # $ blquery linux -e ntop_value ("DF", "CAPACITY", "MOUNTED = \"/usr\"") linux: 0.3800 ntop_sum (type, column, expr) This function returns the sum of a series of ntop elds (named by column) of type type that match the expression expr. Records that do not match the expression are not included in the summary. Column names and ntop data types are equivalent to the workings of the ntop_value function (see above). Example: # # For each server, the sum of memory usage (as %) # of all apache processes # $ blquery linux1 linux2 linux3 -e set_variable ("APACHE_USER", "apache") set_variable ("APACHE_PROCNAME", "*httpd*") ntop_sum ("PS", "MEM", "(USER = $APACHE_USER) && (COMMAND = $APACHE_PROCNAME)") linux1: 0.1480 linux2: 0.0560 linux3: 0.0890 # # For each server, the total amount of free disk space # $ blquery -h linux solaris8 win2k -e sprintf ("Total free space on %-9s: %8.1f MB", $HOSTNAME, ntop_sum ("DF", "FREE") / 1024.0) Total free space on linux : 7911.2 MB



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Total free space on solaris8 : Total free space on win2k :

12101.8 MB 36208.0 MB

ntop_average (type, column, expr) This function works just like the ntop_sum function with the exception that it returns the average value of the matched entries instead of the sum of the values. Example: # # Average free disk space of several servers # $ blquery -h linux solaris8 win2k -e sprintf ("Average disk capacity on %-9s: %4.1f%%", $HOSTNAME, ntop_average ("DF", "CAPACITY") * 100) Average disk capacity on linux : 45.4% Average disk capacity on solaris8 : 13.1% Average disk capacity on win2k : 7.6% ntop_record_count (type, expr) This function returns the number of entries in the ntop data type that match the expression expr. If expr is not given, then it return the total number of entries. Example: # # Total number of processes running # $ blquery linux solaris8 win2k -e ntop_record_count ("PS") linux: 46 solaris8: 48 win2k: 44 # # Total number of java processes running # $ blquery linux solaris8 win2k -e ntop_record_count ("PS", "COMMAND = \"*java*\"") linux: 8 solaris8: 13 win2k: 16


The following functions let you query a Windows registry. Registry paths must always be absolute including the root hive name (for example, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"). All registry key paths in Windows are backslash (\) separated. Whenever you want to use a backslash in an expression string in NSH, you need to escape it. Therefore, within an expression string, separate your registry key paths with two backslashes, for example: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE". reg_key_exists (keypath) This function returns 1 if the registry key keypath exists, otherwise it returns 0. Example: $ blquery win2k -e \ reg_key_exists ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE") 1



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reg_value_exists (valpath) This function returns 1 if the registry value valpath exists, otherwise it returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h win2k -e reg_value_exists ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\INTEL\\CurrentLanguage") 1 reg_value (valpath) This function returns the value of registry value valpath. If valpath is not a valid registry path then the function returns -1. Since -1 is a possible valid value of a registry value, use this function in conjunction with the reg_value_exists function to determine if the registry value exists. Examples: $ blquery -h win2k -e reg_value ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\INTEL\\CurrentLanguage") ENU $ blquery -h win2k -e reg_value ( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa\\bounds" ) 0030000000200000 Note, when storing the results of a reg_value command in a variable (as shown in the following examples), you need to escape the backslashes (\) in the path of the registry value as follows: Use two backslashes when using the $() form Use four backslashes when using the form (back-tick form) $ LANG=$(blquery -h win2k -e reg_value("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\SOFTWARE\\INTEL\\CurrentLanguage")) $ echo $LANG $ ENU $ LANG=blquery -h win2k -e reg_value("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\\\SOFTWARE\\\\INTEL\\\\CurrentLanguage") $ echo $LANG $ ENU The return type (for example, string, int, etc.) depends on the registry value type. The supported types are: REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN Returns a 32 bit integer value. REG_SZ, REG_LINK, REG_EXPAND_SZ Returns a string. REG_MULTI_SZ Returns a string containing all strings in the multi string space separated. REG_NONE Returns a zero length string. REG_BINARY, and all others Returns a string consisting of the hex values of each item in the array of values. Each hex value consists of two (zero lled) hex characters. There are no



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spaces between the array values.


The following functions let you query Windows services. There are several functions that let you pass an expression to nd a matching service. These (sub) expressions support the following dynamic variable names: NAME DISPLAY STATUS STARTUP LOGON Name of service (short name). Display name of service (long name). One of "RUNNING", "STOPPED", or "PENDING". One of "BOOT_START", "SYSTEM_START", "AUTO_START", "MANUAL", or "DISABLED". Account name service is run as.

DESCRIPTION Description of service. PROGRAM Name of executable used by service. service_exists (name) This function returns 1 if the Windows service name (as dened by the services display name) exists. If accessing a non Windows server or if the service does not exist, the function returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h win2k -e service_exists ("MySql") win2k: 1 service_running (service) This function returns 1 if the named service exists and is currently running. service can be either a string or an integer. In the case of a string, service is taken to be a service name (as dened by the services display name). If service is an integer, it is taken to be a record number as returned by service_record_number (). If the service does not exist, if it is not running, if you specied an out of range record number, or if you are not accessing a Windows server then the function returns 0. Example: $ blquery -h win2k -e service_running ("MySql") 1 # # Check if the service that runs "mysqld-nt.exe" is running # $ blquery -h win2k -e set_variable ("EXE", "*\\mysqld-nt.exe") service_running (service_record_number ("PRORGAM = $EXE")) 1 service_record_count (expr) This function returns the number of services that match the expression expr. If you do not specify expr, the function returns the total number of congured services. See the top of this section for dynamic variable names and their possible values. Example: # # Total number of services currently disabled # $ blquery win2k -e set_variable ("DISABLED", "DISABLED")



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service_record_count ("STARTUP = $DISABLED") 1 # # Services summary # $ cat expr.blq set_variable ("RUNNING", service_record_count (STATUS = "RUNNING")) set_variable ("STOPPED", service_record_count (STATUS = "STOPPED")) set_variable ("PENDING", service_record_count (STATUS = "PENDING")) printf printf printf printf ("Total services: %d\n", service_record_count ()); (" RUNNING: %d\n", $RUNNING); (" STOPPED: %d\n", $STOPPED); (" PENDING: %d\n", $PENDING);

$ blquery win2k -E expr.blq Total services: 63 RUNNING: 35 STOPPED: 28 PENDING: 0 service_record_number (expr, skip) This function returns the record number for the rst service that matches the expression expr. See the top of this section for dynamic variable names that can be used in this expression. Once you get this record number, you can use it in other services functions, to access particular service records. The optional skip parameter tells the function to skip the rst skip number of matched records. This function is useful when you do not yet know the name of the service that you will be dealing with. Example: # # Find out if the service using the executable # "mysqld-nt.exe" is running or not. # $ blquery -h win2k -e set_variable ("EXE", "*\\mysqld-nt.exe") service_running (service_record_number ("PRORGAM = $EXE")) 1 service_eld_value (service, eld) This function returns the string value of a particular service eld. eld should be one of the following string values. NAME DISPLAY STATUS STARTUP LOGON Returns the name of service (short name). Returns the display name of service (long name). Returns one of the following strings:"RUNNING", "STOPPED", or "PENDING". Returns one of the following strings: "BOOT_START", "SYSTEM_START", "AUTO_START", "MANUAL", or "DISABLED". Returns the account name service is run as.

DESCRIPTION Returns the description of the service.



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PROGRAM <other>

Returns the name of the executable used by the service. Returns zero length string.

The argument service can be either a string or an integer. In the case of a string, service is taken to be a service name (as dened by the services display name). If service is an integer, it is taken to be a record number as returned by service_record_number (). Example: # # Get the name of the executable associated with # the MySql service # $ blquery win2k -e service_field_value ("MySql", "PROGRAM") C:\nsh\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe # # The same again # $ blquery win2k -e set_variable ("MYSQL", "MySql") service_field_value ( service_record_number ("NAME = $MYSQL"), "PROGRAM") C:\nsh\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe

Windows Services queries against the local server are not supported.

The blquery utility itself is a very short program. It just interfaces the underlying blquery API.

blquery was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr (NSH), ntop (NSH), ndf (NSH), nps (NSH), nmem (NSH), nover (NSH), nstats (NSH), nnet (NSH)




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bl_srp_agent activate a user information cache on UNIX

bl_srp_agent --background

The bl_srp_agent command activates a user information cache on UNIX. When you run bl_srp_agent, the system prompts for a user ID, password, and role. After you provide this information, the system generates a message like the following: set BL_SRP_INFO to <xy> to reuse this private key. where <xy> is the hexadecimal value of the location of the shared memory segment. After entering your user information, bl_srp_agent runs in the background with the user information cached in a shared memory segment. This shared memory segment is only usable for the user who ran bl_srp_agent. To reuse this shared memory segment with Network Shell, set the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: BL_SRP_INFO=<xy> Export the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: export BL_SRP_INFO The bl_srp_agent program remains in the background holding the user information cached in a shared memory segment until you kill it.

--background Instructs bl_srp_agent to run in the background. If you do not use this option, bl_srp_agent runs in the foreground. Other programs can use the information cached by bl_srp_agent whether bl_srp_agent is running in the foreground or background.

bl_srp_agent --background

bl_srp_agent was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.



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bl_srp_agent activate a user information cache on UNIX

bl_srp_agent --background

The bl_srp_agent command activates a user information cache on UNIX. When you run bl_srp_agent, the system prompts for a user ID, password, and role. After you provide this information, the system generates a message like the following: set BL_SRP_INFO to <xy> to reuse this private key. where <xy> is the hexadecimal value of the location of the shared memory segment. After entering your user information, bl_srp_agent runs in the background with the user information cached in a shared memory segment. This shared memory segment is only usable for the user who ran bl_srp_agent. To reuse this shared memory segment with Network Shell, set the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: BL_SRP_INFO=<xy> Export the BL_SRP_INFO environment variable by issuing the following command: export BL_SRP_INFO The bl_srp_agent program remains in the background holding the user information cached in a shared memory segment until you kill it.

--background Instructs bl_srp_agent to run in the background. If you do not use this option, bl_srp_agent runs in the foreground. Other programs can use the information cached by bl_srp_agent whether bl_srp_agent is running in the foreground or background.

bl_srp_agent --background

bl_srp_agent was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.



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bzip2, bunzip2 a block-sorting le compressor, v1.0 bzcat decompresses les to stdout bzip2recover recovers data from damaged bzip2 les

bzip2 [ cdfkqstvzVL123456789 ] [ lenames ... ] bunzip2 [ fkvsVL ] [ lenames ... ] bzcat [ s ] [ lenames ... ] bzip2recover lename

bzip2 compresses les using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. Compression is generally considerably better than that achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and approaches the performance of the PPM family of statistical compressors. The command-line options are deliberately very similar to those of GNU gzip, but they are not identical. bzip2 expects a list of le names to accompany the command-line ags. Each le is replaced by a compressed version of itself, with the name "original_name.bz2". Each compressed le has the same modication date, permissions, and, when possible, ownership as the corresponding original, so that these properties can be correctly restored at decompression time. File name handling is naive in the sense that there is no mechanism for preserving original le names, permissions, ownerships or dates in lesystems which lack these concepts, or have serious le name length restrictions, such as MS-DOS. bzip2 and bunzip2 will by default not overwrite existing les. If you want this to happen, specify the f ag. If no le names are specied, bzip2 compresses from standard input to standard output. In this case, bzip2 will decline to write compressed output to a terminal, as this would be entirely incomprehensible and therefore pointless. bunzip2 (or bzip2 d) decompresses all specied les. Files which were not created by bzip2 will be detected and ignored, and a warning issued. bzip2 attempts to guess the lename for the decompressed le from that of the compressed le as follows: lename.bz2 becomes lename becomes lename lename.tbz2 becomes lename.tar lename.tbz becomes lename.tar anyothername becomes anyothername.out If the le does not end in one of the recognised endings, .bz2, .bz, .tbz2 or .tbz, bzip2 complains that it cannot guess the name of the original le, and uses the original name with .out appended. As with compression, supplying no lenames causes decompression from standard input to standard output. bunzip2 will correctly decompress a le which is the concatenation of two or more compressed les. The result is the concatenation of the corresponding uncompressed les. Integrity testing (t) of concatenated compressed les is also supported. You can also compress or decompress les to the standard output by giving the c ag. Multiple les may be compressed and decompressed like this. The resulting outputs are fed sequentially to stdout.


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Compression of multiple les in this manner generates a stream containing multiple compressed le representations. Such a stream can be decompressed correctly only by bzip2 version 0.9.0 or later. Earlier versions of bzip2 will stop after decompressing the rst le in the stream. bzcat (or bzip2 -dc) decompresses all specied les to the standard output. bzip2 will read arguments from the environment variables BZIP2 and BZIP, in that order, and will process them before any arguments read from the command line. This gives a convenient way to supply default arguments. Compression is always performed, even if the compressed le is slightly larger than the original. Files of less than about one hundred bytes tend to get larger, since the compression mechanism has a constant overhead in the region of 50 bytes. Random data (including the output of most le compressors) is coded at about 8.05 bits per byte, giving an expansion of around 0.5%. As a self-check for your protection, bzip2 uses 32-bit CRCs to make sure that the decompressed version of a le is identical to the original. This guards against corruption of the compressed data, and against undetected bugs in bzip2 (hopefully very unlikely). The chances of data corruption going undetected is microscopic, about one chance in four billion for each le processed. Be aware, though, that the check occurs upon decompression, so it can only tell you that something is wrong. It cant help you recover the original uncompressed data. You can use bzip2recover to try to recover data from damaged les. Return values: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental problems (le not found, invalid ags, I/O errors, &c), 2 to indicate a corrupt compressed le, 3 for an internal consistency error (eg, bug) which caused bzip2 to panic.

c --stdout Compress or decompress to standard output. d --decompress Force decompression. bzip2, bunzip2 and bzcat are really the same program, and the decision about what actions to take is done on the basis of which name is used. This ag overrides that mechanism, and forces bzip2 to decompress. z --compress The complement to d: forces compression, regardless of the invokation name. t --test Check integrity of the specied le(s), but dont decompress them. This really performs a trial decompression and throws away the result. f --force Force overwrite of output les. Normally, bzip2 will not overwrite existing output les. Also forces bzip2 to break hard links to les, which it otherwise wouldnt do. k --keep Keep (dont delete) input les during compression or decompression. s --small Reduce memory usage, for compression, decompression and testing. Files are decompressed and tested using a modied algorithm which only requires 2.5 bytes per block byte. This means any le can be decompressed in 2300k of memory, albeit at about half the normal speed. During compression, s selects a block size of 200k, which limits memory use to around the same gure, at the expense of your compression ratio. In short, if your machine is low on memory (8 megabytes or less), use s for everything. See MEMORY MANAGEMENT below.


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q --quiet Suppress non-essential warning messages. Messages pertaining to I/O errors and other critical events will not be suppressed. v --verbose Verbose mode -- show the compression ratio for each le processed. Further vs increase the verbosity level, spewing out lots of information which is primarily of interest for diagnostic purposes. L --license -V --version Display the software version, license terms and conditions. 1 to 9 Set the block size to 100 k, 200 k .. 900 k when compressing. Has no effect when decompressing. See MEMORY MANAGEMENT below. Treats all subsequent arguments as le names, even if they start with a dash. This is so you can handle les with names beginning with a dash, for example: bzip2 - mylename.

-repetitive-fast --repetitive-best These ags are redundant in versions 0.9.5 and above. They provided some coarse control over the behaviour of the sorting algorithm in earlier versions, which was sometimes useful. 0.9.5 and above have an improved algorithm which renders these ags irrelevant.

bzip2 compresses large les in blocks. The block size affects both the compression ratio achieved, and the amount of memory needed for compression and decompression. The ags 1 through 9 specify the block size to be 100,000 bytes through 900,000 bytes (the default) respectively. At decompression time, the block size used for compression is read from the header of the compressed le, and bunzip2 then allocates itself just enough memory to decompress the le. Since block sizes are stored in compressed les, it follows that the ags 1 to 9 are irrelevant to and so ignored during decompression. Compression and decompression requirements, in bytes, can be estimated as: Compression: 400k + ( 8 x block size ) Decompression: 100k + ( 4 x block size ), or 100k + ( 2.5 x block size ) Larger block sizes give rapidly diminishing marginal returns. Most of the compression comes from the rst two or three hundred k of block size, a fact worth bearing in mind when using bzip2 on small machines. It is also important to appreciate that the decompression memory requirement is set at compression time by the choice of block size. For les compressed with the default 900k block size, bunzip2 will require about 3700 kbytes to decompress. To support decompression of any le on a 4 megabyte machine, bunzip2 has an option to decompress using approximately half this amount of memory, about 2300 kbytes. Decompression speed is also halved, so you should use this option only where necessary. The relevant ag is -s. In general, try and use the largest block size memory constraints allow, since that maximises the compression achieved. Compression and decompression speed are virtually unaffected by block size. Another signicant point applies to les which t in a single block -- that means most les youd encounter using a large block size. The amount of real memory touched is proportional to the size of the le, since the le is smaller than a block. For example, compressing a le 20,000 bytes long with the ag -9 will cause the compressor to allocate around 7600k of memory, but only touch 400k + 20000 * 8 = 560 kbytes of it. Similarly, the decompressor will allocate 3700k but only touch 100k + 20000 * 4 = 180 kbytes.


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Here is a table which summarises the maximum memory usage for different block sizes. Also recorded is the total compressed size for 14 les of the Calgary Text Compression Corpus totalling 3,141,622 bytes. This column gives some feel for how compression varies with block size. These gures tend to understate the advantage of larger block sizes for larger les, since the Corpus is dominated by smaller les. Compress Decompress Decompress Corpus Flag usage usage -s usage Size -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 1200k 2000k 2800k 3600k 4400k 5200k 6100k 6800k 7600k 500k 900k 1300k 1700k 2100k 2500k 2900k 3300k 3700k 350k 600k 850k 1100k 1350k 1600k 1850k 2100k 2350k 914704 877703 860338 846899 845160 838626 834096 828642 828642


bzip2 compresses les in blocks, usually 900kbytes long. Each block is handled independently. If a media or transmission error causes a multi-block .bz2 le to become damaged, it may be possible to recover data from the undamaged blocks in the le. The compressed representation of each block is delimited by a 48-bit pattern, which makes it possible to nd the block boundaries with reasonable certainty. Each block also carries its own 32-bit CRC, so damaged blocks can be distinguished from undamaged ones. bzip2recover is a simple program whose purpose is to search for blocks in .bz2 les, and write each block out into its own .bz2 le. You can then use bzip2 t to test the integrity of the resulting les, and decompress those which are undamaged. bzip2recover takes a single argument, the name of the damaged le, and writes a number of les "rec0001le.bz2", "rec0002le.bz2", etc, containing the extracted blocks. The output lenames are designed so that the use of wildcards in subsequent processing -- for example, "bzip2 -dc rec*le.bz2 > recovered_data" -- lists the les in the correct order. bzip2recover should be of most use dealing with large .bz2 les, as these will contain many blocks. It is clearly futile to use it on damaged single-block les, since a damaged block cannot be recovered. If you wish to minimise any potential data loss through media or transmission errors, you might consider compressing with a smaller block size.

The sorting phase of compression gathers together similar strings in the le. Because of this, les containing very long runs of repeated symbols, like "aabaabaabaab ..." (repeated several hundred times) may compress more slowly than normal. Versions 0.9.5 and above fare much better than previous versions in this respect. The ratio between worst-case and average-case compression time is in the region of 10:1. For previous versions, this gure was more like 100:1. You can use the vvvv option to monitor progress in great detail, if you want. Decompression speed is unaffected by these phenomena. bzip2 usually allocates several megabytes of memory to operate in, and then charges all over it in a fairly random fashion. This means that performance, both for compressing and decompressing, is largely determined by the speed at which your machine can service cache misses. Because of this, small changes to the


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code to reduce the miss rate have been observed to give disproportionately large performance improvements. I imagine bzip2 will perform best on machines with very large caches.

I/O error messages are not as helpful as they could be. bzip2 tries hard to detect I/O errors and exit cleanly, but the details of what the problem is sometimes seem rather misleading. This manual page pertains to version 1.0 of bzip2. Compressed data created by this version is entirely forwards and backwards compatible with the previous public releases, versions 0.1pl2, 0.9.0 and 0.9.5, but with the following exception: 0.9.0 and above can correctly decompress multiple concatenated compressed les. 0.1pl2 cannot do this; it will stop after decompressing just the rst le in the stream. bzip2recover uses 32-bit integers to represent bit positions in compressed les, so it cannot handle compressed les more than 512 megabytes long. This could easily be xed.

Julian Seward, The ideas embodied in bzip2 are due to (at least) the following people: Michael Burrows and David Wheeler (for the block sorting transformation), David Wheeler (again, for the Huffman coder), Peter Fenwick (for the structured coding model in the original bzip, and many renements), and Alistair Moffat, Radford Neal and Ian Witten (for the arithmetic coder in the original bzip). I am much indebted for their help, support and advice. See the manual in the source distribution for pointers to sources of documentation. Christian von Roques encouraged me to look for faster sorting algorithms, so as to speed up compression. Bela Lubkin encouraged me to improve the worst-case compression performance. Many people sent patches, helped with portability problems, lent machines, gave advice and were generally helpful.

CAT (1)

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

CAT (1)

NAME cat concatenate and print les SYNOPSIS cat [ benstuv] [file . . .] DESCRIPTION The cat utility reads les sequentially, writing them to the standard output. The file operands are processed in command-line order. If file is a single dash ( - ) or absent, cat reads from the standard input. The options are as follows: b e n s t u v Implies the n option but doesnt count blank lines. Implies the v option and also prints a dollar sign ( $ ) at the end of each line. Number the output lines, starting at 1. Squeeze multiple adjacent empty lines, causing the output to be single spaced. Implies the v option and also prints tab characters as I. The output is guaranteed to be unbuffered (see setbuf(3)). Displays non-printing characters so they are visible. Control characters print as X for control-X, with the exception of the tab and EOL characters, which are displayed normally. The tab character, control-I, can be made visible via the t option. The DEL character (octal 0177) prints as ?. Non-ASCII characters (with the high bit set) are printed as M- (for meta) followed by the character for the low 7 bits.

The cat utility exits 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred. EXAMPLES Print the contents of file1 to the standard output: $ cat file1 Sequentially print the contents of file1 and file2 to the le file3, truncating file3 if it already exists. See the manual page for your shell (e.g., sh(1)) for more information on redirection. $ cat file1 file2 > file3 Print the contents of file1, print data it receives from the standard input until it receives an EOF ( D ) character, print the contents of file2, read and output contents of the standard input again, then nally output the contents of file3. Note that if the standard input referred to a le, the second dash on the command-line would have no effect, since the entire contents of the le would have already been read and printed by cat when it encountered the rst - operand. $ cat file1 - file2 - file3 SEE ALSO head(1), less(1), more(1), pr(1), sh(1), tail(1), vis(1), setbuf(3) Rob Pike, "UNIX Style, or cat -v Considered Harmful", USENIX Summer Conference Proceedings, 1983. STANDARDS The cat utility is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (POSIX.2) specication.


May 2, 1995

CAT (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

CAT (1)

The ags [ benstv] are extensions to the specication. HISTORY A cat utility appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX. BUGS Because of the shell language mechanism used to perform output redirection, the command cat file1 file2 > file1 will cause the original data in file1 to be destroyed!


May 2, 1995


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


chapw Change RSCD Agent password on remote Windows servers

chapw [-r] [-p passwd] [-q] [-f le] host1 [host2 ...]

This command is used to set / change the agent password on one or more Windows hosts that have BladeLogic agent running. When the RSCD Agent comes up on a Windows server, it needs to impersonate the BladeLogicRSCD user (created at install time) in order to have the privileges it requires to run properly. To this end, the RSCD Agent needs to supply a password to the OS. To determine which password to use, the RSCD Agent looks at a pre-determined registry location (see below) in which a password may be set. If the registry location is not found/set, the RSCD Agent uses a default password shipped with the agent.

The following options are supported: -f le Specify a at le containing the list of hosts whose RSCD Agent password one wishes to update. In addition, one can also name additional hosts as arguments on the command line.

-p passwd By default one is prompted to enter (and conrm) the desired password. With this option one can specify the desired password as an argument. -r -q host ... If a password was not specied with the -p option, then this option will cause chapw to automatically randomly generate a 16 character password. By default chapw displays information about the progress of the update. With this option only error messages are output. The name of the hosts to be updated. Servers that are not Windows servers are not updated and an appropriate error message is output. In addition, one can also use the -f le option to specify additional hosts from the le content.

The password is kept encrypted in the following registry key: SECURITY\SAM\BladeLogic\Operations Manager\RSCD\P

The specied hosts for this command should all be Windows systems and should have the agent running with the "Local System" privileges. This command does not prompt for the old password as the default password with which the agent was shipped is unknown to the user. If for some reason the user decides to revert back to the default value with which the BladeLogic agent was shipped, then the user should remove the RSCD registry location from the registry and delete the BladeLogicRSCD user.

rscd (1)



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chgrp Change group (and user) ownerships of les

chgrp [-fhRv?] group le ... chgrp [-fhRv?] le ...

chgrp changes the group or the group and user ownership of the named les. By default, chgrp changes only the group ownership. However, if you precede the group name by a user name and a period (.), then chgrp changes the user ownership as well.

-f -h -l -r Do not report any errors that occur. When changing the ownership of a le that is a symbolic link, change the ownership of the link itself rather than the le it is pointing to. Always resolve the groupname and optional username on the local system. See the -r option. Indicates that the groupname and the (optional) username are not numeric, and therefore will not be resolved on the local system. Instead, chgrp will resolve the username and groupname on the system on which the change of ownership is to take place. By default, this option is turned on. To turn it off, use the -l option. -R -v -? group user If any of the named arguments is a directory, then chgrp will recursively descend the directory and change the appropriate ownerships of all les and sub-directories below it. Output a message for each le whose ownership is being changed. This can be useful for monitoring progress in recursive le ownership changes. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without changing any ownerships. New group owner of the le (group name or GID). New owner of the le (user name or UID).

The rst example changes the group ownership of the le myprog to bin. The second example changes the group ownership of all les in the directory /u1/myapps to group adm on host paris. $ chgrp bin myprog $ chgrp -R adm //paris/u1/myapps

chgrp: Unable to access le lename chgrp was unable to access the le lename. chgrp: Unable to access directory dirname When changing ownerships of a le (directory) recursively, this message will appear if chgrp is unable to access the directory dirname. chgrp: Unable to change group ownership of le lename An error has occurred when changing the ownership of the le lename. chgrp: Unknown group ID groupname The groupname groupname is unknown, and consequently a GID is not available for this group. chgrp: Unknown user ID username The username username is unknown, and consequently a UID is not available for this user.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


0 1 2 3 4 255 No errors detected. Unknown option or missing le argument. chgrp was unable to access the le it was trying to change ownership of. chgrp was unable to access one of the directories in a recursive change of ownership. You specied an unknown GID or UID. Unable to get a license to use the software.

If you do not specify either the -l option or the -r option, and you use a groupname/username (as opposed to a GID/UID), chgrp resolves the groupname/username to the GID/UID on the local machine. If the GID/UID of the group/user differs on the host on which you are making the change, you may not achieve the ownership change you want. The -h option may have no effect on systems that do not support the appropriate system call to perform this action (lchown(2)).

chgrp was written by Thomas Kraus




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


chmod Change the mode (protection attributes) of a le

chmod [-Rdfv?] mode le ...

chmod changes the mode or access permissions of the named le(s) to mode. mode can be an absolute octal value, or a series of comma separated instructions, each having the following format: [who][op][perms] The who section determines whose permissions are to be changed. who can be one or a combination of two or more characters from the following set: who If you do not specify a value for who , it defaults to the value of a u Modify the user permissions g Modify the group permissions o Modify the other permissions a Modify all permissions (same as ugo) You must specify one of the following values for the op section: + Add the specied permissions to the existing permissions of the le Subtract the specied permissions from the existing permissions of the le = Set the specied value as the le permissions Set the new permissions using any combination of the following characters r Modify the read permissions for who w Modify the write permissions for who x Modify the execute permissions for who s Modify the set UID/GID permissions for who t Modify the set sticky bit permissions for who If any of the named arguments is a directory, then chmod will recursively descend the directory and change the appropriate permissions of all les and sub-directories below it. This option tells chmod to change the permissions of a le ONLY if the le is a directory. This includes both les specically named in the command argument list, and les encountered while doing a recursive (-R) permissions change. If chmod encounters a le that is not a directory, chmod silently skips it. This can be a useful option in a recursive change of permissions if you only want to change the permissions of directories, since directories usually have different permissions than les. This option tells chmod to change the permissions of a le ONLY if the le is not a directory (i.e. regular les, special les, ... etc). This includes both les specically named in the command argument list, and les encountered while doing a recursive (-R) permissions change. If chmod encounters a directory, chmod silently skips it. This can be a useful option in a recursive change of permissions if one does not want to change the permissions of any directories. Output a message for each le whose permissions are being changed. This can be useful to monitor the progress of a recursive permissions change. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without changing any permissions. The permissions changes you want to make. See the DESCRIPTION section above. File whose mode you want to change.



-R -d


-v -? mode le



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The rst example changes the permissions of the le myprog to 755 (read, write, execute for user, and read, execute for both the group and other users). The second example adds execute permission to other users and read, write, execute permissions for the owner of the le. $ chmod 0755 myprog $ chmod o+x,u+rwx //madrid/u1/myprog

chmod: Invalid mode (mode) The mode you specied contained unknown characters. chmod: Unable to access the le lename chmod was unable to access the lename chmod: Unable to access directory dirname When changing permissions of a le (directory) recursively, chmod was unable to access the directory dirname chmod: Cannot change ownership of le lename An error occurred when changing the permissions of the le lename

0 1 2 3 255 No errors detected. Unknown option or missing le argument. chmod was unable to access the le it was trying to change ownership of. chmod was unable to access one of the directories in a recursive change of permissions. Unable to get a license to use the software.

chmod was written by Thomas Kraus.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


chown Change user (and group) ownerships of les

chown [-fhlrRv?] user le ... chown [-fhlrRv?] le ...

This command changes the user or the user and group ownership of the named les. By default, this command changes only the user ownership. However, you can also change the group ownership of a le by appending a period (.) and a group name to the user name.

-f -h -l -r Do not report any errors if they occur. When changing the ownership of a le that is a symbolic link, change the ownership of the link itself rather than the le it is pointing to. Always resolve the username and optional groupname on the local system. See the -r option. Indicates that the username and the (optional) groupname are not numeric, and therefore will not be resolved on the local system. Instead, the username and groupname will be resolved on the system on which the change of ownership is to take place. By default, this option is turned on. You can turn it off with the -l option. -R -v -? user group If any of the named arguments is a directory, then chown will recursively descend the directory and change the appropriate ownerships of all les and sub-directories below it. Output a message for each le whose ownership is being changed. Useful for monitoring progress in recursive le ownership changes. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status, without changing any ownerships. New owner of the le (user name or UID). New group owner of the le (group name or GID).

The rst example changes the user ownership of the le myprog to bin. The second example changes the group ownership of all les in the directory /u1/myapps to user adm on host bern. $ chown bin myprog $ chown -R adm //bern/u1/myapps

chown: Unable to access le lename chown was unable to access the le lename. chown: Unable to access directory dirname When changing ownerships of a le (directory) recursively, this message will appear if chown is unable to access the directory dirname. chown: Unable to change user ownership of le lename An error has occurred when changing the ownership of the le lename. chown: Unknown user ID username The username username is unknown, and consequently a UID is not available for this user. chown: Unknown group ID groupname The groupname groupname is unknown, and consequently a GID is not available for this group.



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0 1 2 3 4 255 No errors detected. Unknown option or missing le argument. chown was unable to access the le it was trying to change ownership of. chown was unable to access one of the directories in a recursive change of ownership. chown encountered an unknown GID or UID. Unable to get a license to use the software.

When a user or group name is explicitly used (as opposed to numeric values), the UID and GID of the user/group as dened on the local host is used. Consequently, the change of ownership may not reect the desired effect if the UID/GID of the user/group differ on the host on which the change is being made, The -h option may have no effect on systems that do not support the appropriate system call to perform this action (lchown(2)).

chown was written by Thomas Kraus.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


chrole Change the active role for the current Network Shell session.

chrole [role]

The chrole command changes the role preference for the current NSH session. All subsequent NSH commands issued from within that session are executed within the context of the new role. If you do not provide a role preference when entering the chrole command, you are presented with a numbered list of authorized roles and prompted to make a selection from that list. Entering a chrole command only changes the role for new connections with Network Shell Proxy Servers. To set up a new role for agents with which you already have proxy connections, you must disconnect. See the EXAMPLES section below for a demonstration of the required procedure.


The following example changes the active role to WindowsAdmins, provided the active user is authorized for that role. $ chrole WindowsAdmins The following example shows the procedure that is necessary to change roles for existing connections to agents. Because the chrole command does not change the role for the current session, when you have an existing connection, you must specify a new role preference, disconnect from the host where you are currently connected, and then reconnect. $ cd //host1 # Connect to host1. Your current role is role1. $ chrole role2 # Change to role2. $ cd // # Make no connection the active context. $ disconnect # Disconnect from all servers. Note that this command will not # disconnect from host1 if the current working directory is //host1. $ cd //host1 # Reconnect to host1.

If the user attempts to chrole to an unauthorized role, the role selection is ignored. The user is presented with a list of roles to choose from.

0 Always returns with a 0 exit code.

The chrole command is a "built-in" Network Shell command and can only be issued from within an active NSH session.

chrole was developed by BladeLogic.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


cksum, sum display le checksums and block counts

cksum [-?] [-r] [-o [1 | 2]] [le ...] sum [-?] [-r] [-o [1 | 2]] [le ...]

The cksum utility writes to the standard output three whitespace separated elds for each input le. These elds are a checksum CRC, the total number of octets in the le and the le name. If no le name is specied, the standard input is used and no le name is written. Sum is a link to cksum and is provided for compatibility. Using this interface, one only has access to the historic algorithms ( -o 1 | 2 ). Please read the UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR section to determine the default behavior of this command.

The following options may modify the behavior of cksum. -r -o 1 | 2 -? Same as -o 1. Use historic algorithms instead of the (superior) default one. See description below. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with calculating any checksums.

Algorithm 1 is the algorithm used by historic BSD systems as the sum(1) algorithm and by historic AT&T System V UNIX systems as the sum algorithm when using the -r option. This is a 16-bit checksum, with a right rotation before each addition; overow is discarded. Algorithm 2 is the algorithm used by historic AT&T System V UNIX systems as the default sum algorithm. This is a 32-bit checksum, and is dened as follows: s = sum of all bytes; r = s % 216 + (s % 232) / 216; cksum = (r % 216) + r / 216; Both algorithm 1 and 2 write to the standard output the same elds as the default algorithm except that the size of the le in bytes is replaced with the size of the le in blocks. For historic reasons, the block size is 1024 for algorithm 1 and 512 for algorithm 2. Partial blocks are rounded up. The default CRC used is based on the polynomial used for CRC error checking in the networking standard ISO 8802-3: 1989 The CRC checksum encoding is dened by the generating polynomial: G(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 Mathematically, the CRC value corresponding to a given le is dened by the following procedure: The n bits to be evaluated are considered to be the coefcients of a mod 2 polynomial M(x) of degree n-1. These n bits are the bits from the le, with the most signicant bit being the most signicant bit of the rst octet of the le and the last bit being the least signicant bit of the last octet, padded with zero bits (if necessary) to achieve an integral number of octets, followed by one or more octets representing the length of the le as a binary value, least signicant octet rst. The smallest number of octets capable of representing this integer are used. M(x) is multiplied by x32 (i.e., shifted left 32 bits) and divided by G(x) using mod 2 division, producing a remainder R(x) of degree <= 31. The coefcients of R(x) are considered to be a 32-bit sequence. The bit sequence is complemented and the result is the CRC. The cksum utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


The rst example prints out the checksum for two password les using the new improved checksum algorithm. The second example uses the historic AT&T algorithm for all les in the directory /home/data on host ottawa. $ cksum /etc/passwd //ottawa/etc/passwd $ cksum -o 2 //ottawa/home/data/*

cksum: Cannot open le lename The le for which the checksum was to be calculated was not accessible. A system error message follows the output of the error message.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected An unknown option was given One of the les to be checksummed was not accessible Unable to get a license to use the software.

The universe setting only takes affect when the sum version of the command is used and no checksum type has been selected. When the P_BSD variable is set (Berkeley behavior), algorithm 1 is used. With the P_ATT variable set, algorithm 2 is used.

Please read the Copyright notice in intro(1) section of documentation.

Cksum includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgments.

sum(1), cksum(1).



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


cmp Compare two les

cmp [-ls?] le1 le2 [skip1] [skip2]

cmp compares the content of two les, checking to see if they are identical. cmp exits with an exit code that indicates whether or not the les are identical. By default, cmp stops processing after it nds the rst difference. If one of the les is shorter in length than the other, cmp outputs an appropriate message and stops the comparison, even with the -l option. When this happens, cmp always considers the les not to be identical.

-l Do not stop checking after nding the rst difference. Instead, nd all differences in the les. For each difference it nds, cmp outputs a line consisting of the character number, and the two different character values found in the les. This option tells cmp not to output any message when it nds a difference. cmp will just exit with the appropriate exit code. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without doing any comparing. The rst le in the comparison. If le1 is -, then cmp uses the standard input. The second le in the comparison. Start comparing at skip1 bytes from rst le by seeking to that position in the le. If the standard input is being used ( le1 is -), then the offset is read instead of being seeked over. Start comparing at skip2 bytes from second le by seeking to that position in the le.

-s -? le1 le2 skip1 skip2

The following example checks to see the .rhosts le on a remote host has changed from the expected contents. If it has, the proper one is copied back over it with the proper permissions and ownerships. $ $ > > > > > > $ cmp -s rhosts.master //oslo/.rhosts if test $? -eq 1 then echo .rhosts file on host oslo has changed. cp rhosts.master //oslo/.rhosts chmod 0700 //oslo/.rhosts chown root.root //oslo/.rhosts fi

cmp: Cannot access le lename cmp was unable to access the le lename. cmp: Illegal option xyz The given option xyz is not a valid option. cmp: EOF on lename If one of the two les is shorter than the other, cmp outputs an appropriate message indicating which le is shorter.

0 Files are identical.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary 1 2 255 Files are not identical. One of the les was not accessible, or cmp encountered a bad or missing argument. Unable to get a license to use the software.


cmp was written by Thomas Kraus.


User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

colrm ( 1 )


colrm - remove columns from a le


colrm [start [stop]]


Colrm removes selected columns from the lines of a le. A column is dened as a single character in a line. Input is read from the standard input. Output is written to the standard output. If only the start column is specied, columns numbered less than the start column will be written. If both start and stop columns are specied, columns numbered less than the start column or greater than the stop column will be written. Column numbering starts with one, not zero. Tab characters increment the column count to the next multiple of eight. Backspace characters decrement the column count by one.

Colrm includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

column(1), cut(1), paste(1)

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

comm ( 1 )


comm - select or reject lines common to two les


comm [-123] le1 le2


The comm utility reads le1 and le2, which should be sorted lexically, and produces three text columns as output: lines only in le1; lines only in le2; and lines in both les. The lename - means the standard input. The following options are available: -1 -2 -3 Suppress printing of column 1. Suppress printing of column 2. Suppress printing of column 3.

Each column will have a number of tab characters prepended to it equal to the number of lower numbered columns that are being printed. For example, if column number two is being suppressed, lines printed in column number one will not have any tabs preceding them, and lines printed in column number three will have one. Comm assumes that the les are lexically sorted; all characters participate in line comparisons. Comm exits 0 on success, >0 if an error occurred.

Comm includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

cmp(1), sort(1), uniq(1)

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


System General Commands Manual


NAME compress, uncompress, zcat compress and expand data (compress mode) SYNOPSIS compress [ 123456789cdfghLlNnOqrtVv] [ b bits] [ o filename] [ S suffix] [file . . .] uncompress [ cfhlNnqrtv] [ o filename] [file . . .] zcat [ fghqr] [file . . .] DESCRIPTION The compress utility reduces the size of the named les using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding, in compress mode. If invoked as compress g, the deate mode of compression is chosen; see gzip(1) for more information. Each le is renamed to the same name plus the extension .Z. As many of the modication time, access time, le ags, le mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by permissions are retained in the new le. If compression would not reduce the size of a le, the le is ignored (unless f is used). The uncompress utility restores compressed les to their original form, renaming the les by removing the extension (or by using the stored name if the N ag is specied). It has the ability to restore les compressed by both compress and gzip(1), recognising the following extensions: .Z, -Z, _Z, .gz, -gz, _gz, .tgz, -tgz, _tgz, .taz, -taz, and _taz. Extensions ending in tgz and taz are not removed when decompressing, instead they are converted to tar. The zcat command is equivalent in functionality to uncompress c. If renaming the les would cause les to be overwritten and the standard input device is a terminal, the user is prompted (on the standard error output) for conrmation. If prompting is not possible or conrmation is not received, the les are not overwritten. If no les are specied, the standard input is compressed or uncompressed to the standard output. If either the input or output les are not regular les, the checks for reduction in size and le overwriting are not performed, the input le is not removed, and the attributes of the input le are not retained. By default, when compressing using the deate scheme ( g), the original le name and time stamp are stored in the compressed le. When uncompressing, this information is not used. Instead, the uncompressed le inherits the time stamp of the compressed version and the uncompressed le name is generated from the name of the compressed le as described above. These defaults may be overridden by the N and n ags, described below. The options are as follows: 1...9 Use the deate scheme, with compression factor of 1 to 9. Compression factor 1 is the fastest, but provides a poorer level of compression. Compression factor 9 provides the best level of compression, but is relatively slow. The default is 6. This option implies g. b bits Specify the bits code limit ( see below ) . c d f Compressed or uncompressed output is written to the standard output. No les are modied (force zcat mode). Decompress the source les instead of compressing them (force uncompress mode). Force compression of file, even if it is not actually reduced in size. Additionally, les are overwritten without prompting for conrmation. If the input data is not in a format recognized by compress and if the option c is also given, copy the input data without change to the standard


April 3, 2008

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


System General Commands Manual


output: let zcat behave as cat(1). g h L l Use the deate scheme, which reportedly provides better compression rates (force gzip(1) mode). Print a short help message. Print the license. List information for the specied compressed les. The following information is listed: compressed size uncompressed size compression ratio uncompressed name Size of the compressed le. Size of the le when uncompressed. Ratio of the difference between the compressed and uncompressed sizes to the uncompressed size. Name the le will be saved as when uncompressing.

If the v option is specied, the following additional information is printed: compression method crc time stamp Name of the method used to compress the le. 32-bit CRC ( cyclic redundancy code ) of the uncompressed le. Date and time corresponding to the last data modication time (mtime) of the compressed le (if the n option is specied, the time stamp stored in the compressed le is printed instead).

When uncompressing or listing, use the time stamp and le name stored in the compressed le, if any, for the uncompressed version. This information is only available when the deate scheme ( g) is used. When compressing, do not store the original le name and time stamp in the header of the compressed le. Use compress mode (the default).

n O

o filename Set the output le name. q r Be quiet: suppress all messages. Recursive mode: compress will descend into specied directories.

S suffix Set the sufx for compressed les. t V v Test the integrity of each le leaving any les intact. Display the program version ( RCS IDs of the source les ) and exit. Print the percentage reduction of each le and other information.

compress uses a modied Lempel-Ziv algorithm ( LZW ) . Common substrings in the le are rst replaced by 9-bit codes 257 and up. When code 512 is reached, the algorithm switches to 10-bit codes and continues to use more bits until the limit specied by the b ag is reached. bits must be between 9 and 16 ( the default is 16 ) . After the bits limit is reached, compress periodically checks the compression ratio. If it is increasing, compress continues to use the existing code dictionary. However, if the compression ratio decreases, compress discards the table of substrings and rebuilds it from scratch. This allows the algorithm to adapt to the next block of the le.


April 3, 2008

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System General Commands Manual


The b ag is omitted for uncompress since the bits parameter specied during compression is encoded within the output, along with a magic number to ensure that neither decompression of random data nor recompression of compressed data is attempted. The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the input, the number of bits per code, and the distribution of common substrings. Typically, text such as source code or English is reduced by 50 60% using compress. Compression is generally much better than that achieved by Huffman coding (as used in the historical command pack), or adaptive Huffman coding (as used in the historical command compact), and takes less time to compute. The compress, uncompress, and zcat utilities exit with 0 on success; 1 if an error occurred; or 2 if a warning occurred. SEE ALSO Welch, Terry A., "A Technique for High Performance Data Compression", IEEE Computer, 17:6, pp. 819, June, 1984. STANDARDS The compress, uncompress, and zcat utilities are compliant with the specication. The compress ags [ 123456789dghLlNnOqrtV], uncompress ags [ hlNnqrt], and the zcat ags [ fghqr] are extensions to that specication. HISTORY The compress command appeared in 4.3 BSD. Deate compression support was added in OpenBSD 2.1.


April 3, 2008


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cp Copy les

cp [-bifnpPtuvBCLST?] [-s suf] le1 le2 cp [-bifnpPrtuvBCLPRST?] [-s suf] [-IX wildcarded path] le ... dir

cp makes copies of les. In the rst form, cp copies the contents of one le to a second le. In the second form, cp copies multiple les into a directory. When copying to a directory, cp creates copied les with the same names as the source les. By default, when cp creates a new le, the new le gets the same permissions as the source le, and inherits the ownership of the calling user. If the target le already exists, and is consequently overwritten, then it retains its current permissions and ownerships.

-b -i Backup the target le, if it exists, before copying over the new source le. By default, cp appends the target le name with the sufx "". You can use the -s suf option to specify a different sufx. If a target le already exists, then cp will prompt the user to see if the user wants cp to overwrite the le. If the user conrms with an entry beginning with the letter y, then cp overwrites the le. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option interacts with the -f option. By default, if the target le already exists, it will retain its current le permissions after cp overwrites it. This option deletes the target le before the copy begins, so that the target le inherits the same le permissions as the source le. Synchronize le permissions. Even if the le itself does not get copied to the destination (conditional copy and no changes in le) the cp command will still update the destination les permissions to match the source les permissions. Dont actually make any changes. This option automatically turns on the verbose option -v and just lists the copies that cp would make if you had not turned on the -n option. cp does not create or remove any les or directories. This option is useful when you are performing a conditional copy and you just want to see what les would be copied if you were doing a real copy. This option turns off the -i option. Synchronize le ownerships. Even if the le itself does not get copied to the destination (conditional copy and no changes in le) the cp command will still update the destination les user/group ownerships to match the source les user/group ownerships. With this option, cp will attempt to give the target le the same ownerships (UID/GID), permissions, and access and modication times as the source le. This also applies to new directories being created. Preserve parent. By default, when cp copies a directory, it behaves differently depending on whether or not the destination (directory) already exists. If the destination directory does not exist, cp creates it and copies the content into it. If the destination directory does exist, cp creates a new directory inside of the existing directory, and copies the content into it. With the -P option, cp always acts as if the destination directory does not exist. When the destination directory does exist, cp overwrites it, so that, for example, two consecutive copies to the same destination directory will always produce the same result. With his option, if one of the les to be copied is a directory, then cp recursively copies all les and sub-directories from the directory into the target directory. If the target directory does not already exist, then cp will create the directory as required. If the target directory does already exist, then cp will create the new target directory within the (existing) target directory. Set the sufx for backup les to suf. The default sufx for les being backed up is "" (foo.c becomes foo.c) This option alone does not turn on the le backup feature. To turn on the le backup feature, use the -b command.








-s suf



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary -t -u


Make a textual copy of the le. This option is useful when copying text les to or from a Windows based system. This option will ensure proper handling of the <CR><LF> issues. There are three options you can use to perform conditional copies. They are -T, -S and -C. The -u option is equivalent to using the -T and -S options. These options cause the target le to be overwritten only if either the le sizes differ or if the source le has a newer modication date than the target le. Output a message for each le being copied. Useful for monitoring progress in a recursive copy. Like -b except that if a backup version of the le already exists, then the backup will not be overwritten. Conditional copy. The target le will be overwritten only if its content differs from the source le. This option implies the -S option. If the le sizes are the same, cp will perform a byte for byte analysis of the source and target les to determine if a difference exists. This option can be very resource intensive, especially on a large le.

-v -B -C

-I (wildcarded path) This option includes the specied les/directories in the sync operation. -K -L -P This option is like the -L option, except that it applies only to the top level le, should it be a symbolic link. When recursing through directories, follow symbolic links. This is the no parent option. This option is useful when (recursively) copying the content of one directory to another existing directory. The default action of the cp command would be to re-create the source directory in the destination directory. With the -P option, the content of the source directory is re-created in the target directory essentially overlaying the source directory on to the destination instead of creating the subdirectory. This option is the same as the -r option, except that newly created directories automatically get the user permissions read, write, and execute. If you use this option with the -p option, then the -R option is treated as a -r option. Conditional copy. This option tells cp to overwrite target les only if source and target le sizes differ. See the -u option. Conditional copy. This option tells cp to overwrite target les only if the modication date of the source le is newer than the modication date of the target le. See the -u option.


-S -T

-X (wildcarded path) This option excludes the specied les/directories from the sync operation. -? Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without copying any les.

The rst example copies the le myprog to the directory /usr/local/bin on the host brussels. The second example copies the contents of the directory datadir to the directory /usr/local/datadir which is rst created. $ cp -p myprog //brussels/usr/local/bin $ rm -fr //brussels/usr/local $ cp -rvf datadir //brussels/usr/local

cp: Target directory (dirname) not found When copying multiple les to a directory, this message will appear if cp is unable to access the target directory (last argument).



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cp: Target le (lename) must be a directory When copying multiple les to a directory, this message will appear if the target directory (last argument) is not a directory. cp: Unable to create directory dirname When copying a directory recursively, cp may need to create new directories in the target directory tree. If cp is not able to create one of these directories, this message will appear. cp: Unable to access directory dirname When copying a directory recursively, cp traverses the source directory hierarchy. If cp has a problem accessing a directory, this message will appear. cp: le lename is a directory (not copied) If one of the les to be copied is a directory and you did not specify the recursive option (-r) , then this message appears, indicating that cp cannot copy directories. cp: Unable to access le lename cp: Unable to read le lename If cp is unable to access the source le lename, it will display this message, along with a possible reason why it was not able to access the le. cp: Unable to create le lename If the new target le cannot be created, cp will display this message, along with a possible reason why cp was not able to create the le lename. cp: Error writing to le lename If an error occurs while copying a le into the new target le, this message will appear indicating that the copy may not be complete.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. Unknown option or missing le argument. cp was unable to copy all les requested. Unable to get a license to use the software.

If both the -i and -f options are used, then with the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -i option will override the -f option. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f option will override the -i option.

cp was written by Thomas Kraus.

dsync (1), ncp(1), uncp(1).



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csv2xml Convert CSV input to an XML output

csv2xml [-?] [-<number>] [-h] [-n name] [-s sep] [-q quote] [-r] [-x]

The csv2xml utility is a lter that converts a CSV input stream to an XML output stream.

-<number> By default, record names are numbered sequentially starting from 1. With this option, csv2xml uses the value of column (eld) <number> of the respective line as the record name. This can be useful if the CSV input contains a unique eld (for example, hostname) that can be used as an identier. -n name By default the master XML tag is called csv2xml. The -n option lets you specify name as the master XML tag. -s sep By default csv2xml uses the comma (,) character as the eld separator. The -s option lets you specify the rst character of sep as the eld separator.

-q quote By default csv2xml uses the double quote (") character as a string delimiter. The -q option lets you specify the rst character of quote as a string delimiter. -h By default csv2xml assumes that the rst line of the CSV input is a header line. It uses this header line to name the columns of input. With this option, csv2xml generates column names, and in turn XML tags, in the format of column-<record number>. Do not output the root node tag. This option is often used in conjunction with the -x option. Do not output the XML header entry. Use this option only if you will be embedding the output into another XML document. Output a usage message and exit with a 0 exit code. athens% nover -c -h london rome | csv2xml -1 -n "Host Overview" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <csv2xml name="Host Overview"> <record name="london"> <HOSTNAME>london</HOSTNAME> <OS>RedHat ES3</OS> <MAINT>2.4.21-4.EL</MAINT> <CPUS>1</CPUS> <SPEED>797</SPEED> <ARCH>i686</ARCH> <MEMORY>121</MEMORY> <SWAP>251</SWAP> <DISK>18</DISK> </record> <record name="rome"> <HOSTNAME>rome</HOSTNAME> <OS>SunOS 5.8</OS> <MAINT></MAINT> <CPUS>1</CPUS> <SPEED>440</SPEED> <ARCH>sparcv9</ARCH> <MEMORY>256</MEMORY> <SWAP>513</SWAP> <DISK>17</DISK>

-r -x -?




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary </record> </csv2xml>


The rst record (line of input) determines the number of elds that csv2xml will display. If subsequent records have more elds than the rst record, csv2xml will not display these additional elds. If subsequent records have fewer elds than the rst record, csv2xml will add empty elds to the record. XML has certain restrictions as to which characters are allowed in an XML tag. Because csv2xml generates XML tag names based on the elds in the rst line of input, csv2xml may need to modify these elds to ensure that they do not contain unsupported characters. If csv2xml nds an unsupported character, it converts it to an underscore (_) character.

csv2xml was written by Thomas Kraus

The following commands are able to output in CSV format (-c option): nps(1), ncpu(1), ndf(1), nover(1), nnet(1), nmem(1), nstats(1).



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cut select portions of each line of a le

cut -c list le ... cut -f list [-d string] [-s] le ...

The cut utility selects portions of each line (as specied by list) from each le (or the standard input by default), and writes them to the standard output. The items specied by list can be in terms of column position or in terms of elds delimited by a special character. Column numbering starts from 1. List is a comma or whitespace separated set of increasing numbers and/or number ranges. Number ranges consist of a number, a dash (-), and a second number and select the elds or columns from the rst number to the second, inclusively. Numbers or number ranges may be preceded by a dash, which selects all elds or columns from 1 to the rst number. Numbers or number ranges may be followed by a dash, which selects all elds or columns from the last number to the end of the line. Numbers and number ranges may be repeated, overlapping, and in any order. It is not an error to select elds or columns not present in the input line.

The cut utility accepts the following options: -c list Identies the list specifying character positions. -d string Species that the rst character of the string should function as the eld delimiter character instead of the tab character. -f list Indicates that the list species elds, delimited in the input by a single tab character. Output elds are separated by a single tab character unless you use -d to specify a different eld delimiter. If you do, that character is used to separate output elds. Suppresses lines with no eld delimiter characters. Unless specied, lines with no delimiters are passed through unmodied.


The arguments following the options -c, -d, and -f must not be separate arguments and can also be dened directly after the option. Consequently the command: cut -d : -f 2is equivalent to: cut -d: -f2-

The cut utility exits 0 on success, 1 if an error occurred. The cut utility includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.




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dd - convert and copy a le

dd [operands ...]

The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output. Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks. If input reads are short, input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output block. When nished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output blocks and truncated input records to the standard error output. The following operands are available: bs=n Set both input and output block size, superseding the ibs and obs operands. If no conversion values other than noerror, notrunc or sync are specied, then each input block is copied to the output as a single block without any aggregation of short blocks. Set the conversion record size to n bytes. The conversion record size is required by the record oriented conversion values. Copy n input les before terminating. This operand is only applicable when the input device is a tape. Set the input block size to n bytes instead of the default 512. Read input from le instead of the standard input. Set the output block size to n bytes instead of the default 512. Write output to le instead of the standard output. Any regular output le is truncated unless the notrunc conversion value is specied. If an initial portion of the output le is skipped (see the seek operand) the output le is truncated at that point. Seek n blocks from the beginning of the output before copying. On non-tape devices, a lseek(2) operation is used. Otherwise, existing blocks are read and the data discarded. If the user does not have read permission for the tape, it is positioned using the tape ioctl(2) function calls. If the seek operation is past the end of le, space from the current end of le to the specied offset is lled with blocks of NUL bytes. Skip n blocks from the beginning of the input before copying. On input which supports seeks, a lseek(2) operation is used. Otherwise, input data is read and discarded. For pipes, the correct number of bytes is read. For all other devices, the correct number of blocks is read without distinguishing between a partial or complete block being read.


count=n Copy only n input blocks. les=n ibs=n if=le obs=n of=le



conv= value[, value ...] Where value is one of the symbols from the following list. ascii, oldascii The same as the unblock value except that characters are translated from ECBDIC to ASCII before the records are converted. (These values imply unblock if the operand cbs is also specied.) There are two conversion maps for ASCII. The value ascii species the recommended one which is compatible with System V. The value oldascii species the one used in historic AT&T and pre-4.3BSD-reno systems. block Treats the input as a sequence of newline or end-ofle terminated variable length records independent of input and output block boundaries. Any trailing newline character is discarded. Each input record is converted to a xed length output record where the length is specied by the cbs operand. Input records shorter than the conversion record size are padded with spaces. Input records longer than the conversion record size are truncated. The number of truncated input records, if any, are reported to the standard error output at the completion of the copy.



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ebcdic, ibm, oldebcdic, oldibm The same as the block value except that characters are translated from ASCII to EBCDIC after the records are converted. (These values imply block if the operand cbs is also specied.) There are four conversion maps for EBCDIC. The value ebcdic species the recommended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX. The value ibm is a slightly different mapping, which is compatible with the AT&T System V UNIX ibm value. The values oldebcdic and oldibm are maps used in historic AT&T and pre-4.3BSD-reno systems. lcase noerror Transform uppercase characters into lowercase characters. Do not stop processing on an input error. When an input error occurs, a diagnostic message followed by the current input and output block counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format as the standard completion message. If the sync conversion is also specied, any missing input data will be replaced with NUL bytes (or with spaces if a block oriented conversion value was specied) and processed as a normal input buffer. If the sync conversion is not specied, the input block is omitted from the output. On input les which are not tapes or pipes, the le offset will be positioned past the block in which the error occurred using lseek(2).

notrunc Do not truncate the output le. This will preserve any blocks in the output le not explicitly written by dd The notrunc value is not supported for tapes. osync Pad the nal output block to the full output block size. If the input le is not a multiple of the output block size after conversion, this conversion forces the nal output block to be the same size as preceding blocks for use on devices that require regularly sized blocks to be written. This option is incompatible with use of the bs=n block size specication. Swap every pair of input bytes. If an input buffer has an odd number of bytes, the last byte will be ignored during swapping. Pad every input block to the input buffer size. Spaces are used for pad bytes if a block oriented conversion value is specied, otherwise NUL bytes are used. Transform lowercase characters into uppercase characters.

swab sync ucase

unblock Treats the input as a sequence of xed length records independent of input and output block boundaries. The length of the input records is specied by the cbs operand. Any trailing space characters are discarded and a newline character is appended. Where sizes are specied, a decimal number of bytes is expected. If the number ends with a b, k, m or w, the number is multiplied by 512, 1024 (1K), 1048576 (1M) or the number of bytes in an integer, respectively. Two or more numbers may be separated by an x to indicate a product. When nished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output blocks, truncated input records and odd-length byte-swapping blocks to the standard error output. A partial input block is one where less than the input block size was read. A partial output block is one where less than the output block size was written. Partial output blocks to tape devices are considered fatal errors. Otherwise, the rest of the block will be written. Partial output blocks to character devices will produce a warning message. A truncated input block is one where a variable length record oriented conversion value was specied and the input line was too long to t in the conversion record or was not newline terminated. Normally, data resulting from input or conversion or both are aggregated into output blocks of the specied size. After the end of input is reached, any remaining output is written as a block. This means that the nal output block may be shorter than the output block size. If dd receives a SIGINFO (see the status argument for stty(1)) signal, the current input and output block counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format as the standard completion message. If dd receives a SIGINT signal, the current input and output block counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format as the standard completion message and dd will exit.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary The dd utility exits 0 on success and >0 if an error occurred.


Dd includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

cp(1), tr(1)

The dd utility is expected to be a superset of the IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) standard. The les operand and the ascii, ebcdic, ibm, oldascii, oldebcdic and oldibm values are extensions to the POSIX standard.



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df Execute remote df command

df [df options] [target ...]

For each named target, which may be a directory or host name, df will execute a remote df command on the appropriate host and then print the returned output. If one of the targets is a directory name only, then df uses the current host (as directed by nsh) as the remote host. If you do not specify any targets, df again uses the current host.

df on its own does not support any options. Any options it does nd are passed to the remote df command.

The rst example displays the disk usage of a remote host. The second example displays the disk usage of the current directory of the current host and also the disk usage of a remote directory. paris $ df -k //athens paris $ df . //rome/tmp

Remote df commands typically output a one line header as part of the disk usage report. Since a remote df command is executed for each named target, this header line will be included for each named target.

df was written by Thomas Kraus


DIFF (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

DIFF (1)

NAME diff differential le and directory comparator SYNOPSIS diff diff diff diff diff [ abdilpqtTw] [ I pattern] [ c | e | f | n | u] [ L label] file1 file2 [ abdilpqtTw] [ I pattern] [ L label] C number file1 file2 [ abdilqtw] [ I pattern] D string file1 file2 [ abdilpqtTw] [ I pattern] [ L label] U number file1 file2 [ abdilNPpqtTw] [ I pattern] [ c | e | f | n | u] [ L label] [ r] [ s] [ S name] [ X file] [ x pattern] dir1 dir2

DESCRIPTION The diff utility compares the contents of file1 and file2 and writes to the standard output the list of changes necessary to convert one le into the other. No output is produced if the les are identical. Output options (mutually exclusive): c Produces a diff with 3 lines of context. With c the output format is modied slightly: the output begins with identication of the les involved and their creation dates and then each change is separated by a line with fteen s. The lines removed from file1 are marked with - ; those added to file2 are marked + . Lines which are changed from one le to the other are marked in both les with ! . Changes which lie within 3 lines of each other are grouped together on output. Produces output in a form suitable as input for the editor utility, ed(1), which can then be used to convert le1 into le2. Extra commands are added to the output when comparing directories with e, so that the result is a sh(1) script for converting text les which are common to the two directories from their state in dir1 to their state in dir2. f n q u Identical output to that of the e ag, but in reverse order. It cannot be digested by ed(1). Produces a script similar to that of e, but in the opposite order and with a count of changed lines on each insert or delete command. This is the form used by rcsdiff(1). Just print a line when the les differ. Does not output a list of changes. Produces a unied diff with 3 lines of context. A unied diff is similar to the context diff produced by the c option. However, unlike with c, all lines to be changed (added and/or removed) are present in a single section.

C number Like c but produces a diff with number lines of context. D string Creates a merged version of file1 and file2 on the standard output, with C preprocessor controls included so that a compilation of the result without dening string is equivalent to compiling file1, while dening string will yield file2. U number Like u but produces a diff with number lines of context. Comparison options: a Treat all les as ASCII text. Normally diff will simply print Binary les . . . differ if les contain binary characters. Use of this option forces diff to produce a diff.


July 21, 2003

DIFF (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

DIFF (1)

b d

Causes trailing blanks (spaces and tabs) to be ignored, and other strings of blanks to compare equal. Try very hard to produce a diff as small as possible. This may consume a lot of processing power and memory when processing large les with many changes.

I pattern Ignores changes, insertions, and deletions whose lines match the extended regular expression pattern. Multiple I patterns may be specied. All lines in the change must match some pattern for the change to be ignored. See re_format(7) for more information on regular expression patterns. i l Ignores the case of letters. E.g., A will compare equal to a. Long output format; each text le diffd is piped through pr(1) to paginate it; other differences are remembered and summarized after all text le differences are reported.

L label Print label instead of the rst (and second, if this option is specied twice) le name and time in the context or unied diff header. p With unied and context diffs, show with each change the rst 40 characters of the last line before the context beginning with a letter, an underscore or a dollar sign. For C source code following standard layout conventions, this will show the prototype of the function the change applies to. Will expand tabs in output lines. Normal or c output adds character(s) to the front of each line which may screw up the indentation of the original source lines and make the output listing difcult to interpret. This option will preserve the original sources indentation. Print a tab rather than a space before the rest of the line for the normal, context or unied output formats. This makes the alignment of tabs in the line consistent. Is similar to b but causes whitespace (blanks and tabs) to be totally ignored. E.g., if ( a == b ) will compare equal to if(a==b). If a le is found in only one directory, act as if it was found in the other directory too but was of zero size. If a le is found only in dir2, act as if it was found in dir1 too but was of zero size. Causes application of diff recursively to common subdirectories encountered. Causes diff to report les which are the same, which are otherwise not mentioned.

T w

Directory comparison options: N P r s

S name Re-starts a directory diff in the middle, beginning with le name. X file Exclude les and subdirectories from comparison whose basenames match lines in file. Multiple X options may be specied. x pattern Exclude les and subdirectories from comparison whose basenames match pattern. Patterns are matched using shell-style globbing via fnmatch(3). Multiple x options may be specied. If both arguments are directories, diff sorts the contents of the directories by name, and then runs the regular le diff algorithm, producing a change list, on text les which are different. Binary les which differ, common subdirectories, and les which appear in only one directory are described as such. In directory mode only regular les and directories are compared. If a non-regular le such as a device special le or


July 21, 2003

DIFF (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

DIFF (1)

FIFO is encountered, a diagnostic message is printed.

If only one of file1 and file2 is a directory, diff is applied to the non-directory le and the le contained in the directory le with a lename that is the same as the last component of the non-directory le. If either file1 or file2 is , the standard input is used in its place. Output Style The default (without e, c, or n options) output contains lines of these forms, where XX, YY, ZZ, QQ are line numbers respective of le order. At (the end of) line XX of file1, append the contents of line YY of file2 to make them equal. XXaYY,ZZ Same as above, but append the range of lines, YY through ZZ of file2 to line XX of le1. XXdYY At line XX delete the line. The value YY tells to which line the change would bring file1 in line with file1. XX,YYdZZ Delete the range of lines XX through YY in file1. XXcYY Change the line XX in file1 to the line YY in file2. XX,YYcZZ Replace the range of specied lines with the line ZZ. XX,YYcZZ,QQ Replace the range XX,YY from file1 with the range ZZ,QQ from file2. XXaYY These lines resemble ed(1) subcommands to convert file1 into file2. The line numbers before the action letters pertain to file1; those after pertain to file2. Thus, by exchanging a for d and reading the line in reverse order, one can also determine how to convert file2 into file1. As in ed(1), identical pairs (where num1 = num2) are abbreviated as a single number. ENVIRONMENT TMPDIR If the environment variable TMPDIR exists, diff will use the directory specied by TMPDIR as the temporary directory. FILES /tmp/diff.XXXXXXXX Temporary le used when comparing a device or the standard input. Note that the temporary le is unlinked as soon as it is created so it will not show up in a directory listing. DIAGNOSTICS The diff utility exits with one of the following values: 0 1 >1 No differences were found. Differences were found. An error occurred.

SEE ALSO cmp(1), comm(1), diff3(1), ed(1), pr(1), fnmatch(3), re_format(7) STANDARDS The diff utility is expected to be a superset of the 1003.1-2001 specication. HISTORY A diff command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BUGS When comparing directories with the b, w or i options specied, diff rst compares the les ala cmp(1), and then decides to run the diff algorithm if they are not equal. This may cause a small amount of


July 21, 2003

DIFF (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

DIFF (1)

spurious output if the les then turn out to be identical because the only differences are insignicant whitespace or case differences.


July 21, 2003


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dsync Synchronize two directories

dsync [-bdifmnopPrtuvBCLPRST?] [-s suf] [-IX wildcarded path] dir1 dir2

The dsync command is a link to the cp command. When you run cp as dsync, it attempts to synchronize the contents of two directories. The default behavior of dsync is equivalent to making a conditional copy with the cp command. $ dsync dir1 dir2 is equivalent to: $ cp -fpru dir1 dir2 This does a copy of all les and directories in the directory dir1 to directory dir2 only if the le size or date of last modication are different, while preserving the le ownerships, permissions, and access times. If the target directory dir2 does not exist, then it will be created.

The dsync command has the same options as the cp command with the addition of the -d option. All options are described here. -d Use this option with care, because it deletes any les/directories in the target (dir2) directory that are not in the source (dir1) directory. This lets you make sure that there are no extra les in the target directory and is conceptually equivalent to rst removing the target directory and then recreating it from the source directory. Synchronize le permissions for les that do not need to be updated. By default, if dsync nds a le that does not need to be updated, it leaves it alone. This option however does a further check on the les permissions and makes sure that the target le has the same permissions as the source le, changing the target les permissions if necessary. Be careful about using this option when you are copying between UNIX and Windows type systems, because the security models for le permissions may differ. -o Synchronize le ownerships for les that do not need to be updated. By default, if dsync nds a le that does not need to be updated, it leaves it alone. This option however does a further check on the les ownership (UID and GID) and (if necessary) updates the destination les user/group ownerships to match the source les user/group ownerships. The ownership comparisons are based on the respective numeric UID and GID and not the respective user/group name that a particular UID/GID may be mapped to on a particular system. Note that you need root permissions to change le ownerships. Also, be careful about using this option when you are copying between UNIX and Windows type systems, because the security models for le ownerships may differ. The following options are the common options between cp and dsync with dsync having, by default, turned on the following options: -r, -p, -f, and -u. (The -P option is not turned on by default, however when running dsync, it has same behavior as if -P had been turned on). -b -i Backup the target le, if it exists, before copying over the new source le. By default, cp appends the target le name with the sufx "". You can use the -s suf option to specify a different sufx. If a target le already exists, then cp will prompt the user to see if the user wants cp to overwrite the le. If the user conrms with an entry beginning with the letter y, then cp overwrites the le. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option interacts with the -f option.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary -f


By default, if the target le already exists, it will retain its current le permissions after cp overwrites it. This option deletes the target le before the copy begins, so that the target le inherits the same le permissions as the source le. Dont actually make any changes. This option automatically turns on the verbose option -v and just lists the copies that cp would make if you had not turned on the -n option. cp does not create or remove any les or directories. This option is useful when you are performing a conditional copy and you just want to see what les would be copied if you were doing a real copy. This option turns off the -i option. With this option, cp will attempt to give the target le the same ownerships (UID/GID), permissions, and access and modication times as the source le. This also applies to new directories being created. With this option, if one of the les to be copied is a directory, then cp recursively copies all les and sub-directories from the directory into the target directory. If the target directory does not already exist, then cp will create the directory as required. If the target directory does already exist, then cp will create the new target directory within the (existing) target directory. Set the sufx for backup les to suf. The default sufx for les being backed up is "" (foo.c becomes foo.c) Make a textual copy of the le. This option is useful when copying text les to or from a Windows based system. This option will ensure proper handling of the <CR><LF> issues. There are three options you can use to perform conditional copies. They are -T, -S and -C. The -u option is equivalent to using the -T and -S options. These options cause the target le to be overwritten only if either the le sizes differ or if the source le has a newer modication date than the target le. Output a message for each le being copied. Useful for monitoring progress in a recursive copy. Like -b except that if the backup version of the le already exists then the backup will not be overwritten. Conditional copy. cp will overwrite the target le only if its content differs from the source le. This option implies the -S option. If the le sizes are the same, cp will perform a byte for byte analysis of the source and target le to determine if a difference exists. This option can be very resource intensive, especially on a large le.




-s suf -t -u

-v -B -C

-I (wildcarded path) This option includes the specied les/directories in the sync operation. -L -P When recursing through directories, follow symbolic links. This is the no parent option. This option is useful when (recursively) copying the content of one directory to another existing directory. The default action would be to re-create the source directory in the destination directory. With the -P option, the content of the source directory is re-created in the target directory essentially overlaying the source directory on to the destination instead of creating the subdirectory. This option is the same as the -r option, except that newly created directories automatically get the user permissions read, write, and execute. If you use this option with the -p option, then the -R option is treated as a -r option. Conditional copy. This option tells cp to overwrite target les only if source and target le sizes differ. See the -u option. Conditional copy. This option tells cp to overwrite target les only if the modication date of the source le is newer than the modication date of the target le. See the -u option.


-S -T

-X (wildcarded path) This option excludes the specied les/directories from the sync operation.



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Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without copying any les.

The rst example synchronizes the content of the www directory with the www directory on the machine webserver. The second example does the same as the rst, but it gives verbose output and it deletes any les and directories on the webserver which do not exist in the local www directory. $ dsync www //webserver/www $ dsync -vd www //webserver/www

dsync: Target directory (dirname) not found When copying multiple les to a directory, this message will appear if dsync is unable to access the target directory (last argument). dsync: Target le (lename) must be a directory When copying multiple les to a directory, this message will appear if the target directory (last argument) is not a directory. dsync: Unable to create directory dirname When dsync is recursively copying a directory, it may need to create new directories in the target directory tree. If dsync is not able to create one of these directories, it outputs this message. dsync: Unable to access directory dirname When dsync is recursively copying a directory, it traverses the source directory hierarchy. If dsync has a problem accessing a directory, it outputs this message. dsync: le lename is a directory (not copied) If one of the les to be copied is a directory and you did not specify the recursive option (-r), then dsync outputs this message, indicating that it cannot copy directories. dsync: Unable to access le lename dsync: Unable to read le lename If dsync is unable to access the source le lename, it will output this message, along with the possible reason as to why it was not able to access the le. dsync: Unable to create le lename If dsync cannot create the new target le, it will output this message, along with the possible reason as to why it could not create the le lename. dsync: Error writing to le lename If an error occurs while copying a le into the new target le, dsync outputs this message, indicating that the copy may not be complete.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. Unknown option or missing le argument. dsync was unable to copy all les requested. Unable to get a license to use the software.

If you specify both the -i and -f options, then with the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -i option will override the -f option. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f option will override the -i option.

dsync was written by Thomas Kraus.



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Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


du Display disk usage information for les

du -[adfkosrux?] [lename ...]

du calculates the number of blocks that the le system has allocated for all named les and directories. du searches directories recursively, and outputs a sub-total for all sub-directories. If you do not specify any les or directories, du displays disk usage information for the current directory. du counts les with multiple links only once.

-a -d -f -k -o Output a disk usage statement for each le encountered in the directory hierarchy. (By default, du outputs a disk usage statement for directories only.) If, while traversing a directory, du comes across a directory that is not in the same partition as the source directory, then do not include the contents of that directory in the disk usage summary. Same as -d. Report disk usage totals in KB instead of blocks. This option has meaning only when the P_ATT variable is set. When the P_BSD variable is set, ndings are already reported in KB. This option tells du not to count the disk usage of sub-directories when calculating the disk usage of a directory. This effectively causes du to count only the disk usage of les in the directory. du ignores this option if you also specify the -s option. Display a grand total at the end of all computations. Instead of outputting a disk usage statement for each directory encountered, output only a summary for all directories searched. This gives you a grand total of disk usage for the named directories. du ignores this option if you also specify the -a option. Report the directories that du cannot search. See the UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR section for information on how du handles this option. By default, du counts linked les only once. With this option, du ignores all les with more than one link. Same as -d. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without doing disk usage summarizing.

-S -s

-r -u -x -?

The rst example will output the amount of disk usage of the directory src giving sub-totals of all its subdirectories. The second example will give the total amount of disk usage of the root partition on host vilnius in KB. $ du src $ du -fsk //vilnius/

du: Unable to access directory dirname Unable to descend into the directory dirname to determine its size. du: Unable to access le lename Unable to determine the status (size) of le lename.

0 No errors detected.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary 1 2 255 You specied an unknown option. du was unable to access to access a directory or determine the size of a le. Unable to get a license to use the software.


With the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), du automatically reports any errors encountered while trying to access a directory. With the P_ATT variable set, du does not report errors, unless you specify the -r option. Furthermore, the universe ag determines the size of a block. With the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), du assumes that a block is 1K large. With the P_ATT variable set, du assumes that a block is 512 bytes large.

du was written by Thomas Kraus.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


echo Echo arguments

echo [-?] [-n] [arg ...]

echo outputs each of its arguments separated by a space and then outputs a new-line character. If echo nds a backslash \ in an argument, then it looks at the next character and interprets it as follows: b c f n r t v \ Backspace (OCT 010, DEC 8, HEX 8). Do not output a new-line at the end. Form feed (OCT 014, DEC 12, HEX C). new line (OCT 012, DEC 10, HEX A). carriage return (OCT 015, DEC 13, HEX D). tab (OCT 011, DEC 9, HEX 9). vertical tab (OCT 013, DEC 11, HEX B). backslash (OCT 0134, DEC 92, HEX 5C).

The main advantage of using echo over the built in echo command in the sh(1) is that it understands le wildcarding on remote hosts. File wildcards interpreted by sh(1) are for local les only. Notice the different outputs when accessing remote les. $ echo //stockholm/etc/pa* //stockholm/etc/p* $ echo //stockholm/etc/pa* //stockholm/etc/password //stockholm/etc/password.old

-n -? arg Output a line without a new-line character. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without echoing any arguments. Argument to be echoed. $ echo "Hello world\c" $ echo //stockholm/etc/p*


0 1 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option. Unable to get a license to use the software.

echo was written by Thomas Kraus.



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expand, unexpand - expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa

expand [-tabstop] [-tab1,tab2,...,tabn] le ... unexpand [-a] le ...

Expand processes the named les or the standard input writing the standard output with tabs changed into blanks. Backspace characters are preserved into the output and decrement the column count for tab calculations. Expand is useful for pre-processing character les (before sorting, looking at specic columns, etc.) that contain tabs. If a single tabstop argument is given, then tabs are set tabstop spaces apart instead of the default 8. If multiple tabstops are given then the tabs are set at those specic columns. Unexpand puts tabs back into the data from the standard input or the named les and writes the result on the standard output. Option (with unexpand only): -a By default, only leading blanks and tabs are reconverted to maximal strings of tabs. If the -a option is given, then tabs are inserted whenever they would compress the resultant le by replacing two or more characters.

Expand and unexpand includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.



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elds extracts specied elds from a data row

elds [-d c | -D c] <eld#>

The elds command extracts specied elds from a data row. A eld separator distinguishes the elds in each row. If you specify a positive eld number, such as 5, the fth eld from the start of the data row is extracted. If you specify a negative eld number, such as -2, the second eld from the end of the data row is extracted. If the eld number is 0, the entire data row is extracted.

-d or -D Species the separator character used to distinguish the individual elds. If this option is not provided, the space character ( ) is used as the default separator.

Consider the following input le. It contains elds separated by the : character. % cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/bash daemon:x:2:2:Daemon:/sbin:/bin/bash lp:x:4:7:Printing daemon:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/bash mail:x:8:12:Mailer daemon:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/bin/false games:x:12:100:Games account:/var/games:/bin/bash wwwrun:x:30:8:WWW daemon apache:/var/lib/wwwrun:/bin/false ftp:x:40:49:FTP account:/srv/ftp:/bin/bash nobody:x:65534:65533:nobody:/var/lib/nobody:/bin/bash ldap:x:76:70:User for OpenLDAP:/var/lib/ldap:/bin/bash sshd:x:71:65:SSH daemon:/var/lib/sshd:/bin/false ntp:x:74:65534:NTP daemon:/var/lib/ntp:/bin/false postfix:x:51:51:Postfix Daemon:/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false at:x:25:25:Batch jobs daemon:/var/spool/atjobs:/bin/bash blade:x:1000:100::/home/blade:/bin/bash smbguest:x:4000:4000::/dev/null:/bin/false man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/cache/man:/bin/bash news:x:9:13:News system:/etc/news:/bin/bash uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/bash +:::::: % fields -d : 1 5 6 -1 < /etc/passwd root root /root /bin/bash bin bin /bin /bin/bash daemon Daemon /sbin /bin/bash lp Printing daemon /var/spool/lpd /bin/bash mail Mailer daemon /var/spool/clientmqueue /bin/false games Games account /var/games /bin/bash wwwrun WWW daemon apache /var/lib/wwwrun /bin/false ftp FTP account /srv/ftp /bin/bash nobody nobody /var/lib/nobody /bin/bash ldap User for OpenLDAP /var/lib/ldap /bin/bash sshd SSH daemon /var/lib/sshd /bin/false ntp NTP daemon /var/lib/ntp /bin/false postfix Postfix Daemon /var/spool/postfix /bin/false



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary at Batch jobs daemon /var/spool/atjobs /bin/bash blade /home/blade /bin/bash /bin/bash smbguest /dev/null /bin/false /bin/false man Manual pages viewer /var/cache/man /bin/bash news News system /etc/news /bin/bash uucp Unix-to-Unix CoPy system /etc/uucp /bin/bash + +


elds was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.


FILE (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FILE (1)

NAME file determine le type SYNOPSIS file [ bckLNnrsvz] [ F separator] [ f namefile] [ m magicfiles] file . . . file [ m magicfiles] C DESCRIPTION The file utility tests each argument in an attempt to classify it. There are three sets of tests, performed in this order: lesystem tests, magic number tests, and language tests. The rst test that succeeds causes the le type to be printed. The type printed will usually contain one of the words text (the le contains only ASCII characters and is probably safe to read on an ASCII terminal), executable (the le contains the result of compiling a program in a form understandable to some UNIX kernel or another), or data meaning anything else (data is usually binary or non-printable). Exceptions are well-known le formats (core les, tar archives) that are known to contain binary data. When modifying the le /etc/magic or the program itself, preserve these keywords. People depend on knowing that all the readable les in a directory have the word text printed. Dont do as Berkeley did; change shell commands text to shell script. The lesystem tests are based on examining the return from a stat(2) system call. The program checks to see if the le is empty, or if its some sort of special le. Any known le types appropriate to the system you are running on (sockets, symbolic links, or named pipes (FIFOs) on those systems that implement them) are intuited if they are dened in the system header le sys/stat.h. The magic number tests are used to check for les with data in particular xed formats. The canonical example of this is a binary executable (compiled program) a.out le, whose format is dened in a.out.h and possibly exec.h in the standard include directory and is explained in a.out(5). These les have a magic number stored in a particular place near the beginning of the le that tells the UNIX operating system that the le is a binary executable, and which of several types thereof. The concept of magic number has been applied by extension to data les. Any le with some invariant identier at a small xed offset into the le can usually be described in this way. The information in these les is read from the magic le /etc/magic. If an argument appears to be an ASCII le, file attempts to guess its language. The language tests look for particular strings (cf names.h) that can appear anywhere in the rst few blocks of a le. For example, the keyword .br indicates that the le is most likely a troff(1) input le, just as the keyword struct indicates a C program. These tests are less reliable than the previous two groups, so they are performed last. The language test routines also test for some miscellany (such as tar(1) archives) and determine whether an unknown le should be labelled as ASCII text or data. The options are as follows: b C c Do not prepend lenames to output lines (brief mode). For each magic number le, write a magic.mgc output le that contains a preparsed (compiled) version of it. Cause a checking printout of the parsed form of the magic le. This is usually used in conjunction with m to debug a new magic le before installing it.


December 4, 2004

FILE (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FILE (1)

F separator Use the specied string as the separator between the lename and the le result returned. Defaults to :. f namefile Read the names of the les to be examined from namefile (one per line) before the argument list. Either namefile or at least one lename argument must be present; to test the standard input, use - as a lename argument. k L Dont stop at the rst match, keep going. Cause symlinks to be followed, as the like-named option in ls(1) (on systems that support symbolic links).

m magiclist Specify an alternate list, magiclist, of les containing magic numbers. This can be a single le or a colon-separated list of les. If a compiled magic le is found alongside, it will be used instead. N n r s Dont pad lenames so that they align in the output. Force stdout to be ushed after checking each le. This is only useful if checking a list of les. It is intended to be used by programs that want letype output from a pipe. Dont translate unprintable characters to \ooo. Normally file translates unprintable characters to their octal representation (raw mode). Normally, file only attempts to read and determine the type of argument les which stat(2) reports are ordinary les. This prevents problems, because reading special les may have peculiar consequences. Specifying the s option causes file to also read argument les which are block or character special les. This is useful for determining the lesystem types of the data in raw disk partitions, which are block special les. This option also causes file to disregard the le size as reported by stat(2), since on some systems it reports a zero size for raw disk partitions. Print the version of the program and exit. Try to look inside les that have been run through compress(1).

v z

ENVIRONMENT MAGIC Default magic number les, separated by colon characters. file adds .mgc to the value of this variable as appropriate. FILES /etc/magic default list of magic numbers SEE ALSO compress(1), hexdump(1), ls(1), od(1), strings(1), a.out(5), magic(5) STANDARDS CONFORMANCE This program is believed to exceed the System V Interface Denition of FILE(CMD), as near as one can determine from the vague language contained therein. Its behaviour is mostly compatible with the System V program of the same name. This version knows more magic, however, so it will produce different (albeit more accurate) output in many cases. The one signicant difference between this version and System V is that this version treats any white space as a delimiter, so that spaces in pattern strings must be escaped. For example,


December 4, 2004

FILE (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FILE (1)

>10 >10 0 0

string language impress string language\ impress string string \begindata

(imPRESS data) (imPRESS data)

in an existing magic le would have to be changed to In addition, in this version, if a pattern string contains a backslash, it must be escaped. For example Andrew Toolkit document in an existing magic le would have to be changed to \\begindata Andrew Toolkit document SunOS releases 3.2 and later from Sun Microsystems include a file command derived from the System V one, but with some extensions. My version differs from Suns only in minor ways. It includes the extension of the & operator, used as, for example, >16 long&0x7fffffff >0 not stripped

MAGIC DIRECTORY The magic le entries have been collected from various sources, mainly USENET, and contributed by various authors. Christos Zoulas (address below) will collect additional or corrected magic le entries. A consolidation of magic le entries will be distributed periodically. The order of entries in the magic le is significant. Depending on what system you are using, the order that they are put together may be incorrect. If your old file command uses a magic le, keep the old magic le around for comparison purposes (rename it to /etc/magic.orig). HISTORY There has been a file command in every UNIX since at least Research Version 4 (man page dated November, 1973). The System V version introduced one signicant major change: the external list of magic number types. This slowed the program down slightly but made it a lot more exible. This program, based on the System V version, was written by Ian F. Darwin without looking at anybody elses source code. John Gilmore revised the code extensively, making it better than the rst version. Geoff Collyer found several inadequacies and provided some magic le entries. Contributions to the & operator by Rob McMahon, 1989. Guy Harris made many changes from 1993 to the present. Primary development and maintenence from 1990 to the present by Christos Zoulas Altered by Chris Lowth, 2000: Handle the i option to output mime type strings and using an alternative magic le and internal logic. Altered by Eric Fischer, July, 2000, to identify character codes and attempt to identify the languages of non-ASCII les. The list of contributors to the magdir directory (source for the /etc/magic le) is too long to include here. You know who you are; thank you. LEGAL NOTICE Copyright (c) Ian F. Darwin, Toronto, Canada, 1986-1999. Covered by the standard Berkeley Software Distribution copyright; see the le LEGAL.NOTICE in the distribution. The les tar.h and is_tar.c were written by John Gilmore from his public-domain tar program, and are not covered by the above license.


December 4, 2004

FILE (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FILE (1)

BUGS There must be a better way to automate the construction of the Magic le from all the glop in Magdir. What is it? Better yet, the magic le should be compiled into binary (say, ndbm(3) or, better yet, xed-length ASCII strings for use in heterogenous network environments) for faster startup. Then the program would run as fast as the Version 7 program of the same name, with the exibility of the System V version. file uses several algorithms that favor speed over accuracy; thus it can be misled about the contents of ASCII les. The support for ASCII les (primarily for programming languages) is simplistic, inefcient and requires recompilation to update. There should be an else clause to follow a series of continuation lines. The magic le and keywords should have regular expression support. Their use of ASCII TAB as a eld delimiter is ugly and makes it hard to edit the les, but is entrenched. It might be advisable to allow upper-case letters in keywords for e.g., troff(1) commands vs man page macros. Regular expression support would make this easy. The program doesnt grok FORTRAN. It should be able to gure FORTRAN by seeing some keywords which appear indented at the start of line. Regular expression support would make this easy. The list of keywords in ascmagic probably belongs in the Magic le. This could be done by using some keyword like for the offset value. Another optimization would be to sort the magic le so that we can just run down all the tests for the rst byte, rst word, rst long, etc, once we have fetched it. Complain about conicts in the magic le entries. Make a rule that the magic entries sort based on le offset rather than position within the magic le? The program should provide a way to give an estimate of how good a guess is. We end up removing guesses (e.g., From as rst 5 chars of le) because they are not as good as other guesses (e.g., Newsgroups: versus "Return-Path:"). Still, if the others dont pan out, it should be possible to use the rst guess. This program is slower than some vendors file commands. This manual page, and particularly this section, is too long. AVAILABILITY You can obtain the original authors latest version by anonymous FTP on in the directory /pub/file/file-X.YY.tar.gz.


December 4, 2004

FIND (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FIND (1)

NAME find walk a le hierarchy SYNOPSIS find [ dHhLWXx] [ f path] path ... [expression] DESCRIPTION find recursively descends the directory tree for each path listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the primaries and operands listed below) in terms of each le in the tree. In the absence of an expression, -print is assumed. The options are as follows: d Causes find to visit directories in post-order i.e. all entries in a directory will be acted on before the directory itself. By default, find visits directories in pre-order i.e. before their contents.

f path Species a le hierarchy for find to traverse. File hierarchies may also be specied as the operands immediately following the options. H Causes the le information and le type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link encountered on the command line to be those of the le referenced by the link, not the link itself. If the referenced le does not exist, the le information and type will be for the link itself. File information of all symbolic links not on the command line is that of the link itself. An alias for the L option. This option exists for backwards compatibility. Causes the le information and le type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link to be those of the le referenced by the link, not the link itself. If the referenced le does not exist, the le information and type will be for the link itself. Permit find to be safely used in conjunction with xargs(1). If a le name contains any of the delimiting characters used by xargs, a diagnostic message is displayed on standard error, and the le is skipped. The delimiting characters include single ( ) and double ( " ) quotes, backslash ( \ ) , space, tab, and newline ( \n ) characters. Alternatively, the print0 primary may be used in conjunction with the 0 option to xargs(1), allowing all le names to be processed safely. Prevents find from descending into directories that have a device number different than that of the le from which the descent began.

h L

PRIMARIES -amin n True if the difference between the le last access time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes. -anewer file True if the current le has a more recent last access time than file. -atime n True if the difference between the le last access time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods. -cmin n True if the difference between the time of last change of le status information and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.


December 4, 1999

FIND (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FIND (1)

-cnewer file True if the current le has a more recent last change time than file. -ctime n True if the difference between the time of last change of le status information and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods. -empty True if the current le or directory is empty. -exec utility [argument . . .]; True if the program named utility returns a zero value as its exit status. Optional arguments may be passed to the utility. The expression must be terminated by a semicolon ( ; ) . If the string "{}" appears anywhere in the utility name or the arguments it is replaced by the pathname of the current le. utility will be executed from the directory from which find was executed. -execdir utility [argument . . .]; Identical to the -exec primary with the exception that utility will be executed from the directory that holds the current le. The lename substituted for the string "{}" is not qualied. -follow Follow symbolic links. -fstype type True if the le is contained in a le system of type type. Two special le system types are recognized: local and rdonly. These do not describe actual le system types; the former matches any le system physically mounted on the system where find is being executed whereas the latter matches any le system which is mounted read-only. -group gname True if the le belongs to the group gname. If gname is numeric and there is no such group name, then gname is treated as a group ID. -iname pattern True if the last component of the pathname being examined matches pattern. Case insensitive. -inum n True if the le has inode number n. -links n True if the le has n links. -ls This primary always evaluates to true. The following information for the current le is written to standard output: its inode number, size in 512-byte blocks, le permissions, number of hard links, owner, group, size in bytes, last modication time, and pathname. If the le is a block or character special le, the major and minor numbers will be displayed instead of the size in bytes. If the le is a symbolic link, the pathname of the linked-to le will be displayed preceded by >. The format is identical to that produced by ls dgils.

-maxdepth n True if the current search depth is less than or equal to what is specied in n. -mindepth n True if the current search depth is at least what is specied in n. -mmin n True if the difference between the le last modication time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.


December 4, 1999

FIND (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FIND (1)

-mtime n True if the difference between the le last modication time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods. -name pattern True if the last component of the pathname being examined matches pattern. Special shell pattern matching characters ([, ], , and ?) may be used as part of pattern. These characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a backslash ( \ ) . -newer file True if the current le has a more recent last modication time than file. -nogroup True if the le belongs to an unknown group. -nouser True if the le belongs to an unknown user. -ok utility [argument . . .]; Identical to the -exec primary with the exception that find requests user afrmation for the execution of utility by printing a message to the terminal and reading a response. If the response is other than y the command is not executed and the value of the ok expression is false. -path pattern True if the pathname being examined matches pattern. Special shell pattern matching characters ([, ], , and ?) may be used as part of pattern. These characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a backslash ( \ ) . Slashes ( / ) are treated as normal characters and do not have to be matched explicitly. -perm [ ] mode The mode may be either symbolic (see chmod(1)) or an octal number. If the mode is symbolic, a starting value of zero is assumed and the mode sets or clears permissions without regard to the processs le mode creation mask. If the mode is octal, only bits 07777 (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISTXT | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) of the les mode bits participate in the comparison. If the mode is preceded by a dash ( ) , this primary evaluates to true if at least all of the bits in the mode are set in the les mode bits. If the mode is not preceded by a dash, this primary evaluates to true if the bits in the mode exactly match the les mode bits. Note, the rst character of a symbolic mode may not be a dash. -print This primary always evaluates to true. It prints the pathname of the current le to standard output, followed by a newline ( \n ) character. If neither -exec, -ls, -ok, nor -print0 is specied, the given expression shall be effectively replaced by (given expression) -print. -print0 This primary always evaluates to true. It prints the pathname of the current le to standard output, followed by a null character. -prune This primary always evaluates to true. It causes find to not descend into the current le. Note, the -prune primary has no effect if the d option was specied. -size n[c] True if the les size, rounded up, in 512-byte blocks is n. If n is followed by a c, then the primary is true if the les size is n bytes.


December 4, 1999

FIND (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FIND (1)

-type t True if the le is of the specied type. Possible le types are as follows: b c d f l p s block special character special directory regular le symbolic link FIFO socket

-user uname True if the le belongs to the user uname. If uname is numeric and there is no such user name, then uname is treated as a user ID. All primaries which take a numeric argument allow the number to be preceded by a plus sign ( + ) or a minus sign ( ) . A preceding plus sign means more than n, a preceding minus sign means less than n, and neither means exactly n. OPERATORS The primaries may be combined using the following operators. The operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence. (expression) This evaluates to true if the parenthesized expression evaluates to true. !expression This is the unary NOT operator. It evaluates to true if the expression is false.

expression -and expression expression expression The -and operator is the logical AND operator. As it is implied by the juxtaposition of two expressions it does not have to be specied. The expression evaluates to true if both expressions are true. The second expression is not evaluated if the rst expression is false. expression -or expression The -or operator is the logical OR operator. The expression evaluates to true if either the rst or the second expression is true. The second expression is not evaluated if the rst expression is true. All operands and primaries must be separate arguments to find. Primaries which themselves take arguments expect each argument to be a separate argument to find. EXAMPLES Print out a list of all the les whose names do not end in .c: $ find / \! -name .c -print Print out a list of all the les owned by user wnj that are newer than the le ttt: $ find / -newer ttt -user wnj -print Print out a list of all the les which are not both newer than ttt and owned by wnj: $ find / \! \( -newer ttt -user wnj \) -print Print out a list of all the les that are either owned by wnj or that are newer than ttt:


December 4, 1999

FIND (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

FIND (1)

$ find / \( -newer ttt -or -user wnj \) -print Print out a list of all core les on local le systems: $ find / \! -fstype local -prune -or -name .core -print Find all les in /usr/src ending in a dot and single digit, but skip directory /usr/src/gnu: $ find /usr/src -path /usr/src/gnu -prune -or -name \\.[0-9] SEE ALSO chflags(1), chmod(1), locate(1), whereis(1), which(1), xargs(1), stat(2), fts(3), getgrent(3), getpwent(3), strmode(3), symlink(7) STANDARDS The find utility syntax is a superset of the syntax specied by the IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2) standard. The options and primaries -amin, -cmin, -empty, -follow, -fstype, -iname, -inum, -links, -ls, -mmin, -maxdepth, -mindepth, -execdir, and -print0 are extensions to IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2). The -iname option was inspired by GNU nd. Historically, the d, H, and x options were implemented using the primaries -depth, -follow, and -xdev. These primaries always evaluated to true. As they were really global variables that took effect before the traversal began, some legal expressions could have unexpected results. An example is the expression print o depth. As print always evaluates to true, the standard order of evaluation implies that depth would never be evaluated. This is not the case. The operator -or was implemented as o, and the operator -and was implemented as a. Historic implementations of the -exec and -ok primaries did not replace the string "{}" in the utility name or the utility arguments if it had preceding or following non-whitespace characters. This version replaces it no matter where in the utility name or arguments it appears. HISTORY A find command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX. BUGS The special characters used by find are also special characters to many shell programs. In particular, the characters , [, ], ?, (, ), !, \, and ; may have to be escaped from the shell. As there is no delimiter separating options and le names or le names and the expression, it is difcult to specify les named -xdev or !. These problems are handled by the f option and the getopt(3) construct.


December 4, 1999

User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

fold ( 1 )


fold - fold long lines for nite width output device


fold [-w width] le ...


Fold is a lter which folds the contents of the specied les, or the standard input if no les are specied, breaking the lines to have maximum of 80 characters.

The options are as follows: -w


Species a line width to use instead of the default 80 characters. Width should be a multiple of 8 if tabs are present, or the tabs should be expanded using expand(1) before using fold.


If underlining is present it may be messed up by folding.


Fold includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

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fqdn print fully qualied domain name of the current or specied host

fqdn [ [ -u ] | [ -a ] [ <hostname> ] ]

fqdn prints out the fully qualied domain name (fqdn) of the current or specied host. This command typically determines the hosts corresponding fqdn by querying the name resolution database entries specied along the hosts stanza of the nsswitch.conf like le on the operating system. If multiple hostnames are specied, only the rst hostname from the left in the given hostname list is considered.

-u Print usage. No Argument Print the rst fqdn resolved name of the current hostname resolved by any one of the name resolution database specied along the hosts stanza of the nsswitch.conf like le, in that particular sequence. -a Print fqdn of the current hostname resolved using all the name resolution databases specied along the hosts stanza of the nsswitch.conf like le.

-a <hostname> Print fqdn of <hostname> resolved using all the name resolution databases specied along the hosts stanza of the nsswitch.conf like le. <hostname> Print the rst fqdn resolved name of <hostname> resolved using any one of the name resolution databases specied along the hosts stanza of the nsswitch.conf like le, in that particular sequence.

Example 1 [host1] $ fqdn host1

The following example shows host2 being resolved from host3s local name resolution database (/etc/hosts), DNS, and NIS. Empty sections signify either absence of the hostname in the name resolution database or unavailability of the database. Example 2 [host3] $ fqdn -a host2 <local> ... <local> ... <local> ... <local>

<dns> ... <dns> ... <dns> ... <dns>

<nis> ... <nis> ... <nis> ... <nis>


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Example 3 [host4] $ fqdn -a <local> ... <local> ... <local> ... <local> host4 loghost

<dns> ... <dns> ... <dns> ... <dns>

fqdn was written by Jaswinder Bhamra.



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funzip lter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe


[. . .] funzip [password] [. . .] funzip [password] [. . .] funzip [password] input.gz [. . .]


[password] Optional password to be used if ZIP archive is encrypted. Decryption may not be supported at some sites. See DESCRIPTION for more details.

funzip acts as a lter; that is, it assumes that a ZIP archive (or a gzipd(1) le) is being piped into standard input, and it extracts the rst member from the archive to stdout. If there is an argument, then the input comes from the specied le instead of from stdin. A password for encrypted zip les can be specied on the command line (preceding the le name, if any) by prexing the password with a dash. Note that this constitutes a security risk on many systems; currently running processes are often visible via simple commands (e.g., ps(1) under Unix), and command-line histories can be read. If the rst entry of the zip le is encrypted and no password is specied on the command line, then the user is prompted for a password and the password is not echoed on the console. Given the limitation on single-member extraction, funzip is most useful in conjunction with a secondary archiver program such as tar(1). The following section includes an example illustrating this usage in the case of disk backups to tape.

To use funzip to extract the rst member le of the archive and to pipe it into more(1): funzip | more To use funzip to test the rst member le of (any errors will be reported on standard error): funzip > /dev/null To use zip and funzip in place of compress(1) and zcat(1) (or gzip(1L) and gzcat(1L)) for tape backups: tar cf . | zip 7 | dd of=/dev/nrst0 obs=8k dd if=/dev/nrst0 ibs=8k | funzip | tar xf (where, for example, nrst0 is a SCSI tape drive).

When piping an encrypted le into more and allowing funzip to prompt for password, the terminal may sometimes be reset to a non-echo mode. This is apparently due to a race condition between the two programs; funzip changes the terminal mode to non-echo before more reads its state, and more then restores the terminal to this mode before exiting. To recover, run funzip on the same le but redirect to /dev/null rather than piping into more; after prompting again for the password, funzip will reset the terminal properly. There is presently no way to extract any member but the rst from a ZIP archive. This would be useful in the case where a ZIP archive is included within another archive. In the case where the rst member is a directory, funzip simply creates the directory and exits. The functionality of funzip should be incorporated into unzip itself (future release).

gzip(1L), unzip(1L), unzipsfx(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zipinfo(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)


The Info-ZIP home page is currently at h t t p : / / www. i n f o - z i p . o r g / p u b / i n f o z i p / f t p: / / f t p. i nf o- z i p. or g/ pub/ i nf oz i p/ .



Last change: 14 January 2001 (v3.93)

Misc. Reference Manual Pages

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Mark Adler (Info-ZIP)


Last change: 14 January 2001 (v3.93)


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getlic Get remote license data from agents

getlic [-luenxv] [-f le] [host1 ... hostn]

The getlic command is meant to be used in conjunction with the putlic command. The basic idea is to let you remotely license multiple servers. The getlic command gathers necessary license data from each remote host, and writes this data to a le called license.raw. BladeLogics licensing web page takes this le and generates a le called license.dat. The putlic command uses license.dat to license the remote agents. The license.dat le can contain multiple entries, one entry per line. Each entry consists of a hostname, a product code, a license key, and an optional expiration key. putlic sends this data to each remote host specied in the rst (hostname) eld of each entry. putlic creates an appropriate license based on the data.

The following four options let you select a subset of hosts based on their current license status. You can specify multiple options. If you do not specify any of these four options, getlic gets license data from all the hosts you specify, regardless of license status. -l -u -e -x -n -v Get license data from hosts that currently have a valid permanent license. Get license data from hosts that are currently un-licensed. Get license data from hosts that currently have a valid evaluation (timed) license. Get license data from hosts that currently have an expired evaluation license. Do not create a license.raw le. This is useful when you just want to get an overview of your licensing situation. See the -v option for more details. Verbose output. Displays the status of each host.

Other options include:

-f lename Instead of listing your hosts one at a time on the command line as arguments, you can use this option to point to a le containing a list of hosts (one per line) from which you want to obtain license information. host1 ... hostn List of hosts whose license information you want to retrieve.

host $ getlic -n -v bombay madras bagalore Host bombay is not licensed Host madras has a valid evaluation license Host bagalore has a valid permanent license host $ getlic bombay madras host $ cat license.raw bombay 1 AF23B1C9 madras 1 2F23B1C4

This command works even if the remote agent is currently not licensed.

getlic was written by Thomas Kraus



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grep, egrep, fgrep - le pattern searcher

grep [-AB num] [-CEFGHILPRSUVabchilnoqsvwx] [-e pattern] [-f le] [pattern] [le ...]

The grep utilities search the given input les, selecting lines that match one or more patterns. By default, an input line matches a pattern if any regular expression (RE) in the pattern matches the input line without its trailing newline. An empty expression matches every line. Each input line that matches at least one of the patterns is written to the standard output. The grep utility is used for simple patterns and ex(1) or ed(1) style regular expressions. The egrep utility can handle extended regular expressions and multi-line patterns. The fgrep utility is quick but can handle only xed patterns consisting of one or more lines, allowing any of the pattern lines to match a portion of the input.

-A num Print num lines of trailing context after each match. -B num Print num lines of leading context before each match. -C -E -F -G -H -I -L Print two lines of leading context and two lines of trailing context after each match. Equivalent to -A 2 -B 2. Force grep to behave as egrep. Force grep to behave as fgrep. Force grep to behave as grep. If you specied -R, follow symbolic links only if they were explicitly listed on the command line. Ignore binary les. Select the input les that do NOT contain lines that match the pattern(s), and write the names of these les to standard output. List the pathname for each le. If grep searched the standard input, it writes the pathname -. If you specied the -R option, grep does not follow symbolic links. Recursively search the subdirectories you specify. If you specied the -R option, follow all symbolic links. Search binary les, but do not attempt to print them. Display version information. Treat all les as text. When displaying a matching line, display the offset in bytes of the matching pattern, in front of the matching line. Write only a count of matching lines.

-P -R -S -U -V -a -b -c

-e expression Specify a pattern to use to search the input. You can specify multiple -e options to specify multiple patterns. grep selects an input line if it matches any of the specied patterns. -f pattern_le Read one or more newline separated patterns from pattern_le. Newlines are not considered part of a pattern. -h -i Never print lename headers with output lines. Perform case insensitive matching.



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Select the input les that contain lines that match the pattern(s), and write the names of these les to standard output. List the pathname for each le. If grep searched the standard input, it writes the pathname -. Precede each output line with its relative line number in the le. The rst line of each le is 1. grep resets the line number counter for each le it processes. grep ignores this option if you specify -c, -l, or -q. Always print lename headers with output lines. Suppress normal output. Silent mode. Ignore nonexistent and unreadable les. Select lines that do not match any of the specied patterns. Search for the expression as a word (as if surrounded by [[:<:]] and [[:>:]]). Only input lines selected against an entire xed string or regular expression are considered to be matching lines.


-o -q -s -v -w -x

If you do not specify any le arguments, grep uses the standard input.

grep exits with one of the following values: 0 1 >1 One or more lines were selected. No lines were selected. An error occurred.


The following characters are interpreted by egrep: $ | ? + * {} [] \ Align the match from the end of the line. Align the match from the beginning of the line. Add another pattern (see example below). Match 1 or less sequential repetitions of the pattern. Match 1 or more sequential repetitions of the pattern. Match 0 or more sequential repetitions of the pattern. Match specied number of sequential repetitions of the pattern. Match any single character or range of characters enclosed in the brackets. Escape special characters that have meaning to egrep. $.[]|?+*{}()\. These special characters are:

To nd all occurrences of the word patricia in a le: grep patricia myfile To nd all occurrences of the pattern .Pp at the beginning of a line: grep\.Pp The apostrophes ensure the entire expression is evaluated by grep instead of by your shell. The caret matches the null string at the beginning of a line, and the \ escapes the . which would otherwise match any character. To nd all lines in a le that do not contain the words foo or bar:



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary $ grep -v -e foo -e bar myle A simple example of an extended regular expression: $ egrep 19|20|25 calendar Peruses the le calendar looking for either 19, 20 or 25.


The grep command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.



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head Display rst few lines of a le

head [-?] [-l | -c | -n count | -n] [le ...]

head displays the rst few lines (by default, 10 lines) from the named le(s) to the standard output. If you do not specify any les, head displays the rst few lines from the standard input.

-B On Windows systems, the head command by default reads lines of text in TEXTUAL mode, meaning that lines of text are terminated with a <LF> rather than the Windows standard <CR><LF>. When you specify the -B option, head outputs the le "as is," meaning <CR><LF> remains <CR><LF>. Instead of displaying count number of lines, display count number of characters. Measure quantities in lines. This is the default.

-c -l

-n count Set the number of lines to be output (or characters to be output, if you are using the -c option) to be count. -n -? le Set the number of lines to be output (or characters to be output, if you are using the -c option) to be n. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without doing any viewing. File whose rst few lines you want to display. If you do not specify any le names, head displays the rst few lines from the standard input.

The rst example views the rst 20 lines of all .c les. The second example views the rst 1024 characters in the password le on the host vienna. $ head -20 *.c $ head -c -n 1024 //vienna/etc/passwd

head: Cannot open le lename This message is output if head is unable to access the le lename.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option. One of the les you want to view was not accessible. Unable to get a license to use the software.

There are two ways in which to dene the number of lines/characters to be output. This is done for compatibility purposes.

head was written by Thomas Kraus




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hexdump, od, xd - ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump

hexdump [-bcdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_le] [-n length] [-s skip] le ...

The hexdump utility is a lter which displays the specied les, or the standard input, if no les are specied, in a user specied format. For each input le, hexdump sequentially copies the input to standard output, transforming the data according to the format strings specied by the -e and -f options, in the order that they were specied.

The options are as follows: -b -c -d One-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, zero-lled, bytes of input data, in octal, per line. One-byte character display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen spaceseparated, three column, space-lled, characters of input data per line. Two-byte decimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-separated, ve column, zero-lled, two-byte units of input data, in unsigned decimal, per line.

-e format_string Specify a format string to be used for displaying data. -f format_le Specify a le that contains one or more newline separated format strings. Empty lines and lines whose rst non-blank character is a hash mark (#) are ignored. -n length Interpret only length bytes of input. -o Two-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-separated, six column, zero-lled, two byte quantities of input data, in octal, per line.

-s offset Skip offset bytes from the beginning of the input. By default, offset is interpreted as a decimal number. With a leading 0x or 0X, offset is interpreted as a hexadecimal number, otherwise, with a leading 0, offset is interpreted as an octal number. Appending the character b, k, or m to offset causes it to be interpreted as a multiple of 512, 1024, or 1048576, respectively. -v The -v option causes hexdump to display all input data. Without the -v option, any number of groups of output lines, which would be identical to the immediately preceding group of output lines (except for the input offsets), are replaced with a line comprised of a single asterisk. Two-byte hexadecimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight, space separated, four column, zero-lled, two-byte quantities of input data, in hexadecimal, per line.


A format string contains any number of format units, separated by whitespace. A format unit contains up to three items: an iteration count, a byte count, and a format. The iteration count is an optional positive integer, which defaults to one. Each format is applied iteration count times. The byte count is an optional positive integer. If specied it denes the number of bytes to be interpreted by each iteration of the format. If an iteration count and/or a byte count is specied, a single slash must be placed after the iteration count and/or before the byte count to disambiguate them. Any whitespace before or after the slash is ignored. The format is required and must be surrounded by double quote (" ") marks. It is interpreted as a fprintfstyle format string (see fprintf(3)), with the following exceptions:


hexdump(1) + + + +

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary An asterisk (*) may not be used as a eld width or precision.


A byte count or eld precision is required for each s conversion character (unlike the fprintf(3) default which prints the entire string if the precision is unspecied). The conversion characters h, l, n, p and q are not supported. The single character escape sequences described in the C standard are supported: NUL \0 <alert character> \a <backspace> \b <form-feed> \f <newline> \n <carriage return> \r <tab> \t <vertical tab> \v

Hexdump also supports the the following additional conversion strings: _a[dox] Display the input offset, cumulative across input les, of the next byte to be displayed. The appended characters d, o, and x specify the display base as decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively. _A[dox] Identical to the _a conversion string except that it is only performed once, when all of the input data has been processed. _c Output characters in the default character set. Nonprinting characters are displayed in three character, zero-padded octal, except for those representable by standard escape notation (see above), which are displayed as two character strings. Output characters in the default character set. Nonprinting characters are displayed as a single .. Output US ASCII characters, with the exception that control characters are displayed using the following, lower-case, names. Characters greater than 0xff, hexadecimal, are displayed as hexadecimal strings. 000 nul 001 soh 002 stx 003 etx 004 eot 005 enq 006 ack 007 bel 008 bs 009 ht 00A lf 00B vt 00C ff 00D cr 00E so 00F si 010 dle 011 dc1 012 dc2 013 dc3 014 dc4 015 nak 016 syn 017 etb 018 can 019 em 01A sub 01B esc 01C fs 01D gs 01E rs 01F us 0FF del The default and supported byte counts for the conversion characters are as follows: %_c, %_p, %_u, %c %d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x %E, %e, %f, %G, %g One byte counts only. Four byte default, one, two and four byte counts supported. Eight byte default, four byte counts supported.

_p _u

The amount of data interpreted by each format string is the sum of the data required by each format unit, which is the iteration count times the byte count, or the iteration count times the number of bytes required by the format if the byte count is not specied. The input is manipulated in blocks, where a block is dened as the largest amount of data specied by any format string. Format strings interpreting less than an input blocks worth of data, whose last format unit both interprets some number of bytes and does not have a specied iteration count, have the iteration count incremented until the entire input block has been processed or there is not enough data remaining in



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the block to satisfy the format string. If, either as a result of user specication or hexdump modifying the iteration count as described above, an iteration count is greater than one, no trailing whitespace characters are output during the last iteration. It is an error to specify a byte count as well as multiple conversion characters or strings unless all but one of the conversion characters or strings is _a or _A. If, as a result of the specication of the -n option or end-of-le being reached, input data only partially satises a format string, the input block is zero-padded sufciently to display all available data (i.e. any format units overlapping the end of data will display some number of the zero bytes). Further output by such format strings is replaced by an equivalent number of spaces. An equivalent number of spaces is dened as the number of spaces output by an s conversion character with the same eld width and precision as the original conversion character or conversion string but with any +, , # conversion ag characters removed, and referencing a NULL string. If no format strings are specied, the default display is equivalent to specifying the -x option. hexdump exits 0 on success and >0 if an error occurred.

Display the input in perusal format: "%06.6_ao " 12/1 "%3_u " "\t\t" "%_p " "\n" Implement the -x option: "%07.7_Ax\n" "%07.7_ax " 8/2 "%04x " "\n" Hexdump includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.



User Commands

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HGREP ( 1 )


hgrep - highlight results of a grep


hgrep <grep args> Hgrep is a trivial, but cute, front-end for grep. It takes the results of the grep and highlights the word that was searched for.




Meta-characters are not handled. Quoting is not handled.

SunOS 5.8

Last change: 23 October 1988


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hostname print name of current host


hostname prints out the name of the host on which your current directory resides. This command does NOT let you set the name of the current host.

hostname has no options.

hostname was written by Thomas Kraus




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join - relational database operator

join [-a le_number | -v le_number] [-e string] [-j le_number eld] [-o list] [-t char] [-1 eld] [-2 eld] le1 le2

The join utility performs an equality join on the specied les and writes the result to the standard output. The join eld is the eld in each le by which the les are compared. The rst eld in each line is used by default. There is one line in the output for each pair of lines in le1 and le2 that have identical join elds. Each output line consists of the join eld, the remaining elds from le1 and then the remaining elds from le2. The default input eld separators are tab and space characters. Multiple tabs and spaces count as a single eld separator, and leading tabs and spaces are ignored. The default output eld separator is a single space character. Many of the options use le and eld numbers. Both le numbers and eld numbers are 1 based, meaning the rst le on the command line is le number 1 and the rst eld is eld number 1.

-a le_number In addition to the default output, produce a line for each unpairable line in le le_number. -e string Replace empty output elds with string. -o list The -o option species the elds that will be output from each le for each line with matching join elds. Each element of the list has the form le_number.eld, where le_number is a le number and eld is a eld number. The elements of list must be either comma (,) or whitespace separated. (The latter requires quoting to protect it from the shell. A a simpler approach is to use multiple -o options.) Use character char as a eld delimiter for both input and output. Every occurrence of char in a line is signicant.

-t char

-v le_number Do not display the default output, but display a line for each unpairable line in le le_number. You can specify options -v 1 and -v 2 at the same time. -1 eld -2 eld In le 1, join on the eld specied by eld. For example, -1 3 means join on the third eld in le 1. In le 2, join on the eld specied by eld. For example, -2 3 means join on the third eld in le 2.

When you are using the default eld delimiter characters, you should order the les you are joining in the collating sequence of sort(1),using the -b option, on the elds on which they are to be joined. Otherwise, join may not report all eld matches. When you specify the eld delimiter characters with the -t option, the collating sequence should be the same as sort without the -b option. If one of the arguments le1 or le2 is -, join uses the standard input. The join utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

For compatibility with historic versions of join, the following options are available: -a In addition to the default output, produce a line for each unpairable line in both le 1 and le 2. -j1 eld In le 1, join on the eld specied by eld. For example, -j1 3 means join on the third eld in le 1. -j2 eld In le 2, join on the eld specied by eld. For example, -j2 3 means join on the third eld in le 2.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary -j eld In both le 1 and le 2, join on the eld specied by eld.


-o list ... Historical implementations of join permitted multiple arguments to the -o option. These arguments were of the form le_number.eld_number as described for the current -o option. This has obvious difculties in the presence of les named 1.2. These options are available only so historic shellscripts do not require modication. In general, do not use these options.

join includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

awk(1), comm(1), paste(1), sort(1), uniq(1)


User Commands

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lam ( 1 )


lam laminate les


lam [ [fp] min.max ] [ s sepstring ] [ t c ] le ...


Lam copies the named les side by side onto the standard output. The n-th input lines from the input les are considered fragments of the single long n-th output line into which they are assembled. The name means the standard input, and may be repeated. Normally, each option affects only the le after it. If the option letter is capitalized it affects all subsequent les until it appears again uncapitalized. The options are described below. f min.max Print line fragments according to the format string min.max, where min is the minimum eld width and max the maximum eld width. If min begins with a zero, zeros will be added to make up the eld width, and if it begins with a , the fragment will be left-adjusted within the eld. p min.max Like f, but pad this les eld when end-of-le is reached and other les are still active. s sepstring Print sepstring before printing line fragments from the next le. This option may appear after the last le. t c The input line terminator is c instead of a newline. The newline normally appended to each output line is omitted.

To print les simultaneously for easy viewing use pr(1).


The command lam le1 le2 le3 le4 joins 4 les together along each line. To merge the lines from four different les use lam le1 S " \ " le2 le3 le4 Every 2 lines of a le may be joined on one line with lam < le and a form letter with substitutions keyed by @ can be done with lam t @ letter changes

Lam includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

join(1), pr(1).

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

NAME less, more view les on a CRT SYNOPSIS less more less more less more less more less more | ? | -help | V | -version | [ [+]aBcCdeEfFgGiIJLmMnNqQrRsSuUVwWX] [ b space] [ h lines] [ j line] [ k keyfile] [ o | O logfile] [ p pattern] [ P prompt] [ t tag] [ T tagsfile] [ x tab,...] [ y lines] [ [z] lines] [ # shift] [+[+] cmd] [ ] [filename . . .]

DESCRIPTION less is a program similar to the traditional more(1), but which allows backward movement in the le as well as forward movement. Also, less does not have to read the entire input le before starting, so with large input les it starts up faster than text editors like vi(1). less uses termcap (or terminfo on some systems), so it can run on a variety of terminals. There is even limited support for hardcopy terminals. (On a hardcopy terminal, lines which should be printed at the top of the screen are prexed with a caret.) This version of less also acts as more(1) if it is called as more. In this mode, the differences are in the prompt and that more exits by default when it gets to the end of the le. Commands are based on both traditional more and vi(1). Commands may be preceded by a decimal number, called N in the descriptions below. The number is used by some commands, as indicated. COMMANDS In the following descriptions, X means control-X. ESC stands for the ESCAPE key; for example ESC-v means the two character sequence "ESCAPE", then "v". h | H Help: display a summary of these commands. If you forget all the other commands, remember this one.

SPACE | V | f | F Scroll forward N lines, default one window (see option -z below). If N is more than the screen size, only the nal screenful is displayed. Warning: some systems use V as a special literalization character. z Like SPACE, but if N is specied, it becomes the new window size.

ESC-SPACE Like SPACE, but scrolls a full screensful, even if it reaches end-of-le in the process. RETURN | N | e | E | j | J Scroll forward N lines, default 1. The entire N lines are displayed, even if N is more than the screen size. d | D Scroll forward N lines, default one half of the screen size. If N is specied, it becomes the new default for subsequent d and u commands.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

b | B | ESC-v Scroll backward N lines, default one window (see option -z below). If N is more than the screen size, only the nal screenful is displayed. w Like ESC-v, but if N is specied, it becomes the new window size. y | Y | P | k | K Scroll backward N lines, default 1. The entire N lines are displayed, even if N is more than the screen size. Warning: some systems use Y as a special job control character. u | U Scroll backward N lines, default one half of the screen size. If N is specied, it becomes the new default for subsequent d and u commands. ESC-) | RIGHTARROW Scroll horizontally right N characters, default half the screen width (see the -# option). If a number N is specied, it becomes the default for future RIGHTARROW and LEFTARROW commands. While the text is scrolled, it acts as though the -S option (chop lines) were in effect. ESC-( | LEFTARROW Scroll horizontally left N characters, default half the screen width (see the -# option). If a number N is specied, it becomes the default for future RIGHTARROW and LEFTARROW commands. r | R | L Repaint the screen. R F Repaint the screen, discarding any buffered input. Useful if the le is changing while it is being viewed. Scroll forward, and keep trying to read when the end of le is reached. Normally this command would be used when already at the end of the le. It is a way to monitor the tail of a le which is growing while it is being viewed. (The behavior is similar to the "tail -f" command.)

g | < | ESC-< Go to line N in the le, default 1 (beginning of le). (Warning: this may be slow if N is large.) G | > | ESC-> Go to line N in the le, default the end of the le. (Warning: this may be slow if N is large, or if N is not specied and standard input, rather than a le, is being read.) p | % { Go to a position N percent into the le. N should be between 0 and 100. If a left curly bracket appears in the top line displayed on the screen, the { command will go to the matching right curly bracket. The matching right curly bracket is positioned on the bottom line of the screen. If there is more than one left curly bracket on the top line, a number N may be used to specify the N-th bracket on the line. If a right curly bracket appears in the bottom line displayed on the screen, the } command will go to the matching left curly bracket. The matching left curly bracket is positioned on the top line of the screen. If there is more than one right curly bracket on the top line, a number N may be used to specify the N-th bracket on the line. Like {, but applies to parentheses rather than curly brackets. Like }, but applies to parentheses rather than curly brackets.

( )


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

[ ]

Like {, but applies to square brackets rather than curly brackets. Like }, but applies to square brackets rather than curly brackets.

ESC-F Followed by two characters, acts like {, but uses the two characters as open and close brackets, respectively. For example, "ESC F < >" could be used to go forward to the > which matches the < in the top displayed line. ESC-B Followed by two characters, acts like }, but uses the two characters as open and close brackets, respectively. For example, "ESC B < >" could be used to go backward to the < which matches the > in the bottom displayed line. m Followed by any lowercase letter, marks the current position with that letter. (Single quote.) Followed by any lowercase letter, returns to the position which was previously marked with that letter. Followed by another single quote, returns to the position at which the last "large" movement command was executed. Followed by a or $, jumps to the beginning or end of the le respectively. Marks are preserved when a new le is examined, so the command can be used to switch between input les.

XX Same as single quote. /pattern Search forward in the le for the N-th line containing the pattern. N defaults to 1. The pattern is a regular expression, as recognized by ed(1). The search starts at the second line displayed (but see the -a and -j options, which change this). Certain characters are special if entered at the beginning of the pattern; they modify the type of search rather than become part of the pattern: N | ! E | Search for lines which do NOT match the pattern. Search multiple les. That is, if the search reaches the END of the current le without nding a match, the search continues in the next le in the command line list. Begin the search at the rst line of the FIRST le in the command line list, regardless of what is currently displayed on the screen or the settings of the -a or -j options. Highlight any text which matches the pattern on the current screen, but dont move to the rst match (KEEP current position). Dont interpret regular expression metacharacters; that is, do a simple textual comparison.

F | @


?pattern Search backward in the le for the N-th line containing the pattern. The search starts at the line immediately before the top line displayed. Certain characters are special, as in the / command: N | ! E | Search for lines which do NOT match the pattern. Search multiple les. That is, if the search reaches the beginning of the current le without nding a match, the search continues in the previous le in the command line list.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

F | @

Begin the search at the last line of the last le in the command line list, regardless of what is currently displayed on the screen or the settings of the -a or -j options. As in forward searches. As in forward searches.


ESC-/pattern Same as "/". ESC-?pattern Same as "?". n Repeat previous search, for N-th line containing the last pattern. If the previous search was modied by N, the search is made for the N-th line NOT containing the pattern. If the previous search was modied by E, the search continues in the next (or previous) le if not satised in the current le. If the previous search was modied by R, the search is done without using regular expressions. There is no effect if the previous search was modied by F or K. Repeat previous search, but in the reverse direction.

ESC-n Repeat previous search, but crossing le boundaries. The effect is as if the previous search were modied by . ESC-N Repeat previous search, but in the reverse direction and crossing le boundaries. ESC-u Undo search highlighting. Turn off highlighting of strings matching the current search pattern. If highlighting is already off because of a previous ESC-u command, turn highlighting back on. Any search command will also turn highlighting back on. (Highlighting can also be disabled by toggling the -G option; in that case search commands do not turn highlighting back on.) :e [filename] Examine a new le. If the lename is missing, the "current" le (see the :n and :p commands below) from the list of les in the command line is re-examined. A percent sign (%) in the lename is replaced by the name of the current le. A pound sign (#) is replaced by the name of the previously examined le. However, two consecutive percent signs are simply replaced with a single percent sign. This allows you to enter a lename that contains a percent sign in the name. Similarly, two consecutive pound signs are replaced with a single pound sign. The lename is inserted into the command line list of les so that it can be seen by subsequent :n and :p commands. If the lename consists of several les, they are all inserted into the list of les and the rst one is examined. If the lename contains one or more spaces, the entire lename should be enclosed in double quotes (also see the -" option). XV | E Same as :e. Warning: some systems use V as a special literalization character. On such systems, you may not be able to use V. :n :p Examine the next le (from the list of les given in the command line). If a number N is specied, the N-th next le is examined. Examine the previous le in the command line list. If a number N is specied, the N-th previous le is examined.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

:t :x :d t T

Go to the specied tag. Examine the rst le in the command line list. If a number N is specied, the N-th le in the list is examined. Remove the current le from the list of les. Go to the next tag, if there were more than one matches for the current tag. See the t option for more details about tags. Go to the previous tag, if there were more than one matches for the current tag.

= | G | :f Prints some information about the le being viewed, including its name and the line number and byte offset of the bottom line being displayed. If possible, it also prints the length of the le, the number of lines in the le and the percent of the le above the last displayed line. Followed by one of the command line option letters (see OPTIONS below), this will change the setting of that option and print a message describing the new setting. If a P (CONTROL-P) is entered immediately after the dash, the setting of the option is changed but no message is printed. If the option letter has a numeric value (such as -b or -h), or a string value (such as -P or -t), a new value may be entered after the option letter. If no new value is entered, a message describing the current setting is printed and nothing is changed. Like the command, but takes a long option name (see OPTIONS below) rather than a single option letter. You must press RETURN after typing the option name. A P immediately after the second dash suppresses printing of a message describing the new setting, as in the command. Followed by one of the command line option letters this will reset the option to its default setting and print a message describing the new setting. (The "+X" command does the same thing as "+X" on the command line.) This does not work for string-valued options. Like the + command, but takes a long option name rather than a single option letter. Followed by one of the command line option letters, this will reset the option to the "opposite" of its default setting and print a message describing the new setting. This does not work for numeric or string-valued options. Like the ! command, but takes a long option name rather than a single option letter. (Underscore.) Followed by one of the command line option letters, this will print a message describing the current setting of that option. The setting of the option is not changed. (Double underscore.) Like the _ (underscore) command, but takes a long option name rather than a single option letter. You must press RETURN after typing the option name.

+ !

! _ __

+cmd Causes the specied cmd to be executed each time a new le is examined. For example, +G causes less to initially display each le starting at the end rather than the beginning. V Prints the version number of less being run. q | Q | :q | :Q | ZZ Exits less. The following four commands may or may not be valid, depending on your particular installation. v Invokes an editor to edit the current le being viewed. The editor is taken from the environment variable VISUAL, if dened, or EDITOR if VISUAL is not dened, or defaults to "vi" if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR is dened. See also the discussion of LESSEDIT under the section on PROMPTS below.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

! shell-command Invokes a shell to run the shell-command given. A percent sign (%) in the command is replaced by the name of the current le. A pound sign (#) is replaced by the name of the previously examined le. "!!" repeats the last shell command. "!" with no shell command simply invokes a shell. The shell is taken from the environment variable SHELL, or defaults to "sh". | <m> shell-command <m> represents any mark letter. Pipes a section of the input le to the given shell command. The section of the le to be piped is between the rst line on the current screen and the position marked by the letter. <m> may also be or $ to indicate beginning or end of le respectively. If <m> is . or newline, the current screen is piped. s filename Save the input to a le. This only works if the input is a pipe, not an ordinary le. OPTIONS Command line options are described below. Most options may be changed while less is running, via the "" command. Most options may be given in one of two forms: either a dash followed by a single letter, or two dashes followed by a long option name. A long option name may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous. For example, --quit-at-eof may be abbreviated --quit, but not --qui, since both --quit-at-eof and --quiet begin with --qui. Some long option names are in uppercase, such as --QUIT-AT-EOF, as distinct from --quit-at-eof. Such option names need only have their rst letter capitalized; the remainder of the name may be in either case. For example, --Quit-at-eof is equivalent to --QUIT-AT-EOF. Options are also taken from the environment variable LESS if the command is less, or from the environment variable MORE if the command is more. For example, to avoid typing "less -options ..." each time less is invoked, you might tell csh(1): setenv LESS -options or if you use sh(1): LESS="-options"; export LESS The environment variable is parsed before the command line, so command line options override the LESS environment variable. If an option appears in the LESS variable, it can be reset to its default value on the command line by beginning the command line option with "+". For options like -P which take a following string, a dollar sign ($) must be used to signal the end of the string. For example, to separate a prompt value from any other options with dollar sign between them: LESS="-Ps--More--$-C -e" ? | -help This option displays a summary of the commands accepted by less (the same as the h command). (Depending on how your shell interprets the question mark, it may be necessary to quote the question mark, thus: "-\?".) a | -search-skip-screen Causes searches to start after the last line displayed on the screen, thus skipping all lines displayed on the screen. By default, searches start at the second line on the screen (or after the last found line; see the -j option). bn | -buffers=n Species the amount of buffer space less will use for each le, in units of kilobytes (1024 bytes). By default 64K of buffer space is used for each le (unless the le is a pipe; see the -B option). The


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

-b option species instead that n kilobytes of buffer space should be used for each le. If n is -1, buffer space is unlimited; that is, the entire le is read into memory. B | -auto-buffers By default, when data is read from a pipe, buffers are allocated automatically as needed. If a large amount of data is read from the pipe, this can cause a large amount of memory to be allocated. The -B option disables this automatic allocation of buffers for pipes, so that only 64K (or the amount of space specied by the -b option) is used for the pipe. Warning: use of -B can result in erroneous display, since only the most recently viewed part of the le is kept in memory; any earlier data is lost. c | -clear-screen Causes full screen repaints to be painted from the top line down. By default, full screen repaints are done by scrolling from the bottom of the screen. C | -CLEAR-SCREEN The -C option is like -c, but the screen is cleared before it is repainted. d | -dumb (less only) The -d option suppresses the error message normally displayed if the terminal is dumb; that is, lacks some important capability, such as the ability to clear the screen or scroll backward. The -d option does not otherwise change the behavior of less on a dumb terminal. This option is on by default when invoked as more. d (more only) The -d option causes the default prompt to include the basic directions [Press space to continue, q to quit.]. The -d option also causes the message [Press h for instructions.] to be displayed when an invalid command is entered (normally, the bell is rung). This option is useful in environments where users may not be experienced with pagers. e | -quit-at-eof Causes less to automatically exit the second time it reaches end-of-le. By default, the only way to exit less is via the "q" command. E | -QUIT-AT-EOF Causes less to automatically exit the rst time it reaches end-of-le. f | -force Forces non-regular les to be opened. (A non-regular le is a directory or a device special le.) Also suppresses the warning message when a binary le is opened. By default, less will refuse to open non-regular les. F | -quit-if-one-screen Causes less to automatically exit if the entire le can be displayed on the rst screen. g | -hilite-search Normally, less will highlight ALL strings which match the last search command. The -g option changes this behavior to highlight only the particular string which was found by the last search command. This can cause less to run somewhat faster than the default. G | -HILITE-SEARCH The -G option suppresses all highlighting of strings found by search commands. hn | -max-back-scroll=n Species a maximum number of lines to scroll backward. If it is necessary to scroll backward more than n lines, the screen is repainted in a forward direction instead. (If the terminal does not have the ability to scroll backward, -h0 is implied.)


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

i | -ignore-case Causes searches to ignore case; that is, uppercase and lowercase are considered identical. This option is ignored if any uppercase letters appear in the search pattern; in other words, if a pattern contains uppercase letters, then that search does not ignore case. I | -IGNORE-CASE Like -i, but searches ignore case even if the pattern contains uppercase letters. jn | -jump-target=n Species a line on the screen where the "target" line is to be positioned. A target line is the object of a text search, tag search, jump to a line number, jump to a le percentage, or jump to a marked position. The screen line is specied by a number: the top line on the screen is 1, the next is 2, and so on. The number may be negative to specify a line relative to the bottom of the screen: the bottom line on the screen is -1, the second to the bottom is -2, and so on. If the -j option is used, searches begin at the line immediately after the target line. For example, if "-j4" is used, the target line is the fourth line on the screen, so searches begin at the fth line on the screen. J | -status-column Displays a status column at the left edge of the screen. The status column shows the lines that matched the current search. The status column is also used if the -w or -W option is in effect. kfilename | -lesskey-file=filename Causes less to open and interpret the named le as a lesskey(1) le. Multiple -k options may be specied. If the LESSKEY or LESSKEY_SYSTEM environment variable is set, or if a lesskey le is found in a standard place (see KEY BINDINGS), it is also used as a lesskey le. L | -no-lessopen Ignore the LESSOPEN environment variable (see the INPUT PREPROCESSOR section below). This option can be set from within less, but it will apply only to les opened subsequently, not to the le which is currently open. When invoked as more, the LESSOPEN environment variable is ignored by default. m | -long-prompt Causes less to prompt verbosely (like more), with the percent into the le. By default, less prompts with a colon. M | -LONG-PROMPT Causes less to prompt even more verbosely than more. n | -line-numbers Suppresses line numbers. The default (to use line numbers) may cause less to run more slowly in some cases, especially with a very large input le. Suppressing line numbers with the -n option will avoid this problem. Using line numbers means: the line number will be displayed in the verbose prompt and in the = command, and the v command will pass the current line number to the editor (see also the discussion of LESSEDIT in PROMPTS below). N | -LINE-NUMBERS Causes a line number to be displayed at the beginning of each line in the display. ofilename | -log-file=filename Causes less to copy its input to the named le as it is being viewed. This applies only when the input le is a pipe, not an ordinary le. If the le already exists, less will ask for conrmation before overwriting it. Ofilename | -LOG-FILE=filename The -O option is like -o, but it will overwrite an existing le without asking for conrmation.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

If no log le has been specied, the -o and -O options can be used from within less to specify a log le. Without a le name, they will simply report the name of the log le. The "s" command is equivalent to specifying -o from within less. ppattern | -pattern=pattern The -p option on the command line is equivalent to specifying +/pattern; that is, it tells less to start at the rst occurrence of pattern in the le. Pprompt | -prompt=prompt Provides a way to tailor the three prompt styles to your own preference. This option would normally be put in the LESS environment variable, rather than being typed in with each less command. Such an option must either be the last option in the LESS variable, or be terminated by a dollar sign. -Ps followed by a string changes the default (short) prompt to that string. -Pm changes the medium (-m) prompt. -PM changes the long (-M) prompt. -Ph changes the prompt for the help screen. -P= changes the message printed by the = command. -Pw changes the message printed while waiting for data (in the F command). All prompt strings consist of a sequence of letters and special escape sequences. See the section on PROMPTS for more details. q | -quiet | -silent Causes moderately "quiet" operation: the terminal bell is not rung if an attempt is made to scroll past the end of the le or before the beginning of the le. If the terminal has a "visual bell", it is used instead. The bell will be rung on certain other errors, such as typing an invalid character. The default is to ring the terminal bell in all such cases. Q | -QUIET | -SILENT Causes totally "quiet" operation: the terminal bell is never rung. r | -raw-control-chars Causes "raw" control characters to be displayed. The default is to display control characters using the caret notation; for example, a control-A (octal 001) is displayed as "A". Warning: when the -r option is used, less cannot keep track of the actual appearance of the screen (since this depends on how the screen responds to each type of control character). Thus, various display problems may result, such as long lines being split in the wrong place. R | -RAW-CONTROL-CHARS Like -r, but tries to keep track of the screen appearance where possible. This works only if the input consists of normal text and possibly some ANSI "color" escape sequences, which are sequences of the form: ESC [ ... m where the "..." is zero or more characters other than "m". For the purpose of keeping track of screen appearance, all control characters and all ANSI color escape sequences are assumed to not move the cursor. You can make less think that characters other than "m" can end ANSI color escape sequences by setting the environment variable LESSANSIENDCHARS to the list of characters which can end a color escape sequence. s | -squeeze-blank-lines Causes consecutive blank lines to be squeezed into a single blank line. This is useful when viewing nroff(1) output. S | -chop-long-lines Causes lines longer than the screen width to be chopped rather than folded. That is, the portion of a long line that does not t in the screen width is not shown. The default is to fold long lines; that is, display the remainder on the next line.


January 17, 2003

LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

ttag | -tag=tag The -t option, followed immediately by a TAG, will edit the le containing that tag. For this to work, tag information must be available; for example, there may be a le in the current directory called "tags", which was previously built by ctags(1) or an equivalent command. If the environment variable LESSGLOBALTAGS is set, it is taken to be the name of a command compatible with global, and that command is executed to nd the tag. (See The -t option may also be specied from within less (using the command) as a way of examining a new le. The command ":t" is equivalent to specifying -t from within less. Ttagsfile | -tag-file=tagsfile Species a tags le to be used instead of "tags". u | -underline-special Causes backspaces and carriage returns to be treated as printable characters; that is, they are sent to the terminal when they appear in the input. U | -UNDERLINE-SPECIAL Causes backspaces, tabs and carriage returns to be treated as control characters; that is, they are handled as specied by the -r option. By default, if neither -u nor -U is given, backspaces which appear adjacent to an underscore character are treated specially: the underlined text is displayed using the terminals hardware underlining capability. Also, backspaces which appear between two identical characters are treated specially: the overstruck text is printed using the terminals hardware boldface capability. Other backspaces are deleted, along with the preceding character. Carriage returns immediately followed by a newline are deleted. Other carriage returns are handled as specied by the -r option. Text which is overstruck or underlined can be searched for if neither -u nor -U is in effect. V | -version Displays the version number of less. w | -hilite-unread Temporarily highlights the rst "new" line after a forward movement of a full page. The rst "new" line is the line immediately following the line previously at the bottom of the screen. Also highlights the target line after a g or p command. The highlight is removed at the next command which causes movement. The entire line is highlighted, unless the -J option is in effect, in which case only the status column is highlighted. W | -HILITE-UNREAD Like -w, but temporarily highlights the rst new line after any forward movement command larger than one line. xn,... | -tabs=n,... Sets tab stops. If only one n is specied, tab stops are set at multiples of n. If multiple values separated by commas are specied, tab stops are set at those positions, and then continue with the same spacing as the last two. For example, -x9,17 will set tabs at positions 9, 17, 25, 33, etc. The default for n is 8. X | -no-init Disables sending the termcap initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal. This is sometimes desirable if the deinitialization string does something unnecessary, like clearing the screen. -no-keypad Disables sending the keypad initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal. This is sometimes useful if the keypad strings make the numeric keypad behave in an undesirable manner.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

yn | -max-forw-scroll=n Species a maximum number of lines to scroll forward. If it is necessary to scroll forward more than n lines, the screen is repainted instead. The -c or -C option may be used to repaint from the top of the screen if desired. By default, any forward movement causes scrolling. [z]n | -window=n Changes the default scrolling window size to n lines. The default is one screenful. The z and w commands can also be used to change the window size. The "z" may be omitted for compatibility with more. If the number n is negative, it indicates n lines less than the current screen size. For example, if the screen is 24 lines, -z-4 sets the scrolling window to 20 lines. If the screen is resized to 40 lines, the scrolling window automatically changes to 36 lines. -cc | -quotes=cc Changes the lename quoting character. This may be necessary if you are trying to name a le which contains both spaces and quote characters. Followed by a single character, this changes the quote character to that character. Filenames containing a space should then be surrounded by that character rather than by double quotes. Followed by two characters, changes the open quote to the rst character, and the close quote to the second character. Filenames containing a space should then be preceded by the open quote character and followed by the close quote character. Note that even after the quote characters are changed, this option remains -" (a dash followed by a double quote). | -tilde Normally lines after end of le are displayed as a single tilde (). This option causes lines after end of le to be displayed as blank lines. # | -shift Species the default number of positions to scroll horizontally in the RIGHTARROW and LEFTARROW commands. If the number specied is zero, it sets the default number of positions to one half of the screen width. A command line argument of "--" marks the end of option arguments. Any arguments following this are interpreted as lenames. This can be useful when viewing a le whose name begins with a "-" or "+". If a command line option begins with +, the remainder of that option is taken to be an initial command to less. For example, +G tells less to start at the end of the le rather than the beginning, and +/xyz tells it to start at the rst occurrence of "xyz" in the le. As a special case, +<number> acts like +<number>g; that is, it starts the display at the specied line number (however, see the caveat under the "g" command above). If the option starts with ++, the initial command applies to every le being viewed, not just the rst one. The + command described previously may also be used to set (or change) an initial command for every le.

LINE EDITING When entering command line at the bottom of the screen (for example, a lename for the :e command, or the pattern for a search command), certain keys can be used to manipulate the command line. Most commands have an alternate form in [ brackets ] which can be used if a key does not exist on a particular keyboard. Any of these special keys may be entered literally by preceding it with the "literal" character, either V or A. A backslash itself may also be entered literally by entering two backslashes. LEFTARROW [ESC-h] Move the cursor one space to the left. RIGHTARROW [ESC-l] Move the cursor one space to the right.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

LEFTARROW [ESC-b or ESC-LEFTARROW] (That is, CONTROL and LEFTARROW simultaneously.) Move the cursor one word to the left. RIGHTARROW [ESC-w or ESC-RIGHTARROW] (That is, CONTROL and RIGHTARROW simultaneously.) Move the cursor one word to the right. HOME [ESC-0] Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. END [ESC-$] Move the cursor to the end of the line. BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the cursor, or cancel the command if the command line is empty. DELETE or [ESC-x] Delete the character under the cursor. BACKSPACE [ESC-BACKSPACE] (That is, CONTROL and BACKSPACE simultaneously.) Delete the word to the left of the cursor. DELETE [ESC-X or ESC-DELETE] (That is, CONTROL and DELETE simultaneously.) Delete the word under the cursor. UPARROW [ESC-k] Retrieve the previous command line. DOWNARROW [ESC-j] Retrieve the next command line. TAB Complete the partial lename to the left of the cursor. If it matches more than one lename, the rst match is entered into the command line. Repeated TABs will cycle through the other matching lenames. If the completed lename is a directory, a "/" is appended to the lename. The environment variable LESSSEPARATOR can be used to specify a different character to append to a directory name.

BACKTAB [ESC-TAB] Like TAB, but cycles in the reverse direction through the matching lenames. L U Complete the partial lename to the left of the cursor. If it matches more than one lename, all matches are entered into the command line (if they t). Delete the entire command line, or cancel the command if the command line is empty. If you have changed your line-kill character to something other than U, that character is used instead of U.

KEY BINDINGS You may dene your own less commands by using the program lesskey(1) to create a lesskey le. This le species a set of command keys and an action associated with each key. You may also use lesskey to change the line-editing keys (see LINE EDITING), and to set environment variables. If the environment variable LESSKEY is set, less uses that as the name of the lesskey le. Otherwise, less looks for a lesskey le called "$HOME/.less". See the lesskey(1) manual page for more details. A system-wide lesskey le may also be set up to provide key bindings. If a key is dened in both a local lesskey le and in the system-wide le, key bindings in the local le take precedence over those in the system-wide le. If the environment variable LESSKEY_SYSTEM is set, less uses that as the name of the system-wide lesskey le. Otherwise, less looks in a standard place for the system-wide lesskey le: On OpenBSD, the system-wide lesskey le is /etc/sysless.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

INPUT PREPROCESSOR You may dene an "input preprocessor" for less. Before less opens a le, it rst gives your input preprocessor a chance to modify the way the contents of the le are displayed. An input preprocessor is simply an executable program (or shell script), which writes the contents of the le to a different le, called the replacement le. The contents of the replacement le are then displayed in place of the contents of the original le. However, it will appear to the user as if the original le is opened; that is, less will display the original lename as the name of the current le. An input preprocessor receives one command line argument, the original lename, as entered by the user. It should create the replacement le, and when nished print the name of the replacement le to its standard output. If the input preprocessor does not output a replacement lename, less uses the original le, as normal. The input preprocessor is not called when viewing standard input. To set up an input preprocessor, set the LESSOPEN environment variable to a command line which will invoke your input preprocessor. This command line should include one occurrence of the string "%s", which will be replaced by the lename when the input preprocessor command is invoked. When less closes a le opened in such a way, it will call another program, called the input postprocessor, which may perform any desired clean-up action (such as deleting the replacement le created by LESSOPEN). This program receives two command line arguments, the original lename as entered by the user, and the name of the replacement le. To set up an input postprocessor, set the LESSCLOSE environment variable to a command line which will invoke your input postprocessor. It may include two occurrences of the string "%s"; the rst is replaced with the original name of the le and the second with the name of the replacement le, which was output by LESSOPEN. For example, these two scripts will allow you to keep les in compressed format, but still let less view them directly: #! /bin/sh case "$1" in .Z) uncompress -c $1 >/tmp/less.$$ if [ -s /tmp/less.$$ ]; then echo /tmp/less.$$ else rm -f /tmp/less.$$ fi ;; esac #! /bin/sh rm $2 To use these scripts, put them both where they can be executed and set LESSOPEN=" %s", and LESSCLOSE=" %s %s". More complex LESSOPEN and LESSCLOSE scripts may be written to accept other types of compressed les, and so on. It is also possible to set up an input preprocessor to pipe the le data directly to less, rather than putting the data into a replacement le. This avoids the need to decompress the entire le before starting to view it. An input preprocessor that works this way is called an input pipe. An input pipe, instead of writing the name of a replacement le on its standard output, writes the entire contents of the replacement le on its standard output. If the input pipe does not write any characters on its standard output, then there is no replacement le and less uses the original le, as normal. To use an input pipe, make the rst character in the LESSOPEN environment variable a vertical bar (|) to signify that the input preprocessor is an input pipe.



January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

For example, this script will work like the previous example scripts: #! /bin/sh case "$1" in .Z) uncompress -c $1 ;; esac


To use this script, put it where it can be executed and set LESSOPEN="| %s". When an input pipe is used, a LESSCLOSE postprocessor can be used, but it is usually not necessary since there is no replacement le to clean up. In this case, the replacement le name passed to the LESSCLOSE postprocessor is "-". NATIONAL CHARACTER SETS There are three types of characters in the input le: normal characters control characters binary characters Can be displayed directly to the screen. Should not be displayed directly, but are expected to be found in ordinary text les (such as backspace and tab). Should not be displayed directly and are not expected to be found in text les.

A "character set" is simply a description of which characters are to be considered normal, control, and binary. The LESSCHARSET environment variable may be used to select a character set. Possible values for LESSCHARSET are: ascii iso8859 latin1 latin9 dos ebcdic IBM-1047 BS, TAB, NL, CR, and formfeed are control characters, all chars with values between 32 and 126 are normal, and all others are binary. Selects an ISO 8859 character set. This is the same as ASCII, except characters between 160 and 255 are treated as normal characters. Same as iso8859. Same as iso8859. Selects a character set appropriate for MS-DOS. Selects an EBCDIC character set. Selects an EBCDIC character set used by OS/390 Unix Services. This is the EBCDIC analogue of latin1. You get similar results by setting either LESSCHARSET=IBM-1047 or LC_CTYPE=en_US in your environment. Selects a Russian character set. Selects a character set appropriate for NeXT computers. Selects the UTF-8 encoding of the ISO 10646 character set.

koi8-r next utf-8

In special cases, it may be desired to tailor less to use a character set other than the ones denable by LESSCHARSET. In this case, the environment variable LESSCHARDEF can be used to dene a character set. It should be set to a string where each character in the string represents one character in the character set. The character "." is used for a normal character, "c" for control, and "b" for binary. A decimal number may be used for repetition. For example, "bccc4b." would mean character 0 is binary, 1, 2 and 3 are control, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are binary, and 8 is normal. All characters after the last are taken to be the same as the last, so characters 9 through 255 would be normal. (This is an example, and does not necessarily represent any real character set.)


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

This table shows the value of LESSCHARDEF which is equivalent to each of the possible values for LESSCHARSET: ascii dos ebcdic IBM-1047 iso8859 koi8-r latin1 next 8bcccbcc18b95.b 8bcccbcc12bc5b95.b. 5bc6bcc7bcc41b.9b7.9b5.b..8b6.10b6.b9.7b 9.8b8.17b3.3b9.7b9.8b8.6b10.b.b.b. 4cbcbc3b9cbccbccbb4c6bcc5b3cbbc4bc4bccbc 191.b 8bcccbcc18b95.33b. 8bcccbcc18b95.b128. 8bcccbcc18b95.33b.

If neither LESSCHARSET nor LESSCHARDEF is set, but the string "UTF-8" is found in the LC_ALL, LC_TYPE or LANG environment variables, then the default character set is utf-8. If that string is not found, but your system supports the setlocale interface, less will use setlocale to determine the character set. setlocale is controlled by setting the LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variables. Finally, if the setlocale interface is also not available, the default character set is latin1. Control and binary characters are displayed in standout (reverse video). Each such character is displayed in caret notation if possible (e.g. A for control-A). Caret notation is used only if inverting the 0100 bit results in a normal printable character. Otherwise, the character is displayed as a hex number in angle brackets. This format can be changed by setting the LESSBINFMT environment variable. LESSBINFMT may begin with a "" and one character to select the display attribute: "k" is blinking, "d" is bold, "u" is underlined, "s" is standout, and "n" is normal. If LESSBINFMT does not begin with a "", normal attribute is assumed. The remainder of LESSBINFMT is a string which may include one printf-style escape sequence (a % followed by x, X, o, d, etc.). For example, if LESSBINFMT is "u[%x]", binary characters are displayed in underlined hexadecimal surrounded by brackets. The default if no LESSBINFMT is specied is "s<%X>". PROMPTS The -P option allows you to tailor the prompt to your preference. The string given to the -P option replaces the specied prompt string. Certain characters in the string are interpreted specially. The prompt mechanism is rather complicated to provide exibility, but the ordinary user need not understand the details of constructing personalized prompt strings. A percent sign followed by a single character is expanded according to what the following character is: %bX Replaced by the byte offset into the current input le. The b is followed by a single character (shown as X above) which species the line whose byte offset is to be used. If the character is a "t", the byte offset of the top line in the display is used, an "m" means use the middle line, a "b" means use the bottom line, a "B" means use the line just after the bottom line, and a "j" means use the "target" line, as specied by the -j option. Replaced by the size of the current input le. Replaced by the column number of the text appearing in the rst column of the screen. Replaced by the page number of a line in the input le. The line to be used is determined by the X, as with the %b option. Replaced by the number of pages in the input le, or equivalently, the page number of the last line in the input le.

%B %c %dX %D


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

%E %f %i %lX %L %m %pX %PX %s %t %x

Replaced by the name of the editor (from the VISUAL environment variable, or the EDITOR environment variable if VISUAL is not dened). See the discussion of the LESSEDIT feature below. Replaced by the name of the current input le. Replaced by the index of the current le in the list of input les. Replaced by the line number of a line in the input le. The line to be used is determined by the X, as with the %b option. Replaced by the line number of the last line in the input le. Replaced by the total number of input les. Replaced by the percent into the current input le, based on byte offsets. The line used is determined by the X, as with the %b option. Replaced by the percent into the current input le, based on line numbers. The line used is determined by the X, as with the %b option. Same as %B. Causes any trailing spaces to be removed. Usually used at the end of the string, but may appear anywhere. Replaced by the name of the next input le in the list.

If any item is unknown (for example, the le size if input is a pipe), a question mark is printed instead. The format of the prompt string can be changed depending on certain conditions. A question mark followed by a single character acts like an "IF": depending on the following character, a condition is evaluated. If the condition is true, any characters following the question mark and condition character, up to a period, are included in the prompt. If the condition is false, such characters are not included. A colon appearing between the question mark and the period can be used to establish an "ELSE": any characters between the colon and the period are included in the string, if and only if the IF condition is false. Condition characters (which follow a question mark) may be: ?a ?bX ?B ?c ?dX ?e ?f ?lX ?L ?m ?n ?pX ?PX True if any characters have been included in the prompt so far. True if the byte offset of the specied line is known. True if the size of the current input le is known. True if the text is horizontally shifted (%c is not zero). True if the page number of the specied line is known. True if at end-of-le. True if there is an input lename (that is, if input is not a pipe). True if the line number of the specied line is known. True if the line number of the last line in the le is known. True if there is more than one input le. True if this is the rst prompt in a new input le. True if the percent into the current input le, based on byte offsets, of the specied line is known. True if the percent into the current input le, based on line numbers, of the specied line is known.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

?s ?x

Same as "?B". True if there is a next input le (that is, if the current input le is not the last one).

Any characters other than the special ones (question mark, colon, period, percent, and backslash) become literally part of the prompt. Any of the special characters may be included in the prompt literally by preceding it with a backslash. Some examples: ?f%f:Standard input. This prompt prints the lename, if known; otherwise the string "Standard input". ?f%f .?ltLine %lt:?pt%pt\%:?btByte %bt:-... This prompt would print the lename, if known. The lename is followed by the line number, if known, otherwise the percent if known, otherwise the byte offset if known. Otherwise, a dash is printed. Notice how each question mark has a matching period, and how the % after the %pt is included literally by escaping it with a backslash. ?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t This prints the lename if this is the rst prompt in a le, followed by the "le N of N" message if there is more than one input le. Then, if we are at end-of-le, the string "(END)" is printed followed by the name of the next le, if there is one. Finally, any trailing spaces are truncated. This is the default prompt. For reference, here are the defaults for the other two prompts (-m and -M respectively). Each is broken into two lines here for readability only. ?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.: ?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t ?f%f .?n?m(file %i of %m) ..?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. : byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t And here is the default message produced by the = command: ?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. . byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%t The prompt expansion features are also used for another purpose: if an environment variable LESSEDIT is dened, it is used as the command to be executed when the v command is invoked. The LESSEDIT string is expanded in the same way as the prompt strings. The default value for LESSEDIT is: %E ?lm+%lm. %f Note that this expands to the editor name, followed by a + and the line number, followed by the le name. If your editor does not accept the "+linenumber" syntax, or has other differences in invocation syntax, the LESSEDIT variable can be changed to modify this default. SECURITY When the environment variable LESSSECURE is set to 1, less runs in a "secure" mode. This means these features are disabled: ! | The shell command. The pipe command.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

:e v s -o -k -t

The examine command. The editing command. Log les. Use of lesskey les. Use of tags les. Metacharacters in lenames, such as "". Filename completion (TAB, L).

Less can also be compiled to be permanently in "secure" mode. ENVIRONMENT Environment variables may be specied either in the system environment as usual, or in a lesskey(1) le. If environment variables are dened in more than one place, variables dened in a local lesskey le take precedence over variables dened in the system environment, which take precedence over variables dened in the system-wide lesskey le. COLUMNS Sets the number of columns on the screen. Takes precedence over the number of columns specied by the TERM variable. (But if you have a windowing system which supports TIOCGWINSZ or WIOCGETD, the window systems idea of the screen size takes precedence over the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables.) EDITOR The name of the editor (used for the v command). HOME LANG Name of the users home directory (used to nd a lesskey le). Language for determining the character set.

LC_CTYPE Language for determining the character set. LESS Options which are passed to less automatically.

LESSANSIENDCHARS Characters which are assumed to end an ANSI color escape sequence (default "m"). LESSBINFMT Format for displaying non-printable, non-control characters. LESSCHARDEF Denes a character set. LESSCHARSET Selects a predened character set. LESSCLOSE Command line to invoke the (optional) input-postprocessor. LESSEDIT Editor prototype string (used for the v command). See discussion under PROMPTS. LESSGLOBALTAGS Name of the command used by the -t option to nd global tags. Normally should be set to "global" if your system has the global command. If not set, global tags are not used.


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

LESSKEY Name of the default lesskey(1) le. LESSKEY_SYSTEM Name of the default system-wide lesskey(1) le. LESSMETACHARS List of characters which are considered "metacharacters" by the shell. LESSMETAESCAPE Prex which less will add before each metacharacter in a command sent to the shell. If LESSMETAESCAPE is an empty string, commands containing metacharacters will not be passed to the shell. LESSOPEN Command line to invoke the (optional) input-preprocessor. LESSSECURE Runs less in "secure" mode. See discussion under SECURITY. LESSSEPARATOR String to be appended to a directory name in lename completion. LINES Sets the number of lines on the screen. Takes precedence over the number of lines specied by the TERM variable. (But if you have a windowing system which supports TIOCGWINSZ or WIOCGETD, the window systems idea of the screen size takes precedence over the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables.) SHELL The shell used to execute the ! command, as well as to expand lenames. TERM The type of terminal on which less is being run. VISUAL The name of the editor (used for the v command). SEE ALSO lesskey(1) AUTHORS Mark Nudelman Send bug reports or comments to the above address or to For more information, see the less homepage at CAVEATS The = command and prompts (unless changed by -P) report the line numbers of the lines at the top and bottom of the screen, but the byte and percent of the line after the one at the bottom of the screen. If the :e command is used to name more than one le, and one of the named les has been viewed previously, the new les may be entered into the list in an unexpected order. On certain older terminals (the so-called "magic cookie" terminals), search highlighting will cause an erroneous display. On such terminals, search highlighting is disabled by default to avoid possible problems. In certain cases, when search highlighting is enabled and a search pattern begins with a , more text than the matching string may be highlighted. (This problem does not occur when less is compiled to use the POSIX regular expression package.)


January 17, 2003


LESS (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

LESS (1)

When viewing text containing ANSI color escape sequences using the -R option, searching will not nd text containing an embedded escape sequence. Also, search highlighting may change the color of some of the text which follows the highlighted text. On some systems, setlocale claims that ASCII characters 0 through 31 are control characters rather than binary characters. This causes less to treat some binary les as ordinary, non-binary les. To workaround this problem, set the environment variable LESSCHARSET to "ascii" (or whatever character set is appropriate). See for the latest list of known bugs in this version of less.


January 17, 2003




lesskey specify key bindings for less

lesskey [ o output | output = output ] [ input ] lesskey -V | --version

lesskey is used to specify a set of key bindings to be used by less(1). The input le is a text le which describes the key bindings. If the input le is -, standard input is read. If no input le is specied, a standard lename is used as the name of the input le; by default $HOME/.lesskey . The output le is a binary le which is used by less(1). If no output le is specied, and the environment variable LESSKEY is set, the value of LESSKEY is used as the name of the output le. Otherwise, a standard lename is used as the name of the output le; by default $HOME/.less is used. If the output le already exists, lesskey will overwrite it. A system-wide lesskey le may also be set up to provide key bindings. If a key is dened in both a local lesskey le and in the system-wide le, key bindings in the local le take precedence over those in the system-wide le. If the environment variable LESSKEY_SYSTEM is set, less(1) uses that as the name of the system-wide lesskey le. Otherwise, less(1) looks in a standard place for the system-wide lesskey le: On NSH the system-wide lesskey le is /etc/sysless . The V or version option causes lesskey to print its version number and immediately exit. If V or version is present, other options and arguments are ignored. The input le consists of one or more sections. Each section starts with a line that identies the type of section. Possible sections are: #command Denes new command keys. #line-edit Denes new line-editing keys. #env Denes environment variables. Blank lines and lines which start with a pound sign (#) are ignored, except for the special section header lines.

The command section begins with the line #command If the command section is the rst section in the le, this line may be omitted. The command section consists of lines of the form: string <whitespace> action [extra-string] <newline> Whitespace is any sequence of one or more spaces and/or tabs. The string is the command key(s) which invoke the action. The string may be a single command key, or a sequence of up to 15 keys. The action is the name of the less action, from the list below. The characters in the string may appear literally, or be prexed by a caret to indicate a control key. A backslash followed by one to three octal digits may be used to specify a character by its octal value. A backslash followed by certain characters species input characters as follows: \b \e \n \r \t \ku \kd \kr BACKSPACE ESCAPE NEWLINE RETURN TAB UP ARROW DOWN ARROW RIGHT ARROW




A backslash followed by any other character indicates that character is to be taken literally. Characters which must be preceded by backslash include caret, space, tab and the backslash itself. An action may be followed by an "extra" string. When such a command is entered while running less, the action is performed, and then the extra string is parsed, just as if it were typed in to less. This feature can be used in certain cases to extend the functionality of a command. For example, see the { and :t commands in the example below. The extra string has a special meaning for the "quit" action: when less quits, rst character of the extra string is used as its exit status. The following input le describes the set of default command keys used by less: #command \r forw-line \n forw-line e forw-line j forw-line \kd forw-line E forw-line N forw-line k back-line y back-line Y back-line K back-line P back-line J forw-line-force K back-line-force Y back-line-force d forw-scroll D forw-scroll u back-scroll U back-scroll \40 forw-screen f forw-screen F forw-screen V forw-screen \kD forw-screen b back-screen B back-screen \ev back-screen \kU back-screen z forw-window w back-window \e\40 forw-screen-force F forw-forever R repaint-ush r repaint R repaint L repaint \eu undo-hilite g goto-line


LESSKEY(1) \kh < \e< p % \e[ \e] \e( \e) { } ( ) [ ] \eF \eB G \e> > \ke = G :f / ? \e/ \e? n \en N \eN m XX E :e XV :n :p t T :x :d :t s _ | v ! + H h goto-line goto-line goto-line percent percent left-scroll right-scroll left-scroll right-scroll forw-bracket {} back-bracket {} forw-bracket () back-bracket () forw-bracket [] back-bracket [] forw-bracket back-bracket goto-end goto-end goto-end goto-end status status status forw-search back-search forw-search * back-search * repeat-search repeat-search-all reverse-search reverse-search-all set-mark goto-mark goto-mark examine examine examine next-le prev-le next-tag prev-tag index-le remove-le toggle-option toggle-option t toggle-option o display-option pipe visual shell rstcmd help help



LESSKEY(1) V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q Q :q :Q ZZ version digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit quit quit quit quit quit


Commands specied by lesskey take precedence over the default commands. A default command key may be disabled by including it in the input le with the action "invalid". Alternatively, a key may be dened to do nothing by using the action "noaction". "noaction" is similar to "invalid" but less will give an error beep for an "incalid" command, but not for a "noaction" command. In addition, ALL default commands may be disabled by adding this control line to the input le: #stop This will cause all default commands to be ignored. The #stop line should be the last line in that section of the le. Be aware that #stop can be dangerous. Since all default commands are disabled, you must provide sufcient commands before the #stop line to enable all necessary actions. For example, failure to provide a "quit" command can lead to frustration.


The line-editing section begins with the line: #line-edit This section species new key bindings for the line editing commands, in a manner similar to the way key bindings for ordinary commands are specied in the #command section. The line-editing section consists of a list of keys and actions, one per line as in the example below. The following input le describes the set of default line-editing keys used by less: #line-edit \t forw-complete \17 back-complete \e\t back-complete L expand V literal A literal \el right \kr right \eh left \kl left \eb word-left \e\kl word-left \ew word-right \e\kr word-right


LESSKEY(1) \ei \ex \kx \eX \ekx \e\b \e0 \kh \e$ \ke \ek \ku \ej insert delete delete word-delete word-delete word-backspace home home end end up up down


The environment variable section begins with the line #env Following this line is a list of environment variable assignments. Each line consists of an environment variable name, an equals sign (=) and the value to be assigned to the environment variable. Whitespace before and after the equals sign is ignored. Variables assigned in this way are visible only to less. If environment variables are dened in more than one place, variables dened in a local lesskey le take precedence over variables dened in the system environment, which take precedence over variables dened in the system-wide lesskey le. Although the lesskey le can be used to override variables set in the environment, the main purpose of assigning variables in the lesskey le is simply to have all less conguration information stored in one le. The following input le sets the -i option whenever less is run, and species the character set to be "latin1" : #env LESS = -i LESSCHARSET = latin1

LESSKEY Name of the default lesskey le. LESSKEY_SYSTEM Name of the default system-wide lesskey le.

$HOME/.less Default lesskey le. $HOME/.lesskey Default lesskey input le. /etc/sysless Default system-wide lesskey le.


It is not possible to specify special keys, such as uparrow, in a keyboard-independent manner. The only way to specify such keys is to specify the escape sequence which a particular keyboard sends when such a key is pressed.



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link Create a link to a le

link [-?] le1 le2

The link command creates a link from the existing le le1 to the le le2 which will be newly created. le2 must be on the same disk partition as le1. The link command creates le2 without doing any type of error checking. Links to directories, links to les on different partitions, and links across hosts will not work. Errors of any kind in creating the link are silently ignored. We strongly suggest that you use the ln command instead of the link command, since improper use may adversely affect the consistency of the le systems.

link has only one option. -? le1 le2 Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without linking any les. Existing le to be linked. Newly created link le.

The rst example links the le foo to the le bar. The second example creates a new le /u1/data/yourdata which is linked to the le /u1/data/mydata on the host reykjavik. $ link foo bar $ link //reykjavik/u1/data/mydata //reykjavik/u1/data/yourdata

Since link errors are ignored, there are no diagnostic messages to be output except for network and licensing messages.

0 255 Besides license problems, link always exits with an exit code of 0. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Since link does not perform any error checking, do not use it except in exceptional cases. Normally, you should use the ln command instead.


link was written by Thomas Kraus

On some systems, only the super user can use the link command. This is not the default for link. If you want this behavior, change the ownership of the le to root and the mode to 500.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


ln Create a link to a le

ln [-?ns] le1 le2 ln [-?ns] le1 [le2 ...] directory

In the rst case, the ln command creates a link from the existing le le1 to the le le2 which will be newly created. In the second case, links to the named (existing) les are made in the named directory. ln creates either hard links (the default) or symbolic links. You can create hard links only between les (not directories) residing on the same disk partition. Symbolic links however, consist of a special le, containing the name of the le to which it is linked. This allows you to create symbolic links to directories and between les on different disk partitions. You cannot create hard links or symbolic links between les on different hosts.

-f By default, if the target le already exists, and it does not have appropriate write permissions, ln will ask for conrmation to unlink the le. With this option, ln does not ask for this conrmation. It simply deletes the current version of the target le. With this option, if the target le of a link already exists, then ln will rst ask for conrmation to overwrite the le. If you use the -f option with the -i option, ln will not ask for conrmation before overwriting the target le. With this option, if the target le already exists, then ln will NOT create the link which would have overwritten the current target le. Create symbolic links instead of hard links. The advantage of symbolic links over hard links is that symbolic links can cross disk partitions, and you can make symbolic links to directories. Furthermore, the name of the le to which the symbolic link points does not need to exist at the time that you create the link. You cannot create a symbolic link if the le (symbolic link to be created) already exists. -? le1 le2 Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without linking any les. Existing le to be linked. Newly created link le.


-n -s

The rst example links the le foo to the le bar. In the output of the ls command, notice that both les have the same inode number and have two links to them (rst and third column). The second example creates the symbolic link /u1/file2 which points to the le /u1/file1 on the host belgrade. $ ln foo bar $ ln -s //belgrade/u1/file1 //belgrade/u1/file2 $ ls -li foo bar //belgrade/u1/file2 total 3 113380 -rw-r--r-- 2 tmk 328 Nov 7 14:43 foo 113380 -rw-r--r-- 2 tmk 328 Nov 7 14:43 bar 385299 lrwxrwxrwx 1 tmk 3 Nov 7 14:43 //belgrade/u1/file2 -> /u1/file1

ln: Target directory (dirname) not found When linking more than one le, then the target le must be a directory. The named directory (last argument) does not seem to exist.



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ln: Target le (lename) must be a directory When linking more than one le, then the target le must be a directory. The target le is not a directory. ln: Unable to create symbolic link to le lename An error occurred while trying to create a symbolic link to the le lename. This message is followed my an appropriate system error message. ln: Unable to create link to le lename An error occurred while trying to create a hard link to the le lename. This message is followed my an appropriate system error message. ln: Unable to link les across hosts You tried to create a link to a le that is not on the same host as the le to which the link should be created. This is not possible to do. ln: Will not create link le lename: File exists You used the -n option, and the target le already exists. The -n option causes ln not to overwrite existing target les.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. An unknown option was given. One of the les to be removed was not removable. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Since link does not perform any error checking, avoid using it except in exceptional cases. You should normally use the ln command.


ln was written by Thomas Kraus

With regards to the available options for the ln command, it has many varying implementations on the supported platforms. This implementation was selected to closely resemble System V.4 and also to be behave in a similar way as other NSH commands.



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ls, l, lc, lf, lr, lx List the contents of a directory

ls [-1aAbcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux?] [lename ...]

The ls program family outputs listings of the named les. ls is the standard program. The remaining programs are derivatives of ls. Each derivative has a specic option turned on. l lc lf lr lx Automatically turns on the option -l Automatically turns on the option -C Automatically turns on the options -C and -F Automatically turns on the options -C and -R Automatically turns on the option -x

For each directory argument, ls displays the contents of the directory. For each le argument, ls displays the name of the le itself along with any other requested information. If you do not specify any le arguments, then ls uses the current directory (.). Before ls displays a listing, it sorts the listing (by default) alphabetically. The output format of the listing can also be in the form of a long listing (see the -l, -o, and -g options), a multi-column listing (see the -C, -x, and -1 options), or a stream listing (see the -m option). If you do not specify an output format, then the default format depends on two things. If the output is not going to a terminal (for example, if it is being redirected or piped), then ls outputs the listing in a single column. If the output is going to a terminal, then the default universe behavior determines the output format. With the P_BSD variable set, ls uses a multi-column output (like with the -x option). With the P_ATT variable set, ls uses a single column output (like with the -1 option). When using a multi-column output, ls tries to determine the width of the screen by looking at the value of the COLUMNS variable. If the COLUMNS variable is not set, or if it has a value less than 20, then ls will try to determine the width of the screen by using the value of the TERM variable to consult the terminfo or termcap database (depending on the type of system the command is running on). If ls is still not able to determine the width of the screen, it uses the default value of 80.

-1 -a This option tells ls to produce a single column output instead of a multi-column output. This may be the default, depending on the universe setting. By default, ls does not display les beginning with a period (.). This often includes the directories "." (current directory) and ".." (parent directory). This option tells ls to include all les beginning with a period. This option is similar to the -a option, however it does not include the directories "." and "..". By default, ls outputs the name of the les as it nds them. Consequently, if a le contains special characters in the name, the output may look jumbled and/or unreadable. With this option, ls will output all non-printable characters in the form \nnn where nnn is the octal value of the unprintable character (also see the -q option). If you use the -c option with the -t option (sort the listing by time), then ls sorts the listing by date of last modication. (This is the default behavior.) If you use the -c option with the -l option (or other options that produce a long listing), then ls includes the date of last modication in the listing. This option tells ls to output the a multi-column listing sorted by column. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option works. If one of the le arguments to ls is a directory, then ls usually will list the contents of that directory. With this option, ls will output a listing for the directory itself and not its contents.

-A -b


-C -d



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary -f


With this option, ls treats each le argument as a directory, with the contents of each directory being listed as found (no sorting). With this option turned on, the options -l, -t, -s, and -r are turned off, while the -a option is turned on. This option causes ls to mark certain le types with an identifying character after the le name. Directories are marked with a /, les with the user execute bit set are marked with a *, symbolic links are marked with a @, and sockets are marked with a =. This option tells ls to output a long listing. With the P_BSD variable set, ls also displays the owner name/ID eld. With the P_ATT variable set, ls does not display the owner name/ID eld. For each le found, ls will output the les inode number in a separate eld before the name of the le. This option tells ls to output a long listing. A long listing consists of a single line for each le. Each line contains detailed information about the le. By default, when an argument is a symbolic link, ls treats it as such and does not follow it. This option tells ls to dereference (follow) arguments that are symbolic links. This option causes ls to output the les in a stream format. A stream format means that ls will display as many le names as it can t on a line, putting a comma and a space between le names. Include the md5 checksum of the le as a eld in the output. The checksum of a symlink is the checksum of its target. ls produces blank output for otherwise non-regular les (directories, block/character special, ... etc.) When outputting a long listing, use the numeric values of the UID and GID instead of their associated names. This option is similar to the -l option, except that ls does not display the group name/ID. This option causes ls to put a slash (/) after each le that is a directory. This makes it easy to identify directories. By default, ls outputs the name of the les as it nds them. Consequently, if a le contains special characters in the name, the output may look jumbled and/or unreadable. With this option, ls will output all non-printable characters as question marks (?). When used with the -t option, does a reverse sort by time stamp. When used with the -u option, does a reverse sort by user name. See the -t option and the -u option for more information. If ls comes across a directory, then ls will recursively descend the directory and produce a listing for that directory. For each le found, ls will output the les size in blocks in a separate eld before the name of the le. The block size can either be 1024 (P_BSD) or 512 (P_ATT) depending on the universe setting. By default, ls sorts the listing by le name. With this option, ls sorts the listing by le size. By default, ls sorts the listing by le name. With this option, ls sorts the listing by time stamp. The default time stamp is date of last modication. See the options -c and -u for more information. If sorting the listing by time with the -t option, then sort the listing by the date of last access instead of the date of last modication. When used with the -l option (or other options producing a long listing), tells ls to output the date of last access instead of the date of last modication. This option is like the -F option, but instead of marking directories with a slash (/), ls surrounds directories with square brackets ([ and ]). This option tells ls to output the a multi-column listing sorted by rows. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option works.


-g -i -l -L -m


-n -o -p -q

-r -R -s

-S -t


-v -x



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Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without doing any listing.

The rst example outputs a multi-column listing of the current directory. Any directories found in the current directory have a / appended to their names. The second example produces a long listing sorted in reverse by time of last modications of all les/directories beginning with the letter a in the directory bin on the host berlin. $ ls -pC $ ls -lrt //berlin/bin/a*

ls: lename <system error message> Ls was unable to determine detailed information about the le lename. ls: %s: Unable to access directory dirname Ls was unable to access the directory dirname to determine its contents.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected An unknown option was given One of the les to be listed was not accessible Unable to get a license to use the software.

ls ignores column settings less than 20. Instead, ls uses the default screen width of 80. There are 25 options for this command.

Because of the large number of options for this command, there are several option conicts. Multi-column listings are presented differently depending on your universe setting. With the P_BSD variable set, ls aligns columns to the nearest 8 character interval with columns separated by TAB characters. With the P_ATT variable set, ls calculates column widths based on the longest le name with an interval of two spaces between columns. The -g ag has two very different meanings depending on your universe setting. With the P_BSD variable set, the group name eld is also included in long listings. With the P_ATT variable set, a long listing is automatically made with the group name le not shown. When using the -s option to display le sizes in blocks, then with the P_BSD variable set, ls assumes block sizes to be 1024 bytes large. With the P_ATT variable set ls assumes block sizes to be 512 bytes large. If a long listing is being output, then with the P_BSD variable set the default behavior is not to output the group name eld. With the P_ATT variable set, the default behavior is to output the group name eld. If a long listing is not being produced, and the user has not selected an output format (-1, -C, or -x options), then with the P_BSD variable set ls will default to a multi-column output equivalent to the -x option. With the P_ATT variable set ls defaults to a single column output equivalent to the -1 option.

ls was written by Thomas Kraus



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man Get man pages from remote host

man [-h host] man_options

man invokes a man page on a selected remote host. man displays the output of the remote man command, thus letting you effectively access the man page on the remote host. Normally, you specify the name of the host that contains the man page, using the -h host option. If you do not specify this option, man will check the shell variable P_MANHOST for the name of a host.

-h -? The name of the host that contains the man page. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without displaying any man pages.

The rst example prints the man page for the command man which is found on the host dublin. The second example prints the man page for the command wait in section 2 of the man pages, found on the host dublin (as dened by the P_MANHOST variable). $ man -h dublin man $ P_MANHOST=dublin $ export P_MANHOST $ man -s 2 wait

man: Do not know on which host to look for man pages on This message is output if you did not specify the -h option and the P_MANHOST variable was not set. Because of this, man was unable to determine where to look for the man page. man: Error in starting remote program This error message is output when no data was received back from the remote host when executing the man command on it.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. man does not know on which host to look for man pages. No data was returned from the remote host. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Some versions of man automatically redirect their output to the more command for easier browsing. This version of man does not. The available options for the man command differ from system to system. You must use the command syntax for the host from which you are retrieving the man page.



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md5sum Calculate MD5 checksum of les

md5sum [-bltf] [-o offset] [-s size] [le ...]

The md5sum command calculates the MD5 checksum of each le you specify as an argument. If you do not specify any les, md5sum takes its input from stdin. If you specify a le on a remote host, the remote RSCD agent calculates the MD5 checksum, so as not to have to pull the whole le across the network.

-b -l -t This option tells the md5sum command to read the le in binary mode (as opposed to textual mode). This is the default behavior. Light mode. Only read (up to) the rst 512 bytes (same as -s 512). This option tells the md5sum command to read the le in textual mode (as opposed to binary mode). This option is useful when dealing with textual les on a Windows system, where you do not want to have the different end of line characters (which differ between UNIX and Windows) affect the calculation. Do not output warning messages.


-o offset This option tells md5sum what offset in bytes to start calculating from. You can use this option in conjunction with the -s option to checksum subsets of the le. If the offset value ends with a k md5sum will interpret the value as a KB value. If the offset value ends with an m md5sum will interpret the value as a MB value. -s size This option tells md5sum the number of bytes to use in the calculation. You can use this option in conjunction with the -o option to checksum subsets of the le. If the size value ends with a k md5sum will interpret the value as a KB value. If the size value ends with an m md5sum will interpret the value as a MB value.

md5sum was written by Thomas Kraus

ls (-M option)



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mkdir Create directories

mkdir [-m mode] [-p] [-?] dirname ...

mkdir creates new directories. By default, mkdir creates directories with the mode 0777. (This may be altered by the value of current umask.) Parent directories for the new directory must already exist unless you use the -p option (see below).

-m mode Set the le permissions of all created directories to mode, where mode is an octal value. By default the mode of the newly created directories is calculated to be: 0777 minus <current umask of local host> -p By default the parent of the directory must already exist. With this option, mkdir will create parent directories as required. Set the initial user ownership to user. On Windows this must be numeric and you must have appropriate permissions on the le. Otherwise a warning message appears.

-u user

-g group Set the initial group ownership to group. On Windows this must be numeric and you must have appropriate permissions on the le. Otherwise a warning message appears. -? Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without creating any directories.

dirname The name of the directory you want to create.

The rst example creates the directory newdir in the local directory. The second example rst makes sure the directories /u2 and /u2/newdir exist. If either directory does not exist, mkdir creates the missing directory. Second, mkdir creates the directory /u2/newdir/src. Each of the created directories will have their permissions set to mode. $ mkdir newdir $ mkdir -p -m 0755 //andorra/u2/newdir/src //madrid/u2/newdir/src

mkdir: Error creating directories dirname An error was encountered while creating the directory dirname. This message is followed by a system error message indicating the possible problem. mkdir: Invalid mode (mode) The mode the directory should be set to must be in octal (digits 0-7). If the mode contains non octal digits, then this error message will appear.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. An unknown option was given. mkdir was unable to create one of the named directories. Unable to get a license to use the software.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


mkdir was written by Thomas Kraus



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mkfo Create named pipe (FIFO)

mkfo name ...

mkfo creates a named pipe (FIFO) for each of the named arguments. The mode of the newly created named pipe is calculated as follows: 0666 minus <current umask of local host>

name The name of the named pipe you want to create.

The rst example creates the named pipe mypipe in the local directory. The second example creates the named pipes /tmp/pipe1 and /tmp/pipe2 on host montecarlo $ mkfifo mypipe $ mkfifo //montecarlo/u2/pipe1 //montecarlo/u2/pipe2

mkfo: Error creating named pipe lename If an error occurred while creating the named pipe, this error message will appear along with an appropriate system message.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option or an option was missing. mkfo was unable to create the special le. Unable to get a license to use the software.

You must be a super user to create character and block special les. You cannot create a special le if a le of that name already exists.

mkfo was written by Thomas Kraus




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


mknod Create a special le

mknod name [p] [b | c major minor]

mknod creates a special le. The rst argument is the name of the special le. The second argument species the type of special le, which can be either a named pipe (FIFO) (p), a character special le (c), or a block special le (b). If you create a character or block special le, you must also specify the major and minor number of the device. The mode of the newly created special le is calculated as follows: 0666 minus <current umask of local host>

name p c b major minor As the rst argument, the name of the special le you want to create. As the second argument, tells mknod to create a named pipe (FIFO). As the second argument, tells mknod to create a character special le. As the second argument, tells mknod to create a block special le. The major number of the character/block special le. The minor number of the character/block special le.

The rst example creates the named pipe mypipe in the local directory. The second example creates the character special le /tmp/null on host tirana # mknod mypipe -p # mknod //tirana/tmp/null c 3 2

mknod: Error creating special le lename If an error occurred while creating the special le, this error message will appear along with an appropriate system message.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option or an option was missing. mknod was unable to create the special le. Unable to get a license to use the software.

You must be a super user to create character and block special les. You cannot create a special le if a le of that name already exists.

mknod was written by Thomas Kraus.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


mv Move or rename les

mv [-?] le1 le2 mv [-?] le ... dir

mv works in two forms. First, you can use it to rename les. Second, you can use it to move les/directories from one directory into another. The last argument given to mv is the destination le/directory (target). If there are two or more les to be moved to the target, then the target must be a directory.

-i With this option, if a target le already exists, then mv will ask for conrmation to overwrite the target le. If the user conrms with an entry beginning with the letter y, then mv overwrites the le. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option interacts with the -f option. This option tells mv not to check for potential overwrite problems in the target les mode. By default, mv checks to see if the target le already exists, and makes sure that the le has appropriate write permissions allowing it to be overwritten. If the le exists and does not have appropriate permissions, mv prompts you to see if it should overwrite the le anyway. With the -f option, mv does not display this prompt. It simply overwrites the le. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without moving any les. Source le. Destination le or directory.


-? le1 le2

The rst example renames the le to foobar. The second examples moves all .c les from the directory /u1/src from host bucharest to the local directory new_src. $ mv foobar $ mv //bucharest/u1/src/*.c new_src

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. An unknown option was given. An error occurred while trying to move a le. Unable to get a license to use the software.

mv: Target directory (dirname) not found When moving more than one le, then the target le must be a directory. The named directory (last argument) does not seem to exist. mv: Target le (lename) must be a directory When moving more than one le, then the target le must be a directory. The target le is not a directory. mv: Unable to access le lename The le to be moved (lename) was not accessible. mv: Unable to access parent directory dirname The parent directory of the target le/directory could not be found.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary mv: Unable to create link to new le lename An error occurred while moving the le lename. The target le could not be created.


mv: Unable to unlink le lename After the source le has been linked to the target le, the source le is removed. There was an error removing the source le. mv: Unable to move directory dirname across partitions or hosts You can move directories only within a disk partition. See cp for more details on copying directories. mv: Unable to open le lename If a cross partition/host move is to be made, the les are actually copied. The source le to be copied could not be accessed. mv: Unable to create le lename If a cross partition/host move is to be made, the les are actually copied. The target le could not be created. mv: Error writing to le lename If a cross partition/host move is to be made, the les are actually copied. There was an error copying the source le to the target le. mv: Could not unlink le lename If a cross partition/host move is to be made, the les are actually copied. After having copied the source le to the target le, the source must be deleted. There was an error deleting the source le. You cannot move directories over partition or host borders.

If you use both the -i and -f options, then with the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -i option will override the -f option. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f option will override the -i option.

mv was written by Thomas Kraus




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


ncp, ndsync Copy/synchronize multiple sources to multiple destinations

ncp [-bifnprtuvBCLPRST?] [-s suf] source1 ... sourceN -[hv] [-d dir] [-p n] dest1 ... destN ndsync [-bifnprtuvBCLPRST?] [-s suf] source1 ... sourceN -[hv] [-d dir] [-p n] dest1 ... destN

ncp and ndsync are supersets of their respective cp and dsync parents. These commands provide an alternate interface, allowing users to copy/synchronize multiple les and/or directories to multiple destinations. For full details of how the cp/dsync commands work, see their respective documentation. These commands are most useful when you want to update multiple remote hosts with the same data.

The command line arguments are split into multiple sections. The descriptions below apply to both the ncp and ndsync commands. The sections are: ncp <cp options> <sources> <ncp options> <destinations> <cp options> Since ncp/ndsync are supersets of cp/dsync, these options are the same options supported by the respective parent command. <sources> These are the les and/or directories that you want to copy to the given destinations. <ncp options> These options affect the way in which the source les/directories are copied to the destinations. The available options are: -h If you are not using any other options, you must include a dash (-) to delimit the start of your target destination(s). This indicates that the destinations are actually hostnames or I.P. addresses to which you want to copy the <sources>. If you use this option, then the <sources> must be absolute path names, unless you are using the -d option, because the <sources> are copied to the same location on the destination hosts. This option lets you dene a list of destinations inside a at le. If you use this option with the -h option (above) then the at le should contain a list of hosts. Otherwise, the at le should contain a list of les/directories to which you want to copy the <sources>. This option can be used in conjunction with the -h option to indicate the (absolute) directory on the destination host into which you want to copy the <sources>. Copy in parallel. This option indicates that for each source/destination pair, a separate process should be created to perform the copy. A maximum of n processes in parallel are started at any time. This option is more useful when copying directories than individual les, because the overhead of each fork and subsequent copy of a single le may outweigh the rewards of doing things in parallel. This option tell the program to output verbose messages that include percentages of how far a particular le has been copied.

-f le

-d dir -p n


The following example copies a le to multiple destinations rome $ ncp /etc/hosts - //athens/etc/host //paris/etc/hosts



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary You could have done the same thing as follows: rome $ ncp /etc/hosts -h athens paris Or as follows: rome $ cd /etc rome $ ncp hosts -h -d /etc athens paris Here is an example of using the -f option rome $ cat hosts athens moscow lisbon rome $ ncp -v /etc/hosts -h -f hosts -d /tmp Copy /etc/hosts -> //athens/tmp/hosts ... Done Copy /etc/hosts -> //moscow/tmp/hosts ... Done Copy /etc/hosts -> //lisbon/tmp/hosts ... Done The following example copies a directory to several remote hosts and does so in parallel: rome $ ncp -rvp /foo/bar -p 3 -h athens paris london -d /foo


See DIAGNOSTICS section in cp documentation.

See EXIT CODES section in cp documentation.

The cp command family (cp, dsync, ncp, ndsync) was written by Thomas Kraus.

dsync(1), cp(1), uncp(1).


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary ncpu(1) ncpu(1)

ncpu View CPU information from one or more hosts

ncpu [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t] ncpu2 [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

ncpu displays CPU information in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. ncpu displays data in the following columns: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. SLOT Indicates which slot this CPU occupies. ncpu displays the value as a number. ncpu2 can display the value as a number or a string.

SPEED The estimated CPU speed in MHz. This data is not available on all systems. In addition, some systems (for example, AIX) require root access to determine CPU speed. Therefore, this data may not be available for all servers. STATUS Indicates whether the CPU is online or ofine. TYPE The manufacturer and model type of the CPU. Output system overview information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Show only entries that match the given expression. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers whose CPU information you want to display. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-c -e expr -f le -H

-h hosts Specify a list of hosts whose CPU information you want to display. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without re-specifying the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default ncpu sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the CPU speed. With the -s option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld must be one of the column headers listed above. Display data similar to the way the top command displays data. With this option the data display is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q r + # Refresh the data. Refresh screen. Quit application. Quit application. Reverse sort order. Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Sort on the specied column. Replace the # character with 1,2,3,4,or 5.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary ncpu(1) ncpu(1)

e d m n o p s u -w

Dene an expression to lter the output data. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

This example shows how to view CPU information for multiple hosts (and operating systems). host% ncpu -h engsuse8agt1 engsol9agt2 HOSTNAME SLOT SPEED STATUS engsol9agt2 0 548 Online engsuse8agt1 0 2800 Online engsuse8agt1 1 2800 Online

TYPE sparcv9 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.8 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.8

This example shows how to view non-numeric slot information using ncpu2. host% ncpu2 engaix43agt2 engaix53lp1 HOSTNAME SLOT SPEED STATUS engaix53lp1 00-00 1648 Online engaix43agt2 00-00 0 Online

TYPE PowerPC_POWER5 PowerPC_604e

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The -t option mimics the top commands behavior, but does not mimic it exactly.

ncpu was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), nmem(1), ndf(1), nnet(1), nps(1), nstats(1)



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ndf View disk usage statistics from one or more hosts

ndf [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

Ndf displays disk usage statistics of one or more servers in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. The data it displays is displayed in columns as follows: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. FILESYSTEM The name of the system device associated with the disk partition KBYTES The total amount of available disk space in KB USED FREE The total amount of used disk space in KB The total amount of available disk space in KB

CAPACITY Amount of disk space used in terms of percentage of total available. MOUNTED ON The directory (or drive) associated with the disk partition

The following options are available to modify the behaviour of ndf. -c -e expr -f le -H Output disk usage information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Only show entries which match the given expression. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers from which to get disk usage information. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-h hosts Specify the list of hosts from which to get the disk usage information. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without needing to re-specify the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default ndf sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the disk usage capacity. With the -i option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld should be one of the column headers as described above. Comparisons are made case neutral. Behave top like. With this option the data is displayed such that it is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q r + Refresh the data Refresh screen Quit application Quit application Reverse sort order Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary # e d m n o p s u -w Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second Sort on column # which is a value of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0 (10).


Dene an expression used to lter the output data. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

The following illustrates a simple example of getting disk usage information from multiple hosts sorted (smallest to largest) by the available disk space: host% ndf -h solarishost linuxhost winhost -s Free

With the -e option, you can dene an expression used to lter the output data. The expression should be a single argument (i.e., enclose the expression in single quotes). When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The top like behaviour is not meant to exactly mimic the top command.

ndf was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), nmem(1), nps(1), nnet(1), nover(1), nstats(1)



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


ndircmp Compare contents of multiple directories

ndircmp [-aeMmnOoprst] dir1 dir2 ...

The ndircmp utility lets you compare the contents of multiple directories. Not only does it compare the contents (le names) of the directories (which les exist or do not exist) but it can also optionally compare le size, le permissions, le ownerships, and date of latest modication. In its base use, ndircmp outputs a report of the aggregate les in all given directories. Each entry is preceded with a code eld indicating what differences exist, with the rst given directory taken as a base line for the remaining directories. The possible codes are: < = The le is missing from this directory. The le is equal (the same) based on all of the comparison parameters you specied. If the le exists, then depending on which options you specied, the following codes may also appear. S T O P The le exists but is of a different size. Will only appear if you specied the -s option. The le exists but has a different time of last modication. Will only appear if you specied the -t option. The le exists but has different le ownerships. Will only appear if you specied the -o option. The le exists but has different access permissions. Will only appear if you specied the -p option.

-a -e -f le -M Equivalent to specifying the -s, -t, -o, and -p options. Do not output les if they are equal. Use the directories listed in le as arguments for the command. Also compare the les respective MD5 checksums in the comparison. The calculation of MD5 checksums will signicantly increase the amount of time it takes to perform the le/directory comparisons. Do not output les if they are equal or missing. If you specify this option without specifying any additional comparisons (besides existence) then ndircmp will not output a report. Output le ownerships numerically (UID/GID) instead of by username/groupname. This option tells ndircmp to calculate the optimal spacing for the generated output based on the width of the output device. By default, the width is set to 80 characters. You can change the output device width by using the -w option. Also compare le ownerships. If ndircmp detects a different le ownership, it indicates this ownership difference by including the letter O in the compare code. When you specify the -o option, each entry for an existing le will include the username/groupname of the le in parentheses. Also compare le permissions. If ndircmp detects different le permissions, it indicates this permissions difference by including the letter P in the compare code. When you specify the -p option, each entry for an existing le will include the octal le permissions of the le in parentheses. Traverse directories recursively. Also compare le sizes. If ndircmp detects different le sizes, it indicates this size difference by including the letter S in the compare code. When you specify the -s option, each entry for an

-m -n -O



-r -s



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary existing le will include the le size in parentheses.



Also compare dates of last modication. If ndircmp detects different dates of last modication, it indicates this last modication difference by including the letter T in the compare code. When you specify the -t option, each entry for an existing le will include the date of last modication of the le in parentheses. When calculating the optimal output, assume the output device width to be width characters. The default assumption is 80 characters.

-w width


Specify the maximum number of columns to output. By default, ndircmp outputs a table that has N columns, where N is the number of directories being checked. These options (-1, -2 ... -9) let you specify how many columns to output with directory results (sets of columns) separated by a form feed (Ctrl-L) character.

ndircmp was written by Thomas Kraus.

cp(1), dsync(1).



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nexec Engine to interface remote commands.

nexec [-?] [-t term] [-o] [-i] [-l] [-nohup hostname "cmd &"] -e | hostname cmd [args]

The nexec program works in one of two ways. If the program is called explicitly, it uses the syntax nexec ARG1 ARG2. The rst argument is either the name of the host on which the specied command should be executed or the command option -e, which indicates that the command should be executed on the current remote host, as determined by the current working directory. The remaining arguments are the name and arguments of the remote program to be executed. The other way to call the nexec program is by calling a command that is implicitly linked to the nexec program. Invoking a command that is linked to nexec automatically translates the command from <command> to nexec <host> <command>, where the host is determined by the programs present working directory. For the command to be executed directly from /bin/nsh, an entry in the Network Shell remote_cmds conguration le must exist indicating that this command should be treated as a remote command. For more information, see the NETWORK SHELL UTILITIES section below. Once the remote program has been started, the nexec command acts as an I/O interface to the remotely running command. Nexec captures all stdin and sends it to the remote command (see -n option), and it displays all stdout/stderr it gets sent by the remote command. On UNIX agents, a pseudo tty is created in which the program is run while on Windows agents a simple pipe-based I/O mechanism is used to communictae with the command.

-e -i Executes the command on the current remote host. Tells the agent to run in a pure interactive mode, which some interactive programs need (e.g., Solaris /bin/vi or AIX smit). If you specify this option, any messages to standard error messages are indistinguishable from standard output messages. Without this option, the remote stdout/stderr outputs are written to the respective local stdout/stderr. You should only use this option when the remote interactive program does not behave as expected on screen. -l Simulates a login session. This option attempts to start the remote program in a way that simulates an actual login session. It sets the HOME, LOGNAME, and USER environment variables to their respective values based on the remote permissions. It sets your initial working directory to the home directory of the effective remote user. It then invokes the cmd args using the effective remote users default shell and also sets argv[0] of the executing program (the effective remote users default shell) to "-". This is a traditional method understood by shells (sh, ksh, bash, etc.) for indicating that the shell is a login shell and that the shells startup scripts (e.g., .profile) should be run. Finally, this option creates an appropriate entry in the utmp database for use by utilities such as who. Note that this option only applies when the remote server is a UNIX-like machine. In addition, not all platforms fully support the utmp entry. Note that if the cmd executed is the effective remote users default shell then nexec will execute the command directly instead of spawning their shell twice. The following examples show what exactly gets executed (assuming a default shell of /bin/ksh). Client sends nexec -l -e ls -la Agent executes /bin/ksh -ksh -c "ls -la" Client sends nexec -l -e ksh Agent executes /bin/ksh -ksh



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary -n


Leave stdin alone (do not read any data from stdin). By default, nexec will read all data it gets from stdin and sent it to the remote command as standard input (stdin). With this option stdin is not read and as such should only be used with commands that do not require any input. See examples below.

-nohup hostname "cmd &" Executes a command in the background on the specied server. This option is available on agents running 7.0.3 or later. -o -r -u Use the legacy version of the nexec protocol. Release 7.0 introduced some synchronization xes to the nexec protocol. Use this option to tell nexec not to use the synchronization xes. Do not transcode input/output. See INTERNATIONALIZATION ISSUES below for more details. With this option nexec will convert all output (stdout/stderr) generated by the command from the local code page of the target server to UTF8. This assumes that the generated output consists of proper code page sequences. As such, random binary data may not be converted properly and invalid and/or unrecognized sequences will be converted to question marks (?). Tells nexec to ignore the value of the TERM variable and use term instead as the terminal type.

-t term

See the EXAMPLES section below for more information. When using the nexec command to execute a command on a Windows host, the command to be executed cannot be an interactive command. It must be a batch (output only) command.

One of the issues a user could run into when dealing with multiple computers is how these computers meaningfully interact in a mixed code page environment. Imagine for example, a Windows server localized for Japanese with a code page of CP932 and a Solaris server also localized for Japanese but with a code page of EUC-JP. Now imagine that from the Windows server one kicks off a command (via nexec) on the Solaris server that generates Japanese output. The output which would now be displayed on the Windows server will be incorrect as the Windows is looking to output CP932 code sequences and the Solaris server is providing EUC-JP code sequences. As such the output will be not very useful. To deal with this nexec will now, by default, automatically transcode data. Output generated by the command is captured by the agent and converted to UTF-8 before being sent back to the nexec client where it is converted to the local code page before it is output to the terminal/screen. In the same way, input (stdin) captured by the nexec client is converted to UTF-8 before it is sent to the agent where, before it is passed to the application, is converted to the local code page. As this automatic transcoding may not always be desired there is the -r option to have all data dealt with in raw mode, meaning no auto transcoding. It should be noted that if there are any transcoding issues, that unrecognized characters are replaced with question marks (?). If this type of behaviour is not wanted, then one should use the -r (raw) option to have no transcoding done.

The nexec utility automatically congures the agent to capture X11 trafc by resetting the DISPLAY variable and tunneling trafc to the server that initiated the nexec call. This allows you to securely tunnel X11 trafc using the same security features as other NSH utilities.

The Network Shell provides the following pre-congured links: arp nger ifcong Address resolution display and control Display information about users Congure and show network interface parameters



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary ipcong (NT) mem (NT) mount nbtstat (NT) net (NT) netstat nfsstat ps size swap umount uptime who xterm Congure and show network interface parameters Display memory usage Mount or show mounted le system Show nbt statistics Interface to net command Show network statistics Display NFS status/statistics Display process status/statistics Report size of an object le Display swap space status/statistics on System V type systems Unmount les system Determine how long a system has been up Display who is logged in on a system Start a remote xterm displaying on your local screen.



To have the Network Shell seamlessly execute remote programs, take the following steps. First, make a link to the Network Shell utility nexec and then make a corresponding entry in the remote_cmds le to indicate the program is a remote command. The following example shows how a remote utility called foobar can be congured for remote execution. # # # # # cd cat /usr/lib/rsc/HOME cd bin ln -s nexec foobar cd ../share echo "foobar <path_to_foobar>"

>> remote_cmds

Now from the Network Shell environment you can: $ /bin/nsh $ cd //rome/home/foo $ foobar -now In the above example, the second eld (<path_to_foobar>) is an optional path to the remote executable. This eld is only required if the executable is not found in the PATH of the remote RSCD Agent (daemon) when the Agent is started. For more information, see the nsh man page.

The following example shows typical uses of nexec: unix% $ nexec winhost net start unix% $ cd //winhost winhost% $ nexec -e net start winhost% $ nexec linux rpm -qai Notice in the next example the effect of the -n option. In the rst instance, the rst line of the stdin is read via the read host command and the remaining entries are gobbled up by nexec and as such only one line of output is generated. In the second example all entries in the le are handled as nexec is not reading stdin input. host% cat hosts



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary madrid lisbon rome host% cat hosts | while read host do echo -n "Hostname for $host is: " nexec $host hostname done Hostname for madrid is:


host% cat hosts | while read host do echo -n "Hostname for $host is: " nexec -n $host hostname done Hostname for madrid is: Hostname for lisbon is: Hostname for rome is: In the following example, nexec runs a command named bgCmd in the background on a server named RemoteHost : nexec -nohup RemoteHost "bgCmd &"

Programs/utilities vary between hosts and operating systems. An option may not be universal to all platforms. The best example of this is the ps command. Its options vary drastically between BSD and ATT systems. Similarly, not all commands are available on all hosts. While the nexec command does support the ability to interface remote interactive commands, this capability is currently limited on Windows machines to simple input/output programs, and programs needing full Console support may hang or not function as expected.

nexec was written by Thomas Kraus.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nlogin Secure remote login (through RSCD Agent)

nlogin [-?] [-l user] host

nlogin is a special instance of the nexec utility. It performs a remote login to host. If you do not specify a username with which to log in to the remote host (by using the -l user option), nlogin will attempt to log into the remote host using your current login name. nlogin will prompt you to enter the appropriate remote password. If the remote server successfully authenticates the username and password, the remote users login shell will be started in the remote users HOME directory. The login session uses the same encrypted protocol as all other NSH utilities and therefore provides a secure remote login capability. This capability may be a suitable replacement for utilities such as telnet, rlogin, and/or ssh.

-? -l user host Displays a general usage message. The user name with which you want to log into the remote host. The name of the remote host you want to log into. host% nlogin santiago Password for tmk@santiago: ******* $


You can only nlogin to UNIX style machines. Utilities such as telnet have a special escape key sequence that lets you exit the protocol and take local action. nlogin does not have such an escape key sequence.

nlogin was written by Thomas Kraus.

nexec(1), telnet(1).



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nmem View memory and swap statistics from one or more hosts

nmem [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

Nmem displays memory and swap statistics of one or more servers in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. The data it displays is displayed in columns as follows: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. MEMTOTAL The total amount of physical memory in KB. MEMUSED The amount of memory used in KB. MEMFREE The amount of free memory available in KB %MEM Amount of memory used in terms of percentage of total available. SWAPTOTAL The total amount of swap space in KB. SWAPUSED The amount of swap space used in KB SWAPFREE The amount of free swap space available in KB %SWAP Amount of swap space used in terms of percentage of total available.

The following options are available to modify the behaviour of nmem. -c -e expr -f le -H Output memory information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Only show entries which match the given expression. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers from which to get memory information. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-h hosts Specify the list of hosts from which to get the memory information. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without needing to re-specify the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default nmem sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the swap usage percentage. With the -i option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld should be one of the column headers as described above. Comparisons are made case neutral. Behave top like. With this option the data is displayed such that it is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C Refresh the data Refresh screen Quit application




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary q r + # e d m n o p s u Quit application Reverse sort order Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second Sort on column # which is a value of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0 (10).


Dene an expression used to lter the output data. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.


Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

The following illustrates a simple example of getting memory and swap information from multiple hosts sorted (largest to smallest) by total used memory host% nmem -h solarishost linuxhost winhost -r -s MEMUSED

With the -e option, you can dene an expression used to lter output data. The expression should be a single argument (i.e., enclose the expression in single quotes). When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The top like behaviour is not meant to exactly mimic the top command.

nmem was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), ndf(1), nps(1), nnet(1), nover(1), nstats(1)



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nnet View network adapter conguration data

nnet [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

nnet displays network adapter conguration data for one or more servers in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. nnet displays data in the following columns: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. NAME Adapter name. SPEED NIC speed in Mbit. NIC speed is obtainable only if the user has appropriate permissions. NIC speed for HP-UX is supported from version 10.2 and beyond. MAC Adapter MAC address. Not all adapters have a MAC address. In addition, you might not have the permissions to gather MAC address data. If there is no MAC address, or if you do not have the required permissions, the MAC address appears as all zeros. I.P. address of the adapter. Subnet mask for the adapter. BROADCAST Broadcast address for the adapter.


-c -e expr -f le Output network adapter conguration information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Show only entries that match the given expression. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers whose network adapter conguration information you want to display. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.


-h hosts Specify a list of hosts whose network adapter conguration information you want to display. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without re-specifying the -h option. -r -s eld -t Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default, nnet sorts in reverse alphabetical order by host name. With the -s option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld must be one of the column headers listed above. Display data similar to the way the top command displays data. With this option, the data display is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q r + Refresh the data. Refresh screen. Quit application. Quit application. Reverse sort order. Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary # -w Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second.


Sort on the specied column. Replace the # character with 1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

This example shows how to get network adapter conguration information from multiple hosts: host% nnet -h solarishost linuxhost winhost

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The -t option mimics the top commands behavior, but does not mimic it exactly.

nnet was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), nmem(1), nps(1), nover(1), nstats(1), ndf(1)



PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


NAME nohup invoke a command immune to hangups SYNOPSIS nohup utility [arg . . .] DESCRIPTION The nohup utility invokes command with its arguments and at this time sets the signal SIGHUP to be ignored. If the standard output is a terminal, the standard output is appended to the le nohup.out in the current directory. If standard error is a terminal, it is directed to the same place as the standard output. The nohup utility shall exit with one of the following values: 126 127 The utility was found but could not be invoked. The utility could not be found or an error occurred in nohup.

Otherwise, the exit status of nohup shall be that of utility. ENVIRONMENT HOME If the output le nohup.out cannot be created in the current directory, the nohup utility uses the directory named by HOME to create the le. SEE ALSO signal(3) STANDARDS The nohup command is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2) compatible.


June 6, 1993


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nover View system overview from one or more hosts

nover [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

Nover displays a system overview in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. The data it displays is displayed in columns as follows: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. OS The systems operating system MAINT The current maintenance release of the OS. This eld has different meanings for different operating systems and includes the service pack for Windows, the kernel release for Linux, the release level for AIX, and as not set for Solaris. CPUS The number of system CPUs (online and off). SPEED The estimated CPU speed in MHz. This data is not available on all systems while some systems (e.g. AIX) require root access to determine CPU speed and as such this data may not be available for all servers. ARCH The system hardware architecture. MEMORY The amount of memory in MB SWAP DISK The amount of swap space in MB The total amount of local disk space in GB. Windows systems.

The following options are available to modify the behaviour of nover. -c -e expr -f le -H Output system overview information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Only show entries which match the given expression. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers from which to get system overview information. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-h hosts Specify the list of hosts from which to get the system overview information. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without needing to re-specify the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default nover sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the CPU speed. With the -i option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld should be one of the column headers as described above. Comparisons are made case neutral. Behave top like. With this option the data is displayed such that it is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q Refresh the data Refresh screen Quit application Quit application




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary r + # e d m n o p s u -w Reverse sort order Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second Sort on column # which is a value of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0 (10).


Dene an expression used to lter the output data. Please see the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

The following illustrates a simple example of viewing an overview of multiple hosts (and operating systems). host% nover -h solaris8 linux HOSTNAME OS MAINT linux RedHat ES3 2.4.21-4.EL solaris8 SunOS 5.8

CPUS 1 1

SPEED 797 MHz 440 MHz

ARCH i686 sun4u

MEMORY 121 MB 256 MB

SWAP 251 MB 513 MB

DIS 18 G 17 G

With the -e option, you can dene an expression used to lter output data. The expression should be a single argument (i.e., enclose the expression in single quotes). When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The top like behaviour is not meant to exactly mimic the top command.

nover was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), nmem(1), ndf(1), nnet(1), nps(1), nstats(1)


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary



nprocsum View process summary from one or more hosts

nprocsum [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

nprocsum displays process summary for one or more servers in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. nprocsum displays data in the following columns: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. USER NPROCS Total number of processes. VSIZE RSS The total amount of virtual memory that the processes are using altogether. The total amount of real memory that the processes are using altogether. The username of the owner of the processes on the remote host.

MEMORY The percentage of total memory that the processes are using altogether. TIME CPU The cumulative amount of CPU that the processes have used altogether. The percentage of CPU that the processes have used altogether.Various systems may have different algorithms to determine this value. Output process summary information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Show only entries that match the given expression. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers whose process summary information you want to display. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-c -e expr -f le


-h hosts Specify a list of hosts whose process summary information you want to display. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without re-specifying the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default nprocsum sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the total number of processes. With the -s option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld must be one of the column headers listed above. Display data similar to the way the top command displays data. With this option the data is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q r + Refresh the data. Refresh screen. Quit application. Quit application. Reverse sort order. Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second.



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# e d m n o p s u -w

Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Sort on the specied column. Replace the # character with 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 or 8. Dene an expression to lter the output data. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

This example shows how to get process summary information from multiple hosts sorted (smallest to largest) by the available number of processes: host% nprocsum -h solarishost linuxhost winhost -s NPROCS

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The -t option mimics the top commands behavior, but does not mimic it exactly.

nprocsum was written by Thomas Kraus

blexpr(1), nmem(1), nps(1), nnet(1), nover(1), nstats(1)



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nps Displays process information for one or more hosts

nps [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

nps displays process statistics for the processes running on one or more servers in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. nps displays data in the following columns: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. USER PPID PID CPU MEM VSIZE RSS PRI TIME The username of the owner of the process on the remote host. All Windows processes are currently owned by root. The parent process ID. (This column only appears in the -c output.) The process ID. The percentage of CPU that the process is using. Various systems may have different algorithms to determine this value. The percentage of total memory that the process is using. The total amount of virtual memory that the process is using. The total amount of real memory that the process is using. The process priority. The meaning of the value may differ from system type to system type. The cumulative amount of CPU that the process has used.

START The start time of the process. This eld has no relevant value for Windows systems. COMMAND The command name and arguments of the given process.

-c -e expr -f le -H Output process information as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Show only entries that match the given expression. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers whose process information you want to display. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid IP addresses. Do not show a header on output.

-h hosts Specify a list of hosts whose process information you want to display. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid IP addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without re-specifying the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default nps sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the percentage of CPU in use. With the -s option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld must be one of the column headers listed above. Display data similar to the way the top command displays data. With this option, the data display is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Refresh the data. Refresh screen.



nps(1) q r + # e d m n o p s u -w

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary Quit application. Reverse sort order. Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second.


Sort on the specied column. Replace the # character with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 0. 0 indicates column 10. Dene an expression to lter the output data. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

This example shows how to get process information from multiple hosts, sorted (largest to smallest) by the amount of real memory the process is using. host% nps -h solarishost linuxhost winhost -r -s RSS This second example shows all non root processes. host% nps -h solarishost linuxhost winhost -e user != "root" This example searches for non root processes that may be running out of control. host% nps -h solarishost -e user != "root" & CPU > 5% & mem > 3%

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. For example, you could create an expression like the following: host% nps -e COMMAND = "*sbin*" Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The -t option mimics the top commands behavior, but does not mimic it exactly.

nps was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.

blexpr(1), nmem(1), ndf(1), nnet(1), nover(1), nstats(1)


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary



nsh Network Shell

This manual page outlines the differences between the Network Shell and a regular shell. It does not provide a detailed description of Network Shell behavior. See the man pages for zsh to obtain detailed information on how the Network Shell works. The Network Shell is a link to a distributed version of zsh.

The rst thing you may notice when you start Network Shell is that the default shell prompt incorporates the name of the host you are currently on -- assuming the default shell prompt (PS1) has not been previously set. The code generating the prompt replaces the sequence \h with the name of the host you are currently accessing rather than the name of the local host. When you cd to a new host, the \h sequence takes on a new value, as the following example illustrates.


The following example shows how to use the cd command to access remote hosts: beaver $ cd //otter/etc otter $ pwd //otter/etc otter $ uname -a Linux otter 2.0.34 #1 Fri May 8 16:05:57 EDT 1998 i586 i386 otter $ vi termcap When you access a remote host, you should also specify a directory. If you do not, the shell connects you to the // (root) directory. You can access remote les from the command line: beaver $ vi //otter/etc/termcap You can also use the command line to specify les on multiple hosts: beaver $ diff //otter/etc/termcap //duckbill/etc/termcap


When accessing a remote Windows (NT4/2000) machine, you do not have to include the drive letter in the name. If you have set a root directory, then a drive is irrelevant because the root directory itself is the highest point you can access on the directory tree. You can never access the root of a drive, such as C:, nor can you access any other drives. If you have not set a root directory and you do not provide a drive letter, then the Network Shell environment defaults to the <SYSTEMDRIVE> drive. To access other drives on the computer, explicitly mention the drive letter as shown in the following examples: $ /bin/nsh unix $ cat //windows/c/autoexec.bat unix $ cd //nt/d nt $ ls /e/*.EXE In Network Shell, you should treat the drive letter as a directory even though that differs from how Windows treats drives.


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The Network Shell supports the // directory, which is a virtual directory that contains only hostname entries. Each entry correspond to another hosts root (/) directory. The // directory allows you to change directories to another host using relative path names. For example: host1 $ cd // host1 $ ls host1 host2 host1 $ cd host2 host2 $ pwd //host2/ In another example: host1 $ pwd //host1/etc host1 $ cd ../../host2/etc host2 $ pwd //host2/etc If you have root privileges, you can make entries in the // directory with the mkdir command and remove them with the rmdir command. You cannot create regular les and other special les in this directory. Note that you do not need an entry for a remote host in the // directory to access data on that remote host.



There are three categories of commands you can execute through Network Shell. Native commands, Network Shell equivalents of native commands, or unique Network Shell commands that do not have native equivalents. This last category is referred to as Network Shell utilities. When executing a command, you can be in one of two states: on the local host or on a remote host. Network Shell equivalents of native commands are executed by default in either state. For a command for which there is a native version and a Network Shell equivalent, to execute the native command, enter the command with a fully qualied path. For example, Host$ /bin/tar -cvf /tmp/etc.tar /etc The following section describes the two methods for executing commands on a remote host. EXECUTING COMMANDS FROM A REMOTE HOST Network Shell supports two methods for executing commands from a remote host: the default implied "nexec" method and the remote_cmds le method. The later is supported for backwards compatibility. When executing a command that has an entry in the remote_cmds le, and the command has a native equivalent on the remote host with a different path, the version of the command that is executed is the one pointed to by the path specied in the remote_cmds le. Implied nexec Execution of Commands on a Remote Host When your current directory is on a remote host, execution of a native command which is not a Network Shell command will result in an "nexec" execution of the native command on the remote server. In the following example, the command returns the hostid of host2. The action is equivalent to running "nexec -e hostid" while being rooted on host2 in Network Shell. nsh# cd //host2 host2 nsh# hostid


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Specifying Remote Commands Using the remote_cmds File The remote_cmds le contains a list of remote commands that the Network Shell supports. The remote_cmds le resides in the share directory of the Network Shell install directory. To add a supported remote command using this method, you must perform two steps. First, in the bin directory of the Network Shell installation directory, create a soft link to the program nexec. The soft link should have the same name as the remote command. If, for example, you wanted to run the remote command myapp, you would create a soft link as follows: # cd cat /usr/lib/rsc/HOME # cd bin # ln -s nexec myapp Next, create an entry in the remote_cmds le in the share directory relative to the Network Shell installation directory. Each entry consists of up to three white space-delimited elds. (White space can be a TAB or SPACE.) command_name command_path max_time The command_path and max_time elds are optional. By entering a value of -, they can be set to use default values. For example: command_name - The command_name eld must be the basename of the remote command you want to execute. It should be a non-interactive program. The command_path should be the absolute path name to the program on the remote host. If this eld is not set, the shell searches for the command in the PATH of the RSCD Agent (daemon). The max_time eld represents the maximum time in seconds that the remote command should need to execute. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Adjust this value if you anticipate that the remote command might take longer than 300 seconds to execute. If the remote command does not nish after the maximum allocated time, the shell assumes an error has occured and the command is aborted. To continue with the above example, the second step for the myapp program could look something like this: # cd cat /usr/lib/rsc/HOME # cd share # echo "myapp /home/me/bin/myapp

-" >> remote_cmds

When the Network Shell (actually the nexec program) executes a remote command, the shell attempts to execute the named program on the remote host, capturing both its standard output and standard error. These remote utilities CANNOT require any terminal input because their standard input is redirected from /dev/null. Some typical commands in the remote_cmds le are who and ps. Any arguments to these utilities must conform with the remote commands arguments and must be in the PATH of the rscd program. In addition to regular DOS commands, the RSCD Agent on Windows NT4/2000 machines supports the built-in commands df, halt, and reboot. Note that by default the Network Shell is not congured to run the halt and reboot commands. If you want to use Network Shell to run these commands, you must run them in conjunction with the nexec command.

When the Network Shell is started, the PATH variable is automatically initialized to include the Network Shell bin directory as the rst element in the PATH. This ensures that all Network Shell utilities are available. This can be unset, but, as described earlier, the Network Shell maps its known utilities to utilities in the Network Shell bin directory.

Redirection in the Network Shell is implemented with pipes rather than the usual dup() or dup2 () system calls. This is necessary to properly implement redirection to les on remote hosts. There are a few limitations when using redirection. First, only the le descriptors 1 (standard output) and 2 (standard error) are


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supported for redirection. Other values may produce unexpected results. Next, the redirection type <>, which causes the output le to be opened for both read and write, is treated the same as the < redirection type. The remaining types of redirections work (with the restrictions described above).


The Network Shell dynamically creates network connections to the remote hosts that it accesses. For efciency reasons, these connections remain open until the user exits the shell or executes the disconnect command. This command closes the network connections of the hosts given to it as arguments. If no arguments are given, the shell closes all connections. The network connection to the host on which the current directory exists is not closed even if specically asked to do so. If the Network Shell again needs access to a remote host, then a new dynamic network connection is created. The Network Shell utilities manage their own network connections and do not affect the shell. To ensure that you do not exhaust system resources, it is a good idea to call the disconnect command occasionally, especially if you are accessing large numbers of remote hosts. When accessing relatively few remote hosts, calling the disconnect command is not required.


The SHELL variable is often used to tell programs the default shell to use when a program needs to run a shell process. All of the Network Shell utilities ignore this variable and always use /bin/nsh when a shell process is required.


It is possible to execute remote shell scripts. They can be included in your PATH or expressed as an absolute pathname.

See the zsh(1) man page for more information on startup/shutdown les. The NSH differs from ZSH in that all startup/shutdown les are prepended with nsh instead of z or zsh. For example, instead of using /etc/zshenv you would use /etc/nshenv instead. The following is a list of valid startup/shutdown les for NSH. $ZDOTDIR/.nshenv $ZDOTDIR/.nshprole $ZDOTDIR/.nshrc $ZDOTDIR/.nshlogin $ZDOTDIR/.nshlogout ${TMPPREFIX}* (default is /tmp/nsh*) /etc/nshenv /etc/nshprole /etc/nshrc /etc/nshlogin /etc/nshlogout (installationspecic /etc is the default)


A number of NSH commands let you display brief usage information by specifying the -? option. For example: $ agentinfo -? Usage: agentinfo [-?] [-c] [-H] [-f le] [hostname ...] -? Output this message -c Output data in CSV format -f le Load list of host from at le -H Do not output a header line if -c used If you want to use the -? option when you are WITHIN the NSH shell, you must escape the -? option as shown below: agentinfo -\?


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Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary


NSH:: - Network Shell Perl module to access and manipulate remote les, processes, and commands.

use NSH; NSH::...

The NSH Perl Module gives Perl programmers the ability to access remote les and commands. The NSH module acts as glue between Perl and the Network Shell core technology. The NSH module currently supports 45 calls which interface the corresponding Network Shell distributed API. The NSH calls emulate their C function counter parts. All arguments which are le or directory names support UNC syntax which allows the use of a hostname as part of the lename. If no hostname is included in the argument, then the le on the current host is used. The following examples will help clarify their use. use NSH; $fd = NSH::open ("//hostname/foo/bar", 0, 0) || die "Cant open file: $!\n"; $count = NSH::read ($fd, $buf, 100); NSH::close($fd); NSH::chdir ("//hostname/foo/") || die "Cant cd: $!\n"; $fd = NSH::open ("bar", 0, 0) || die "Cant open file: $!\n"; $count = NSH::read ($fd, $buf, 100); NSH::close($fd);

NSH::access (char *path, int mode) NSH::access() checks the le pointed to by path for accessibility according to the bit pattern contained in mode The values for mode can be the ORing of the following values: 0 1 2 4 (F_OK) Check existence of le (X_OK) Test for execute or search permission. (W_OK) Test for write permission. (R_OK) Test for read permission.

If mode is ommitted it checks for le readability (R_OK). NSH::chdir (char *dirname) Change you current directory to dirname. If dirname is a full UNC path (includes a hostname), then you current host is changed to be that host and all subsequent access to any les which are not in full UNC (do not include a hosrtname) will be assumed to be on the given host. NSH::chdir ("//hostname/foo/bar") !! die "Cant cd: $!\n"); NSH::unlink("file"); NSH::chdir (".."); NSH::rmdir ("bar"); NSH::chmod (char *path, int mode) Change the mode (protection attributes) of the le path to mode. NSH::chmod ("//hostname/foo/bar", 0777); NSH::chdir ("//hostname/foo", 0777); NSH::chmod ("bar", 0777);

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary


NSH::chown (char *path, int uid, int gid) Change the le ownership of the le path to be of owner uid. and group gid. NSH::chown ("foo", 100, 200); NSH::close (int fd) Close the le descriptor fd. $fd = NSH::open ("/foo/bar") || die "Open failed: $!\n"; NSH::close ($fd); NSH::closedir (int fd) Close the le descriptor fd which was returned from a successfull call to NSH::opendir

$fd = NSH::opendir(".") || die "Cant open current directory: $!\n"; while (($lename, $inode) = NSH::readdir($fd)) { print "FILENAME = $lename\n"; } NSH::closedir ($fd); NSH::creat (char *lename, int mode) Create the le lename with an initial mode (protection attribute) of mode. $fd = NSH::creat ($filename, 0777) || die "Cant create: $!\n"; NSH::write ($fd, "Hello world\n", 12); NSH::close ($fd); NSH::dup (int fd) Duplicate the open le descriptor fd NSH::dup2(int fd1, int fd2) Duplicate the open le descriptor fd1 to ledescriptor fd2 NSH::fchown (int fd, int uid, int gid) Change the le ownership of the le pointed to by the le descriptor fd to be of owner uid. and group gid. $fd = NSH::open("foo") || die "Cant open file: $!\n"; NSH::fchown ($fd, 100, 200); NSH::close ($fd); NSH::fchdir (int fd) Change directory to the pth pointed to by the le descriptor fd. $fd = NSH::open("//hostname/foo"); NSH::fchdir($fd); pwd = NSH::getcwd (); print "PWD = $pwd"; NSH::fgets (char *buffer, int size, int fd) Read the next line of input from the le descriptor $fd up to a maximum of size bytes.

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary


$fd = NSH::open ($filename) || die "Cant open $filename: $!\n"; while (NSH::fgets ($buffer, 512, $fd) { print "Next line is: $buffer"; } NSH::close ($fd); NSH::ock (int fd, int op) Apply or remove an advisory lock on an open le pointed to by the ledescriptor fd. The argument op determines what operation is to be performed, and can have any of the following values ORed together. 1 2 4 8 Apply shared lock (LOCK_SH). Apply exclusive lock (LOCK_SH). Make operation non-blocking (LOCK_NB). Remove lock.

NSH::fstat (int fd) Return information on the le pointed to by the le descriptor fd. Please see the STAT section below for further information on the stat family of calls. NSH::ftruncate (int fd, long pos) Truncate the size of the le pointed to by the le descriptor fd to pos bytes. NSH::getcwd () Return the current NSH:: working directory. The format of the returned value will be a UNC type name (//hostname/directory) if the current NSH:: directory is on a remote host, or just a regular path name if the current NSH:: directory is on the local host. $pwd = NSH::getcwd (); NSH::getpriority (int which, int who) Get the scheduling priority for a process, process group or user. Which is one of 0 1 2 who is a process identier (PRIO_PROCESS) who is a process group identier (PRIO_PGRP) who is a user ID (PRIO_USER)

If NSH::getpriority is called with only one argumnet, then it is assumed that the priority for the given process (PRIO_PROCESS) is desired. The following examples both get the priority of the process with PID 100. $prio = NSH::getpriority (0, 100); $prio = NSH::getpriority (100); NSH::kill (int pid, int sig) Send a signal to a process. Pid is the Process ID of the process to receive the signal while sig is the numberic signal to be sent. If sig is ommitted, then a SIGTERM is sent. Specic signals may have different values on different OSes. In other words, know what you are doing with the call. NSH::kill (100, 9);

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary


NSH::link (char *existing, char *newname) Create a hard link called newname to the existing le called existing. Both newname can only be created on the same host and disk partition as that of the existing le. NSH::chdir("//hostname/foo"); NSH::link ("file1", file2") || warn ("Link failed: $!\n"; NSH::lseek (int fd, long offset, int whence) Move the read write pointer of the le descriptor fd as follows: If whence is 0 (SEEK_SET), the pointer is set to offset bytes. If whence is 1 (SEEK_CUR), the pointer is set to its current location plus offset bytes. If whence is 2 (SEEK_END), the pointer is set to size of the le plus offset bytes.

The following example move the read pointer to the end of the le. $fd = NSH::open ("bar"); NSH::lseek ($fd, 2, 0); NSH::lstat (char *lename) Return information on the le lename. NSH::lstat() works like NSH::stat() with the exception of when the le is a symbolic link, in which case information about the link is returned rather than the information about the le the link references. Please see the STAT section below for further information on the stat family of calls. NSH::mkdir (char *dirname, int mode) Create the new directory dirname with initial permissions set to mode. If mode is ommitted, mode is assumed to be 0755. NSH::chdir ("//hostname"); NSH::mkdir ("foo, 0777); NSH::mkdir ("//hostname/foo/bar"); NSH::mkfo (char *lename, int mode) Create the new FIFO special device called lename with initial permissions set to mode. If mode is ommitted, mode is assumed to be 0755. NSH::chdir ("//hostname"); NSH::mkdir ("foo, 0777); NSH::mkdir ("//hostname/foo/bar"); NSH::mknod (char *lename, int mode, int maj, int min) NSH::open (char *lename, int ags = O_RDONLY, int mode = 0666) Open a le for reading and/or writing. If only a single argument is given, then the le is opened for reading in binary mode. For other read options or to write to a le the remaining arguments must be set. When creating a le, you can determine its le permissions with the third argument. If none is given, the mode 0666 is used (read/write for all). The second argument controls how the le is opened. As previously mentioned, if the second (and third) argument are not given, then the le is opened for reading. The value of the mode argument can be a ORed value of the following ags.

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary 0 1 2 4 8 16 64 96 256 512 1024 2048 32768 262144 524288 Open for reading Open for writing only Open for reading and writing Non-blocking I/O Append. Writes guaranteed at the end of le Synchronized le update option Synchronized data update option Non-blocking I/O (POSIX) Open with le create (uses third argument if given) Open with truncation Exclusive open Dont allocate controlling tty (POSIX) Synchronized le update option. Open le in text mode (Not usefull for UNIX les) Open le in binary mode (default)


NSH::opendir (char *dirname) Open the directory dirname for reading, returning a le descriptor which can be used in subsequent calls to NSH::readdir() to determine the contents of the given directory.

$fd = NSH::opendir("//hostname/foo") || die "Cant read directory: $!\n (filename) = NSH::readdir($fd); NSH::closedir($fd); NSH::pclose (int fd) Close a le descriptor returned by a successfull call to NSH::popen(). NSH::popen (char *cmd, char *mode) Execute the Network Shell command cmd and returns a le descriptor which allows you to either read or write to the command depending on the value of mode. If the string mode begins with a r then subsequent NSH::read() will read the standard output of the command while if mode begins with a w, subsequent NSH::write() will write data to the standard input of the command. If mode is ommited, it is assumed to be r. $fd = NSH::popen ("cd //hostname/foo; ls") while (NSH::read ($fd, $buf, 100)) { print $buf; } NSH::read (int fd, char *buffer, int nbytes) Read the next nbytes bytes from the le descriptor fd storing the result in buf which will always be null terminated. NSH::readdir (int fd) Read the next directory entry of the directory pointed to by the descriptor fd returned by a successfull call to NSH::opendir(). This function pushes the lename and the lenames inode number on the stack. $fd = NSH::opendir ("foo") || die "Cant access foo: $!\n";

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary while (($filename, $inode) = NSH::readdir($fd)) { print "FILENAME = $FILENAME INODE = $inode\n"; } NSH::closedir($fd);


NSH::readlink (char *lename) Return the value of a symbolic link. $linkname = NSH::readlink("foobar"); NSH::rename (char *oldname, char *newname) Rename the le oldname to newname. NSH::rename ("foo", "bar") || die "Cant rename: $!\n"; NSH::rewinddir (int fd) Move the read pointer to the start of the directory. $fd = NSH::opendir ("foo") || die "Cant read directory: $!\n"; ($filename) = NSH::readdir ($fd); NSH::rewinddir ($fd); NSH::rmdir (char *dirname) Remove the empty directory dirname.

NSH::rmdir ("//hostname/foo/bar") || warn "Cant remove directory: $!\n" NSH::seekdir (int fd, int pos) Move the read pointer of the directory descriptor fd to pos which must be a value returned by a previous call to NSH::telldir(). $fd = NSH::opendir ("foo") || die "Cant read directory: $!\n"; ($filename) = NSH::readdir ($fd); $pos = NSH::telldir ($fd); ($filename) = NSH::readdir ($fd); NSH::seekdir ($fd, $pos); NSH::setpriority (int which, int who, int prio) Set the scheduling priority for a process, process group or user. Which is one of 0 1 2 who is a process identier (PRIO_PROCESS) who is a process group identier (PRIO_PGRP) who is a user ID (PRIO_USER)

Finally, prio is the new priority to be set. If NSH::setprio() is only called with two arguments, then they are assumed to be a process ID and its new priority. NSH::stat (char *lename) Return information about the le lename. Please see the STAT section below for further information on the stat family of calls.

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary


NSH::symlink (char *name, char *newname) Create the symbolic link newname to the le name. In the Network Shell environment, symbolic links may traverse hosts (name -> //hostname/foo/bar). These types of symbolic links however, will not work outside the Network Shell environment. NSH::system (char *cmd) Run the Network Shell command cmd and output its standard output and error. In essence, the following command is generated and executed. exec /bin/nsh -D <pwd> -c <cmd> NSH::telldir (int fd) Return the current location of the directory descriptor fd. The returned value is only of use to the NSH::seekdir() function and should not be interpreted to be mean anything specic. NSH::truncate (char *lename, long pos) Truncate the le lename to be of size pos bytes. NSH::truncate ("foobar", 200); NSH::uname () This command pushes on the stack information about the host on which the current working NSH directory is.

foreach $host ("//host1", "//host2", "//host3") { nsh::chdir($host); ($sysname, $nodename, $release, $version, $machine) = NSH:uname ( } NSH::unlink (char *lename) Unlink (remove) the le lename. NSH::utime (char *lename, long mtime, long atime) Adjust the date of last modication and last access of the le lename to mtime and atime respectively. If either mtime or atime are not given, then the current date of the local host is used. NSH::utime ("//hostanme/foo/bar"); NSH::write (int fd, char *buffer, int nbytes) Write nbytes of data in buffer to the le pointed to by the le descriptor fd.

This section gives a more detailed outline the return value of the stat family of calls. All three (lstat, stat, fstat) of these functions return an array of values representing the various properties of the le in question. The best way to document this is through an example: use NSH; @PROPS = NSH::stat ("//hostname/etc/passwd"); printf printf printf printf printf ("Device ID of parent dir ("File inode number ("File mode/permissions ("Number of links to file ("File UID = = = = = %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS [0]); [1]); [2]); [3]); [4]);

Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Perl Module Strictly confidential and proprietary printf printf printf printf printf printf printf printf ("File ("Rdev ("File ("Time ("Time ("Time ("Size ("Size GID (for special files) size of last access of last modification of last status change of a block of file in blocks = = = = = = = = %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", %d\n", @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS @PROPS [5]); [6]); [7]); [8]); [9]); [10]); [11]); [12]);


Network Shell Perl Module


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nshopt Test different network write buffer sizes

nshopt [-i size] [-k size] [-s bytes] [-b] host1 ...

Depending on the network, using specic write buffer sizes when communicating with remote hosts can improve the net throughput of data. The default write buffer size is 4480 bytes, but sometimes this value may not be optimal. To determine the optimal write buffer size, nshopt writes a 2MB le to a remote host multiple times, each time using different network write buffer sizes and determining the time it takes to send the le. This lets you determine the optimal network write buffer size to use when communicating with the given host. nshopt starts with a write buffer size of 512 bytes and continues to perform the test in 512 byte increments up to a maximum buffer size of 16384 bytes (16KB). nshopt prints the results of each test to the standard output for review. (See EXAMPLE.) Once nshopt has determined an optimal buffer size, use the secadmin command to congure the new buffer size.

-i size -k size Instead of starting with a write buffer size of 512 and using an increment of 512 bytes, start with a write buffer size and use an increment size of size. Instead of transferring a 2 MB (2048 KB) test le as a sample, use a le size KB large.

-s bytes Start off with a buffer size of bytes. By default nshopt starts with a buffer size equivalent to the increment size (512 bytes). -b When writing data to the remote host, perform a bulk write rather than a regular write. The difference between the two is that with a bulk write there is no checking or return code to verify that the write actually worked. A regular write does perform those checks and therefore will take a little longer. The cp command performs bulk writes when copying a le to a remote host.

The following example tests the host hpux. From the data you can see that a buffer size of 1024 bytes is optimal for transferring data from the local host to the host hpux. This example then uses the command secadmin to update the conguration le with the desired buffer size. # nshopt hpux Trying 512 bytes Trying 1024 bytes Trying 1536 bytes Trying 2048 bytes Trying 2560 bytes Trying 3072 bytes . . # secadmin -W hpux

to to to to to to

hpux hpux hpux hpux hpux hpux

... ... ... ... ... ...

done. done. done. done. done.

(52.012 seconds for 2048 KB = 39 (3.020 seconds for 2048 KB = 678 (51.173 seconds for 2048 KB = 40 (51.145 seconds for 2048 KB = 40 (51.147 seconds for 2048 KB = 40

KB/sec) KB/sec) KB/sec) KB/sec) KB/sec)


The nshopt command tests how best to send data to a remote host. It does not test how fast it can receive data. If you anticipate that you will be receiving large amounts of data, then you should be running this test from the agent server to the client server (where you will need to install an agent to test it properly).

nshopt was written by Thomas Kraus.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


secadmin(1), secure(1), cp(1).



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nshpath show the path where an nsh executable resides on a local and/or remote machine

nshpath [hostname ...]

The nshpath command displays the path where an nsh executable resides on a local or remote machine.


To determine the path of nsh installed on a remote machine called host2, a user working on machine host1 would do the following: host1% nshpath host2 /usr/nsh/bin/nsh This tells the user that nsh has been installed and that the nsh executable resides at /usr/nsh/bin on the host2 machine.

nshpath was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.



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nstats View system statistics from one or more hosts

nstats [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

nstats displays some system statistics in a standardized format independent of the servers operating system. nstats displays data in the following columns: HOSTNAME The name of the host the entry applies to. LOAD The systems current load average. For UNIX, see uptime (1). For Windows, it shows a CPU usage percentage.

MEMORY The percentage of total memory currently being used. SWAP TIME UPTIME The amount of time the system has been running. The percentage of total swap space currently being used. The current time on the system. PROCS The total number of processes currently running.

-c -e expr -f le -H Output system statistics as a set of comma separated values. This option overrides the -t option. Show only entries that match the given expression. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Load the list of servers from which to get system statistics. The le should be a at le containing either resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. See the -f option below. Do not show a header on output.

-h hosts Specify the list of hosts from which to get the system statistics. The values must be resolvable hostnames or valid I.P. addresses. You can specify multiple space separated hostnames without re-specifying the -h option. -r -s eld Sort in reverse order. See the -s option below. By default, nstats sorts in reverse order (largest to smallest) on the current load average. With the -s option you can specify an alternate eld to sort on. The eld must be one of the column headers listed above. Display data similar to the way the top command displays data. With this option, the data display is truncated by screen size and repeated periodically. The following keyboard commands are available while in top mode. <SPACE> Ctrl-L Ctrl-C q r + # Refresh the data. Refresh screen. Quit application. Quit application. Reverse sort order. Increase wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Decrease wait time between refreshes by 1 second. Sort on the specied column. Replace the # character with 1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary e d m n o p s u -w


Dene an expression used to lter the output data. See the EXPRESSIONS section below for more details. Switch to disk info view. Switch to memory info view. Switch to network info view. Switch to system info view. Switch to process info view. Switch to statistics view. Switch to process summary view.

Truncate each line of output to the actual screen width.

These examples show how to get an overview of key system statistics. host% nstats -h solaris8 linux windows HOSTNAME LOAD MEMORY SWAP PROCS TIME windows 0.03 68% 1% 43 16:13 linuxdev 0.00 98% 0% 39 16:12 solaris8dev 0.00 87% 20% 63 16:14

UPTIME 6 days 05:12:48 56 days 04:43:39 88 days 15:04:57

host% nstats -h solaris8 linux windows -e LOAD > 0 windows 0.03 68% 1% 43 16:13 6 days 05:13:52

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. When an expression is used to match a string, wildcards are supported. Expressions can contain multiple operators and operands, including NOT, AND, and OR. For full details on expressions, see the man page for blexpr.

The -t option mimics the top commands behavior, but does not mimic it exactly.

nstats was written by Thomas Kraus

uptime(1), blexpr(1), nmem(1), ndf(1), nnet(1), nps(1), nover(1)



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


ndf, nmem, nover, nps, nstats A collection of commands used to view information and statistics for one or more servers

ndf [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t] nmem [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t] nover [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t] nps [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t] nstats [-c] [-e expr] [-f le] [-H] [-h host ...] [-r] [-s eld] [-t]

Ntop is a family of commands that can be used to view information and statistics about one or more servers. For more information, please read the individual man page for each command.

blexpr(1), blquery(1), nmem(1), nps(1), nover(1), nstats(1), ndf(1)



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nukecert remove certicates from servers

nukecert user_name server1 [<server2> <server2>]

The nukecert command removes user certicates from servers that you specify.

user_name The user for whom certicates should be removed. server1 [<server2> <server2>] A space-delimited list of the names or IP addresses of the servers from which certicates should be removed.

nukecert johnk linuxBuild solarisQA

nukecert was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


nunzip, gunzip, gzcat, gzip decompress or compress les

nunzip [-cv] [--no-name] [--quiet] [--verbose] le

The nunzip command takes a list of les and decompresses or compresses each le whose name ends with .gz, .GZ, .TGZ, or .tgz, provided that the le has the correct header. The resulting le is an uncompressed (or compressed) le without the original extension. For example, when config.tar.gz is uncompressed, the name of the resulting uncompressed le is config.tar.

-c -v Uncompress to stdout. Verbose output. Display the name and percentage reduction for each le compressed or decompressed.

--no-name When decompressing, do not restore the original le name if one is present (remove only the gzip sufx from the compressed le name) and do not restore the original time stamp if one is present. Instead, copy the time stamp from the compressed le. This option is the default when decompressing. --quiet --verbose Same as -v. --help le Display a help screen and quit. File or les to be compressed or decompressed. gzip -c file1 > foo.gz gzip -c file2 >> foo.gz nunzip foo.gz nunzip --verbose foo.gz Suppress all warnings.


nunzip was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


order sort a list of strings (or lines) in a specied order

order s|r [-u] [order-style]

The order command is used to sort a list of strings (or lines) in an order specied by the user. Sorting is alphabetical. Each entry in the list of strings that are input must have the following syntax: (<tag>) <character string or line>. In the syntax shown above, the tag eld is optional. If you provide a tag eld, it must be enclosed within round brackets (). If tag elds are provided in the input list, the resulting list contains strings grouped by the tag elds. Within each tag group, the strings are sorted in a user-specied order. The tag groups themselves are always sorted in ascending alphabetical order.

-s -r -u Sort the list in ascending order. Sort the list in descending order. Note: if both the -s and -r options are specied, only the -s option is considered. Remove duplicate entries. The resulting list contains only unique entries.

If you do not provide a sorting option, the string order is not changed. The strings are only grouped by tag.

-1 If specied, the resulting list is printed in the format <tag> <character string> -2 If specied, the resulting list is printed in the format <tag>: <character string> -3 If specied, the resulting list is printed in the format (<tag>) <character string> If no order style option is specied, the resulting list is printed in the format (<tag>) <character string>

In this example, input lines are contained in a le called list.txt. $cat list.txt (city) bangalore (country) australia (city) new york asia (country) united states (city) adelaide (city) new york



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary america (country) india (country) australia (country) england europe (city) new york (city) Rome (country) australia (country) germany If no sorting option is provided: $order < list.txt asia america europe (city) bangalore (city) new york (city) adelaide (city) new york (city) new york (city) Rome (country) australia (country) united states (country) india (country) australia (country) england (country) australia (country) germany If ascending order is specied: $order -s < list.txt america asia europe (city) Rome (city) adelaide (city) bangalore (city) new york (city) new york (city) new york (country) australia (country) australia (country) australia (country) england (country) germany (country) india (country) united states If descending order is specied with the -u (unique) option and the order style specied as -2: $order -r -u -2 < list.txt europe




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary asia america city:new york city:bangalore city:adelaide city:Rome country:united states country:india country:germany country:england country:australia


order was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.


User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

paste ( 1 )


paste - merge corresponding or subsequent lines of les


paste [-s] [-d list] le ...


The Paste utility concatenates the corresponding lines of the given input les, replacing all but the last les newline characters with a single tab character, and writes the resulting lines to standard output. If end-ofle is reached on an input le while other input les still contain data, the le is treated as if it were an endless source of empty lines. The options are as follows: -d list Use one or more of the provided characters to replace the newline characters instead of the default tab. The characters in list are used circularly, i.e., when list is exhausted the rst character from list is reused. This continues until a line from the last input le (in default operation) or the last line in each le (using the -s option) is displayed, at which time paste begins selecting characters from the beginning of list again. \n \t \ \0 -s newline character tab character backslash character Empty string (not a null character).

The following special characters can also be used in list:

Any other character preceded by a backslash is equivalent to the character itself. Concatenate all of the lines of each separate input le in command line order. The newline character of every line except the last line in each input le is replaced with the tab character, unless otherwise specied by the -d option.

If - is specied for one or more of the input les, the standard input is used; standard input is read one line at a time, circularly, for each instance of -. The paste utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Paste includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.


SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH


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pax,tar - read and write le archives and copy directory hierarchies

tar -[bcefmprutvwxBLPX[0-9]] [option arguments] [les ...] pax [-cdnv] [-f archive] [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date] [,to_date]] ... [pattern ...] pax -r [-cdiknuvDYZ] [-f archive] [-o options] ... [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-E limit] [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date] [,to_date]] ... [pattern ...] pax -w [-dituvHLPX] [-b blocksize] [[-a] [-f archive]] [-x format] [-s replstr] ... [-o options] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-B bytes] [-T [from_date] [,to_date] [/[c][m]]] ... [le ...] pax -r -w [-diklntuvDHLPXYZ] [-p string] ... [-s replstr] ... [-U user] ... [-G group] ... [-T [from_date] [,to_date] [/[c][m]]] ... [le ...] directory

pax will read, write, and list the members of an archive le, and will copy directory hierarchies. pax operation is independent of the specic archive format, and supports a wide variety of different archive formats. For a list of supported archive formats, see the -x option. pax also supports a tar interface if the basename of argv[0] is tar. For a description of tar options, see the section below. The presence of the -r and the -w options species which of the following functional modes pax will operate under: list, read, write, and copy. <none> List. pax will read an archive le from standard input, and write a table of contents to standard output. The table of contents will contain the members of the archive le whose pathnames match the specied patterns. The table of contents contains one lename per line and is written using single line buffering. -r Read. pax will read an archive le from standard input, and extract the archive le members whose pathnames match the specied patterns. The archive format and blocking is automatically determined on input. When an extracted le is a directory, pax extracts the entire le hierarchy rooted at that directory. All extracted les are created relative to the current le hierarchy. The setting of ownership, access and modication times, and le mode of the extracted les are discussed in more detail under the -p option. Write. pax writes an archive containing the le operands to standard output using the specied archive format. If you do not specify any le operands, pax reads a list of les to copy with one per line from standard input. When a le operand is also a directory, the entire le hierarchy rooted at that directory will be included. Copy. pax copies the le operands to the destination directory. If you do not specify any le operands, pax reads a list of les to copy with one per line from the standard input. When a le operand is also a directory the entire le hierarchy rooted at that directory will be included. The effect of the copy is as if the copied les were written to an archive le and then subsequently extracted, except that there may be hard links between the original and the copied les (see the -l option below). Warning: The destination directory must not be one of the le operands or a member of a le hierarchy rooted at one of the le operands. The result of a copy under these conditions is unpredictable. While processing a damaged archive during a read or list operation, pax will attempt to recover from media defects and will search through the archive to locate and process the largest number of archive members possible (see the -E option for more details on error handling).


-r -w



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There are three types of operands: directory operands, pattern operands, and le operands. The directory operand species a destination directory pathname. If the directory operand does not exist, or if it is not writable by the user, or if it is not of type directory, pax will exit with a non-zero exit status. The pattern operand is used to select one or more pathnames of archive members. pax selects archive members using the pattern matching notation described by fnmatch(3). If you do not supply a pattern operand, pax selects all members of the archive. When a pattern matches a directory, pax selects the entire le hierarchy rooted at that directory. When a pattern operand does not select at least one archive member, pax will write these pattern operands in a diagnostic message to standard error and then exit with a nonzero exit status. The le operand species the pathname of a le to be copied or archived. When a le operand does not select at least one archive member, pax will write these le operand pathnames in a diagnostic message to standard error and then exit with a non-zero exit status.

-r Read an archive le from standard input and extract the specied les. If any intermediate directories are needed in order to extract an archive member, these directories will be created as if mkdir(2) was called with the bitwise inclusive OR of S_IRWXU, S_IRWXG, and S_IRWXO as the mode argument. When the selected archive format supports the specication of linked les and these les cannot be linked while the archive is being extracted, pax will write a diagnostic message to standard error and exit with a non-zero exit status at the completion of operation. Write les to the standard output in the specied archive format. If you do not specify any le operands, pax reads standard input for a list of pathnames with one per line without any leading or trailing <blanks>. Append les to the end of a previously written archive. If you do not specify an archive format -x option, pax uses the archives existing format. If you try to append to an archive, using a format different from the archives existing format, pax exits immediately with a non-zero exit status. pax will observe the blocking size being used in the archive volume where the writing starts, and will continue to use that blocking size for the remainder of the archive volume. Warning: Many storage devices are not able to support the operations necessary to perform an append operation. Any attempt to append to an archive stored on such a device may damage the archive or have other unpredictable results. Tape drives in particular are more likely to not support an append operation. An archive stored in a regular le system le or on a disk device will usually support an append operation. -b blocksize Tells pax the size of the output block (bytes per write) it should use when writing an archive. blocksize must be a positive decimal integer that is a multiple of 512 bytes. Its maximum is 32256 bytes. A blocksize can end with k or b to specify multiplication by 1024 (1K) or 512, respectively. You can separate a pair of blocksizes by x to indicate a product. A specic archive device may impose additional restrictions on the size of blocking it will support. If you do not specify a block size, the default block size depends on the specic archive format being used (see the -x option). -c -d Match all le or archive members except those specied by the pattern and le operands. Cause les of type directory being copied or archived, or archive members of type directory being extracted, to match only the directory le or archive member and not the le hierarchy rooted at the directory. Specify archive as the pathname of the input or output archive, overriding the default standard input (for list and read) or standard output (for write). A single archive may span multiple les and different archive devices. When required, pax will prompt for the pathname of the le or



-f archive



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary device of the next volume in the archive. -i


Interactively rename les or archive members. For each archive member matching a pattern operand or each le matching a le operand, pax will prompt to /dev/tty giving the name of the le, its le mode and, its modication time. pax will then read a line from /dev/tty. If this line is blank, pax skips the le or archive member. If this line consists of a single period, pax processes the le or archive member with no modication to its name. Otherwise, pax replaces its name with the contents of the line. pax will immediately exit with a non-zero exit status if <EOF> is encountered when reading a response or if /dev/tty cannot be opened for reading and writing. Do not overwrite existing les. Link les. (This option is the letter ell). In the copy mode ( -r -w), pax makes hard links between the source and destination le hierarchies whenever possible. Select the rst archive member that matches each pattern operand. Match no more than one archive member for each pattern. When pax matches members of type directory, it also matches the le hierarchy rooted at that directory (unless -d is also specied).

-k -l -n

-o options Information to modify the algorithm for extracting or writing archive les. These options are specic to the archive format specied by -x. In general, options take the form: name=value -p string Specify one or more le characteristic options (privileges). The string option-argument is a string specifying le characteristics to be retained or discarded on extraction. The string consists of the specication characters a, e, m, o, and p (described below). You can concatenate multiple characteristics within the same string, and you can specify multiple -p options. The meanings of the specication characters are: a e Do not preserve le access times. By default, pax preserves le access times whenever possible. Preserve everything -- the user ID, group ID, le mode bits, le access time, and le modication time. This is intended to be used by root, someone with all the appropriate privileges, in order to preserve all aspects of the les as they are recorded in the archive. The e ag is the sum of the o and p ags. Do not preserve le modication times. By default, pax preserves le modication times whenever possible. Preserve the user ID and group ID. Preserve the le mode bits. This intended to be used by a user with regular privileges who wants to preserve all aspects of the le other than the ownership. The le times are preserved by default, but two other ags are offered to disable this and use the time of extraction instead.

m o p

In the preceding list, preserve indicates that an attribute stored in the archive is given to the extracted le, subject to the permissions of the invoking process. Otherwise the attribute of the extracted le is determined as part of the normal le creation action. If neither the e nor the o specication character is specied, or the user ID and group ID are not preserved for any reason, pax will not set the S_ISUID (setuid) and S_ISGID (setgid) bits of the le mode. If the preservation of any of these items fails for any reason, pax will write a diagnostic message to standard error. Failure to preserve these items will affect the nal exit status, but will not cause the extracted le to be deleted. If the le characteristic letters in any of the string option-arguments are duplicated or conict with each other, the one(s) given last will take precedence. For example, if -p eme is specied, le modication times are still preserved.


pax(1) -s replstr

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Modify the le or archive member names specied by the pattern or le operands according to the substitution expression replstr, using the syntax of the ed(1) utility regular expressions. The format of these regular expressions is: /old/new/[gp] As in ed(1), old is a basic regular expression and new can contain an ampersand (&), \n (where n is a digit) back-references, or subexpression matching. The old string may also contain <newline> characters. Any non-null character can be used as a delimiter (/ is shown here). You can specify multiple -s expressions. pax applies the expressions in the order you specify them on the command line, terminating with the rst successful substitution. The optional trailing g continues to apply the substitution expression to the pathname substring which starts with the rst character following the end of the last successful substitution. The rst unsuccessful substitution stops the operation of the g option. The optional trailing p will cause the nal result of a successful substitution to be written to standard error in the following format: <original pathname> >> <new pathname> File or archive member names that substitute to the empty string are not selected and will be skipped. -t -u Reset the access times of any le or directory that pax read or accessed to be the same as they were before pax. read or accessed them. Ignore les that are older (having a less recent le modication time) than a pre-existing le or archive member with the same name. During read, an archive member with the same name as a le in the le system will be extracted if the archive member is newer than the le. During write, a le system member with the same name as an archive member will be written to the archive if it is newer than the archive member. During copy, the le in the destination hierarchy is replaced by the le in the source hierarchy or by a link to the le in the source hierarchy if the le in the source hierarchy is newer. During a list operation, produce a verbose table of contents using the format of the ls(1) utility with the -l option. For pathnames representing a hard link to a previous member of the archive, the output has the format: <ls -l listing> == <link name> For pathnames representing a symbolic link, the output has the format: <ls -l listing> => <link name> Where <ls -l listing> is the output format specied by the ls(1) utility when used with the -l option. Otherwise, for all the other operational modes ( read, write, and copy), pax writes pathnames and ushes them to standard error without a trailing <newline> as soon as processing begins on that le or archive member. The trailing <newline>, is not buffered, and is written only after the le has been read or written. -x format Specify the output archive format, with the default format being ustar. pax currently supports the following formats: cpio The extended cpio interchange format specied in the IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) standard. The default blocksize for this format is 5120 bytes. If this format truncates inode and device information about a le (used for detecting le hard links), pax detects the truncation and repairs it. The old binary cpio format. The default blocksize for this format is 5120 bytes. This format is not very portable. Therefore, do not use this format if other formats are





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available. If this format truncates inode and device information about a le (used for detecting le hard links), pax detects the truncation and repairs it. sv4cpio The System V release 4 cpio. The default blocksize for this format is 5120 bytes. If this format truncates inode and device information about a le (used for detecting le hard links), pax detects the truncation and repairs it. The System V release 4 cpio with le crc checksums. The default blocksize for this format is 5120 bytes. If this format truncates inode and device information about a le (used for detecting le hard links), pax detects the truncation and repairs it. The old BSD tar format as found in BSD4.3. The default blocksize for this format is 10240 bytes. Pathnames stored by this format must be 100 characters or less in length. Only regular les, hard links, soft links, and directories will be archived (other le system types are not supported). For backwards compatibility with even older tar formats, a -o option can be used when writing an archive to omit the storage of directories. This option takes the form: -o write_opt=nodir The extended tar interchange format specied in the IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) standard. The default blocksize for this format is 10240 bytes. Pathnames stored by this format must be 250 characters or less in length.




pax will detect and report any le that it is unable to store or extract as the result of any specic archive format restrictions. The individual archive formats may impose additional restrictions on use. Typical archive format restrictions include (but are not limited to): le pathname length, le size, link pathname length and the type of the le. -B bytes Limit the number of bytes written to a single archive volume to the value you specify here. The bytes limit can end with m, k, or b to specify multiplication by 1048576 (1M), 1024 (1K) or 512, respectively. A pair of bytes limits can be separated by x to indicate a product. Warning: Use this option only when writing an archive to a device that supports an end of le read condition based on last (or largest) write offset (such as a regular le or a tape drive). We do not recommend using this option with a oppy or hard disk. -D This option is the same as the -u option, except that pax checks the le inode change time instead of the le modication time. The le inode change time can be used to select les whose inode information (for example, uid, gid, etc.) is newer than a copy of the le in the destination directory.

-E limit Limit the number of consecutive read faults while trying to read a awed archive to the number specied here. With a positive limit, pax will attempt to recover from an archive read error and will continue processing starting with the next le stored in the archive. A limit of 0 will cause pax to stop operation after it detects the rst read error on an archive volume. A limit of NONE will cause pax to attempt to recover from read errors forever. The default limit is a small positive number of retries. Warning: Use NONE with extreme caution, because pax may get stuck in an innite loop on a very badly awed archive. -G group Select a le based on its group name, or when starting with a #, a numeric gid. You can use a to escape the #. You can supply multiple -G options. Checking stops with the rst match. -H -L -P Follow only command line symbolic links while performing a physical le system traversal. Follow all symbolic links to perform a logical le system traversal. Do not follow symbolic links. Instead, perform a physical le system traversal. This is the default mode.



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-T [from_date][,to_date][/[c][m]] Allow les to be selected based on a le modication or inode change time falling within a specied time range of from_date to to_date (the dates are inclusive). If you supply only a from_date, pax selects all les with a modication or inode change time equal to or younger than the fromdate. If you supply only a to_date, pax selects all les with a modication or inode change time equal to or older than the to-date. When the from_date is equal to the to_date, pax selects only les with a modication or inode change time of exactly that time. When pax is in the write or copy mode, you can use the optional trailing eld [c][m] to specify which le time (inode change, le modication or both) pax should use in the comparison. If you specify neither, pax defaults to using the le modication time only. The m tells pax to compare the le modication time (the time when the le was last written). The c tells pax to compare the inode change time (the time when the le inode was last changed; for example, the last time there was a change of owner, group, mode, etc). If you specify both c and m, then pax compares both the modication time and the inode change time. The inode change time comparison is useful in selecting les whose attributes were recently changed, or selecting les that were recently created and had their modication time reset to an older time (as happens when a le is extracted from an archive and the modication time is preserved). Time comparisons using both le times are useful when you are using pax to create a time based incremental archive (only les that were changed during a specied time range will be archived). A time range is made up of six different elds. Each eld must contain two digits. The format is: [yy[mm[dd[hh]]]]mm[.ss] Where yy is the last two digits of the year, the rst mm is the month (from 01 to 12), dd is the day of the month (from 01 to 31), hh is the hour of the day (from 00 to 23), the second mm is the minute (from 00 to 59), and ss is the seconds (from 00 to 59). The minute eld mm is required, while the other elds are optional and must be added in the following order: hh, dd, mm, yy. The ss eld may be added independently of the other elds. Time ranges are relative to the current time, so -T 1234/cm would select all les with a modication or inode change time of 12:34 PM today or later. You can supply multiple -T time ranges. Checking stops with the rst match. -U user -X Select a le based on its user name, or when starting with a #, a numeric uid. A can be used to escape the #. You can supply multiple -U options. Checking stops with the rst match. When traversing the le hierarchy specied by a pathname, do not descend into directories that have a different device ID. See the st_dev eld as described in stat(2) for more information about device IDs. This option is the same as the -D option, except that pax checks the inode change time using the pathname created after all the le name modications have completed. This option is the same as the -u option, except that pax checks the modication time using the pathname created after all the le name modications have completed.

-Y -Z

The options that operate on the names of les or archive members ( -c, -i, -n, -s, -u, -v, -D, -G, -T, -U, -Y, and -Z) interact as follows. When extracting les during a read operation, archive members are selected based only on the user specied pattern operands as modied by the -c, -n, -u, -D, -G, -T, -U options. Then any -s and -i options will modify in that order, the names of these selected les. Then the -Y and -Z options will be applied based on the nal pathname. Finally the -v option will write the names resulting from these modications. When archiving les during a write operation, or copying les during a copy operation, archive members are selected based only on the user specied pathnames as modied by the -n, -u, -D, -G, -T, and -U options (the -D option applies only during a copy operation). Then any -s and -i options will modify in that order, the names of these selected les. Then during a copy operation the -Y and the -Z options will be applied based on the nal pathname. Finally the -v option will write the names



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If you specify one or both of the -u or -D options, along with the -n option, pax does not select a le unless it is newer than the le to which it is compared.

The pax utility supports a tar interface if the basename of argv[0] is tar. In this case the following options are supported. b c e f m p r u t v w x H L P X The respective argument is the desired blocksize to use. Create an archive. Stop after rst error. The respective argument is the name of the archive to create/view/update. Do not preserve modication time. Preserve user ID, group ID, le mode, access/modication times. Append to the archive. Append to the archive. List contents of the tape. Verbose operation mode. Interactive le rename. Extract data from archive. Follow command line symlinks only. Follow symlinks. Do not follow symlinks. Do not pass over mount points in the le system.

[14578] Use tape device /dev/rmt/ N

The command: pax -w -f /dev/rst0 . copies the contents of the current directory to the device /dev/rst0. The command: pax -r -v -f lename gives the verbose table of contents for an archive stored in lename. The following commands: mkdir newdir cd olddir pax -rw . newdir will copy the entire olddir directory hierarchy to newdir. The command: pax -r -s ,//*usr//*,, -f a.pax reads the archive a.pax, with all les rooted in /usr into the archive extracted relative to the current directory.


pax(1) The command: pax -rw -i . dest_dir

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can be used to interactively select the les to copy from the current directory to dest_dir. The command: pax -r -pe -U root -G bin -f a.pax will extract all les from the archive a.pax that are owned by root with group bin and will preserve all le permissions. The command: pax -r -w -v -Y -Z home /backup will update (and list) only those les in the destination directory /backup that are older (less recent inode change or le modication times) than les with the same name found in the source le tree home.

The pax utility is a superset of the IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) standard. The options -B, -D, -E, -G, -H, -L, -P, -T, -U, -Y, -Z, the archive formats bcpio, sv4cpio, sv4crc, tar, and the awed archive handling during list and read operations are extensions to the POSIX standard.

pax includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

pax will exit with one of the following values: 0 All les were processed successfully. 1 An error occurred. Whenever pax cannot create a le or a link when reading an archive or cannot nd a le when writing an archive, or cannot preserve the user ID, group ID, or le mode when the -p option is specied, pax writes a diagnostic message to standard error and returns a non-zero exit status, but continues processing. In the case where pax cannot create a link to a le, pax will not create a second copy of the le. If the extraction of a le from an archive is prematurely terminated by a signal or error, pax may have only partially extracted a le the user wanted. Additionally, the le modes of extracted les and directories may have incorrect le bits, and the modication and access times may be wrong. If the creation of an archive is prematurely terminated by a signal or error, pax may have only partially created the archive which may violate the specic archive format specication. If, while doing a copy, pax detects a le is about to overwrite itself, pax does not copy the le. pax writes a diagnostic message to standard error and when pax completes, it exits with a non-zero exit status.



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pkgadd Network Shell wrapper to pkgadd command

pkgadd [-h host1 [hostn]] [-T tmpdir] <pkgadd arguments>

The Network Shell version of pkgadd is a distributed utility wrapped around the Solaris pkgadd utility. This utility lets you install Solaris packages onto any number of remote (or local) hosts. The packages you install, as well as any optional response or admin les, can reside on any server, including remote servers. The pkgadd wrapper utility works by automatically determining which les (package, admin, and/or response) need to be copied to each target host, copying the necessary les to those target hosts, and executing the Solaris pkgadd command with the selected arguments on the target hosts. pkgadd supports both individual les as well as directories. When you use the -d option to install a directory of packages in le system format (not a single le datastream), the pkgadd command will emulate the standard pkgadd command. It will rst determine which packages you want to install, and then will selectively copy those packages (directories) to each target host. For example, rather than copying a complete CDROM to a remote host in order to install a single package, pkgadd will selectively copy just the package needed for the installation.

The pkgadd wrapper understands all the standard pkgadd command options as well as the options below. -h host The resolvable hostname or I.P. address of the host on which you want to install the package. You can specify multiple hostname/I.P. address arguments. If you do not use this option, pkgadd installs the package the host from which you executed the package command. Denes an alternative directory for the default staging directory /tmp. Because the pkgadd utility acts as a wrapper utility that eventually executes the pkgadd command on the target Solaris server, it needs a staging area to hold all les required for the installation. <pkgadd arguments> See the man section for the pkgadd (1M) command to see what options the pkgadd command supports.

-T tmpdir

The pkgadd wrapper is designed for use from within the Network Shell (nsh). The following examples are meant to work from within the Network Shell environment and may not necessarily work on any Solaris standard shell, such as /bin/sh, /bin/ksh, etc. Install a package on the local system where the package le also exists on the local system. solaris # pkgadd -d SUNWppm Install a package on the local system where the package le exists on the remote host athens. solaris # pkgadd -d //athens/tmp/bc-1.06-sol8-sparc-local Install a package on a remote host where the package le exists on the local host. solaris # pkgadd -h rome -d SUNppm The previous example could have also been done from the Network Shell as follows: solaris # cd //rome/tmp rome # pkgadd -d //@/cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Product/SUNWppm



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Install a package on a remote host where the package le exists on that same remote host. solaris # cd //budapest/tmp budapest # pkgadd -d apache-1.3.12-sol8-sparc-local.gz Install a package on two remote hosts where the package le exists on the local host. solaris # pkgadd -h rome paris -d SUNWppm Install a package on a remote host where the package le (directory) exists on a different remote server. solaris # pkgadd -h london -d //athens/cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Product

pkgadd has several of its own self-explanatory diagnostic messages. It also outputs all messages from the execution of the remote pkgadd command.

pkgadd exits with a zero value if all package adds work successfully. If a remote pkgadd commands fails, it returns an exit code of 6. General errors return an exit code of 1.

When installing a remote package to a series of hosts where the remote package is being copied from a (slower) WAN to hosts on a (faster) LAN, there is no option to tell the pkgadd command to copy the remote package into the LAN environment rst and then copy the package to each of the remote hosts. Instead, pkgadd copies the package from the WAN to the LAN for each host. You can install packages only on Solaris hosts, as reported by the uname system call (looking for "SunOS").

The pkgadd wrapper utility was written by Thomas Kraus.

pkgadd(1M), nsh(NSH).


User Commands

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pr ( 1 )


pr - print les

pr [+page] [-column] [-adFmrt] [[-e] [char] [gap]] [-h header] [[-i] [char] [gap]] [-l lines] [-o offset] [[-s] [char]] [[-n] [char] [width]] [-w width] [-] [le ...]

The pr utility is a printing and pagination lter for text les. When multiple input les are specied, each is read, formatted, and written to standard output. By default, the input is separated into 66-line pages, each with A 5-line header with the page number, date, time, and the pathname of the le. A 5-line trailer consisting of blank lines. If standard output is associated with a terminal, diagnostic messages are suppressed until the pr utility has completed processing. When multiple column output is specied, text columns are of equal width. By default text columns are separated by at least one <blank>. Input lines that do not t into a text column are truncated. Lines are not truncated under single column output.

In the following option descriptions, column, lines, offset, page, and width are positive decimal integers and gap is a nonnegative decimal integer. +page Begin output at page number page of the formatted input. -column Produce output that is columns wide (default is 1) that is written vertically down each column in the order in which the text is received from the input le. The options -e and -i are assumed. This option should not be used with -m. When used with -t , the minimum number of lines is used to display the output. -a Modify the effect of the -column option so that the columns are lled across the page in a roundrobin order (e.g., when column is 2, the rst input line heads column 1, the second heads column 2, the third is the second line in column 1, etc.). This option requires the use of the -column option. Produce output that is double spaced. An extra <newline> character is output following every <newline> found in the input.


-e [char][gap] Expand each input <tab> to the next greater column position specied by the formula ngap+1, where n is an integer > 0. If gap is zero or is omitted the default is 8. All <tab> characters in the input are expanded into the appropriate number of <space>s. If any nondigit character, char, is specied, it is used as the input tab character. -F -h header header Use the string header to replace the le name in the header line. -i [char][gap] In output, replace multiple <space>s with <tab>s whenever two or more adjacent <space>s reach column positions gap+1, 2gap+1, etc. If gap is zero or omitted, default <tab> settings at every eighth column position is used. If any nondigit character, char, is specied, it is used as the output <tab> character. -l lines Override the 66 line default and reset the page length to lines. If lines is not greater than the sum of both the header and trailer depths (in lines), the pr utility suppresses output of both the header and trailer, as if the -t option were in effect. Use a <form-feed> character for new pages, instead of the default behavior that uses a sequence of <newline> characters.

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

User Commands

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pr ( 1 )


Merge the contents of multiple les. One line from each le specied by a le operand is written side by side into text columns of equal xed widths, in terms of the number of column positions. The number of text columns depends on the number of le operands successfully opened. The maximum number of les merged depends on page width and the per process open le limit. The options -e and -i are assumed.

-n [char][width] Provide width digit line numbering. The default for width, if not specied, is 5. The number occupies the rst width column positions of each text column or each line of -m output. If char (any nondigit character) is given, it is appended to the line number to separate it from whatever follows. The default for char is a <tab>. Line numbers longer than width columns are truncated. -o offset Each line of output is preceded by offset <spaces>s. If the option is not specied, the default is zero. The space taken is in addition to the output line width. -r -s char -t Write no diagnostic reports on failure to open a le. Separate text columns by the single character char instead of by the appropriate number of <space>s (default for char is the <tab> character). Print neither the ve-line identifying header nor the ve-line trailer usually supplied for each page. Quit printing after the last line of each le without spacing to the end of the page.

-w width Set the width of the line to width column positions for multiple text-column output only. If the -w option is not specied and the -s option is not specied, the default width is 72. If the -w option is not specied and the -s option is specied, the default width is 512. le A pathname of a le to be printed. If no le operands are specied, or if a le operand is -, the standard input is used. The standard input is used only if no le operands are specied, or if a le operand is -.

The -s option does not allow the option letter to be separated from its argument, and the options -e, -i , and -n require that both arguments, if present, not be separated from the option letter.

If pr receives an interrupt while printing to a terminal, it ushes all accumulated error messages to the screen before terminating.

The pr utility exits 0 on success, and 1 if an error occurs. Error messages are written to standard error during the printing process (if output is redirected) or after all successful le printing is complete (when printing to a terminal).

cat(1), more(1)

Pr includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH


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prune prune log les to specied size


prune is a utility that prunes log les to a specic size. prune clips off the tops of the log les to shorten them. prune reads the le share/prune/prune_list (from the Network Shell install directory) to nd the names of the les to prune. Each line of prune_list should consist of two white space separated elds. The rst eld is the name of the le you want to prune and the second eld is the size in KB that the le should be pruned to. Lines beginning with a # are treated as comment lines and are ignored. prune was designed to run from cron. When running from cron with root privileges be sure to allow root access on remote hosts in order for prune to work (See exports(1)).

prune was originally written by Ray Davis, with modications made by Thomas Kraus.



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putcert push a certicate generated by bl_gen_ssl to one or more servers

putcert user_name id.pem server1 [<server2> <server2>]

The putcert command pushes a certicate that was generated by the bl_gen_ssl command to one or more servers. When the putcert command is issued, BladeLogic places the public key in a le called <user_name>. The le resides in the /nsh/certs directory on UNIX-style servers and in /Program Files/BladeLogic/RSC/certs on Windows servers.

user_name The name of the user who created the certicate by running bl_gen_ssl. id.pem The path to the id.pem le generated by the bl_gen_ssl command. server1 [<server2> <server2>] A space-delimited list of the names or IP addresses of the servers to which the certicate should be pushed.

putcert gopal id.pem linuxBuild solarisQA

putcert was developed by BladeLogic, Inc.

bl_gen_ssl(NSH), nukecert(NSH)



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putlic License remote agents


The putlic command is meant to be used in conjunction with the getlic command. The basic idea is to let you remotely license multiple servers. The getlic command gathers necessary license information from each remote host, and places this information in a le called license.raw. BladeLogics licensing web page takes this le and creates a le called license.dat. putlic uses license.dat to license the remote agents. The license.dat le can contain multiple entries, one per line. Each entry consists of a hostname, a product code, a license key, and an optional expiration key. putlic sends this data to each remote host (listed in the rst eld of each entry) and creates an appropriate license based on the data.

The putlic command takes an optional argument that species the name of the le containing the license data. If you do not specify a le name, putlic defaults to using the license.dat le. host $ putlic Host bombay successfully licensed Host madras successfully licensed

To install new licenses on remote UNIX-style machines, you usually need root privileges.

putlic was written by Thomas Kraus

getlic(NSH), agentinfo(NSH).



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redi redirect input to a le

redi [-?] [-a] lename

redi reads the standard input and writes it to lename. If the le does not exist, redi creates it. The primary purpose of this utility is to let you perform distributed redirection. In other words, you can use redi as a replacement for the output redirection sh(1) commands (> and >>) in a distributed environment by piping the data to the redi command.

-a -? Append to the le instead of overwriting the le. If the le does not exist, create it. Equivalent to the >> command. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without redirecting any input. $ wc *.c | redi files.wc This would be equivalent to: $ wc *.c > files.wc The following example appends the data found by the fgrep utility into the le /etc/users.bad on host vaduz. $ fgrep evil /etc/passwd | redi -a //vaduz/etc/users.bad


redi: Unable to redirect output to le lename redi was unable to create or append to the le lename. redi: Error redirecting output to le lename An error occurred while trying to write data to the named output le. This message will be followed by system error message offering a possible reason for the error.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option. An error occurred in redirecting the data to the named output le. Unable to get a license to use the software.

redi was written by Thomas Kraus



RENICE ( 8 )

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. BSD System Managers Manual Strictly confidential and proprietary

RENICE ( 8 )

NAME renice alter priority of running processes SYNOPSIS renice priority [ [ p] pid ...] [ [ g] pgrp ...] [ [ u] user ...] DESCRIPTION Renice alters the scheduling priority of one or more running processes. The following who parameters are interpreted as process IDs, process group IDs, or user names. Reniceing a process group causes all processes in the process group to have their scheduling priority altered. Reniceing a user causes all processes owned by the user to have their scheduling priority altered. By default, the processes to be affected are specied by their process IDs. Options supported by renice: g u p Force who parameters to be interpreted as process group IDs. Force the who parameters to be interpreted as user names. Resets the who interpretation to be (the default) process IDs.

For example, renice +1 987 -u daemon root -p 32 would change the priority of process IDs 987 and 32, and all processes owned by users daemon and root. Users other than the super-user may only alter the priority of processes they own, and can only monotonically increase their nice value within the range 0 to PRIO_MAX (20). (This prevents overriding administrative ats.) The super-user may alter the priority of any process and set the priority to any value in the range PRIO_MIN (20) to PRIO_MAX. Useful priorities are: 20 (the affected processes will run only when nothing else in the system wants to), 0 (the base scheduling priority), anything negative (to make things go very fast). FILES /etc/passwd to map user names to user IDs SEE ALSO getpriority(2), setpriority(2) BUGS Non super-users can not increase scheduling priorities of their own processes, even if they were the ones that decreased the priorities in the rst place. The Linux kernel (at least version 2.0.0) and linux libc (at least version 5.2.18) does not agree entierly on what the specics of the systemcall interface to set nice values is. Thus causes renice to report bogus previous nice values. HISTORY The renice command appeared in 4.0BSD.

4th Berkeley Distribution

June 9, 1993


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rm Remove a le

rm [-] [-rRv?] le ...

rm removes the named les. rm removes a le by unlinking it from its parent directory. If this link was the last link the le had, then rm also destroys the le. rm does not remove directories unless you use the -r option. In this case, rm deletes ALL les and subdirectories in the named directory.

-f -i This option causes rm not to output any error messages that occur. This option causes rm to rst prompt the user to see if rm should remove the le/directory. If the user conrms with an entry beginning with the letter y, then rm removes the le/directory. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option interacts with the -f option. If any of the named arguments is a directory, then rm will recursively descend the directory and try to remove all les and sub-directories below it. Same as -r Output a message for each le or directory to be removed. Useful for monitoring recursive le removal. This option causes rm to treat the remaining arguments as le names. This can be useful when trying to remove a le starting with the character -. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without removing any les. File to be removed

-r -R -v -? le

The rst example removes all .old les in the directory /tmp The second example removes all .old les in the directory /u1/data on host helsinki. $ rm /tmp/*.old $ rm -frv //helsinki/u1/data/*.old

rm: lename non existent You asked rm to remove a le that does not exist. rm: dirname is a directory You asked rm to remove a directory without using the -r option. rm: Unable to access directory dirname When removing a directory recursively, rm was unable to access a directory within the directory hierarchy. rm: Unable to remove le lename There was a problem in removing the le lename. rm: Unable to remove directory dirname There was a problem in removing the directory dirname.

0 1 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option.



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary 2 255 One of the les to be removed was not removable. Unable to get a license to use the software.


rm will not allow you to delete the directories . and ..

If both the -i and -f options are used, then with the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -i option will override the -f option. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f option will override the -i option.

rm was written by Thomas Kraus




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rmdir Remove an empty directory

rmdir [-] [-ifps?] directory ...

rmdir tries to remove the named directories. For a directory to be removed, it must be empty, meaning that it must not contain any les or sub-directories.

-f -i This option causes rmdir not to output any error messages that occur. This option causes rmdir to rst prompt the user to see if the directory should be removed. If the user conrms with an entry beginning with the letter y, then rmdir will remove the directory. See UNIVERSE BEHAVIOR for details on how this option interacts with the -f option. This option causes rmdir to try to also delete any of the named parent directories. If the parent directory is not explicitly named as a component of the directory, then rmdir will not delete it. This option is used in conjunction with the -p option, where if there are any errors in removing a directory, then no error messages are output. This option causes rmdir to treat the remaining arguments as directory names. This can be useful when trying to remove a directory starting with the character -. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without removing any directories. Directory to be removed

-p -s -? directory

The rst example will rst ask for conrmation that the directory mydir should be deleted. The second example deletes the directory mydir/foo and then tries to remove the (parent) directory mydir on host valetta. $ rmdir -i mydir $ rmdir -p //valleta/mydir/foo

rmdir: Cannot remove directories . or .. rmdir does not allow you to remove the directories . and ... If you try to do this, and you are not suppressing error messages, then rmdir displays this message. rmdir: Unable to delete directory dirname If there is an error in deleting the directory dirname, rmdir displays this message, along with a possible explanation of why the operation failed.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option. One of the les to be deleted was not accessible. Unable to get a license to use the software.

By default the command ls does not show hidden les in a directory (les beginning with the character .). Consequently, running ls in a directory may seem to indicate that the directory is empty, but when you try to remove the directory using rmdir, rmdir may complain that the directory is not empty. Use the -a option in ls to nd hidden les.



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If both the -i and -f options are used, then with the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -i option will override the -f option. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f option will override the -i option.

rmdir was written by Thomas Kraus




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rscd - Remote System Call Daemon

rscd [-D] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-r] [-x]

The RSCD agent (or daemon) is the piece of software that needs to be installed and running on each remote host, so that the Network Shell utilities can access the host.


There are two ways to start the RSCD agent. The rst way is to start the RSCD agent directly, either from a command line or from a script. In this case, the RSCD agent rst turns itself into a daemon, so that it can run in background mode. This master process will eventually fork off sub-processes for client connections as these connections are made and validated. But rst, the agent needs to determine the TCP/IP port on which it should be listening. The agent determines its TCP/IP port in the following way. 1 - It looks for an rscd entry in the secure le. If it nds an entry, it uses the congured port number. 2 - If it does not nd an entry there, it looks for an rscd entry in the Internet service database (often /etc/services ). If it nds an entry in the database, it uses the congured port number. 3 - If it does not nd an entry in either the secure le or in the Internet services database, the agent defaults to port 4750. Once the agent has determined its TCP/IP port, it opens a connection on that port and listens for Network Shell client connections. When it hears a connection, the agent determines and sets appropriate permissions (see below). Next, the agent forks off a child process to handle all future requests from that one client (connection). Before the client exits, the connection to the agent is closed and the agent terminates. The second way to start the RSCD agent is through the inetd mechanism. With this mechanism, the Internet services daemon ( inetd ) acts as the master process and just forks off rscd sub-processes as needed. See the -i option for the RSCD agent below.


When a Network Shell utility (client) attempts to access a remote host, it basically attempts to make a connection to the RSCD daemon running on that remote host. When an RSCD agent receives a connection, it initially accepts the connection and then checks to see if the connection is allowed. It goes through the following steps: 1 - Determine the client machine from which the connection is coming. 2 - Based on the client host, determine how the communication between the two should occur. This information is found in the secure le and includes, among other things, the encryption type and encryption key or keys. 3 - Before going any further, the agent consults the exports le to determine if the client is even allowed to make the connection. If not, the agent closes the connection. At this time full acceptance of the client has not yet occurred, because some of the criteria for acceptance can only be determined after the initial handshake. For now it will proceed and fork off a sub-process to continue handling the acceptance. If you started the agent with the -i option (start from inetd) then the fork does not occur. 4 - The agent must now handle the initial handshake between the client and daemon (server). If necessary, the agent decrypts the data that the client sent, then veries that it is a valid handshake. If the handshake is invalid (which usually occurs when the encryption type and/or encryption keys do not match), the agent closes the connection. If the handshake is valid, the initial handshake will include valuable information about the connecting client. The agent will use this information in further security related checks.



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5 - Once it has the initial handshake data, the daemon now consults the users le see if there should be any specic (override) permissions for the connecting user. These are also known as the user overrides. If there should be overrides, the daemon sets them. 6 - Once the daemon has all the relevant information, it decides whether or not the client should have access, and what permissions the client should have. If the client is not allowed to have access, the daemon closes the connection without processing any requests. If the client is allowed to have access, then the daemon sets the nal permissions, which includes performing a seteuid and setegid (UNIX type systems only).

The RSCD agent accepts the following options: -i Use this option when you are starting the daemon from inetd. A sample entry for the /etc/inetd.conf le might look something like this: rscd stream tcp nowait root /opt/nsh/bin/rscd rscd -i

When you use this option, the default TCP/IP communications port is not determined by the secure le, but rather by the rscd Internet service entry found in the /etc/services le or other respective conguration le. -r This option tells the RSCD daemon to retry listening on the congured TCP/IP port if the port is currently already being listened on. Sometimes after the master RSCD daemon exits, the port it was listening on may continue to be busy for a short time longer. This option tells the daemon to retry listening on the port every 10 seconds until it succeeds. Note that if the daemon was initiated by inetd then the port will never be free (not being listened on), and the daemon will just keep trying and trying and trying. The following options are not recommended for use and exist only for debugging purposes. -D -f -d -x Do not go into daemon mode. Do not fork. Implied if -i option is used and basically makes the daemon single use. After the rst client exits the daemon exits as well. Output some debug messages. Output brief usage description.

rscd was written by Thomas Kraus

exports (1), secure (1), users (1).



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rsu Run NSH command with alternate privileges

rsu [-p] user command [args ...]

You can use the rsu command to run a command with a different set of permissions on a remote machine. Normally, when you run an NSH command to access a remote host, the RSCD agent (NSH server) of that host assigns you a specic set of permissions. Those permissions govern your access to that host. With the rsu command, you can select an alternate user whose permissions will be granted to the selected NSH command you are using to access the remote host. The specied users permissions will override the standard permissions. You obtain the specied users permissions by providing the password for the user on the remote host. When the command accesses a remote host for the rst time, you will be prompted for the users password for that host. The user and entered password are then authenticated on the remote server. If the user/password combination does not properly authenticate on the remote host, you will not get access to the host. Otherwise the command will continue on with the new permissions. If you are accessing multiple hosts, you will need to enter the respective password for the user for each host. Except when you are using the -p option (see below), this change in permissions applies only to the selected command. It does not apply to any sub-commands (processes). In other words, if you rsu root a vi session and enter into a sub-shell, the sub-shell and subsequent commands you run from the shell will NOT have the new permissions.

You can congure the RSCD agent to let you rsu to the remote server without having to enter a password. To do this, use the -p option. For this option to work, the remote user must be congured on the remote server as a user who does not need a password. If the remote user is not set up this way, you will not gain access to the remote server, just as if you had entered an incorrect password.

The following example shows a sample session where you can determine your effective UID on the various hosts you are working with. $ /bin/nsh host1 $ id uid=503(tmk) gid=600(nsh) host1 $ nexec host2 id uid=503(tmk) gid=600(nsh) host1 $ rsu root nexec host2 id Password for root@host2: uid=0(root) gid=1(other) host1 $ In this example you can look at a restricted le on two hosts $ /bin/nsh host1 $ cat //host2/etc/shadow //host3/etc/shadow cat: Cannot open file //host2/etc/shadow: Permission denied cat: Cannot open file //host3/etc/shadow: Permission denied host1 $ rsu root cat //host2/etc/shadow //host3/etc/shadow Password for root@host2: ... Password for root@host3: ... host1 $



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The -p option will work only if the target server has been specically congured to allow the rsu command to access the server without providing a password. Appropriate entries (rsu=...) in the users, users.local, and/or exports le must exist. See the users and/or exports man pages for more details.

rsu exits with the same exit code as that of the nished command.

rsu was written by Thomas Kraus

users(1), exports (1), rscd(1)



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runcmd Run a Network Shell command on one or more hosts

runcmd [-v -n -p n] [-H header] [-NH] [-s | -c] [-d directory] [-f le] [-h host1 ... hostn] [-e command1 ... commandn] runscript [-v -n -p n] [-H header] [-NH] [-s | -c] [-d directory] [-f le] [-h host1 ... hostn] [-e command1 ... commandn]

The programs runcmd and runscript let you run the same command on multiple machines. The difference between the two is that runcmd executes a shell command, while runscript runs the given Network Shell script on each machine. Depending on what action you are currently performing, you may want to know which host you are dealing with. To this end, the environment variable NSH_RUNCMD_HOST is set for each sub-command that is run. Furthermore the environment variable NSH_RUNCMD_DIR is set indicating the current Network Shell path.

-c Execute a Network Shell command on each host. This is implicit if the program name is runcmd -d dirname When you specify the hosts on which you want to run the command, you have the option of also specifying a start directory on each host. If you do not specify a start directory with the host, you can specify it using the -d options dirname. -e cmd ... This option species the command to execute. This option must be the last option. All arguments after the -e are assumed to be part of the commands to be executed on each host. -f le This option indicates that le le contains the names of the hosts on which the command is to be executed. The format of this le is one entry per line, where each entry can be either a hostname or a UNC name, which consists of a hostname and directory. This option indicates the host(s) on which you want to run the command. You can specify multiple hosts by putting spaces between host names. After encountering the -h option, runcmd and runscript consider all subsequent arguments to be host names, until runcmd and runscript encounter another option (an argument starting with -). As with each entry in the le specied with the -f le option, each -h argument can be either a hostname or a UNC name, which consists of a hostname and directory. -H header By default, runcmd and runscript output a brief header before the command is executed. This lets you easily differentiate the output that each host produces. The default header is "==> %h <==" where the macro "%h" is substituted by the name of the host where the program is about to be executed. The -H header option lets you specify a custom header. For example, if you specied -H "%h belongs to Engineering" for the host eng1, your header line would read eng1 belongs to Engineering. -n This option tells runcmd and runscript not to output a CR (carriage return) after the header.

-h host ...



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-NH -p n

This option tells runcmd and runscript not to display a header. This includes the default header or any header you dened using the -H option. Run up to n commands/scripts in parallel. This can signicantly speed things up, but be advised that since things are running in parallel, the output generated by each instance may overall not be output in a linear way. In other words, if you are going to make assumptions about the output produced by each instance, you may not want to do things in parallel. Output the effective command executed for each host. Tag each line with the name of the host the output is coming from. The host name is preceded by a ( and followed by a ) as in (hostname). Execute a Network Shell script on each host. This is implicit if the program name is runscript. Output a brief explanation of the available options.

-v -V -s -?

Some simple examples. host% runcmd -h rome athens -d /etc -e ls -l \| wc -c host% runscript -h //rome/bin //athens/bin -e scriptname -script_option host% runcmd -h rome athens paris london -p 2 -e ifconfig ppp down host% runcmd -h rome athens -d /tmp -e sh -c echo $NSH_RUNCMD_HOST $NSH_RUNCM ==> rome <== rome //rome/tmp ==> athens <== athens //athens/tmp

If a command or script is successfully executed on all named hosts, then these programs will exit with a status of 0. If an error occurs or if a command or script exits with a non zero status, then these programs will exit with a non-zero status.

runcmd and runscript were written by Thomas Kraus



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scriptutil Copy and execute scripts on remote servers

scriptutil [-d dir] [-f le] -h host1 [host2 ...] [-l] [-o le] -s scan [-x arg]

The idea behind scriptutil is to execute a given script on a remote server without the need to have the script on the given server before the script is executed (if the script already exists on the remote server one can execute the script directly by using nexec). Scriptutil also supports the concept of a script library that in turn supports the concept of OS abstraction. As a particular task may have different implementations on various UNIX type servers, one still wants to have a single point of access for all platforms for that task. The script library is found in <install_directory>/share/sensors. Scripts in the library with an OS name extension (output of uname command) are treated as overrides for the particular platform (i.e. no OS name extension). As such, when looking to run a script, scriptutil proceeds as follows for a given script to run on a particular server: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Determine remote OS type Look for script name with OS name extension in library directory If not found look for script in library directory as is (no OS name extension) Copy script to remote server Execute script on remote server capturing (and passing through) stdout and stderr Remove script from remote server

The following options are supported. -d dir -f le The default staging directory for the script is /tmp. With this option one can override the staging directory. le contains a list of servers one wants to run the scripts on (one entry per line). See also -h

-h host [host ...] Add host to the list of hosts one wants to run the script on. Can specify multiple hosts and can also be used in conjunction with the -f le option. -l [name] Show the list of scripts in the library and exit. If a name is given, then it will show all scripts (for all OSes) of that name. -o le By default, the output (stdout) of the script is sent to stdout on the local machine. With this option one can specify a le to which the output is sent.

-s script Specify the name of the script one want to run on the given remote servers. If the script refers to an existing le then that le will be the one copied and executed. If it does not refer to an existing le, then the script library will be searched with the OS type extension lter applied.

Show all scripts host% scriptutil -l . . grp_uniq_gid grp_uniq_grpname net_disabled_uucp.AIX

- [ALL] Audit non-unique GIDs in /etc/group - [ALL] Audit non-unique group names in /etc/group - [AIX] Audit that UUCP is disabled



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary net_disabled_uucp.HP-UX . .


- [HP-UX] Audit that UUCP is disabled

Example of using a script in the script library host% scriptutil -h rome -s net_disabled_uucp Example of using an existing script host% cd //athens/tmp athens% cat rr pwd athens% scriptutil -h rome -s rr -d /tmp/nsh /tmp/nsh

scriptutil was written by Thomas Kraus

runscript (NSH), nexec (NSH).



System General Commands Manual


NAME sdiff side-by-side diff SYNOPSIS sdiff [ abdilstW] [ I regexp] [ o outfile] [ w width] file1 file2 DESCRIPTION sdiff displays two les side by side, with any differences between the two highlighted as follows: new lines are marked with >; deleted lines are marked with <; and changed lines are marked with |. sdiff can also be used to interactively merge two les, prompting at each set of differences. See the o option for an explanation. The options are: l Only print the left column for identical lines.

o outfile Interactively merge file1 and file2 into outfile. In this mode, the user is prompted for each set of differences. See EDITOR and VISUAL, below, for details of which editor, if any, is invoked. The commands are as follows: l | 1 Choose left set of diffs. r | 2 Choose right set of diffs. s v e e l e r e b q s Silent mode identical lines are not printed. Verbose mode identical lines are printed. Start editing an empty le, which will be merged into outfile upon exiting the editor. Start editing le with left set of diffs. Start editing le with right set of diffs. Start editing le with both sets of diffs. Quit sdiff.

Skip identical lines.

w width Print a maximum of width characters on each line. The default is 130 characters. Options passed to diff(1) are: a b d Treat file1 and file2 as text les. Ignore trailing blank spaces. Minimize diff size.

I regexp Ignore line changes matching regexp. All lines in the change must match regexp for the change to be ignored. i Do a case-insensitive comparison.


March 28, 2008


System General Commands Manual


t W

Expand tabs to spaces. Ignore all spaces (the w ag is passed to diff(1)).

ENVIRONMENT EDITOR, VISUAL Species an editor to use with the o option. If both EDITOR and VISUAL are set, VISUAL takes precedence. If neither EDITOR nor VISUAL are set, the default is vi(1). TMPDIR Species a directory for temporary les to be created. The default is /tmp. SEE ALSO cmp(1), diff(1), diff3(1), vi(1), re_format(7) AUTHORS sdiff was written from scratch for the public domain by Ray Lai CAVEATS Although undocumented, sdiff supports most long options supported by GNU sdiff, though some require GNU diff. Tabs are treated as anywhere from one to eight characters wide, depending on the current column. Terminals that treat tabs as eight characters wide will look best. BUGS sdiff may not work with binary data.


March 28, 2008


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secadmin Utility to dene encryption and authentication security

secadmin -up | -down | -top | -bottom hostname secadmin -c <cong_le> ... secadmin -c <cong_le> -i secadmin -d [hostname] secadmin -P [-C] secadmin -W hostname size secadmin -a|m [hostname] [-w size] [-r [port [hostname]]] [-p 5] [-e tls] secadmin [-appserver_host [hostname]] [-appserver_port [port]] [-appserver_protocol [ clear | srp ]] secadmin [-cu [username]] [-cp [password]]

Secadmin is a utility that can be used to dene communications parameters, including encryption and authentication parameters, for BladeLogic clients and RSCD servers running on the local host. By default, BladeLogic clients and servers use a communication protoccol called protocol 5 that is based on a TLS transportation mechanism (a.k.a. SSL). Protocol 5 auto-negotiates the most secure connection between a client and server. Secadmin also lets you edit the securecert le, which stores encrypted password information needed to access the private key for X.509 certicates. By storing passwords in the securecert le, BladeLogic can access those passwords without any user interaction. Accessing passwords non-interactively is essential for setting up secure, certicate-based communication between an Application Server and agents and repeaters. It is also necessary when using secure communication to deploy assets via repeaters (that is, through an indirect deployment). See CREATING ENTRIES IN THE SECURECERT FILE.


When using secadmin to create a secure le, you can specify communication parameters by creating three types of entries: rscd, default, or hostname. When conguring default communication parameters for servers, use the special hostname rscd. When conguring default communication parameters for BladeLogic clients, use the special hostname default. If an entry does not exist for a particular remote host, then the software looks for a default entry. Thus, if you are using the same communication parameters for all your RSCD Agents, you do not have to create an entry for each remote host needing access to those agents. When conguring communication parameters for a specic host (client or server), create a hostname entry in the secure le. When entering a value for hostname, you can provide a hosts IP address, a resolvable host name, or a subnet designation that denes a range of addresses (see SUBNET DESIGNATIONS below). NOTE: Hostnames are matched to secure le entries by matching the IP addresses (including ranges) of their respective resolved names and not by comparing the hostnames entered in secure le entries. The order of entries in the secure le matters. When a client attempts to establish a connection with a server, the client searches from top to bottom through entries in its secure le until it nds the rst entry that resolves to an IP address matching the IP address of the server. If the client does not nd a match, it uses the default entry. On the agent side, when the agent detects that a host is attempting to make a connection, the agent searches its secure le from top to bottom until it nds the rst entry that resolves to an IP address matching the IP address of the client attempting to make a connection. If the agent does not nd a match, it uses the rscd entry. If you are creating entries for individual hostnames as well as an rscd or default entry, place the rscd or default entry at the end of the list.


When using secadmin to edit a securecert le, you can create entries for an Application Server and entries for repeaters. For an Application Server, create an entry that stores the password for the owner of the process that



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communicates securely with repeaters and servers. On UNIX-style systems, that user is bladmin. On Windows, that user is SYSTEM. To accomplish this, enter one of the following commands: # secadmin -m default -cu bladmin -cp password # secadmin -m default -cu SYSTEM -cp password For a repeater, create an entry that stores the password for the administrative user that communicates with servers. On UNIX-style systems, that user is typically root. On Windows, that user is BladeLogicRSCD. To accomplish this, enter one of the following commands: # secadmin -m default -cu root -cp password # secadmin -m default -cu BladeLogicRSCD -cp password

With the secadmin utility, you can delete or modify an existing entry in the secure le as well as add new entries to the le. When issuing a secadmin command, you must append one of the following options immediately after the command: -c le Use le as an alternate secure le. If no value is entered for le, then the le secure.cfg is used. (NOTE: The alternate secure le is encrypted). The primary use for this option is to create and install pre-congured secure les. As mentioned above, in a regular secure le, passwords (keys) are encrypted using a key that is unique to the host for which the key is generated. While this is an important security measure, it impedes the ability to pre-congure the secure le for use in automated or non-interactive installations on multiple systems. With the -c option you can create and install (-c and -i) a portable secure le. Since this alternate secure le is encrypted, the passwords are not revealed. The encrypted le must be installed on a system using the -i option. See below for details.

-d hostname Delete the entry for entry hostname. If hostname is not provided, you are prompted to enter the hostname. -m hostname Modify the entry for host hostname. If hostname is not provided, you are prompted to enter the hostname. -a hostname Create a new entry for host hostname. If hostname is not provided, you are prompted to enter the hostname. -P Print the output of the current conguration in a formatted table. If this option is followed by the -C option then the output will be in a CSV format.

At times it may be necessary to re-arrange the order of the entries in the secure le. This primarily happens when you are working with subnet denitions (see below) and you have individual host overrides in that subnet. Use the following options to change the order of an entry: -up hostname Move the entry up one. -down hostname Move the entry down one.



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-top hostname Move the entry to the top of the list. -bottom hostname Move the entry to the bottom of the list. If you are adding or modifying an entry, you can enter the following options to dene the communication parameters for a given hostname. Each of the following options may require additional arguments. If you omit these additional arguments from the command line, the secadmin utility prompts you for all information required to create or modify an entry. -W hostname size Only update the network write buffer size for host hostname to be size bytes. -i Install an encrypted secure le created with the -c option. This option must be used with the -c option. Please see the EXAMPLES section below for an example. Set the network write buffer size to be size bytes with the default size being 4480 bytes. See the nshopt command for details about the network write buffer size.

-w size

-z value Set compression level. By default data is not compressed. To compress data, set value to a number between 1 and 9, with a higher number indicating better compression. Note that better compression is more CPU intensive. -l n When set to a non-zero positive value, this option determines the maximum number of times a bad connection is allowed from a source address before the address is locked. A bad connection can happen if encryption is not set up properly or a particular host is not granted access. The address is locked for a period of time as dened by the -u eld (see below). This option is used in conjunction with the -l option, which allows you to lock out IP addresses that repeatedly fail to connect to an agent. These failures are limited to encryption miscongurations and host authorization errors. With the -u option, you can specify how many minutes the IP address should be locked before allowing connection attempts to resume. If -u is a negative number, the IP address is locked until the RSCD Agent is restarted. The default value for -u is 1 minute.

-u n

-T mode Specify one of the following TLS features: encryption_only Use the TLS protocol to auto-negotiate an encryption type (that is, a cipher) and then use that cipher to communicate. No authorizations or certicates are required. encryption_and_auth Use TLS for encryption and authorization. This option requires a certicate. The software searches for certicates in $HOME/BladeLogic/id.pem. -p protocolnum Specify which protocol to use. The default protocol is protocol 5, supported since release 5.2.



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-r [port [hostname]] Specify port redirection parameters. When accessing the host specied in either the -m or -a option, data should be sent to the specied port number on the host hostname. If no hostname is given, then data is sent to the alternate port number on the hostname specied by the -m or -a options. Setting hostname to - is the same as giving no redirection host. This value is useful because otherwise the secadmin utility will prompt you for a redirection host. Currently the rscd daemon cannot listen to multiple ports for connections. Consequently, if you want to use an alternate port number for a server, all clients must be congured to use that alternate port number when accessing a server. -e tls Specify the encryption method to be used to encrypt data between BladeLogic clients and the RSCD Agent (daemon). BladeLogic now only supports the tls encryption type.

-appserver_host Specify the Application Server, congured as a Network Shell Proxy Server, that functions as an intermediary when Network Shell is communicating with RSCD agents. -appserver_port Specify the port used to connect to a Network Shell Proxy Server. This value is related to the -appserver_host setting. -appserver_protocol Specify the authentication protocol used when communicating with a Network Shell Proxy Server. This eld is related to the -appserver_host setting. Set the protocol to one of the following: clear srp Do not use authentication when communicating with the Network Shell Proxy Server. Use SRP authentication when communicating with the Network Shell Proxy Server.

The secadmin utility also provides the following options, which let you add entries to the securecert le: -cu -cp The user for whom you are storing a password to the private key for an X.509 certicate. The password to the private key for a users X.509 certicate.

When dening a hostname or address for a specic permission, you can choose to specify a subnet address that denes a range of addresses for that entry. A subnet designation has the following format: @<IP Address or Hostname>/mask The @ symbol indicates that a subnet is being dened. It should be followed by an IP address or hostnames within the subnet followed by a / and then the number of bits in the subnet mask. A subnet with a subnet mask of might look something like: @ Here are some sample subnet mask denitions:



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The following examples illustrate actions you can take to modify the secure le. To delete the entry for host foo, enter # secadmin -d foo To create a standard entry for host foo so it communicates using protocol 5 (the default communication protocol), enter # secadmin -a foo -p 5 -e tls To specify use of port 999 rather than the default port of 4750, enter the following command on the server host: # secadmin -a rscd -p 5 -r 999 -e tls On each client host that is communicating with the server host, enter the following command. # secadmin -a <server_host> -r 999 -e tls

nshopt (1).


SED (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

SED (1)

NAME sed stream editor SYNOPSIS sed [ an] command [file . . .] sed [ an] [ e command] [ f command_file] [file . . .] DESCRIPTION The sed utility reads the specied les, or the standard input if no les are specied, modifying the input as specied by a list of commands. The input is then written to the standard output. A single command may be specied as the rst argument to sed. Multiple commands may be specied by using the e or f options. All commands are applied to the input in the order they are specied regardless of their origin. The options are as follows: a The les listed as parameters for the w functions are created (or truncated) before any processing begins, by default. The a option causes sed to delay opening each le until a command containing the related w function is applied to a line of input.

e command Append the editing commands specied by the command argument to the list of commands. f command_file Append the editing commands found in the le command_file to the list of commands. The editing commands should each be listed on a separate line. n By default, each line of input is echoed to the standard output after all of the commands have been applied to it. The n option suppresses this behavior. [address[,address]]function[arguments] Whitespace may be inserted before the rst address and the function portions of the command. Normally, sed cyclically copies a line of input, not including its terminating newline character, into a pattern space, (unless there is something left after a D function), applies all of the commands with addresses that select that pattern space, copies the pattern space to the standard output, appending a newline, and deletes the pattern space. Some of the functions use a hold space to save all or part of the pattern space for subsequent retrieval. SED ADDRESSES An address is not required, but if specied must be a number (that counts input lines cumulatively across input les), a dollar character ( $ ) that addresses the last line of input, or a context address (which consists of a regular expression preceded and followed by a delimiter). A command line with no addresses selects every pattern space. A command line with one address selects all of the pattern spaces that match the address. A command line with two addresses selects the inclusive range from the rst pattern space that matches the rst address through the next pattern space that matches the second. (If the second address is a number less than or equal to the line number rst selected, only that line is selected.) Starting at the rst line following the selected range, sed starts looking again for the rst address.

The form of a sed command is as follows:


December 30, 1993

SED (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

SED (1)

Editing commands can be applied to non-selected pattern spaces by use of the exclamation character ( ! ) function. SED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS The sed regular expressions are basic regular expressions ( BREs ) . See re_format(7) for more information on regular expressions. In addition, sed has the following two additions to BREs: 1. In a context address, any character other than a backslash ( \ ) or newline character may be used to delimit the regular expression. Also, putting a backslash character before the delimiting character causes the character to be treated literally. For example, in the context address \xabc\xdefx, the RE delimiter is an x and the second x stands for itself, so that the regular expression is abcxdef. The escape sequence \n matches a newline character embedded in the pattern space. You cant, however, use a literal newline character in an address or in the substitute command.


One special feature of sed regular expressions is that they can default to the last regular expression used. If a regular expression is empty, i.e., just the delimiter characters are specied, the last regular expression encountered is used instead. The last regular expression is dened as the last regular expression used as part of an address or substitute command, and at run-time, not compile-time. For example, the command /abc/s//XXX/ will substitute XXX for the pattern abc. SED FUNCTIONS In the following list of commands, the maximum number of permissible addresses for each command is indicated by [0addr], [1addr], or [2addr], representing zero, one, or two addresses. The argument text consists of one or more lines. To embed a newline in the text, precede it with a backslash. Other backslashes in text are deleted and the following character taken literally. The r and w functions take an optional le parameter, which should be separated from the function letter by whitespace. Each le given as an argument to sed is created (or its contents truncated) before any input processing begins. The b, r, s, t, w, y, !, and : functions all accept additional arguments. The following synopses indicate which arguments have to be separated from the function letters by whitespace characters. Two of the functions take a function-list. This is a list of sed functions separated by newlines, as follows: { function function ... function } The { can be preceded or followed by whitespace. The function can be preceded by whitespace as well. The terminating } must be preceded by a newline or optional whitespace. [2addr] function-list Execute function-list only when the pattern space is selected. [1addr]a\ text Write text to standard output immediately before each attempt to read a line of input, whether by executing the N function or by beginning a new cycle. [2addr]b[label] Branch to the : function with the specied label. If the label is not specied, branch to the end of the script.


December 30, 1993

SED (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

SED (1)

[2addr]c\ text Delete the pattern space. With 0 or 1 address or at the end of a 2-address range, text is written to the standard output. [2addr]d [2addr]D [2addr]g [2addr]G [2addr]h [2addr]H [1addr]i\ text Write text to the standard output. [2addr]l (The letter ell.) Write the pattern space to the standard output in a visually unambiguous form. This form is as follows: backslash alert form-feed newline carriage-return tab vertical tab \\ \a \f \n \r \t \v Delete the pattern space and start the next cycle. Delete the initial segment of the pattern space through the rst newline character and start the next cycle. Replace the contents of the pattern space with the contents of the hold space. Append a newline character followed by the contents of the hold space to the pattern space. Replace the contents of the hold space with the contents of the pattern space. Append a newline character followed by the contents of the pattern space to the hold space.

Non-printable characters are written as three-digit octal numbers (with a preceding backslash) for each byte in the character (most signicant byte rst). Long lines are folded, with the point of folding indicated by displaying a backslash followed by a newline. The end of each line is marked with a $. [2addr]n [2addr]N Write the pattern space to the standard output if the default output has not been suppressed, and replace the pattern space with the next line of input. Append the next line of input to the pattern space, using an embedded newline character to separate the appended material from the original contents. Note that the current line number changes. Write the pattern space to standard output. Write the pattern space, up to the rst newline character to the standard output. Branch to the end of the script and quit without starting a new cycle. Copy the contents of le to the standard output immediately before the next attempt to read a line of input. If le cannot be read for any reason, it is silently ignored and no error condition is set. [2addr]s/re/replacement/ags Substitute the replacement string for the rst instance of the regular expression in the pattern space. Any character other than backslash or newline can be used instead of a slash to delimit

[2addr]p [2addr]P [1addr]q [1addr]r le


December 30, 1993

SED (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

SED (1)

the RE and the replacement. Within the RE and the replacement, the RE delimiter itself can be used as a literal character if it is preceded by a backslash. An ampersand ( & ) appearing in the replacement is replaced by the string matching the RE. The special meaning of & in this context can be suppressed by preceding it by a backslash. The string \#, where # is a digit, is replaced by the text matched by the corresponding backreference expression (see re_format(7)). A line can be split by substituting a newline character into it. To specify a newline character in the replacement string, precede it with a backslash. The value of ags in the substitute function is zero or more of the following: 0 ... 9 g p Make the substitution only for the Nth occurrence of the regular expression in the pattern space. Make the substitution for all non-overlapping matches of the regular expression, not just the rst one. Write the pattern space to standard output if a replacement was made. If the replacement string is identical to that which it replaces, it is still considered to have been a replacement. Append the pattern space to le if a replacement was made. If the replacement string is identical to that which it replaces, it is still considered to have been a replacement.

w le

[2addr]t[label] Branch to the : function bearing the label if any substitutions have been made since the most recent reading of an input line or execution of a t function. If no label is specied, branch to the end of the script. [2addr]w le Append the pattern space to the le. [2addr]x Swap the contents of the pattern and hold spaces. [2addr]y/string1/string2/ Replace all occurrences of characters in string1 in the pattern space with the corresponding characters from string2. Any character other than a backslash or newline can be used instead of a slash to delimit the strings. Within string1 and string2, a backslash followed by any character other than a newline is that literal character, and a backslash followed by an n is replaced by a newline character. [2addr]!function, [2addr]!function-list Apply the function or function-list only to the lines that are not selected by the address(es). [0addr]:label This function does nothing; it bears a label to which the b and t commands may branch. [1addr]= [0addr] [0addr]# Write the line number to the standard output followed by a newline character. Empty lines are ignored. The # and the remainder of the line are ignored (treated as a comment), with the single exception that if the rst two characters in the le are #n, the default output is suppressed. This is the same as specifying the n option on the command line.

The sed utility exits 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred.


December 30, 1993

SED (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

SED (1)

SEE ALSO awk(1), ed(1), grep(1), regex(3), re_format(7) "SED A Non-interactive Text Editor", /usr/share/doc/usd/15.sed/. STANDARDS The sed function is expected to be a superset of the IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2) specication. HISTORY A sed command appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.


December 30, 1993

User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

sort ( 1 )


sort - sort or merge text les


sort [-cmubdnr] [-t char] [-T char] [-k eld1[,eld2]] ... [-o output] [le] ...

The sort utility sorts text les by lines. Comparisons are based on one or more sort keys extracted from each line of input, and are performed lexicographically. By default, if keys are not given, sort regards each input line as a single eld. The following options are available: -c -m Check that the single input le is sorted. If the le is not sorted, sort produces the appropriate error messages and exits with code 1; otherwise, sort returns 0. Sort -c produces no output. Merge only; the input les are assumed to be pre-sorted.

-o output The argument given is the name of an output le to be used instead of the standard output. This le can be the same as one of the input les. -u Unique: suppress all but one in each set of lines having equal keys. If used with the -c option, check that there are no lines with duplicate keys.

The following options override the default ordering rules. When ordering options appear independent of key eld specications, the requested eld ordering rules are applied globally to all sort keys. When attached to a specic key (see -k), the ordering options override all global ordering options for that key. -d -f -i -n Only blank space and alphanumeric characters are used in making comparisons. Considers all lowercase characters that have uppercase equivalents to be the same for purposes of comparison. Ignore all non-printable characters. An initial numeric string, consisting of optional blank space, optional minus sign, and zero or more digits (including decimal point) is sorted by arithmetic value. (The -n option no longer implies the -b option.) Reverse the sense of comparisons. Ignores leading blank space when determining the start and end of a restricted sort key. A -b option specied before the rst -k option applies globally to all -k options. Otherwise, the -b option can be attached independently to each eld argument of the -k option (see below). Note that the -b option has no effect unless key elds are specied. Char is used as the eld separator character. The initial char is not considered to be part of a eld when determining key offsets (see below). Each occurrence of char is signicant (for example, charchar delimits an empty eld). If -t is not specied, blank space characters are used as default eld separators. Char is used as the record separator character. This should be used with discretion; -T <alphanumeric> usually produces undesirable results. The default line separator is newline.

-r -b

The treatment of eld separators can be altered using the options:

-t char

-T char

-k eld1[,eld2] Designates the starting position, eld1, and optional ending position, eld2, of a key eld. The -k option replaces the obsolescent options +pos1 and -pos2. The following operands are available: le The pathname of a le to be sorted, merged, or checked. If no le operands are specied, or if a le operand is -, the standard input is used. A eld is dened as a minimal sequence of characters followed by a eld separator or a newline character. By default, the rst blank space of a sequence of blank spaces acts as the eld separator. All blank spaces

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

User Commands

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sort ( 1 )

in a sequence of blank spaces are considered as part of the next eld; for example, all blank spaces at the beginning of a line are considered to be part of the rst eld. Fields are specied by the -k eld1[,eld2] argument. A missing eld2 argument defaults to the end of a line. The arguments eld1 and eld2 have the form m.n followed by one or more of the options -b, -d, -f, -i, -n, -r. A eld1 position specied by m.n (m,n > 0) is interpreted as the nth character in the mth eld. A missing .n in eld1 means indicating the rst character of the , eld; If the -b option is in effect, n is counted from the rst non-blank character in the mth eld; m.1b refers to the rst non-blank character in the mth eld. A eld2 position specied by m.n is interpreted as the nth character (including separators) of the mth eld. A missing .n indicates the last character of the mth eld; m = 0 designates the end of a line. Thus the option -k v.x,w.y is synonymous with the obsolescent option +v-1.x-1 -w-1.y; when y is omitted, -k v.x,w is synonymous with +v-1.x-1 -w+1.0. The obsolescent +pos1 -pos2 option is still supported, except for -w.0b, which has no -k equivalent.

/tmp/sort. Default temporary directories. output#PID if output already exists.


Temporary name for output

sort(1), comm(1), uniq(1), join(1)


Sort exits with one of the following values: 0: with the -c option 2: an error occurred.

normal behavior. 1:

on disorder (or non-uniqueness)

Lines longer than 65522 characters are discarded and processing continues. To sort les larger than 60Mb, use sort -H; les larger than 704Mb must be sorted in smaller pieces, then merged. To protect data sort -o calls link and unlink, and thus fails in protected directories.

Sort includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

The current sort command uses lexicographic radix sorting, which requires that sort keys be kept in memory (as opposed to previous versions which used quick and merge sorts and did not.) Thus performance depends highly on efficient choice of sort keys, and the -b option and the eld2 argument of the -k option should be used whenever possible. Similarly, sort -k1f is equivalent to sort -f and may take twice as long.

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

split ( 1 )


split - split a le into pieces


split [-b byte_count[km]] [-l line_count] [le [name]]


The split utility reads the given le (or standard input if no le is specied) and breaks it up into les of 1000 lines each.

The options are as follows: -b Create smaller les byte_count bytes in length. If k is appended to the number, the le is split into byte_count kilobyte pieces. If m is appended to the number, the le is split into byte_count megabyte pieces. Create smaller les n lines in length.


If additional arguments are specied, the rst is used as the name of the input le which is to be split. If a second additional argument is specied, it is used as a prex for the names of the les into which the le is split. In this case, each le into which the le is split is named by the prex followed by a lexically ordered suffix in the range of aa-zz. If the name argument is not specied, the le is split into lexically ordered les named in the range of xaa-zzz.

For historical reasons, if you specify name, split can only create 676 separate les. The default naming convention allows 2028 separate les.

Split includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.

SunOS 5.8

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strings - nd printable strings in a le

strings [-afo] [-n number] [le ...]

Strings displays the sequences of printable characters in each of the specied les, or in the standard input, by default. By default, a sequence must be at least four characters in length before being displayed. The options are as follows: -a -f -n -o By default, strings only searches the text and data segments of object les. The -a option causes strings to search the entire object le. Each string is preceded by the name of the le in which it was found. Species the minimum number of characters in a sequence to be number, instead of four. Each string is preceded by its decimal offset in the le.

Strings is useful for identifying random binaries, among other things.


The algorithm for identifying strings is extremely primitive. In particular, machine code instructions on certain architectures can resemble sequences of ASCII bytes, which will fool the algorithm.

Since strings works in a multi platform environment, it can not recognize all types of executable les. Consequently the -a option is always assumed to be turned on. This may be xed in the future. Strings includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.


User Commands

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

su ( 1 )


su substitute user identity


su [-m] [login [args ... ]]


Su requests the password for login (or for root, if no login is provided), and switches to that user and group ID and then executes the Network Shell nsh. If su is executed by root, no password is requested and the Network Shell with the appropriate user ID is executed By default, the environment is unmodied with the exception of USER, HOME, and SHELL. HOME and SHELL are set to the target logins default values. USER is set to the target login, unless the target login has a user ID of 0, in which case it is unmodied. The invoked shell is the target logins. This is the traditional behavior of su. The options are as follows: -f -l or This ag is used in confunction with the csh which of course we are not running. This option is accepted for compatability reasons and is ignored. Simulate a full login. The environment is discarded except for HOME, SHELL, PATH, TERM, and USER. HOME and SHELL are modied as above. USER is set to the target login. PATH is set to /usr/sbin/usr/bin on Solaris hosts, /usr/sbin:/usr/bin on HPUX hosts, /usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin on Sun OS hosts, and TERM is imported from your current environment. The invoked shell is the Network Shell nsh, and su will change directory to the target logins home directory. Leave the environment unmodied. The Network Shell is started and no directory or environment variable changes are made.


The -l and -m options are mutually exclusive; the last one specied overrides any previous ones. By default (unless the prompt is reset by a startup le) the super-user prompt is set to # to remind one of its awesome power.

nsh(1), login(1)

Environment variables used by su: HOME PATH TERM USER Default home directory of real user ID unless modied as specied above. Default search path of real user ID unless modied as specied above. Provides terminal type which may be retained for the substituted user ID. The user ID is always the effective ID (the target user ID) after an su unless the user ID is 0 (root).

SunOS 5.8

Last change: NSH

TAIL (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

TAIL (1)

NAME tail display the last part of a le SYNOPSIS tail [ f | r] [ b number | c number | n number | number] [file . . .] DESCRIPTION The tail utility displays the contents of file or, by default, its standard input, to the standard output. The display begins at a byte, line, or 512-byte block location in the input. Numbers having a leading plus ( + ) sign are relative to the beginning of the input, for example, -c +2 starts the display at the second byte of the input. Numbers having a leading minus ( - ) sign or no explicit sign are relative to the end of the input, for example, -n 2 displays the last two lines of the input. The default starting location is -n 10, or the last 10 lines of the input. The options are as follows: b number The location is number 512-byte blocks. c number The location is number bytes. n number | number The location is number lines. f Do not stop when end-of-le is reached, but rather to wait for additional data to be appended to the input. If the le is replaced (i.e., the inode number changes), tail will reopen the le and continue. If the le is truncated, tail will reset its position to the beginning. This makes tail more useful for watching log les that may get rotated. The f option is ignored if the standard input is a pipe, but not if it is a FIFO. The r option causes the input to be displayed in reverse order, by line. Additionally, this option changes the meaning of the b, c, and n options. When the r option is specied, these options specify the number of bytes, lines or 512-byte blocks to display, instead of the bytes, lines, or blocks from the beginning or end of the input from which to begin the display. The default for the r option is to display all of the input.

If more than a single le is specied, each le is preceded by a header consisting of the string ==> XXX <== where XXX is the name of the le. The tail utility exits 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred. EXAMPLES To display the last 500 lines of the le foo: $ tail -500 foo Keep /var/log/messages open, displaying to the standard output anything appended to the le: $ tail -f /var/log/messages SEE ALSO cat(1), head(1), sed(1)


June 6, 1993

TAIL (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

TAIL (1)

STANDARDS The tail utility is expected to be a superset of the IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (POSIX.2) specication. In particular, the b and r options are extensions to that standard. The historic command line syntax of tail is supported by this implementation. The only difference between this implementation and historic versions of tail, once the command line syntax translation has been done, is that the b, c and n options modify the r option, i.e., -r -c 4 displays the last 4 characters of the last line of the input, while the historic tail (using the historic syntax -4cr) would ignore the c option and display the last 4 lines of the input. HISTORY A tail command appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.


June 6, 1993


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


tee Pipe tting

tee [-ai?] [le ...]

The tee utility copies the standard input to standard output, making copies of the input to the optionally named les.

The following options may modify the behavior of tee. -a -i Append the output to the les rather than overwriting them. This option causes tee to ignore the SIGINT signal.

The rst example takes the output from the program someprog and appends it to the le messages creating the le if it does not already exist. The second example copies the le /etc/motd to the hosts ottawa and washington. $ someprog | tee -a messages $ cat /etc/motd | tee //ottawa/etc/motd //washington/etc/motd

tee: Unable to access le lename Error creating or trying to append to one of the name les. tee: Write error to le lename An error occurred updating (writing) to one of the les.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected An unknown option was given Was not able to create or able to write to one the les. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Tee includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgments.




Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


test Test value of expression

test expression

The test command tests the value of the given expression and exits with an appropriate exit code to indicate if the expression was TRUE or FALSE. In the sh(1) family of command interpreters, an exit code of 0 indicates a value of TRUE, while a non zero exit code indicates a value of FALSE.

You can build an expression from any combination of the following primitives. -b le -c le -d le -f le. -f le -g le -h le -k le -l string -n string -p le -r le -s le -t fd -u le -w le -x le -z string s1 = s2 s1 != s2 n1 -eq n2 n1 -ne n2 n1 -gt n2 n1 -ge n2 n1 -lt n2 n1 -le n2 ! -a -o (expr) TRUE if le is a block special device. TRUE if le is a character special device. TRUE if le is a directory. TRUE if le is not a directory (P_BSD). TRUE if le is a regular le (P_ATT). TRUE if le has its set-GID bit set. TRUE if le is a symbolic link. TRUE if le has its sticky bit set. The length of string. TRUE if length of strings is not zero. TRUE if le is a named pipe (FIFO). TRUE if le is readable. TRUE if le is greater than 0 bytes large. TRUE if le descriptor is associated with a tty. TRUE if le has its set-UID bit set. TRUE if le is writable. TRUE if le is executable. TRUE if length of strings is zero. TRUE if strings s1 and s2 are equal. TRUE if strings s1 and s2 are not equal. TRUE if integers n1 and n2 are equal. TRUE if integers n1 and n2 are not equal. TRUE if integer n1 is greater than integer n2. TRUE if integer n1 is greater than or equal to integer n2. TRUE if integer n1 is less than integer n2. TRUE if integer n1 is less than or equal to integer n2. Unary negation operator. Binary and operator. Binary or operator. Parentheses for grouping.



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Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without doing any testing.

The -a (binary AND) operator has a higher precedence than the -o (binary OR) operator, which in turn has a higher precedence than the ! (negation) operator. You can use parentheses to group operators so that they are evaluated in the order you want.

The rst example would return TRUE if both the les /etc/passwd and /etc/group exist on host bonn. The second example would return TRUE if either one of the les /etc/passwd or /etc/group exists, and the directory /etc/security exists. $ test -f //bonn/etc/passwd -a -f //bonn/etc/group $ test -f \( /etc/passwd -o -f /etc/group \) -a -d /etc/security

test: argument expected This message is output if a primitive of the expression is missing an operand.

0 1 2 255 Value of the expression is TRUE. Value of the expression is FALSE. An operand of a primitive was missing. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Parentheses, which can be used for grouping primitives, also have special meaning to the sh(1). Consequently you must escape or quote them, so as not to have them interpreted by sh(1). The sh(1) counterpart test(1) is a built in function to the shell and a separate executable program for it does not exist. test is an executable program.

With the P_BSD variable set (Berkeley behavior), the -f primitive checks if the le is not a directory. With the P_ATT variable set, the -f primitive check that the le is a regular le. The difference is that a special le such as a character special le is neither a directory nor a regular le. Consequently the primitive -f <character_special_le> will produce different values in the two universes.

test was written by Thomas Kraus



PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


NAME touch change le access and modication times SYNOPSIS touch [ acfm] [ r file] [ t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file [ . . .] DESCRIPTION The touch utility sets the modication and access times of les to the current time of day. If the le doesnt exist, it is created with default permissions. The options are as follows: a c f m r t Change the access time of the le. The modication time of the le is not changed unless the m ag is also specied. Do not create the le if it does not exist. The touch utility does not treat this as an error. No error messages are displayed and the exit value is not affected. Attempt to force the update, even if the le permissions do not currently permit it. Change the modication time of the le. The access time of the le is not changed unless the a ag is also specied. Use the access and modication times from the specied le instead of the current time of day. Change the access and modication times to the specied time. The argument should be in the form [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] where each pair of letters represents the following: CC YY MM DD hh mm SS The rst two digits of the year (the century). The second two digits of the year. If YY is specied, but CC is not, a value for YY between 69 and 99 results in a CC value of 19. Otherwise, a CC value of 20 is used. The month of the year, from 1 to 12. The day of the month, from 1 to 31. The hour of the day, from 0 to 23. The minute of the hour, from 0 to 59. The second of the minute, from 0 to 61.

If the CC and YY letter pairs are not specied, the values default to the current year. If the SS letter pair is not specied, the value defaults to 0. The touch utility exits 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred. SEE ALSO utimes(2) STANDARDS The obsolescent form of touch, where a time format is specied as the rst argument, is supported. When no r or t option is specied, there are at least two arguments, and the rst argument is a string of digits either eight or ten characters in length, the rst argument is interpreted as a time specication of the form MMDDhhmm[YY]. The MM, DD, hh and mm letter pairs are treated as their counterparts specied to the t option. If the YY letter pair is in the range 69 to 99, the year is set from 1969 to 1999; otherwise, the year is set in the 21st century.


April 28, 1995


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The touch utility is expected to be a superset of the IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2) specication. HISTORY A touch utility appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.


April 28, 1995

TR ( 1 )

Property of Reference Manual BSD BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

TR ( 1 )

NAME tr Translate Characters. SYNOPSIS tr [ cs] string1 string2 tr [ c] d string1 tr [ c] s string1 tr [ c] ds string1 string2 DESCRIPTION The tr utility copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. The following options are available: c d s Complements the set of characters in string1, that is -c ab includes every character except for a and b. The d option causes characters to be deleted from the input. The s option squeezes multiple occurrences of the characters listed in the last operand (either string1 or string2) in the input into a single instance of the character. This occurs after all deletion and translation is completed.

In the rst synopsis form, the characters in string1 are translated into the characters in string2 where the rst character in string1 is translated into the rst character in string2 and so on. If string1 is longer than string2, the last character found in string2 is duplicated until string1 is exhausted. In the second synopsis form, the characters in string1 are deleted from the input. In the third synopsis form, the characters in string1 are compressed as described for the s option. In the fourth synopsis form, the characters in string1 are deleted from the input, and the characters in string2 are compressed as described for the s option. The following conventions can be used in string1 and string2 to specify sets of characters: character \octal Any character not described by one of the following conventions represents itself. A backslash followed by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits represents a character with that encoded value. To follow an octal sequence with a digit as a character, left zero-pad the octal sequence to the full 3 octal digits. A backslash followed by certain special characters maps to special values. \a \b \f \n \r \t \v <alert character> <backspace> <form-feed> <newline> <carriage return> <tab> <vertical tab>


A backslash followed by any other character maps to that character.


October 27, 1991

TR ( 1 )

Property of Reference Manual BSD BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

TR ( 1 )

c-c [:class:]

Represents the range of characters between the range endpoints, inclusively. Represents all characters belonging to the dened character class. Class names are: alnum alpha cntrl digit graph lower print punct space upper xdigit <alphanumeric characters> <alphabetic characters> <control characters> <numeric characters> <graphic characters> <lower-case alphabetic characters> <printable characters> <punctuation characters> <space characters> <upper-case characters> <hexadecimal characters>

With the exception of the upper and lower classes, characters in the classes are in unspecied order. In the upper and lower classes, characters are entered in ascending order. For specic information as to which ASCII characters are included in these classes, see ctype(3) and related manual pages. [=equiv=] Represents all characters or collating (sorting) elements belonging to the same equivalence class as equiv. If there is a secondary ordering within the equivalence class, the characters are ordered in ascending sequence. Otherwise, they are ordered after their encoded values. An example of an equivalence class might be c and ch in Spanish; English has no equivalence classes. Represents n repeated occurrences of the character represented by #. This expression is only valid when it occurs in string2. If n is omitted or is zero, it is be interpreted as large enough to extend string2 sequence to the length of string1. If n has a leading zero, it is interpreted as an octal value, otherwise, its interpreted as a decimal value.


The tr utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. EXAMPLES The following examples are shown as given to the shell: Create a list of the words in le1, one per line, where a word is taken to be a maximal string of letters. tr -cs [:alpha:]" "\n" < file1"

Translate the contents of le1 to upper-case. tr [:lower:]" "[:upper:]" < file1"

Strip out non-printable characters from le1. tr -cd [:print:]" < file1"

COMPATIBILITY System V has historically implemented character ranges using the syntax [c-c] instead of the c-c used by historic BSD implementations and standardized by POSIX. System V shell scripts should work under this implementation as long as the range is intended to map in another range, i.e. the command tr [a-z] [A-


October 27, 1991

TR ( 1 )

Property of Reference Manual BSD BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

TR ( 1 )

Z] will work as it will map the [ character in string1 to the [ character in string2. However, if the shell script is deleting or squeezing characters as in the command tr -d [a-z], the characters [ and ] will be included in the deletion or compression list which would not have happened under an historic System V implementation. Additionally, any scripts that depended on the sequence a-z to represent the three characters a, - and z will have to be rewritten as a\-z. The tr utility has historically not permitted the manipulation of NUL bytes in its input and, additionally, stripped NULs from its input stream. This implementation has removed this behavior as a bug. The tr utility has historically been extremely forgiving of syntax errors, for example, the c and s options were ignored unless two strings were specied. This implementation will not permit illegal syntax. STANDARDS The tr utility is expected to be IEEE Std1003.2 (POSIX) compatible. It should be noted that the feature wherein the last character of string2 is duplicated if string2 has less characters than string1 is permitted by POSIX but is not required. Shell scripts attempting to be portable to other POSIX systems should use the [#] convention instead of relying on this behavior.


October 27, 1991


PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


NAME uname print operating system name SYNOPSIS uname [ amnprsv] DESCRIPTION The uname utility writes symbols representing one or more system characteristics to the standard output. The options are as follows: a m n p r s l v Behave as though all of the options mnrsv were specied. Print the machine hardware name. Print the nodename (the nodename may be a name that the system is known by to a communications network). Print the processor type in more detail. Print the operating system release. Print the operating system name. Print the patch level. Print the operating system version.

If no options are specied, uname prints the operating system name as if the s option had been specied. SEE ALSO hostname(1), machine(1), uname(3) STANDARDS The uname utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (POSIX.2). HISTORY The uname command appeared in 4.4 BSD.


January 26, 1994


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uncp Uncopy les backed up during a cp or dsync

uncp [-dnv] [-s suf] le1 ...

The cp and dsync commands have an option (-b or -B) that lets you back up the target le (if it exists) before the new source le is copied into its place. The backup is done by renaming the target le with a sufx. The default sufx is (foo -> foo). The uncp command is a mechanism to restore the saved les to their previous state by renaming them back to their original name (foo -> foo). uncp does not rename directories as it will automatically recursively travel through the directories passed to it as arguments.

-d -n Instead of restoring the les to their previous names, just delete the les. This is a useful option when you want to remove any les that the dsync or cp commands previously backed up. Do not actually make any changes. This option automatically turns on the verbose ag -v and just lists the renames it would perform if you had not turned on the -n option. It does not rename any les. Output a message for each le being renamed. Set the sufx to suf. By default, uncp looks for the sufx . This option tells it to look for a different sufx. When uncp nds les with the specied sufx, it renames them (removes the sufx).

-v -s suf

uncp was written by Thomas Kraus.

cp(1), dsync(1).


UNIQ (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

UNIQ (1)

NAME uniq report or lter out repeated lines in a le SYNOPSIS uniq [ c | d | u] [ f fields] [ s chars] [input_file [output_file]] DESCRIPTION The uniq utility reads the standard input comparing adjacent lines and writes a copy of each unique input line to the standard output. The second and succeeding copies of identical adjacent input lines are not written. Repeated lines in the input will not be detected if they are not adjacent, so it may be necessary to sort the les rst. The options are as follows: c d Precede each output line with the count of the number of times the line occurred in the input, followed by a single space. Only output lines which have duplicates.

f fields Ignore the rst fields in each input line when doing comparisons. A eld is a string of non-blank characters separated from adjacent elds by blanks. Field numbers are one based, i.e., the rst eld is eld one. s chars Ignore the rst chars characters in each input line when doing comparisons. If specied in conjunction with the f option, the rst chars characters after the rst fields elds will be ignored. Character numbers are one based, i.e., the rst character is character one. u Only output lines which are unique. If additional arguments are specied on the command line, the rst such argument is used as the name of an input le, the second is used as the name of an output le. A le name of - denotes the standard input or the standard output ( depending on its position on the command line ) . The uniq utility exits 0 on success or >0 if an error occurred. SEE ALSO sort(1) STANDARDS The historic +number and number options have been deprecated but are still supported in this implementation. The uniq utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2) compatible.


December 8, 2002


Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


unlink Unlink a le and/or directory

unlink [-?] le ...

The unlink command is similar to the rm command, except that it does exactly what it is told to do, without doing any type of error checking. In other words, it unlinks the named les (which is the mechanism to remove les) regardless of the state of the les. We strongly suggest that you use the commands rm and rmdir instead of the unlink command, because improper use may adversely affect the consistency of the le systems.

-? le Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without unlinking any les. File to be unlinked

The rst example unlinks the le The second example removes all .old les in the directory /u1/data on host amsterdam. $ unlink $ unlink //amsterdam/u1/data/*.old

Since unlink errors are ignored, there are no diagnostic messages to be output except for network and licensing messages.

0 255 Besides license problems, unlink always exits with 0. Unable to get a license to use the software.

Since unlink does not perform any error checking, you should use it only in exceptional cases. Normally, you should use the rm command.

unlink was written by Thomas Kraus


By default, any user can run the unlink command. To restrict its use to the super user, change the ownership of the unlink le to root and the mode to 500.


Misc. Reference Manual Pages

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UNZIP ( 1L )


unzip list, test and extract compressed les in a ZIP archive


unzip [Z] [cptuvz[abjnoqsCLMVX$/]] le[.zip] [le(s) . . .] [x xle(s) . . .] [d exdir]


unzip will list, test, or extract les from a ZIP archive, commonly found on MS-DOS systems. The default behavior (with no options) is to extract into the current directory (and subdirectories below it) all les from the specied ZIP archive. A companion program, zip(1L), creates ZIP archives; both programs are compatible with archives created by PKWAREs PKZIP and PKUNZIP for MS-DOS, but in many cases the program options or default behaviors differ.

le[.zip] Path of the ZIP archive(s). If the le specication is a wildcard, each matching le is processed in an order determined by the operating system (or le system). Only the lename can be a wildcard; the path itself cannot. Wildcard expressions are similar to Unix egrep(1) (regular) expressions and may contain: ? [. . .] matches a sequence of 0 or more characters matches exactly 1 character matches any single character found inside the brackets; ranges are specied by a beginning character, a hyphen, and an ending character. If an exclamation point or a caret (! or follows the left bracket, then the range of characters within the brackets is comple) mented (that is, anything except the characters inside the brackets is considered a match).

(Be sure to quote any character that might otherwise be interpreted or modied by the operating system, particularly under Unix and VMS.) If no matches are found, the specication is assumed to be a literal lename; and if that also fails, the suffix . z i p is appended. Note that selfextracting ZIP les are supported, as with any other ZIP archive; just specify the . e x e suffix (if any) explicitly. [le(s)] An optional list of archive members to be processed, separated by spaces. (VMS versions compiled with VMSCLI dened must delimit les with commas instead. See v in OPTIONS below.) Regular expressions (wildcards) may be used to match multiple members; see above. Again, be sure to quote expressions that would otherwise be expanded or modied by the operating system. [x xle(s)] An optional list of archive members to be excluded from processing. Since wildcard characters match directory separators (/), this option may be used to exclude any les that are in subdirectories. For example, u n z i p f o o . [ c h ] - x / would extract all C source les in the main directory, but none in any subdirectories. Without the x option, all C source les in all directories within the ziple would be extracted. [d exdir] An optional directory to which to extract les. By default, all les and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory). This option need not appear at the end of the command line; it is also accepted before the ziple specication (with the normal options), immediately after the ziple specication, or between the le(s) and the x option. The option and directory may be concatenated without any white space between them, but note that this may cause normal shell behavior to be suppressed. In particular, d (tilde) is expanded by Unix C shells into the name of the users home directory, but d is treated as a literal subdirectory of the current directory.


Last change: 14 January 2001 (v5.42)

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UNZIP ( 1L )


Note that, in order to support obsolescent hardware, unzips usage screen is limited to 22 or 23 lines and should therefore be considered only a reminder of the basic unzip syntax rather than an exhaustive list of all possible ags. The exhaustive list follows: Z A c zipinfo(1L) mode. If the rst option on the command line is Z, the remaining options are taken to be zipinfo(1L) options. See the appropriate manual page for a description of these options. [OS/2, Unix DLL] print extended help for the DLLs programming interface (API). extract les to stdout/screen (CRT). This option is similar to the p option except that the name of each le is printed as it is extracted, the a option is allowed, and ASCII-EBCDIC conversion is automatically performed if appropriate. This option is not listed in the unzip usage screen. freshen existing les, i.e., extract only those les that already exist on disk and that are newer than the disk copies. By default unzip queries before overwriting, but the o option may be used to suppress the queries. Note that under many operating systems, the TZ (timezone) environment variable must be set correctly in order for f and u to work properly (under Unix the variable is usually set automatically). The reasons for this are somewhat subtle but have to do with the differences between DOS-format le times (always local time) and Unix-format times (always in GMT/UTC) and the necessity to compare the two. A typical TZ value is PST8PDT (US Pacic time with automatic adjustment for Daylight Savings Time or summer time). list archive les (short format). The names, uncompressed le sizes and modication dates and times of the specied les are printed, along with totals for all les specied. If UnZip was compiled with OS2_EAS dened, the l option also lists columns for the sizes of stored OS/2 extended attributes (EAs) and OS/2 access control lists (ACLs). In addition, the ziple comment and individual le comments (if any) are displayed. If a le was archived from a single-case le system (for example, the old MS-DOS FAT le system) and the L option was given, the lename is converted to lowercase and is prexed with a caret ( ). extract les to pipe (stdout). Nothing but the le data is sent to stdout, and the les are always extracted in binary format, just as they are stored (no conversions). test archive les. This option extracts each specied le in memory and compares the CRC (cyclic redundancy check, an enhanced checksum) of the expanded le with the original les stored CRC value. [most OSes] set the timestamp on the archive(s) to that of the newest le in each one. This corresponds to zips go option except that it can be used on wildcard ziples (e.g., unzip T \.zip) and is much faster. update existing les and create new ones if needed. This option performs the same function as the f option, extracting (with query) les that are newer than those with the same name on disk, and in addition it extracts those les that do not already exist on disk. See f above for information on setting the timezone properly. be verbose or print diagnostic version info. This option has evolved and now behaves as both an option and a modier. As an option it has two purposes: when a ziple is specied with no other options, v lists archive les verbosely, adding to the basic l info the compression method, compressed size, compression ratio and 32-bit CRC. When no ziple is specied (that is, the complete command is simply unzip v), a diagnostic screen is printed. In addition to the normal header with release date and version, unzip lists the home Info-ZIP ftp site and where to nd a list of other ftp and non-ftp sites; the target operating system for which it was compiled, as well as (possibly) the hardware on which it was compiled, the compiler and version used, and the compilation date; any special compilation options that might affect the programs operation (see also DECRYPTION below); and any options stored in environment variables that might do the same (see ENVIRONMENT OPTIONS below). As a modier it works in conjunction with other

p t


Last change: 14 January 2001 (v5.42)

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UNZIP ( 1L )

options (e.g., t) to produce more verbose or debugging output; this is not yet fully implemented but will be in future releases. z

display only the archive comment. convert text les. Ordinarily all les are extracted exactly as they are stored (as binary les). The a option causes les identied by zip as text les (those with the t label in zipinfo listings, rather than b) to be automatically extracted as such, converting line endings, end-of-le characters and the character set itself as necessary. (For example, Unix les use line feeds (LFs) for end-of-line (EOL) and have no end-of-le (EOF) marker; Macintoshes use carriage returns (CRs) for EOLs; and most PC operating systems use CR+LF for EOLs and control-Z for EOF. In addition, IBM mainframes and the Michigan Terminal System use EBCDIC rather than the more common ASCII character set, and NT supports Unicode.) Note that zips identication of text les is by no means perfect; some text les may actually be binary and vice versa. unzip therefore prints [text] or [binary] as a visual check for each le it extracts when using the a option. The aa option forces all les to be extracted as text, regardless of the supposed le type. [general] treat all les as binary (no text conversions). This is a shortcut for a. [Tandem] force the creation les with lecode type 180 (C) when extracting Zip entries marked as "text". (On Tandem, a is enabled by default, see above). [VMS] auto-convert binary les (see a above) to xed-length, 512-byte record format. Doubling the option (bb) forces all les to be extracted in this format. [Unix only, and only if compiled with UNIXBACKUP dened] save a backup copy of each overwritten le with a tilde appended (e.g., the old copy of foo is renamed to foo~). This is similar to the default behavior of emacs(1) in many locations. match lenames case-insensitively. unzips philosophy is you get what you ask for (this is also responsible for the L/U change; see the relevant options below). Because some le systems are fully case-sensitive (notably those under the Unix operating system) and because both ZIP archives and unzip itself are portable across platforms, unzips default behavior is to match both wildcard and literal lenames case-sensitively. That is, specifying makefile on the command line will only match makele in the archive, not Makele or MAKEFILE (and similarly for wildcard specications). Since this does not correspond to the behavior of many other operating/le systems (for example, OS/2 HPFS, which preserves mixed case but is not sensitive to it), the C option may be used to force all lename matches to be case-insensitive. In the example above, all three les would then match makefile (or make, or similar). The C option affects les in both the normal le list and the excluded-le list (xlist). [MacOS only] display contents of MacOS extra eld during restore operation. [Acorn only] suppress removal of NFS letype extension from stored lenames. [Unix only, and only if compiled with ACORN_FTYPE_NFS dened] translate letype information from ACORN RISC OS extra eld blocks into a NFS letype extension and append it to the names of the extracted les. (When the stored lename appears to already have an appended NFS letype extension, it is replaced by the info from the extra eld.) [MacOS only] ignore lenames stored in MacOS extra elds. Instead, the most compatible lename stored in the generic part of the entrys header is used. junk paths. The archives directory structure is not recreated; all les are deposited in the extraction directory (by default, the current one). [BeOS only] junk le attributes. The les BeOS le attributes are not restored, just the les data. [MacOS only] ignore MacOS extra elds. All Macintosh specic info is skipped. Data-fork and resource-fork are restored as separate les.

b b b B


i j J J


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UNZIP ( 1L )

convert to lowercase any lename originating on an uppercase-only operating system or le system. (This was unzips default behavior in releases prior to 5.11; the new default behavior is identical to the old behavior with the U option, which is now obsolete and will be removed in a future release.) Depending on the archiver, les archived under single-case le systems (VMS, old MS-DOS FAT, etc.) may be stored as all-uppercase names; this can be ugly or inconvenient when extracting to a case-preserving le system such as OS/2 HPFS or a case-sensitive one such as under Unix. By default unzip lists and extracts such lenames exactly as theyre stored (excepting truncation, conversion of unsupported characters, etc.); this option causes the names of all les from certain systems to be converted to lowercase. The LL option forces conversion of every lename to lowercase, regardless of the originating le system. pipe all output through an internal pager similar to the Unixmore(1) command. At the end of a screenful of output, unzip pauses with a More prompt; the next screenful may be viewed by pressing the Enter (Return) key or the space bar. unzip can be terminated by pressing the q key and, on some systems, the Enter/Return key. Unlike Unix more(1), there is no forwardsearching or editing capability. Also, unzip doesnt notice if long lines wrap at the edge of the screen, effectively resulting in the printing of two or more lines and the likelihood that some text will scroll off the top of the screen before being viewed. On some systems the number of available lines on the screen is not detected, in which case unzip assumes the height is 24 lines. never overwrite existing les. If a le already exists, skip the extraction of that le without prompting. By default unzip queries before extracting any le that already exists; the user may choose to overwrite only the current le, overwrite all les, skip extraction of the current le, skip extraction of all existing les, or rename the current le. [Amiga] extract le comments as Amiga lenotes. File comments are created with the c option of zip(1L), or with the N option of the Amiga port of zip(1L), which stores lenotes as comments. overwrite existing les without prompting. This is a dangerous option, so use it with care. (It is often used with f, however, and is the only way to overwrite directory EAs under OS/2.)

P password use password to decrypt encrypted ziple entries (if any). THIS IS INSECURE! Many multiuser operating systems provide ways for any user to see the current command line of any other user; even on stand-alone systems there is always the threat of over-the-shoulder peeking. Storing the plaintext password as part of a command line in an automated script is even worse. Whenever possible, use the non-echoing, interactive prompt to enter passwords. (And where security is truly important, use strong encryption such as Pretty Good Privacy instead of the relatively weak encryption provided by standard ziple utilities.) q perform operations quietly (qq = even quieter). Ordinarily unzip prints the names of the les its extracting or testing, the extraction methods, any le or ziple comments that may be stored in the archive, and possibly a summary when nished with each archive. The q[q] options suppress the printing of some or all of these messages. [OS/2, NT, MS-DOS] convert spaces in lenames to underscores. Since all PC operating systems allow spaces in lenames, unzip by default extracts lenames with spaces intact (e.g., EA DATA. SF). This can be awkward, however, since MS-DOS in particular does not gracefully support spaces in lenames. Conversion of spaces to underscores can eliminate the awkwardness in some cases. (obsolete; to be removed in a future release) leave lenames uppercase if created under MS-DOS, VMS, etc. See L above. retain (VMS) le version numbers. VMS les can be stored with a version number, in the format file.ext;##. By default the ;## version numbers are stripped, but this option allows them to be retained. (On le systems that limit lenames to particularly short lengths, the version numbers may be truncated or stripped regardless of this option.)



Last change: 14 January 2001 (v5.42)

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UNZIP ( 1L )

[VMS, Unix, OS/2, NT] restore owner/protection info (UICs) under VMS, or user and group info (UID/GID) under Unix, or access control lists (ACLs) under certain network-enabled versions of OS/2 (Warp Server with IBM LAN Server/Requester 3.0 to 5.0; Warp Connect with IBM Peer 1.0), or security ACLs under Windows NT. In most cases this will require special system privileges, and doubling the option (XX) under NT instructs unzip to use privileges for extraction; but under Unix, for example, a user who belongs to several groups can restore les owned by any of those groups, as long as the user IDs match his or her own. Note that ordinary le attributes are always restored--this option applies only to optional, extra ownership info available on some operating systems. [NTs access control lists do not appear to be especially compatible with OS/2s, so no attempt is made at cross-platform portability of access privileges. It is not clear under what conditions this would ever be useful anyway.] [MS-DOS, OS/2, NT] restore the volume label if the extraction medium is removable (e.g., a diskette). Doubling the option ($$) allows xed media (hard disks) to be labelled as well. By default, volume labels are ignored.

/ extensions [Acorn only] overrides the extension list supplied by Unzip$Ext environment variable. During extraction, lename extensions that match one of the items in this extension list are swapped in front of the base name of the extracted le.

unzips default behavior may be modied via options placed in an environment variable. This can be done with any option, but it is probably most useful with the a, L, C, q, o, or n modiers: make unzip auto-convert text les by default, make it convert lenames from uppercase systems to lowercase, make it match names case-insensitively, make it quieter, or make it always overwrite or never overwrite les as it extracts them. For example, to make unzip act as quietly as possible, only reporting errors, one would use one of the following commands: UNZIP=qq; export UNZIP setenv UNZIP qq set UNZIP=qq define UNZIP_OPTS "qq" Unix Bourne shell Unix C shell OS/2 or MS-DOS VMS (quotes for lowercase)

Environment options are, in effect, considered to be just like any other command-line options, except that they are effectively the rst options on the command line. To override an environment option, one may use the minus operator to remove it. For instance, to override one of the quiet-ags in the example above, use the command unzip q[other options] zipfile The rst hyphen is the normal switch character, and the second is a minus sign, acting on the q option. Thus the effect here is to cancel one quantum of quietness. To cancel both quiet ags, two (or more) minuses may be used: unzip tq zipfile unzip qt zipfile (the two are equivalent). This may seem awkward or confusing, but it is reasonably intuitive: just ignore the rst hyphen and go from there. It is also consistent with the behavior of Unix nice(1). As suggested by the examples above, the default variable names are UNZIP_OPTS for VMS (where the symbol used to install unzip as a foreign command would otherwise be confused with the environment variable), and UNZIP for all other operating systems. For compatibility with zip(1L), UNZIPOPT is also accepted (dont ask). If both UNZIP and UNZIPOPT are dened, however, UNZIP takes precedence. unzips diagnostic option (v with no ziple name) can be used to check the values of all four possible unzip and zipinfo environment variables.


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UNZIP ( 1L )

The timezone variable (TZ) should be set according to the local timezone in order for the f and u to operate correctly. See the description of f above for details. This variable may also be necessary in order for timestamps on extracted les to be set correctly. Under Windows 95/NT unzip should know the correct timezone even if TZ is unset, assuming the timezone is correctly set in the Control Panel.

Encrypted archives are fully supported by Info-ZIP software, but due to United States export restrictions, de-/encryption support might be disabled in your compiled binary. However, since spring 2000, US export restrictions have been liberated, and our source archives do now include full crypt code. In case you need binary distributions with crypt support enabled, see the le WHERE in any Info-ZIP source or binary distribution for locations both inside and outside the US. Some compiled versions of unzip may not support decryption. To check a version for crypt support, either attempt to test or extract an encrypted archive, or else check unzips diagnostic screen (see the v option above) for [decryption] as one of the special compilation options. As noted above, the P option may be used to supply a password on the command line, but at a cost in security. The preferred decryption method is simply to extract normally; if a ziple member is encrypted, unzip will prompt for the password without echoing what is typed. unzip continues to use the same password as long as it appears to be valid, by testing a 12-byte header on each le. The correct password will always check out against the header, but there is a 1-in-256 chance that an incorrect password will as well. (This is a security feature of the PKWARE ziple format; it helps prevent brute-force attacks that might otherwise gain a large speed advantage by testing only the header.) In the case that an incorrect password is given but it passes the header test anyway, either an incorrect CRC will be generated for the extracted data or else unzip will fail during the extraction because the decrypted bytes do not constitute a valid compressed data stream. If the rst password fails the header check on some le, unzip will prompt for another password, and so on until all les are extracted. If a password is not known, entering a null password (that is, just a carriage return or Enter) is taken as a signal to skip all further prompting. Only unencrypted les in the archive(s) will thereafter be extracted. (In fact, thats not quite true; older versions of zip(1L) and zipcloak(1L) allowed null passwords, so unzip checks each encrypted le to see if the null password works. This may result in false positives and extraction errors, as noted above.) Archives encrypted with 8-bit passwords (for example, passwords with accented European characters) may not be portable across systems and/or other archivers. This problem stems from the use of multiple encoding methods for such characters, including Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) and OEM code page 850. DOS PKZIP 2.04g uses the OEM code page; Windows PKZIP 2.50 uses Latin-1 (and is therefore incompatible with DOS PKZIP); Info-ZIP uses the OEM code page on DOS, OS/2 and Win3.x ports but Latin-1 everywhere else; and Nico Maks WinZip 6.x does not allow 8-bit passwords at all. UnZip 5.3 attempts to use the default character set rst (e.g., Latin-1), followed by the alternate one (e.g., OEM code page) to test passwords. On EBCDIC systems, if both of these fail, EBCDIC encoding will be tested as a last resort. (Since there are no known archivers that encrypt using EBCDIC encoding, EBCDIC is not tested on non-EBCDIC systems.) ISO character encodings other than Latin-1 are not supported.

To use unzip to extract all members of the archive into the current directory and subdirectories below it, creating any subdirectories as necessary: unzip letters To extract all members of into the current directory only: unzip -j letters To test, printing only a summary message indicating whether the archive is OK or not: unzip -tq letters


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UNZIP ( 1L )

To test all ziples in the current directory, printing only the summaries: unzip -tq \.zip (The backslash before the asterisk is only required if the shell expands wildcards, as in Unix; double quotes could have been used instead, as in the source examples below.) To extract to standard output all members of whose names end in .tex, auto-converting to the local end-of-line convention and piping the output into more(1): unzip ca letters \.tex | more To extract the binary le paper1.dvi to standard output and pipe it to a printing program: unzip p articles paper1.dvi | dvips To extract all FORTRAN and C source les--.f, .c, .h, and Makele--into the /tmp directory: unzip ".[fch]" Makefile -d /tmp (the double quotes are necessary only in Unix and only if globbing is turned on). To extract all FORTRAN and C source les, regardless of case (e.g., both .c and .C, and any makele, Makele, MAKEFILE or similar): unzip C ".[fch]" makefile -d /tmp To extract any such les but convert any uppercase MS-DOS or VMS names to lowercase and convert the line-endings of all of the les to the local standard (without respect to any les that might be marked binary): unzip aaCL ".[fch]" makefile -d /tmp To extract only newer versions of the les already in the current directory, without querying (NOTE: be careful of unzipping in one timezone a ziple created in another--ZIP archives other than those created by Zip 2.1 or later contain no timezone information, and a newer le from an eastern timezone may, in fact, be older): unzip fo sources To extract newer versions of the les already in the current directory and to create any les not already there (same caveat as previous example): unzip uo sources To display a diagnostic screen showing which unzip and zipinfo options are stored in environment variables, whether decryption support was compiled in, the compiler with which unzip was compiled, etc.: unzip v In the last ve examples, assume that UNZIP or UNZIP_OPTS is set to -q. To do a singly quiet listing: unzip l To do a doubly quiet listing: unzip ql (Note that the .zip is generally not necessary.) To do a standard listing: unzip ql or unzip lq or unzip lq

(extra minuses dont hurt)

The current maintainer, being a lazy sort, nds it very useful to dene a pair of aliases: tt for unzip tq and ii for unzip Z (or zipinfo). One may then simply type tt zipfile to test an archive, something that is worth making a habit of doing. With luck unzip will report No errors


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UNZIP ( 1L )

detected in compressed data of, after which one may breathe a sigh of relief. The maintainer also nds it useful to set the UNZIP environment variable to aL and is tempted to add C as well. His ZIPINFO variable is set to z.

The exit status (or error level) approximates the exit codes dened by PKWARE and takes on the following values, except under VMS: 0 1 normal; no errors or warnings detected. one or more warning errors were encountered, but processing completed successfully anyway. This includes ziples where one or more les was skipped due to unsupported compression method or encryption with an unknown password. a generic error in the ziple format was detected. Processing may have completed successfully anyway; some broken ziples created by other archivers have simple workarounds. a severe error in the ziple format was detected. Processing probably failed immediately. unzip was unable to allocate memory for one or more buffers during program initialization. unzip was unable to allocate memory or unable to obtain a tty to read the decryption password(s). unzip was unable to allocate memory during decompression to disk. unzip was unable to allocate memory during in-memory decompression. [currently not used] the specied ziples were not found. invalid options were specied on the command line. no matching les were found. the disk is (or was) full during extraction. the end of the ZIP archive was encountered prematurely. the user aborted unzip prematurely with control-C (or similar) testing or extraction of one or more les failed due to unsupported compression methods or unsupported decryption. no les were found due to bad decryption password(s). (If even one le is successfully processed, however, the exit status is 1.)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 50 51 80 81 82

VMS interprets standard Unix (or PC) return values as other, scarier-looking things, so unzip instead maps them into VMS-style status codes. The current mapping is as follows: 1 (success) for normal exit, 0x7fff0001 for warning errors, and (0x7fff000? + 16normal_unzip_exit_status) for all other errors, where the ? is 2 (error) for unzip values 2, 9-11 and 80-82, and 4 (fatal error) for the remaining ones (3-8, 50, 51). In addition, there is a compilation option to expand upon this behavior: dening RETURN_CODES results in a human-readable explanation of what the error status means.

Multi-part archives are not yet supported, except in conjunction with zip. (All parts must be concatenated together in order, and then zip F must be performed on the concatenated archive in order to x it.) This will denitely be corrected in the next major release. Archives read from standard input are not yet supported, except with funzip (and then only the rst member of the archive can be extracted).


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UNZIP ( 1L )

Archives encrypted with 8-bit passwords (e.g., passwords with accented European characters) may not be portable across systems and/or other archivers. See the discussion in DECRYPTION above. unzips M (more) option is overly simplistic in its handling of screen output; as noted above, it fails to detect the wrapping of long lines and may thereby cause lines at the top of the screen to be scrolled off before being read. unzip should detect and treat each occurrence of line-wrap as one additional line printed. This requires knowledge of the screens width as well as its height. In addition, unzip should detect the true screen geometry on all systems. Dates, times and permissions of stored directories are not restored except under Unix. [MS-DOS] When extracting or testing les from an archive on a defective oppy diskette, if the Fail option is chosen from DOSs Abort, Retry, Fail? message, older versions of unzip may hang the system, requiring a reboot. This problem appears to be xed, but control-C (or control-Break) can still be used to terminate unzip. Under DEC Ultrix, unzip would sometimes fail on long ziples (bad CRC, not always reproducible). This was apparently due either to a hardware bug (cache memory) or an operating system bug (improper handling of page faults?). Since Ultrix has been abandoned in favor of Digital Unix (OSF/1), this may not be an issue anymore. [Unix] Unix special les such as FIFO buffers (named pipes), block devices and character devices are not restored even if they are somehow represented in the ziple, nor are hard-linked les relinked. Basically the only le types restored by unzip are regular les, directories and symbolic (soft) links. [OS/2] Extended attributes for existing directories are only updated if the o (overwrite all) option is given. This is a limitation of the operating system; because directories only have a creation time associated with them, unzip has no way to determine whether the stored attributes are newer or older than those on disk. In practice this may mean a two-pass approach is required: rst unpack the archive normally (with or without freshening/updating existing les), then overwrite just the directory entries (e.g., unzip -o foo /). [VMS] When extracting to another directory, only the [.foo] syntax is accepted for the d option; the simple Unix foo syntax is silently ignored (as is the less common VMS foo.dir syntax). [VMS] When the le being extracted already exists, unzips query only allows skipping, overwriting or renaming; there should additionally be a choice for creating a new version of the le. In fact, the overwrite choice does create a new version; the old version is not overwritten or deleted.

funzip(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zipgrep(1L), zipinfo(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)


The Info-ZIP home page is currently at or .


The primary Info-ZIP authors (current semi-active members of the Zip-Bugs workgroup) are: Greg Cave Newt Roelofs (UnZip); Onno van der Linden (Zip); Jean-loup Gailly (compression); Mark Adler (decompression, fUnZip); Christian Spieler (UnZip maintance coordination, VMS, MS-DOS, Windows 95, NT, shared code, general Zip and UnZip integration and optimization); Mike White (Windows GUI, Windows DLLs); Kai Uwe Rommel (OS/2); Paul Kienitz (Amiga, Windows 95); Chris Herborth (BeOS, QNX, Atari); Jonathan Hudson (SMS/QDOS); Sergio Monesi (Acorn RISC OS); Harald Denker (Atari, MVS); John Bush (Solaris, Amiga); Hunter Goatley (VMS); Steve Salisbury (Windows 95, NT); Steve Miller (Windows CE GUI), Johnny Lee (MS-DOS, Windows 95, NT); and Dave Smith (Tandem NSK). The author of the original unzip code upon which Info-ZIPs was based is Samuel H. Smith; Carl Mascott did the rst Unix port; and David P. Kirschbaum organized and led Info-ZIP in its early days with Keith Petersen hosting the original mailing list at WSMR-SimTel20. The full list of contributors to UnZip has grown quite large; please refer to the CONTRIBS le in the UnZip source distribution for a relatively complete version.


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UNZIP ( 1L )


v1.2 v2.0 v2.x v3.0 v3.1 v4.0 v4.1 v4.2 v5.0 v5.01 v5.1 v5.11 v5.12 v5.2 v5.3 v5.31 v5.32 v5.4 v5.41 v5.42

15 Mar 89 9 Sep 89 fall 1989 1 May 90 15 Aug 90 1 Dec 90 12 May 91 20 Mar 92 21 Aug 92 15 Jan 93 7 Feb 94 2 Aug 94 28 Aug 94 30 Apr 96 22 Apr 97 31 May 97 3 Nov 97 28 Nov 98 16 Apr 00 14 Jan 01

Samuel H. Smith Samuel H. Smith many Usenet contributors Info-ZIP (DPK, consolidator) Info-ZIP (DPK, consolidator) Info-ZIP (GRR, maintainer) Info-ZIP Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, GRR) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, SPC) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, SPC) Info-ZIP (Zip-Bugs subgroup, SPC)


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unzipsfx self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives


<name of unzipsfx+archive combo> [cfptuz[ajnoqsCLV$]] [le(s) . . . [x xle(s) . . .]]


unzipsfx is a modied version of unzip(1L) designed to be prepended to existing ZIP archives in order to form self-extracting archives. Instead of taking its rst non-ag argument to be the ziple(s) to be extracted, unzipsfx seeks itself under the name by which it was invoked and tests or extracts the contents of the appended archive. Because the executable stub adds bulk to the archive (the whole purpose of which is to be as small as possible), a number of the less-vital capabilities in regular unzip have been removed. Among these are the usage (or help) screen, the listing and diagnostic functions (l and v), the ability to decompress older compression formats (the reduce, shrink and implode methods), and the ability to extract to a directory other than the current one. Decryption is supported as a compile-time option but should be avoided unless the attached archive contains encrypted les. Note that self-extracting archives made with unzipsfx are no more (or less) portable across different operating systems than is the unzip executable itself. In general a self-extracting archive made on a particular Unix system, for example, will only self-extract under the same avor of Unix. Regular unzip may still be used to extract the embedded archive as with any normal ziple, although it will generate a harmless warning about extra bytes at the beginning of the ziple. Despite this, however, the self-extracting archive is technically not a valid ZIP archive, and PKUNZIP may be unable to test or extract it. This limitation is due to the simplistic manner in which the archive is created; the internal directory structure is not updated to reect the extra bytes prepended to the original ziple.

[le(s)] An optional list of archive members to be processed. Regular expressions (wildcards) similar to those in Unix egrep(1) may be used to match multiple members. These wildcards may contain: ? [. . .] matches a sequence of 0 or more characters matches exactly 1 character matches any single character found inside the brackets; ranges are specied by a beginning character, a hyphen, and an ending character. If an exclamation point or a caret (! or follows the left bracket, then the range of characters within the brackets is comple) mented (that is, anything except the characters inside the brackets is considered a match).

(Be sure to quote any character that might otherwise be interpreted or modied by the operating system, particularly under Unix and VMS.) [x xle(s)] An optional list of archive members to be excluded from processing. Since wildcard characters match directory separators (/), this option may be used to exclude any les that are in subdirectories. For example, f o o s f x . [ c h ] - x / would extract all C source les in the main directory, but none in any subdirectories. Without the x option, all C source les in all directories within the ziple would be extracted. If unzipsfx is compiled with SFX_EXDIR dened, the following option is also enabled: [d exdir] An optional directory to which to extract les. By default, all les and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory). The option and directory may be concatenated without any white space between them, but note that this may cause normal shell behavior to be suppressed. In particular, d (tilde) is expanded by Unix C shells into the name of the users home directory, but d is treated as a literal subdirectory of the current directory.


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unzipsfx supports the following unzip(1L) options: c and p (extract to standard output/screen), f and u (freshen and update existing les upon extraction), t (test archive) and z (print archive comment). All normal listing options (l, v and Z) have been removed, but the testing option (t) may be used as a poor mans listing. Alternatively, those creating self-extracting archives may wish to include a short listing in the ziple comment. See unzip(1L) for a more complete description of these options.

unzipsfx currently supports all unzip(1L) modiers: a (convert text les), n (never overwrite), o (overwrite without prompting), q (operate quietly), C (match names case-insenstively), L (convert uppercase-OS names to lowercase), j (junk paths) and V (retain version numbers); plus the following operating-system specic options: X (restore VMS owner/protection info), s (convert spaces in lenames to underscores [DOS, OS/2, NT]) and $ (restore volume label [DOS, OS/2, NT, Amiga]). (Support for regular ASCII text-conversion may be removed in future versions, since it is simple enough for the archives creator to ensure that text les have the appropriate format for the local OS. EBCDIC conversion will of course continue to be supported since the ziple format implies ASCII storage of text les.) See unzip(1L) for a more complete description of these modiers.

unzipsfx uses the same environment variables as unzip(1L) does, although this is likely to be an issue only for the person creating and testing the self-extracting archive. See unzip(1L) for details.

Decryption is supported exactly as in unzip(1L); that is, interactively with a non-echoing prompt for the password(s). See unzip(1L) for details. Once again, note that if the archive has no encrypted les there is no reason to use a version of unzipsfx with decryption support; that only adds to the size of the archive.

To create a self-extracting archive letters from a regular ziple and change the new archives permissions to be world-executable under Unix: cat unzipsfx > letters chmod 755 letters zip -A letters To create the same archive under MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT (note the use of the /b [binary] option to the copy command): copy /b letters.exe zip -A letters.exe Under VMS: copy unzipsfx.exe, letters.exe letters == "$currentdisk:[currentdir]letters.exe" zip -A letters.exe (The VMS append command may also be used. The second command installs the new program as a foreign command capable of taking arguments. The third line assumes that Zip is already installed as a foreign command.) Under AmigaDOS: MakeSFX letters UnZipSFX (MakeSFX is included with the UnZip source distribution and with Amiga binary distributions. zip -A doesnt work on Amiga self-extracting archives.) To test (or list) the newly created self-extracting archive:


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letters t To test letters quietly, printing only a summary message indicating whether the archive is OK or not: letters tqq To extract the complete contents into the current directory, recreating all les and subdirectories as necessary: letters To extract all .txt les (in Unix quote the ): letters .txt To extract everything except the .txt les: letters -x .txt To extract only the README le to standard output (the screen): letters -c README To print only the ziple comment: letters z

The principle and fundamental limitation of unzipsfx is that it is not portable across architectures or operating systems, and therefore neither are the resulting archives. For some architectures there is limited portability, however (e.g., between some avors of Intel-based Unix). Another problem with the current implementation is that any archive with junk prepended to the beginning technically is no longer a ziple (unless zip(1) is used to adjust the ziple offsets appropriately, as noted above). unzip(1) takes note of the prepended bytes and ignores them since some le-transfer protocols, notably MacBinary, are also known to prepend junk. But PKWAREs archiver suite may not be able to deal with the modied archive unless its offsets have been adjusted. unzipsfx has no knowledge of the users PATH, so in general an archive must either be in the current directory when it is invoked, or else a full or relative path must be given. If a user attempts to extract the archive from a directory in the PATH other than the current one, unzipsfx will print a warning to the effect, cant nd myself. This is always true under Unix and may be true in some cases under MS-DOS, depending on the compiler used (Microsoft C fully qualies the program name, but other compilers may not). Under OS/2 and NT there are operating-system calls available that provide the full path name, so the archive may be invoked from anywhere in the users path. The situation is not known for AmigaDOS, Atari TOS, MacOS, etc. As noted above, a number of the normal unzip(1L) functions have been removed in order to make unzipsfx smaller: usage and diagnostic info, listing functions and extraction to other directories. Also, only stored and deated les are supported. The latter limitation is mainly relevant to those who create SFX archives, however. VMS users must know how to set up self-extracting archives as foreign commands in order to use any of unzipsfxs options. This is not necessary for simple extraction, but the command to do so then becomes, e.g., run letters (to continue the examples given above). unzipsfx on the Amiga requires the use of a special program, MakeSFX, in order to create working selfextracting archives; simple concatenation does not work. (For technically oriented users, the attached archive is dened as a debug hunk.) There may be compatibility problems between the ROM levels of older Amigas and newer ones. All current bugs in unzip(1L) exist in unzipsfx as well.

unzipsfxs exit status (error level) is identical to that of unzip(1L); see the corresponding man page.


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funzip(1L), unzip(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zipgrep(1L), zipinfo(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)


The Info-ZIP home page is currently at or .


Greg Roelofs was responsible for the basic modications to UnZip necessary to create UnZipSFX. See unzip(1L) for the current list of Zip-Bugs authors, or the le CONTRIBS in the UnZip source distribution for the full list of Info-ZIP contributors.


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uuencode, uudecode - encode/decode a binary le

uuencode [le] name uudecode [le ...]

Uuencode and uudecode are used to transmit binary les over transmission mediums that do not support other than simple ASCII data. Uuencode reads le (or by default the standard input) and writes an encoded version to the standard output. The encoding uses only printing ASCII characters and includes the mode of the le and the operand name for use by uudecode. Uudecode transforms uuencoded les (or by default, the standard input) into the original form. The resulting le is named name and will have the mode of the original le except that setuid and execute bits are not retained. Uudecode ignores any leading and trailing lines.

There are no options for any of these commands.

The following example packages up a source tree, compresses it, uuencodes it and mails it to a user. When uudecode is run on the target system, the le src_tree.tar.Z will be created which may then be uncompressed and extracted into the original tree. tar cf - src_tree | compress | uuencode src_tree.tar.Z | mail jsmith

Files output by uuencode(1) consist of a header line, followed by a number of body lines, and a trailer line. The uudecode(1) command will ignore any lines preceding the header or following the trailer. Lines preceding a header must not, of course, look like a header. The header line is distinguished by having the rst 6 characters begin (note the trailing space). The word begin is followed by a mode (in octal), and a string which names the remote le. A space separates the three items in the header line. The body consists of a number of lines, each at most 62 characters long (including the trailing newline). These consist of a character count, followed by encoded characters, followed by a newline. The character count is a single printing character, and represents an integer, the number of bytes the rest of the line represents. Such integers are always in the range from 0 to 63 and can be determined by subtracting the character space (octal 40) from the character. Groups of 3 bytes are stored in 4 characters, 6 bits per character. All are offset by a space to make the characters printing. The last line may be shorter than the normal 45 bytes. If the size is not a multiple of 3, this fact can be determined by the value of the count on the last line. Extra garbage will be included to make the character count a multiple of 4. The body is terminated by a line with a count of zero. This line consists of one ASCII space. The trailer line consists of end on a line by itself.

The encoded form of the le is expanded by 35% (3 bytes become 4 plus control information).

Uuencode and uudecode include software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Please see the intro section for complete acknowledgements.



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uuencode(1), uudecode (1), compress(1)



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version Output version information about BladeLogic software


The version command outputs release information about the BladeLogic software that it detects as being installed on the local server. Sample output is: BladeLogic RSCD Agent [Oct 20 2002 16:41:59] Copyright (C) 1996 - 2002 BladeLogic Inc. BladeLogic Network Shell [Oct 20 2002 16:41:59] Copyright (C) 1996 - 2002 BladeLogic Inc.

version was written by Thomas Kraus.



VI (1)

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VI (1)

NAME ex, vi, view text editor SYNOPSIS ex [ FRrSsv] [ c cmd] [ t tag] [ w size] [file . . .] vi [ eFRrS] [ c cmd] [ t tag] [ w size] [file . . .] view [ eFrS] [ c cmd] [ t tag] [ w size] [file . . .] DESCRIPTION ex is a line-oriented text editor; vi is a screen-oriented text editor. ex and vi are different interfaces to the same program, and it is possible to switch back and forth during an edit session. view is the equivalent of using the R ( read-only ) option of vi. This manual page is the one provided with the nex/nvi versions of the ex/vi text editors. nex/nvi are intended as bug-for-bug compatible replacements for the original Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution ( 4BSD ) ex and vi programs. For the rest of this manual page, nex/nvi is used only when its necessary to distinguish it from the historic implementations of ex/vi. This manual page is intended for users already familiar with ex/vi. Anyone else should almost certainly read a good tutorial on the editor before this manual page. See the SEE ALSO section below for a list of additional materials. If youre in an unfamiliar environment, and you absolutely have to get work done immediately, read the section after the options description, entitled FAST STARTUP. Its probably enough to get you going. The following options are available: c cmd Execute cmd on the rst le loaded. Particularly useful for initial positioning in the le, although cmd is not limited to positioning commands. This is the POSIX 1003.2 interface for the historic +cmd syntax. nex/nvi supports both the old and new syntax. Start editing in ex mode, as if the command name were ex. Dont copy the entire le when rst starting to edit. (The default is to make a copy in case someone else modies the le during your edit session.) Start editing in read-only mode, as if the command name was view, or the readonly option was set. Recover the specied les, or, if no les are specied, list the les that could be recovered. If no recoverable les by the specied name exist, the le is edited as if the r option had not been specied. Run with the secure edit option set, disallowing all access to external programs. Enter batch mode; applicable only to ex edit sessions. Batch mode is useful when running ex scripts. Prompts, informative messages and other user oriented messages are turned off, and no startup les or environment variables are read. This is the POSIX 1003.2 interface for the historic - argument. nex/nvi supports both the old and new syntax. Start editing at the specied tag (see ctags(1)). Start editing in vi mode, as if the command name was vi.

e F R r

S s

t tag v

w size Set the initial window size to the specied number of lines. Command input for ex/vi is read from the standard input. In the vi interface, it is an error if standard input is not a terminal. In the ex interface, if standard input is not a terminal, ex will read commands from it regardless; however, the session will be a batch mode session, exactly as if the s option had been specied.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

ex/vi exits 0 on success, or greater than 0 if an error occurs. FAST STARTUP This section will tell you the minimum amount that you need to do simple editing tasks using vi. If youve never used any screen editor before, youre likely to have problems even with this simple introduction. In that case you should nd someone that already knows vi and have them walk you through this section. vi is a screen editor. This means that it takes up almost the entire screen, displaying part of the le on each screen line, except for the last line of the screen. The last line of the screen is used for you to give commands to vi, and for vi to give information to you. The other fact that you need to understand is that vi is a modeful editor, i.e. you are either entering text or you are executing commands, and you have to be in the right mode to do one or the other. You will be in command mode when you rst start editing a le. There are commands that switch you into input mode. There is only one key that takes you out of input mode, and that is the escape key. Key names are written using less-than and greater-than signs, e.g. escape means the escape key, usually labeled Esc on your terminals keyboard. If youre ever confused as to which mode youre in, keep entering the escape key until vi beeps at you. Generally, vi will beep at you if you try and do something thats not allowed. It will also display error messages. To start editing a le, enter the following command: $ vi file The command you should enter as soon as you start editing is: :set verbose showmode This will make the editor give you verbose error messages and display the current mode at the bottom of the screen. The commands to move around the le are: h j k l Move the cursor left one character. Move the cursor down one line. Move the cursor up one line. Move the cursor right one character.

cursor-arrows The cursor arrow keys should work, too. /text a i O o escape Search for the string text in the le, and move the cursor to its rst character. Append new text, after the cursor. Insert new text, before the cursor. Open a new line above the line the cursor is on, and start entering text. Open a new line below the line the cursor is on, and start entering text. Once youve entered input mode using one of the a, i, O or o commands, use escape to quit entering text and return to command mode. The commands to enter new text are:

The commands to copy text are:


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

p yy dd x :w

Append the copied line after the line the cursor is on. Copy the line the cursor is on. Delete the line the cursor is on. Delete the character the cursor is on. Write the le back to the le with the name that you originally used as an argument on the vi command line.

The commands to delete text are:

The commands to write the le are:

:w file_name Write the le back to the le with the name file_name. The commands to quit editing and exit the editor are: :q :q! Quit editing and leave vi (if youve modied the le, but not saved your changes, vi will refuse to quit). Quit, discarding any modications that you may have made.

One nal caution: Unusual characters can take up more than one column on the screen, and long lines can take up more than a single screen line. The above commands work on physical characters and lines, i.e. they affect the entire line no matter how many screen lines it takes up and the entire character no matter how many screen columns it takes up. VI COMMANDS The following section describes the commands available in the command mode of the vi editor. In each entry below, the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command character. control-A Search forward for the current word. [count] control-B Page backwards count screens. [count] control-D Scroll forward count lines. If count is not given, scroll forward half the number of lines in the current screen. [count] control-E Scroll forward count lines, leaving the current line and column as is, if possible. [count] control-F Page forward count screens. control-G Display the le information. [count] control-H [count] h Move the cursor back count characters in the current line. [count] control-J


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

[count] control-N [count] j Move the cursor down count lines without changing the current column. control-L control-R Repaint the screen. [count] control-M [count] + Move the cursor down count lines to the rst non-blank character of that line. [count] control-P [count] k Move the cursor up count lines, without changing the current column. control-T Return to the most recent tag context. [count] control-U Scroll backwards count lines. If count is not given, scroll forward half the number of lines in the current screen. control-W Switch to the next lower screen in the window, or to the rst screen if there are no lower screens in the window. [count] control-Y Scroll backwards count lines, leaving the current line and column as is, if possible. control-Z Suspend the current editor session. escape Execute ex commands or cancel partial commands. control-] Push a tag reference onto the tag stack. control- Switch to the most recently edited le. [count] space [count] l Move the cursor forward count characters without changing the current line. [count] ! motion shell-argument(s) carriage-return Replace text with results from a shell command. [count] # #|+|Increment or decrement the number under the cursor. If the trailing character is a # or +, the number is incremented. If the trailing character is a -, the number is decremented. [count] $ Move the cursor to the end of a line. % Move to the matching character.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)


Repeat the previous substitution command on the current line.

character character Return to a context marked by the character character. The rst form returns to the beginning of the line marked by character. The second form returns to the rst character of the context marked by character. [count] ( Back up count sentences. [count] ) Move forward count sentences. [count] , Reverse nd character count times. [count] Move to the rst non-blank of the previous line, count times. [count] . Repeat the last vi command that modied text. /RE carriage-return /RE/ [offset] carriage-return ?RE carriage-return ?RE? [offset] carriage-return N n Search forward ( / ) or backward ( ? ) for a regular expression. n and N repeat the last search in the same or opposite directions, respectively. If offset is specied, the cursor is placed offset lines before or after the matched regular expression. 0 : Move to the rst character in the current line. Execute an ex command.

[count] ; Repeat the last character nd count times. [count] <motion [count] >motion Shift lines left or right. @ buffer Execute a named buffer. [count] A Enter input mode, appending the text after the end of the line. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [count] B Move backwards count bigwords. [buffer] [count] C Change text from the current position to the end-of-line. If buffer is specied, yank the deleted text into buffer.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

[buffer] D Delete text from the current position to the end-of-line. If buffer is specied, yank the deleted text into buffer. [count] E Move forward count end-of-bigwords. [count] F character Search count times backward through the current line for character. [count] G Move to line count, or the last line of the le if count is not specied. [count] H Move to the screen line count 1 lines below the top of the screen. [count] I Enter input mode, inserting the text at the beginning of the line. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [count] J Join lines. [count] L Move to the screen line count 1 lines above the bottom of the screen. M Move to the screen line in the middle of the screen. [count] O Enter input mode, appending text in a new line above the current line. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [buffer] P Insert text from a buffer. Q Exit vi ( or visual ) mode and switch to ex mode. [count] R Enter input mode, replacing the characters in the current line. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [buffer] [count] S Substitute count lines. If buffer is specied, yank the deleted text into buffer. [count] T character Search backwards, count times, through the current line for the character after the specied character. U Restore the current line to its state before the cursor last moved to it. [count] W Move forward count bigwords. [buffer] [count] X Delete count characters before the cursor. If buffer is specied, yank the deleted text into buffer. [buffer] [count] Y Copy (or yank) count lines into the specied buffer, or the default buffer if none is specied.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)


Write the le and exit vi.

[count] [[ Back up count section boundaries. [count] ]] Move forward count section boundaries. Move to the rst non-blank character on the current line. [count] _ Move down count 1 lines, to the rst non-blank character. [count] a Enter input mode, appending the text after the cursor. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [count] b Move backwards count words. [buffer] [count] c motion Change a region of text. [buffer] [count] d motion Delete a region of text. [count] e Move forward count end-of-words. [count] f character Search forward, count times, through the rest of the current line for character. [count] i Enter input mode, inserting the text before the cursor. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. m character Save the current context ( line and column ) as character. [count] o Enter input mode, appending text in a new line under the current line. If a count argument is given, the characters input are repeated count 1 number of times. [buffer] p Append text from a buffer. [count] r character Replace count characters. [buffer] [count] s Substitute count characters in the current line starting with the current character. [count] t character Search forward, count times, through the current line for the character immediately before character. u Undo the last change made to the le. [count] w Move forward count words.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

[buffer] [count] x Delete count characters. [buffer] [count] y motion Copy (or yank) a text region specied by count and motion into a buffer. [count1] z [count2] type Redraw, optionally repositioning and resizing the screen. If count2 is specied, limit the screen size to count2 lines. The following type characters may be used: + If count1 is specied, place the line count1 at the top of the screen. Otherwise, display the screen after the current screen.

carriage-return Place the line count1 at the top of the screen. . Place the line count1 in the center of the screen. Place the line count1 at the bottom of the screen. If count1 is given, display the screen before the screen before count1 ( i.e. 2 screens before ) . Otherwise, display the screen before the current screen.

[count] { Move backward count paragraphs. [column] | Move to a specic column position on the current line. If column is omitted, move to the start of the current line. [count] } Move forward count paragraphs. [count] Reverse the case of the next count character(s). [count] motion Reverse the case of the characters in a text region specied by the count and motion. Only in effect if the tildeop option is set. interrupt Interrupt the current operation. The interrupt character is usually control-C. VI TEXT INPUT COMMANDS The following section describes the commands available in the text input mode of the vi editor. nul Replay the previous input. control-D Erase to the previous shiftwidth column boundary. control-D Erase all of the autoindent characters, and reset the autoindent level. 0control-D Erase all of the autoindent characters. control-T Insert sufcient tab and space characters to move forward to the next shiftwidth column boundary.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

erase control-H Erase the last character. literal next Escape the next character from any special meaning. The literal next character is usually control-V. escape Resolve all text input into the le, and return to command mode. line erase Erase the current line. control-W word erase Erase the last word. The denition of word is dependent on the altwerase and ttywerase options. control-X[0-9A-Fa-f]+ Insert a character with the specied hexadecimal value into the text. interrupt Interrupt text input mode, returning to command mode. The interrupt character is usually control-C. EX COMMANDS The following section describes the commands available in the ex editor. In each entry below, the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command. end-of-file Scroll the screen. ! argument(s) [range] ! argument(s) Execute a shell command, or lter lines through a shell command. " A comment. [range] nu[mber] [count] [flags] [range] # [count] [flags] Display the selected lines, each preceded with its line number. @ buffer buffer Execute a buffer. [range] <[< . . .] [count] [flags] Shift lines left. [line] = [flags] Display the line number of line. If line is not specied, display the line number of the last line in the le. [range] >[> . . .] [count] [flags] Shift lines right.


October 10, 1996

VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

ab[breviate] lhs rhs vi only. Add lhs as an abbreviation for rhs to the abbreviation list. [line] a[ppend][!] The input text is appended after the specied line. ar[gs] bg Display the argument list. vi only. Background the current screen.

[range] c[hange][!] [count] The input text replaces the specied range. chd[ir][!] [directory] cd[!] [directory] Change the current working directory. [range] co[py] line [flags] [range] t line [flags] Copy the specied lines after the destination line. cs[cope] add | find | help | kill | reset Execute a Cscope command. [range] d[elete] [buffer] [count] [flags] Delete the lines from the le. di[splay] b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags] Display buffers, Cscope connections, screens or tags. [Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file] [Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file] Edit a different le. exu[sage] [command] Display usage for an ex command. f[ile] [file] Display and optionally change the le name. [Ff]g [name] vi mode only. Foreground the specied screen. [range] g[lobal] /pattern/ [commands] [range] v /pattern/ [commands] Apply commands to lines matching ( global ) or not matching ( v ) a pattern. he[lp] Display a help message.

[line] i[nsert][!] The input text is inserted before the specied line. [range] j[oin][!] [count] [flags] Join lines of text together. [range] l[ist] [count] [flags] Display the lines unambiguously.


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

map[!] [lhs rhs] Dene or display maps (for vi only). [line] ma[rk] character [line] k character Mark the line with the mark character. [range] m[ove] line Move the specied lines after the target line. mk[exrc][!] file Write the abbreviations, editor options and maps to the specied file. [Nn][ext][!] [file . . .] Edit the next le from the argument list. pre[serve] Save the le in a form that can later be recovered using the ex r option. [Pp]rev[ious][!] Edit the previous le from the argument list. [range] p[rint] [count] [flags] Display the specied lines. [line] pu[t] [buffer] Append buffer contents to the current line. q[uit][!] End the editing session. [line] r[ead][!] [file] Read a le. rec[over] file Recover file if it was previously saved. res[ize] [+|-]size vi mode only. Grow or shrink the current screen. rew[ind][!] Rewind the argument list. se[t] [option[=[value]] ...] [nooption . . .] [option? . . .] [all] Display or set editor options. sh[ell] Run a shell program. so[urce] file Read and execute ex commands from a le. [range] s[ubstitute] [/pattern/replace/] [options] [count] [flags] [range] & [options] [count] [flags] [range] [options] [count] [flags] Make substitutions. su[spend][!]


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

st[op][!] suspend Suspend the edit session. The suspend character is usually control-Z. [Tt]a[g][!] tagstring Edit the le containing the specied tag. [Tt]agn[ext][!] Edit the le containing the next context for the current tag. tagp[op][!] [file | number] Pop to the specied tag in the tags stack. [Tt]agp[rev][!] Edit the le containing the previous context for the current tag. tagt[op][!] Pop to the least recent tag on the tags stack, clearing the stack. una[bbreviate] lhs vi only. Delete an abbreviation. u[ndo] Undo the last change made to the le.

unm[ap][!] lhs Unmap a mapped string. ve[rsion] Display the version of the ex/vi editor. [line] vi[sual] [type] [count] [flags] ex mode only. Enter vi. [Vi]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file] vi mode only. Edit a new le. viu[sage] [command] Display usage for a vi command. [range] w[rite][!] [>> ] [file] [range] w[rite] [!] [file] [range] wn[!] [>> ] [file] [range] wq[!] [>> ] [file] Write the le. [range] x[it][!] [file] Exit the editor, writing the le if it has been modied. [range] ya[nk] [buffer] [count] Copy the specied lines to a buffer. [line] z [type] [count] [flags] Adjust the window. SET OPTIONS There are a large number of options that may be set ( or unset ) to change the editors behavior. This section describes the options, their abbreviations and their default values.


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

In each entry below, the rst part of the tag line is the full name of the option, followed by any equivalent abbreviations. The part in square brackets is the default value of the option. Most of the options are boolean, i.e. they are either on or off, and do not have an associated value. Options apply to both ex and vi modes, unless otherwise specied. altwerase [off ] vi only. Select an alternate word erase algorithm. autoindent, ai [off ] Automatically indent new lines. autoprint, ap [on] ex only. Display the current line automatically. autowrite, aw [off ] Write modied les automatically when changing les. backup [""] Back up les before they are overwritten. beautify, bf [off ] Discard control characters. cdpath [environment variable CDPATH, or current directory] The directory paths used as path prexes for the cd command. cedit [no default ] Set the character to edit the colon command-line history. columns, co [80] Set the number of columns in the screen. comment [off ] vi only. Skip leading comments in shell, C and C++ language les. directory, dir [environment variable TMPDIR, or /tmp] The directory where temporary les are created. edcompatible, ed [off ] Remember the values of the c and g sufxes to the substitute commands, instead of initializing them as unset for each new command. escapetime [1] The 10ths of a second ex/vi waits for a subsequent key to complete an escape key mapping. errorbells, eb [off ] ex only. Announce error messages with a bell. exrc, ex [off ] Read the startup les in the local directory. extended [off ] Use extended regular expressions ( EREs ) rather than basic regular expressions ( BREs ) . See re_format(7) for more information on regular expressions. filec [no default ] Set the character to perform le path completion on the colon command line.


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

flash [on] Flash the screen instead of beeping the keyboard on error. hardtabs, ht [0] Set the spacing between hardware tab settings. This option currently has no effect. iclower [off ] Makes all regular expressions case-insensitive, as long as an upper-case letter does not appear in the search string. ignorecase, ic [off ] Ignore case differences in regular expressions. keytime [6] The 10ths of a second ex/vi waits for a subsequent key to complete a key mapping. leftright [off ] vi only. Do left-right scrolling. lines, li [24] vi only. Set the number of lines in the screen. lisp [off ] vi only. Modify various search commands and options to work with Lisp. This option is not yet implemented. list [off ] Display lines in an unambiguous fashion. lock [on] Attempt to get an exclusive lock on any le being edited, read or written. magic [on] Treat certain characters specially in regular expressions. matchtime [7] vi only. The 10ths of a second ex/vi pauses on the matching character when the showmatch option is set. mesg [on] Permit messages from other users. mesgcat [/usr/share/vi/catalog/ ] Selects a message catalog to be used to display error and informational messages in a specied language. modelines, modeline [off ] Read the rst and last few lines of each le for ex commands. This option will never be implemented. noprint [""] Characters that are never handled as printable characters. number, nu [off ] Precede each line displayed with its current line number. octal [off ] Display unknown characters as octal numbers, instead of the default hexadecimal.


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

open [on] ex only. If this option is not set, the open and visual commands are disallowed. optimize, opt [on] vi only. Optimize text throughput to dumb terminals. This option is not yet implemented paragraphs, para [IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp] vi only. Dene additional paragraph boundaries for the { and } commands. path [""] Dene additional directories to search for les being edited. print [""] Characters that are always handled as printable characters. prompt [on] ex only. Display a command prompt. readonly, ro [off ] Mark the le and session as read-only. recdir [/var/tmp/vi.recover] The directory where recovery les are stored. redraw, re [off ] vi only. Simulate an intelligent terminal on a dumb one. This option is not yet implemented. remap [on] Remap keys until resolved. report [5] Set the number of lines about which the editor reports changes or yanks. ruler [off ] vi only. Display a row/column ruler on the colon command line. scroll, scr [($LINES 1) / 2] Set the number of lines scrolled. searchincr [off ] Makes the / and ? commands incremental. sections, sect [NHSHH HUnhsh] vi only. Dene additional section boundaries for the [[ and ]] commands. secure [off ] Turns off all access to external programs. shell, sh [environment variable SHELL, or /bin/sh] Select the shell used by the editor. shellmeta [{[?$"\ ] Set the meta characters checked to determine if le name expansion is necessary. shiftwidth, sw [8] Set the autoindent and shift command indentation width. showmatch, sm [off ] vi only. Note matching { and ( for } and ) characters.


October 10, 1996


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PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

showmode, smd [off ] vi only. Display the current editor mode and a modied ag. sidescroll [16] vi only. Set the amount a left-right scroll will shift. slowopen, slow [off ] Delay display updating during text input. This option is not yet implemented. sourceany [off ] Read startup les not owned by the current user. This option will never be implemented. tabstop, ts [8] This option sets tab widths for the editor display. taglength, tl [0] Set the number of signicant characters in tag names. tags, tag [tags ] Set the list of tags les. term, ttytype, tty [environment variable TERM] Set the terminal type. terse [off ] This option has historically made editor messages less verbose. It has no effect in this implementation. tildeop [off ] Modify the command to take an associated motion. timeout, to [on] Time out on keys which may be mapped. ttywerase [off ] vi only. Select an alternate erase algorithm. verbose [off ] vi only. Display an error message for every error. w300 [no default ] vi only. Set the window size if the baud rate is less than 1200 baud. w1200 [no default ] vi only. Set the window size if the baud rate is equal to 1200 baud. w9600 [no default ] vi only. Set the window size if the baud rate is greater than 1200 baud. warn [on] ex only. This option causes a warning message to be printed on the terminal if the le has been modied since it was last written, before a ! command. window, w, wi [environment variable LINES 1] Set the window size for the screen. windowname [off ] Change the icon/window name to the current le name even if it cant be restored on editor exit.


October 10, 1996


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VI (1)

wraplen, wl [0] vi only. Break lines automatically, the specied number of columns from the left-hand margin. If both the wraplen and wrapmargin edit options are set, the wrapmargin value is used. wrapmargin, wm [0] vi only. Break lines automatically, the specied number of columns from the right-hand margin. If both the wraplen and wrapmargin edit options are set, the wrapmargin value is used. wrapscan, ws [on] Set searches to wrap around the end or beginning of the le. writeany, wa [off ] Turn off le-overwriting checks. ENVIRONMENT COLUMNS The number of columns on the screen. This value overrides any system or terminal specic values. If the COLUMNS environment variable is not set when ex/vi runs, or the columns option is explicitly reset by the user, ex/vi enters the value into the environment. EXINIT HOME LINES A list of ex startup commands; read if the variable NEXINIT is not set. The users home directory, used as the initial directory path for the startup $HOME/.nexrc and $HOME/.exrc les. This value is also used as the default directory for the vi cd command. The number of rows on the screen. This value overrides any system or terminal specic values. If the LINES environment variable is not set when ex/vi runs, or the lines option is explicitly reset by the user, ex/vi enters the value into the environment. The users shell of choice (see also the shell option). The users terminal type. The default is the type unknown. If the TERM environment variable is not set when ex/vi runs, or the term option is explicitly reset by the user, ex/vi enters the value into the environment. The location used to stored temporary les (see also the directory edit option).

NEXINIT A list of ex startup commands. SHELL TERM


ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS SIGALRM vi/ex uses this signal for periodic backups of le modications and to display busy messages when operations are likely to take a long time. SIGHUP SIGTERM If the current buffer has changed since it was last written in its entirety, the editor attempts to save the modied le so it can be later recovered. See the vi/ex reference manual section Recovery for more information. When an interrupt occurs, the current operation is halted and the editor returns to the command level. If interrupted during text input, the text already input is resolved into the le as if the text input had been normally terminated.


SIGWINCH The screen is resized. See the vi/ex reference manual section Sizing the Screen for more information. FILES


October 10, 1996


VI (1)

PropertyGeneral Commands Manual System of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary

VI (1)

/bin/sh /etc/vi.exrc /tmp /var/tmp/vi.recover $HOME/.nexrc $HOME/.exrc .nexrc .exrc SEE ALSO ctags(1), re_format(7)

The default user shell. System-wide vi startup le. Temporary le directory. The default recovery le directory. First choice for users home directory startup le. Second choice for users home directory startup le. First choice for local directory startup le. Second choice for local directory startup le.

The "Vi Quick Reference" card, /usr/share/doc/usd/ "An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi", /usr/share/doc/usd/ This document is the closest thing available to an introduction to the vi screen editor. "Ex Reference Manual", /usr/share/doc/usd/13.ex/. This document is the nal reference for the ex editor. "Ex: A Tutorial", /usr/share/doc/usd/11.edit/. This document is the closest thing available to an introduction to the ex editor. "Vi/Ex Reference Manual", /usr/share/doc/usd/13.viref/. This document is the nal reference for the nex/nvi text editors. Roff source for all of these documents is distributed with nex/nvi in the vi/docs/USD.doc directory of the nex/nvi source code. The les autowrite, input, quoting, and structures found in the vi/docs/internals directory of the nex/nvi source code. STANDARDS nex/nvi is close to IEEE Std 1003.2 (POSIX.2). That document differs from historical ex/vi practice in several places; there are changes to be made on both sides. HISTORY The nex/nvi replacements for the ex/vi editor rst appeared in 4.4 BSD.


October 10, 1996



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vsh Virtual shell (keyboard capture tool)


vsh is a keyboard (actually input and output) capture tool. It is called vsh (Virtual Shell) because once you start it, it will start a shell (or other tty application) session and capture input and output. You can congure the vsh.conf le to specify which shell vsh should start. vsh itself does not take any arguments. Instead, it passes any arguments you give it to the backend shell specied in vsh.conf

The vsh.conf le controls the behavior of vsh. This le is located in share/vsh.conf in the NSH installation directory. The format of this le is: username <eld=val[:val...]>[,<eld=val[:val]>...] The accepted elds are: shell The application (shell) to start when you invoke vsh. If you do not specify a shell, vsh will use /bin/sh by default. If you specify <nsh>, then vsh will try to launch NSH instead. Example: Example: logout shell=/bin/ksh shell=<nsh>

Set an optional auto logout time in minutes. If there is no input or output activity for the specied number of minutes, vsh will automatically terminate the session. Example: logout=30 Name of log le where you want to store the vsh session I/O. vsh dynamically creates directories for the log les as needed. You can specify multiple log les. You can use NSH format to name the log les, meaning that you can specify a log le on a remote server with the //hostname/path format. You should create one log le per session. You can use macros (dened below) in your log le names to dynamically create unique names for each log le. If you have more than one session logged into a particular log le, the vsh log le viewer, vshview, may not properly understand the result. Example: log=/var/log/vshlog-%u.vsh



This denes what you want to log. The available values are: stdin stdout stderr all Log all user keyboard input. Log all terminal output. Log all terminal error output (same as stdout). All of the above.

You can capture any combination of I/O streams by dening multiple levels as colon (:) separated values. Example: level=stdin:stdout

If the username of the given entry has the special name of default, then this entry will be used for all users that do not have a specic entry in the vsh.conf le. The vsh.conf le comes pre-congured with a default entry, which is a shell of /bin/sh, an autologout of



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary 60 minutes, and a log le in the format: /var/log/vsh/<hostname>/<username>/<start timestamp>.vsh


As previously mentioned, log le names should be unique for each vsh session. To do this, you must dynamically create log le names by using macros, which are expanded at run time. The following macros are supported. %a The abbreviated weekday name. %A The full weekday name. %b The abbreviated month name. %B The full month name. %C The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer. %d The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31). %h Current host name. %H The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23). %I The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12). %j The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366). %m The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12). %M The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59). %S The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 61). %u Current user name. %w The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0. %y The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99). %Y The year as a decimal number including the century. %% A literal % character.

vsh was written by Thomas Kraus

vshview (1).



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vshview vsh log le viewer

vshview [-012lbvHTU] [-e expr] [-h host] [-i date] [-s sort] [-o date] [-u user] le1 [le2 ...]

The keyboard (I/O) capture tool vsh does not create plain text log les. To view the these log les, you need to use the vshview utility. There are two basic modes to vshview. The rst mode is to show selected input and output (default mode). The second mode (turned on with the -l option), shows a summary of login and logout activity. In either case, vshview scans the given log les and produces the appropriate output. If a given le is a directory, vshview will automatically recursively scan all les in the given directory.

-0 -1 -2 -b -v -e -l -H -U -T -h host -u user -i date Show keyboard (stdin) input. This is the default output if you do not select any other output type. Can be used with -1 and -2. Show terminal (stdout) output. Can be used with -0 and -2. Show error (stderr) output (same as -1). Do not show any blank lines. Show the name of the log le being displayed as it is reached. Dene a search expression (see below). Do not output any keyboard input or screen output. Instead, just output a summary of vsh sessions. Precede each line of output with the name of the host it relates to. Precede each line of output with the name of the user it relates to. Precede each line of output with the most recent available timestamp. vsh creates a time stamp every 60 seconds. Therefore, only one minute granularity is available. Output only those entries that happened on host. Output only those entries that relate to user. Output only those entries that happened on or after this date. The date has the format month/day/year with the year being optional. (Note that when using this option, you do not have to escape the forward slash date separator.) You can specify the following options to sort your display: user, host, login, logout, logintime, logouttime, shell, or pid. Output only those entries that happened before this date. The date has the format month/day/year with the year being optional. (Note that when using this option, you do not have to escape the forward slash date separator.)

-s sort -o date

You can use the -e option to dene an expression that lters the output data. The expression should be a single argument surrounded by single quotes. Use the following format: expr = ( expr ) | operand operator operand | operand operand = number | string | eld name number = value | value% | octal value | hex value



Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary value = <integer value> | <oating point value> | <long long value> string = "<value>" eld name = <user> | <host> | logindate | logoutdate | \ logintime | logouttime | <shell> | <pid> logindate = month/day/year logoutdate = month/day/year logintime = HH:MM logouttime = HH:MM


Here is the operator precedence. Operators of the same precedence are grouped together by { }: operator = + | - | / | * | % | & | \| | > | >= | < | <= | = | != \ { * / % } { + - } { > >= < <= = != } & | Some sample expressions: user = "tmk" user = "tmk" & host = "linuxdev" user != "tmk" | logindate > Feb\/12 (logintime > 10:00 ) | (user = "tmk" & logintime > 8:00)

$ vshview -T -b /var/log/vsh Feb 22/03 12:59:48: ls -la Feb 22/03 13:14:53: ls Feb 22/03 13:14:53: ls -la Feb 22/03 13:19:08: echo $0 Feb 22/03 13:19:08: [k Feb 22/03 13:19:08: ls Feb 22/03 13:19:08: stty -a Feb 22/03 13:19:08: exit $ vshview -u tmk -l /var/log/vsh HOSTNAME USER LOGIN TIME LOGOUT TIME PID SHELL linuxdev tmk Feb 22/03 12:59:48 Feb 22/03 12:59:54 26958 /bin/nsh linuxdev tmk Feb 22/03 13:14:50 Feb 22/03 13:14:56 27070 /bin/nsh linuxdev tmk Feb 22/03 13:19:07 Feb 22/03 13:19:52 27204 /bin/bash

vshview deals with two types of non-printable characters. The rst type are the control characters (ASCII 0-31). These are are displayed as (for example) D. The second type are 8 bit characters. These are are displayed as (for example) 207.

vshview was written by Thomas Kraus

vsh (1).



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vtree show the directory structure of a le system

vtree [ -d ] [ -h # ] [ -i ] [ -s ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -V ] <target-dir>

The vtree command shows the directory structure of a le system or part of a le system. It also shows the amount of space taken up by les in each subdirectory. If any of the given le names is a directory (the usual case), vtree recursively descends into it, and the output line reects the accumulated totals for all les in the directory.

-d -h # -i -s -t -q -v -V Count duplicate nodes. Height of tree to examine. Count nodes. Include subdirectories that were excluded due to the -h option. Place totals at the end. Provide a quick display with no counts. Provide a visual display. Show the current version. Adding two more Vs displays the options that are set when you run this command. For example: johnk% vtree -VVV VTREE 1.0 4/26/88 Tree height: 9999 <target-dir> The directory whose structure you want to display.

In this example, vtree lists the le system of the less directory. /space/home/parag/maserati_nsh/om/src/commands/less /space/home/parag/maserati_nsh/om/src/commands/less mands/less +-> lessQef ---+-> .svn ------+-> text-base | +-> prop-base | +-> props | +-> wcprops | > tmp -------+-> text-base | +-> prop-base | +-> props | > wcprops +-> .svn ------+-> text-base | +-> prop-base | +-> props | +-> wcprops | > tmp -------+-> text-base | +-> prop-base | +-> props | > wcprops > lesskey ---+-> .svn ------+-> text-base +-> prop-base



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+-> props +-> wcprops > tmp -------+-> text-base +-> prop-base +-> props > wcprops Total space used: 0 Total inodes: 0

vtree vtree is based upon "agef," written by David S. Hayes at the Army Articial Intelligence Center at the Pentagon.



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wc Count the number of lines, words and/or characters in a le

wc [-clw?] [le ...]

wc counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a le and then outputs its ndings. If you do not specify any les, wc uses the standard input. wc outputs four columns containing the number of lines, the number of words, the number of characters, and (if available) the name of the le it is counting. If you specify more than one le, wc will also output a total for all les.

By default, wc counts lines, words, and characters. If you do not want counts for all of these things, you can use the following options to tell wc which things you want it to count. -c -l -w -? Count the number of characters in the le. Count the number of lines in the le. Count the number of words in the le. Output a brief summary of available options and then exit with a zero status without counting any les.

The rst example counts the number of lines in the le /etc/passwd on the host lisbon. The second example counts lines, words, and characters of several source les. $ wc -l //lisbon/etc/passwd 14 //lisbon/etc/passwd $ wc src/*.c 347 945 6227 file1.c 449 1334 8491 file2.c 339 917 6051 file3.c 1135 3196 20769 total

wc: Cannot open le lename This message is output if wc is unable to access the le lename.

0 1 2 255 No errors detected. You specied an unknown option. One of the les to be counted was not accessible. Unable to get a license to use the software.

There is a small difference in the way wc formats the output depending on the current universe. Both behaviors output a column in at least seven spaces, however when the P_BSD variable is set (Berkeley behavior), an extra SPACE is output between columns to ensure that they never touch. With the P_ATT variable set, it is possible that columns will touch for very large numbers.

wc was written by Thomas Kraus


Misc. Reference Manual Pages

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ZIP ( 1L )


zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit package and compress (archive) les


zip [aABcdDeEfFghjklLmoqrRSTuvVwXyz!@$] [tt mmddyyyy] [ ziple [ le1 le2 . . .]] [xi list] zipcloak [dhL] [b path] ziple zipnote [hwL] [b path] ziple zipsplit [hiLpst] [n size] [b path] ziple

[b path]

[n suffixes]

[t mmddyyyy]

zip is a compression and le packaging utility for Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, Windows NT, Minix, Atari and Macintosh, Amiga and Acorn RISC OS. It is analogous to a combination of the UNIX commands tar(1) and compress(1) and is compatible with PKZIP (Phil Katzs ZIP for MSDOS systems). A companion program (unzip(1L)), unpacks zip archives. The zip and unzip(1L) programs can work with archives produced by PKZIP, and PKZIP and PKUNZIP can work with archives produced by zip. zip version 2.3 is compatible with PKZIP 2.04. Note that PKUNZIP 1.10 cannot extract les produced by PKZIP 2.04 or zip 2.3. You must use PKUNZIP 2.04g or unzip 5.0p1 (or later versions) to extract them. For a brief help on zip and unzip, run each without specifying any parameters on the command line. The program is useful for packaging a set of les for distribution; for archiving les; and for saving disk space by temporarily compressing unused les or directories. The zip program puts one or more compressed les into a single zip archive, along with information about the les (name, path, date, time of last modication, protection, and check information to verify le integrity). An entire directory structure can be packed into a zip archive with a single command. Compression ratios of 2:1 to 3:1 are common for text les. zip has one compression method (deation) and can also store les without compression. zip automatically chooses the better of the two for each le to be compressed. When given the name of an existing zip archive, zip will replace identically named entries in the zip archive or add entries for new names. For example, if exists and contains foo/le1 and foo/le2, and the directory foo contains the les foo/le1 and foo/le3, then: z i p - r f oo f oo will replace foo/le1 in and add foo/le3 to After this, contains foo/le1, foo/le2, and foo/le3, with foo/le2 unchanged from before. If the le list is specied as @, [Not on MacOS] zip takes the list of input les from standard input. Under UNIX, this option can be used to powerful effect in conjunction with the nd(1) command. For example, to archive all the C source les in the current directory and its subdirectories: f i n d . - n a me " . [ c h ] " - p r i n t z i p s o u r c e - @ (note that the pattern must be quoted to keep the shell from expanding it). zip will also accept a single dash ("-") as the zip le name, in which case it will write the zip le to standard output, allowing the output to be piped to another program. For example: z i p - r - . d d o f =/ d e v / n r s t 0 o b s =1 6 k would write the zip output directly to a tape with the specied block size for the purpose of backing up the current directory. zip also accepts a single dash ("-") as the name of a le to be compressed, in which case it will read the le from standard input, allowing zip to take input from another program. For example: t a r c f - . z i p ba c kup -


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ZIP ( 1L )

would compress the output of the tar command for the purpose of backing up the current directory. This generally produces better compression than the previous example using the -r option, because zip can take advantage of redundancy between les. The backup can be restored using the command unzip -p backup | tar xf When no zip le name is given and stdout is not a terminal, zip acts as a lter, compressing standard input to standard output. For example, tar cf - . | zip | dd of=/dev/nrst0 obs=16k is equivalent to tar cf - . | zip - - | dd of=/dev/nrst0 obs=16k zip archives created in this manner can be extracted with the program funzip which is provided in the unzip package, or by gunzip which is provided in the gzip package. For example: dd if=/dev/nrst0 ibs=16k funzip tar xvf When changing an existing zip archive, zip will write a temporary le with the new contents, and only replace the old one when the process of creating the new version has been completed without error. If the name of the zip archive does not contain an extension, the extension .zip is added. If the name already contains an extension other than .zip the existing extension is kept unchanged.

a A

[Systems using EBCDIC] Translate le to ASCII format. Adjust self-extracting executable archive. A self-extracting executable archive is created by prepending the SFX stub to an existing archive. The A option tells zip to adjust the entry offsets stored in the archive to take into account this "preamble" data.

Note: self-extracting archives for the Amiga are a special case. At present, only the Amiga port of Zip is capable of adjusting or updating these without corrupting them. -J can be used to remove the SFX stub if other updates need to be made. B Bn [VM/CMS and MVS] force le to be read binary (default is text). [TANDEM] set Edit/Enscribe formatting options with n dened as bit 0: Dont add delimiter (Edit/Enscribe) bit 1: Use LF rather than CR/LF as delimiter (Edit/Enscribe) bit 2: Space ll record to maximum record length (Enscribe) bit 3: Trim trailing space (Enscribe) bit 8: Force 30K (Expand) large read for unstructured les zip -b /tmp stuff will put the temporary zip archive in the directory /tmp, copying over to the current directory when done. This option is only useful when updating an existing archive, and the le system containing this old archive does not have enough space to hold both old and new archives at the same time. c Add one-line comments for each le. File operations (adding, updating) are done rst, and the user is then prompted for a one-line comment for each le. Enter the comment followed by return, or just return for no comment. Remove (delete) entries from a zip archive. For example: zip -d foo foo/tom/junk foo/harry/\ \.o will remove the entry foo/tom/junk, all of the les that start with foo/harry/, and all of the les that end with .o (in any path). Note that shell pathname expansion has been inhibited with backslashes, so that zip can see the asterisks, enabling zip to match on the contents of the zip archive instead of

b path Use the specied path for the temporary zip archive. For example:


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ZIP ( 1L )

the contents of the current directory. Under MSDOS, d is case sensitive when it matches names in the zip archive. This requires that le names be entered in upper case if they were zipped by PKZIP on an MSDOS system. df D [MacOS] Include only data-fork of les zipped into the archive. Good for exporting les to foreign operating-systems. Resource-forks will be ignored at all. Do not create entries in the zip archive for directories. Directory entries are created by default so that their attributes can be saved in the zip archive. The environment variable ZIPOPT can be used to change the default options. For example under Unix with sh: ZIPOPT="-D"; export ZIPOPT (The variable ZIPOPT can be used for any option except i and x and can include several options.) The option D is a shorthand for x "/" but the latter cannot be set as default in the ZIPOPT environment variable. e Encrypt the contents of the zip archive using a password which is entered on the terminal in response to a prompt (this will not be echoed; if standard error is not a tty, zip will exit with an error). The password prompt is repeated to save the user from typing errors. [OS/2] Use the .LONGNAME Extended Attribute (if found) as lename. Replace (freshen) an existing entry in the zip archive only if it has been modied more recently than the version already in the zip archive; unlike the update option (u) this will not add les that are not already in the zip archive. For example: zip -f foo This command should be run from the same directory from which the original zip command was run, since paths stored in zip archives are always relative. Note that the timezone environment variable TZ should be set according to the local timezone in order for the -f , -u and -o options to work correctly. The reasons behind this are somewhat subtle but have to do with the differences between the Unix-format le times (always in GMT) and most of the other operating systems (always local time) and the necessity to compare the two. A typical TZ value is MET-1MEST (Middle European time with automatic adjustment for summertime or Daylight Savings Time). F Fix the zip archive. This option can be used if some portions of the archive are missing. It is not guaranteed to work, so you MUST make a backup of the original archive rst. When doubled as in FF the compressed sizes given inside the damaged archive are not trusted and zip scans for special signatures to identify the limits between the archive members. The single F is more reliable if the archive is not too much damaged, for example if it has only been truncated, so try this option rst. Neither option will recover archives that have been incorrectly transferred in ascii mode instead of binary. After the repair, the t option of unzip may show that some les have a bad CRC. Such les cannot be recovered; you can remove them from the archive using the d option of zip. g Grow (append to) the specied zip archive, instead of creating a new one. If this operation fails, zip attempts to restore the archive to its original state. If the restoration fails, the archive might become corrupted. This option is ignored when theres no existing archive or when at least one archive member must be updated or deleted. Display the zip help information (this also appears if zip is run with no arguments).

E f

i les Include only the specied les, as in: zip -r foo . -i \.c which will include only the les that end in .c in the current directory and its subdirectories. (Note


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ZIP ( 1L )

for PKZIP users: the equivalent command is pkzip -rP foo .c PKZIP does not allow recursion in directories other than the current one.) The backslash avoids the shell lename substitution, so that the name matching is performed by zip at all directory levels. Also possible: zip -r foo . -i@include.lst which will only include the les in the current directory and its subdirectories that match the patterns in the le include.lst. I [Acorn RISC OS] Dont scan through Image les. When used, zip will not consider Image les (eg. DOS partitions or Spark archives when SparkFS is loaded) as directories but will store them as single les. For example, if you have SparkFS loaded, zipping a Spark archive will result in a ziple containing a directory (and its content) while using the I option will result in a ziple containing a Spark archive. Obviously this second case will also be obtained (without the I option) if SparkFS isnt loaded. j jj J k Store just the name of a saved le (junk the path), and do not store directory names. By default, zip will store the full path (relative to the current path). [MacOS] record Fullpath (+ Volname). The complete path including volume will be stored. By default the relative path will be stored. Strip any prepended data (e.g. a SFX stub) from the archive. Attempt to convert the names and paths to conform to MSDOS, store only the MSDOS attribute (just the user write attribute from UNIX), and mark the entry as made under MSDOS (even though it was not); for compatibility with PKUNZIP under MSDOS which cannot handle certain names such as those with two dots. Translate the Unix end-of-line character LF into the MSDOS convention CR LF. This option should not be used on binary les. This option can be used on Unix if the zip le is intended for PKUNZIP under MSDOS. If the input les already contain CR LF, this option adds an extra CR. This ensure that unzip -a on Unix will get back an exact copy of the original le, to undo the effect of zip -l. Translate the MSDOS end-of-line CR LF into Unix LF. This option should not be used on binary les. This option can be used on MSDOS if the zip le is intended for unzip under Unix. Display the zip license. Move the specied les into the zip archive; actually, this deletes the target directories/les after making the specied zip archive. If a directory becomes empty after removal of the les, the directory is also removed. No deletions are done until zip has created the archive without error. This is useful for conserving disk space, but is potentially dangerous so it is recommended to use it in combination with T to test the archive before removing all input les.

ll L m

n suffixes Do not attempt to compress les named with the given suffixes. Such les are simply stored (0% compression) in the output zip le, so that zip doesnt waste its time trying to compress them. The suffixes are separated by either colons or semicolons. For example: zip -rn foo foo will copy everything from foo into, but will store any les that end in .Z, .zip, .tiff, .gif, or .snd without trying to compress them (image and sound les often have their own specialized compression methods). By default, zip does not compress les with extensions in the list


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ZIP ( 1L ) Such les are stored directly in the output archive. The environment variable ZIPOPT can be used to change the default options. For example under Unix with csh: setenv ZIPOPT "-n" To attempt compression on all les, use: zip -n : foo The maximum compression option 9 also attempts compression on all les regardless of extension. On Acorn RISC OS systems the suffixes are actually letypes (3 hex digit format). By default, zip does not compress les with letypes in the list DDC:D96:68E (i.e. Archives, CFS les and PackDir les). N [Amiga, MacOS] Save Amiga or MacOS lenotes as ziple comments. They can be restored by using the -N option of unzip. If -c is used also, you are prompted for comments only for those les that do not have lenotes. Set the "last modied" time of the zip archive to the latest (oldest) "last modied" time found among the entries in the zip archive. This can be used without any other operations, if desired. For example: zip -o foo will change the last modied time of to the latest time of the entries in In this case, all the les and directories in foo are saved in a zip archive named, including les with names starting with ".", since the recursion does not use the shells le-name substitution mechanism. If you wish to include only a specic subset of the les in directory foo and its subdirectories, use the i option to specify the pattern of les to be included. You should not use r with the name ".", since that matches ".." which will attempt to zip up the parent directory (probably not what was intended). R Travel the directory structure recursively starting at the current directory; for example: zip -R foo .c In this case, all the les matching .c in the tree starting at the current directory are stored into a zip archive named Note for PKZIP users: the equivalent command is pkzip -rP foo .c S [MSDOS, OS/2, WIN32 and ATARI] Include system and hidden les. [MacOS] Includes nder invisible les, which are ignored otherwise.

t mmddyyyy Do not operate on les modied prior to the specied date, where mm is the month (0-12), dd is the day of the month (1-31), and yyyy is the year. The ISO 8601 date format yyyy-mm-dd is also accepted. For example: zip -rt 12071991 infamy foo zip -rt 1991-12-07 infamy foo will add all the les in foo and its subdirectories that were last modied on or after 7 December 1991, to the zip archive tt mmddyyyy Do not operate on les modied after or at the specied date, where mm is the month (0-12), dd is the day of the month (1-31), and yyyy is the year. The ISO 8601 date format yyyy-mm-dd is also accepted. For example: zip -rtt 11301995 infamy foo


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ZIP ( 1L )

zip -rtt 1995-11-30 infamy foo will add all the les in foo and its subdirectories that were last modied before the 30 November 1995, to the zip archive T u Test the integrity of the new zip le. If the check fails, the old zip le is unchanged and (with the -m option) no input les are removed. Replace (update) an existing entry in the zip archive only if it has been modied more recently than the version already in the zip archive. For example: zip -u stuff will add any new les in the current directory, and update any les which have been modied since the zip archive was last created/modied (note that zip will not try to pack into itself when you do this). Note that the u option with no arguments acts like the f (freshen) option. v Verbose mode or print diagnostic version info. Normally, when applied to real operations, this option enables the display of a progress indicator during compression and requests verbose diagnostic info about ziple structure oddities. When v is the only command line argument, and stdout is not redirected to a le, a diagnostic screen is printed. In addition to the help screen header with program name, version, and release date, some pointers to the Info-ZIP home and distribution sites are given. Then, it shows information about the target environment (compiler type and version, OS version, compilation date and the enabled optional features used to create the zip executable. V w [VMS] Save VMS le attributes. zip archives created with this option will generally not be usable on other systems. [VMS] Append the version number of the les to the name, including multiple versions of les. (default: use only the most recent version of a specied le).

x les Explicitly exclude the specied les, as in: zip -r foo foo -x \.o which will include the contents of foo in while excluding all the les that end in .o. The backslash avoids the shell lename substitution, so that the name matching is performed by zip at all directory levels. Also possible: zip -r foo foo -x@exclude.lst which will include the contents of foo in while excluding all the les that match the patterns in the le exclude.lst. X y z Do not save extra le attributes (Extended Attributes on OS/2, uid/gid and le times on Unix). Store symbolic links as such in the zip archive, instead of compressing and storing the le referred to by the link (UNIX only). Prompt for a multi-line comment for the entire zip archive. The comment is ended by a line containing just a period, or an end of le condition ( on UNIX, on MSDOS, OS/2, and D Z VAX/VMS). The comment can be taken from a le: zip -z foo < foowhat # Regulate the speed of compression using the specied digit #, where 0 indicates no compression (store all les), 1 indicates the fastest compression method (less compression) and 9 indicates the slowest compression method (optimal compression, ignores the suffix list). The default compression level is 6.


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ZIP ( 1L )

! @ $

[WIN32] Use priviliges (if granted) to obtain all aspects of WinNT security. Take the list of input les from standard input. Only one lename per line. [MSDOS, OS/2, WIN32] Include the volume label for the the drive holding the rst le to be compressed. If you want to include only the volume label or to force a specic drive, use the drive name as rst le name, as in: zip -$ foo a: c:bar


The simplest example: zip stuff creates the archive (assuming it does not exist) and puts all the les in the current directory in it, in compressed form (the .zip suffix is added automatically, unless that archive name given contains a dot already; this allows the explicit specication of other suffixes). Because of the way the shell does lename substitution, les starting with "." are not included; to include these as well: zip stuff . Even this will not include any subdirectories from the current directory. To zip up an entire directory, the command: zip -r foo foo creates the archive, containing all the les and directories in the directory foo that is contained within the current directory. You may want to make a zip archive that contains the les in foo, without recording the directory name, foo. You can use the j option to leave off the paths, as in: zip -j foo foo/ If you are short on disk space, you might not have enough room to hold both the original directory and the corresponding compressed zip archive. In this case, you can create the archive in steps using the m option. If foo contains the subdirectories tom, dick, and harry, you can: zip -rm foo foo/tom zip -rm foo foo/dick zip -rm foo foo/harry where the rst command creates, and the next two add to it. At the completion of each zip command, the last created archive is deleted, making room for the next zip command to function.

This section applies only to UNIX. Watch this space for details on MSDOS and VMS operation. The UNIX shells (sh(1) and csh(1)) do lename substitution on command arguments. The special characters are: ? [] match any single character match any number of characters (including none) match any character in the range indicated within the brackets (example: [af], [09]).

When these characters are encountered (without being escaped with a backslash or quotes), the shell will look for les relative to the current path that match the pattern, and replace the argument with a list of the names that matched.


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ZIP ( 1L )

The zip program can do the same matching on names that are in the zip archive being modied or, in the case of the x (exclude) or i (include) options, on the list of les to be operated on, by using backslashes or quotes to tell the shell not to do the name expansion. In general, when zip encounters a name in the list of les to do, it rst looks for the name in the le system. If it nds it, it then adds it to the list of les to do. If it does not nd it, it looks for the name in the zip archive being modied (if it exists), using the pattern matching characters described above, if present. For each match, it will add that name to the list of les to be processed, unless this name matches one given with the x option, or does not match any name given with the i option. The pattern matching includes the path, and so patterns like \.o match names that end in ".o", no matter what the path prex is. Note that the backslash must precede every special character (i.e. ?[]), or the entire argument must be enclosed in double quotes (""). In general, use backslash to make zip do the pattern matching with the f (freshen) and d (delete) options, and sometimes after the x (exclude) option when used with an appropriate operation (add, u, f, or d).

ZIPOPT contains default options that will be used when running zip ZIP [Not on RISC OS and VMS] see ZIPOPT Zip$Options [RISC OS] see ZIPOPT Zip$Exts [RISC OS] contains extensions separated by a : that will cause native lenames with one of the specied extensions to be added to the zip le with basename and extension swapped. zip ZIP_OPTS [VMS] see ZIPOPT

compress(1), shar(1L), tar(1), unzip(1L), gzip(1L)


The exit status (or error level) approximates the exit codes dened by PKWARE and takes on the following values, except under VMS: 0 2 3 normal; no errors or warnings detected. unexpected end of zip le. a generic error in the ziple format was detected. Processing may have completed successfully anyway; some broken ziples created by other archivers have simple workarounds. zip was unable to allocate memory for one or more buffers during program initialization. a severe error in the ziple format was detected. Processing probably failed immediately. entry too large to be split with zipsplit invalid comment format zip -T failed or out of memory the user aborted zip prematurely with control-C (or similar) zip encountered an error while using a temp le read or seek error zip has nothing to do missing or empty zip le

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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ZIP ( 1L )

14 15 16 18

error writing to a le zip was unable to create a le to write to bad command line parameters zip could not open a specied le to read

VMS interprets standard Unix (or PC) return values as other, scarier-looking things, so zip instead maps them into VMS-style status codes. The current mapping is as follows: 1 (success) for normal exit, and (0x7fff000? + 16normal_zip_exit_status) for all errors, where the ? is 0 (warning) for zip value 12, 2 (error) for the zip values 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 18, and 4 (fatal error) for the remaining ones.

zip 2.3 is not compatible with PKUNZIP 1.10. Use zip 1.1 to produce zip les which can be extracted by PKUNZIP 1.10. zip les produced by zip 2.3 must not be updated by zip 1.1 or PKZIP 1.10, if they contain encrypted members or if they have been produced in a pipe or on a non-seekable device. The old versions of zip or PKZIP would create an archive with an incorrect format. The old versions can list the contents of the zip le but cannot extract it anyway (because of the new compression algorithm). If you do not use encryption and use regular disk les, you do not have to care about this problem. Under VMS, not all of the odd le formats are treated properly. Only stream-LF format zip les are expected to work with zip. Others can be converted using Rahul Dhesis BILF program. This version of zip handles some of the conversion internally. When using Kermit to transfer zip les from Vax to MSDOS, type "set le type block" on the Vax. When transfering from MSDOS to Vax, type "set le type xed" on the Vax. In both cases, type "set le type binary" on MSDOS. Under VMS, zip hangs for le specication that uses DECnet syntax foo::.. On OS/2, zip cannot match some names, such as those including an exclamation mark or a hash sign. This is a bug in OS/2 itself: the 32-bit DosFindFirst/Next dont nd such names. Other programs such as GNU tar are also affected by this bug. Under OS/2, the amount of Extended Attributes displayed by DIR is (for compatibility) the amount returned by the 16-bit version of DosQueryPathInfo(). Otherwise OS/2 1.3 and 2.0 would report different EA sizes when DIRing a le. However, the structure layout returned by the 32-bit DosQueryPathInfo() is a bit different, it uses extra padding bytes and link pointers (its a linked list) to have all elds on 4-byte boundaries for portability to future RISC OS/2 versions. Therefore the value reported by zip (which uses this 32-bit-mode size) differs from that reported by DIR. zip stores the 32-bit format for portability, even the 16-bit MS-C-compiled version running on OS/2 1.3, so even this one shows the 32-bit-mode size.

Copyright (C) 1990-1997 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly, Onno van der Linden, Kai Uwe Rommel, Igor Mandrichenko, John Bush and Paul Kienitz. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as all of the original les are included, that it is not sold for prot, and that this copyright notice is retained. LIKE ANYTHING ELSE THATS FREE, ZIP AND ITS ASSOCIATED UTILITIES ARE PROVIDED AS IS AND COME WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Please send bug reports and comments by email to: For bug reports, please include the version of zip (see ziph ), the make options used to compile it see zipv ), the machine and operating system in use, and as much additional information as possible.

Thanks to R. P. Byrne for his Shrink.Pas program, which inspired this project, and from which the shrink algorithm was stolen; to Phil Katz for placing in the public domain the zip le format, compression format, and .ZIP lename extension, and for accepting minor changes to the le format; to Steve Burg for


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ZIP ( 1L )

clarications on the deate format; to Haruhiko Okumura and Leonid Broukhis for providing some useful ideas for the compression algorithm; to Keith Petersen, Rich Wales, Hunter Goatley and Mark Adler for providing a mailing list and ftp site for the Info-ZIP group to use; and most importantly, to the Info-ZIP group itself (listed in the le infozip.who) without whose tireless testing and bug-xing efforts a portable zip would not have been possible. Finally we should thank (blame) the rst Info-ZIP moderator, David Kirschbaum, for getting us into this mess in the rst place. The manual page was rewritten for UNIX by R. P. C. Rodgers.


Last change: 14 August 1999 (v2.3)


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zipgrep search les in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern


zipgrep [egrep_options] pattern le[.zip] [le(s) . . .] [x xle(s) . . .]


zipgrep will search les within a ZIP archive for lines matching the given string or pattern. zipgrep is a shell script and requires egrep(1) and unzip(1L) to function. Its output is identical to that of egrep(1).

All options prior to the ZIP archive lename are passed to egrep(1).

egrep(1), unzip(1L), zip(1L), funzip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zipinfo(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)


The Info-ZIP home page is currently at h t t p : / / www. i n f o - z i p . o r g / p u b / i n f o z i p / f t p: / / f t p. i nf o- z i p. or g/ pub/ i nf oz i p/ .



zipgrep was written by Jean-loup Gailly.


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zipinfo list detailed information about a ZIP archive


zipinfo [12smlvhMtTz] le[.zip] [le(s) . . .] [x xle(s) . . .] unzip Z [12smlvhMtTz] le[.zip] [le(s) . . .] [x xle(s) . . .]

zipinfo lists technical information about les in a ZIP archive, most commonly found on MS-DOS systems. Such information includes le access permissions, encryption status, type of compression, version and operating system or le system of compressing program, and the like. The default behavior (with no options) is to list single-line entries for each le in the archive, with header and trailer lines providing summary information for the entire archive. The format is a cross between Unix l s l and u n z i p v output. See DETAILED DESCRIPTION below. Note that zipinfo is the same program as unzip (under Unix, a link to it); on some systems, however, zipinfo support may have been omitted when unzip was compiled.

le[.zip] Path of the ZIP archive(s). If the le specication is a wildcard, each matching le is processed in an order determined by the operating system (or le system). Only the lename can be a wildcard; the path itself cannot. Wildcard expressions are similar to Unix egrep(1) (regular) expressions and may contain: ? [. . .] matches a sequence of 0 or more characters matches exactly 1 character matches any single character found inside the brackets; ranges are specied by a beginning character, a hyphen, and an ending character. If an exclamation point or a caret (! or follows the left bracket, then the range of characters within the brackets is comple) mented (that is, anything except the characters inside the brackets is considered a match).

(Be sure to quote any character that might otherwise be interpreted or modied by the operating system, particularly under Unix and VMS.) If no matches are found, the specication is assumed to be a literal lename; and if that also fails, the suffix . z i p is appended. Note that selfextracting ZIP les are supported; just specify the . e x e suffix (if any) explicitly. [le(s)] An optional list of archive members to be processed. Regular expressions (wildcards) may be used to match multiple members; see above. Again, be sure to quote expressions that would otherwise be expanded or modied by the operating system. [x xle(s)] An optional list of archive members to be excluded from processing.

1 2 s m l v h

list lenames only, one per line. This option excludes all others; headers, trailers and ziple comments are never printed. It is intended for use in Unix shell scripts. list lenames only, one per line, but allow headers (h), trailers (t) and ziple comments (z), as well. This option may be useful in cases where the stored lenames are particularly long. list ziple info in short Unix l s l format. This is the default behavior; see below. list ziple info in medium Unix l s l format. Identical to the s output, except that the compression factor, expressed as a percentage, is also listed. list ziple info in long Unix l s l format. As with m except that the compressed size (in bytes) is printed instead of the compression ratio. list ziple information in verbose, multi-page format. list header line. The archive name, actual size (in bytes) and total number of les is printed.


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pipe all output through an internal pager similar to the Unix more(1) command. At the end of a screenful of output, zipinfo pauses with a More prompt; the next screenful may be viewed by pressing the Enter (Return) key or the space bar. zipinfo can be terminated by pressing the q key and, on some systems, the Enter/Return key. Unlike Unix more(1), there is no forwardsearching or editing capability. Also, zipinfo doesnt notice if long lines wrap at the edge of the screen, effectively resulting in the printing of two or more lines and the likelihood that some text will scroll off the top of the screen before being viewed. On some systems the number of available lines on the screen is not detected, in which case zipinfo assumes the height is 24 lines. list totals for les listed or for all les. The number of les listed, their uncompressed and compressed total sizes, and their overall compression factor is printed; or, if only the totals line is being printed, the values for the entire archive are given. Note that the total compressed (data) size will never match the actual ziple size, since the latter includes all of the internal ziple headers in addition to the compressed data. print the le dates and times in a sortable decimal format (yymmdd.hhmmss). The default date format is a more standard, human-readable version with abbreviated month names (see examples below). include the archive comment (if any) in the listing.


zipinfo has a number of modes, and its behavior can be rather difficult to fathom if one isnt familiar with Unix ls(1) (or even if one is). The default behavior is to list les in the following format:
-rw-rws--1.9 unx 2802 t- defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660

The last three elds are the modication date and time of the le, and its name. The case of the lename is respected; thus les that come from MS-DOS PKZIP are always capitalized. If the le was zipped with a stored directory name, that is also displayed as part of the lename. The second and third elds indicate that the le was zipped under Unix with version 1.9 of zip. Since it comes from Unix, the le permissions at the beginning of the line are printed in Unix format. The uncompressed le-size (2802 in this example) is the fourth eld. The fth eld consists of two characters, either of which may take on several values. The rst character may be either t or b, indicating that zip believes the le to be text or binary, respectively; but if the le is encrypted, zipinfo notes this fact by capitalizing the character (T or B). The second character may also take on four values, depending on whether there is an extended local header and/or an extra eld associated with the le (fully explained in PKWares APPNOTE.TXT, but basically analogous to pragmas in ANSI C--i.e., they provide a standard way to include non-standard information in the archive). If neither exists, the character will be a hyphen (); if there is an extended local header but no extra eld, l; if the reverse, x; and if both exist, X. Thus the le in this example is (probably) a text le, is not encrypted, and has neither an extra eld nor an extended local header associated with it. The example below, on the other hand, is an encrypted binary le with an extra eld:
RWD,R,R 0.9 vms 168 Bx shrk 9-Aug-91 19:15 perms.0644

Extra elds are used for various purposes (see discussion of the v option below) including the storage of VMS le attributes, which is presumably the case here. Note that the le attributes are listed in VMS format. Some other possibilities for the host operating system (which is actually a misnomer--host le system is more correct) include OS/2 or NT with High Performance File System (HPFS), MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT with File Allocation Table (FAT) le system, and Macintosh. These are denoted as follows:
-rw-a--r--ahs --w------1.0 hpf 1.1 fat 1.0 mac 5358 Tl i4:3 4-Dec-91 11:33 longfilename.hpfs 4096 b- i4:2 14-Jul-91 12:58 EA DATA. SF 17357 bx i8:2 4-May-92 04:02 unzip.macr

File attributes in the rst two cases are indicated in a Unix-like format, where the seven subelds indicate whether the le: (1) is a directory, (2) is readable (always true), (3) is writable, (4) is executable (guessed on the basis of the extension--.exe, .com, .bat, .cmd and .btm les are assumed to be so), (5) has its archive


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bit set, (6) is hidden, and (7) is a system le. Interpretation of Macintosh le attributes is unreliable because some Macintosh archivers dont store any attributes in the archive. Finally, the sixth eld indicates the compression method and possible sub-method used. There are six methods known at present: storing (no compression), reducing, shrinking, imploding, tokenizing (never publicly released), and deating. In addition, there are four levels of reducing (1 through 4); four types of imploding (4K or 8K sliding dictionary, and 2 or 3 Shannon-Fano trees); and four levels of deating (superfast, fast, normal, maximum compression). zipinfo represents these methods and their sub-methods as follows: stor; re:1, re:2, etc.; shrk; i4:2, i8:3, etc.; tokn; and defS, defF, defN, and defX. The medium and long listings are almost identical to the short format except that they add information on the les compression. The medium format lists the les compression factor as a percentage indicating the amount of space that has been removed:
-rw-rws--1.5 unx 2802 t- 81% defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660

In this example, the le has been compressed by more than a factor of ve; the compressed data are only 19% of the original size. The long format gives the compressed les size in bytes, instead:
-rw-rws--1.5 unx 2802 t538 defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660

Adding the T option changes the le date and time to decimal format:
-rw-rws--1.5 unx 2802 t538 defX 910811.134804 perms.2660

Note that because of limitations in the MS-DOS format used to store le times, the seconds eld is always rounded to the nearest even second. For Unix les this is expected to change in the next major releases of zip(1L) and unzip. In addition to individual le information, a default ziple listing also includes header and trailer lines:
Archive: 5453 bytes 5 files ,,rw, 1.0 hpf 730 b- i4:3 26-Jun-92 ,,rw, 1.0 hpf 3710 b- i4:3 26-Jun-92 ,,rw, 1.0 hpf 8753 b- i8:3 26-Jun-92 ,,rw, 1.0 hpf 98 b- stor 21-Aug-91 ,,rw, 1.0 hpf 95 b- stor 21-Aug-91 5 files, 13386 bytes uncompressed, 4951 bytes 23:40 Contents 23:33 makefile.os2 15:29 os2unzip.c 15:34 unzip.def 17:51 zipinfo.def compressed: 63.0%

The header line gives the name of the archive, its total size, and the total number of les; the trailer gives the number of les listed, their total uncompressed size, and their total compressed size (not including any of zips internal overhead). If, however, one or more le(s) are provided, the header and trailer lines are not listed. This behavior is also similar to that of Unixs ls l; it may be overridden by specifying the h and t options explicitly. In such a case the listing format must also be specied explicitly, since h or t (or both) in the absence of other options implies that ONLY the header or trailer line (or both) is listed. See the EXAMPLES section below for a semi-intelligible translation of this nonsense. The verbose listing is mostly self-explanatory. It also lists le comments and the ziple comment, if any, and the type and number of bytes in any stored extra elds. Currently known types of extra elds include PKWAREs authentication (AV) info; OS/2 extended attributes; VMS lesystem info, both PKWARE and Info-ZIP versions; Macintosh resource forks; Acorn/Archimedes SparkFS info; and so on. (Note that in the case of OS/2 extended attributes--perhaps the most common use of ziple extra elds--the size of the stored EAs as reported by zipinfo may not match the number given by OS/2s dir command: OS/2 always reports the number of bytes required in 16-bit format, whereas zipinfo always reports the 32-bit storage.)

Modifying zipinfos default behavior via options placed in an environment variable can be a bit complicated to explain, due to zipinfos attempts to handle various defaults in an intuitive, yet Unix-like, manner. (Try not to laugh.) Nevertheless, there is some underlying logic. In brief, there are three priority levels of options: the default options; environment options, which can override or add to the defaults; and explicit options given by the user, which can override or add to either of the above.


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The default listing format, as noted above, corresponds roughly to the "zipinfo hst" command (except when individual ziple members are specied). A user who prefers the long-listing format (l) can make use of the zipinfos environment variable to change this default: ZIPINFO=l; export ZIPINFO setenv ZIPINFO l set ZIPINFO=l define ZIPINFO_OPTS "l" Unix Bourne shell Unix C shell OS/2 or MS-DOS VMS (quotes for lowercase)

If, in addition, the user dislikes the trailer line, zipinfos concept of negative options may be used to override the default inclusion of the line. This is accomplished by preceding the undesired option with one or more minuses: e.g., lt or tl, in this example. The rst hyphen is the regular switch character, but the one before the t is a minus sign. The dual use of hyphens may seem a little awkward, but its reasonably intuitive nonetheless: simply ignore the rst hyphen and go from there. It is also consistent with the behavior of the Unix command nice(1). As suggested above, the default variable names are ZIPINFO_OPTS for VMS (where the symbol used to install zipinfo as a foreign command would otherwise be confused with the environment variable), and ZIPINFO for all other operating systems. For compatibility with zip(1L), ZIPINFOOPT is also accepted (dont ask). If both ZIPINFO and ZIPINFOOPT are dened, however, ZIPINFO takes precedence. unzips diagnostic option (v with no ziple name) can be used to check the values of all four possible unzip and zipinfo environment variables.

To get a basic, short-format listing of the complete contents of a ZIP archive, with both header and totals lines, use only the archive name as an argument to zipinfo: zipinfo storage To produce a basic, long-format listing (not verbose), including header and totals lines, use l: zipinfo l storage To list the complete contents of the archive without header and totals lines, either negate the h and t options or else specify the contents explicitly: zipinfo ht storage zipinfo storage \ (where the backslash is required only if the shell would otherwise expand the wildcard, as in Unix when globbing is turned on--double quotes around the asterisk would have worked as well). To turn off the totals line by default, use the environment variable (C shell is assumed here): setenv ZIPINFO t zipinfo storage To get the full, short-format listing of the rst example again, given that the environment variable is set as in the previous example, it is necessary to specify the s option explicitly, since the t option by itself implies that ONLY the footer line is to be printed: setenv ZIPINFO t zipinfo t storage zipinfo st storage [only totals line] [full listing]

The s option, like m and l, includes headers and footers by default, unless otherwise specied. Since the environment variable specied no footers and that has a higher precedence than the default behavior of s, an explicit t option was necessary to produce the full listing. Nothing was indicated about the header, however, so the s option was sufficient. Note that both the h and t options, when used by themselves or with each other, override any default listing of member les; only the header and/or footer are printed. This behavior is useful when zipinfo is used with a wildcard ziple specication; the contents of all ziples are then summarized with a single command.


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To list information on a single le within the archive, in medium format, specify the lename explicitly: zipinfo m storage unshrink.c The specication of any member le, as in this example, will override the default header and totals lines; only the single line of information about the requested le will be printed. This is intuitively what one would expect when requesting information about a single le. For multiple les, it is often useful to know the total compressed and uncompressed size; in such cases t may be specied explicitly: zipinfo mt storage ".[ch]" Mak\ To get maximal information about the ZIP archive, use the verbose option. It is usually wise to pipe the output into a lter such as Unix more(1) if the operating system allows it: zipinfo v storage | more Finally, to see the most recently modied les in the archive, use the T option in conjunction with an external sorting utility such as Unix sort(1) (and tail(1) as well, in this example): zipinfo T storage | sort -n +6 | tail -15 The n option to sort(1) tells it to sort numerically rather than in ASCII order, and the +6 option tells it to sort on the sixth eld after the rst one (i.e., the seventh eld). This assumes the default short-listing format; if m or l is used, the proper sort(1) option would be +7. The tail(1) command lters out all but the last 15 lines of the listing. Future releases of zipinfo may incorporate date/time and lename sorting as built-in options.

The author nds it convenient to dene an alias ii for zipinfo on systems that allow aliases (or, on other systems, copy/rename the executable, create a link or create a command le with the name ii). The ii usage parallels the common ll alias for long listings in Unix, and the similarity between the outputs of the two commands was intentional.

As with unzip, zipinfos M (more) option is overly simplistic in its handling of screen output; as noted above, it fails to detect the wrapping of long lines and may thereby cause lines at the top of the screen to be scrolled off before being read. zipinfo should detect and treat each occurrence of line-wrap as one additional line printed. This requires knowledge of the screens width as well as its height. In addition, zipinfo should detect the true screen geometry on all systems. zipinfos listing-format behavior is unnecessarily complex and should be simplied. (This is not to say that it will be.)

ls(1), funzip(1L), unzip(1L), unzipsfx(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)


The Info-ZIP home page is currently at or .


Greg Cave Newt Roelofs. ZipInfo contains pattern-matching code by Mark Adler and xes/improvements by many others. Please refer to the CONTRIBS le in the UnZip source distribution for a more complete list.


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User Commands

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ZSHALL ( 1 )


zshall the Z shell metaman page


Because zsh contains many features, the zsh manual has been split into a number of sections. This manual page includes all the separate manual pages in the following order: zshmisc Anything not tting into the other sections zshexpn Zsh command and parameter expansion zshparam Zsh parameters zshoptions Zsh options zshbuiltins Zsh builtin functions zshzle Zsh command line editing zshcompwid Zsh completion widgets zshcompsys Zsh completion system zshcompctl Zsh completion control zshmodules Zsh loadable modules zshzftpsys Zsh builtin FTP client

Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command line editing, builtin spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features.

Zsh was originally written by Paul Falstad <>. Zsh is now maintained by the members of the zshworkers mailing list <>. The development is currently coordinated by Peter Stephenson <>. The coordinator can be contacted at <>, but matters relating to the code should generally go to the mailing list. Zsh is available from the following anonymous FTP sites. These mirror sites are kept frequently up to date. The sites marked with (H) may be mirroring instead of the primary site.


Primary site Australia (H) Denmark Finland ftp://ftp.funet./pub/unix/shells/zsh/ France Germany (H) Hungary

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Zsh has 3 mailing lists: <> Announcements about releases, major changes in the shell and the monthly posting of the Zsh FAQ. (moderated) <> User discussions. <> Hacking, development, bug reports and patches. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to the associated administrative address for the mailing list. <> <> <> <> <> <> YOU ONLY NEED TO JOIN ONE OF THE MAILING LISTS AS THEY ARE NESTED. All submissions to zshannounce are automatically forwarded to zshusers. All submissions to zshusers are automatically forwarded to zshworkers.

zsh 4.0.4

Last change: October 26, 2001

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ZSHALL ( 1 )

If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the mailing lists, send mail to <>. The mailing lists are maintained by Karsten Thygesen <>. The mailing lists are archived; the archives can be accessed via the administrative addresses listed above. There is also a hypertext archive, maintained by Geoff Wing <>, available at

Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), maintained by Peter Stephenson <>. It is regularly posted to the newsgroup and the zshannounce mailing list. The latest version can be found at any of the Zsh FTP sites, or at The contact address for FAQrelated matters is <>. Zsh has a web page which is located at This is maintained by Karsten Thygesen <>, of SunSITE Denmark. The contact address for webrelated matters is <>.



A userguide is currently in preparation. It is intended to complement the manual, with explanations and hints on issues where the manual can be cabbalistic, hierographic, or downright mystifying (for example, the word hierographic does not exist). It can be viewed in its current state at At the time of writing, chapters dealing with startup les and their contents and the new completion system were essentially complete.

The following ags are interpreted by the shell when invoked to determine where the shell will read commands from: c Take the rst argument as a command to execute, rather than reading commands from a script or standard input. If any further arguments are given, the rst one is assigned to $0, rather than being used as a positional parameter. Force shell to be interactive. Force shell to read commands from the standard input. If the s ag is not present and an argument is given, the rst argument is taken to be the pathname of a script to execute.

i s

After the rst one or two arguments have been appropriated as described above, the remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters. For further options, which are common to invocation and the set builtin, see zshoptions(1). Options may be specied by name using the o option. o acts like a singleletter option, but takes a following string as the option name. For example, zsh x o shwordsplit scr runs the script scr, setting the XTRACE option by the corresponding letter x and the SH_WORD_SPLIT option by name. Options may be turned off by name by using +o instead of o. o can be stacked up with preceding singleletter options, so for example xo shwordsplit or xoshwordsplit is equivalent to x o shwordsplit. Options may also be specied by name in GNU long option style, optionname. When this is done, characters in the option name are permitted: they are translated into _, and thus ignored. So, for example, zsh shwordsplit invokes zsh with the SH_WORD_SPLIT option turned on. Like other option syntaxes, options can be turned off by replacing the initial with a +; thus +shwordsplit is equivalent to noshwordsplit. Unlike other option syntaxes, GNUstyle long options cannot be stacked with any other options, so for example xshwordsplit is an error, rather than being treated like x shwordsplit.

zsh 4.0.4

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ZSHALL ( 1 )

The special GNUstyle option version is handled; it sends to standard output the shells version information, then exits successfully. help is also handled; it sends to standard output a list of options that can be used when invoking the shell, then exits successfully. Option processing may be nished, allowing following arguments that start with or + to be treated as normal arguments, in two ways. Firstly, a lone (or +) as an argument by itself ends option processing. Secondly, a special option (or +), which may be specied on its own (which is the standard POSIX usage) or may be stacked with preceding options (so x is equivalent to x ). Options are not permitted to be stacked after (so xf is an error), but note the GNUstyle option form discussed above, where shwordsplit is permitted and does not end option processing. Except when the sh/ksh emulation singleletter options are in effect, the option b (or +b) ends option processing. b is like , except that further singleletter options can be stacked after the b and will take effect as normal.

Zsh tries to emulate sh or ksh when it is invoked as sh or ksh respectively; more precisely, it looks at the rst letter of the name by which it was invoked, excluding any initial r (assumed to stand for restricted), and if that is s or k it will emulate sh or ksh. Furthermore, if invoked as su (which happens on certain systems when the shell is executed by the su command), the shell will try to nd an alternative name from the SHELL environment variable and perform emulation based on that. In sh and ksh compatibility modes the following parameters are not special and not initialized by the shell: ARGC, argv, cdpath, gnore, fpath, HISTCHARS, mailpath, MANPATH, manpath, path, prompt, PROMPT, PROMPT2, PROMPT3, PROMPT4, psvar, status, watch. The usual zsh startup/shutdown scripts are not executed. Login shells source /etc/prole followed by $HOME/.prole. If the ENV environment variable is set on invocation, $ENV is sourced after the prole scripts. The value of ENV is subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a pathname. Note that the PRIVILEGED option also affects the execution of startup les. The following options are set if the shell is invoked as sh or ksh: NO_BAD_PATTERN, NO_BANG_HIST, NO_BG_NICE, NO_EQUALS, NO_FUNCTION_ARGZERO, GLOB_SUBST, NO_GLOBAL_EXPORT, NO_HUP, INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS, KSH_ARRAYS, NO_MULTIOS, NO_NOMATCH, NO_NOTIFY, POSIX_BUILTINS, NO_PROMPT_PERCENT, RM_STAR_SILENT, SH_FILE_EXPANSION, SH_GLOB, SH_OPTION_LETTERS, SH_WORD_SPLIT. Additionally the BSD_ECHO and IGNORE_BRACES options are set if zsh is invoked as sh. Also, the KSH_OPTION_PRINT, LOCAL_OPTIONS, PROMPT_BANG, PROMPT_SUBST and SINGLE_LINE_ZLE options are set if zsh is invoked as ksh.

When the basename of the command used to invoke zsh starts with the letter r or the r command line option is supplied at invocation, the shell becomes restricted. Emulation mode is determined after stripping the letter r from the invocation name. The following are disabled in restricted mode: changing directories with the cd builtin changing or unsetting the PATH, path, MODULE_PATH, module_path, SHELL, HISTFILE, HISTSIZE, GID, EGID, UID, EUID, USERNAME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_AOUT_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD and LD_AOUT_PRELOAD parameters specifying command names containing / specifying command pathnames using hash redirecting output to les using the exec builtin command to replace the shell with another command using jobs Z to overwrite the shell process argument and environment space

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using the ARGV0 parameter to override argv[0] for external commands turning off restricted mode with set +r or unsetopt RESTRICTED

These restrictions are enforced after processing the startup les. The startup les should set up PATH to point to a directory of commands which can be safely invoked in the restricted environment. They may also add further restrictions by disabling selected builtins. Restricted mode can also be activated any time by setting the RESTRICTED option. This immediately enables all the restrictions described above even if the shell still has not processed all startup les.

Commands are rst read from /etc/zshenv; this cannot be overridden. Subsequent behaviour is modied by the RCS and GLOBAL_RCS options; the former affects all startup les, while the second only affects those in the /etc directory. If one of the options is unset at any point, any subsequent startup le(s) of the corresponding type will not be read. It is also possible for a le in $ZDOTDIR to reenable GLOBAL_RCS. Both RCS and GLOBAL_RCS are set by default. Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv. If the shell is a login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprole and then $ZDOTDIR/.zprole. Then, if the shell is interactive, commands are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc. Finally, if the shell is a login shell, /etc/zlogin and $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read. When a login shell exits, the les $ZDOTDIR/.zlogout and then /etc/zlogout are read. This happens with either an explicit exit via the exit or logout commands, or an implicit exit by reading endofle from the terminal. However, if the shell terminates due to execing another process, the logout les are not read. These are also affected by the RCS and GLOBAL_RCS options. Note also that the RCS option affects the saving of history les, i.e. if RCS is unset when the shell exits, no history le will be saved. If ZDOTDIR is unset, HOME is used instead. Those les listed above as being in /etc may be in another directory, depending on the installation. As /etc/zshenv is run for all instances of zsh, it is important that it be kept as small as possible. In particular, it is a good idea to put code that does not need to be run for every single shell behind a test of the form if [[ o rcs ]]; then ... so that it will not be executed when zsh is invoked with the f option. Any of these les may be precompiled with the zcompile builtin command (see zshbuiltins(1)). If a compiled le exists (named for the original le plus the .zwc extension) and it is newer than the original le, the compiled le will be used instead.

zsh 4.0.4

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zshmisc everything and then some


A simple command is a sequence of optional parameter assignments followed by blankseparated words, with optional redirections interspersed. The rst word is the command to be executed, and the remaining words, if any, are arguments to the command. If a command name is given, the parameter assignments modify the environment of the command when it is executed. The value of a simple command is its exit status, or 128 plus the signal number if terminated by a signal. For example, echo foo is a simple command with arguments. A pipeline is either a simple command, or a sequence of two or more simple commands where each command is separated from the next by or &. Where commands are separated by , the standard output of the rst command is connected to the standard input of the next. & is shorthand for 2>&1 , which connects both the standard output and the standard error of the command to the standard input of the next. The value of a pipeline is the value of the last command, unless the pipeline is preceded by ! in which case the value is the logical inverse of the value of the last command. For example, echo foo sed s/foo/bar/ is a pipeline, where the output (foo plus a newline) of the rst command will be passed to the input of the second. If a pipeline is preceded by coproc, it is executed as a coprocess; a twoway pipe is established between it and the parent shell. The shell can read from or write to the coprocess by means of the >&p and <&p redirection operators or with print p and read p. A pipeline cannot be preceded by both coproc and !. If job control is active, the coprocess can be treated in other than input and output as an ordinary background job. A sublist is either a single pipeline, or a sequence of two or more pipelines separated by && or . If two pipelines are separated by &&, the second pipeline is executed only if the rst succeeds (returns a zero value). If two pipelines are separated by , the second is executed only if the rst fails (returns a nonzero value). Both operators have equal precedence and are left associative. The value of the sublist is the value of the last pipeline executed. For example, dmesg grep panic && print yes is a sublist consisting of two pipelines, the second just a simple command which will be executed if and only if the grep command returns a zero value. If it does not, the value of the sublist is that return value, else it is the value returned by the print (almost certainly zero). A list is a sequence of zero or more sublists, in which each sublist is terminated by ;, &, &, &!, or a newline. This terminator may optionally be omitted from the last sublist in the list when the list appears as a complex command inside (...) or {...}. When a sublist is terminated by ; or newline, the shell waits for it to nish before executing the next sublist. If a sublist is terminated by a &, &, or &!, the shell executes the last pipeline in it in the background, and does not wait for it to nish (note the difference from other shells which execute the whole sublist in the background). A backgrounded pipeline returns a status of zero. More generally, a list can be seen as a set of any shell commands whatsoever, including the complex commands below; this is implied wherever the word list appears in later descriptions. For example, the commands in a shell function form a special sort of list.

A simple command may be preceded by a precommand modier, which will alter how the command is interpreted. These modiers are shell builtin commands with the exception of nocorrect which is a reserved word.

zsh 4.0.4

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The command is executed with a prepended to its argv[0] string.

noglob Filename generation (globbing) is not performed on any of the words. nocorrect Spelling correction is not done on any of the words. This must appear before any other precommand modier, as it is interpreted immediately, before any parsing is done. It has no effect in noninteractive shells. exec The command is executed in the parent shell without forking. command The command word is taken to be the name of an external command, rather than a shell function or builtin. builtin The command word is taken to be the name of a builtin command, rather than a shell function or external command.

A complex command in zsh is one of the following: if list then list [ elif list then list ] ... [ else list ] The if list is executed, and if it returns a zero exit status, the then list is executed. Otherwise, the elif list is executed and if its value is zero, the then list is executed. If each elif list returns nonzero, the else list is executed. for name [ in word ... term ] do list done where term is at least one newline or ;. Expand the list of words, and set the parameter name to each of them in turn, executing list each time. If the in word is omitted, use the positional parameters instead of the words. for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) do list done The arithmetic expression expr1 is evaluated rst (see the section Arithmetic Evaluation). The arithmetic expression expr2 is repeatedly evaluated until it evaluates to zero and when nonzero, list is executed and the arithmetic expression expr3 evaluated. If any expression is omitted, then it behaves as if it evaluated to 1. while list do list done Execute the do list as long as the while list returns a zero exit status. until list do list done Execute the do list as long as until list returns a nonzero exit status. repeat word do list done word is expanded and treated as an arithmetic expression, which must evaluate to a number n. list is then executed n times. case word in [ [(] pattern [ pattern ] ... ) list (;;;&) ] ... esac Execute the list associated with the rst pattern that matches word, if any. The form of the patterns is the same as that used for lename generation. See the section Filename Generation. If the list that is executed is terminated with ;& rather than ;;, the following list is also executed. This continues until either a list is terminated with ;; or the esac is reached. select name [ in word ... term ] do list done where term is one or more newline or ; to terminate the words. Print the set of words, each preceded by a number. If the in word is omitted, use the positional parameters. The PROMPT3 prompt is printed and a line is read from the line editor if the shell is interactive and that is active, or else standard input. If this line consists of the number of one of the listed words, then the parameter name is set to the word corresponding to this number. If this line is empty, the selection list is printed again. Otherwise, the value of the parameter name is set to null. The contents of the line read from standard input is saved in the parameter REPLY. list is executed for each selection until a break or endofle is encountered.

zsh 4.0.4

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( list ) { list }

Execute list in a subshell. Traps set by the trap builtin are reset to their default values while executing list. Execute list.

function word ... [ () ] [ term ] { list } word ... () [ term ] { list } word ... () [ term ] command where term is one or more newline or ;. Dene a function which is referenced by any one of word. Normally, only one word is provided; multiple words are usually only useful for setting traps. The body of the function is the list between the { and }. See the section Functions. If the option SH_GLOB is set for compatibility with other shells, then whitespace may appear between between the left and right parentheses when there is a single word; otherwise, the parentheses will be treated as forming a globbing pattern in that case. time [ pipeline ] The pipeline is executed, and timing statistics are reported on the standard error in the form specied by the TIMEFMT parameter. If pipeline is omitted, print statistics about the shell process and its children. [[ exp ]] Evaluates the conditional expression exp and return a zero exit status if it is true. See the section Conditional Expressions for a description of exp.

Many of zshs complex commands have alternate forms. These particular versions of complex commands should be considered deprecated and may be removed in the future. The versions in the previous section should be preferred instead. The short versions below only work if sublist is of the form { list } or if the SHORT_LOOPS option is set. For the if, while and until commands, in both these cases the test part of the loop must also be suitably delimited, such as by [[ ... ]] or (( ... )), else the end of the test will not be recognized. For the for, repeat, case and select commands no such special form for the arguments is necessary, but the other condition (the special form of sublist or use of the SHORT_LOOPS option) still applies. if list { list } [ elif list { list } ] ... [ else { list } ] An alternate form of if. The rules mean that if [[ o ignorebraces ]] { print yes } works, but if true { # Does not work! print yes } does not, since the test is not suitably delimited. if list sublist A short form of the alternate if. The same limitations on the form of list apply as for the previous form. for name ( word ... ) sublist A short form of for. for name [ in word ... term ] sublist where term is at least one newline or ;. Another short form of for. for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) sublist A short form of the arithmetic for command.

zsh 4.0.4

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foreach name ( word ... ) list end Another form of for. while list { list } An alternative form of while. Note the limitations on the form of list mentioned above. until list { list } An alternative form of until. Note the limitations on the form of list mentioned above. repeat word sublist This is a short form of repeat. case word { [ [(] pattern [ pattern ] ... ) list (;;;&) ] ... } An alternative form of case. select name [ in word term ] sublist where term is at least one newline or ;. A short form of select.

The following words are recognized as reserved words when used as the rst word of a command unless quoted or disabled using disable r: do done esac then elif else for case if while function repeat time until select coproc nocorrect foreach end ! [[ { } Additionally, } is recognized in any position if the IGNORE_BRACES option is not set.

In noninteractive shells, or in interactive shells with the INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option set, a word beginning with the third character of the histchars parameter (# by default) causes that word and all the following characters up to a newline to be ignored.

Every token in the shell input is checked to see if there is an alias dened for it. If so, it is replaced by the text of the alias if it is in command position (if it could be the rst word of a simple command), or if the alias is global. If the text ends with a space, the next word in the shell input is treated as though it were in command position for purposes of alias expansion. An alias is dened using the alias builtin; global aliases may be dened using the g option to that builtin. Alias expansion is done on the shell input before any other expansion except history expansion. Therefore, if an alias is dened for the word foo, alias expansion may be avoided by quoting part of the word, e.g. \foo. But there is nothing to prevent an alias being dened for \foo as well.

A character may be quoted (that is, made to stand for itself) by preceding it with a \. \ followed by a newline is ignored. A string enclosed between $ and is processed the same way as the string arguments of the print builtin, and the resulting string is considered to be entirely quoted. A literal character can be included in the string by using the \ escape. All characters enclosed between a pair of single quotes () that is not preceded by a $ are quoted. A single quote cannot appear within single quotes unless the option RC_QUOTES is set, in which case a pair of single quotes are turned into a single quote. For example, print outputs nothing apart from a newline if RC_QUOTES is not set, but one single quote if it is set. Inside double quotes (" " ), parameter and command substitution occur, and \ quotes the characters \, , " , and $.

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If a command is followed by & and job control is not active, then the default standard input for the command is the empty le /dev/null. Otherwise, the environment for the execution of a command contains the le descriptors of the invoking shell as modied by input/output specications. The following may appear anywhere in a simple command or may precede or follow a complex command. Expansion occurs before word or digit is used except as noted below. If the result of substitution on word produces more than one lename, redirection occurs for each separate lename in turn. < word Open le word for reading as standard input. <> word Open le word for reading and writing as standard input. If the le does not exist then it is created. > word Open le word for writing as standard output. If the le does not exist then it is created. If the le exists, and the CLOBBER option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, it is truncated to zero length. > word >! word Same as >, except that the le is truncated to zero length if it exists, even if CLOBBER is unset. >> word Open le word for writing in append mode as standard output. If the le does not exist, and the CLOBBER option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, the le is created. >> word >>! word Same as >>, except that the le is created if it does not exist, even if CLOBBER is unset. <<[] word The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as word, or to an endofle. No parameter expansion, command substitution or lename generation is performed on word. The resulting document, called a heredocument, becomes the standard input. If any character of word is quoted with single or double quotes or a \, no interpretation is placed upon the characters of the document. Otherwise, parameter and command substitution occurs, \ followed by a newline is removed, and \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and the rst character of word. If << is used, then all leading tabs are stripped from word and from the document. << < word Perform shell expansion on word and pass the result to standard input. This is known as a herestring. <& number >& number The standard input/output is duplicated from le descriptor number (see dup2(2)). <& >& <& p >& p Close the standard input/output. The input/output from/to the coprocess is moved to the standard input/output.

>& word &> word (Except where >& word matches one of the above syntaxes; &> can always be used to avoid this ambiguity.) Redirects both standard output and standard error (le descriptor 2) in the manner of > word. Note that this does not have the same effect as > word 2>&1 in the presence of multios (see the section below).

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>& word >&! word &> word &>! word Redirects both standard output and standard error (le descriptor 2) in the manner of > word. >>& word &>> word Redirects both standard output and standard error (le descriptor 2) in the manner of >> word. >>& word >>&! word &>> word &>>! word Redirects both standard output and standard error (le descriptor 2) in the manner of >> word. If one of the above is preceded by a digit, then the le descriptor referred to is that specied by the digit instead of the default 0 or 1. The order in which redirections are specied is signicant. The shell evaluates each redirection in terms of the (le descriptor, le) association at the time of evaluation. For example: ... 1>fname 2>&1 rst associates le descriptor 1 with le fname. It then associates le descriptor 2 with the le associated with le descriptor 1 (that is, fname). If the order of redirections were reversed, le descriptor 2 would be associated with the terminal (assuming le descriptor 1 had been) and then le descriptor 1 would be associated with le fname.

If the user tries to open a le descriptor for writing more than once, the shell opens the le descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies its input to all the specied outputs, similar to tee, provided the MULTIOS option is set, as it is by default. Thus: date >foo >bar writes the date to two les, named foo and bar. Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus date >foo cat writes the date to the le foo, and also pipes it to cat. If the MULTIOS option is set, the word after a redirection operator is also subjected to lename generation (globbing). Thus :> will truncate all les in the current directory, assuming theres at least one. (Without the MULTIOS option, it would create an empty le called Similarly, you can do .) echo exit 0 >> .sh If the user tries to open a le descriptor for reading more than once, the shell opens the le descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies all the specied inputs to its output in the order specied, similar to cat, provided the MULTIOS option is set. Thus sort <foo <fubar or even sort <f{oo,ubar} is equivalent to cat foo fubar sort. Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus

zsh 4.0.4

Last change: October 26, 2001

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Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary


cat bar sort <foo is equivalent to cat bar foo sort (note the order of the inputs). If the MULTIOS option is unset, each redirection replaces the previous redirection for that le descriptor. However, all les redirected to are actually opened, so echo foo > bar > baz when MULTIOS is unset will truncate bar, and write foo into baz.

When a simple command consists of one or more redirection operators and zero or more parameter assignments, but no command name, zsh can behave in several ways. If the parameter NULLCMD is not set or the option CSH_NULLCMD is set, an error is caused. This is the csh behavior and CSH_NULLCMD is set by default when emulating csh. If the option SH_NULLCMD is set, the builtin : is inserted as a command with the given redirections. This is the default when emulating sh or ksh. Otherwise, if the parameter NULLCMD is set, its value will be used as a command with the given redirections. If both NULLCMD and READNULLCMD are set, then the value of the latter will be used instead of that of the former when the redirection is an input. The default for NULLCMD is cat and for READNULLCMD is more. Thus < le shows the contents of le on standard output, with paging if that is a terminal. NULLCMD and READNULLCMD may refer to shell functions.

If a command name contains no slashes, the shell attempts to locate it. If there exists a shell function by that name, the function is invoked as described in the section Functions. If there exists a shell builtin by that name, the builtin is invoked. Otherwise, the shell searches each element of $path for a directory containing an executable le by that name. If the search is unsuccessful, the shell prints an error message and returns a nonzero exit status. If execution fails because the le is not in executable format, and the le is not a directory, it is assumed to be a shell script. /bin/sh is spawned to execute it. If the program is a le beginning with #!, the remainder of the rst line species an interpreter for the program. The shell will execute the specied interpreter on operating systems that do not handle this executable format in the kernel.

Shell functions are dened with the function reserved word or the special syntax funcname (). Shell functions are read in and stored internally. Alias names are resolved when the function is read. Functions are executed like commands with the arguments passed as positional parameters. (See the section Command Execution.) Functions execute in the same process as the caller and share all les and present working directory with the caller. A trap on EXIT set inside a function is executed after the function completes in the environment of the caller. The return builtin is used to return from function calls. Function identiers can be listed with the functions builtin. Functions can be undened with the unfunction builtin.

A function can be marked as undened using the autoload builtin (or functions u or typeset fu). Such a function has no body. When the function is rst executed, the shell searches for its denition using the elements of the fpath variable. Thus to dene functions for autoloading, a typical sequence is:

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Last change: October 26, 2001

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fpath=(/myfuncs $fpath) autoload myfunc1 myfunc2 ... The usual alias expansion during reading will be suppressed if the autoload builtin or its equivalent is given the option U. This is recommended for the use of functions supplied with the zsh distribution. Note that for functions precompiled with the zcompile builtin command the ag U must be provided when the .zwc le is created, as the corresponding information is compiled into the latter. For each element in fpath, the shell looks for three possible les, the newest of which is used to load the denition for the function: element.zwc A le created with the zcompile builtin command, which is expected to contain the denitions for all functions in the directory named element. The le is treated in the same manner as a directory containing les for functions and is searched for the denition of the function. If the denition is not found, the search for a denition proceeds with the other two possibilities described below. If element already includes a .zwc extension (i.e. the extension was explicitly given by the user), element is searched for the denition of the function without comparing its age to that of other les; in fact, there does not need to be any directory named element without the suffix. Thus including an element such as /usr/local/funcs.zwc in fpath will speed up the search for functions, with the disadvantage that functions included must be explicitly recompiled by hand before the shell notices any changes. element/function.zwc A le created with zcompile, which is expected to contain the denition for function. It may include other function denitions as well, but those are neither loaded nor executed; a le found in this way is searched only for the denition of function. element/function A le of zsh command text, taken to be the denition for function. In summary, the order of searching is, rst, in the parents of directories in fpath for the newer of either a compiled directory or a directory in fpath; second, if more than one of these contains a denition for the function that is sought, the leftmost in the fpath is chosen; and third, within a directory, the newer of either a compiled function or an ordinary function denition is used. If the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is set, or the le contains only a simple denition of the function, the les contents will be executed. This will normally dene the function in question, but may also perform initialization, which is executed in the context of the function execution, and may therefore dene local parameters. It is an error if the function is not dened by loading the le. Otherwise, the function body (with no surrounding funcname() {...}) is taken to be the complete contents of the le. This form allows the le to be used directly as an executable shell script. If processing of the le results in the function being redened, the function itself is not reexecuted. To force the shell to perform initialization and then call the function dened, the le should contain initialization code (which will be executed then discarded) in addition to a complete function denition (which will be retained for subsequent calls to the function), and a call to the shell function, including any arguments, at the end. For example, suppose the autoload le func contains func() { print This is func; } print func is initialized then func; func with KSH_AUTOLOAD set will produce both messages on the rst call, but only the message This is func on the second and subsequent calls. Without KSH_AUTOLOAD set, it will produce the initialization message on the rst call, and the other message on the second and subsequent calls.

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It is also possible to create a function that is not marked as autoloaded, but which loads its own denition by searching fpath, by using autoload X within a shell function. For example, the following are equivalent: myfunc() { autoload X } myfunc args... and unfunction myfunc # if myfunc was dened autoload myfunc myfunc args... In fact, the functions command outputs builtin autoload X as the body of an autoloaded function. A true autoloaded function can be identied by the presence of the comment # undened in the body, because all comments are discarded from dened functions. This is done so that eval " $(functions)" produces a reasonable result. To load the denition of an autoloaded function myfunc without executing myfunc, use: autoload +X myfunc

The following functions, if dened, have special meaning to the shell: chpwd Executed whenever the current working directory is changed. periodic If the parameter PERIOD is set, this function is executed every $PERIOD seconds, just before a prompt. precmd Executed before each prompt. preexec Executed just after a command has been read and is about to be executed. If the history mechanism is active (and the line was not discarded from the history buffer), the string that the user typed is passed as the rst argument, otherwise it is an empty string. The actual command that will be executed (including expanded aliases) is passed in two different forms: the second argument is a singleline, sizelimited version of the command (with things like function bodies elided); the third argument contains the full text what what is being executed. TRAPNAL If dened and nonnull, this function will be executed whenever the shell catches a signal SIGNAL, where NAL is a signal name as specied for the kill builtin. The signal number will be passed as the rst parameter to the function. If a function of this form is dened and null, the shell and processes spawned by it will ignore SIGNAL. TRAPDEBUG Executed after each command. TRAPEXIT Executed when the shell exits, or when the current function exits if dened inside a function. TRAPZERR Executed whenever a command has a nonzero exit status. However, the function is not executed if the command occurred in a sublist followed by && or ; only the nal command in a sublist of this type causes the trap to be executed.

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The functions beginning TRAP may alternatively be dened with the trap builtin: this may be preferable for some uses, as they are then run in the environment of the calling process, rather than in their own function environment. Apart from the difference in calling procedure and the fact that the function form appears in lists of functions, the forms TRAPNAL() { # code } and trap # code are equivalent.

If the MONITOR option is set, an interactive shell associates a job with each pipeline. It keeps a table of current jobs, printed by the jobs command, and assigns them small integer numbers. When a job is started asynchronously with &, the shell prints a line which looks like: [1] 1234 indicating that the job which was started asynchronously was job number 1 and had one (toplevel) process, whose process ID was 1234. If a job is started with & or &!, then that job is immediately disowned. After startup, it does not have a place in the job table, and is not subject to the job control features described here. If you are running a job and wish to do something else you may hit the key (controlZ) which sends a Z TSTP signal to the current job: this key may be redened by the susp option of the external stty command. The shell will then normally indicate that the job has been suspended, and print another prompt. You can then manipulate the state of this job, putting it in the background with the bg command, or run some other commands and then eventually bring the job back into the foreground with the foreground command fg. A takes effect immediately and is like an interrupt in that pending output and unread input are Z discarded when it is typed. A job being run in the background will suspend if it tries to read from the terminal. Background jobs are normally allowed to produce output, but this can be disabled by giving the command stty tostop. If you set this tty option, then background jobs will suspend when they try to produce output like they do when they try to read input. When a command is suspended and continued later with the fg or wait builtins, zsh restores tty modes that were in effect when it was suspended. This (intentionally) does not apply if the command is continued via kill CONT, nor when it is continued with bg. There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell. A job can be referred to by the process ID of any process of the job or by one of the following: %number The job with the given number. %string Any job whose command line begins with string. %?string Any job whose command line contains string. %% Current job. %+ Equivalent to %%. % Previous job. The shell learns immediately whenever a process changes state. It normally informs you whenever a job becomes blocked so that no further progress is possible. If the NOTIFY option is not set, it waits until just before it prints a prompt before it informs you.

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When the monitor mode is on, each background job that completes triggers any trap set for CHLD. When you try to leave the shell while jobs are running or suspended, you will be warned that You have suspended (running) jobs. You may use the jobs command to see what they are. If you do this or immediately try to exit again, the shell will not warn you a second time; the suspended jobs will be terminated, and the running jobs will be sent a SIGHUP signal, if the HUP option is set. To avoid having the shell terminate the running jobs, either use the nohup command (see nohup(1)) or the disown builtin.

The INT and QUIT signals for an invoked command are ignored if the command is followed by & and the MONITOR option is not active. Otherwise, signals have the values inherited by the shell from its parent (but see the TRAPNAL special functions in the section Functions).

The shell can perform integer and oating point arithmetic, either using the builtin let, or via a substitution of the form $((...)). For integers, the shell is usually compiled to use 8byte precision where this is available, otherwise precision is 4 bytes. This can be tested, for example, by giving the command print $(( 12345678901 )); if the number appears unchanged, the precision is at least 8 bytes. Floating point arithmetic is always double precision. The let builtin command takes arithmetic expressions as arguments; each is evaluated separately. Since many of the arithmetic operators, as well as spaces, require quoting, an alternative form is provided: for any command which begins with a ((, all the characters until a matching )) are treated as a quoted expression and arithmetic expansion performed as for an argument of let. More precisely, ((...)) is equivalent to let " ..." . For example, the following statement (( val = 2 + 1 )) is equivalent to let " val = 2 + 1" both assigning the value 3 to the shell variable var and returning a zero status. Integers can be in bases other than 10. A leading 0x or 0X denotes hexadecimal. Integers may also be of the form base#n, where base is a decimal number between two and thirtysix representing the arithmetic base and n is a number in that base (for example, 16#ff is 255 in hexadecimal). The base# may also be omitted, in which case base 10 is used. For backwards compatibility the form [base]n is also accepted. It is also possible to specify a base to be used for output in the form [#base], for example [#16]. This is used when outputting arithmetical substitutions or when assigning to scalar parameters, but an explicitly dened integer or oating point parameter will not be affected. If an integer variable is implicitly dened by an arithmetic expression, any base specied in this way will be set as the variables output arithmetic base as if the option i base to the typeset builtin had been used. The expression has no precedence and if it occurs more than once in a mathematical expression, the last encountered is used. For clarity it is recommended that it appear at the beginning of an expression. As an example: typeset i 16 y print $(( [#8] x = 32, y = 32 )) print $x $y outputs rst 8#40, the rightmost value in the given output base, and then 8#40 16#20, because y has been explicitly declared to have output base 16, while x (assuming it does not already exist) is implicitly typed by the arithmetic evaluation, where it acquires the output base 8. When an output base is specied using the [#base] syntax, an appropriate base prex will be output if necessary, so that the value output is valid syntax for input. If the # is doubled, for example [##16], then no base prex is output.

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Floating point constants are recognized by the presence of a decimal point or an exponent. The decimal point may be the rst character of the constant, but the exponent character e or E may not, as it will be taken for a parameter name. An arithmetic expression uses nearly the same syntax, precedence, and associativity of expressions in C. The following operators are supported (listed in decreasing order of precedence): + ! ++ unary plus/minus, logical NOT, complement, {pre,post}{in,de}crement << >> bitwise shift left, right & bitwise AND bitwise XOR bitwise OR exponentiation / % multiplication, division, modulus (remainder) + addition, subtraction < > <= >= comparison == != equality and inequality && logical AND logical OR, XOR ?: ternary operator = += = /= %= &= = <<= >>= &&= = = = = = assignment , comma operator The operators &&, , &&=, and = are shortcircuiting, and only one of the latter two expressions in a ternary operator is evaluated. Note the precedence of the bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operators. Mathematical functions can be called with the syntax func(args), where the function decides if the args is used as a string or a commaseparated list of arithmetic expressions. The shell currently denes no mathematical functions by default, but the module zsh/mathfunc may be loaded with the zmodload builtin to provide standard oating point mathematical functions. An expression of the form ##x where x is any character sequence such as a, or \M\Cx gives the A, ASCII value of this character and an expression of the form #foo gives the ASCII value of the rst character of the value of the parameter foo. Note that this is different from the expression $#foo, a standard parameter substitution which gives the length of the parameter foo. #\ is accepted instead of ##, but its use is deprecated. Named parameters and subscripted arrays can be referenced by name within an arithmetic expression without using the parameter expansion syntax. For example, ((val2 = val1 2)) assigns twice the value of $val1 to the parameter named val2. An internal integer representation of a named parameter can be specied with the integer builtin. Arithmetic evaluation is performed on the value of each assignment to a named parameter declared integer in this manner. Assigning a oating point number to an integer results in rounding down to the next integer. Likewise, oating point numbers can be declared with the oat builtin; there are two types, differing only in their output format, as described for the typeset builtin. The output format can be bypassed by using arithmetic substitution instead of the parameter substitution, i.e. ${oat} uses the dened format, but $((oat)) uses a generic oating point format. Promotion of integer to oating point values is performed where necessary. In addition, if any operator which requires an integer (, &, , %, <<, >> and their equivalents with assignment) is given a , oating point argument, it will be silently rounded down to the next integer.

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Scalar variables can hold integer or oating point values at different times; there is no memory of the numeric type in this case. If a variable is rst assigned in a numeric context without previously being declared, it will be implicitly typed as integer or oat and retain that type either until the type is explicitly changed or until the end of the scope. This can have unforeseen consequences. For example, in the loop for (( f = 0; f < 1; f += 0.1 )); do # use $f done if f has not already been declared, the rst assignment will cause it to be created as an integer, and consequently the operation f += 0.1 will always cause the result to be truncated to zero, so that the loop will fail. A simple x would be to turn the initialization into f = 0.0. It is therefore best to declare numeric variables with explicit types.

A conditional expression is used with the [[ compound command to test attributes of les and to compare strings. Each expression can be constructed from one or more of the following unary or binary expressions: a le b le c le d le e le f le g le h le k le true if le exists. true if le exists and is a block special le. true if le exists and is a character special le. true if le exists and is a directory. true if le exists. true if le exists and is a regular le. true if le exists and has its setgid bit set. true if le exists and is a symbolic link. true if le exists and has its sticky bit set.

n string true if length of string is nonzero. o option true if option named option is on. option may be a single character, in which case it is a single letter option name. (See the section Specifying Options.) p le r le s le t fd u le x le z string true if length of string is zero. L le true if le exists and is a symbolic link. O le true if le exists and is owned by the effective user ID of this process. G le true if le exists and its group matches the effective group ID of this process. true if le exists and is a FIFO special le (named pipe). true if le exists and is readable by current process. true if le exists and has size greater than zero. true if le descriptor number fd is open and associated with a terminal device. (note: fd is not optional) true if le exists and has its setuid bit set. true if le exists and is executable by current process. If le exists and is a directory, then the current process has permission to search in the directory.

w le true if le exists and is writable by current process.

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S le

true if le exists and is a socket.

N le true if le exists and its access time is not newer than its modication time. le1 nt le2 true if le1 exists and is newer than le2. le1 ot le2 true if le1 exists and is older than le2. le1 ef le2 true if le1 and le2 exist and refer to the same le. string = pattern string == pattern true if string matches pattern. The == form is the preferred one. The = form is for backward compatibility and should be considered obsolete. string != pattern true if string does not match pattern. string1 < string2 true if string1 comes before string2 based on ASCII value of their characters. string1 > string2 true if string1 comes after string2 based on ASCII value of their characters. exp1 eq exp2 true if exp1 is numerically equal to exp2. exp1 ne exp2 true if exp1 is numerically not equal to exp2. exp1 lt exp2 true if exp1 is numerically less than exp2. exp1 gt exp2 true if exp1 is numerically greater than exp2. exp1 le exp2 true if exp1 is numerically less than or equal to exp2. exp1 ge exp2 true if exp1 is numerically greater than or equal to exp2. ( exp ) ! exp true if exp is true. true if exp is false.

exp1 && exp2 true if exp1 and exp2 are both true. exp1 exp2 true if either exp1 or exp2 is true. Normal shell expansion is performed on the le, string and pattern arguments, but the result of each expansion is constrained to be a single word, similar to the effect of double quotes. However, pattern metacharacters are active for the pattern arguments; the patterns are the same as those used for lename generation, see zshexpn(1), but there is no special behaviour of / nor initial dots, and no glob qualiers are allowed. In each of the above expressions, if le is of the form /dev/fd/n, where n is an integer, then the test applied to the open le whose descriptor number is n, even if the underlying system does not support the /dev/fd directory.

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In the forms which do numeric comparison, the expressions exp undergo arithmetic expansion as if they were enclosed in $((...)). For example, the following: [[ ( f foo f bar ) && $report = y ]] && print File exists. tests if either le foo or le bar exists, and if so, if the value of the parameter report begins with y; if the complete condition is true, the message File exists. is printed.

Prompt sequences undergo a special form of expansion. This type of expansion is also available using the P option to the print builtin. If the PROMPT_SUBST option is set, the prompt string is rst subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion. See zshexpn(1). Certain escape sequences may be recognised in the prompt string. If the PROMPT_BANG option is set, a ! in the prompt is replaced by the current history event number. A literal ! may then be represented as !!. If the PROMPT_PERCENT option is set, certain escape sequences that start with % are expanded. Some escapes take an optional integer argument, which should appear between the % and the next character of the sequence. The following escape sequences are recognized: %% %) %d %/ A %. A ). Present working directory ($PWD). If an integer follows the %, it species a number of trailing components of $PWD to show; zero means the whole path. A negative integer species leading components, i.e. %1d species the rst component. As %d and %/, but if $PWD has a named directory as its prex, that part is replaced by a followed by the name of the directory. If it starts with $HOME, that part is replaced by a . Current history event number. The current value of $SHLVL. The full machine hostname. The hostname up to the rst .. An integer may follow the % to specify how many components of the hostname are desired. With a negative integer, trailing components of the hostname are shown.

% %h %! %L %M %m

%S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode. %U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode. %B (%b) Start (stop) boldface mode. %t %@ %T % %n Current time of day, in 12hour, am/pm format. Current time of day, in 24hour format. Current time of day in 24hour format, with seconds. $USERNAME.

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User Commands

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The name of the script, sourced le, or shell function that zsh is currently executing, whichever was started most recently. If there is none, this is equivalent to the parameter $0. An integer may follow the % to specify a number of trailing path components to show; zero means the full path. A negative integer species leading components. The line number currently being executed in the script, sourced le, or shell function given by %N. This is most useful for debugging as part of $PS4. The date in daydd format. The date in mm/dd/yy format. The date in yymmdd format.

%i %w %W %D

%D{string} string is formatted using the strftime function. See strftime(3) for more details. Three additional codes are available: %f prints the day of the month, like %e but without any preceding space if the day is a single digit, and %K/%L correspond to %k/%l for the hour of the day (24/12 hour clock) in the same way. %l %y %? %_ The line (tty) the user is logged in on without /dev/ prex. If name starts with /dev/tty this is stripped. The line (tty) the user is logged in on without /dev/ prex. It does not treat /dev/tty specially. The return code of the last command executed just before the prompt. The status of the parser, i.e. the shell constructs (like if and for) that have been started on the command line. If given an integer number that many strings will be printed; zero or negative or no integer means print as many as there are. This is most useful in prompts PS2 for continuation lines and PS4 for debugging with the XTRACE option; in the latter case it will also work noninteractively. Clears to end of line. A # if the shell is running with privileges, a % if not. Equivalent to %(!.#.%%). The denition of privileged, for these purposes, is that either the effective user ID is zero, or, if POSIX.1e capabilities are supported, that at least one capability is raised in either the Effective or Inheritable capability vectors. The value of the rst element of the psvar array parameter. Following the % with an integer gives that element of the array. Negative integers count from the end of the array.

%E %#


%{...%} Include a string as a literal escape sequence. The string within the braces should not change the cursor position. Brace pairs can nest. %(x.truetext.falsetext) Species a ternary expression. The character following the x is arbitrary; the same character is used to separate the text for the true result from that for the false result. This separator may not appear in the truetext, except as part of a %escape sequence. A ) may appear in the falsetext as %). truetext and falsetext may both contain arbitrarilynested escape sequences, including further ternary expressions. The left parenthesis may be preceded or followed by a positive integer n, which defaults to zero. A negative integer will be multiplied by 1. The test character x may be any of the following: c . / C t

True if the current path, with prex replacement, has at least n elements. True if the current absolute path has at least n elements. True if the time in minutes is equal to n.

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T d D w ? # g l L S v _ !

True if the time in hours is equal to n. True if the day of the month is equal to n. True if the month is equal to n (January = 0). True if the day of the week is equal to n (Sunday = 0). True if the exit status of the last command was n. True if the effective uid of the current process is n. True if the effective gid of the current process is n. True if at least n characters have already been printed on the current line. True if the SHLVL parameter is at least n. True if the SECONDS parameter is at least n. True if the array psvar has at least n elements. True if at least n shell constructs were started. True if the shell is running with privileges.

%<string< %>string> %[xstring] Species truncation behaviour for the remainder of the prompt string. The third, deprecated, form is equivalent to %xstringx, i.e. x may be < or >. The numeric argument, which in the third form may appear immediately after the [, species the maximum permitted length of the various strings that can be displayed in the prompt. The string will be displayed in place of the truncated portion of any string; note this does not undergo prompt expansion. The forms with < truncate at the left of the string, and the forms with > truncate at the right of the string. For example, if the current directory is /home/pike, the prompt %8<..<%/ will expand to ..e/pike. In this string, the terminating character (<, > or ]), or in fact any character, may be quoted by a preceding \; note when using print P, however, that this must be doubled as the string is also subject to standard print processing, in addition to any backslashes removed by a double quoted string: the worst case is therefore print P " %<\\\\<<..." . If the string is longer than the specied truncation length, it will appear in full, completely replacing the truncated string. The part of the prompt string to be truncated runs to the end of the string, or to the end of the next enclosing group of the %( construct, or to the next truncation encountered at the same grouping level (i.e. truncations inside a %( are separate), which ever comes rst. In particular, a truncation with argument zero (e.g. %<<) marks the end of the range of the string to be truncated while turning off truncation from there on. For example, the prompt %10<...<%%<<%# will print a truncated representation of the current directory, followed by a % or #, followed by a space. Without the %<<, those two characters would be included in the string to be truncated. %c %. %C

Trailing component of $PWD. An integer may follow the % to get more than one component. Unless %C is used, tilde contraction is performed rst. These are deprecated as %c and %C are equivalent to %1 and %1/, respectively, while explicit positive integers have the same effect as for the latter two sequences.

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zshexpn zsh expansion and substitution


The following types of expansions are performed in the indicated order in ve steps: History Expansion This is performed only in interactive shells. Alias Expansion Aliases are expanded immediately before the command line is parsed as explained under Aliasing in zshmisc(1). Process Substitution Parameter Expansion Command Substitution Arithmetic Expansion Brace Expansion These ve are performed in one step in lefttoright fashion. After these expansions, all unquoted occurrences of the characters \, and " are removed. Filename Expansion If the SH_FILE_EXPANSION option is set, the order of expansion is modied for compatibility with sh and ksh. In that case lename expansion is performed immediately after alias expansion, preceding the set of ve expansions mentioned above. Filename Generation This expansion, commonly referred to as globbing, is always done last. The following sections explain the types of expansion in detail.

History expansion allows you to use words from previous command lines in the command line you are typing. This simplies spelling corrections and the repetition of complicated commands or arguments. Immediately before execution, each command is saved in the history list, the size of which is controlled by the HISTSIZE parameter. The one most recent command is always retained in any case. Each saved command in the history list is called a history event and is assigned a number, beginning with 1 (one) when the shell starts up. The history number that you may see in your prompt (see Prompt Expansion in zshmisc(1)) is the number that is to be assigned to the next command.

A history expansion begins with the rst character of the histchars parameter, which is ! by default, and may occur anywhere on the command line; history expansions do not nest. The ! can be escaped with \ or can be enclosed between a pair of single quotes () to suppress its special meaning. Double quotes will not work for this. Following this history character is an optional event designator (see the section Event Designators) and then an optional word designator (the section Word Designators); if neither of these designators is present, no history expansion occurs. Input lines containing history expansions are echoed after being expanded, but before any other expansions take place and before the command is executed. It is this expanded form that is recorded as the history event for later references. By default, a history reference with no event designator refers to the same event as any preceding history reference on that command line; if it is the only history reference in a command, it refers to the previous command. However, if the option CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY is set, then every history reference with no event specication always refers to the previous command. For example, ! is the event designator for the previous command, so !!:1 always refers to the rst word of the previous command, and !!$ always refers to the last word of the previous command. With CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY set, then !:1 and !$ function in the same manner as !!:1 and !!$, respectively. Conversely, if CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY is unset, then !:1 and !$ refer to the rst and last

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words, respectively, of the same event referenced by the nearest other history reference preceding them on the current command line, or to the previous command if there is no preceding reference. The character sequence bar (where is actually the second character of the histchars parameter) foo repeats the last command, replacing the string foo with bar. More precisely, the sequence bar is foo synonymous with !!:s bar hence other modiers (see the section Modiers) may follow the nal foo , . If the shell encounters the character sequence !" in the input, the history mechanism is temporarily disabled until the current list (see zshmisc(1)) is fully parsed. The !" is removed from the input, and any subsequent ! characters have no special signicance. A less convenient but more comprehensible form of command history support is provided by the fc builtin.
Event Designators

An event designator is a reference to a commandline entry in the history list. In the list below, remember that the initial ! in each item may be changed to another character by setting the histchars parameter. ! Start a history expansion, except when followed by a blank, newline, = or (. If followed immediately by a word designator (see the section Word Designators), this forms a history reference with no event designator (see the section Overview). Refer to the previous command. By itself, this expansion repeats the previous command. Refer to commandline n. Refer to the current commandline minus n. Refer to the most recent command starting with str.

!! !n !n !str

!?str[?] Refer to the most recent command containing str. The trailing ? is necessary if this reference is to be followed by a modier or followed by any text that is not to be considered part of str. !# !{...} Refer to the current command line typed in so far. The line is treated as if it were complete up to and including the word before the one with the !# reference. Insulate a history reference from adjacent characters (if necessary).

Word Designators

A word designator indicates which word or words of a given command line are to be included in a history reference. A : usually separates the event specication from the word designator. It may be omitted only if the word designator begins with a $, or %. Word designators include: , , 0 n $ % xy x x The rst input word (command). The nth argument. The rst argument. That is, 1. The last argument. The word matched by (the most recent) ?str search. A range of words; x defaults to 0. All the arguments, or a null value if there are none. Abbreviates x$. Like x but omitting word $.

Note that a % word designator works only when used in one of !%, !:% or !?str?:%, and only when used after a !? expansion (possibly in an earlier command). Anything else results in an error, although the error may not be the most obvious one.

After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more of the following modiers, each preceded by a :. These modiers also work on the result of lename generation and parameter expansion, except where noted.

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h r e t p q

Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head. This works like dirname. Remove a lename extension of the form .xxx, leaving the root name. Remove all but the extension. Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail. This works like basename. Print the new command but do not execute it. Only works with history expansion. Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions. Works with history expansion and parameter expansion, though for parameters it is only useful if the resulting text is to be reevaluated such as by eval. Remove one level of quotes from the substituted words. Like q, but break into words at whitespace. Does not work with parameter expansion. Convert the words to all lowercase. Convert the words to all uppercase. Substitute r for l as described below. Unless preceded immediately by a g, with no colon between, the substitution is done only for the rst string that matches l. For arrays and for lename generation, this applies to each word of the expanded text. Repeat the previous s substitution. Like s, may be preceded immediately by a g. In parameter expansion the & must appear inside braces, and in lename generation it must be quoted with a backslash.

Q x l u s/l/r[/]


The s/l/r/ substitution works as follows. The lefthand side of substitutions are not regular expressions, but character strings. Any character can be used as the delimiter in place of /. A backslash quotes the delimiter character. The character &, in the righthandside r, is replaced by the text from the lefthandside l. The & can be quoted with a backslash. A null l uses the previous string either from the previous l or from the contextual scan string s from !?s. You can omit the rightmost delimiter if a newline immediately follows r; the rightmost ? in a context scan can similarly be omitted. Note the same record of the last l and r is maintained across all forms of expansion. The following f, F, w and W modiers work only with parameter expansion and lename generation. They are listed here to provide a single point of reference for all modiers. f Repeats the immediately (without a colon) following modier until the resulting word doesnt change any more.

F:expr: Like f, but repeats only n times if the expression expr evaluates to n. Any character can be used instead of the :; if (, [, or { is used as the opening delimiter, the closing delimiter should be ), ], or }, respectively. w Makes the immediately following modier work on each word in the string. W:sep: Like w but words are considered to be the parts of the string that are separated by sep. Any character can be used instead of the :; opening parentheses are handled specially, see above.

Each command argument of the form <(list), >(list) or =(list) is subject to process substitution. In the case of the < or > forms, the shell runs process list asynchronously. If the system supports the /dev/fd mechanism, the command argument is the name of the device le corresponding to a le descriptor; otherwise, if the system supports named pipes (FIFOs), the command argument will be a named pipe. If the form with > is selected then writing on this special le will provide input for list. If < is used, then the le passed as an argument will be connected to the output of the list process. For example, paste <(cut f1 le1) <(cut f3 le2) tee >(process1) >(process2) >/dev/null

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cuts elds 1 and 3 from the les le1 and le2 respectively, pastes the results together, and sends it to the processes process1 and process2. Both the /dev/fd and the named pipe implementation have drawbacks. In the former case, some programmes may automatically close the le descriptor in question before examining the le on the command line, particularly if this is necessary for security reasons such as when the programme is running setuid. In the second case, if the programme does not actually open the le, the subshell attempting to read from or write to the pipe will (in a typical implementation, different operating systems may have different behaviour) block for ever and have to be killed explicitly. In both cases, the shell actually supplies the information using a pipe, so that programmes that expect to lseek (see lseek(2)) on the le will not work. Also note that the previous example can be more compactly and efficiently written (provided the MULTIOS option is set) as: paste <(cut f1 le1) <(cut f3 le2) \ > >(process1) > >(process2) The shell uses pipes instead of FIFOs to implement the latter two process substitutions in the above example. If = is used, then the le passed as an argument will be the name of a temporary le containing the output of the list process. This may be used instead of the < form for a program that expects to lseek (see lseek(2)) on the input le.

The character $ is used to introduce parameter expansions. See zshparam(1) for a description of parameters, including arrays, associative arrays, and subscript notation to access individual array elements. In the expansions discussed below that require a pattern, the form of the pattern is the same as that used for lename generation; see the section Filename Generation. Note that these patterns, along with the replacement text of any substitutions, are themselves subject to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion. In addition to the following operations, the colon modiers described in the section Modiers in the section History Expansion can be applied: for example, ${i:s/foo/bar/} performs string substitution on the expansion of parameter $i. ${name} The value, if any, of the parameter name is substituted. The braces are required if the expansion is to be followed by a letter, digit, or underscore that is not to be interpreted as part of name. In addition, more complicated forms of substitution usually require the braces to be present; exceptions, which only apply if the option KSH_ARRAYS is not set, are a single subscript or any colon modiers appearing after the name, or any of the characters =, , # or + appearing before , the name, all of which work with or without braces. If name is an array parameter, and the KSH_ARRAYS option is not set, then the value of each element of name is substituted, one element per word. Otherwise, the expansion results in one word only; with KSH_ARRAYS, this is the rst element of an array. No eld splitting is done on the result unless the SH_WORD_SPLIT option is set. ${+name} If name is the name of a set parameter 1 is substituted, otherwise 0 is substituted. ${name:word} If name is set and is nonnull then substitute its value; otherwise substitute word. If name is missing, substitute word. ${name:=word} ${name::=word} In the rst form, if name is unset or is null then set it to word; in the second form, unconditionally set name to word. In both forms, the value of the parameter is then substituted. ${name:?word}

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If name is set and is nonnull then substitute its value; otherwise, print word and exit from the shell. Interactive shells instead return to the prompt. If word is omitted, then a standard message is printed. ${name:+word} If name is set and is nonnull then substitute word; otherwise substitute nothing. If the colon is omitted from one of the above expressions containing a colon, then the shell only checks whether name is set, not whether its value is null. In the following expressions, when name is an array and the substitution is not quoted, or if the (@) ag or the name[@] syntax is used, matching and replacement is performed on each array element separately. ${name#pattern} ${name##pattern} If the pattern matches the beginning of the value of name, then substitute the value of name with the matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the value of name. In the rst form, the smallest matching pattern is preferred; in the second form, the largest matching pattern is preferred. ${name%pattern} ${name%%pattern} If the pattern matches the end of the value of name, then substitute the value of name with the matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the value of name. In the rst form, the smallest matching pattern is preferred; in the second form, the largest matching pattern is preferred. ${name:#pattern} If the pattern matches the value of name, then substitute the empty string; otherwise, just substitute the value of name. If name is an array the matching array elements are removed (use the (M) ag to remove the nonmatched elements). ${name/pattern/repl} ${name//pattern/repl} Replace the longest possible match of pattern in the expansion of parameter name by string repl. The rst form replaces just the rst occurrence, the second form all occurrences. Both pattern and repl are subject to doublequoted substitution, so that expressions like ${name/$opat/$npat} will work, but note the usual rule that pattern characters in $opat are not treated specially unless either the option GLOB_SUBST is set, or $opat is instead substituted as ${opat}. The pattern may begin with a #, in which case the pattern must match at the start of the string, or %, in which case it must match at the end of the string. The repl may be an empty string, in which case the nal / may also be omitted. To quote the nal / in other cases it should be preceded by two backslashes (i.e., a quoted backslash); this is not necessary if the / occurs inside a substituted parameter. Note also that the # and % are not active if they occur inside a substituted parameter, even at the start. The rst / may be preceded by a :, in which case the match will only succeed if it matches the entire word. Note also the effect of the I and S parameter expansion ags below; however, the ags M, R, B, E and N are not useful. For example, foo=" twinkle twinkle little star" sub=" t rep=" spy" e" print ${foo//${sub}/$rep} print ${(S)foo//${sub}/$rep} Here, the ensures that the text of $sub is treated as a pattern rather than a plain string. In the rst case, the longest match for t is substituted and the result is spy star, while in the second e case, the shortest matches are taken and the result is spy spy lispy star. ${#spec}

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If spec is one of the above substitutions, substitute the length in characters of the result instead of the result itself. If spec is an array expression, substitute the number of elements of the result. Note that =, and , below, must appear to the left of # when these forms are combined. , ${ spec} Turn on the RC_EXPAND_PARAM option for the evaluation of spec; if the is doubled, turn it off. When this option is set, array expansions of the form foo${xx}bar, where the parameter xx is set to (a b c), are substituted with fooabar foobbar foocbar instead of the default fooa b cbar. Internally, each such expansion is converted into the equivalent list for brace expansion. E.g., ${ var} becomes {$var[1],$var[2],...}, and is processed as described in the section Brace Expansion below. If word splitting is also in effect the $var[N] may themselves be split into different list elements. ${=spec} Perform word splitting using the rules for SH_WORD_SPLIT during the evaluation of spec, but regardless of whether the parameter appears in double quotes; if the = is doubled, turn it off. This forces parameter expansions to be split into separate words before substitution, using IFS as a delimiter. This is done by default in most other shells. Note that splitting is applied to word in the assignment forms of spec before the assignment to name is performed. This affects the result of array assignments with the A ag. ${spec} Turn on the GLOB_SUBST option for the evaluation of spec; if the is doubled, turn it off. When this option is set, the string resulting from the expansion will be interpreted as a pattern anywhere that is possible, such as in lename expansion and lename generation and patternmatching contexts like the right hand side of the = and != operators in conditions. If a ${...} type parameter expression or a $(...) type command substitution is used in place of name above, it is expanded rst and the result is used as if it were the value of name. Thus it is possible to perform nested operations: ${${foo#head}%tail} substitutes the value of $foo with both head and tail deleted. The form with $(...) is often useful in combination with the ags described next; see the examples below. Each name or nested ${...} in a parameter expansion may also be followed by a subscript expression as described in Array Parameters in zshparam(1). Note that double quotes may appear around nested expressions, in which case only the part inside is treated as quoted; for example, ${(f)" $(foo)" } quotes the result of $(foo), but the ag (f) (see below) is applied using the rules for unquoted expansions. Note further that quotes are themselves nested in this context; for example, in " ${(@f)" $(foo)" }" , there are two sets of quotes, one surrounding the whole expression, the other (redundant) surrounding the $(foo) as before.
Parameter Expansion Flags

If the opening brace is directly followed by an opening parenthesis, the string up to the matching closing parenthesis will be taken as a list of ags. In cases where repeating a ag is meaningful, the repetitions need not be consecutive; for example, (q%q%q) means the same thing as the more readable (%%qqq). The following ags are supported: % Expand all % escapes in the resulting words in the same way as in in prompts (see the section Prompt Expansion). If this ag is given twice, full prompt expansion is done on the resulting words, depending on the setting of the PROMPT_PERCENT, PROMPT_SUBST and PROMPT_BANG options. In double quotes, array elements are put into separate words. E.g., " ${(@)foo}" is equivalent to " ${foo[@]}" and " ${(@)foo[1,2]}" is the same as " $foo[1]" " $foo[2]" . This is distinct from eld splitting by the the f, s or z ags, which still applies within each array element. Create an array parameter with ${...=...}, ${...:=...} or ${...::=...}. If this ag is repeated (as in AA), create an associative array parameter. Assignment is made before sorting or padding. The name part may be a subscripted range for ordinary arrays; the word part must be converted to an

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array, for example by using ${(AA)=name=...} to activate eld splitting, when creating an associative array. c C e f F i k With ${#name}, count the total number of characters in an array, as if the elements were concatenated with spaces between them. Capitalize the resulting words. Words in this case refers to sequences of alphanumeric characters separated by nonalphanumerics, not to words that result from eld splitting. Perform parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion on the result. Such expansions can be nested but too deep recursion may have unpredictable effects. Split the result of the expansion to lines. This is a shorthand for ps:\n:. Join the words of arrays together using newline as a separator. This is a shorthand for pj:\n:. With o or O, sort caseindependently. If name refers to an associative array, substitute the keys (element names) rather than the values of the elements. Used with subscripts (including ordinary arrays), force indices or keys to be substituted even if the subscript form refers to values. However, this ag may not be combined with subscript ranges. Convert all letters in the result to lower case. Sort the resulting words in ascending order. Sort the resulting words in descending order. This forces the value of the parameter name to be interpreted as a further parameter name, whose value will be used where appropriate. If used with a nested parameter or command substitution, the result of that will be taken as a parameter name in the same way. For example, if you have foo=bar and bar=baz, the strings ${(P)foo}, ${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to baz. Quote the resulting words with backslashes. If this ag is given twice, the resulting words are quoted in single quotes and if it is given three times, the words are quoted in double quotes. If it is given four times, the words are quoted in single quotes preceded by a $. Remove one level of quotes from the resulting words. Use a string describing the type of the parameter where the value of the parameter would usually appear. This string consists of keywords separated by hyphens (). The rst keyword in the string describes the main type, it can be one of scalar, array, integer, oat or association. The other keywords describe the type in more detail: local left for local parameters for left justied parameters

L o O P

Q t

right_blanks for right justied parameters with leading blanks right_zeros for right justied parameters with leading zeros lower upper for parameters whose value is converted to all lower case when it is expanded for parameters whose value is converted to all upper case when it is expanded

readonly for readonly parameters tag for tagged parameters export for exported parameters unique for arrays which keep only the rst occurrence of duplicated values

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hide U v

for parameters with the hide ag

special for special parameters dened by the shell Convert all letters in the result to upper case. Used with k, substitute (as two consecutive words) both the key and the value of each associative array element. Used with subscripts, force values to be substituted even if the subscript form refers to indices or keys. Make any special characters in the resulting words visible. With ${#name}, count words in arrays or strings; the s ag may be used to set a word delimiter. Similar to w with the difference that empty words between repeated delimiters are also counted. With this ag parsing errors occurring with the Q and e ags or the pattern matching forms such as ${name#pattern} are reported. Without the ag they are silently ignored. Split the result of the expansion into words using shell parsing to nd the words, i.e. taking into account any quoting in the value. Note that this is done very late, as for the (s) ag. So to access single words in the result, one has to use nested expansions as in ${${(z)foo}[2]}. Likewise, to remove the quotes in the resulting words one would do: ${(Q)${(z)foo}}. The following ags (except p) are followed by one or more arguments as shown. Any character, or the matching pairs (...), {...}, [...], or <...>, may be used in place of a colon as delimiters, but note that when a ag takes more than one argument, a matched pair of delimiters must surround each argument. p j:string: Join the words of arrays together using string as a separator. Note that this occurs before eld splitting by the SH_WORD_SPLIT option. l:expr::string1::string2: Pad the resulting words on the left. Each word will be truncated if required and placed in a eld expr characters wide. The space to the left will be lled with string1 (concatenated as often as needed) or spaces if string1 is not given. If both string1 and string2 are given, this string is inserted once directly to the left of each word, before padding. r:expr::string1::string2: As l, but pad the words on the right and insert string2 on the right. s:string: Force eld splitting (see the option SH_WORD_SPLIT) at the separator string. Note that a string of two or more characters means all must all match in sequence; this differs from the treatment of two or more characters in the IFS parameter. The following ags are meaningful with the ${...#...} or ${...%...} forms. The S and I ags may also be used with the ${.../...} forms. S Search substrings as well as beginnings or ends; with # start from the beginning and with % start from the end of the string. With substitution via ${.../...} or ${...//...}, species nongreedy matching, i.e. that the shortest instead of the longest match should be replaced. Recognize the same escape sequences as the print builtin in string arguments to any of the ags described below.

V w W X z

I:expr: Search the exprth match (where expr evaluates to a number). This only applies when searching for substrings, either with the S ag, or with ${.../...} (only the exprth match is substituted) or ${...//...} (all matches from the exprth on are substituted). The default is to take the rst match. The exprth match is counted such that there is either one or zero matches from each starting position in the string, although for global substitution matches overlapping previous replacements are ignored. With the ${...%...} and ${...%%...} forms, the starting position for the match moves

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backwards from the end as the index increases, while with the other forms it moves forward from the start. Hence with the string which switch is the right switch for Ipswich? substitutions of the form ${(SI:N:)string#w ch} as N increases from 1 will match and remove which, witch, witch and wich; the form using ## will match and remove which switch is the right switch for Ipswich, witch is the right switch for Ipswich, witch for Ipswich and wich. The form using % will remove the same matches as for #, but in reverse order, and the form using %% will remove the same matches as for ## in reverse order. B E M N R

Include the index of the beginning of the match in the result. Include the index of the end of the match in the result. Include the matched portion in the result. Include the length of the match in the result. Include the unmatched portion in the result (the Rest).

Here is a summary of the rules for substitution; this assumes that braces are present around the substitution, i.e. ${...}. Some particular examples are given below. Note that the Zsh Development Group accepts no responsibility for any brain damage which may occur during the reading of the following rules. 1. Nested Substitution If multiple nested ${...} forms are present, substitution is performed from the inside outwards. At each level, the substitution takes account of whether the current value is a scalar or an array, whether the whole substitution is in double quotes, and what ags are supplied to the current level of substitution, just as if the nested substitution were the outermost. The ags are not propagated up to enclosing substitutions; the nested substitution will return either a scalar or an array as determined by the ags, possibly adjusted for quoting. All the following steps take place where applicable at all levels of substitution. Note that, unless the (P) ag is present, the ags and any subscripts apply directly to the value of the nested substitution; for example, the expansion ${${foo}} behaves exactly the same as ${foo}. 2. Parameter Subscripting If the value is a raw parameter reference with a subscript, such as ${var[3]}, the effect of subscripting is applied directly to the parameter. Subscripts are evaluated left to right; subsequent subscripts apply to the scalar or array value yielded by the previous subscript. Thus if var is an array, ${var[1][2]} is the second character of the rst word, but ${var[2,4][2]} is the entire third word (the second word of the range of words two through four of the original array). Any number of subscripts may appear. 3. Parameter Name Replacement The effect of any (P) ag, which treats the value so far as a parameter name and replaces it with the corresponding value, is applied. 4. DoubleQuoted Joining If the value after this process is an array, and the substitution appears in double quotes, and no (@) ag is present at the current level, the words of the value are joined with the rst character of the parameter $IFS, by default a space, between each word (single word arrays are not modied). If the (j) ag is present, that is used for joining instead of $IFS. 5. Nested Subscripting Any remaining subscripts (i.e. of a nested substitution) are evaluated at this point, based on whether the value is an array or a scalar. As with 2., multiple subscripts can appear. Note that ${foo[2,4][2]} is thus equivalent to ${${foo[2,4]}[2]} and also to " ${${(@)foo[2,4]}[2]}" (the nested substitution returns an array in both cases), but not to " ${${foo[2,4]}[2]}" (the nested substitution returns a scalar because of the quotes).

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6. Modiers Any modiers, as specied by a trailing #, %, / (possibly doubled) or by a set of modiers of the form :... (see the section Modiers in the section History Expansion), are applied to the words of the value at this level. 7. Forced Joining If the (j) ag is present, or no (j) ag is present but the string is to be split as given by rules 8. or 9., and joining did not take place at step 4., any words in the value are joined together using the given string or the rst character of $IFS if none. Note that the (F) ag implicitly supplies a string for joining in this manner. 8. Forced Splitting If one of the (s), (f) or (z) ags are present, or the = specier was present (e.g. ${=var}), the word is split on occurrences of the specied string, or (for = with neither of the two ags present) any of the characters in $IFS. 9. Shell Word Splitting If no (s), (f) or = was given, but the word is not quoted and the option SH_WORD_SPLIT is set, the word is split on occurrences of any of the characters in $IFS. Note this step, too, takes place at all levels of a nested substitution. 10. ReEvaluation Any (e) ag is applied to the value, forcing it to be reexamined for new parameter substitutions, but also for command and arithmetic substitutions. 11. Padding Any padding of the value by the (l.ll.) or (r.ll.) ags is applied. 12. Semantic Joining In contexts where expansion semantics requires a single word to result, all words are rejoined with the rst character of IFS between. So in ${(P)${(f)lines}} the value of ${lines} is split at newlines, but then must be joined again before the P ag can be applied. If a single word is not required, this rule is skipped.

The ag f is useful to split a doublequoted substitution line by line. For example, ${(f)" $(<le)" } substitutes the contents of le divided so that each line is an element of the resulting array. Compare this with the effect of $(<le) alone, which divides the le up by words, or the same inside double quotes, which makes the entire content of the le a single string. The following illustrates the rules for nested parameter expansions. Suppose that $foo contains the array (bar baz): " ${(@)${foo}[1]}" This produces the result b. First, the inner substitution " ${foo}" , which has no array (@) ag, produces a single word result " bar baz" . The outer substitution " ${(@)...[1]}" detects that this is a scalar, so that (despite the (@) ag) the subscript picks the rst character. " ${${(@)foo}[1]}" This produces the result bar. In this case, the inner substitution " ${(@)foo}" produces the array (bar baz). The outer substitution " ${...[1]}" detects that this is an array and picks the rst word. This is similar to the simple case " ${foo[1]}" .

As an example of the rules for word splitting and joining, suppose $foo contains the array (ax1 bx1). Then ${(s/x/)foo} produces the words a, 1 b and 1. ${(j/x/s/x/)foo} produces a, 1, b and 1.

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${(s/x/)foo%%1 } produces a and b (note the extra space). As substitution occurs before either joining or splitting, the operation rst generates the modied array (ax bx), which is joined to give " ax bx" , and then split to give a, b and . The nal empty string will then be elided, as it is not in double quotes.

A command enclosed in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign, like $(...), or quoted with grave accents, like ..., is replaced with its standard output, with any trailing newlines deleted. If the substitution is not enclosed in double quotes, the output is broken into words using the IFS parameter. The substitution $(cat foo) may be replaced by the equivalent but faster $(<foo). In either case, if the option GLOB_SUBST is set, the output is eligible for lename generation.

A string of the form $[exp] or $((exp)) is substituted with the value of the arithmetic expression exp. exp is subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion before it is evaluated. See the section Arithmetic Evaluation.

A string of the form foo{xx,yy,zz}bar is expanded to the individual words fooxxbar, fooyybar and foozzbar. Lefttoright order is preserved. This construct may be nested. Commas may be quoted in order to include them literally in a word. An expression of the form {n1..n2}, where n1 and n2 are integers, is expanded to every number between n1 and n2 inclusive. If either number begins with a zero, all the resulting numbers will be padded with leading zeroes to that minimum width. If the numbers are in decreasing order the resulting sequence will also be in decreasing order. If a brace expression matches none of the above forms, it is left unchanged, unless the BRACE_CCL option is set. In that case, it is expanded to a sorted list of the individual characters between the braces, in the manner of a search set. is treated specially as in a search set, but or ! as the rst character is treated normally. Note that brace expansion is not part of lename generation (globbing); an expression such as /{foo,bar} is split into two separate words /foo and /bar before lename generation takes place. In particular, note that this is liable to produce a no match error if either of the two expressions does not match; this is to be contrasted with /(foobar), which is treated as a single pattern but otherwise has similar effects.

Each word is checked to see if it begins with an unquoted . If it does, then the word up to a /, or the end of the word if there is no /, is checked to see if it can be substituted in one of the ways described here. If so, then the and the checked portion are replaced with the appropriate substitute value. A by itself is replaced by the value of $HOME. A followed by a + or a is replaced by the value of $PWD or $OLDPWD, respectively. A followed by a number is replaced by the directory at that position in the directory stack. 0 is equivalent to +, and 1 is the top of the stack. + followed by a number is replaced by the directory at that position in the directory stack. +0 is equivalent to +, and +1 is the top of the stack. followed by a number is replaced by the directory that many positions from the bottom of the stack. 0 is the bottom of the stack. The PUSHD_MINUS option exchanges the effects of + and where they are followed by a number. A followed by anything not already covered is looked up as a named directory, and replaced by the value of that named directory if found. Named directories are typically home directories for users on the system. They may also be dened if the text after the is the name of a string shell parameter whose value begins with a /. It is also possible to dene directory names using the d option to the hash builtin.

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In certain circumstances (in prompts, for instance), when the shell prints a path, the path is checked to see if it has a named directory as its prex. If so, then the prex portion is replaced with a followed by the name of the directory. The shortest way of referring to the directory is used, with ties broken in favour of using a named directory, except when the directory is / itself. The parameters $PWD and $OLDPWD are never abbreviated in this fashion. If a word begins with an unquoted = and the EQUALS option is set, the remainder of the word is taken as the name of a command or alias. If a command exists by that name, the word is replaced by the full pathname of the command. If an alias exists by that name, the word is replaced with the text of the alias. Filename expansion is performed on the right hand side of a parameter assignment, including those appearing after commands of the typeset family. In this case, the right hand side will be treated as a colonseparated list in the manner of the PATH parameter, so that a or an = following a : is eligible for expansion. All such behaviour can be disabled by quoting the , the =, or the whole expression (but not simply the colon); the EQUALS option is also respected. If the option MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST is set, any unquoted shell argument in the form identier=expression becomes eligible for le expansion as described in the previous paragraph. Quoting the rst = also inhibits this.

If a word contains an unquoted instance of one of the characters (, , <, [, or ?, it is regarded as , a pattern for lename generation, unless the GLOB option is unset. If the EXTENDED_GLOB option is set, the and # characters also denote a pattern; otherwise they are not treated specially by the shell. The word is replaced with a list of sorted lenames that match the pattern. If no matching pattern is found, the shell gives an error message, unless the NULL_GLOB option is set, in which case the word is deleted; or unless the NOMATCH option is unset, in which case the word is left unchanged.

In lename generation, the character / must be matched explicitly; also, a . must be matched explicitly at the beginning of a pattern or after a /, unless the GLOB_DOTS option is set. No lename generation pattern matches the les . or ... In other instances of pattern matching, the / and . are not treated specially.
Glob Operators

Matches any string, including the null string. Matches any character. Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can be specied by separating two characters by a . A or ] may be matched by including it as the rst character in the list. There are also several named classes of characters, in the form [:name:] with the following meanings: [:alnum:] alphanumeric, [:alpha:] alphabetic, [:blank:] space or tab, [:cntrl:] control character, [:digit:] decimal digit, [:graph:] printable character except whitespace, [:lower:] lowercase letter, [:print:] printable character, [:punct:] printable character neither alphanumeric nor whitespace, [:space:] whitespace character, [:upper:] uppercase letter, [:xdigit:] hexadecimal digit. These use the macros provided by the operating system to test for the given character combinations, including any modications due to local language settings: see ctype(3). Note that the square brackets are additional to those enclosing the whole set of characters, so to test for a single alphanumeric character you need [[:alnum:]]. Named character sets can be used alongside other types, e.g. [[:alpha:]09]. Like [...], except that it matches any character which is not in the given set.


[ ...] [!...]

<[x][y]> Matches any number in the range x to y, inclusive. Either of the numbers may be omitted to make the range openended; hence <> matches any number. To match individual digits, the [...] form is more efficient.

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Be careful when using other wildcards adjacent to patterns of this form; for example, <09> will actually match any number whatsoever at the start of the string, since the <09> will match the rst digit, and the will match any others. This is a trap for the unwary, but is in fact an inevit able consequence of the rule that the longest possible match always succeeds. Expressions such as <09>[ [:digit:]] can be used instead. (...) Matches the enclosed pattern. This is used for grouping. If the KSH_GLOB option is set, then a @, +, ? or ! immediately preceding the ( is treated specially, as detailed below. The , option SH_GLOB prevents bare parentheses from being used in this way, though the KSH_GLOB option is still available. Note that grouping cannot extend over multiple directories: it is an error to have a / within a group (this only applies for patterns used in lename generation). There is one exception: a group of the form (pat/)# appearing as a complete path segment can match a sequence of directories. For example, foo/(a /)#bar matches foo/bar, foo/any/bar, foo/any/anyother/bar, and so on. xy x Matches either x or y. This operator has lower precedence than any other. The character must be within parentheses, to avoid interpretation as a pipeline. (Requires EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.) Matches anything except the pattern x. This has a higher precedence than /, so foo/bar will search directories in . except ./foo for a le named bar. (Requires EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.) Match anything that matches the pattern x but does not match y. This has lower precedence than any operator except , so foo/bar will search / for all les in all directories in . and then exclude foo/bar if there was such a match. Multiple patterns can be excluded by foobarbaz. In the exclusion pattern (y), / and . are not treated specially the way they usually are in globbing. (Requires EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.) Matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern x. This operator has high precedence; 12# is equivalent to 1(2#), rather than (12)#. It is an error for an unquoted # to follow something which cannot be repeated; this includes an empty string, a pattern already followed by ##, or parentheses when part of a KSH_GLOB pattern (for example, !(foo)# is invalid and must be replaced by (!(foo))). (Requires EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.) Matches one or more occurrences of the pattern x. This operator has high precedence; 12## is equivalent to 1(2##), rather than (12)##. No more than two active # characters may appear together.




kshlike Glob Operators

If the KSH_GLOB option is set, the effects of parentheses can be modied by a preceding @, +, ? , or !. This character need not be unquoted to have special effects, but the ( must be. @(...) (...) +(...) ?(...) !(...) Match the pattern in the parentheses. (Like (...).) Match any number of occurrences. (Like (...)#.) Match at least one occurrence. (Like (...)##.) Match zero or one occurrence. (Like (...).) Match anything but the expression in parentheses. (Like ( (...)).)


The precedence of the operators given above is (highest) /, , (lowest); the remaining operators are , simply treated from left to right as part of a string, with # and ## applying to the shortest possible preceding unit (i.e. a character, ?, [...], <...>, or a parenthesised expression). As mentioned above, a / used as a directory separator may not appear inside parentheses, while a must do so; in patterns used in other contexts than lename generation (for example, in case statements and tests within [[...]]), a / is not special; and / is also not special after a appearing outside parentheses in a lename pattern.

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Globbing Flags

There are various ags which affect any text to their right up to the end of the enclosing group or to the end of the pattern; they require the EXTENDED_GLOB option. All take the form (#X) where X may have one of the following forms: i l I b Case insensitive: upper or lower case characters in the pattern match upper or lower case characters. Lower case characters in the pattern match upper or lower case characters; upper case characters in the pattern still only match upper case characters. Case sensitive: locally negates the effect of i or l from that point on. Activate backreferences for parenthesised groups in the pattern; this does not work in lename generation. When a pattern with a set of active parentheses is matched, the strings matched by the groups are stored in the array $match, the indices of the beginning of the matched parentheses in the array $mbegin, and the indices of the end in the array $mend, with the rst element of each array corresponding to the rst parenthesised group, and so on. These arrays are not otherwise special to the shell. The indices use the same convention as does parameter substitution, so that elements of $mend and $mbegin may be used in subscripts; the KSH_ARRAYS option is respected. Sets of globbing ags are not considered parenthesised groups; only the rst nine active parentheses can be referenced. For example, foo=" a string with a message" if [[ $foo = (aan) (#b)( ]]; then ) print ${foo[$mbegin[1],$mend[1]]} prints string with a. Note that the rst parenthesis is before the (#b) and does not create a backreference. Backreferences work with all forms of pattern matching other than lename generation, but note that when performing matches on an entire array, such as ${array#pattern}, or a global substitution, such as ${param//pat/repl}, only the data for the last match remains available. In the case of global replacements this may still be useful. See the example for the m ag below. The numbering of backreferences strictly follows the order of the opening parentheses from left to right in the pattern string, although sets of parentheses may be nested. There are special rules for parentheses followed by # or ##. Only the last match of the parenthesis is remembered: for example, in [[ abab = (#b)([ab])# ]], only the nal b is stored in match[1]. Thus extra parentheses may be necessary to match the complete segment: for example, use X((abcd)#)Y to match a whole string of either ab or cd between X and Y, using the value of $match[1] rather than $match[2]. If the match fails none of the parameters is altered, so in some cases it may be necessary to initialise them beforehand. If some of the backreferences fail to match which happens if they are in an alternate branch which fails to match, or if they are followed by # and matched zero times then the matched string is set to the empty string, and the start and end indices are set to 1. Pattern matching with backreferences is slightly slower than without. B m Deactivate backreferences, negating the effect of the b ag from that point on. Set references to the match data for the entire string matched; this is similar to backreferencing and does not work in lename generation. The ag must be in effect at the end of the pattern, i.e. not local to a group. The parameters $MATCH, $MBEGIN and $MEND will be set to the string matched and to the indices of the beginning and end of the string, respectively. This is most useful in parameter substitutions, as otherwise the string matched is obvious.

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For example, arr=(veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck) print ${arr//(#m)[aeiou]/${(U)MATCH}} forces all the matches (i.e. all vowels) into uppercase, printing vEldt jynx grImps wAqf zhO bUck. Unlike backreferences, there is no speed penalty for using match references, other than the extra substitutions required for the replacement strings in cases such as the example shown. M anum s, e Deactivate the m ag, hence no references to match data will be created. Approximate matching: num errors are allowed in the string matched by the pattern. The rules for this are described in the next subsection. Unlike the other ags, these have only a local effect, and each must appear on its own: (#s) and (#e) are the only valid forms. The (#s) ag succeeds only at the start of the test string, and the (#e) ag succeeds only at the end of the test string; they correspond to and $ in standard reg ular expressions. They are useful for matching path segments in patterns other than those in lename generation (where path segments are in any case treated separately). For example, ((#s)/)test((#e)/) matches a path segment test in any of the following strings: test, test/at/start, at/end/test, in/test/middle. Another use is in parameter substitution; for example ${array/(#s)A Z(#e)} will remove only elements of an array which match the complete pattern A Z. There are other ways of performing many operations of this type, however the combination of the substitution operations / and // with the (#s) and (#e) ags provides a single simple and memorable method. Note that assertions of the form ( (#s)) also work, i.e. match anywhere except at the start of the string, although this actually means anything except a zerolength portion at the start of the string; you need to use (" " (#s)) to match a zerolength portion of the string not at the start. For example, the test string fooxx can be matched by the pattern (#i)FOOXX, but not by (#l)FOOXX, (#i)FOO(#I)XX or ((#i)FOOX)X. The string (#ia2)readme species caseinsensitive matching of readme with up to two errors. When using the ksh syntax for grouping both KSH_GLOB and EXTENDED_GLOB must be set and the left parenthesis should be preceded by @. Note also that the ags do not affect letters inside [...] groups, in other words (#i)[az] still matches only lowercase letters. Finally, note that when examining whole paths caseinsensitively every directory must be searched for all les which match, so that a pattern of the form (#i)/foo/bar/... is potentially slow.
Approximate Matching

When matching approximately, the shell keeps a count of the errors found, which cannot exceed the number specied in the (#anum) ags. Four types of error are recognised: 1. 2. 3. 4. Different characters, as in fooxbar and fooybar. Transposition of characters, as in banana and abnana. A character missing in the target string, as with the pattern road and target string rod. An extra character appearing in the target string, as with stove and strove.

Thus, the pattern (#a3)abcd matches dcba, with the errors occurring by using the rst rule twice and the second once, grouping the string as [d][cb][a] and [a][bc][d]. Nonliteral parts of the pattern must match exactly, including characters in character ranges: hence (#a1)??? matches strings of length four, by applying rule 4 to an empty part of the pattern, but not strings of length two, since all the ? must match. Other characters which must match exactly are initial dots in lenames (unless the GLOB_DOTS option is set), and all slashes in lenames, so that a/bc is two errors from ab/c (the slash cannot be transposed with another character). Similarly, errors are counted separately for noncontiguous strings in the pattern, so that (abcd)ef is two errors from aebf.

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When using exclusion via the operator, approximate matching is treated entirely separately for the excluded part and must be activated separately. Thus, (#a1)READMEREAD_ME matches READ.ME but not READ_ME, as the trailing READ_ME is matched without approximation. However, (#a1)README(#a1)READ_ME does not match any pattern of the form READ?ME as all such forms are now excluded. Apart from exclusions, there is only one overall error count; however, the maximum errors allowed may be altered locally, and this can be delimited by grouping. For example, (#a1)cat((#a0)dog)fox allows one error in total, which may not occur in the dog section, and the pattern (#a1)cat(#a0)dog(#a1)fox is equivalent. Note that the point at which an error is rst found is the crucial one for establishing whether to use approximation; for example, (#a1)abc(#a0)xyz will not match abcdxyz, because the error occurs at the x, where approximation is turned off. Entire path segments may be matched approximately, so that (#a1)/foo/d/is/available/at/the/bar allows one error in any path segment. This is much less efficient than without the (#a1), however, since every directory in the path must be scanned for a possible approximate match. It is best to place the (#a1) after any path segments which are known to be correct.
Recursive Globbing

A pathname component of the form (foo/)# matches a path consisting of zero or more directories matching the pattern foo. As a shorthand, / is equivalent to ( /)#; note that this therefore matches les in the current directory as well as subdirectories. Thus: ls ( /)#bar or ls /bar does a recursive directory search for les named bar (potentially including the le bar in the current directory). This form does not follow symbolic links; the alternative form does, but is otherwise / identical. Neither of these can be combined with other forms of globbing within the same path segment; in that case, the operators revert to their usual effect.
Glob Qualiers

Patterns used for lename generation may end in a list of qualiers enclosed in parentheses. The qualiers specify which lenames that otherwise match the given pattern will be inserted in the argument list. If the option BARE_GLOB_QUAL is set, then a trailing set of parentheses containing no or ( characters (or if it is special) is taken as a set of glob qualiers. A glob subexpression that would normally be taken as glob qualiers, for example ( can be forced to be treated as part of the glob pattern by doux), bling the parentheses, in this case producing (( x)). A qualier may be any one of the following: / . @ = p % %b %c r directories plain les symbolic links sockets named pipes (FIFOs) executable plain les (0100) device les (character or block special) block special les character special les ownerreadable les (0400)

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w x A I E R W X s S t fspec

ownerwritable les (0200) ownerexecutable les (0100) groupreadable les (0040) groupwritable les (0020) groupexecutable les (0010) worldreadable les (0004) worldwritable les (0002) worldexecutable les (0001) setuid les (04000) setgid les (02000) les with the sticky bit (01000) les with access rights matching spec. This spec may be a octal number optionally preceded by a =, a +, or a . If none of these characters is given, the behavior is the same as for =. The octal number describes the mode bits to be expected, if combined with a =, the value given must match the lemodes exactly, with a +, at least the bits in the given number must be set in the lemodes, and with a , the bits in the number must not be set. Giving a ? instead of a octal digit anywhere in the number ensures that the corresponding bits in the lemodes are not checked, this is only useful in combination with =. If the qualier f is followed by any other character anything up to the next matching character ([, {, and < match ], }, and > respectively, any other character matches itself) is taken as a list of commaseparated subspecs. Each subspec may be either a octal number as described above or a list of any of the characters u, g, o, and a, followed by a =, a +, or a , followed by a list of any of the characters r, w, x, s, and t, or a octal digit. The rst list of characters specify which access rights are to be checked. If a u is given, those for the owner of the le are used, if a g is given, those of the group are checked, a o means to test those of other users, and the a says to test all three groups. The =, +, and again says how the modes are to be checked and have the same meaning as described for the rst form above. The second list of characters nally says which access rights are to be expected: r for read access, w for write access, x for the right to execute the le (or to search a directory), s for the setuid and setgid bits, and t for the sticky bit. Thus, (f70?) gives the les for which the owner has read, write, and execute permission, and for which other group members have no rights, independent of the permissions for other users. The pattern (f100) gives all les for which the owner does not have execute permission, and (f:gu+w,orx:) gives the les for which the owner and the other members of the group have at least write permission, and for which other users dont have read or execute permission.

estring The string will be executed as shell code. The lename will be included in the list if and only if the code returns a zero status (usually the status of the last command). The rst character after the e will be used as a separator and anything up to the next matching separator will be taken as the string; [, {, and < match ], }, and >, respectively, while any other character matches itself. Note that expansions must be quoted in the string to prevent them from being expanded before globbing is done. During the execution of string the lename currently being tested is available in the parameter REPLY; the parameter may be altered to a string to be inserted into the list instead of the original lename. In addition, the parameter reply may be set to an array or a string, which overrides the value of REPLY. If set to an array, the latter is inserted into the command line word by word.

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For example, suppose a directory contains a single le lonely. Then the expression (e:reply=(${REPLY}{1,2}):) will cause the words lonely1 lonely2 to be inserted into the command line. Note the quotation marks. ddev U G uid les on the device dev les owned by the effective user ID les owned by the effective group ID les owned by user ID id if it is a number, if not, than the character after the u will be used as a separator and the string between it and the next matching separator ([, {, and < match ], }, and > respectively, any other character matches itself) will be taken as a user name, and the user ID of this user will be taken (e.g. u:foo: or u[foo] for user foo) like uid but with group IDs or names l[+]ct les having a link count less than ct (), greater than ct (+), or equal to ct


a[Mwhms][+]n les accessed exactly n days ago. Files accessed within the last n days are selected using a negative value for n (n). Files accessed more than n days ago are selected by a positive n value (+n). Optional unit speciers M, w, h, m or s (e.g. ah5) cause the check to be performed with months (of 30 days), weeks, hours, minutes or seconds instead of days, respectively. For instance, echo (ah5) would echo les accessed within the last ve hours. m[Mwhms][+]n like the le access qualier, except that it uses the le modication time. c[Mwhms][+]n like the le access qualier, except that it uses the le inode change time. L[+]n les less than n bytes (), more than n bytes (+), or exactly n bytes in length. If this ag is directly followed by a k (K), m (M), or p (P) (e.g. Lk50) the check is performed with kilobytes, megabytes, or blocks (of 512 bytes) instead. M T N D n oc negates all qualiers following it toggles between making the qualiers work on symbolic links (the default) and the les they point to sets the MARK_DIRS option for the current pattern appends a trailing qualier mark to the lenames, analogous to the LIST_TYPES option, for the current pattern (overrides M) sets the NULL_GLOB option for the current pattern sets the GLOB_DOTS option for the current pattern sets the NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT option for the current pattern species how the names of the les should be sorted. If c is n they are sorted by name (the default); if it is L they are sorted depending on the size (length) of the les; if l they are sorted by the number of links; if a, m, or c they are sorted by the time of the last access, modication, or inode change respectively; if d, les in subdirectories appear before those in the current directory at each level of the search this is best combined with other criteria, for example odon to sort on names for les within the same directory. Note that a, m, and c compare the age against the current time, hence the rst name in the list is the youngest le. Also note that the modiers and are used, so oL) gives a list of all les sorted by le size in descending order, following ( any symbolic links. like o, but sorts in descending order; i.e. oc) is the same as ( (Oc) and Oc) is the same ( as (oc); Od puts les in the current directory before those in subdirectories at each level of the search.


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[beg[,end]] species which of the matched lenames should be included in the returned list. The syntax is the same as for array subscripts. beg and the optional end may be mathematical expressions. As in parameter subscripting they may be negative to make them count from the last match backward. E.g.: (OL[1,3]) gives a list of the names of the three largest les. More than one of these lists can be combined, separated by commas. The whole list matches if at least one of the sublists matches (they are ored, the qualiers in the sublists are anded). Some qualiers, however, affect all matches generated, independent of the sublist in which they are given. These are the qualiers M, T, N, D, n, o, O and the subscripts given in brackets ([...]). If a : appears in a qualier list, the remainder of the expression in parenthesis is interpreted as a modier (see the section Modiers in the section History Expansion). Note that each modier must be introduced by a separate :. Note also that the result after modication does not have to be an existing le. The name of any existing le can be followed by a modier of the form (:..) even if no actual lename generation is performed. Thus: ls (/) lists all directories and symbolic links that point to directories, and ls (%W) lists all worldwritable device les in the current directory, and ls (W,X) lists all les in the current directory that are worldwritable or worldexecutable, and echo /tmp/foo (u0 @:t) outputs the basename of all rootowned les beginning with the string foo in /tmp, ignoring symlinks, and ls (lexparse).[ch]( l1) . D lists all les having a link count of one whose names contain a dot (but not those starting with a dot, since GLOB_DOTS is explicitly switched off) except for lex.c, lex.h, parse.c and parse.h.

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zshparam zsh parameters


A parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes. A name may be any sequence of alphanumeric characters and underscores, or the single characters @, #, ?, , $, or !. The , value may be a scalar (a string), an integer, an array (indexed numerically), or an associative array (an unordered set of namevalue pairs, indexed by name). To declare the type of a parameter, or to assign a scalar or integer value to a parameter, use the typeset builtin. The value of a scalar or integer parameter may also be assigned by writing: name=value If the integer attribute, i, is set for name, the value is subject to arithmetic evaluation. See the section Array Parameters for additional forms of assignment. To refer to the value of a parameter, write $name or ${name}. See Parameter Expansion in zshexpn(1) for complete details. In the parameter lists that follow, the mark <S> indicates that the parameter is special. Special parameters cannot have their type changed, and they stay special even if unset. <Z> indicates that the parameter does not exist when the shell initializes in sh or ksh emulation mode.

To assign an array value, write one of: set A name value ... name=(value ...) If no parameter name exists, an ordinary array parameter is created. If the parameter name exists and is a scalar, it is replaced by a new array. Ordinary array parameters may also be explicitly declared with: typeset a name Associative arrays must be declared before assignment, by using: typeset A name When name refers to an associative array, the list in an assignment is interpreted as alternating keys and values: set A name key value ... name=(key value ...) Every key must have a value in this case. Note that this assigns to the entire array, deleting any elements that do not appear in the list. To create an empty array (including associative arrays), use one of: set A name name=()
Array Subscripts

Individual elements of an array may be selected using a subscript. A subscript of the form [exp] selects the single element exp, where exp is an arithmetic expression which will be subject to arithmetic expansion as if it were surrounded by $((...)). The elements are numbered beginning with 1, unless the KSH_ARRAYS option is set in which case they are numbered from zero. Subscripts may be used inside braces used to delimit a parameter name, thus ${foo[2]} is equivalent to $foo[2]. If the KSH_ARRAYS option is set, the braced form is the only one that works, as bracketed expressions otherwise are not treated as subscripts. The same subscripting syntax is used for associative arrays, except that no arithmetic expansion is applied to exp. However, the parsing rules for arithmetic expressions still apply, which affects the way that certain

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special characters must be protected from interpretation. See Subscript Parsing below for details. A subscript of the form [ or [@] evaluates to all elements of an array; there is no difference between ] the two except when they appear within double quotes. " $foo[ evaluates to " $foo[1] $foo[2] ..." , ]" whereas " $foo[@]" evaluates to " $foo[1]" " $foo[2]" .... For associative arrays, [ or [@] evaluate ] to all the values (not the keys, but see Subscript Flags below), in no particular order. When an array parameter is referenced as $name (with no subscript) it evaluates to $name[ ], unless the KSH_ARRAYS option is set in which case it evaluates to ${name[0]} (for an associative array, this means the value of the key 0, which may not exist even if there are values for other keys). A subscript of the form [exp1,exp2] selects all elements in the range exp1 to exp2, inclusive. (Associative arrays are unordered, and so do not support ranges.) If one of the subscripts evaluates to a negative number, say n, then the nth element from the end of the array is used. Thus $foo[3] is the third element from the end of the array foo, and $foo[1,1] is the same as $foo[ ]. Subscripting may also be performed on nonarray values, in which case the subscripts specify a substring to be extracted. For example, if FOO is set to foobar, then echo $FOO[2,5] prints ooba.
Array Element Assignment

A subscript may be used on the left side of an assignment like so: name[exp]=value In this form of assignment the element or range specied by exp is replaced by the expression on the right side. An array (but not an associative array) may be created by assignment to a range or element. Arrays do not nest, so assigning a parenthesized list of values to an element or range changes the number of elements in the array, shifting the other elements to accommodate the new values. (This is not supported for associative arrays.) This syntax also works as an argument to the typeset command: typeset " name[exp]" =value The value may not be a parenthesized list in this case; only singleelement assignments may be made with typeset. Note that quotes are necessary in this case to prevent the brackets from being interpreted as lename generation operators. The noglob precommand modier could be used instead. To delete an element of an ordinary array, assign () to that element. To delete an element of an associative array, use the unset command: unset " name[exp]"
Subscript Flags

If the opening bracket, or the comma in a range, in any subscript expression is directly followed by an opening parenthesis, the string up to the matching closing one is considered to be a list of ags, as in name[(ags)exp]. The ags currently understood are: w s:string: This gives the string that separates words (for use with the w ag). p f r Recognize the same escape sequences as the print builtin in the string argument of a subsequent s ag. If the parameter subscripted is a scalar than this ag makes subscripting work on lines instead of characters, i.e. with elements separated by newlines. This is a shorthand for pws:\n:. Reverse subscripting: if this ag is given, the exp is taken as a pattern and the result is the rst matching array element, substring or word (if the parameter is an array, if it is a scalar, or if it is a scalar and the w ag is given, respectively). The subscript used is the number of the matching element, so that pairs of subscripts such as $foo[(r)??,3] and $foo[(r)??,(r)f are possible. If ] the parameter is an associative array, only the value part of each pair is compared to the pattern, If the parameter subscripted is a scalar than this ag makes subscripting work on words instead of characters. The default word separator is whitespace.

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and the result is that value. Reverse subscripts may be used for assigning to ordinary array elements, but not for assigning to associative arrays. R i Like r, but gives the last match. For associative arrays, gives all possible matches. Like r, but gives the index of the match instead; this may not be combined with a second argument. On the left side of an assignment, behaves like r. For associative arrays, the key part of each pair is compared to the pattern, and the rst matching key found is the result. Like i, but gives the index of the last match, or all possible matching keys in an associative array. If used in a subscript on an associative array, this ag causes the keys to be interpreted as patterns, and returns the value for the rst key found where exp is matched by the key. This ag does not work on the left side of an assignment to an associative array element. If used on another type of parameter, this behaves like r. On an associative array this is like k but returns all values where exp is matched by the keys. On other types of parameters this has the same effect as R.

I k

n:expr: If combined with r, R, i or I, makes them give the nth or nth last match (if expr evaluates to n). This ag is ignored when the array is associative. b:expr: If combined with r, R, i or I, makes them begin at the nth or nth last element, word, or character (if expr evaluates to n). This ag is ignored when the array is associative. e This ag has no effect and for ordinary arrays is retained for backward compatibility only. For associative arrays, this ag can be used to force or @ to be interpreted as a single key rather than as a reference to all values. This ag may be used on the left side of an assignment.

See Parameter Expansion Flags (zshexpn(1)) for additional ways to manipulate the results of array subscripting.
Subscript Parsing

This discussion applies mainly to associative array key strings and to patterns used for reverse subscripting (the r, R, i, etc. ags), but it may also affect parameter substitutions that appear as part of an arithmetic expression in an ordinary subscript. The basic rule to remember when writing a subscript expression is that all text between the opening [ and the closing ] is interpreted as if it were in double quotes (see zshmisc(1)). However, unlike double quotes which normally cannot nest, subscript expressions may appear inside doublequoted strings or inside other subscript expressions (or both!), so the rules have two important differences. The rst difference is that brackets ([ and ]) must appear as balanced pairs in a subscript expression unless they are preceded by a backslash (\). Therefore, within a subscript expression (and unlike true doublequoting) the sequence \[ becomes [, and similarly \] becomes ]. This applies even in cases where a backslash is not normally required; for example, the pattern [ (to match any character other [] than an open bracket) should be written [ in a reversesubscript pattern. However, note that \[ \[] \[\] and even \[ mean the same thing, because backslashes are always stripped when they appear before [] brackets! The same rule applies to parentheses (( and )) and braces ({ and }): they must appear either in balanced pairs or preceded by a backslash, and backslashes that protect parentheses or braces are removed during parsing. This is because parameter expansions may be surrounded balanced braces, and subscript ags are introduced by balanced parenthesis. The second difference is that a doublequote (" ) may appear as part of a subscript expression without being preceded by a backslash, and therefore that the two characters \" remain as two characters in the subscript (in true doublequoting, \" becomes " ). However, because of the standard shell quoting rules, any doublequotes that appear must occur in balanced pairs unless preceded by a backslash. This makes it more difficult to write a subscript expression that contains an odd number of doublequote characters, but the reason for this difference is so that when a subscript expression appears inside true doublequotes, one can still write \" (rather than \\\" ) for " .

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To use an odd number of double quotes as a key in an assignment, use the typeset builtin and an enclosing pair of double quotes; to refer to the value of that key, again use double quotes: typeset A aa typeset " aa[one\" two\" three\" quotes]" =QQQ print " $aa[one\" two\" three\" quotes]" It is important to note that the quoting rules do not change when a parameter expansion with a subscript is nested inside another subscript expression. That is, it is not necessary to use additional backslashes within the inner subscript expression; they are removed only once, from the innermost subscript outwards. Parameters are also expanded from the innermost subscript rst, as each expansion is encountered left to right in the outer expression. A further complication arises from a way in which subscript parsing is not different from double quote parsing. As in true doublequoting, the sequences \ and \@ remain as two characters when they appear in , a subscript expression. To use a literal or @ as an associative array key, the e ag must be used: typeset A aa aa[(e) ]=star print $aa[(e) ] A last detail must be considered when reverse subscripting is performed. Parameters appearing in the subscript expression are rst expanded and then the complete expression is interpreted as a pattern. This has two effects: rst, parameters behave as if GLOB_SUBST were on (and it cannot be turned off); second, backslashes are interpreted twice, once when parsing the array subscript and again when parsing the pattern. In a reverse subscript, its necessary to use four backslashes to cause a single backslash to match literally in the pattern. For complex patterns, it is often easiest to assign the desired pattern to a parameter and then refer to that parameter in the subscript, because then the backslashes, brackets, parentheses, etc., are seen only when the complete expression is converted to a pattern. To match the value of a parameter literally in a reverse subscript, rather than as a pattern, use ${(q)name} (see zshexpn(1)) to quote the expanded value. Note that the k and K ags are reverse subscripting for an ordinary array, but are not reverse subscripting for an associative array! (For an associative array, the keys in the array itself are interpreted as patterns by those ags; the subscript is a plain string in that case.) One nal note, not directly related to subscripting: the numeric names of positional parameters (described below) are parsed specially, so for example $2foo is equivalent to ${2}foo. Therefore, to use subscript syntax to extract a substring from a positional parameter, the expansion must be surrounded by braces; for example, ${2[3,5]} evaluates to the third through fth characters of the second positional parameter, but $2[3,5] is the entire second parameter concatenated with the lename generation pattern [3,5].

The positional parameters provide access to the commandline arguments of a shell function, shell script, or the shell itself; see the section Invocation, and also the section Functions. The parameter n, where n is a number, is the nth positional parameter. The parameters @ and argv are arrays containing all the , positional parameters; thus $argv[n], etc., is equivalent to simply $n. Positional parameters may be changed after the shell or function starts by using the set builtin, by assigning to the argv array, or by direct assignment of the form n=value where n is the number of the positional parameter to be changed. This also creates (with empty values) any of the positions from 1 to n that do not already have values. Note that, because the positional parameters form an array, an array assignment of the form n=(value ...) is allowed, and has the effect of shifting all the values at positions greater than n by as many positions as necessary to accommodate the new values.

Shell function executions delimit scopes for shell parameters. (Parameters are dynamically scoped.) The typeset builtin, and its alternative forms declare, integer, local and readonly (but not export), can be used to declare a parameter as being local to the innermost scope.

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When a parameter is read or assigned to, the innermost existing parameter of that name is used. (That is, the local parameter hides any lesslocal parameter.) However, assigning to a nonexistent parameter, or declaring a new parameter with export, causes it to be created in the outermost scope. Local parameters disappear when their scope ends. unset can be used to delete a parameter while it is still in scope; any outer parameter of the same name remains hidden. Special parameters may also be made local; they retain their special attributes unless either the existing or the newlycreated parameter has the h (hide) attribute. This may have unexpected effects: there is no default value, so if there is no assignment at the point the variable is made local, it will be set to an empty value (or zero in the case of integers). The following: typeset PATH=/new/directory:$PATH is valid for temporarily allowing the shell or programmes called from it to nd the programs in /new/directory inside a function. Note that the restriction in older versions of zsh that local parameters were never exported has been removed.

The following parameters are automatically set by the shell: ! <S> # <S> The process ID of the last background command invoked. The number of positional parameters in decimal. Note that some confusion may occur with the syntax $#param which substitutes the length of param. Use ${#} to resolve ambiguities. In particular, the sequence $#... in an arithmetic expression is interpreted as the length of the parameter , q.v.

ARGC <S> <Z> Same as #. $ <S> <S> <S> The process ID of this shell. Flags supplied to the shell on invocation or by the set or setopt commands. An array containing the positional parameters.

argv <S> <Z> Same as Assigning to argv changes the local positional parameters, but argv is not itself a local . parameter. Deleting argv with unset in any function deletes it everywhere, although only the innermost positional parameter array is deleted (so and @ in other scopes are not affected). @ <S> Same as argv[@], even when argv is not set. ? <S> 0 <S> The exit value returned by the last command. The name used to invoke the current shell. If the FUNCTION_ARGZERO option is set, this is set temporarily within a shell function to the name of the function, and within a sourced script to the name of the script.

status <S> <Z> Same as ?. pipestatus <S> <Z> An array containing the exit values returned by all commands in the last pipeline. _ <S> The last argument of the previous command. Also, this parameter is set in the environment of every command executed to the full pathname of the command.

CPUTYPE The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at run time. EGID <S> The effective group ID of the shell process. If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the

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effective group ID of the shell process by assigning to this parameter. Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a single command with a different effective group ID by (EGID=gid; command) EUID <S> The effective user ID of the shell process. If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the effective user ID of the shell process by assigning to this parameter. Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a single command with a different effective user ID by (EUID=uid; command) ERRNO <S> The value of errno (see errno(3)) as set by the most recently failed system call. This value is system dependent and is intended for debugging purposes. GID <S> The real group ID of the shell process. If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the group ID of the shell process by assigning to this parameter. Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a single command under a different group ID by (GID=gid; command) HOST The current hostname. LINENO <S> The line number of the current line within the current script, sourced le, or shell function being executed, whichever was started most recently. Note that in the case of shell functions the line number refers to the function as it appeared in the original denition, not necessarily as displayed by the functions builtin. LOGNAME If the corresponding variable is not set in the environment of the shell, it is initialized to the login name corresponding to the current login session. This parameter is exported by default but this can be disabled using the typeset builtin. MACHTYPE The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at compile time. OLDPWD The previous working directory. This is set when the shell initializes and whenever the directory changes. OPTARG <S> The value of the last option argument processed by the getopts command. OPTIND <S> The index of the last option argument processed by the getopts command. OSTYPE The operating system, as determined at compile time. PPID <S> The process ID of the parent of the shell. PWD The present working directory. This is set when the shell initializes and whenever the directory changes.

RANDOM <S> A random integer from 0 to 32767, newly generated each time this parameter is referenced. The random number generator can be seeded by assigning a numeric value to RANDOM. SECONDS <S> The number of seconds since shell invocation. If this parameter is assigned a value, then the value returned upon reference will be the value that was assigned plus the number of seconds since the assignment.

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SHLVL <S> Incremented by one each time a new shell is started. signals An array containing the names of the signals. TTY The name of the tty associated with the shell, if any. TTYIDLE <S> The idle time of the tty associated with the shell in seconds or 1 if there is no such tty. UID <S> The real user ID of the shell process. If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the user ID of the shell by assigning to this parameter. Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a single command under a different user ID by (UID=uid; command) USERNAME <S> The username corresponding to the real user ID of the shell process. If you have sufficient privileges, you may change the username (and also the user ID and group ID) of the shell by assigning to this parameter. Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a single command under a different username (and user ID and group ID) by (USERNAME=username; command) VENDOR The vendor, as determined at compile time. ZSH_NAME Expands to the basename of the command used to invoke this instance of zsh. ZSH_VERSION The version number of this zsh.

The following parameters are used by the shell. In cases where there are two parameters with an upper and lowercase form of the same name, such as path and PATH, the lowercase form is an array and the uppercase form is a scalar with the elements of the array joined together by colons. These are similar to tied parameters created via typeset T. The normal use for the colonseparated form is for exporting to the environment, while the array form is easier to manipulate within the shell. Note that unsetting either of the pair will unset the other; they retain their special properties when recreated, and recreating one of the pair will recreate the other. ARGV0 If exported, its value is used as the argv[0] of external commands. Usually used in constructs like ARGV0=emacs nethack. BAUD The baud rate of the current connection. Used by the line editor update mechanism to compensate for a slow terminal by delaying updates until necessary. This may be protably set to a lower value in some circumstances, e.g. for slow modems dialing into a communications server which is connected to a host via a fast link; in this case, this variable would be set by default to the speed of the fast link, and not the modem. This parameter should be set to the baud rate of the slowest part of the link for best performance. The compensation mechanism can be turned off by setting the variable to zero. cdpath <S> <Z> (CDPATH <S>) An array (colonseparated list) of directories specifying the search path for the cd command. COLUMNS <S> The number of columns for this terminal session. Used for printing select lists and for the line editor. DIRSTACKSIZE The maximum size of the directory stack. If the stack gets larger than this, it will be truncated

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automatically. This is useful with the AUTO_PUSHD option. FCEDIT The default editor for the fc builtin. gnore <S> <Z> (FIGNORE <S>) An array (colon separated list) containing the suffixes of les to be ignored during lename completion. However, if the completion generates only les which would match if this variable would be ignored, than these les are completed anyway. fpath <S> <Z> (FPATH <S>) An array (colon separated list) of directories specifying the search path for function denitions. This path is searched when a function with the u attribute is referenced. If an executable le is found, then it is read and executed in the current environment. histchars <S> Three characters used by the shells history and lexical analysis mechanism. The rst character signals the start of a history expansion (default !). The second character signals the start of a quick history substitution (default The third character is the comment character (default #). ). HISTCHARS <S> <Z> Same as histchars. (Deprecated.) HISTFILE The le to save the history in when an interactive shell exits. If unset, the history is not saved. HISTSIZE <S> The maximum number of events stored in the internal history list. If you use the HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST option, setting this value larger than the SAVEHIST size will give you the difference as a cushion for saving duplicated history events. HOME <S> The default argument for the cd command. IFS <S> Internal eld separators (by default space, tab, newline and NUL), that are used to separate words which result from command or parameter expansion and words read by the read builtin. Any characters from the set space, tab and newline that appear in the IFS are called IFS white space. One or more IFS white space characters or one nonIFS white space character together with any adjacent IFS white space character delimit a eld. If an IFS white space character appears twice consecutively in the IFS, this character is treated as if it were not an IFS white space character. KEYTIMEOUT The time the shell waits, in hundredths of seconds, for another key to be pressed when reading bound multicharacter sequences. LANG <S> This variable determines the locale category for any category not specically selected via a variable starting with LC_. LC_ALL <S> This variable overrides the value of the LANG variable and the value of any of the other variables starting with LC_. LC_COLLATE <S> This variable determines the locale category for character collation information within ranges in glob brackets and for sorting. LC_CTYPE <S> This variable determines the locale category for character handling functions. LC_MESSAGES <S>

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This variable determines the language in which messages should be written. Note that zsh does not use message catalogs. LC_NUMERIC <S> This variable affects the decimal point character and thousands separator character for the formatted input/output functions and string conversion functions. Note that zsh ignores this setting when parsing oating point mathematical expressions. LC_TIME <S> This variable determines the locale category for date and time formatting in prompt escape sequences. LINES <S> The number of lines for this terminal session. Used for printing select lists and for the line editor. LISTMAX In the line editor, the number of matches to list without asking rst. If the value is negative, the list will be shown if it spans at most as many lines as given by the absolute value. If set to zero, the shell asks only if the top of the listing would scroll off the screen. LOGCHECK The interval in seconds between checks for login/logout activity using the watch parameter. MAIL If this parameter is set and mailpath is not set, the shell looks for mail in the specied le. MAILCHECK The interval in seconds between checks for new mail. mailpath <S> <Z> (MAILPATH <S>) An array (colonseparated list) of lenames to check for new mail. Each lename can be followed by a ? and a message that will be printed. The message will undergo parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion with the variable $_ dened as the name of the le that has changed. The default message is You have new mail. If an element is a directory instead of a le the shell will recursively check every le in every subdirectory of the element. manpath <S> <Z> (MANPATH <S> <Z>) An array (colonseparated list) whose value is not used by the shell. The manpath array can be useful, however, since setting it also sets MANPATH, and vice versa. module_path <S> <Z> (MODULE_PATH <S>) An array (colonseparated list) of directories that zmodload searches for dynamically loadable modules. This is initialized to a standard pathname, usually /usr/local/lib/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION. (The /usr/local/lib part varies from installation to installation.) For security reasons, any value set in the environment when the shell is started will be ignored. These parameters only exist if the installation supports dynamic module loading. NULLCMD <S> The command name to assume if a redirection is specied with no command. Defaults to cat. For sh/ksh behavior, change this to :. For cshlike behavior, unset this parameter; the shell will print an error message if null commands are entered. path <S> <Z> (PATH <S>) An array (colonseparated list) of directories to search for commands. When this parameter is set, each directory is scanned and all les found are put in a hash table. POSTEDIT <S> This string is output whenever the line editor exits. It usually contains termcap strings to reset the terminal. PROMPT <S> <Z>

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PROMPT2 <S> <Z> PROMPT3 <S> <Z> PROMPT4 <S> <Z> Same as PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4, respectively. prompt <S> <Z> Same as PS1. PS1 <S> The primary prompt string, printed before a command is read. the default is %m%# . It undergoes a special form of expansion before being displayed; see the section Prompt Expansion. PS2 <S> The secondary prompt, printed when the shell needs more information to complete a command. It is expanded in the same way as PS1. The default is %_> , which displays any shell constructs or quotation marks which are currently being processed. PS3 <S> Selection prompt used within a select loop. It is expanded in the same way as PS1. The default is ?# . PS4 <S> The execution trace prompt. Default is +%N:%i> , which displays the name of the current shell structure and the line number within it. In sh or ksh emulation, the default is + . psvar <S> <Z> (PSVAR <S>) An array (colonseparated list) whose rst nine values can be used in PROMPT strings. Setting psvar also sets PSVAR, and vice versa. READNULLCMD <S> The command name to assume if a single input redirection is specied with no command. Defaults to more. REPORTTIME If nonnegative, commands whose combined user and system execution times (measured in seconds) are greater than this value have timing statistics printed for them. REPLY This parameter is reserved by convention to pass string values between shell scripts and shell builtins in situations where a function call or redirection are impossible or undesirable. The read builtin and the select complex command may set REPLY, and lename generation both sets and examines its value when evaluating certain expressions. Some modules also employ REPLY for similar purposes. reply As REPLY, but for array values rather than strings. RPROMPT <S> RPS1 <S> This prompt is displayed on the righthand side of the screen when the primary prompt is being displayed on the left. This does not work if the SINGLELINEZLE option is set. It is expanded in the same way as PS1. SAVEHIST The maximum number of history events to save in the history le. SPROMPT <S> The prompt used for spelling correction. The sequence %R expands to the string which presumably needs spelling correction, and %r expands to the proposed correction. All other prompt escapes are also allowed. STTY If this parameter is set in a commands environment, the shell runs the stty command with the value of this parameter as arguments in order to set up the terminal before executing the command.

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The modes apply only to the command, and are reset when it nishes or is suspended. If the command is suspended and continued later with the fg or wait builtins it will see the modes specied by STTY, as if it were not suspended. This (intentionally) does not apply if the command is continued via kill CONT. STTY is ignored if the command is run in the background, or if it is in the environment of the shell but not explicitly assigned to in the input line. This avoids running stty at every external command by accidentally exporting it. Also note that STTY should not be used for window size specications; these will not be local to the command. TERM <S> The type of terminal in use. This is used when looking up termcap sequences. An assignment to TERM causes zsh to reinitialize the terminal, even if the value does not change (e.g., TERM=$TERM). It is necessary to make such an assignment upon any change to the terminal denition database or terminal type in order for the new settings to take effect. TIMEFMT The format of process time reports with the time keyword. The default is %E real %U user %S system %P %J. Recognizes the following escape sequences: %% %U %S %E %P %J A %. CPU seconds spent in user mode. CPU seconds spent in kernel mode. Elapsed time in seconds. The CPU percentage, computed as (%U+%S)/%E. The name of this job.

A star may be inserted between the percent sign and ags printing time. This cause the time to be printed in hh:mm:ss.ttt format (hours and minutes are only printed if they are not zero). TMOUT If this parameter is nonzero, the shell will receive an ALRM signal if a command is not entered within the specied number of seconds after issuing a prompt. If there is a trap on SIGALRM, it will be executed and a new alarm is scheduled using the value of the TMOUT parameter after executing the trap. If no trap is set, and the idle time of the terminal is not less than the value of the TMOUT parameter, zsh terminates. Otherwise a new alarm is scheduled to TMOUT seconds after the last keypress. TMPPREFIX A pathname prex which the shell will use for all temporary les. Note that this should include an initial part for the le name as well as any directory names. The default is /tmp/zsh. watch <S> <Z> (WATCH <S>) An array (colonseparated list) of login/logout events to report. If it contains the single word all, then all login/logout events are reported. If it contains the single word notme, then all events are reported as with all except $USERNAME. An entry in this list may consist of a username, an @ followed by a remote hostname, and a % followed by a line (tty). Any or all of these components may be present in an entry; if a login/logout event matches all of them, it is reported. WATCHFMT The format of login/logout reports if the watch parameter is set. Default is %n has %a %l from %m. Recognizes the following escape sequences: %n %a %l %M %m The name of the user that logged in/out. The observed action, i.e. "logged on" or "logged off". The line (tty) the user is logged in on. The full hostname of the remote host. The hostname up to the rst .. If only the IP address is available or the utmp eld contains the name of an Xwindows display, the whole name is printed.

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NOTE: The %m and %M escapes will work only if there is a host name eld in the utmp on your machine. Otherwise they are treated as ordinary strings. %S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode. %U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode. %B (%b) Start (stop) boldface mode. %t %@ %T %w %W %D The time, in 12hour, am/pm format. The time, in 24hour format. The date in daydd format. The date in mm/dd/yy format. The date in yymmdd format.

%(x:truetext:falsetext) Species a ternary expression. The character following the x is arbitrary; the same character is used to separate the text for the "true" result from that for the "false" result. Both the separator and the right parenthesis may be escaped with a backslash. Ternary expressions may be nested. The test character x may be any one of l, n, m or M, which indicate a true result if the corresponding escape sequence would return a nonempty value; or it may be a, which indicates a true result if the watched user has logged in, or false if he has logged out. Other characters evaluate to neither true nor false; the entire expression is omitted in this case. If the result is true, then the truetext is formatted according to the rules above and printed, and the falsetext is skipped. If false, the truetext is skipped and the falsetext is formatted and printed. Either or both of the branches may be empty, but both separators must be present in any case. WORDCHARS <S> A list of nonalphanumeric characters considered part of a word by the line editor. ZBEEP If set, this gives a string of characters, which can use all the same codes as the bindkey command as described in the zsh/zle module entry in zshmodules(1), that will be output to the terminal instead of beeping. This may have a visible instead of an audible effect; for example, the string \e[?5h\e[?5l on a vt100 or xterm will have the effect of ashing reverse video on and off (if you usually use reverse video, you should use the string \e[?5l\e[?5h instead). This takes precedence over the NOBEEP option. ZDOTDIR The directory to search for shell startup les (.zshrc, etc), if not $HOME.

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zshoptions zsh options


Options are primarily referred to by name. These names are case insensitive and underscores are ignored. For example, allexport is equivalent to A__lleXP_ort. The sense of an option name may be inverted by preceding it with no, so setopt No_Beep is equivalent to unsetopt beep. This inversion can only be done once, so nonobeep is not a synonym for beep. Similarly, tify is not a synonym for nonotify (the inversion of notify). Some options also have one or more single letter names. There are two sets of single letter options: one used by default, and another used to emulate sh/ksh (used when the SH_OPTION_LETTERS option is set). The single letter options can be used on the shell command line, or with the set, setopt and unsetopt builtins, as normal Unix options preceded by . The sense of the single letter options may be inverted by using + instead of . Some of the single letter option names refer to an option being off, in which case the inversion of that name refers to the option being on. For example, +n is the short name of exec, and n is the short name of its inversion, noexec. In strings of single letter options supplied to the shell at startup, trailing whitespace will be ignored; for example the string f will be treated just as f, but the string f i is an error. This is because many systems which implement the #! mechanism for calling scripts do not strip trailing whitespace.

In the following list, options set by default in all emulations are marked <D>; those set by default only in csh, ksh, sh, or zsh emulations are marked <C>, <K>, <S>, <Z> as appropriate. When listing options (by setopt, unsetopt, set o or set +o), those turned on by default appear in the list prexed with no. Hence (unless KSH_OPTION_PRINT is set), setopt shows all options whose settings are changed from the default. ALIASES <D> Expand aliases. ALL_EXPORT (a, ksh: a) All parameters subsequently dened are automatically exported. ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT <D> If unset, key functions that list completions try to return to the last prompt if given a numeric argument. If set these functions try to return to the last prompt if given no numeric argument. ALWAYS_TO_END If a completion is performed with the cursor within a word, and a full completion is inserted, the cursor is moved to the end of the word. That is, the cursor is moved to the end of the word if either a single match is inserted or menu completion is performed. APPEND_HISTORY <D> If this is set, zsh sessions will append their history list to the history le, rather than overwrite it. Thus, multiple parallel zsh sessions will all have their history lists added to the history le, in the order they are killed. AUTO_CD (J) If a command is issued that cant be executed as a normal command, and the command is the name of a directory, perform the cd command to that directory. AUTO_LIST (9) <D> Automatically list choices on an ambiguous completion. AUTO_MENU <D> Automatically use menu completion after the second consecutive request for completion, for example by pressing the tab key repeatedly. This option is overridden by MENU_COMPLETE.

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AUTO_NAME_DIRS Any parameter that is set to the absolute name of a directory immediately becomes a name for that directory, that will be used by the % and related prompt sequences, and will be available when completion is performed on a word starting with . (Otherwise, the parameter must be used in the form param rst.) AUTO_PARAM_KEYS <D> If a parameter name was completed and a following character (normally a space) automatically inserted, and the next character typed is one of those that have to come directly after the name (like }, :, etc.), the automatically added character is deleted, so that the character typed comes immediately after the parameter name. Completion in a brace expansion is affected similarly: the added character is a ,, which will be removed if } is typed next. AUTO_PARAM_SLASH <D> If a parameter is completed whose content is the name of a directory, then add a trailing slash instead of a space. AUTO_PUSHD (N) Make cd push the old directory onto the directory stack. AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH <D> When the last character resulting from a completion is a slash and the next character typed is a word delimiter, a slash, or a character that ends a command (such as a semicolon or an ampersand), remove the slash. AUTO_RESUME (W) Treat single word simple commands without redirection as candidates for resumption of an existing job. BAD_PATTERN (+2) <C> <Z> If a pattern for lename generation is badly formed, print an error message. (If this option is unset, the pattern will be left unchanged.) BANG_HIST (+K) <C> <Z> Perform textual history expansion, cshstyle, treating the character ! specially. BARE_GLOB_QUAL <Z> In a glob pattern, treat a trailing set of parentheses as a qualier list, if it contains no , ( or (if special) characters. See the section Filename Generation. BASH_AUTO_LIST On an ambiguous completion, automatically list choices when the completion function is called twice in succession. This takes precedence over AUTO_LIST. The setting of LIST_AMBIGUOUS is respected. If AUTO_MENU is set, the menu behaviour will then start with the third press. Note that this will not work with MENU_COMPLETE, since repeated completion calls immediately cycle through the list in that case. BEEP (+B) <D> Beep on error in ZLE. BG_NICE (6) <C> <Z> Run all background jobs at a lower priority. This option is set by default. BRACE_CCL Expand expressions in braces which would not otherwise undergo brace expansion to a lexically ordered list of all the characters. See the section Brace Expansion. BSD_ECHO <S> Make the echo builtin compatible with the BSD echo(1) command. This disables backslashed escape sequences in echo strings unless the e option is specied. C_BASES

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Output hexadecimal numbers in the standard C format, for example 0xFF instead of the usual 16#FF. If the option OCTAL_ZEROES is also set (it is not by default), octal numbers will be treated similarly and hence appear as 077 instead of 8#77. This option has no effect on the choice of the output base, nor on the output of bases other than hexadecimal and octal. Note that these formats will be understood on input irrespective of the setting of C_BASES. CDABLE_VARS (T) If the argument to a cd command (or an implied cd with the AUTO_CD option set) is not a directory, and does not begin with a slash, try to expand the expression as if it were preceded by a (see the section Filename Expansion). CHASE_DOTS When changing to a directory containing a path segment .. which would otherwise be treated as canceling the previous segment in the path (in other words, foo/.. would be removed from the path, or if .. is the rst part of the path, the last part of $PWD would be deleted), instead resolve the path to the physical directory. This option is overridden by CHASE_LINKS. For example, suppose /foo/bar is a link to the directory /alt/rod. Without this option set, cd /foo/bar/.. changes to /foo; with it set, it changes to /alt. The same applies if the current directory is /foo/bar and cd .. is used. Note that all other symbolic links in the path will also be resolved. CHASE_LINKS (w) Resolve symbolic links to their true values when changing directory. This also has the effect of CHASE_DOTS, i.e. a .. path segment will be treated as referring to the physical parent, even if the preceding path segment is a symbolic link. CHECK_JOBS <Z> Report the status of background and suspended jobs before exiting a shell with job control; a second attempt to exit the shell will succeed. NO_CHECK_JOBS is best used only in combination with NO_HUP, else such jobs will be killed automatically. The check is omitted if the commands run from the previous command line included a jobs command, since it is assumed the user is aware that there are background or suspended jobs. A jobs command run from the precmd function is not counted for this purpose. CLOBBER (+C, ksh: +C) <D> Allows > redirection to truncate existing les, and >> to create les. Otherwise >! or > must be used to truncate a le, and >>! or >> to create a le. COMPLETE_ALIASES Prevents aliases on the command line from being internally substituted before completion is attempted. The effect is to make the alias a distinct command for completion purposes. COMPLETE_IN_WORD If unset, the cursor is set to the end of the word if completion is started. Otherwise it stays there and completion is done from both ends. CORRECT (0) Try to correct the spelling of commands. CORRECT_ALL (O) Try to correct the spelling of all arguments in a line. CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY <C> A history reference without an event specier will always refer to the previous command. Without this option, such a history reference refers to the same event as the previous history reference, defaulting to the previous command. CSH_JUNKIE_LOOPS <C> Allow loop bodies to take the form list; end instead of do list; done. CSH_JUNKIE_QUOTES <C>

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Changes the rules for single and doublequoted text to match that of csh. These require that embedded newlines be preceded by a backslash; unescaped newlines will cause an error message. In doublequoted strings, it is made impossible to escape $, or " (and \ itself no longer needs escaping). Command substitutions are only expanded once, and cannot be nested. CSH_NULLCMD <C> Do not use the values of NULLCMD and READNULLCMD when running redirections with no command. This make such redirections fail (see the section Redirection). CSH_NULL_GLOB <C> If a pattern for lename generation has no matches, delete the pattern from the argument list; do not report an error unless all the patterns in a command have no matches. Overrides NOMATCH. DVORAK Use the Dvorak keyboard instead of the standard qwerty keyboard as a basis for examining spelling mistakes for the CORRECT and CORRECT_ALL options and the spellword editor command. EQUALS <Z> Perform = lename expansion. (See the section Filename Expansion.) ERR_EXIT (e, ksh: e) If a command has a nonzero exit status, execute the ZERR trap, if set, and exit. This is disabled while running initialization scripts. EXEC (+n, ksh: +n) <D> Do execute commands. Without this option, commands are read and checked for syntax errors, but not executed. This option cannot be turned off in an interactive shell, except when n is supplied to the shell at startup. EXTENDED_GLOB Treat the #, and characters as part of patterns for lename generation, etc. (An initial unquoted always produces named directory expansion.) EXTENDED_HISTORY <C> Save each commands beginning timestamp (in seconds since the epoch) and the duration (in seconds) to the history le. The format of this prexed data is: :< beginning time> :< elapsed seconds> :< command> . FLOW_CONTROL <D> If this option is unset, output ow control via start/stop characters (usually assigned to Q) is S/ disabled in the shells editor. FUNCTION_ARGZERO <C> <Z> When executing a shell function or sourcing a script, set $0 temporarily to the name of the function/script. GLOB (+F, ksh: +f) <D> Perform lename generation (globbing). (See the section Filename Generation.) GLOBAL_EXPORT (<Z>) If this option is set, passing the x ag to the builtins declare, oat, integer, readonly and typeset (but not local) will also set the g ag; hence parameters exported to the environment will not be made local to the enclosing function, unless they were already or the ag +g is given explicitly. If the option is unset, exported parameters will be made local in just the same way as any other parameter. This option is set by default for backward compatibility; it is not recommended that its behaviour be relied upon. Note that the builtin export always sets both the x and g ags, and hence its effect extends beyond the scope of the enclosing function; this is the most portable way to achieve this behaviour.

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GLOBAL_RCS (d) <D> If this option is unset, the startup les /etc/zprole, /etc/zshrc, /etc/zlogin and /etc/zlogout will not be run. It can be disabled and reenabled at any time, including inside local startup les (.zshrc, etc.). GLOB_ASSIGN <C> If this option is set, lename generation (globbing) is performed on the right hand side of scalar parameter assignments of the form name=pattern (e.g. foo= If the result has more than one ). word the parameter will become an array with those words as arguments. This option is provided for backwards compatibility only: globbing is always performed on the right hand side of array assignments of the form name=(value) (e.g. foo=( and this form is recommended for clarity; )) with this option set, it is not possible to predict whether the result will be an array or a scalar. GLOB_COMPLETE When the current word has a glob pattern, do not insert all the words resulting from the expansion but generate matches as for completion and cycle through them like MENU_COMPLETE. The matches are generated as if a was added to the end of the word, or inserted at the cursor when COMPLETE_IN_WORD is set. This actually uses pattern matching, not globbing, so it works not only for les but for any completion, such as options, user names, etc. GLOB_DOTS (4) Do not require a leading . in a lename to be matched explicitly. GLOB_SUBST <C> <K> <S> Treat any characters resulting from parameter expansion as being eligible for le expansion and lename generation, and any characters resulting from command substitution as being eligible for lename generation. Braces (and commas in between) do not become eligible for expansion. HASH_CMDS <D> Note the location of each command the rst time it is executed. Subsequent invocations of the same command will use the saved location, avoiding a path search. If this option is unset, no path hashing is done at all. However, when CORRECT is set, commands whose names do not appear in the functions or aliases hash tables are hashed in order to avoid reporting them as spelling errors. HASH_DIRS <D> Whenever a command name is hashed, hash the directory containing it, as well as all directories that occur earlier in the path. Has no effect if neither HASH_CMDS nor CORRECT is set. HASH_LIST_ALL <D> Whenever a command completion is attempted, make sure the entire command path is hashed rst. This makes the rst completion slower. HIST_ALLOW_CLOBBER Add to output redirections in the history. This allows history references to clobber les even when CLOBBER is unset. HIST_BEEP <D> Beep when an attempt is made to access a history entry which isnt there. HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST If the internal history needs to be trimmed to add the current command line, setting this option will cause the oldest history event that has a duplicate to be lost before losing a unique event from the list. You should be sure to set the value of HISTSIZE to a larger number than SAVEHIST in order to give you some room for the duplicated events, otherwise this option will behave just like HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS once the history lls up with unique events. HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS When searching for history entries in the line editor, do not display duplicates of a line previously found, even if the duplicates are not contiguous.

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HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS If a new command line being added to the history list duplicates an older one, the older command is removed from the list (even if it is not the previous event). HIST_IGNORE_DUPS (h) Do not enter command lines into the history list if they are duplicates of the previous event. HIST_IGNORE_SPACE (g) Remove command lines from the history list when the rst character on the line is a space, or when one of the expanded aliases contains a leading space. Note that the command lingers in the internal history until the next command is entered before it vanishes, allowing you to briey reuse or edit the line. If you want to make it vanish right away without entering another command, type a space and press return. HIST_NO_FUNCTIONS Remove function denitions from the history list. Note that the function lingers in the internal history until the next command is entered before it vanishes, allowing you to briey reuse or edit the denition. HIST_NO_STORE Remove the history (fc l) command from the history list when invoked. Note that the command lingers in the internal history until the next command is entered before it vanishes, allowing you to briey reuse or edit the line. HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS Remove superuous blanks from each command line being added to the history list. HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS When writing out the history le, older commands that duplicate newer ones are omitted. HIST_VERIFY Whenever the user enters a line with history expansion, dont execute the line directly; instead, perform history expansion and reload the line into the editing buffer. HUP <Z> Send the HUP signal to running jobs when the shell exits. IGNORE_BRACES (I) <S> Do not perform brace expansion. IGNORE_EOF (7) Do not exit on endofle. Require the use of exit or logout instead. However, ten consecutive EOFs will cause the shell to exit anyway, to avoid the shell hanging if its tty goes away. Also, if this option is set and the Zsh Line Editor is used, widgets implemented by shell functions can be bound to EOF (normally ControlD) without printing the normal warning message. This works only for normal widgets, not for completion widgets. INC_APPEND_HISTORY This options works like APPEND_HISTORY except that new history lines are added to the $HISTFILE incrementally (as soon as they are entered), rather than waiting until the shell is killed. The le is periodically trimmed to the number of lines specied by $SAVEHIST, but can exceed this value between trimmings. INTERACTIVE (i, ksh: i) This is an interactive shell. This option is set upon initialisation if the standard input is a tty and commands are being read from standard input. (See the discussion of SHIN_STDIN.) This heuristic may be overridden by specifying a state for this option on the command line. The value of this option cannot be changed anywhere other than the command line. INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS (k) <K> <S> Allow comments even in interactive shells.

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KSH_ARRAYS <K> <S> Emulate ksh array handling as closely as possible. If this option is set, array elements are numbered from zero, an array parameter without subscript refers to the rst element instead of the whole array, and braces are required to delimit a subscript (${path[2]} rather than just $path[2]). KSH_AUTOLOAD <K> <S> Emulate ksh function autoloading. This means that when a function is autoloaded, the corresponding le is merely executed, and must dene the function itself. (By default, the function is dened to the contents of the le. However, the most common kshstyle case of the le containing only a simple denition of the function is always handled in the kshcompatible manner.) KSH_GLOB <K> In pattern matching, the interpretation of parentheses is affected by a preceding @, +, ? or , !. See the section Filename Generation. KSH_OPTION_PRINT <K> Alters the way options settings are printed: instead of separate lists of set and unset options, all options are shown, marked on if they are in the nondefault state, off otherwise. KSH_TYPESET <K> Alters the way arguments to the typeset family of commands, including declare, export, oat, integer, local and readonly, are processed. Without this option, zsh will perform normal word splitting after command and parameter expansion in arguments of an assignment; with it, word splitting does not take place in those cases. LIST_AMBIGUOUS <D> This option works when AUTO_LIST or BASH_AUTO_LIST is also set. If there is an unambiguous prex to insert on the command line, that is done without a completion list being displayed; in other words, autolisting behaviour only takes place when nothing would be inserted. In the case of BASH_AUTO_LIST, this means that the list will be delayed to the third call of the function. LIST_BEEP <D> Beep on an ambiguous completion. More accurately, this forces the completion widgets to return status 1 on an ambiguous completion, which causes the shell to beep if the option BEEP is also set; this may be modied if completion is called from a userdened widget. LIST_PACKED Try to make the completion list smaller (occupying less lines) by printing the matches in columns with different widths. LIST_ROWS_FIRST Lay out the matches in completion lists sorted horizontally, that is, the second match is to the right of the rst one, not under it as usual. LIST_TYPES (X) <D> When listing les that are possible completions, show the type of each le with a trailing identifying mark. LOCAL_OPTIONS <K> If this option is set at the point of return from a shell function, all the options (including this one) which were in force upon entry to the function are restored. Otherwise, only this option and the XTRACE and PRINT_EXIT_VALUE options are restored. Hence if this is explicitly unset by a shell function the other options in force at the point of return will remain so. A shell function can also guarantee itself a known shell conguration with a formulation like emulate L zsh; the L activates LOCAL_OPTIONS. LOCAL_TRAPS <K>

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If this option is set when a signal trap is set inside a function, then the previous status of the trap for that signal will be restored when the function exits. Note that this option must be set prior to altering the trap behaviour in a function; unlike LOCAL_OPTIONS, the value on exit from the function is irrelevant. However, it does not need to be set before any global trap for that to be correctly restored by a function. For example, unsetopt localtraps trap INT fn() { setopt localtraps; trap INT; sleep 3; } will restore normally handling of SIGINT after the function exits. LOGIN (l, ksh: l) This is a login shell. If this option is not explicitly set, the shell is a login shell if the rst character of the argv[0] passed to the shell is a . LONG_LIST_JOBS (R) List jobs in the long format by default. MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST All unquoted arguments of the form anything=expression appearing after the command name have lename expansion (that is, where expression has a leading or =) performed on expression as if it were a parameter assignment. The argument is not otherwise treated specially; it is passed to the command as a single argument, and not used as an actual parameter assignment. For example, in echo foo=/bar:/rod, both occurrences of would be replaced. Note that this happens anyway with typeset and similar statements. This option respects the setting of the KSH_TYPESET option. In other words, if both options are in effect, arguments looking like assignments will not undergo wordsplitting. MAIL_WARNING (U) Print a warning message if a mail le has been accessed since the shell last checked. MARK_DIRS (8, ksh: X) Append a trailing / to all directory names resulting from lename generation (globbing). MENU_COMPLETE (Y) On an ambiguous completion, instead of listing possibilities or beeping, insert the rst match immediately. Then when completion is requested again, remove the rst match and insert the second match, etc. When there are no more matches, go back to the rst one again. reversemenucomplete may be used to loop through the list in the other direction. This option overrides AUTO_MENU. MONITOR (m, ksh: m) Allow job control. Set by default in interactive shells. MULTIOS <Z> Perform implicit tees or cats when multiple redirections are attempted (see the section Redirection). NOMATCH (+3) <C> <Z> If a pattern for lename generation has no matches, print an error, instead of leaving it unchanged in the argument list. This also applies to le expansion of an initial or =. NOTIFY (5, ksh: b) <Z> Report the status of background jobs immediately, rather than waiting until just before printing a prompt. NULL_GLOB (G) If a pattern for lename generation has no matches, delete the pattern from the argument list instead of reporting an error. Overrides NOMATCH.

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NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT If numeric lenames are matched by a lename generation pattern, sort the lenames numerically rather than lexicographically. OCTAL_ZEROES <S> Interpret any integer constant beginning with a 0 as octal, per IEEE Std 1003.21992 (ISO 99452:1993). This is not enabled by default as it causes problems with parsing of, for example, date and time strings with leading zeroes. OVERSTRIKE Start up the line editor in overstrike mode. PATH_DIRS (Q) Perform a path search even on command names with slashes in them. Thus if /usr/local/bin is in the users path, and he or she types X11/xinit, the command /usr/local/bin/X11/xinit will be executed (assuming it exists). Commands explicitly beginning with /, ./ or ../ are not subject to the path search. This also applies to the . builtin. Note that subdirectories of the current directory are always searched for executables specied in this form. This takes place before any search indicated by this option, and regardless of whether . or the current directory appear in the command search path. POSIX_BUILTINS <K> <S> When this option is set the command builtin can be used to execute shell builtin commands. Parameter assignments specied before shell functions and special builtins are kept after the command completes unless the special builtin is prexed with the command builtin. Special builtins are ., :, break, continue, declare, eval, exit, export, integer, local, readonly, return, set, shift, source, times, trap and unset. PRINT_EIGHT_BIT Print eight bit characters literally in completion lists, etc. This option is not necessary if your system correctly returns the printability of eight bit characters (see ctype(3)). PRINT_EXIT_VALUE (1) Print the exit value of programs with nonzero exit status. PRIVILEGED (p, ksh: p) Turn on privileged mode. This is enabled automatically on startup if the effective user (group) ID is not equal to the real user (group) ID. Turning this option off causes the effective user and group IDs to be set to the real user and group IDs. This option disables sourcing user startup les. If zsh is invoked as sh or ksh with this option set, /etc/suid_prole is sourced (after /etc/prole on interactive shells). Sourcing /.prole is disabled and the contents of the ENV variable is ignored. This option cannot be changed using the m option of setopt and unsetopt, and changing it inside a function always changes it globally regardless of the LOCAL_OPTIONS option. PROMPT_BANG <K> If set, ! is treated specially in prompt expansion. See the section Prompt Expansion. PROMPT_CR (+V) <D> Print a carriage return just before printing a prompt in the line editor. This is on by default as multiline editing is only possible if the editor knows where the start of the line appears. PROMPT_PERCENT <C> <Z> If set, % is treated specially in prompt expansion. See the section Prompt Expansion. PROMPT_SUBST <K> If set, parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic expansion are performed in prompts. PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS Dont push multiple copies of the same directory onto the directory stack.

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PUSHD_MINUS Exchanges the meanings of + and when used with a number to specify a directory in the stack. PUSHD_SILENT (E) Do not print the directory stack after pushd or popd. PUSHD_TO_HOME (D) Have pushd with no arguments act like pushd $HOME. RC_EXPAND_PARAM (P) Array expansions of the form foo${xx}bar, where the parameter xx is set to (a b c), are substituted with fooabar foobbar foocbar instead of the default fooa b cbar. RC_QUOTES Allow the character sequence to signify a single quote within singly quoted strings. Note this does not apply in quoted strings using the format $..., where a backslashed single quote can be used. RCS (+f) <D> After /etc/zshenv is sourced on startup, source the .zshenv, /etc/zprole, .zprole, /etc/zshrc, .zshrc, /etc/zlogin, .zlogin, and .zlogout les, as described in the section Files. If this option is unset, the /etc/zshenv le is still sourced, but any of the others will not be; it can be set at any time to prevent the remaining startup les after the currently executing one from being sourced. REC_EXACT (S) In completion, recognize exact matches even if they are ambiguous. RESTRICTED (r) Enables restricted mode. This option cannot be changed using unsetopt, and setting it inside a function always changes it globally regardless of the LOCAL_OPTIONS option. See the section Restricted Shell. RM_STAR_SILENT (H) <K> <S> Do not query the user before executing rm or rm path/ . RM_STAR_WAIT If querying the user before executing rm or rm path/ rst wait ten seconds and ignore any , thing typed in that time. This avoids the problem of reexively answering yes to the query when one didnt really mean it. The wait and query can always be avoided by expanding the in ZLE (with tab). SHARE_HISTORY <K> This option both imports new commands from the history le, and also causes your typed commands to be appended to the history le (the latter is like specifying INC_APPEND_HISTORY). The history lines are also output with timestamps ala EXTENDED_HISTORY (which makes it easier to nd the spot where we left off reading the le after it gets rewritten). By default, history movement commands visit the imported lines as well as the local lines, but you can toggle this on and off with the setlocalhistory zle binding. It is also possible to create a zle widget that will make some commands ignore imported commands, and some include them. If you nd that you want more control over when commands get imported, you may wish to turn SHARE_HISTORY off, INC_APPEND_HISTORY on, and then manually import commands whenever you need them using fc RI. SH_FILE_EXPANSION <K> <S> Perform lename expansion (e.g., expansion) before parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion and brace expansion. If this option is unset, it is performed after brace expansion, so things like $USERNAME and {pfalstad,rc} will work.

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SH_GLOB <K> <S> Disables the special meaning of (, , ) and < for globbing the result of parameter and command substitutions, and in some other places where the shell accepts patterns. This option is set by default if zsh is invoked as sh or ksh. SHIN_STDIN (s, ksh: s) Commands are being read from the standard input. Commands are read from standard input if no command is specied with c and no le of commands is specied. If SHIN_STDIN is set explicitly on the command line, any argument that would otherwise have been taken as a le to run will instead be treated as a normal positional parameter. Note that setting or unsetting this option on the command line does not necessarily affect the state the option will have while the shell is running that is purely an indicator of whether on not commands are actually being read from standard input. The value of this option cannot be changed anywhere other than the command line. SH_NULLCMD <K> <S> Do not use the values of NULLCMD and READNULLCMD when doing redirections, use : instead (see the section Redirection). SH_OPTION_LETTERS <K> <S> If this option is set the shell tries to interpret single letter options (which are used with set and setopt) like ksh does. This also affects the value of the special parameter. SHORT_LOOPS <C> <Z> Allow the short forms of for, select, if, and function constructs. SH_WORD_SPLIT (y) <K> <S> Causes eld splitting to be performed on unquoted parameter expansions. Note that this option has nothing to do with word splitting. (See the section Parameter Expansion.) SINGLE_COMMAND (t, ksh: t) If the shell is reading from standard input, it exits after a single command has been executed. This also makes the shell noninteractive, unless the INTERACTIVE option is explicitly set on the command line. The value of this option cannot be changed anywhere other than the command line. SINGLE_LINE_ZLE (M) <K> Use singleline command line editing instead of multiline. SUN_KEYBOARD_HACK (L) If a line ends with a backquote, and there are an odd number of backquotes on the line, ignore the trailing backquote. This is useful on some keyboards where the return key is too small, and the backquote key lies annoyingly close to it. UNSET (+u, ksh: +u) <K> <S> <Z> Treat unset parameters as if they were empty when substituting. Otherwise they are treated as an error. VERBOSE (v, ksh: v) Print shell input lines as they are read. XTRACE (x, ksh: x) Print commands and their arguments as they are executed. ZLE (Z) Use the zsh line editor. Set by default in interactive shells connected to a terminal.

Some options have alternative names. These aliases are never used for output, but can be used just like normal option names when specifying options to the shell.

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BRACE_EXPAND NO_IGNORE_BRACES (ksh and bash compatibility) DOT_GLOB GLOB_DOTS (bash compatibility) HASH_ALL HASH_CMDS (bash compatibility) HIST_APPEND APPEND_HISTORY (bash compatibility) HIST_EXPAND BANG_HIST (bash compatibility) LOG NO_HIST_NO_FUNCTIONS (ksh compatibility) MAIL_WARN MAIL_WARNING (bash compatibility) ONE_CMD SINGLE_COMMAND (bash compatibility) PHYSICAL CHASE_LINKS (ksh and bash compatibility) PROMPT_VARS PROMPT_SUBST (bash compatibility) STDIN SHIN_STDIN (ksh compatibility) TRACK_ALL HASH_CMDS (ksh compatibility)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P


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Q R S T U V W X Y Z a e f g h i k l m n p r s t u v w x y C X a b e f i l m n p r s t u v x
Also note


sh/ksh emulation set

A b c m o

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Used by set to sort positional parameters

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zshbuiltins zsh builtin commands


simple command See the section Precommand Modiers. . le [ arg ... ] Read commands from le and execute them in the current shell environment. If le does not contain a slash, or if PATH_DIRS is set, the shell looks in the components of $path to nd the directory containing le. Files in the current directory are not read unless . appears somewhere in $path. If a le named le.zwc is found, is newer than le, and is the compiled form (created with the zcompile builtin) of le, then commands are read from that le instead of le. If any arguments arg are given, they become the positional parameters; the old positional parameters are restored when the le is done executing. The exit status is the exit status of the last command executed. : [ arg ... ] This command does nothing, although normal argument expansions is performed which may have effects on shell parameters. A zero exit code is returned. alias [ {+}gmrL ] [ name[=value] ... ] For each name with a corresponding value, dene an alias with that value. A trailing space in value causes the next word to be checked for alias expansion. If the g ag is present, dene a global alias; global aliases are expanded even if they do not occur in command position. For each name with no value, print the value of name, if any. With no arguments, print all currently dened aliases. If the m ag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (they should be quoted to preserve them from being interpreted as glob patterns), and the aliases matching these patterns are printed. When printing aliases and the g or r ags are present, then restrict the printing to global or regular aliases, respectively. Using + instead of , or ending the option list with a single +, prevents the values of the aliases from being printed. If the L ag is present, then print each alias in a manner suitable for putting in a startup script. The exit status is nonzero if a name (with no value) is given for which no alias has been dened. autoload [ {+}UXmt ] [ wkz ] [ name ... ] Equivalent to functions u, with the exception of X/+X, w, k and z. The ag X may be used only inside a shell function, and may not be followed by a name. It causes the calling function to be marked for autoloading and then immediately loaded and executed, with the current array of positional parameters as arguments. This replaces the previous denition of the function. If no function denition is found, an error is printed and the function remains undened and marked for autoloading. The ag +X attempts to load each name as an autoloaded function, but does not execute it. The exit status is zero (success) if the function was not previously dened and a denition for it was found. This does not replace any existing denition of the function. The exit status is nonzero (failure) if the function was already dened or when no denition was found. In the latter case the function remains undened and marked for autoloading. The ag +X may be combined with either k or z to make the function be loaded using kshstyle or zshstyle autoloading, respectively. If neither is given, the current setting of the KSH_AUTOLOAD options determines how the function is loaded. With kshstyle autoloading, the contents of the le will not be executed immediately. Instead, the function created will contain the contents of the le plus a call to the function itself appended to it, thus given normal ksh autoloading behaviour on the rst call to the function.

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With the w ag, the names are taken as names of les compiled with the zcompile builtin, and all functions dened in them are marked for autoloading. bg [ job ... ] job ... & Put each specied job in the background, or the current job if none is specied. bindkey See the section Zle Builtins in zshzle(1). break [ n ] Exit from an enclosing for, while, until, select or repeat loop. If n is specied, then break n levels instead of just one. builtin name [ args ... ] Executes the builtin name, with the given args. bye cap Same as exit. See the section The zsh/cap Module in zshmodules(1).

cd [ sLP ] [ arg ] cd [ sLP ] old new cd [ sLP ] {+}n Change the current directory. In the rst form, change the current directory to arg, or to the value of $HOME if arg is not specied. If arg is , change to the value of $OLDPWD, the previous directory. Otherwise, if a directory named arg is not found in the current directory and arg does not begin with a slash, search each component of the shell parameter cdpath. If no directory is found and the option CDABLE_VARS is set, and a parameter named arg exists whose value begins with a slash, treat its value as the directory. In that case, the parameter is added to the named directory hash table. The second form of cd substitutes the string new for the string old in the name of the current directory, and tries to change to this new directory. The third form of cd extracts an entry from the directory stack, and changes to that directory. An argument of the form +n identies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the dirs command, starting with zero. An argument of the form n counts from the right. If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the meanings of + and in this context are swapped. If the s option is specied, cd refuses to change the current directory if the given pathname contains symlinks. If the P option is given or the CHASE_LINKS option is set, symbolic links are resolved to their true values. If the L option is given symbolic links are followed regardless of the state of the CHASE_LINKS option. chdir clone Same as cd. See the section The zsh/clone Module in zshmodules(1).

command simple command See the section Precommand Modiers. comparguments See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). compcall See the section The zsh/compctl Module in zshmodules(1). compctl See the section The zsh/compctl Module in zshmodules(1). compdescribe See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1).

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comples See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). compgroups See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). compquote See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). comptags See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). comptry See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). compvalues See the section The zsh/computil Module in zshmodules(1). continue [ n ] Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, until, select or repeat loop. If n is specied, break out of n1 loops and resume at the nth enclosing loop. declare Same as typeset. dirs [ v ] [ arg ... ] With no arguments, print the contents of the directory stack. If the v option is given, number the directories in the stack when printing. Directories are added to this stack with the pushd command, and removed with the cd or popd commands. If arguments are specied, load them onto the directory stack, replacing anything that was there, and push the current directory onto the stack. disable [ afmr ] name ... Temporarily disable the named hash table elements. The default is to disable builtin commands. This allows you to use an external command with the same name as a builtin command. The a option causes disable to act on aliases. The f option causes disable to act on shell functions. The r options causes disable to act on reserved words. Without arguments all disabled hash table elements from the corresponding hash table are printed. With the m ag the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to prevent them from undergoing lename expansion), and all hash table elements from the corresponding hash table matching these patterns are disabled. Disabled objects can be enabled with the enable command. disown [ job ... ] job ... & job ... &! Remove the specied jobs from the job table; the shell will no longer report their status, and will not complain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them running or stopped. If no job is specied, disown the current job. echo [ neE ] [ arg ... ] Write each arg on the standard output, with a space separating each one. If the n ag is not present, print a newline at the end. echo recognizes the following escape sequences: \a \b \c \e \f \n \r \t \v bell character backspace suppress nal newline escape form feed linefeed (newline) carriage return horizontal tab vertical tab

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\\ backslash \0NNN character code in octal \xNN character code in hexadecimal The E ag, or the BSD_ECHO option, can be used to disable these escape sequences. In the latter case, e ag can be used to enable them. echotc See the section The zsh/termcap Module in zshmodules(1). echoti See the section The zsh/terminfo Module in zshmodules(1). emulate [ LR ] {zshshkshcsh} Set up zsh options to emulate the specied shell as much as possible. csh will never be fully emulated. If the argument is not one of the shells listed above, zsh will be used as a default; more precisely, the tests performed on the argument are the same as those used to determine the emulation at startup based on the shell name, see the section Compatibility in zshmisc(1) . If the R option is given, all options are reset to their default value corresponding to the specied emulation mode, except for certain options describing the interactive environment; otherwise, only those options likely to cause portability problems in scripts and functions are altered. If the L option is given, the options LOCAL_OPTIONS and LOCAL_TRAPS will be set as well, causing the effects of the emulate command and any setopt and trap commands to be local to the immediately surrounding shell function, if any; normally these options are turned off in all emulation modes except ksh. enable [ afmr ] name ... Enable the named hash table elements, presumably disabled earlier with disable. The default is to enable builtin commands. The a option causes enable to act on aliases. The f option causes enable to act on shell functions. The r option causes enable to act on reserved words. Without arguments all enabled hash table elements from the corresponding hash table are printed. With the m ag the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all hash table elements from the corresponding hash table matching these patterns are enabled. Enabled objects can be disabled with the disable builtin command. eval [ arg ... ] Read the arguments as input to the shell and execute the resulting command in the current shell process. exec simple command See the section Precommand Modiers. exit [ n ] Exit the shell with the exit code specied by n; if none is specied, use the exit code from the last command executed. An EOF condition will also cause the shell to exit, unless the IGNORE_EOF option is set. export [ name[=value] ... ] The specied names are marked for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. Equivalent to typeset gx. If a parameter specied does not already exist, it is created in the global scope. false [ arg ... ] Do nothing and return an exit code of 1. fc [ e ename ] [ nlrdDfEim ] [ old=new ... ] [ rst [ last ] ] fc ARWI [ lename ] Select a range of commands from rst to last from the history list. The arguments rst and last may be specied as a number or as a string. A negative number is used as an offset to the current history event number. A string species the most recent event beginning with the given string. All substitutions old=new, if any, are then performed on the commands.

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If the l ag is given, the resulting commands are listed on standard output. If the m ag is also given the rst argument is taken as a pattern (should be quoted) and only the history events matching this pattern will be shown. Otherwise the editor program ename is invoked on a le containing these history events. If ename is not given, the value of the parameter FCEDIT is used. If ename is , no editor is invoked. When editing is complete, the edited command is executed. If rst is not specied, it will be set to 1 (the most recent event), or to 16 if the l ag is given. If last is not specied, it will be set to rst, or to 1 if the l ag is given. The ag r reverses the order of the commands and the ag n suppresses command numbers when listing. Also when listing, d prints timestamps for each command, and f prints full timedate stamps. Adding the E ag causes the dates to be printed as, instead of the default mm/dd/yyyy. Adding the i ag causes the dates to be printed in ISO8601 yyyymmdd format. With the D ag, fc prints elapsed times. fc R reads the history from the given le, fc W writes the history out to the given le, and fc A appends the history out to the given le. If no lename is specied, the $HISTFILE is assumed. If the I option is added to R, only those events that are not already contained within the internal history list are added. If the I option is added to A or W, only those events that are new since last incremental append/write to the history le are appended/written. In any case, the created le will have no more than $SAVEHIST entries. fg [ job ... ] job ... Bring each specied job in turn to the foreground. If no job is specied, resume the current job. oat [ {+}EFghlrtux ] [ name[=value] ... ] Equivalent to typeset E, except that options irrelevant to oating point numbers are not permitted. functions [ {+}UXmtu ] [ name ... ] Equivalent to typeset f. getcap See the section The zsh/cap Module in zshmodules(1). getln [ AclneE ] name ... Read the top value from the buffer stack and put it in the shell parameter name. Equivalent to read zr. getopts optstring name [ arg ... ] Checks the args for legal options. If the args are omitted, use the positional parameters. A valid option argument begins with a + or a . An argument not beginning with a + or a , or the argument , ends the options. optstring contains the letters that getopts recognizes. If a letter is followed by a :, that option is expected to have an argument. The options can be separated from the argument by blanks. Each time it is invoked, getopts places the option letter it nds in the shell parameter name, prepended with a + when arg begins with a +. The index of the next arg is stored in OPTIND. The option argument, if any, is stored in OPTARG. The rst option to be examined may be changed by explicitly assigning to OPTIND. OPTIND has an initial value of 1, and is normally reset to 1 upon exit from a shell function. OPTARG is not reset and retains its value from the most recent call to getopts. If either of OPTIND or OPTARG is explicitly unset, it remains unset, and the index or option argument is not stored. The option itself is still stored in name in this case. A leading : in optstring causes getopts to store the letter of any invalid option in OPTARG, and to set name to ? for an unknown option and to : when a required option is missing. Otherwise, getopts sets name to ? and prints an error message when an option is invalid. The exit status is nonzero when there are no more options. hash [ Ldfmrv ] [ name[=value] ] ...

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hash can be used to directly modify the contents of the command hash table, and the named directory hash table. Normally one would modify these tables by modifying ones PATH (for the command hash table) or by creating appropriate shell parameters (for the named directory hash table). The choice of hash table to work on is determined by the d option; without the option the command hash table is used, and with the option the named directory hash table is used. Given no arguments, and neither the r or f options, the selected hash table will be listed in full. The r option causes the selected hash table to be emptied. It will be subsequently rebuilt in the normal fashion. The f option causes the selected hash table to be fully rebuilt immediately. For the command hash table this hashes all the absolute directories in the PATH, and for the named directory hash table this adds all users home directories. These two options cannot be used with any arguments. The m option causes the arguments to be taken as patterns (which should be quoted) and the elements of the hash table matching those patterns are printed. This is the only way to display a limited selection of hash table elements. For each name with a corresponding value, put name in the selected hash table, associating it with the pathname value. In the command hash table, this means that whenever name is used as a command argument, the shell will try to execute the le given by value. In the named directory hash table, this means that value may be referred to as name. For each name with no corresponding value, attempt to add name to the hash table, checking what the appropriate value is in the normal manner for that hash table. If an appropriate value cant be found, then the hash table will be unchanged. The v option causes hash table entries to be listed as they are added by explicit specication. If has no effect if used with f. If the L ag is present, then each hash table entry is printed in the form of a call to hash. history Same as fc l. integer [ {+}ghilrtux ] [ name[=value] ... ] Equivalent to typeset i, except that options irrelevant to integers are not permitted. jobs [ dlprs ] [ job ... ] jobs Z string Lists information about each given job, or all jobs if job is omitted. The l ag lists process IDs, and the p ag lists process groups. If the r ag is specied only running jobs will be listed and if the s ag is given only stopped jobs are shown. If the d ag is given, the directory from which the job was started (which may not be the current directory of the job) will also be shown. The Z option replaces the shells argument and environment space with the given string, truncated if necessary to t. This will normally be visible in ps (ps(1)) listings. This feature is typically used by daemons, to indicate their state. kill [ s signal_name ] job ... kill [ sig ] job ... kill l [ sig ... ] Sends either SIGTERM or the specied signal to the given jobs or processes. Signals are given by number or by names, without the SIG prex. If the signal being sent is not KILL or CONT, then the job will be sent a CONT signal if it is stopped. The argument job can be the process ID of a job not in the job list. In the third form, kill l, if sig is not specied the signal names are listed. Otherwise, for each sig that is a name, the corresponding signal number is listed. For each sig that is a signal number or a number representing the exit status of a process which was terminated or stopped by a signal the name of the signal is printed. let arg ... Evaluate each arg as an arithmetic expression. See the section Arithmetic Evaluation for a

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description of arithmetic expressions. The exit status is 0 if the value of the last expression is nonzero, and 1 otherwise. limit [ hs ] [ resource [ limit ] ] ... Set or display resource limits. Unless the s ag is given, the limit applies only the children of the shell. If s is given without other arguments, the resource limits of the current shell is set to the previously set resource limits of the children. If limit is not specied, print the current limit placed on resource, otherwise set the limit to the specied value. If the h ag is given, use hard limits instead of soft limits. If no resource is given, print all limits. resource can be one of: addressspace Maximum amount of address space used. aiomemorylocked Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM for AIO operations. aiooperations Maximum number of AIO operations. cachedthreads Maximum number of cached threads. coredumpsize Maximum size of a core dump. cputime Maximum CPU seconds per process. datasize Maximum data size (including stack) for each process. descriptors Maximum value for a le descriptor. lesize Largest single le allowed. maxproc Maximum number of processes. maxpthreads Maximum number of threads per process. memorylocked Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM. memoryuse Maximum resident set size. resident Maximum resident set size. sockbufsize Maximum size of all socket buffers. stacksize Maximum stack size for each process. vmemorysize Maximum amount of virtual memory. Which of these resource limits are available depends on the system. resource can be abbreviated to any unambiguous prex. limit is a number, with an optional scaling factor, as follows: nh nk nm [mm:]ss hours kilobytes (default) megabytes or minutes minutes and seconds

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local [ {+}AEFLRUZahilrtux [n]] [ name[=value] ] ... Same as typeset, except that the options g, and f are not permitted. In this case the x option does not force the use of g, i.e. exported variables will be local to functions. log List all users currently logged in who are affected by the current setting of the watch parameter. logout [ n ] Same as exit, except that it only works in a login shell. noglob simple command See the section Precommand Modiers. popd [ {+}n ] Remove an entry from the directory stack, and perform a cd to the new top directory. With no argument, the current top entry is removed. An argument of the form +n identies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the dirs command, starting with zero. An argument of the form n counts from the right. If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the meanings of + and in this context are swapped. print [ bnrslzpNDPoOicm ] [ un ] [ R [ en ]] [ arg ... ] With no ags or with ag , the arguments are printed on the standard output as described by echo, with the following differences: the escape sequence \Mx metaes the character x (sets the highest bit), \Cx produces a control character (\C@ and \C? give the characters NUL and delete), and \E is a synonym for \e. Finally, if not in an escape sequence, \ escapes the following character and is not printed. r R Ignore the escape conventions of echo. Emulate the BSD echo command, which does not process escape sequences unless the e ag is given. The n ag suppresses the trailing newline. Only the e and n ags are recognized after R; all other arguments and options are printed. Recognize all the escape sequences dened for the bindkey command, see zshzle(1). Take the rst argument as a pattern (should be quoted), and remove it from the argument list together with subsequent arguments that do not match this pattern. Place the results in the history list instead of on the standard output. Do not add a newline to the output. Print the arguments separated by newlines instead of spaces. Print the arguments separated and terminated by nulls. Print the arguments sorted in ascending order. Print the arguments sorted in descending order. If given together with o or O, sorting is performed caseindependently. Print the arguments in columns. Print the arguments to le descriptor n. Print the arguments to the input of the coprocess. Push the arguments onto the editing buffer stack, separated by spaces. Treat the arguments as directory names, replacing prexes with expressions, as appropriate. Perform prompt expansion (see zshmisc(1)).

b m s n l N o O i c un p z D P pushd [ arg ] pushd old new pushd {+}n

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Change the current directory, and push the old current directory onto the directory stack. In the rst form, change the current directory to arg. If arg is not specied, change to the second directory on the stack (that is, exchange the top two entries), or change to $HOME if the PUSHD_TO_HOME option is set or if there is only one entry on the stack. Otherwise, arg is interpreted as it would be by cd. The meaning of old and new in the second form is also the same as for cd. The third form of pushd changes directory by rotating the directory list. An argument of the form +n identies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the dirs command, starting with zero. An argument of the form n counts from the right. If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the meanings of + and in this context are swapped. If the option PUSHD_SILENT is not set, the directory stack will be printed after a pushd is performed. pushln [ arg ... ] Equivalent to print nz. pwd [ rLP ] Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory. If the r or the P ag is specied, or the CHASE_LINKS option is set and the L ag is not given, the printed path will not contain symbolic links. r Same as fc e . read [ rzpqAclneEt ] [ k [ num ] ] [ un ] [ name[?prompt] ] [ name ... ] Read one line and break it into elds using the characters in $IFS as separators, except as noted below. The rst eld is assigned to the rst name, the second eld to the second name, etc., with leftover elds assigned to the last name. If name is omitted then REPLY is used for scalars and reply for arrays. r q Raw mode: a \ at the end of a line does not signify line continuation and backslashes in the line dont quote the following character and are not removed. Read only one character from the terminal and set name to y if this character was y or Y and to n otherwise. With this ag set the return value is zero only if the character was y or Y. Note that this always reads from the terminal, even if used with the p or u or z ags or with redirected input. This option may also be used within zle widgets.

k [ num ] Read only one (or num) characters. All are assigned to the rst name, without word splitting. This ag is ignored when q is present. Input is read from the terminal unless one of u or p is present. This option may also be used within zle widgets. Note that num must be in the argument word that follows k, not in the same word. See u. z Read one entry from the editor buffer stack and assign it to the rst name, without word splitting. Text is pushed onto the stack with print z or with pushline from the line editor (see zshzle(1)). This ag is ignored when the k or q ags are present. The input read is printed (echoed) to the standard output. If the e ag is used, no input is assigned to the parameters. The rst name is taken as the name of an array and all words are assigned to it. These ags are allowed only if called inside a function used for completion (specied with the K ag to compctl). If the c ag is given, the words of the current command are read. If the l ag is given, the whole line is assigned as a scalar. If both ags are

e E A c l

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present, l is used and c is ignored. n Together with c, the number of the word the cursor is on is read. With l, the index of the character the cursor is on is read. Note that the command name is word number 1, not word 0, and that when the cursor is at the end of the line, its character index is the length of the line plus one. Input is read from le descriptor n, where n is a single digit and must not be separated from u by any whitespace. Input is read from the coprocess. Test if input is available before attempting to read; if none is, return status 1 and do not set any variables. This is not available when reading from the editor buffer with z, when called from within completion with c or l, with q which clears the input queue before reading, or within zle where other mechanisms should be used to test for input. Note that read does not attempt to alter the input processing mode. The default mode is canonical input, in which an entire line is read at a time, so usually read t will not read anything until an entire line has been typed. However, when reading from the terminal with k this is automatically handled; note that only availability of the rst character is tested, so that e.g. read t k 2 can still block on the second character. If the rst argument contains a ?, the remainder of this word is used as a prompt on standard error when the shell is interactive. The value (exit status) of read is 1 when an endofle is encountered, or when c or l is present and the command is not called from a compctl function, or as described for q. Otherwise the value is 0. The behavior of some combinations of the k, p, q, u and z ags is undened. Presently q cancels all the others, p cancels u, k cancels z, and otherwise z cancels both p and u. The c or l ags cancel any and all of kpquz. readonly Same as typeset r. rehash Same as hash r. return [ n ] Causes a shell function or . script to return to the invoking script with the return status specied by n. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed. If return was executed from a trap in a TRAPNAL function, the effect is different for zero and nonzero return status. With zero status (or after an implicit return at the end of the trap), the shell will return to whatever it was previously processing; with a nonzero status, the shell will behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained. Note that the numeric value of the signal which caused the trap is passed as the rst argument, so the statement return $((128+$1)) will return the same status as if the signal had not been trapped. sched See the section The zsh/sched Module in zshmodules(1). set [ {+}options {+}o option_name ] ... [ {+}A [ name ] ] [ arg ... ] Set the options for the shell and/or set the positional parameters, or declare and set an array. If the s option is given, it causes the specied arguments to be sorted before assigning them to the positional parameters (or to the array name if A is used). With +s sort arguments in descending order. For the meaning of the other ags, see zshoptions(1). Flags may be specied by name using the o option. If the A ag is specied, name is set to an array containing the given args. if +A is used and name is an array, the given arguments will replace the initial elements of that array; if no name is specied, all arrays are printed. Otherwise the positional parameters are set. If no arguments are

un p t

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given, then the names and values of all parameters are printed on the standard output. If the only argument is +, the names of all parameters are printed. setcap See the section The zsh/cap Module in zshmodules(1). setopt [ {+}options {+}o option_name ] [ name ... ] Set the options for the shell. All options specied either with ags or by name are set. If no arguments are supplied, the names of all options currently set are printed. If the m ag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to protect them from lename expansion), and all options with names matching these patterns are set. shift [ n ] [ name ... ] The positional parameters ${n+1} ... are renamed to $1 ..., where n is an arithmetic expression that defaults to 1. If any names are given then the arrays with these names are shifted instead of the positional parameters. source le [ arg ... ] Same as ., except that the current directory is always searched and is always searched rst, before directories in $path. stat See the section The zsh/stat Module in zshmodules(1). suspend [ f ] Suspend the execution of the shell (send it a SIGTSTP) until it receives a SIGCONT. Unless the f option is given, this will refuse to suspend a login shell. test [ arg ... ] [ [ arg ... ] ] Like the system version of test. Added for compatibility; use conditional expressions instead (see the section Conditional Expressions). times Print the accumulated user and system times for the shell and for processes run from the shell. trap [ arg [ sig ... ] ] arg is a series of commands (usually quoted to protect it from immediate evaluation by the shell) to be read and executed when the shell receives sig. Each sig can be given as a number or as the name of a signal. If arg is , then all traps sig are reset to their default values. If arg is the empty string, then this signal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If sig is ZERR then arg will be executed after each command with a nonzero exit status. If sig is DEBUG then arg will be executed after each command. If sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is executed inside the body of a function, then the command arg is executed after the function completes. If sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is not executed inside the body of a function, then the command arg is executed when the shell terminates. The trap command with no arguments prints a list of commands associated with each signal. Note that traps dened with the trap builtin are slightly different from those dened as TRAPNAL () { ... }, as the latter have their own function environment (line numbers, local variables, etc.) while the former use the environment of the command in which they were called. For example, trap print $LINENO DEBUG will print the line number of a command executed after it has run, while TRAPDEBUG() { print $LINENO; } will always print the number zero. true [ arg ... ] Do nothing and return an exit code of 0. ttyctl fu

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The f option freezes the tty, and u unfreezes it. When the tty is frozen, no changes made to the tty settings by external programs will be honored by the shell, except for changes in the size of the screen; the shell will simply reset the settings to their previous values as soon as each command exits or is suspended. Thus, stty and similar programs have no effect when the tty is frozen. Without options it reports whether the terminal is frozen or not. type [ wfpams ] name ... Equivalent to whence v. typeset [ {+}AEFLRUZafghilrtuxm [n]] [ name[=value] ... ] typeset T [ {+}LRUZrux ] SCALAR[=value] array Set or display attributes and values for shell parameters. A parameter is created for each name that does not already refer to one. When inside a function, a new parameter is created for every name (even those that already exist), and is unset again when the function completes. See Local Parameters in zshparam(1). The same rules apply to special shell parameters, which retain their special attributes when made local. For each name=value assignment, the parameter name is set to value. Note that arrays currently cannot be assigned in typeset expressions, only scalars and integers. For each remaining name that refers to a parameter that is set, the name and value of the parameter are printed in the form of an assignment. Nothing is printed for newlycreated parameters, or when any attribute ags listed below are given along with the name. Using + instead of minus to introduce an attribute turns it off. If the T option is given, exactly two (or zero) name arguments must be present. They represent a scalar and an array (in that order) that will be tied together in the manner of $PATH and $path. In other words, an array present in the latter variable appears as a scalar with the elements of the array joined by colons in the former. Only the scalar may have an initial value. Both the scalar and the array may otherwise be manipulated as normal. If one is unset, the other will automatically be unset too. There is no way of untying the variables without unsetting them, or converting the type of one of them with another typeset command; +T does not work, assigning an array to SCALAR is an error, and assigning a scalar to array sets it to be a singleelement array. Note that both typeset xT ... and export T ... work, but only the scalar will be marked for export. The g (global) ag is treated specially: it means that any resulting parameter will not be restricted to local scope. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the parameter will be global, as the ag will apply to any existing parameter (even if unset) from an enclosing function. This ag does not affect the parameter after creation, hence it has no effect when listing existing parameters, nor does the ag +g have any effect except in combination with m (see below). If no name is present, the names and values of all parameters are printed. In this case the attribute ags restrict the display to only those parameters that have the specied attributes, and using + rather than to introduce the ag suppresses printing of the values of parameters when there is no parameter name. Also, if the last option is the word +, then names are printed but values are not. If the m ag is given the name arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted). With no attribute ags, all parameters (or functions with the f ag) with matching names are printed. Note that m is ignored if no patterns are given. If the +g ag is combined with m, a new local parameter is created for every matching parameter that is not already local. Otherwise m applies all other ags or assignments to the existing parameters. Except when assignments are made with name=value, using +m forces the matching parameters to be printed, even inside a function. If no attribute ags are given and either no m ag is present or the +m form was used, each parameter name printed is preceded by a list of the attributes of that parameter (array, association, exported, integer, readonly). If +m is used with attribute ags, and all those ags are introduced with +, the matching parameter names are printed but their values are not.

zsh 4.0.4

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The following attribute ags may be specied: A L The names refer to associative array parameters; see Array Parameters in zshparam(1). Left justify and remove leading blanks from value. If n is nonzero, it denes the width of the eld; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the rst assignment. When the parameter is expanded, it is lled on the right with blanks or truncated if necessary to t the eld. Leading zeros are removed if the Z ag is also set. Right justify and ll with leading blanks. If n is nonzero if denes the width of the eld; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the rst assignment. When the parameter is expanded, the eld is left lled with blanks or truncated from the end. For arrays (but not for associative arrays), keep only the rst occurrence of each duplicated value. This may also be set for colonseparated special parameters like PATH or FIGNORE, etc. This ag has a different meaning when used with f; see below. Right justify and ll with leading zeros if the rst nonblank character is a digit and the L ag has not been set. If n is nonzero it denes the width of the eld; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the rst assignment. The names refer to array parameters. An array parameter may be created this way, but it may not be assigned to in the typeset statement. When displaying, both normal and associative arrays are shown. The names refer to functions rather than parameters. No assignments can be made, and the only other valid ags are t, u and U. The ag t turns on execution tracing for this function. The u and U ags cause the function to be marked for autoloading; U also causes alias expansion to be suppressed when the function is loaded. The fpath parameter will be searched to nd the function denition when the function is rst referenced; see the section Functions. Hide: only useful for special parameters (those marked <S> in the table in zshparams(1)), and for local parameters with the same name as a special parameter, though harmless for others. A special parameter with this attribute will not retain its special effect when made local. Thus after typeset h PATH, a function containing typeset PATH will create an ordinary local parameter without the usual behaviour of PATH. Alternatively, the local parameter may itself be given this attribute; hence inside a function typeset h PATH creates an ordinary local parameter and the special PATH parameter is not altered in any way. It is also possible to create a local parameter using typeset +h special, where the local copy of special will retain its special properties regardless of having the h attribute. Global special parameters loaded from shell modules (currently those in zsh/maple and zsh/parameter) are automatically given the h attribute to avoid name clashes. Hide value: species that typeset will not display the value of the parameter when listing parameters; the display for such parameters is always as if the + ag had been given. Use of the parameter is in other respects normal, and the option does not apply if the parameter is specied by name, or by pattern with the m option. This is on by default for the parameters in the zsh/parameter and zsh/maple modules. Note, however, that unlike the h ag this is also useful for nonspecial parameters. Use an internal integer representation. If n is nonzero it denes the output arithmetic base, otherwise it is determined by the rst assignment. Use an internal doubleprecision oating point representation. On output the variable will be converted to scientic notation. If n is nonzero it denes the number of signicant gures to display; the default is ten. Use an internal doubleprecision oating point representation. On output the variable will be converted to xedpoint decimal notation. If n is nonzero it denes the number of

i E

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digits to display after the decimal point; the default is ten. l r t u Convert the result to lower case whenever the parameter is expanded. The value is not converted when assigned. The given names are marked readonly. Tags the named parameters. Tags have no special meaning to the shell. This ag has a different meaning when used with f; see above. Convert the result to upper case whenever the parameter is expanded. The value is not converted when assigned. This ag has a different meaning when used with f; see above. Mark for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the option GLOBAL_EXPORT is set, this implies the option g, unless +g is also explicitly given; in other words the parameter is not made local to the enclosing function. This is for compatibility with previous versions of zsh.

ulimit [ SHacdmnpstv [ limit ] ... ] Set or display resource limits of the shell and the processes started by the shell. The value of limit can be a number in the unit specied below or the value unlimited. If the H ag is given use hard limits instead of soft limits. If the S ag is given together with the H ag set both hard and soft limits. If no options are used, the le size limit (f) is assumed. If limit is omitted the current value of the specied resources are printed. When more than one resource values are printed the limit name and unit is printed before each value. a c d f l m n s t u v Lists all of the current resource limits. 512byte blocks on the size of core dumps. Kbytes on the size of the data segment. 512byte blocks on the size of les written. Kbytes on the size of lockedin memory. Kbytes on the size of physical memory. open le descriptors. Kbytes on the size of the stack. CPU seconds to be used. processes available to the user. Kbytes on the size of virtual memory.

umask [ S ] [ mask ] The umask is set to mask. mask can be either an octal number or a symbolic value as described in chmod(1). If mask is omitted, the current value is printed. The S option causes the mask to be printed as a symbolic value. Otherwise, the mask is printed as an octal number. Note that in the symbolic form the permissions you specify are those which are to be allowed (not denied) to the users specied. unalias Same as unhash a. unfunction Same as unhash f. unhash [ adfm ] name ... Remove the element named name from an internal hash table. The default is remove elements from the command hash table. The a option causes unhash to remove aliases. The f option causes unhash to remove shell functions. The d options causes unhash to remove named directories. If the m ag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all elements of the corresponding hash table with matching names will be removed. unlimit [ hs ] resource ... The resource limit for each resource is set to the hard limit. If the h ag is given and the shell has appropriate privileges, the hard resource limit for each resource is removed. The resources of

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the shell process are only changed if the s ag is given. unset [ fm ] name ... Each named parameter is unset. Local parameters remain local even if unset; they appear unset within scope, but the previous value will still reappear when the scope ends. Individual elements of associative array parameters may be unset by using subscript syntax on name, which should be quoted (or the entire command prexed with noglob) to protect the subscript from lename generation. If the m ag is specied the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all parameters with matching names are unset. Note that this cannot be used when unsetting associative array elements, as the subscript will be treated as part of the pattern. unset f is equivalent to unfunction. unsetopt [ {+}options {+}o option_name ] [ name ... ] Unset the options for the shell. All options specied either with ags or by name are unset. If no arguments are supplied, the names of all options currently unset are printed. If the m ag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to preserve them from being interpreted as glob patterns), and all options with names matching these patterns are unset. vared See the section Zle Builtins in zshzle(1). wait [ job ... ] Wait for the specied jobs or processes. If job is not given then all currently active child processes are waited for. Each job can be either a job specication or the process ID of a job in the job table. The exit status from this command is that of the job waited for. whence [ vcwfpams ] name ... For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a command name. v c w Produce a more verbose report. Print the results in a cshlike format. This takes precedence over v. For each name, print name: word where word is one of alias, builtin, command, function, hashed, reserved or none, according as name corresponds to an alias, a builtin command, an external command, a shell function, a command dened with the hash builtin, a reserved word, or is not recognised. This takes precedence over v and c. Causes the contents of a shell function to be displayed, which would otherwise not happen unless the c ag were used. Do a path search for name even if it is an alias, reserved word, shell function or builtin. Do a search for all occurrences of name throughout the command path. Normally only the rst occurrence is printed. The arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted), and the information is displayed for each command matching one of these patterns. If a pathname contains symlinks, print the symlinkfree pathname as well.

f p a m s

where [ wpms ] name ... Equivalent to whence ca. which [ wpams ] name ... Equivalent to whence c. zcompile [ U ] [ z k ] [ R M ] le [ name ... ] zcompile ca [ m ] [ R M ] le [ name ... ] zcompile t le [ name ... ] This builtin command can be used to compile functions or scripts, storing the compiled form in a le, and to examine les containing the compiled form. This allows faster autoloading of

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functions and execution of scripts by avoiding parsing of the text when the les are read. The rst form (without the c, a or t options) creates a compiled le. If only the le argument is given, the output le has the name le.zwc and will be placed in the same directory as the le. The shell will load the compiled le instead of the normal function le when the function is autoloaded; see the section Autoloading Functions in zshfunc(1) for a description of how autoloaded functions are searched. The extension .zwc stands for zsh word code. If there is at least one name argument, all the named les are compiled into the output le given as the rst argument. If le does not end in .zwc, this extension is automatically appended. Files containing multiple compiled functions are called digest les, and are intended to be used as elements of the FPATH/fpath special array. The second form, with the c or a options, writes the compiled denitions for all the named functions into le. For c, the names must be functions currently dened in the shell, not those marked for autoloading. Undened functions that are marked for autoloading may be written by using the a option, in which case the fpath is searched and the contents of the denition les for those functions, if found, are compiled into le. If both c and a are given, names of both dened functions and functions marked for autoloading may be given. In either case, the functions in les written with the c or a option will be autoloaded as if the KSH_AUTOLOAD option were unset. The reason for handling loaded and notyetloaded functions with different options is that some denition les for autoloading dene multiple functions, including the function with the same name as the le, and, at the end, call that function. In such cases the output of zcompile c does not include the additional functions dened in the le, and any other initialization code in the le is lost. Using zcompile a captures all this extra information. If the m option is combined with c or a, the names are used as patterns and all functions whose names match one of these patterns will be written. If no name is given, the denitions of all functions currently dened or marked as autoloaded will be written. The third form, with the t option, examines an existing compiled le. Without further arguments, the names of the original les compiled into it are listed. The rst line of output shows the version of the shell which compiled the le and how the le will be used (i.e. by reading it directly or by mapping it into memory). With arguments, nothing is output and the return value is set to zero if denitions for all names were found in the compiled le, and nonzero if the denition for at least one name was not found. Other options: U R Aliases are not expanded when compiling the named les. When the compiled le is read, its contents are copied into the shells memory, rather than memorymapped (see M). This happens automatically on systems that do not support memory mapping. When compiling scripts instead of autoloadable functions, it is often desirable to use this option; otherwise the whole le, including the code to dene functions which have already been dened, will remain mapped, consequently wasting memory. M The compiled le is mapped into the shells memory when read. This is done in such a way that multiple instances of the shell running on the same host will share this mapped le. If neither R nor M is given, the zcompile builtin decides what to do based on the size of the compiled le. These options are used when the compiled le contains functions which are to be autoloaded. If z is given, the function will be autoloaded as if the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is not set, even if it is set at the time the compiled le is read, while if the k is given, the function will be loaded as if KSH_AUTOLOAD is set. If neither of these

k z

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options is given, the function will be loaded as determined by the setting of the KSH_AUTOLOAD option at the time the compiled le is read. These options may also appear as many times as necessary between the listed names to specify the loading style of all following functions, up to the next k or z. The created le always contains two versions of the compiled format, one for bigendian machines and one for smallendian machines. The upshot of this is that the compiled le is machine independent and if it is read or mapped, only one half of the le is actually used (and mapped). zformat See the section The zsh/zutil Module in zshmodules(1). zftp zle See the section The zsh/zftp Module in zshmodules(1). See the section Zle Builtins in zshzle(1).

zmodload [ dL ] [ ... ] zmodload e [ A ] [ ... ] zmodload [ a [ bcpf [ I ] ] ] [ iL ] ... zmodload u [ abcdpf [ I ] ] [ iL ] ... zmodload A [ L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ] zmodload R modalias ... Performs operations relating to zshs loadable modules. Loading of modules while the shell is running (dynamical loading) is not available on all operating systems, or on all installations on a particular operating system, although the zmodload command itself is always available and can be used to manipulate modules built into versions of the shell executable without dynamical loading. Without arguments the names of all currently loaded binary modules are printed. The L option causes this list to be in the form of a series of zmodload commands. Forms with arguments are: zmodload [ i ] name ... zmodload u [ i ] name ... In the simplest case, zmodload loads a binary module. The module must be in a le with a name consisting of the specied name followed by a standard suffix, usually .so (.sl on HPUX). If the module to be loaded is already loaded and the i option is given, the duplicate module is ignored. Otherwise zmodload prints an error message. The named module is searched for in the same way a command is, using $module_path instead of $path. However, the path search is performed even when the module name contains a /, which it usually does. There is no way to prevent the path search. With u, zmodload unloads modules. The same name must be given that was given when the module was loaded, but it is not necessary for the module to exist in the lesystem. The i option suppresses the error if the module is already unloaded (or was never loaded). Each module has a boot and a cleanup function. The module will not be loaded if its boot function fails. Similarly a module can only be unloaded if its cleanup function runs successfully. zmodload d [ L ] [ name ] zmodload d name dep ... zmodload ud name [ dep ... ] The d option can be used to specify module dependencies. The modules named in the second and subsequent arguments will be loaded before the module named in the rst argument.

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With d and one argument, all dependencies for that module are listed. With d and no arguments, all module dependencies are listed. This listing is by default in a Makelelike format. The L option changes this format to a list of zmodload d commands. If d and u are both used, dependencies are removed. If only one argument is given, all dependencies for that module are removed. zmodload ab [ L ] zmodload ab [ i ] name [ builtin ... ] zmodload ub [ i ] builtin ... The ab option denes autoloaded builtins. It denes the specied builtins. When any of those builtins is called, the module specied in the rst argument is loaded. If only the name is given, one builtin is dened, with the same name as the module. i suppresses the error if the builtin is already dened or autoloaded, regardless of which module it came from. With ab and no arguments, all autoloaded builtins are listed, with the module name (if different) shown in parentheses after the builtin name. The L option changes this format to a list of zmodload a commands. If b is used together with the u option, it removes builtins previously dened with ab. This is only possible if the builtin is not yet loaded. i suppresses the error if the builtin is already removed (or never existed). zmodload ac [ IL ] zmodload ac [ iI ] name [ cond ... ] zmodload uc [ iI ] cond ... The ac option is used to dene autoloaded condition codes. The cond strings give the names of the conditions dened by the module. The optional I option is used to dene inx condition names. Without this option prex condition names are dened. If given no condition names, all dened names are listed (as a series of zmodload commands if the L option is given). The uc option removes denitions for autoloaded conditions. zmodload ap [ L ] zmodload ap [ i ] name [ parameter ... ] zmodload up [ i ] parameter ... The p option is like the b and c options, but makes zmodload work on autoloaded parameters instead. zmodload af [ L ] zmodload af [ i ] name [ function ... ] zmodload uf [ i ] function ... The f option is like the b, p, and c options, but makes zmodload work on autoloaded math functions instead. zmodload a [ L ] zmodload a [ i ] name [ builtin ... ] zmodload ua [ i ] builtin ... Equivalent to ab and ub. zmodload e [ A ] [ string ... ] The e option without arguments lists all loaded modules; if the A option is also given, module aliases corresponding to loaded modules are also shown. With arguments only the return status is set to zero if all strings given as arguments are names of loaded modules and to one if at least on string is not the name of a loaded module. This can be used to test for the availability of things implemented by modules. In this case, any

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aliases are automatically resolved and the A ag is not used. zmodload A [ L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ] For each argument, if both modalias and module are given, dene modalias to be an alias for the module module. If the module modalias is ever subsequently requested, either via a call to zmodload or implicitly, the shell will attempt to load module instead. If module is not given, show the denition of modalias. If no arguments are given, list all dened module aliases. When listing, if the L ag was also given, list the denition as a zmodload command to recreate the alias. The existence of aliases for modules is completely independent of whether the name resolved is actually loaded as a module: while the alias exists, loading and unloading the module under any alias has exactly the same effect as using the resolved name, and does not affect the connection between the alias and the resolved name which can be removed either by zmodload R or by redening the alias. Chains of aliases (i.e. where the rst resolved name is itself an alias) are valid so long as these are not circular. As the aliases take the same format as module names, they may include path separators: in this case, there is no requirement for any part of the path named to exist as the alias will be resolved rst. For example, any/old/alias is always a valid alias. Dependencies added to aliased modules are actually added to the resolved module; these remain if the alias is removed. It is valid to create an alias whose name is one of the standard shell modules and which resolves to a different module. However, if a module has dependencies, it will not be possible to use the module name as an alias as the module will already be marked as a loadable module in its own right. Apart from the above, aliases can be used in the zmodload command anywhere module names are required. However, aliases will not be shown in lists of loaded modules with a bare zmodload. zmodload R modalias ... For each modalias argument that was previously dened as a module alias via zmodload A, delete the alias. If any was not dened, an error is caused and the remainder of the line is ignored. Note that zsh makes no distinction between modules that were linked into the shell and modules that are loaded dynamically. In both cases this builtin command has to be used to make available the builtins and other things dened by modules (unless the module is autoloaded on these denitions). This is true even for systems that dont support dynamic loading of modules. zparseopts See the section The zsh/zutil Module in zshmodules(1). zprof zpty See the section The zsh/zprof Module in zshmodules(1). See the section The zsh/zpty Module in zshmodules(1).

zregexparse See the section The zsh/zutil Module in zshmodules(1). zstyle See the section The zsh/zutil Module in zshmodules(1).

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ZSHZLE ( 1 )


zshzle zsh command line editor


If the ZLE option is set (which it is by default in interactive shells) and the shell input is attached to the terminal, the user is able to edit command lines. There are two display modes. The rst, multiline mode, is the default. It only works if the TERM parameter is set to a valid terminal type that can move the cursor up. The second, single line mode, is used if TERM is invalid or incapable of moving the cursor up, or if the SINGLE_LINE_ZLE option is set. This mode is similar to ksh, and uses no termcap sequences. If TERM is "emacs", the ZLE option will be unset by default. The parameters BAUD, COLUMNS, and LINES are also used by the line editor. See Parameters Used By The Shell in zshparam(1).

A keymap in ZLE contains a set of bindings between key sequences and ZLE commands. The empty key sequence cannot be bound. There can be any number of keymaps at any time, and each keymap has one or more names. If all of a keymaps names are deleted, it disappears. bindkey can be used to manipulate keymap names. Initially, there are four keymaps: emacs viins vicmd .safe EMACS emulation vi emulation insert mode vi emulation command mode fallback keymap

The .safe keymap is special. It can never be altered, and the name can never be removed. However, it can be linked to other names, which can be removed. In the future other special keymaps may be added; users should avoid using names beginning with . for their own keymaps. In addition to these four names, either emacs or viins is also linked to the name main. If one of the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables contain the string vi when the shell starts up then it will be viins, otherwise it will be emacs. bindkeys e and v options provide a convenient way to override this default choice. When the editor starts up, it will select the main keymap. If that keymap doesnt exist, it will use .safe instead. In the .safe keymap, each single key is bound to selfinsert, except for (line feed) and (return) J M which are bound to acceptline. This is deliberately not pleasant to use; if you are using it, it means you deleted the main keymap, and you should put it back.
Reading Commands

When ZLE is reading a command from the terminal, it may read a sequence that is bound to some command and is also a prex of a longer bound string. In this case ZLE will wait a certain time to see if more characters are typed, and if not (or they dont match any longer string) it will execute the binding. This timeout is dened by the KEYTIMEOUT parameter; its default is 0.4 sec. There is no timeout if the prex string is not itself bound to a command. As well as ZLE commands, key sequences can be bound to other strings, by using bindkey s. When such a sequence is read, the replacement string is pushed back as input, and the command reading process starts again using these fake keystrokes. This input can itself invoke further replacement strings, but in order to detect loops the process will be stopped if there are twenty such replacements without a real command being read.

The ZLE module contains three related builtin commands. The bindkey command manipulates keymaps and key bindings; the vared command invokes ZLE on the value of a shell parameter; and the zle

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ZSHZLE ( 1 )

command manipulates editing widgets and allows command line access to ZLE commands from within shell functions. bindkey [ options ] l bindkey [ options ] d bindkey [ options ] D keymap ... bindkey [ options ] A oldkeymap newkeymap bindkey [ options ] N newkeymap [ oldkeymap ] bindkey [ options ] m bindkey [ options ] r instring ... bindkey [ options ] s instring outstring ... bindkey [ options ] instring command ... bindkey [ options ] [ instring ] bindkeys options can be divided into three categories: keymap selection, operation selection, and others. The keymap selection options are: e v a M Selects keymap emacs, and also links it to main. Selects keymap viins, and also links it to main. Selects keymap vicmd. The rst nonoption argument is used as a keymap name, and does not otherwise count as an argument.

If a keymap selection is required and none of the options above are used, the main keymap is used. Some operations do not permit a keymap to be selected, namely: l d List all existing keymap names. If the L option is also used, list in the form of bindkey commands to create the keymaps. Delete all existing keymaps and reset to the default state.

D keymap ... Delete the named keymaps. A oldkeymap newkeymap Make the newkeymap name an alias for oldkeymap, so that both names refer to the same keymap. The names have equal standing; if either is deleted, the other remains. If there is already a keymap with the newkeymap name, it is deleted. N newkeymap [ oldkeymap ] Create a new keymap, named newkeymap. If a keymap already has that name, it is deleted. If an oldkeymap name is given, the new keymap is initialized to be a duplicate of it, otherwise the new keymap will be empty. To use a newly created keymap, it should be linked to main. Hence the sequence of commands to create and use a new keymap mymap initialized from the emacs keymap (which remains unchanged) is: bindkey N mymap emacs bindkey A mymap main Note that while bindkey A newmap main will work when newmap is emacs or viins, it will not work for vicmd, as switching from vi insert to command mode becomes impossible. The following operations act on the main keymap if no keymap selection option was given: m Add the builtin set of metakey bindings to the selected keymap. Only keys that are unbound or bound to selfinsert are affected.

r instring ... Unbind the specied instrings in the selected keymap. This is exactly equivalent to binding the strings to undenedkey.

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When R is also used, interpret the instrings as ranges. When p is also used, the instrings specify prexes. Any binding that has the given instring as a prex, not including the binding for the instring itself, if any, will be removed. For example, bindkey rpM viins [ will remove all bindings in the viinsert keymap beginning with an escape character (probably cursor keys), but leave the binding for the escape character itself (probably vicmdmode). This is incompatible with the option R. s instring outstring ... Bind each instring to each outstring. When instring is typed, outstring will be pushed back and treated as input to the line editor. When R is also used, interpret the instrings as ranges. instring command ... Bind each instring to each command. When R is used, interpret the instrings as ranges. [ instring ] List key bindings. If an instring is specied, the binding of that string in the selected keymap is displayed. Otherwise, all key bindings in the selected keymap are displayed. (As a special case, if the e or v option is used alone, the keymap is not displayed the implicit linking of keymaps is the only thing that happens.) When the option p is used, the instring must be present. The listing shows all bindings which have the given key sequence as a prex, not including any bindings for the key sequence itself. When the L option is used, the list is in the form of bindkey commands to create the key bindings. When the R option is used as noted above, a valid range consists of two characters, with an optional between them. All characters between the two specied, inclusive, are bound as specied. For either instring or outstring, the following escape sequences are recognised: \a \b \e, \E \f \n \r \t \v \NNN \xNN \M[]X \C[]X X bell character backspace escape form feed linefeed (newline) carriage return horizontal tab vertical tab character code in octal character code in hexadecimal character with meta bit set control character control character

In all other cases, \ escapes the following character. Delete is written as Note that \M and ?. ? \M? are not the same, and that (unlike emacs), the bindings \MX and \eX are entirely distinct, although they are initialized to the same bindings by bindkey m. vared [ Aache ] [ p prompt ] [ r rprompt ] name The value of the parameter name is loaded into the edit buffer, and the line editor is invoked. When the editor exits, name is set to the string value returned by the editor. When the c ag is given, the parameter is created if it doesnt already exist. The a ag may be given with c to create an array parameter, or the A

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ag to create an associative array. If the type of an existing parameter does not match the type to be created, the parameter is unset and recreated. If an array or array slice is being edited, separator characters as dened in $IFS will be shown quoted with a backslash, as will backslashes themselves. Conversely, when the edited text is split into an array, a backslash quotes an immediately following separator character or backslash; no other special handling of backslashes, or any handling of quotes, is performed. Individual elements of existing array or associative array parameters may be edited by using subscript syntax on name. New elements are created automatically, even without c. If the p ag is given, the following string will be taken as the prompt to display at the left. If the r ag is given, the following string gives the prompt to display at the right. If the h ag is specied, the history can be accessed from ZLE. If the e ag is given, typing (ControlD) on an empty line causes vared to D exit immediately with a nonzero return value. zle l [ L a ] [ string ... ] zle D widget ... zle A oldwidget newwidget zle N widget [ function ] zle C widget completionwidget function zle R [ c ] [ displaystring ] [ string ... ] zle M string zle U string zle I zle widget [ n num ] [ N ] args ... zle The zle builtin performs a number of different actions concerning ZLE. Which operation it performs depends on its options: l [ L a ] List all existing userdened widgets. If the L option is used, list in the form of zle commands to create the widgets. When combined with the a option, all widget names are listed, including the builtin ones. In this case the L option is ignored. If at least one string is given, nothing will be printed but the return status will be zero if all strings are names of existing widgets (or of userdened widgets if the a ag is not given) and nonzero if at least one string is not a name of an dened widget. D widget ... Delete the named widgets. A oldwidget newwidget Make the newwidget name an alias for oldwidget, so that both names refer to the same widget. The names have equal standing; if either is deleted, the other remains. If there is already a widget with the newwidget name, it is deleted. N widget [ function ] Create a userdened widget. If there is already a widget with the specied name, it is overwritten. When the new widget is invoked from within the editor, the specied shell function is called. If no function name is specied, it defaults to the same name as the widget. For further information, see the section Widgets in zshzle(1). C widget completionwidget function Create a userdened completion widget named widget. The completion widget will behave like the builtin completionwidget whose name is given as completionwidget. To generate the completions, the shell function function will be called. For further information, see zshcompwid(1). R [ c ] [ displaystring ] [ string ... ]

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Redisplay the command line; this is to be called from within a userdened widget to allow changes to become visible. If a displaystring is given and not empty, this is shown in the status line (immediately below the line being edited). If the optional strings are given they are listed below the prompt in the same way as completion lists are printed. If no strings are given but the c option is used such a list is cleared. Note that this option is only useful for widgets that do not exit immediately after using it because the strings displayed will be erased immediately after return from the widget. This command can safely be called outside user dened widgets; if zle is active, the display will be refreshed, while if zle is not active, the command has no effect. In this case there will usually be no other arguments. The status is zero if zle was active, else one. M string As with the R option, the string will be displayed below the command line; unlike the R option, the string will not be put into the status line but will instead be printed normally below the prompt. This means that the string will still be displayed after the widget returns (until it is overwritten by subsequent commands). U string This pushes the characters in the string onto the input stack of ZLE. After the widget currently executed nishes ZLE will behave as if the characters in the string were typed by the user. As ZLE uses a stack, if this option is used repeatedly the last string pushed onto the stack will be processed rst. However, the characters in each string will be processed in the order in which they appear in the string. I Unusually, this option is only useful outside ordinary widget functions. It invalidates the current zle display in preparation for output; usually this will be from a trap function. It has no effect if zle is not active. When a trap exits, the shell checks to see if the display needs restoring, hence the following will print output in such a way as not to disturb the line being edited: TRAPUSR1() { # Invalidate zle display zle I # Show output print Hello } Note that there are better ways of manipulating the display from within zle widgets. In general, the trap function may need to test whether zle is loaded before using this method; if it is not, there is no point in loading it specially since the line editor will not be active. The status is zero if zle was active, else one. widget [ n num ] [ N ] args ... Invoke the specied widget. This can only be done when ZLE is active; normally this will be within a userdened widget. With the options n and N, the current numerical argument will be saved and then restored after the call to widget; n num sets the numerical argument temporarily to num, while N sets it to the default, i.e. as if there were none. Any further arguments will be passed to the widget. If it is a shell function, these are passed down as positional parameters; for builtin widgets it is up to the widget in question what it does with them. Currently arguments are only handled by the incrementalsearch commands, the historysearchforward and backward and the corresponding functions prexed by vi, and by universalargument. No error is agged if the command does not use the arguments, or only uses some of them.

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The return status reects the success or failure of the operation carried out by the widget, or if it is a userdened widget the return status of the shell function. A nonzero return status causes the shell to beep when the widget exits, unless the BEEP options was unset or the widget was called via the zle command. Thus if a user dened widget requires an immediate beep, it should call the beep widget directly. With no options and no arguments, only the return status will be set. It is zero if ZLE is currently active and widgets could be invoked using this builtin command and nonzero if ZLE is not active.

All actions in the editor are performed by widgets. A widgets job is simply to perform some small action. The ZLE commands that key sequences in keymaps are bound to are in fact widgets. Widgets can be userdened or built in. The standard widgets built in to ZLE are listed in Standard Widgets below. Other builtin widgets can be dened by other modules (see zshmodules(1)). Each builtin widget has two names: its normal canonical name, and the same name preceded by a .. The . name is special: it cant be rebound to a different widget. This makes the widget available even when its usual name has been redened. Userdened widgets are dened using zle N, and implemented as shell functions. When the widget is executed, the corresponding shell function is executed, and can perform editing (or other) actions. It is recommended that userdened widgets should not have names starting with ..

Userdened widgets, being implemented as shell functions, can execute any normal shell command. They can also run other widgets (whether builtin or userdened) using the zle builtin command. The standard input of the function is closed to prevent external commands from unintentionally blocking ZLE by reading from the terminal, but read k or read q can be used to read characters. Finally, they can examine and edit the ZLE buffer being edited by reading and setting the special parameters described below. These special parameters are always available in widget functions, but are not in any way special outside ZLE. If they have some normal value outside ZLE, that value is temporarily inaccessible, but will return when the widget function exits. These special parameters in fact have local scope, like parameters created in a function using local. Inside completion widgets and traps called while ZLE is active, these parameters are available readonly. BUFFER (scalar) The entire contents of the edit buffer. If it is written to, the cursor remains at the same offset, unless that would put it outside the buffer. BUFFERLINES The number of screen lines needed for the edit buffer currently displayed on screen (i.e. without any changes to the preceding parameters done after the last redisplay). CURSOR (integer) The offset of the cursor, within the edit buffer. This is in the range 0 to $#BUFFER, and is by denition equal to $#LBUFFER. Attempts to move the cursor outside the buffer will result in the cursor being moved to the appropriate end of the buffer. HISTNO (integer) The current history number. KEYS (scalar) The keys typed to invoke this widget, as a literal string. LASTWIDGET (scalar) The name of the last widget that was executed. LBUFFER (scalar) The part of the buffer that lies to the left of the cursor position. If it is assigned to, only that part of

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the buffer is replaced, and the cursor remains between the new $LBUFFER and the old $RBUFFER. MARK (integer) Like CURSOR, but for the mark. NUMERIC (integer) The numeric argument. If no numeric argument was given, this parameter is unset. When this is set inside a widget function, builtin widgets called with the zle builtin command will use the value assigned. If it is unset inside a widget function, builtin widgets called behave as if no numeric argument was given. PENDING (integer) The number of bytes pending for input, i.e. the number of bytes which have already been typed and can immediately be read. On systems where the shell is not able to get this information, this parameter will always have a value of zero. PREBUFFER (scalar) In a multiline input at the secondary prompt, this readonly parameter contains the contents of the lines before the one the cursor is currently in. RBUFFER (scalar) The part of the buffer that lies to the right of the cursor position. If it is assigned to, only that part of the buffer is replaced, and the cursor remains between the old $LBUFFER and the new $RBUFFER. WIDGET (scalar) The name of the widget currently being executed.

The following is a list of all the standard widgets, and their default bindings in emacs mode, vi command mode and vi insert mode (the emacs, vicmd and viins keymaps, respectively). Note that cursor keys are bound to movement keys in all three keymaps; the shell assumes that the cursor keys send the key sequences reported by the terminalhandling library (termcap or terminfo). The key sequences shown in the list are those based on the VT100, common on many modern terminals, but in fact these are not necessarily bound. In the case of the viins keymap, the initial escape character of the sequences serves also to return to the vicmd keymap: whether this happens is determined by the KEYTIMEOUT parameter, see zshparam(1).

vibackwardblankword (unbound) (B) (unbound) Move backward one word, where a word is dened as a series of nonblank characters. backwardchar ( ESC[D) (unbound) (unbound) B Move backward one character. vibackwardchar (unbound) ( h (ESC[D) H ?) Move backward one character, without changing lines. backwardword (ESCB ESCb) (unbound) (unbound) Move to the beginning of the previous word. emacsbackwardword Move to the beginning of the previous word. vibackwardword (unbound) (b) (unbound) Move to the beginning of the previous word, vistyle. beginningofline ( (unbound) (unbound) A) Move to the beginning of the line. If already at the beginning of the line, move to the beginning of the previous line, if any.

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vibeginningofline Move to the beginning of the line, without changing lines. endofline ( (unbound) (unbound) E) Move to the end of the line. If already at the end of the line, move to the end of the next line, if any. viendofline (unbound) ($) (unbound) Move to the end of the line. If an argument is given to this command, the cursor will be moved to the end of the line (argument 1) lines down. viforwardblankword (unbound) (W) (unbound) Move forward one word, where a word is dened as a series of nonblank characters. viforwardblankwordend (unbound) (E) (unbound) Move to the end of the current word, or, if at the end of the current word, to the end of the next word, where a word is dened as a series of nonblank characters. forwardchar ( ESC[C) (unbound) (unbound) F Move forward one character. viforwardchar (unbound) (space l) (ESC[C) Move forward one character. vindnextchar ( F) (f) (unbound) X Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the next occurrence of it in the line. vindnextcharskip (unbound) (t) (unbound) Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the position just before the next occurrence of it in the line. vindprevchar (unbound) (F) (unbound) Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the previous occurrence of it in the line. vindprevcharskip (unbound) (T) (unbound) Read a character from the keyboard, and move to the position just after the previous occurrence of it in the line. virstnonblank (unbound) ( (unbound) ) Move to the rst nonblank character in the line. viforwardword (unbound) (w) (unbound) Move forward one word, vistyle. forwardword (ESCF ESCf) (unbound) (unbound) Move to the beginning of the next word. The editors idea of a word is specied with the WORDCHARS parameter. emacsforwardword Move to the end of the next word. viforwardwordend (unbound) (e) (unbound) Move to the end of the next word. vigotocolumn (ESC) () (unbound) Move to the column specied by the numeric argument. vigotomark (unbound) () (unbound) Move to the specied mark. vigotomarkline (unbound) () (unbound) Move to beginning of the line containing the specied mark. virepeatnd (unbound) (;) (unbound) Repeat the last vind command.

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virevrepeatnd (unbound) (,) (unbound) Repeat the last vind command in the opposite direction.
History Control

beginningofbufferorhistory (ESC<) (unbound) (unbound) Move to the beginning of the buffer, or if already there, move to the rst event in the history list. beginningoflinehist Move to the beginning of the line. If already at the beginning of the buffer, move to the previous history line. beginningofhistory Move to the rst event in the history list. downlineorhistory ( ESC[B) (j) (ESC[B) N Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, move to the next event in the history list. vidownlineorhistory (unbound) (+) (unbound) Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, move to the next event in the history list. Then move to the rst nonblank character on the line. downlineorsearch Move down a line in the buffer, or if already at the bottom line, search forward in the history for a line beginning with the rst word in the buffer. If called from a function by the zle command with arguments, the rst argument is taken as the string for which to search, rather than the rst word in the buffer. downhistory (unbound) ( (unbound) N) Move to the next event in the history list. historybeginningsearchbackward Search backward in the history for a line beginning with the current line up to the cursor. This leaves the cursor in its original position. endofbufferorhistory (ESC>) (unbound) (unbound) Move to the end of the buffer, or if already there, move to the last event in the history list. endoflinehist Move to the end of the line. If already at the end of the buffer, move to the next history line. endofhistory Move to the last event in the history list. vifetchhistory (unbound) (G) (unbound) Fetch the history line specied by the numeric argument. This defaults to the current history line (i.e. the one that isnt history yet). historyincrementalsearchbackward ( (unbound) (unbound) R Xr) Search backward incrementally for a specied string. The search is caseinsensitive if the search string does not have uppercase letters and no numeric argument was given. The string may begin with to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the minibuffer. An interrupt signal, as dened by the stty setting, will stop the search and go back to the original line. An undened key will have the same effect. The supported functions are: backwarddeletechar, vibackwarddeletechar, clearscreen, redisplay, quotedinsert, viquotedinsert, acceptandhold, acceptandinfernexthistory, acceptline and acceptlineanddownhistory.

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magicspace just inserts a space. vicmdmode toggles between the main and vicmd keymaps; the main keymap (insert mode) will be selected initially. historyincrementalsearchbackward will get the next occurrence of the contents of the minibuffer. historyincrementalsearchforward inverts the sense of the search. virepeatsearch and virevrepeatsearch are similarly supported. The direction of the search is indicated in the minibuffer. Any multicharacter string that is not bound to one of the above functions will beep and interrupt the search, leaving the last found line in the buffer. Any single character that is not bound to one of the above functions, or selfinsert or selfinsertunmeta, will have the same effect but the function will be executed. When called from a widget function by the zle command, the incremental search commands can take a string argument. This will be treated as a string of keys, as for arguments to the bindkey command, and used as initial input for the command. Any characters in the string which are unused by the incremental search will be silently ignored. For example, zle historyincrementalsearchbackward forceps will search backwards for forceps, leaving the minibuffer containing the string forceps. historyincrementalsearchforward ( (unbound) (unbound) S Xs) Search forward incrementally for a specied string. The search is caseinsensitive if the search string does not have uppercase letters and no numeric argument was given. The string may begin with to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. The functions available in the minibuffer are the same as for historyincrementalsearchbackward. historysearchbackward (ESCP ESCp) (unbound) (unbound) Search backward in the history for a line beginning with the rst word in the buffer. If called from a function by the zle command with arguments, the rst argument is taken as the string for which to search, rather than the rst word in the buffer. vihistorysearchbackward (unbound) (/) (unbound) Search backward in the history for a specied string. The string may begin with to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the minibuffer. An interrupt signal, as dened by the stty setting, will stop the search. The functions available in the minibuffer are: acceptline, backwarddeletechar, vibackwarddeletechar, backwardkillword, vibackwardkillword, clearscreen, redisplay, quotedinsert and viquotedinsert. vicmdmode is treated the same as acceptline, and magicspace is treated as a space. Any other character that is not bound to selfinsert or selfinsertunmeta will beep and be ignored. If the function is called from vi command mode, the bindings of the current insert mode will be used. If called from a function by the zle command with arguments, the rst argument is taken as the string for which to search, rather than the rst word in the buffer. historysearchforward (ESCN ESCn) (unbound) (unbound) Search forward in the history for a line beginning with the rst word in the buffer. If called from a function by the zle command with arguments, the rst argument is taken as the string for which to search, rather than the rst word in the buffer. vihistorysearchforward (unbound) (?) (unbound) Search forward in the history for a specied string. The string may begin with to anchor the search to the beginning of the line. The functions available in the minibuffer are the same as for vihistorysearchbackward. Argument handling is also the same as for that command. infernexthistory ( N) (unbound) (unbound) X Search in the history list for a line matching the current one and fetch the event following it.

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insertlastword (ESC_ ESC.) (unbound) (unbound) Insert the last word from the previous history event at the cursor position. If a positive numeric argument is given, insert that word from the end of the previous history event. If the argument is zero or negative insert that word from the left (zero inserts the previous command word). Repeating this command replaces the word just inserted with the last word from the history event prior to the one just used; numeric arguments can be used in the same way to pick a word from that event. virepeatsearch (unbound) (n) (unbound) Repeat the last vi history search. virevrepeatsearch (unbound) (N) (unbound) Repeat the last vi history search, but in reverse. uplineorhistory ( ESC[A) (k) (ESC[A) P Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top line, move to the previous event in the history list. viuplineorhistory (unbound) () (unbound) Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top line, move to the previous event in the history list. Then move to the rst nonblank character on the line. uplineorsearch Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top line, search backward in the history for a line beginning with the rst word in the buffer. If called from a function by the zle command with arguments, the rst argument is taken as the string for which to search, rather than the rst word in the buffer. uphistory (unbound) ( (unbound) P) Move to the previous event in the history list. historybeginningsearchforward Search forward in the history for a line beginning with the current line up to the cursor. This leaves the cursor in its original position.
Modifying Text

viaddeol (unbound) (A) (unbound) Move to the end of the line and enter insert mode. viaddnext (unbound) (a) (unbound) Enter insert mode after the current cursor position, without changing lines. backwarddeletechar ( (unbound) (unbound) H ?) Delete the character behind the cursor. vibackwarddeletechar (unbound) (X) ( H) Delete the character behind the cursor, without changing lines. If in insert mode, this wont delete past the point where insert mode was last entered. backwarddeleteword Delete the word behind the cursor. backwardkillline Kill from the beginning of the line to the cursor position. backwardkillword ( ESC ESC (unbound) (unbound) W H ?) Kill the word behind the cursor. vibackwardkillword (unbound) (unbound) ( W) Kill the word behind the cursor, without going past the point where insert mode was last entered. capitalizeword (ESCC ESCc) (unbound) (unbound) Capitalize the current word and move past it.

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vichange (unbound) (c) (unbound) Read a movement command from the keyboard, and kill from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. Then enter insert mode. If the command is vichange, change the current line. vichangeeol (unbound) (C) (unbound) Kill to the end of the line and enter insert mode. vichangewholeline (unbound) (S) (unbound) Kill the current line and enter insert mode. copyregionaskill (ESCW ESCw) (unbound) (unbound) Copy the area from the cursor to the mark to the kill buffer. copyprevword (ESC (unbound) (unbound) _) Duplicate the word to the left of the cursor. copyprevshellword (ESC (unbound) (unbound) _) Like copyprevword, but the word is found by using shell parsing, whereas copyprevword looks for blanks. This makes a difference when the word is quoted and contains spaces. videlete (unbound) (d) (unbound) Read a movement command from the keyboard, and kill from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. If the command is videlete, kill the current line. deletechar Delete the character under the cursor. videletechar (unbound) (x) (unbound) Delete the character under the cursor, without going past the end of the line. deleteword Delete the current word. downcaseword (ESCL ESCl) (unbound) (unbound) Convert the current word to all lowercase and move past it. killword (ESCD ESCd) (unbound) (unbound) Kill the current word. gosmacstransposechars Exchange the two characters behind the cursor. viindent (unbound) (>) (unbound) Indent a number of lines. viinsert (unbound) (i) (unbound) Enter insert mode. viinsertbol (unbound) (I) (unbound) Move to the rst nonblank character on the line and enter insert mode. vijoin ( J) (J) (unbound) X Join the current line with the next one. killline ( (unbound) (unbound) K) Kill from the cursor to the end of the line. If already on the end of the line, kill the newline character. vikillline (unbound) (unbound) ( U) Kill from the cursor back to wherever insert mode was last entered. vikilleol (unbound) (D) (unbound) Kill from the cursor to the end of the line. killregion

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Kill from the cursor to the mark. killbuffer ( K) (unbound) (unbound) X Kill the entire buffer. killwholeline ( (unbound) (unbound) U) Kill the current line. vimatchbracket ( B) (%) (unbound) X Move to the bracket character (one of {}, () or []) that matches the one under the cursor. If the cursor is not on a bracket character, move forward without going past the end of the line to nd one, and then go to the matching bracket. viopenlineabove (unbound) (O) (unbound) Open a line above the cursor and enter insert mode. viopenlinebelow (unbound) (o) (unbound) Open a line below the cursor and enter insert mode. vioperswapcase Read a movement command from the keyboard, and swap the case of all characters from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement. If the movement command is vioperswapcase, swap the case of all characters on the current line. overwritemode ( O) (unbound) (unbound) X Toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode. viputbefore (unbound) (P) (unbound) Insert the contents of the kill buffer before the cursor. If the kill buffer contains a sequence of lines (as opposed to characters), paste it above the current line. viputafter (unbound) (p) (unbound) Insert the contents of the kill buffer after the cursor. If the kill buffer contains a sequence of lines (as opposed to characters), paste it below the current line. quotedinsert ( (unbound) (unbound) V) Insert the next character typed into the buffer literally. An interrupt character will not be inserted. viquotedinsert (unbound) (unbound) ( Q V) Display a at the cursor position, and insert the next character typed into the buffer literally. An interrupt character will not be inserted. quoteline (ESC) (unbound) (unbound) Quote the current line; that is, put a character at the beginning and the end, and convert all characters to \. quoteregion (ESC") (unbound) (unbound) Quote the region from the cursor to the mark. vireplace (unbound) (R) (unbound) Enter overwrite mode. virepeatchange (unbound) (.) (unbound) Repeat the last vi mode text modication. If a count was used with the modication, it is remembered. If a count is given to this command, it overrides the remembered count, and is remembered for future uses of this command. The cut buffer specication is similarly remembered. vireplacechars (unbound) (r) (unbound) Replace the character under the cursor with a character read from the keyboard. selfinsert (printable characters) (unbound) (printable characters and some control characters) Insert a character into the buffer at the cursor position. selfinsertunmeta (ESC ESC ESC (unbound) (unbound) I J M)

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Insert a character into the buffer after stripping the meta bit and converting to M J. visubstitute (unbound) (s) (unbound) Substitute the next character(s). viswapcase (unbound) () (unbound) Swap the case of the character under the cursor and move past it. transposechars ( (unbound) (unbound) T) Exchange the two characters to the left of the cursor if at end of line, else exchange the character under the cursor with the character to the left. transposewords (ESCT ESCt) (unbound) (unbound) Exchange the current word with the one before it. viunindent (unbound) (<) (unbound) Unindent a number of lines. upcaseword (ESCU ESCu) (unbound) (unbound) Convert the current word to all caps and move past it. yank ( (unbound) (unbound) Y) Insert the contents of the kill buffer at the cursor position. yankpop (ESCy) (unbound) (unbound) Remove the text just yanked, rotate the killring, and yank the new top. Only works following yank or yankpop. viyank (unbound) (y) (unbound) Read a movement command from the keyboard, and copy the region from the cursor position to the endpoint of the movement into the kill buffer. If the command is viyank, copy the current line. viyankwholeline (unbound) (Y) (unbound) Copy the current line into the kill buffer. viyankeol Copy the region from the cursor position to the end of the line into the kill buffer. Arguably, this is what Y should do in vi, but it isnt what it actually does.

digitargument (ESC0..ESC9) (19) (unbound) Start a new numeric argument, or add to the current one. See also vidigitorbeginningofline. This only works if bound to a key sequence ending in a decimal digit. Inside a widget function, a call to this function treats the last key of the key sequence which called the widget as the digit. negargument (ESC ) (unbound) (unbound) Changes the sign of the following argument. universalargument Multiply the argument of the next command by 4. Alternatively, if this command is followed by an integer (positive or negative), use that as the argument for the next command. Thus digits cannot be repeated using this command. For example, if this command occurs twice, followed immediately by forwardchar, move forward sixteen spaces; if instead it is followed by 2, then forwardchar, move backward two spaces. Inside a widget function, if passed an argument, i.e. zle universalargument num, the numerical argument will be set to num; this is equivalent to NUMERIC=num.

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acceptandmenucomplete In a menu completion, insert the current completion into the buffer, and advance to the next possible completion. completeword Attempt completion on the current word. deletecharorlist ( (unbound) (unbound) D) Delete the character under the cursor. If the cursor is at the end of the line, list possible completions for the current word. expandcmdpath Expand the current command to its full pathname. expandorcomplete (TAB) (unbound) (TAB) Attempt shell expansion on the current word. If that fails, attempt completion. expandorcompleteprex Attempt shell expansion on the current word up to cursor. expandhistory (ESCspace ESC!) (unbound) (unbound) Perform history expansion on the edit buffer. expandword ( X) (unbound) (unbound) Attempt shell expansion on the current word. listchoices (ESC ( =) ( D) D D) List possible completions for the current word. listexpand ( Xg XG) ( ( G) G) List the expansion of the current word. magicspace Perform history expansion and insert a space into the buffer. This is intended to be bound to space. menucomplete Like completeword, except that menu completion is used. See the MENU_COMPLETE option. menuexpandorcomplete Like expandorcomplete, except that menu completion is used. reversemenucomplete Perform menu completion, like menucomplete, except that if a menu completion is already in progress, move to the previous completion rather than the next. endoflist When a previous completion displayed a list below the prompt, this widget can be used to move the prompt below the list.

acceptandhold (ESCA ESCa) (unbound) (unbound) Push the contents of the buffer on the buffer stack and execute it. acceptandinfernexthistory Execute the contents of the buffer. Then search the history list for a line matching the current one and push the event following onto the buffer stack. acceptline ( ( ( J M) J M) J M) Finish editing the buffer. Normally this causes the buffer to be executed as a shell command. acceptlineanddownhistory ( (unbound) (unbound) O)

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Execute the current line, and push the next history event on the the buffer stack. beep Beep, unless the BEEP option is unset. vicmdmode ( V) (unbound) ( X [) Enter command mode; that is, select the vicmd keymap. Yes, this is bound by default in emacs mode. vicapslockpanic Hang until any lowercase key is pressed. This is for vi users without the mental capacity to keep track of their caps lock key (like the author). clearscreen ( ESC ( ( L L) L) L) Clear the screen and redraw the prompt. describekeybriey Reads a key sequence, then prints the function bound to that sequence. exchangepointandmark ( X) (unbound) (unbound) X Exchange the cursor position with the position of the mark. executenamedcmd (ESCx) (unbound) (unbound) Read the name of an editor command and execute it. A restricted set of editing functions is available in the minibuffer. An interrupt signal, as dened by the stty setting, will abort the function. The allowed functions are: backwarddeletechar, vibackwarddeletechar, clearscreen, redisplay, quotedinsert, viquotedinsert, backwardkillword, vibackwardkillword, killwholeline, vikillline, backwardkillline, listchoices, deletecharorlist, completeword, acceptline, expandorcomplete and expandorcompleteprex. killregion kills the last word, and vicmdmode is treated the same as acceptline. The space and tab characters, if not bound to one of these functions, will complete the name and then list the possibilities if the AUTO_LIST option is set. Any other character that is not bound to selfinsert or selfinsertunmeta will beep and be ignored. The bindings of the current insert mode will be used. executelastnamedcmd (ESCz) (unbound) (unbound) Redo the last function executed with executenamedcmd. getline (ESCG ESCg) (unbound) (unbound) Pop the top line off the buffer stack and insert it at the cursor position. poundinsert (unbound) (#) (unbound) If there is no # character at the beginning of the buffer, add one to the beginning of each line. If there is one, remove a # from each line that has one. In either case, accept the current line. The INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option must be set for this to have any usefulness. vipoundinsert If there is no # character at the beginning of the current line, add one. If there is one, remove it. The INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option must be set for this to have any usefulness. pushinput Push the entire current multiline construct onto the buffer stack and return to the toplevel (PS1) prompt. If the current parser construct is only a single line, this is exactly like pushline. Next time the editor starts up or is popped with getline, the construct will be popped off the top of the buffer stack and loaded into the editing buffer. pushline ( ESCQ ESCq) (unbound) (unbound) Q Push the current buffer onto the buffer stack and clear the buffer. Next time the editor starts up, the buffer will be popped off the top of the buffer stack and loaded into the editing buffer. pushlineoredit At the toplevel (PS1) prompt, equivalent to pushline. At a secondary (PS2) prompt, move the

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entire current multiline construct into the editor buffer. The latter is equivalent to pushinput followed by getline. redisplay (unbound) ( ( R) R) Redisplays the edit buffer. sendbreak ( ESC (unbound) (unbound) G G) Abort the current editor function, e.g. executenamedcommand, or the editor itself, e.g. if you are in vared. Otherwise abort the parsing of the current line. runhelp (ESCH ESCh) (unbound) (unbound) Push the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute the command runhelp cmd, where cmd is the current command. runhelp is normally aliased to man. visetbuffer (unbound) (") (unbound) Specify a buffer to be used in the following command. There are 35 buffers that can be specied: the 26 named buffers " a to " z and the nine queued buffers " 1 to " 9. The named buffers can also be specied as " A to " Z. When a buffer is specied for a cut command, the text being cut replaces the previous contents of the specied buffer. If a named buffer is specied using a capital, the newly cut text is appended to the buffer instead of overwriting it. If no buffer is specied for a cut command, " 1 is used, and the contents of " 1 to " 8 are each shifted along one buffer; the contents of " 9 is lost. visetmark (unbound) (m) (unbound) Set the specied mark at the cursor position. setmarkcommand ( (unbound) (unbound) @) Set the mark at the cursor position. spellword (ESC$ ESCS ESCs) (unbound) (unbound) Attempt spelling correction on the current word. undenedkey This command is executed when a key sequence that is not bound to any command is typed. By default it beeps. undo ( U) (unbound) (unbound) _ Xu X Incrementally undo the last text modication. redo Incrementally redo undone text modications. viundochange (unbound) (u) (unbound) Undo the last text modication. If repeated, redo the modication. whatcursorposition ( X=) (unbound) (unbound) Print the character under the cursor, its code as an octal, decimal and hexadecimal number, the current cursor position within the buffer and the column of the cursor in the current line. whereis Read the name of an editor command and and print the listing of key sequences that invoke the specied command. whichcommand (ESC?) (unbound) (unbound) Push the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute the command whichcommand cmd. where cmd is the current command. whichcommand is normally aliased to whence. vidigitorbeginningofline (unbound) (0) (unbound) If the last command executed was a digit as part of an argument, continue the argument. Otherwise, execute vibeginningofline.

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zshcompwid zsh completion widgets


The shells programmable completion mechanism can be manipulated in two ways; here the lowlevel features supporting the newer, functionbased mechanism are dened. A complete set of shell functions based on these features is described in zshcompsys(1), and users with no interest in adding to that system (or, potentially, writing their own see dictionary entry for hubris) should skip this section. The older system based on the compctl builtin command is described in zshcompctl(1). Completion widgets are dened by the C option to the zle builtin command provided by the zsh/zle module (see zshzle(1)). For example, zle C complete expandorcomplete completer denes a widget named complete. The second argument is the name of any of the builtin widgets that handle completions: completeword, expandorcomplete, expandorcompleteprex, menucomplete, menuexpandorcomplete, reversemenucomplete, listchoices, or deletecharorlist. Note that this will still work even if the widget in question has been rebound. When this newly dened widget is bound to a key using the bindkey builtin command dened in the zsh/zle module (see zshzle(1)), typing that key will call the shell function completer. This function is responsible for generating the possible matches using the builtins described below. As with other ZLE widgets, the function is called with its standard input closed. Once the function returns, the completion code takes over control again and treats the matches in the same manner as the specied builtin widget, in this case expandorcomplete.

Inside completion widgets, and any functions called from them, some parameters have special meaning; outside these functions they are not special to the shell in any way. These parameters are used to pass information between the completion code and the completion widget. Some of the builtin commands and the condition codes use or change the current values of these parameters. Any existing values will be hidden during execution of completion widgets; except for compstate, the parameters are reset on each function exit (including nested function calls from within the completion widget) to the values they had when the function was entered. CURRENT This is the number of the current word, i.e. the word the cursor is currently on in the words array. Note that this value is only correct if the ksharrays option is not set. IPREFIX Initially this will be set to the empty string. This parameter functions like PREFIX; it contains a string which precedes the one in PREFIX and is not considered part of the list of matches. Typically, a string is transferred from the beginning of PREFIX to the end of IPREFIX, for example: IPREFIX=${PREFIX%%\= }= PREFIX=${PREFIX# =} causes the part of the prex up to and including the rst equal sign not to be treated as part of a matched string. This can be done automatically by the compset builtin, see below. ISUFFIX As IPREFIX, but for a suffix that should not be considered part of the matches; note that the ISUFFIX string follows the SUFFIX string. PREFIX Initially this will be set to the part of the current word from the beginning of the word up to the position of the cursor; it may be altered to give a common prex for all matches. QIPREFIX This parameter is readonly and contains the quoted string up to the word being completed. E.g.

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when completing " foo, this parameter contains the double quote. If the q option of compset is used (see below), and the original string was " foo bar with the cursor on the bar, this parameter contains " foo . QISUFFIX Like QIPREFIX, but containing the suffix. SUFFIX Initially this will be set to the part of the current word from the cursor position to the end; it may be altered to give a common suffix for all matches. It is most useful when the option COMPLETE_IN_WORD is set, as otherwise the whole word on the command line is treated as a prex. compstate This is an associative array with various keys and values that the completion code uses to exchange information with the completion widget. The keys are: all_quotes The q option of the compset builtin command (see below) allows a quoted string to be broken into separate words; if the cursor is on one of those words, that word will be completed, possibly invoking compset q recursively. With this key it is possible to test the types of quoted strings which are currently broken into parts in this fashion. Its value contains one character for each quoting level. The characters are a single quote or a double quote for strings quoted with these characters and a backslash for strings not starting with a quote character. The rst character in the value always corresponds to the innermost quoting level. context This will be set by the completion code to the overall context in which completion is attempted. Possible values are: array_value when completing inside the value of an array parameter assignment; in this case the words array contains the words inside the parentheses. brace_parameter when completing the name of a parameter in a parameter expansion beginning with ${. command when completing for a normal command (either in command position or for an argument of the command). condition when completing inside a [[...]] conditional expression; in this case the words array contains only the words inside the conditional expression. math when completing in a mathematical environment such as a ((...)) construct. parameter when completing the name of a parameter in a parameter expansion beginning with $ but not ${. redirect when completing after a redirection operator. subscript when completing inside a parameter subscript. value exact when completing the value of a parameter assignment. Controls the behaviour when the REC_EXACT option is set. It will be set to accept if an exact match would be accepted, and will be unset otherwise.

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If it was set when at least one match equal to the string on the line was generated, the match is accepted. exact_string The string of an exact match if one was found, otherwise unset. ignored The number of words that were ignored because they matched one of the patterns given with the F option to the compadd builtin command. insert This controls the manner in which a match is inserted into the command line. On entry to the widget function, if it is unset the command line is not to be changed; if set to unambiguous, any prex common to all matches is to be inserted; if set to automenuunambiguous, the common prex is to be inserted and the next invocation of the completion code may start menu completion (due to the AUTO_MENU option being set); if set to menu or automenu menu completion will be started for the matches currently generated (in the latter case this will happen because the AUTO_MENU is set). The value may also contain the string tab when the completion code would normally not really do completion, but only insert the TAB character. On exit it may be set to any of the values above (where setting it to the empty string is the same as unsetting it), or to a number, in which case the match whose number is given will be inserted into the command line. Negative numbers count backward from the last match (with 1 selecting the last match) and outofrange values are wrapped around, so that a value of zero selects the last match and a value one more than the maximum selects the rst. Unless the value of this key ends in a space, the match is inserted as in a menu completion, i.e. without automatically appending a space. Both menu and automenu may also specify the the number of the match to insert, given after a colon. For example, menu:2 says to start menu completion, beginning with the second match. Note that a value containing the substring tab makes the matches generated be ignored and only the TAB be inserted. Finally, it may also be set to all, which makes all matches generated be inserted into the line. insert_positions When the completion system inserts an unambiguous string into the line, there may be multiple places where characters are missing or where the character inserted differs from at least one match. The value of this key contains a colon separated list of all these positions, as indexes into the command line. last_prompt If this is set to a nonempty string for every match added, the completion code will move the cursor back to the previous prompt after the list of completions has been displayed. Initially this is set or unset according to the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option. list This controls whether or how the list of matches will be displayed. If it is unset or empty they will never be listed; if its value begins with list, they will always be listed; if it begins with autolist or ambiguous, they will be listed when the AUTO_LIST or LIST_AMBIGUOUS options respectively would normally cause them to be. If the substring force appears in the value, this makes the list be shown even if there is only one match. Normally, the list would be shown only if there are at least two matches. The value contains the substring packed if the LIST_PACKED option is set. If this substring is given for all matches added to a group, this group will show the LIST_PACKED behavior. The same is done for the LIST_ROWS_FIRST option with the substring rows.

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Finally, if the value contains the string explanations, only the explanation strings, if any, will be listed and if it contains messages, only the messages (added with the x option of compadd) will be listed. If it contains both explanations and messages both kinds of explanation strings will be listed. It will be set appropriately on entry to a completion widget and may be changed there. list_lines This gives the number of lines that are needed to display the full list of completions. Note that to calculate the total number of lines to display you need to add the number of lines needed for the command line to this value, this is available as the value of the BUFFERLINES special parameter. list_max Initially this is set to the value of the LISTMAX parameter. It may be set to any other value; when the widget exits this value will be used in the same way as the value of LISTMAX. nmatches The number of matches generated and accepted by the completion code so far. old_insert On entry to the widget this will be set to the number of the match of an old list of completions that is currently inserted into the command line. If no match has been inserted, this is unset. As with old_list, the value of this key will only be used if it is the string keep. If it was set to this value by the widget and there was an old match inserted into the command line, this match will be kept and if the value of the insert key species that another match should be inserted, this will be inserted after the old one. old_list This is set to yes if there is still a valid list of completions from a previous completion at the time the widget is invoked. This will usually be the case if and only if the previous editing operation was a completion widget or one of the builtin completion functions. If there is a valid list and it is also currently shown on the screen, the value of this key is shown. After the widget has exited the value of this key is only used if it was set to keep. In this case the completion code will continue to use this old list. If the widget generated new matches, they will not be used. parameter The name of the parameter when completing in a subscript or in the value of a parameter assignment. pattern_insert Normally this is set to menu, which species that menu completion will be used whenever a set of matches was generated using pattern matching. If it is set to any other nonempty string by the user and menu completion is not selected by other option settings, the code will instead insert any common prex for the generated matches as with normal completion. pattern_match Locally controls the behaviour given by the GLOB_COMPLETE option. Initially it is set to if and only if the option is set. The completion widget may set it to this value, to an empty string (which has the same effect as unsetting it), or to any other nonempty string. If it is nonempty, unquoted metacharacters on the command line will be treated as patterns; if it is then additionally a wildcard is assumed at the cursor position; , if it is empty or unset, metacharacters will be treated literally.

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Note that the matcher specications given to the compadd builtin command are not used if this is set to a nonempty string. quote When completing inside quotes, this contains the quotation character (i.e. either a single quote, a double quote, or a backtick). Otherwise it is unset.

quoting When completing inside single quotes, this is set to the string single; inside double quotes, the string double; inside backticks, the string backtick. Otherwise it is unset. redirect The redirection operator when completing in a redirection position, i.e. one of <, >, etc.

restore This is set to auto before a function is entered, which forces the special parameters mentioned above (words, CURRENT, PREFIX, IPREFIX, SUFFIX, and ISUFFIX) to be restored to their previous values when the function exits. If a function unsets it or sets it to any other string, they will not be restored. to_end Species the occasions on which the cursor is moved to the end of a string when a match is inserted. On entry to a widget function, it may be single if this will happen when a single unambiguous match was inserted or match if it will happen any time a match is inserted (for example, by menu completion; this is likely to be the effect of the ALWAYS_TO_END option). On exit, it may be set to single as above. It may also be set to always, or to the empty string or unset; in those cases the cursor will be moved to the end of the string always or never respectively. Any other string is treated as match. unambiguous This key is readonly and will always be set to the common (unambiguous) prex the completion code has generated for all matches added so far. unambiguous_cursor This gives the position the cursor would be placed at if the common prex in the unambiguous key were inserted, relative to the value of that key. The cursor would be placed before the character whose index is given by this key. unambiguous_positions This contains all positions where characters in the unambiguous string are missing or where the character inserted differs from at least one of the matches. The positions are given as indexes into the string given by the value of the unambiguous key. vared If completion is called while editing a line using the vared builtin, the value of this key is set to the name of the parameter given as an argument to vared. This key is only set while a vared command is active.

words This array contains the words present on the command line currently being edited.

compadd [ akqQfenUl12C ] [ F array ] [ P prex ] [ S suffix ] [ p hiddenprex ] [ s hiddensuffix ] [ i ignoredprex ] [ I ignoredsuffix ] [ W leprex ] [ d array ] [ J name ] [ V name ] [ X explanation ] [ x message ] [ r removechars ] [ R removefunc ] [ D array ] [ O array ] [ A array ] [ M matchspec ] [ ] [ words ... ] This builtin command can be used to add matches directly and control all the information the completion code stores with each possible match. The return value is zero if at least one match was added and nonzero if no matches were added.

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The completion code breaks the string to complete into seven elds in the order: < ipre> < apre> < hpre> < word> < hsuf> < asuf> < isuf> The rst eld is an ignored prex taken from the command line, the contents of the IPREFIX parameter plus the string given with the i option. With the U option, only the string from the i option is used. The eld < apre> is an optional prex string given with the P option. The < hpre> eld is a string that is considered part of the match but that should not be shown when listing completions, given with the p option; for example, functions that do lename generation might specify a common path prex this way. < word> is the part of the match that should appear in the list of completions, i.e. one of the words given at the end of the compadd command line. The suffixes < hsuf> , < asuf> and < isuf> correspond to the prexes < hpre> , < apre> and < ipre> and are given by the options s, S and I, respectively. The supported ags are: P prex This gives a string to be inserted before the given words. The string given is not considered as part of the match and any shell metacharacters in it will not be quoted when the string is inserted. S suffix Like P, but gives a string to be inserted after the match. p hiddenprex This gives a string that should be inserted into the command line before the match but that should not appear in the list of matches. Unless the U option is given, this string must be matched as part of the string on the command line. s hiddensuffix Like p, but gives a string to insert after the match. i ignoredprex This gives a string to insert into the command line just before any string given with the P option. Without P the string is inserted before the string given with p or directly before the match. I ignoredsuffix Like i, but gives an ignored suffix. a With this ag the words are taken as names of arrays and the possible matches are their values. If only some elements of the arrays are needed, the words may also contain subscripts, as in foo[2,1]. With this ag the words are taken as names of associative arrays and the possible matches are their keys. As for a, the words may also contain subscripts, as in foo[(R) bar ]. This adds permatch display strings. The array should contain one element per word given. The completion code will then display the rst element instead of the rst word, and so on. The array may be given as the name of an array parameter or directly as a spaceseparated list of words in parentheses. If there are fewer display strings than words, the leftover words will be displayed unchanged and if there are more display strings than words, the leftover display strings will be silently ignored. l J name Gives the name of the group of matches the words should be stored in. This option only has an effect if used together with the d option. If it is given, the display strings are listed one per line, not arrayed in columns.

k d array

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V name Like J but naming a unsorted group. These are in a different name space than groups created with the J ag. 1 If given together with the V option, makes only consecutive duplicates in the group be removed. If combined with the J option, this has no visible effect. Note that groups with and without this ag are in different name spaces. If given together with the J or V option, makes all duplicates be kept. Again, groups with and without this ag are in different name spaces.

X explanation The explanation string will be printed with the list of matches, above the group currently selected. x message Like X, but the message will be printed even if there are no matches in the group. q The suffix given with S will be automatically removed if the next character typed is a blank or does not insert anything, or if the suffix consists of only one character and the next character typed is the same character.

r removechars This is a more versatile form of the q option. The suffix given with S or the slash automatically added after completing directories will be automatically removed if the next character typed inserts one of the characters given in the removechars. This string is parsed as a characters class and understands the backslash sequences used by the print command. For example, r " az\t" removes the suffix if the next character typed inserts a lowercase character or a TAB, and r " 09" removes the suffix if the next character typed inserts anything but a digit. One extra backslash sequence is understood in this string: \ stands for all characters that insert nothing. Thus S " =" q is the same as S " =" r " = \t\n\" . R removefunc This is another form of the r option. When a suffix has been inserted and the completion accepted, the function removefunc will be called after the next character typed. It is passed the length of the suffix as an argument and can use the special parameters available in ordinary (noncompletion) zle widgets (see zshzle(1)) to analyse and modify the command line. f If this ag is given, all of the matches built from words are marked as being the names of les. They are not required to be actual lenames, but if they are, and the option LIST_TYPES is set, the characters describing the types of the les in the completion lists will be shown. This also forces a slash to be added when the name of a directory is completed. This ag can be used to tell the completion code that the matches added are parameter names for a parameter expansion. This will make the AUTO_PARAM_SLASH and AUTO_PARAM_KEYS options be used for the matches.

W leprex This string is a pathname that will be prepended to each of the matches formed by the given words together with any prex specied by the p option to form a complete lename for testing. Hence it is only useful if combined with the f ag, as the tests will not otherwise be performed. F array Species an array containing patterns. Words matching one of these patterns are ignored, i.e. not considered to be possible matches.

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The array may be the name of an array parameter or a list of literal patterns enclosed in parentheses and quoted, as in F " ( ?.o ?.h)" . If the name of an array is given, the elements of the array are taken as the patterns. Q This ag instructs the completion code not to quote any metacharacters in the words when inserting them into the command line.

M matchspec This gives local match specications as described below in the section Matching Control. This option may be given more than once. In this case all matchspecs given are concatenated with spaces between them to form the specication string to use. Note that they will only be used if the U option is not given. n U Species that the words added are to be used as possible matches, but are not to appear in the completion listing. If this ag is given, all words given will be accepted and no matching will be done by the completion code. Normally this is used in functions that do the matching themselves.

O array If this option is given, the words are not added to the set of possible completions. Instead, matching is done as usual and all of the words given as arguments that match the string on the command line will be stored in the array parameter whose name is given as array. A array As the O option, except that instead of those of the words which match being stored in array, the strings generated internally by the completion code are stored. For example, with a matching specication of M " L:no=" , the string nof on the command line and the string foo as one of the words, this option stores the string nofoo in the array, whereas the O option stores the foo originally given. D array As with O, the words are not added to the set of possible completions. Instead, the completion code tests whether each word in turn matches what is on the line. If the nth word does not match, the nth element of the array is removed. Elements for which the corresponding word is matched are retained. C This option adds a special match which expands to all other matches when inserted into the line, even those that are added after this option is used. Together with the d option it is possible to specify a string that should be displayed in the list for this special match. If no string is given, it will be shown as a string containing the strings that would be inserted for the other matches, truncated to the width of the screen. This ag ends the list of ags and options. All arguments after it will be taken as the words to use as matches even if they begin with hyphens.

Except for the M ag, if any of these ags is given more than once, the rst one (and its argument) will be used. compset p number compset P [ number ] pattern compset s number compset S [ number ] pattern compset n begin [ end ] compset N begpat [ endpat ] compset q This command simplies modication of the special parameters, while its return value allows tests on them to be carried out.

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The options are: p number If the contents of the PREFIX parameter is longer than number characters, the rst number characters are removed from it and appended to the contents of the IPREFIX parameter. P [ number ] pattern If the value of the PREFIX parameter begins with anything that matches the pattern, the matched portion is removed from PREFIX and appended to IPREFIX. Without the optional number, the longest match is taken, but if number is given, anything up to the numberth match is moved. If the number is negative, the numberth longest match is moved. For example, if PREFIX contains the string a=b=c, then compset P \= will move the string a=b= into the IPREFIX parameter, but compset P 1 \= will move only the string a=. s number As p, but transfer the last number characters from the value of SUFFIX to the front of the value of ISUFFIX. S [ number ] pattern As P, but match the last portion of SUFFIX and transfer the matched portion to the front of the value of ISUFFIX. n begin [ end ] If the current word position as specied by the parameter CURRENT is greater than or equal to begin, anything up to the beginth word is removed from the words array and the value of the parameter CURRENT is decremented by begin. If the optional end is given, the modication is done only if the current word position is also less than or equal to end. In this case, the words from position end onwards are also removed from the words array. Both begin and end may be negative to count backwards from the last element of the words array. N begpat [ endpat ] If one of the elements of the words array before the one at the index given by the value of the parameter CURRENT matches the pattern begpat, all elements up to and including the matching one are removed from the words array and the value of CURRENT is changed to point to the same word in the changed array. If the optional pattern endpat is also given, and there is an element in the words array matching this pattern, the parameters are modied only if the index of this word is higher than the one given by the CURRENT parameter (so that the matching word has to be after the cursor). In this case, the words starting with the one matching endpat are also removed from the words array. If words contains no word matching endpat, the testing and modication is performed as if it were not given. q The word currently being completed is split on spaces into separate words, respecting the usual shell quoting conventions. The resulting words are stored in the words array, and CURRENT, PREFIX, SUFFIX, QIPREFIX, and QISUFFIX are modied to reect the word part that is completed.

In all the above cases the return value is zero if the test succeeded and the parameters were modied and nonzero otherwise. This allows one to use this builtin in tests such as: if compset P \=; then ...

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This forces anything up to and including the last equal sign to be ignored by the completion code. compcall [ TD ] This allows the use of completions dened with the compctl builtin from within completion widgets. The list of matches will be generated as if one of the nonwidget completion function (completeword, etc.) had been called, except that only compctls given for specic commands are used. To force the code to try completions dened with the T option of compctl and/or the default completion (whether dened by compctl D or the builtin default) in the appropriate places, the T and/or D ags can be passed to compcall. The return value can be used to test if a matching compctl denition was found. It is nonzero if a compctl was found and zero otherwise. Note that this builtin is dened by the zsh/compctl module.

The following additional condition codes for use within the [[ ... ]] construct are available in completion widgets. These work on the special parameters. All of these tests can also be performed by the compset builtin, but in the case of the condition codes the contents of the special parameters are not modied. prex [ number ] pattern true if the test for the P option of compset would succeed. suffix [ number ] pattern true if the test for the S option of compset would succeed. after begpat true if the test of the N option with only the begpat given would succeed. between begpat endpat true if the test for the N option with both patterns would succeed.

It is possible by use of the M option of the compadd builtin command to specify how the characters in the string to be completed (referred to here as the command line) map onto the characters in the list of matches produced by the completion code (referred to here as the trial completions). Note that this is not used if the command line contains a glob pattern and the GLOB_COMPLETE option is set or the pattern_match of the compstate special association is set to a nonempty string. The matchspec given as the argument to the M option (see Builtin Commands above) consists of one or more matching descriptions separated by whitespace. Each description consists of a letter followed by a colon and then the patterns describing which character sequences on the line match which character sequences in the trial completion. Any sequence of characters not handled in this fashion must match exactly, as usual. The forms of matchspec understood are as follows. In each case, the form with an uppercase initial character retains the string already typed on the command line as the nal result of completion, while with a lowercase initial character the string on the command line is changed into the corresponding part of the trial completion. m:lpat=tpat M:lpat=tpat Here, lpat is a pattern that matches on the command line, corresponding to tpat which matches in the trial completion. l:lanchorlpat=tpat L:lanchorlpat=tpat l:lanchorranchor=tpat L:lanchorranchor=tpat b:lpat=tpat B:lpat=tpat

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These letters are for patterns that are anchored by another pattern on the left side. Matching for lpat and tpat is as for m and M, but the pattern lpat matched on the command line must be preceded by the pattern lanchor. The lanchor can be blank to anchor the match to the start of the command line string; otherwise the anchor can occur anywhere, but must match in both the command line and trial completion strings. If no lpat is given but a ranchor is, this matches the gap between substrings matched by lanchor and ranchor. Unlike lanchor, the ranchor only needs to match the trial completion string. The b and B forms are similar to l and L with an empty anchor, but need to match only the beginning of the trial completion or the word on the command line, respectively. r:lpatranchor=tpat R:lpatranchor=tpat r:lanchorranchor=tpat R:lanchorranchor=tpat e:lpat=tpat E:lpat=tpat As l, L, b and B, with the difference that the command line and trial completion patterns are anchored on the right side. Here an empty ranchor and the e and E forms force the match to the end of the trial completion or command line string. Each lpat, tpat or anchor is either an empty string or consists of a sequence of literal characters (which may be quoted with a backslash), question marks, character classes, and correspondence classes; ordinary shell patterns are not used. Literal characters match only themselves, question marks match any character, and character classes are formed as for globbing and match any character in the given set. Correspondence classes are dened like character classes, but with two differences: they are delimited by a pair of braces, and negated classes are not allowed, so the characters ! and have no special meaning directly after the opening brace. They indicate that a range of characters on the line match a range of characters in the trial completion, but (unlike ordinary character classes) paired according to the corresponding position in the sequence. For example, to make any lowercase letter on the line match the corresponding uppercase letter in the trial completion, you can use m:{az}={AZ}. More than one pair of classes can occur, in which case the rst class before the = corresponds to the rst after it, and so on. If one side has more such classes than the other side, the superuous classes behave like normal character classes. In anchor patterns correspondence classes also behave like normal character classes. The pattern tpat may also be one or two stars, or . This means that the pattern on the command line can match any number of characters in the trial completion. In this case the pattern must be anchored (on either side); in the case of a single star, the anchor then determines how much of the trial completion is to be included only the characters up to the next appearance of the anchor will be matched. With two stars, substrings matched by the anchor can be matched, too. Examples: The keys of the options association dened by the parameter module are the option names in alllowercase form, without underscores, and without the optional no at the beginning even though the builtins setopt and unsetopt understand option names with uppercase letters, underscores, and the optional no. The following alters the matching rules so that the prex no and any underscore are ignored when trying to match the trial completions generated and uppercase letters on the line match the corresponding lowercase letters in the words: compadd M L:[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{AZ}={az} \ ${(k)options} The rst part says that the pattern [nN][oO] at the beginning (the empty anchor before the pipe symbol) of the string on the line matches the empty string in the list of words generated by completion, so it will be ignored if present. The second part does the same for an underscore anywhere in the command line string, and the third part uses correspondence classes so that any uppercase letter on the line matches the

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corresponding lowercase letter in the word. The use of the uppercase forms of the specication characters (L and M) guarantees that what has already been typed on the command line (in particular the prex no) will not be deleted. Note that the use of L in the rst part means that it matches only when at the beginning of both the command line string and the trial completion. I.e., the string _NO_f would not be completed to _NO_foo, nor would NONO_f be completed to NONO_foo because of the leading underscore or the second NO on the line which makes the pattern fail even though they are otherwise ignored. To x this, one would use B:[nN][oO]= instead of the rst part. As described above, this matches at the beginning of the trial completion, independent of other characters or substrings at the beginning of the command line word which are ignored by the same or other matchspecs. The second example makes completion case insensitive. This is just the same as in the option example, except here we wish to retain the characters in the list of completions: compadd M m:{az}={AZ} ... This makes lowercase letters match their uppercase counterparts. To make uppercase letters match the lowercase forms as well: compadd M m:{azAZ}={AZaz} ... A nice example for the use of patterns is partial word completion. Sometimes you would like to make strings like c.s.u complete to strings like comp.source.unix, i.e. the word on the command line consists of multiple parts, separated by a dot in this example, where each part should be completed separately note, however, that the case where each part of the word, i.e. comp, source and unix in this example, is to be completed from separate sets of matches is a different problem to be solved by the implementation of the completion widget. The example can be handled by: compadd M r:.= r:= \ comp.sources.unix comp.sources.misc ... The rst specication says that lpat is the empty string, while anchor is a dot; tpat is so this can match , anything except for the . from the anchor in the trial completion word. So in c.s.u, the matcher sees c, followed by the empty string, followed by the anchor ., and likewise for the second dot, and replaces the empty strings before the anchors, giving c[omp].s[ources].u[nix], where the last part of the completion is just as normal. With the pattern shown above, the string c.u could not be completed to comp.sources.unix because the single star means that no dot (matched by the anchor) can be skipped. By using two stars as in r:.= , however, c.u could be completed to comp.sources.unix. This also shows that in some cases, especially if the anchor is a real pattern, like a character class, the form with two stars may result in more matches than one would like. The second specication is needed to make this work when the cursor is in the middle of the string on the command line and the option COMPLETE_IN_WORD is set. In this case the completion code would normally try to match trial completions that end with the string as typed so far, i.e. it will only insert new characters at the cursor position rather then at the end. However in our example we would like the code to recognise matches which contain extra characters after the string on the line (the nix in the example). Hence we say that the empty string at the end of the string on the line matches any characters at the end of the trial completion. More generally, the specication compadd M r:[.,_]= r:= ... allows one to complete words with abbreviations before any of the characters in the square brackets. For example, to complete veryverylongle.c rather than veryverylongheader.h with the above in effect, you can just type very.c before attempting completion.

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The specications with both a left and a right anchor are useful to complete partial words whose parts are not separated by some special character. For example, in some places strings have to be completed that are formed LikeThis (i.e. the separate parts are determined by a leading uppercase letter) or maybe one has to complete strings with trailing numbers. Here one could use the simple form with only one anchor as in: compadd M r:[AZ09]= r:= LikeTHIS FooHoo 5foo123 5bar234 But with this, the string H would neither complete to FooHoo nor to LikeTHIS because in each case there is an uppercase letter before the H and that is matched by the anchor. Likewise, a 2 would not be completed. In both cases this could be changed by using r:[AZ09]= , but then H completes to both LikeTHIS and FooHoo and a 2 matches the other strings because characters can be inserted before every uppercase letter and digit. To avoid this one would use: compadd M r:[ AZ09][AZ09]= r:= \ LikeTHIS FooHoo foo123 bar234 By using these two anchors, a H matches only uppercase Hs that are immediately preceded by something matching the left anchor [ AZ09]. The effect is, of course, that H matches only the string FooHoo, a 2 matches only bar234 and so on. When using the completion system (see zshcompsys(1)), users can dene match specications that are to be used for specic contexts by using the matcher and matcherlist styles. The values for the latter will be used everywhere.

The rst step is to dene the widget: zle C complete completeword completeles Then the widget can be bound to a key using the bindkey builtin command: bindkey X\t complete After that the shell function completeles will be invoked after typing controlX and TAB. The function should then generate the matches, e.g.: completeles () { compadd } This function will complete les in the current directory matching the current word.

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zshcompsys zsh completion system


This describes the shell code for the new completion system. It consists of various shell functions; those beginning comp are to be called directly by the user, while those beginning _ are called by the completion code. The shell functions of the second set which implement completion behaviour and which may be bound to keystrokes, are referred to as widgets.

If the system was installed completely, it should be enough to call the shell function compinit from your initialization le; see the next section. However, the function compinstall can be run by a user to congure various aspects of the completion system. Usually, compinstall will insert code into .zshrc, although if that is not writable it will save it in another le and tell you that les location. Note that it is up to you to make sure that the lines added to .zshrc are actually run; you may, for example, need to move them to an earlier place in the le if .zshrc usually returns early. So long as you keep them all together (including the comment lines at the start and nish), you can rerun compinstall and it will correctly locate and modify these lines. Note, however, that any code you add to this section by hand is likely to be lost if you rerun compinstall, although lines using the command zstyle should be gracefully handled. The new code will take effect next time you start the shell, or run .zshrc by hand; there is also an option to make them take effect immediately. However, if compinstall has removed denitions, you will need to restart the shell to see the changes. To run compinstall you will need to make sure it is in a directory mentioned in your fpath parameter, which should already be the case if zsh was properly congured as long as your startup les do not remove the appropriate directories from fpath. Then it must be autoloaded (autoload U compinstall is recommended). You can abort the installation any time you are being prompted for information, and your .zshrc will not be altered at all; changes only take place right at the end, where you are specically asked for conrmation.
Use of compinit

This section describes the use of compinit to initialize completion for the current session when run directly by the user; if you have run compinstall it will be called automatically from your .zshrc. To initialize the system, the function compinit should be in a directory mentioned in the fpath parameter, and should be autoloaded (autoload U compinit is recommended), and then run simply as compinit. This will dene a few utility functions, arrange for all the necessary shell functions to be autoloaded, and will then redene all widgets that do completion to use the new system. If you use the menuselect widget, which is part of the zsh/complist module, you should make sure that that module is loaded before the call to compinit so that that widget is also redened. If completion styles (see below) are set up to perform expansion as well as completion by default, and the TAB key is bound to expandorcomplete, compinit will rebind it to completeword; this is necessary to use the correct form of expansion. Should you need to use the original completion commands, you can still bind keys to the old widgets by putting a . in front of the widget name, e.g. .expandorcomplete. To speed up the running of compinit, it can be made to produce a dumped conguration which will be read in on future invocations; this is the default, although it can be turned off by calling compinit with the option D. The dumped le is .zcompdump in the same directory as the startup les (i.e. $ZDOTDIR or $HOME); alternatively, an explicit le name can be given by compinit d dumple. On the next call to compinit, it will read the dumped le instead of performing a full initialization. If the number of completion les changes, compinit will recognise this and produce a new dump le. However, if the name of a function or the arguments in the rst line of a #compdef function (as described below) change, it is easiest to delete the dump le by hand so that compinit will recreate it the next time it is run. The check performed to see if there are new functions can be omitted by giving the option C. In

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this case the dump le will only be created if there isnt one already. The dumping is actually done by another function, compdump, but you will only need to run this yourself if you change the conguration (e.g. using compdef) and then want to dump the new one. The name of the old dumped le will be remembered for this purpose. If the parameter _compdir is set, compinit uses it as a directory where completion functions can be found; this is only necessary if they are not already in the function search path. For security reasons compinit also checks if the completion system would use les not owned by root or by the current user, or les in directories that are world or groupwritable or that are not owned by root or by the current user. If such les or directories are found, compinit will ask if the completion system should really be used. To avoid these tests and make all les found be used without asking, use the option u, and to make compinit silently ignore all insecure les and directories use the option i. This security check is skipped entirely when the C option is given. The security check can be retried at any time by running the function compaudit. This is the same check used by compinit, but when it is executed directly any changes to fpath are made local to the function so they do not persist. The directories to be checked may be passed as arguments; if none are given, compaudit uses fpath and _compdir to nd completion system directories, adding missing ones to fpath as necessary. To force a check of exactly the directories currently named in fpath, set _compdir to an empty string before calling compaudit or compinit.
Autoloaded les

The convention for autoloaded functions used in completion is that they start with an underscore; as already mentioned, the fpath/FPATH parameter must contain the directory in which they are stored. If zsh was properly installed on your system, then fpath/FPATH automatically contains the required directories for the standard functions. For incomplete installations, if compinit does not nd enough les beginning with an underscore (fewer than twenty) in the search path, it will try to nd more by adding the directory _compdir to the search path. If that directory has a subdirectory named Base, all subdirectories will be added to the path. Furthermore, if the subdirectory Base has a subdirectory named Core, compinit will add all subdirectories of the subdirectories is to the path: this allows the functions to be in the same format as in the zsh source distribution. When compinit is run, it searches all such les accessible via fpath/FPATH and reads the rst line of each of them. This line should contain one of the tags described below. Files whose rst line does not start with one of these tags are not considered to be part of the completion system and will not be treated specially. The tags are: #compdef names... The le will be made autoloadable and the function dened in it will be called when completing names, each of which is either the name of a command whose arguments are to be completed or one of a number of special contexts in the form context described below for the _complete function. Each name may also be of the form cmd=service. This is used by functions that offer multiple services, i.e. different completion behaviour for multiple commands. Such a string makes the completion system call the function when completing arguments for the command cmd, setting the parameter $service to the string service. The function can then use that parameter to decide what to complete. #compdef p pattern The le will be made autoloadable and the function dened in it will be called when completing for a command whose name matches the given pattern (a standard globbing pattern). Note that only one pattern may be given. #compdef P pattern Like the previous one, but the function will be called only if no completion function for the command on the line could be found.

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#compdef k style keysequences... This can be used to bind special completion functions to the keysequences specied. It creates a widget behaving like the builtin widget style, which must be one of those that perform completion, namely completeword, deletecharorlist, expandorcomplete, expandorcompleteprex, listchoices, menucomplete, menuexpandorcomplete, or reversemenucomplete. If the zsh/complist module is loaded (see zshmodules(1)), the same happens to the menuselect widget. The widget is then bound to all the keysequences given, if any: when one of the keysequences is typed, the function in the le will be invoked to generate the matches. Note that a key will not be rebound if if it already was (that is, was bound to something other than undenedkey). The widget created has the same name as the le and can be bound to any other keys using bindkey as usual. #compdef K widgetname style keysequences ... This is similar to k, with the same style and keysequences arguments, preceded by a string giving the name of a widget. In this case only one keysequences argument may be given, but the entire set of three arguments may be repeated with a different set of arguments. In particular, the widgetname must be distinct in each set. It should begin with _, else one will be added, and should not clash with the name of any existing widget: names based on the name of the function are most useful. For example, #compdef K _foo_complete completeword " C" \ X _foo_list listchoices " D" X (all on one line) denes a widget _foo_complete for completion, bound to C, and a widget X _foo_list for listing, bound to D. X #autoload [ options ] This is used for les dening utility functions that are not to be called directly as completion functions but should be loaded automatically when invoked. Typically they are to be called from within one of the completion functions. The options will be given to the autoload builtin command when making the function autoloaded. Most often, this will be +X to force the function to be loaded immediately. Note that the U ag is always implicitly added. The # is part of the tag name and no white space is allowed after it. The #compdef tags use the compdef function described below; the main difference is that the name of the function is supplied implicitly. Note also that the functions for the completion system assume that the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is not set and cannot be loaded when it is set. To avoid having to unset KSH_AUTOLOAD, you can instead use one or more zwc le(s) which have been created with the command zcompile z to load the functions for the completion system; see zshbuiltins(1). This forces the functions to be autoloaded the way zsh normally loads functions.

The compinit le denes the following function, which may also be called directly by the user. compdef [ an ] function names... compdef d names... compdef p [ a ] function pattern compdef P [ a ] function pattern compdef k [ an ] function style keysequences... compdef K [ an ] function name style keysequences ... The rst form tells the completion system to call the given function when completing for the contexts or commands whose names are given: this is like the #compdef tag unless the rst word contains an equal sign. In this case all words have to be of the form cmd=service where service is the name of a command or of a service dened by an autoloaded function with the #compdef

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tag and an argument of the form cmd=service. This kind of use makes the arguments of the cmds be completed as those for the services. If the n option is given, any existing completion behaviour for particular contexts or commands will not be altered. These denitions can be deleted by giving the d option as in the second form. The form with p is similar to the rst, but function will be called for all commands whose name matches the pattern; this is like the #compdef p function tag. The form with P is like the third, but the function will be called only if no function for the command itself was found or if one was found and it set the _compskip parameter to a value not containing the substring patterns. The form with k denes a widget with the same name as the function which will be called for each of the keysequences; this is like the #compdef k tag. The function should generate the completions needed and will otherwise behave like the builtin widget whose name is given as the style argument. The widgets usable for this are: completeword, deletecharorlist, expandorcomplete, expandorcompleteprex, listchoices, menucomplete, menuexpandorcomplete, and reversemenucomplete, as well as menuselect if the zsh/complist module is loaded. The option n prevents the key being bound if it is already to bound to something other than undenedkey. The form with K is similar and denes multiple widgets based on the same function, each of which requires the set of three arguments name, style and keysequences, where the latter two are as for k and the rst must be a unique widget name beginning with an underscore. In each of the forms supporting it the a option makes the function autoloadable (exactly equivalent to autoload U function). The compdef function is the place to turn to when one wants to dene what the completion system should complete for a certain command. The function named can of course be one of the functions supplied or one written by the user. For example, if one has a command foo that gets process identiers as arguments, one could do: compdef _pids foo using the _pids function from the distribution to generate the process identiers. Not also the _gnu_generic function described below, which can be used to complete options for commands that understand the help option.

This section gives a short overview of how the completion system works, and then more detail on how users can congure how and when matches are generated.

When completion is attempted somewhere on a command line the completion system rst tries to nd out the context where completion was tried. The context depends on such things as the name of the command when completing an argument, and possibly also the name of an option when completing an argument to that option. The context of a completion is a string consisting of multiple elds. This is used to look up styles that can be used to congure the completion system. Since it is not possible to build the whole context string in advance, completion functions may modify some of the elds and hence the context used for lookup may vary during the same call to the completion system. The context string always consists of the following elds, separated by colons and with a leading colon before the rst: The literal string completion, saying that this style is used by the completion system. The function; in many cases this eld will be blank, but when the completion system is called from

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other functions, like predicton or one of the functions in the Command directory of the distribution, this eld contains the name of that function, often in an abbreviated form. The completer currently active, which is the name of the function without the leading underscore. A completer is in overall control of how completion is to be performed; complete is the basic one for ordinary completion, but completers may perform various related tasks such as correction, or modify the behaviour of a later completer (see the section Control Functions below for more information). The context or command. This is either one of the special context names such as condition as explained for the _complete completer below, or the name of the command we are completing arguments for. Completion functions for commands that have subcommands usually modify this eld to contain the name of the command followed by a minus sign and the subcommand (e.g. the completion function for the cvs command sets this eld to strings such as cvsadd when completing for the add subcommand). The argument, describing which argument we are completing. Normally this is either a string of the form argumentn, where n is the number of the argument or it is a string of the form optionoptn when completing the nth argument of the option opt. The tag. Tags are used to discriminate between the types of matches a completion function can generate in a certain context.

As an example, the context name :completion::complete:dvips:optiono1:les says that normal completion was attempted on an argument of the dvips command (more precisely: completion was attempted on the rst argument after the o option) and the completion function will generate lenames for this context. In many of the possible contexts the completion system can generate matches, often multiple types of matches. These types are represented as simple names called tags. The completion system will decide internally what sort of tags are allowed; a list of the standard possibilities is given below. To determine in which order the tags are to be used by the completion function, the tagorder style for the appropriate context may be set, as described in the list of standard styles below. Only those types of matches whose tags were selected by this style will be produced, and in the order given, although the default is to try all relevant tags in an order determined by the particular completion in use. The _complete_help bindable command described in the section Bindable Commands below can be invoked to nd out the context and tag names and styles used at a particular point in completion. It shows the list of contexts and tags that would be used in if completion were tried at the current cursor position. Hence one can easily nd out all the information needed to change the behaviour of the tagorder style for a particular context. Completion behaviour can be modied by various other styles dened with the zstyle builtin command (see zshmodules(1)). When looking up styles the completion system uses full context names, including the tag. Styles determine such things as how the matches are generated; some of them correspond to shell options (for example, the use of menu completion), but styles provide more specic control. They can have any number of strings as their value. Looking up the value of a style therefore consists of two things: the context, which may be matched as a pattern, and the name of the style itself, which must be given exactly. For example, many completion functions can generate matches in a simple and a verbose form and use the verbose style to decide which form should be used. To make all such functions use the verbose form, put

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zstyle :completion: verbose yes in one of the startup les like .zshrc; this sort of style can also be congured with the compinstall function. This denition simply means that the verbose style has yes as its value in every context inside the completion system. If the context pattern were the verbose style would have this value anywhere the style , mechanism is used, not just in completion. As a more specic example, the completion function for the kill builtin command uses the verbose style to decide if jobs and processes are listed only as job numbers and process identiers or if they are listed with the full job texts and the command lines of the processes (the latter is achieved by calling the ps command). To make this builtin list the matches only as numbers one could call: zstyle :completion: :kill: verbose no : Furthermore, if one wanted to see the command lines for processes but not the job texts one could use the fact that the context name contains the tag name when styles are looked up. As the function for the kill builtin command uses the tags jobs and processes, we can use: zstyle :completion: :kill: : :jobs verbose no To have more control over when certain values for styles are used one can use the special parameters available in completion widgets (see see zshcompwid(1))) and the e option to zstyle that makes the value be evaluated when looked up. For example, to make the completer style have a different value when completing for the cvs command, one could use the words special array: zstyle e :completion: completer if [[ $words[1] = cvs ]]; then reply=(_complete) else reply=(_complete _approximate) One should be careful not to use too complicated code with this option, at least for the styles that are looked up quite often. These are basically those that dene some global completion behaviour but allow that to be different for all matches or groups of matches (such as the menu and listrowsrst styles). Alternatively one can always use a less general pattern for the context than in the example above and use a second call to zstyle with a generic pattern and without using the e option to dene the default behaviour. Note that the order in which styles are dened does not matter; the style mechanism uses the most specic possible match for a particular style to determine the set of values. More precisely, strings are preferred over patterns (for example, :completion::complete:foo is more specic than :completion::complete: and longer patterns are preferred over shorter patterns. ), As with tags, completion functions can use any style they choose, so there cant be a complete list. However, the following two sections list those tags and styles that are used in many places of the completion system.
Standard Tags

Here are the tags currently used by the completion system. Some of them are only used when looking up styles and do not refer to a particular type of match. accounts used to look up the usershosts style allexpansions used by the _expand completer when adding the single string containing all possible expansions allles for the names of all les (as distinct from a particular subset, see the globbedles tag). arguments when an argument of a command may be completed arrays for names of array parameters

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associationkeys for keys of associative arrays; used when completing inside a subscript of a parameter of this type bookmarks when completing bookmarks (e.g. for URLs and the zftp function suite) builtins for names of builtin commands characters used for commands like stty when completing characters; also used when completing character classes after a opening bracket colormapids for X colormap ids colors for color names commands for names of external commands and names of subcommands (used by some commands like cvs) contexts for contexts used by the zstyle builtin command corrections used by the _approximate and _correct completers for the possible corrections cursors for cursor names used by X programs default used to look up default values for various styles that may also be set for tags that are used when generating matches; note that this tag is used when only the function eld of the context name is set up descriptions used when looking up the value of the format style for descriptions devices for names of device special les directories for names of directories directorystack for entries in the directory stack displays for X display names domains for network domains expansions used by the _expand completer for individual possibilities resulting from expansion of a word extensions for X server extensions ledescriptors for the numbers of open le descriptors les fonts the generic lematching tag used by completion functions that can complete the names of some kind of le used for X font names

functions names of functions, normally shell functions although certain commands may understand other kinds of function

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globbedles for names of les matching the glob pattern used by completion functions that expect a certain type of le groups used when completing names of user groups historywords for words from the history hosts jobs for hostnames used for jobs indexes used for array indexes keymaps for names of zsh keymaps keysyms for names of X keysyms libraries for names of system libraries limits for system limits localdirectories for names of directories which are subdirectories of the current working directory when completing for the cd and related builtin commands manuals for names of manual pages maps for map names (e.g. NIS maps) messages used to look up the format style for messages modiers for names of X modiers modules for modules (e.g. zsh modules) myaccounts used to look up the usershosts style nameddirectories for named directories (you wouldnt have guessed that, would you?) names for all kinds of names nicknames for nicknames of NIS maps options for command options original used by the _approximate, _correct and _expand completers when adding the original string

otheraccounts used to look up the usershosts style packages for packages (e.g. rpm or installed Debian packages) parameters for names of parameters

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pathdirectories for names of directories found by searching the cdpath array when completing for the cd and related builtin commands paths pods ports prexes for prexes (like those of a URL) printers for printer names processes for process identiers processesnames used to look up the command style when generating the names of processes for killall sequences for sequences (e.g. mh sequences) sessions for sessions in the zftp function suite signals for signal names strings for strings (e.g. the replacement strings for the cd builtin command) styles tags types urls users for styles used by the zstyle builtin command for tags (e.g. rpm tags) for types of whatever (e.g. address types for the xhost command) used to look up the urls and local styles when completing URLs for usernames used to look up the values of the expand, ambiguous and specialdirs styles for perl pods (documentation les) for communication ports

targets for makele targets

values when completing a value out of a set of values (or a list of such values) version used by _call_program to look up the command to run to determine the installed version of various other commands (such as diff and make). warnings used to look up the format style for warnings widgets for zsh widget names windows for IDs of X windows zshoptions for shell options
Standard Styles

Here are the names of the styles used by the completion system. Note that the values of several of these styles represent boolean values; here, any of the strings true, on, yes, and 1 can be used for the truth value true and the strings false, off, no, and 0 are interpreted as false. The behavior for any other value is undened unless the description for the particular style mentions other possible values; in particular, the default value may be either on or off if the style is not set.

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Some of these styles are tested for every tag used to add possible matches and for the default tag (most notably menu, listcolors and the styles controlling the completion listing like listpacked and lastprompt). When tested for the default tag, only the function eld of the context will be set up, so the default value will normally be set like: zstyle :completion: :default menu ... acceptexact This is tested for the default tag and the tags used when generating matches. If it is set to true for at least one match which is the same as the string on the line, this match will immediately be accepted. When completing pathnames (where it is looked up for the paths tag), this style also accepts any number of patterns as the value. If this is used, pathnames matching one of these patterns will be accepted immediately even if the command line contains some more partially typed pathname components and these match no le under the directory accepted. Note that this is also used by the _expand completer to decide if words beginning with a tilde or parameter expansion should be expanded. This means that if, for example, there are parameters foo and foobar, the string $foo will only be expanded if acceptexact is set to true. addspace This style is used by the _expand completer. If it is true (the default), a space will be inserted after all words resulting from the expansion (except for directory names which get a slash). The value may also be the string le to make the completer add a space only to names of existing les. Finally, the true values and le may be combined with subst to keep the completer from adding a space when the resulting words were generated by expanding a substitution of the form $(...) or ${...}. It is also used by the _prex completer as a simple boolean value to decide if a space should be inserted before the suffix. ambiguous This applies when completing nonnal components of lename paths. If it is set, the cursor is left after the rst ambiguous component, even if menu completion is in use. It is tested with the paths tag. assignlist When completing after an equals sign, the completion system normally completes only one lename. In some cases, particularly for certain parameters such as PATH, a list of lenames separated by colons is required. This style can be set to a list of patterns matching the names of such parameters. The default is to complete lists when the word on the line already contains a colon. autodescription If set, this styles value will be used as the description for options which are not described by the completion functions, but that have exactly one argument. The sequence %d in the value will be replaced by the description for this argument. Depending on personal preferences, it may be useful to set this style to something like specify: %d. Note that this may not work for some commands. avoidcompleter This is used by the _all_matches completer to decide if the string consisting of all matches should be added to the list currently being generated. Its value is a list of names of completers. If any of these is the name of the completer that generated the matches in this completion, the string will not be added. The default value for this style is _expand _old_list _correct _approximate, i.e. it contains the completers for which a string with all matches will almost never be wanted.

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cachepath This style denes the path where any cache les containing dumped completion data are stored. Defaults to $ZDOTDIR/.zcompcache, or $HOME/.zcompcache if $ZDOTDIR is not dened. The completion layer will not be used unless the usecache style is set. callcommand Currently this is only used by the function completing make targets. If it is set to true and the installed version of the make command allows it, make is called in a way to generate all possible targets. The default value of this style is false because calling make can potentially take a very long time and in some cases may even cause actions from the makele be executed despite the options given to make. command In many places, completion functions need to call external commands to generate the list of completions. This style can be used to override the command which is called in some such cases. The elements of the value are joined with spaces to form a command line to execute. The value can also start with a hyphen, in which case the usual command will be added to the end; this is most useful for putting builtin or command in front to make sure the appropriate version of a command is called, for example to avoid calling a shell function with the same name as an external command. As an example, the function generating process IDs as matches uses this style with the processes tag to generate the IDs to complete and the list of processes to display (if the verbose style is true). The list produced by the command should look like the output of the ps command. The rst line is not displayed, but is searched for the string PID (or pid) to nd the position of the process IDs in the following lines. If the line does not contain PID, the rst numbers in each of the other lines are taken as the process IDs to complete. Note that the completion function generally has to call the command every time it is called. Because of that care should be taken to specify only commands that take a short time to run (and that will eventually stop at all). commands This is used by the function completing subcommands for the system initialisation scripts (residing in /etc/init.d or somewhere not too far away from that). Its values give the default commands to complete for those commands for which the completion function isnt able to nd them out automatically. The default for this style are the two strings start and stop. complete This is used by the _expand_alias function when invoked as a bindable command. If it set to true and the word on the command line is not the name of an alias, matching alias names will be completed. completer The strings given as the value of this style provide the names of the completer functions to use. The available completer functions are described in the section Control Functions below. Each string may be the name of a completer function or a string of the form function:name. In the rst case the completer eld of the context will contain the name of the completer without the leading underscore and with all other underscores replaced by hyphens. In the second case the function is the name of the completer to call, but the context will contain the name in the completer eld of the context. If the name starts with a hyphen, the string for the context will be build from the name of the completer function as in the rst case with the name appended to it. For example: zstyle :completion: completer _complete _complete:foo Here, completion will call the _complete completer twice, once using complete and once using completefoo in the completer eld of the context. Normally, using the same completer more

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than once makes only sense when used with the functions:name form, because otherwise the context name will be the same in all calls to the completer; possible exceptions to this rule are the _ignored and _prex completers. The default value for this style is _complete _ignored, i.e. normally only completion will be done, rst using the ignoredpatterns style and the $gnore array and then without ignoring matches. condition This style is used by the _list completer function to decide if insertion of matches should be delayed unconditionally. The default is true. disabled If this is set to true, the _expand_alias completer and bindable command will try to expand disabled aliases, too. The default is false.

disablestat This is used with an empty tag by the function completing for the cvs command to decide if the zsh/stat module should be used to generate names of modied les in the appropriate places (this is its only use). If set, completion will use the ls command. domains If set, gives the names of network domains that should be completed. If this is not set by the user domain names will be taken from the le /etc/resolv.conf. expand This style is used when completing strings consisting of multiple parts, such as path names. If one of its values is the string prex, the partially typed word from the line will be expanded as far as possible even if trailing parts cannot be completed. If one of its values is the string suffix, matching names for components after the rst ambiguous one will also be added. This means that the resulting string is the longest unambiguous string possible, but if menu completion is started on the list of matches generated this way, this will also cycle through the names of the les in pathname components after the rst ambiguous one. fakeles This style is used when completing les and looked up without a tag. Its values are of the form dir:names.... This will add the names (strings separated by spaces) as possible matches when completing in the directory dir, even if no such les really exist. This can be useful on systems that support special lesystems whose toplevel pathnames can not be listed or generated with glob patterns. It can also be used for directories for which one does not have read permission. fakeparameters This is used by the completion function generating parameter names as matches. Its values are names of parameters which might not yet be set, but which should be completed nonetheless. Each name may also be followed by a colon and a string specifying the type of the parameter (like scalar, array or integer). If such a type is given, the name will only be completed if parameters of that type are requested in the particular context. Names for which no type is specied will always be completed. lepatterns In most places where lenames are completed, the function _les is used which can be congured with this style. If the style is unset, _les offers, one after another, up to three tags: globbedles, directories and allles, depending on the types of les expected by the caller of _les. If the lepatterns style is set, the default tags are not used. Instead, the value of the style says which tags and which patterns are to be offered. The strings in the value contain specications of the form pattern:tag; each string may contain any number of such specications. The pattern gives a glob pattern that is to be used to generate lenames. If it contains the sequence %p, that is replaced by the pattern(s) given by the calling function. Colons in the pattern must be preceded

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by a backslash to make them distinguishable from the colon before the tag. If more than one pattern is needed, the patterns can be given inside braces, separated by commas. The tags of all strings in the value will be offered by _les (again, one after another) and used when looking up other styles. For strings containing more than one specication, the lenames for all specications will be generated at the same try. If no :tag is given the les tag will be used. The tag may also be followed by an optional second colon and a description. If that is given, this description will be used for the %d in the value of the format style (if that is set) instead of the default description supplied by the completion function. If the description given here contains itself a %d, that is replaced with the description supplied by the completion function. For example, to make the rm command rst complete only names of object les and the names of all les if no object le matches the string on the line, one would do: zstyle :completion: :rm: lepatterns \ : .o:objectles %p:allles Another interesting example is to change the default behaviour that makes completion rst offer les matching the patterns given by the calling function, then directories and then all les. Many people prefer to get both the les matching the given patterns and the directories in the rst try and all les at the second try. To achieve this, one could do: zstyle :completion: lepatterns \ %p:globbedles (/):directories :allles This works even for contexts in which all les would be completed, because _les will not try a pattern more than once and it stops when the pattern was tried. Note also that during the execution of completion functions, the EXTENDED_GLOB option is in effect, so the characters #, and have special meanings in the patterns. lesort The completion function that generates lenames as possible matches uses this style without a tag to determine in which order the names should be listed and completed when using menu completion. The value may be one of size to sort them by the size of the le, links to sort them by the number of links to the le, modication (or time or date) to sort them by the last modication time, access to sort them by the last access time, or inode (or change) to sort them by the last inode change time. If the style is set to any other value, or is unset, les will be sorted alphabetically by name. If the value contains the string reverse, sorting is done in decreasing order. forcelist This forces a list of completions to be shown at any point where listing is done, even in cases where the list would usually be suppressed. For example, normally the list is only shown if there are at least two different matches. By setting this style to always, the list will always be shown, even if there is only a single match which is immediately accepted. The style may also be set to a number. In this case the list will be shown if there are at least that many matches, even if they would all insert the same string. This style is tested for the default tag and all tags used when generating matches. This allows one to turn unconditional listing on for certain types of matches. format If this is set for the descriptions tag, its value is used as a string to display above matches in completion lists. The sequence %d in this string will be replaced with a short description of what these matches are. This string may also contain the sequences to specify output attributes, such as %B, %S and %{...%}. For the same purpose, this style is also tested with the tags used when matches are generated before it is tested for the descriptions tag. This provides the possibility of dening different format strings for different types of matches.

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Note also that some completer functions dene additional %sequences. These are described for the completer functions that make use of them. For the messages tag, this style denes a string used by some completion functions to display messages. Here, the %d is replaced with a message given by the completion function. Finally, when set with the warnings tag, the format string is printed when no matches could be generated at all. In this case the %d is replaced with the descriptions for the matches that were expected separated by spaces and the sequence %D is replaced with those descriptions separated by newlines. The % for the sequences that are replaced by strings provided by the completion functions like the %d may be followed by eld width specications as described for the zformat builtin command from the zsh/zutil module, see zshmodules(1). glob This is used by the _expand completer. If it is set to true (the default), globbing will be attempted on the words resulting from substitution (see the substitute style) or the original string from the line.

global If this is set to true (the default), the _expand_alias completer and bindable command will try to expand global aliases. groupname The completion system can put different types of matches in different groups which are then displayed separately in the list of possible completions. This style can be used to give the names for these groups for particular tags. For example, in command position the completion system generates names of builtin and external commands, names of aliases, shell functions and parameters and reserved words as possible completions. To have the external commands and shell functions listed separately, one can set: zstyle :completion: :command: : :commands groupname commands zstyle :completion: :command: : :functions groupname functions This also means that if the same name is used for different types of matches, then those matches will be displayed together in the same group. If the name given is the empty string, then the name of the tag for the matches will be used as the name of the group. So, to have all different types of matches displayed separately, one can just set: zstyle :completion: groupname All matches for which no group name is dened will be put in a group named default. grouporder This style is to be used together with the groupname style. Once different types of matches are put into different groups, this style can be used to dene in which order these groups should appear when listing (compare tagorder, which determines which completions appear at all). The strings in the value are taken as group names and the named groups will be shown in the order in which their names appear in the value. All groups whose names are not given in the value of this style will appear in the order dened by the function generating the matches. For example, to have names of builtin commands, shell functions and external commands appear in this order when completing in command position one would set: zstyle :completion: :command: grouporder \ : builtins functions commands groups A style holding the names of the groups that should be completed. If this is not set by the user, the group names from the YP database or the le /etc/group will be used. hidden If this is set to one of the true values, the matches for the tags for which this is set will not appear in the list; only the description for the matches as set with the format style will be shown. If this is set to all, not even the description will be displayed.

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Note that the matches will still be completed; they are just not shown in the list. To avoid having matches considered as possible completions at all, the tagorder style can be modied as described below. hosts A style holding the names of hosts that should be completed. If this is not set by the user the hostnames in /etc/hosts will be used.

hostsports This style is used by commands that need or accept hostnames and ports. The strings in the value should be of the form host:port. These hostnames and ports are completed depending on the information already on the line, so that if, for example, the hostname is already typed, only those ports specied for that host will be completed. Multiple ports for the same host may appear. ignoreline This style is tested for the tags used when generating matches. If it is set to true, then none of the words that are already on the line will be considered possible completions. If it is set to current, the word the cursor is on will not be considered a possible completion. The same happens if the value is currentshown, but only if the list of completions is currently shown on the screen. Finally, if it is set to other all words except the current one will not be considered to be a possible completion. The values current and currentshown are a bit like the opposite of acceptexact. They mean that only strings with missing characters will be completed. Note that you almost certainly dont want to set this to true or other for a general context such as :completion: This is because it would disallow completion of, for example, options multi. ple times even if the command in question accepts the option more than once. ignoreparents The style is tested by the function completing pathnames without a tag to determine whether to ignore the names of directories already mentioned in the current word, or the name of the current working directory. The value must include one or both of the following strings: parent The name of any directory whose path is already contained in the word on the line is ignored. For example, when completing after foo/../, the directory foo will not be considered a valid completion. pwd The name of the current working directory will not be completed, so that, for example, completion after ../ will not use the name of the current directory. Ignore the specied directories only when the word on the line contains the substring ../.

In addition, the value may include one or both of: .. directory Ignore only when names of directories are completed, not when completing names of les. Note that names of directories ignored because of one of the tests will be ignored in the same way as the matches ignored because of the ignoredpatterns style. I.e., by using the _ignored completer it is possible to complete these directories nonetheless. ignoredpatterns This style can be used to specify a list of patterns which are tested against against the trial completions in a given context; any matching completions will be removed from the list of possibilities. The _ignored completer can appear in the list of completers to produce a list which includes these matches once more. This is a more congurable version of the shell parameter $gnore. Note that during the execution of completion functions, the EXTENDED_GLOB option is in effect, so the characters #, and have special meanings in the patterns. insertids

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When completing process IDs, for example as arguments to the kill and wait builtins, completion allows the user to type the name of a command, which will be converted to the appropriate process ID. A problem arises when the process name typed is not unique. By default (or if this style is set explicitly to menu) the name will be converted immediately to a set of possible IDs, and menu completion will be started to cycle through them. If the value of the style is single, however, the shell will wait until the user has typed enough to make the command unique before converting the name to an ID; the user must type any additional characters required. If the value is any other string, menu completion will be started when the string typed by the user is longer than the common prex of the corresponding IDs. inserttab If this has one of the true values, the completion system will insert a TAB character (assuming it was used to start completion) instead of performing completion when there is no nonblank character to the left of the cursor. If set to false, completion will be done even there. The value may also contain the substrings pending or pending=val to make the character typed to start completion be inserted instead of completion being tried when there is input pending which has not yet been processed by the shell. If a val is given, completion will not be done if there are at least that many characters of unprocessed input. This is often useful to have set when pasting characters into a terminal. Note however, that it relies on the $PENDING special parameter from the zsh/zle module being set properly which is not guaranteed on all platforms. The default value of this style is true unless when completing inside the vared builtin command, where it defaults to false. insertunambiguous This is used by the _match and _approximate completer functions, where the possible completions may not have a common prex so that menu completion is often the most useful may of choosing completions. If the style is set to true, the completer will start menu completion only if no unambiguous string could be generated that is at least as long as the original string typed by the user. Note that the _approximate completer uses it after setting the completer eld in the context name to one of correctnum or approximatenum, where num is the number of errors that were accepted. When used for the _match completer, the style may also be set to the string pattern. This makes the pattern on the line be left unchanged if it didnt match unambiguously. keepprex This style is used by the _expand completer. If it is true, the completer will try to keep a prex containing a tilde or parameter expansion. I.e., the string /f would be expanded to /foo instead of /home/user/foo. If the style is set to changed (the default), the prex will only be left unchanged if there were other changes between the expanded words and the original word from the command line. Any other value makes the prex be expanded unconditionally. Note that with one of the true values, the _expand completer returns if there is only one expansion and that is, after restoring the original prex, the same as the original word. This means that other completers will be called immediately after _expand. lastprompt This is used to determine if the completion code should try to put the cursor back onto the previous command line after showing a completion listing (as for the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option). As with several other styles, it is tested for the default tag as well as all the possible tags when generating matches. The cursor will be moved back to the previous line if this style is true for all types of matches added. Note also that this is independent of the numeric argument, unlike the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option. list This style is used by the _history_complete_word bindable command. If it is set to true it has no effect, but if it is set to false the matches will not be listed, overriding the setting of the options that control listing behaviour, especially AUTO_LIST. Use the context prex

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:completion:historywords. listcolors If the zsh/complist module is used, this style can be used to set color specications as with the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters, which will not be honored under this completion system (see the section The zsh/complist Module in zshmodules(1)). If this style is set for the default tag, the strings in the value are taken as specications that are to be used everywhere. If it is set for other tags, the specications are used only for matches of the type described by the tag. For this to work best, the groupname style must be set to an empty string. If the groupname tag species other names for the groups the matches in these groups can be colored by using these names together with the (group)... syntax described for the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters and adding the specications to the value for this style with the default tag (although in most cases it should work by setting this style for the appropriate tags). It is possible to use the same specications set up for the GNU version of the ls command: zstyle :completion: :default listcolors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} The default colors are the same as for the GNU ls command and can be obtained by setting the style to an empty string (i.e. ). listpacked Like the listcolors style, this is tested with the default tag and all tags used when generating matches. If it is set to true for a tag, the matches added for it will be listed as if the LIST_PACKED option were set. If it is set to false, they are listed normally. listprompt If this style is set for the default tag, completion lists that dont t on the screen can be scrolled (see the description of the zsh/complist module in zshmodules(1)). The value, if not the empty string, will be displayed after every screenful and the shell will prompt for a key press; if the style is set to the empty string, a default prompt will be used. The value may contain the escape sequences %l or %L, which will be replaced by the number of the last line displayed and the total number of lines; %m or %M, which will be replaced by the number of the last match shown and the total number of matches; and %p and %P, which will be replaced by Top when at the beginning of the list, Bottom when at the end and the position shown in percent of the total length otherwise. In each of these cases the form with the uppercase letter is replaced by a string of xed width, padded to the right with spaces. As in other prompt strings, the escape sequences %S, %s, %B, %b, %U, %u, and %{...%} for entering and leaving the display modes standout, bold and underline are also available. listrowsrst This style is tested in the same way as the listpacked style and determines if matches are to be listed in a rowsrst fashion, as for the LIST_ROWS_FIRST option. listsuffixes This style is used by the function used to complete lenames. If completion is attempted on a string containing multiple partially typed pathname components and this style is set to true, all components starting with the rst one for which more than one match could be generated will be shown. local This style is used by completion functions which generate URLs as possible matches to add suitable matches when a URL points to a local web server, that is, one whose les are available directly on the local le system. Its value should consist of three strings: a hostname, the path to the default web pages for the server and the directory name used by a user placing web pages within their home area. For example, completion after http://toast/yousir/ will attempt to match the name toast against the rst argument to the style, and if successful will look in the directory under yousir given by the third argument to the style for possible completions.

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matchoriginal This is used by the _match completer. If it is set to only, _match will try to generate matches without inserting a at the cursor position. If set to any other nonempty value, it will rst try to generate matches without inserting the and if that yields no matches, it will try again with the inserted. If it is unset or set to the empty string, matching will only be done with the inserted. matcher This style is tested for tags used when generating matches. Its value is used as an match specication additional to any given by the matcherlist style which should be in the form described in the section Matching Control in zshcompwid(1). matcherlist This style is used by the main completion function to retrieve match specications that are to be used everywhere. Its value should be a list of such specications. The completion system will try them one after another for each completer selected. For example, to rst try simple completion and, if that generates no matches, caseinsensitive completion one would do: zstyle :completion: matcherlist m:{azAZ}={AZaz} By default every specication replaces previous ones. If specication is prexed with +, it is added to the existing list. This allows testing more general patterns without repeating the whole list every time, as in: zstyle :completion: matcherlist +m{aZ}={AZ} +m{AZ}={az} The style allows even ner control by specifying a particular completer, without the leading underscore, in the third eld of the completion context. For example, if one uses the completers _complete and _prex but wants to try caseinsensitive completion only when using the _complete completer, one would do: zstyle :completion: completer _complete _prex zstyle :completion: :complete: matcherlist \ m:{azAZ}={AZaz} Note that the completer style allows userdened names to be used in the context instead of the name of the completer. This is useful if, for example, one wants to try normal completion without a match specication and with caseinsensitive matching rst, correction if that doesnt generate any matches and partialword completion if that doesnt yield any matches either. In this case one can give the _complete completer more than once in the completer style and dene different match specications for each occurrence, as in: zstyle :completion: completer _complete _correct _complete:foo zstyle :completion: :complete: matcherlist \ m:{azAZ}={AZaz} zstyle :completion: :foo: matcherlist \ m:{azAZ}={AZaz} r:[_./]= r:= If the style is unset in any context no match specication is applied; further, some completers such as _correct and _approximate do not use the match specications at all. However, it is always safe to use the simple form for this style (as in the rst example above), since any completers which do not use match specications will only ever be called once, rather than once per specication. Since the specicationstrings in this style have to be tried one after another, it is a good idea to keep their number low. In most cases one to three strings (each of which may, without to large a performance hit, consist of more than one single match specication) will give acceptable performance. maxerrors This is used by the _approximate and _correct completer functions to determine the maximum

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number of errors to allow. The completer will try to generate completions by rst allowing one error, then two errors, and so on, until either a match or matches were found or the maximum number of errors given by this style has been reached. If the value for this style contains the string numeric, the completer function will take any numeric argument as the maximum number of errors allowed. For example, with zstyle :completion: :approximate::: maxerrors 2 numeric two errors are allowed if no numeric argument is given, but with a numeric argument of six (as in ESC6 TAB), up to six errors are accepted. Hence with a value of 0 numeric, no correcting completion will be attempted unless a numeric argument is given. If the value contains the string notnumeric, the completer will not try to generate corrected completions when given a numeric argument, so in this case the number given should be greater than zero. For example, 2 notnumeric species that correcting completion with two errors will usually be performed, but if a numeric argument is given, correcting completion will not be performed. The default value for this style is 2 numeric. menu If this is set to true in a given context, using any of the tags dened for a given completion, menu completion will be used. The tag default can be used to set the default value, but a specic tag will take precedence. If none of the values found in this way is true but at least one is set to auto the behaviour will be as for the AUTO_MENU option. Finally, if one of the values is explicitly set to false, menu completion will be turned off even if it would otherwise be active (for example, with the MENU_COMPLETE option). Using the form yes=num, where yes may be any of the true values (yes, true, on and 1) turns on menu completion if there at least num matches. Using this for one of the false values (as in no=10) makes menu completion not be used if there are num or more matches. Of course, this is only useful when menu completion is normally used, e.g. by setting the MENU_COMPLETE option. The true values may also be used in the form yes=long to turn on menu completion if the list does not t onto the screen. This will start menu completion only if normal completion was attempted, not when only the list of possible completions was requested. To start menu completion even then, the value yes=longlist can be used. In addition to (or instead of) the above possibilities, the value may contain the string select, optionally followed by an equals sign and a number. In this case menu selection (as dened by the zsh/complist module) will be started. Without the optional number, it will be started unconditionally and with a number it will be started only if at least that many matches are generated; if the values for more than one tag provide a number, the smallest number is taken. Menu selection can be turned off explicitly by dening a value containing the string noselect. It is also possible to start menu selection only if the list of matches does not t on the screen by using the value select=long. This will only start menu selection if the widget invoked does completion, not simply listing as done by deletecharorlist; to start menu selection even here, use the value select=longlist. To turn on menu completion or menu selection when a certain number of matches is generated or the list of matches does not t onto the screen, both of yes= and select= can be given twice, once with a number and once with long or longlist. numbers This is used with the jobs tag. If it is true, the shell will complete the job numbers instead of the shortest unambiguous strings of the jobs command lines. If the value is a number, job numbers will only be used if that many words from the job descriptions are required to resolve ambiguities. For example, if the value is 1, strings will only be used if all jobs differ in the rst word on their command lines. oldlist This is used by the _oldlist completer. If it is set to always, then standard widgets which

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perform listing will retain the current list of matches, however they were generated; this can be turned off explicitly with the value never, giving the behaviour without the _oldlist completer. If the style is unset, or any other value, then the existing list of completions is displayed if it is not already; otherwise, the standard completion list is generated; this is the default behaviour of _oldlist. However, if there is an old list and this style contains the name of the completer function that generated the list, then the old list will be used even if it was generated by a widget which does not do listing. For example, suppose you type to use the _correct_word widget, which generates a list of Xc corrections for the word under the cursor. Usually, typing would generate a standard list of D completions for the word on the command line, and show that. With _oldlist, it will instead show the list of corrections already generated. As another example consider the _match completer: with the insertunambiguous style set to true it inserts only a common prex string, if there is any. However, this may remove parts of the original pattern, so that further completion could produce more matches than on the rst attempt. By using the _oldlist completer and setting this style to _match, the list of matches generated on the rst attempt will be used again. oldmatches This is used by the _all_matches completer to decide if an old list of matches should be used if one exists. It may be set to one of the true values or to the string only to use such a list. If it is set to only, _all_matches will only use an old list and wont have any effect on the list of matches currently being generated. oldmenu This is used by the _oldlist completer. It controls how menu completion behaves when a completion has already been inserted and the user types a standard completion key type such as TAB. The default behaviour of _oldlist is that menu completion always continues with the existing list of completions. If this style is set to false, however, a new completion is started if the old list was generated by a different completion command; this is the behaviour without the _oldlist completer. For example, suppose you type to generate a list of corrections, and menu completion is Xc started in one of the usual ways. Usually, or with this style set to false, typing TAB at this point would start trying to complete the line as it now appears. With _oldlist, it instead continues to cycle through the list of corrections. original This is used by the _approximate and _correct completers to decide if the original string should be added as one possible completion. Normally, this is done only if there are at least two possible corrections, but if this style is set to true, it is always added. Note that these completers use this style after setting the completer eld in the context name to correctnum or approximatenum, where num is the number of errors that were accepted.

packageset This style is used when completing arguments of the Debian dpkg program. It contains an override for the default package set for a given context. For example, zstyle :completion: :complete:dpkg:option status1: \ packageset avail causes available packages, rather than only installed packages, to be completed for dpkg status. path The function that completes color names uses this style with the colors tag. The value should be the pathname of a le containing color names in the format of an X11 rgb.txt le. If the style is not set but this le is found in one of various standard locations it will be used as the default. A style holding the service names of ports to complete. If this is not set by the user, the service


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names from /etc/services will be used. prexhidden This is used when matches with a common prex are added (e.g. option names). If it is true, this prex will not be shown in the list of matches. The default value for this style is false. prexneeded This, too, is used for matches with a common prex. If it is set to true this common prex has to be typed by the user to generate the matches. E.g. for options this means that the , +, or has to be on the line to make option names be completed at all. The default style for this style is true. preserveprex This style is used when completing path names. Its value should be a pattern matching an initial prex of the word to complete that should be left unchanged under all circumstances. For example, on some Unices an initial // (double slash) has a special meaning and hence should be kept. For that one could set this style to the string //. As another example, setting this style to ?:/ under Cygwin would allow completion after a:/... and the like. range This is used by the _history completer and the _history_complete_word bindable command to decide which words should be completed. It may be set to a number, N, to say that only the last N words from the history should be completed. The value may also be of the form max:slice. This means that rst the last slice words will be completed. If that yields no matches, the slice words before those will be tried and so on, until either at least one match is generated or max words have been tried. The default is to complete all words from the history at once.

regular This style is used by the _expand_alias completer and bindable command. If set to true (the default), regular aliases will be expanded but only in command position. If it is set to false, regular aliases will never be expanded and if it is set to the string always, regular aliases will be expanded even if not in command position. removealldups The _history_complete_word bindable command and the _history completer use this to decide if all duplicate matches should be removed, rather than just consecutive duplicates. selectprompt If this is set for the default tag, its value will be displayed during menu selection (see the menu style above) when the completion list does not t on the screen as a whole. The same escapes as for the listprompt style are understood, but give the number of the match or line the mark is on. A default prompt is used when the value is the empty string. selectscroll This style is tested for the default tag and determines how a completion list is scrolled during a menu selection (see the menu style above) when the completion list does not t on the screen as a whole. Its value should be 0 (zero) to scroll by halfscreenfuls, a positive integer to scroll by that many lines and a negative number to scroll by the number of lines of the screen minus that number (or plus the number, since it is negative). The default is to scroll by single lines. singleignored This is used by the _ignored completer. It species what should be done if it can generate only one match, which is often a special case. If its value is show, the single match will be displayed but not inserted. If the value is menu, then the single match and the original string are both added as matches and menu completion is started so that one can easily select either of them. sort If set to true, completion functions that generate words from the history as possible matches sort these words alphabetically instead of keeping them in the order in which they appear in the history (from youngest to oldest).

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This is also used by the _expand completer. Here, if it is set to true, the expansions generated will always be sorted. If it is set to menu, then the expansions are only sorted when they are offered as single strings (not in the string containing all possible expansions). specialdirs Normally, the completion code will not produce the directory names . and .. as possible completions. If this style is set to true, it will add both . and .. as possible completions; if it is set to .., only .. will be added. squeezeslashes If set to true, sequences of slashes (as in foo//bar) will be treated as if they were only one slash when completing pathnames. This is the usual behaviour of UNIX paths. However, by default the le completion function behaves as if there were a between the slashes. stop If set to true, the _history_complete_word bindable command will stop once when reaching the beginning or end of the history. Invoking _history_complete_word will then wrap around to the opposite end of the history. If this style is set to false (the default), _history_complete_word will loop immediately as in a menu completion.

substglobsonly This is used by the _expand completer. If it is set to true, the expansion will only be used if it resulted from globbing; hence, if expansions resulted from the use of the substitute style described below, but these were not further changed by globbing, the expansions will be rejected. The default for this style is false. substitute This boolean style controls whether the _expand completer will rst try to expand all substitutions in the string (such as $(...) and ${...}). The default is true. suffix This is used by the _expand completer if the word starts with a tilde or contains a parameter expansion. If it is set to true, the word will only be expanded if it doesnt have a suffix, i.e. if it is something like foo or $foo, but not if it is foo/ or $foo/bar, unless that suffix itself contains characters eligible for expansion. The default for this style is true.

tagorder This provides a mechanism for sorting how the tags available in a particular context will be used. The values for the style are sets of spaceseparated lists of tags. The tags in each value will be tried at the same time; if no match is found, the next value is used. (See the lepatterns style for an exception to this behavior.) For example: zstyle :completion: :complete:command: tagorder \ commands functions species that completion in command position should offer only completions for external commands and shell functions immediately. In addition to tag names, each string in the value may take one of the following forms: If any string in the value consists of only a hyphen, then only the tags specied by the other strings in the value are generated. Normally all tags not explicitly selected are tried last if the specied tags fail to generate any matches. This means that a value consisting only of a single hyphen turns off completion.

! tags... A string starting with an exclamation mark species names of tags that are not to be used. The effect is the same as if all other possible tags for the context had been listed. tag:label ... In strings not starting with an exclamation mark, it is also possible to specify tag labels

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instead of only tags, where tag is one of the tags offered by the completion function for the current context and label is a name. For this, the completion function will generate matches in the same way as for the tag but it will use the label in place of the tag in the context names used to look up styles. If the label starts with a hyphen, the tag is prepended to the label to form the name used for lookup. This can be used to make the completion system try a certain tag more than once, supplying different style settings for each attempt, see below for an example. The label may optionally be followed by a second colon and a description. This description will then be used for the %d in the value of the format style instead of the default description supplied by the completion function. Spaces in the description have to be quoted by preceding them with a backslash and a %d appearing in the description is replaced with the description given by the completion function. In each of the cases above, the tag may also be a pattern or more than one pattern inside braces and separated by commas. In this case all of the offered tags matching the pattern(s) will be used except for those that are given explicitly in the same string. There are probably two main uses of this. One is the case where one wants to try one of the tags more than once, setting other styles differently for each try, but still wants to use all the other tags without having to repeat them all. For example, to make completion of function names in command position ignore all the completion functions starting with an underscore the rst time completion is tried, one could do: zstyle :completion: :command: tagorder \ : functions:noncomp functions zstyle :completion: :functionsnoncomp ignoredpatterns _ Here, the completion system will rst try all tags offered, but will use the tag label functionsnoncomp when looking up styles for the function names completed. For this, the ignoredpatterns style is set to exclude functions starting with an underscore from the set of possible matches. If none of the generated matches match the string on the line, the completion system will use the second value of the tagorder style and complete functions names again, but this time using the name functions to look up styles, so that the ignoredpatterns style is not used and all function names are considered. Of course, this can also be used to split the matches for one tag into different groups. For example: zstyle :completion: tagorder \ options:long:long\ options options:short:short\ options options:singleletter:single\ letter\ options zstyle :completion::optionslong ignoredpatterns [+]([ ]) zstyle :completion::optionsshort ignoredpatterns [+]? zstyle :completion::optionssingleletter ignoredpatterns ??? With the groupnames style set, this makes options beginning with , options beginning with a single or + but containing multiple characters, and singleletter options be displayed in separate groups with different descriptions. The second interesting use of patterns is the case where one wants to try multiple match specications one after another. The matcherlist style offers something similar, but it is tested very early in the completion system and hence cant be set for single commands nor for more specic contexts. Here is how to try normal completion without any match specication and, if that generates no matches, try again with caseinsensitive matching, restricting the effect to arguments of the command foo: zstyle :completion: :foo: tagorder : :case zstyle :completion: case matcher m:{az}={AZ} First, all the tags offered when completing after foo are tried using the normal tag name. If that generates no matches, the second value of tagorder is used, which tries all tags again except that this time each has case appended to its name for lookup of styles. Hence this time the value for the matcher style from the

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second call to zstyle in the example is used to make completion caseinsensitive. Using the e option of the zstyle builtin command, it is possible to specify conditions saying when certain tags are to be used. For example: zstyle e :command: tagorder if [[ n $PREFIX ]]; then reply=( ) else reply=( ) Makes completion in command position happen only if the string on the line is not empty. This is tested using the PREFIX parameter which is special in completion widgets; see zshcompwid for a description of these special parameters. Setting reply to an empty array ensures that only the default behaviour of trying all tags at once is used and setting it to an array containing only a hyphen disables that default behaviour thus keeping all tags from being tried. If no style has been dened for a context, the strings ( )argument ( )option values and options plus all tags offered by the completion function will be used to provide a sensible default behavior that causes arguments (whether normal command arguments or arguments of options) to be completed before option names for most commands. urls This is used together with the the urls tag by completion functions that generate URLs as possible matches. If the value consists of more than one string or if the only string does not name a le or directory, the strings are used as the URLs to complete. If the value contains only one string and that is the name of a normal le, the URLs are taken from that le (where the URLs may be separated by white space or newlines). Finally, if the only string in the value names a directory, that should contain subdirectories named after the retrieval methods which occur as the rst part of a URL, i.e. http, ftp, bookmark, and so on. These subdirectories should contain les and other subdirectories whose pathnames are possible completions after the initial http://, ftp://, etc. See the description in the le _urls in the User subdirectory of the completion system for more information. usecache If this is set, the completion caching layer is activated for any completions which use it (via the _store_cache, _retrieve_cache, and _cache_invalid functions). The directory containing the cache les can be changed with the cachepath style. usecompctl If this style is set to a string not equal to false, 0, no, and off, the completion system may use any completion specications dened with the compctl builtin command. If the style is unset, this is done only if the zsh/compctl module is loaded. The string may also contain the substring rst to make the denition for compctl T be used, and the substring default to make the one for compctl D be used. Note that this is only intended to smooth the transition from compctl to the new completion system and may disappear in the future. Note also that the denitions from compctl will only be used if there is no specic completion function for the command in question. For example, while completing arguments to the command foo, if this was handled by a command function _foo, compctl would never be tried, while if it was handled by _default, compctl would be tried. users This may be set to a list of names that should be completed whenever a username is needed. If it is not set or the string on the line doesnt match any of the strings in this list, all usernames will be completed. usershosts

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The values of this style should be of the form user@host or user:host. It is used for commands that need pairs of user and hostnames. For such commands, only the pairs from this style are used and if, for example, the username is already typed, then only the hostnames for which there is a pair with that username is dened. If set for the myaccounts tag, this is used for commands such as rlogin and ssh; in this case the style should contain the names of the users own accounts on remote hosts. If set for the otheraccounts tag, it is used for commands such as talk and nger and should contain other peoples accounts. Finally, it may also be used by some commands with the accounts tag. usershostsports Like usershosts but used for commands like telnet and containing strings of the form user@host:port. verbose This is used in several contexts to decide if only a simple or a verbose list of matches should be generated. For example some commands show descriptions for option names if this style is true. The default value for this style is true. word This is used by the _list completer, which prevents the insertion of completions until a second completion attempt when the line has not changed. The normal way of nding out if the line has changed is to compare its entire contents between the two occasions. If this style is true, the comparison is instead performed only on the current word. Hence if completion is performed on another word with the same contents, completion will not be delayed.

The initialization script compinit redenes all the widgets which perform completion to call the supplied widget function _main_complete. This function acts as a wrapper calling the socalled completer functions that generate matches. If _main_complete is called with arguments, these are taken as the names of completer functions to be called in the order given. If no arguments are given, the set of functions to try is taken from the completer style. For example, to use normal completion and correction if that doesnt generate any matches: zstyle :completion: completer _complete _correct after calling compinit. The default value for this style is _complete _ignored, i.e. normally only ordinary completion is tried, rst with the effect of the ignoredpatterns style and then without it. The _main_complete function uses the return value of the completer functions to decide if other completers should be called. If the return value is zero, no other completers are tried and the _main_complete function returns. If the rst argument to _main_complete is a single hyphen, the arguments will not be taken as names of completers. Instead, the second argument gives a name to use in the completer eld of the context and the other arguments give a command name and arguments to call to generate the matches. The following completer functions are contained in the distribution (users may write their own): _all_matches This completer can be used to add a string consisting of all other matches. To ensure, that this string is always added, this completer has to be used as the rst completer in the list. The avoidcompleter style is used to decide if the string should be added. This will only be done if the matches were generated by a completer not named by one of the values of the style. This function also uses the style oldmatches. If it is set to true or to the string only and there is a list of matches from a previous completion, those matches will be inserted in the command line. If it is set to the the string only, it will only insert an old list and wont add the string for all matches of the list currently being generated.

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With the oldmatches style set, this completer should probably not be called unconditionally. Instead one could use the e option of the zstyle builtin command to add a condition to the completer or to the oldmatches style. Alternatively, one could use the _generic function to bind _all_matches to a separate key binding, for example: zle C allmatches completeword _generic bindkey Xa allmatches zstyle :completion:allmatches: oldmatches only zstyle :completion:allmatches: completer _all_matches _approximate This completer function uses the _complete completer to generate a list of strings for the context the cursor is currently in, allowing you to specify a maximum number of errors: see the description of approximate matching in zshexpn(1) for how errors are counted. The resulting list of corrected and completed strings is then presented to the user. The intended use of this completer function is to try after the normal _complete completer by setting: zstyle :completion: completer _complete _approximate This will give correcting completion if and only if normal completion yields no possible completions. When corrected completions are found, the completer will normally start menu completion allowing you to cycle through these strings. This completer uses the tags corrections and original when generating the possible corrections and the original string. The format style for the former may contain the additional sequences %e and %o which will be replaced by the number of errors accepted to generate the corrections and the original string, respectively. As with all completers, _approximate uses its name without the underscore in the completer eld of the context name. Once it has started trying to generate matches, it will append a minus sign and the number of errors accepted to its name. _approximate will rst look for completions with one error, then two, and on so up to the limit on the number of errors set by the maxerrors style. Hence on the rst try the completer eld of the context contains approximate1, on the second try approximate2, and so on. When _approximate is called from another function, the number of errors to accept may be given with the a option. Its argument should be the same as the value of the maxerrors style, all in one string. Note that this completer (and the _correct completer mentioned below) can be quite expensive to call, especially when a large number of errors are allowed. One way to avoid this is to set up the completer style using the e option to zstyle so that some completers are only used when completion is attempted a second time on the same string, e.g.: zstyle :completion: completer if [[ $_last_try != " $HISTNO$BUFFER$CURSOR" ]]; then _last_try=" $HISTNO$BUFFER$CURSOR" reply=(_complete _match _prex) else reply=(_ignored _correct _approximate) This uses the HISTNO parameter and the BUFFER and CURSOR special parameters that are available inside zle and completion widgets to nd out if the command line hasnt changed since the last time completion was tried. Only then are the _ignored, _correct and _approximate completers called. _complete This completer generates all possible completions in a contextsensitive manner, i.e. using the settings dened with the compdef function explained above and the current settings of all special

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parameters. This gives the normal completion behaviour. To complete arguments of commands, _complete uses the utility function _normal, which is in turn responsible for nding the particular function; it is described below. Various contexts of the form context, as mentioned above for the #compdef tag, are handled specially. These are: arrayvalue for completion on the right hand side of an arrayassignment (foo=(...)). braceparameter for completing the name of a parameter expansion within braces (${...}). command for completing in a command position. condition for completion inside conditions ([[...]]). default for generating completions when no special completion function is used. equal for completion of words beginning with an equals sign rst for adding completions before any other completion functions are tried; if this function sets the _compskip parameter to all, no other completion functions will be called, if it is set to a string containing the substring patterns, no pattern completion functions will be called, and if it is set to a string containing default the function for the default context will not be called, but functions dened for commands will. math for completion inside mathematical contexts, such as ((...)). parameter for completing the name of a parameter expansion ($...). redirect for completion after a redirection operator. subscript for completion inside subscripts. tilde for completion after a tilde () character, but before a slash. value for completion on the right hand side of an assignment. Default implementations are supplied for each of these contexts, in most cases named after the context itself (e.g. completion for the tilde context is done by the function named _tilde). Before trying to nd a function for a specic context, _complete checks if the parameter compcontext is set. If it is set to an array, the elements are taken to be the possible matches which will be completed using the tag values and the description value. If it is set to an associative array, the keys are used as the possible completions and the values (if nonempty) are used as descriptions for the matches. If compcontext is set to a string containing colons, it should be of the form tag:descr:action. In this case the tag and descr give the tag and description to use and the action says what should be completed in one of the forms described for the _arguments utility function below. Finally, if compcontext is set to a string without colons, the value is taken as the name of the context to use and the function dened for that context will be called. For this purpose, there is a special context named commandline that completes whole command lines (commands and their arguments) and is not used by the completion system itself, but has a function handling completion for it. _correct

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Generate corrections, but not completions, for the current word; this is similar to _approximate but will not allow any number of extra characters at the cursor as that completer does, hence this is similar to spellchecking. It calls _approximate but uses a different completer eld in the context name. For example, with: zstyle :completion::::: completer _complete _correct _approximate zstyle :completion: :correct::: maxerrors 2 notnumeric zstyle :completion: :approximate::: maxerrors 3 numeric correction will accept up to two errors. If a numeric argument is given, correction will not be performed, but correcting completion will be, and will accept as many errors as given by the numeric argument. Without a numeric argument, rst correction and then correcting completion will be tried, with the rst one accepting two errors and the second one accepting three errors. When _correct is called as a function, the number of errors to accept may be given following the a option. The argument should be the same as the value of the accept style, all in one string. This completer function is intended to be used without the _approximate completer or, as in the example, just before it. Using it after the _approximate completer is useless since _approximate will at least generate the corrected strings generated by the _correct completer and probably more. _expand This completer function does not really do completion, but instead checks if the word on the command line is eligible for expansion and, if it is, gives detailed control over how this expansion is done. When using this, one should not use the expandorcomplete widget, but instead use completeword, as expandorcomplete will expand the string on the line before the completion widget is called. Also, this completer should be called before the _complete completer function. The tags used when generating expansions are allexpansions for the string containing all possible expansions, expansions when adding the possible expansions as single matches and original when adding the original string from the line. In which order these strings are generated and which of these strings are generated at all can be controlled by using the grouporder style and by modifying the tagorder style, as usual. The format string for allexpansions and for expansions may contain the sequence %o which will be replaced by the original string from the line. Which kind of expansion is tried is controlled by the substitute, glob and substglobsonly styles. When _expand is called as a function, the different modes may be selected with options. The s to substitute, g to glob and o to substglobsonly. _expand_alias If the word the cursor is on is an alias, it is expanded and no other completers are called. The types of aliases which are to be expanded can be controlled with the regular, global and disabled styles. This function is also a bindable command, see the section Bindable Commands below. _history Complete words from the shells command history. This completer uses the removealldups, and sort styles also used by the _history_complete_word bindable command, see the section Bindable Commands below and the section Completion System Conguration above. _ignored The ignoredpatterns style can be set to a list of patterns which are compared against possible completions; matching ones are removed. With this completer those matches can be reinstated, as if no ignoredpatterns style were set. The completer actually generates its own list of matches;

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which completers are used for this is determined in the same way as for the _prex completer. The singleignored style is used if only one match could be generated. It can be set to show to prevent that match from being displayed or inserted into the line, or it can be set to menu, in which case the single match and the original string from the line will be offered in a menu completion. _list This completer allows one to delay the insertion of matches until completion is attempted a second time without the word on the line being changed. On the rst attempt, only the list of matches will be shown. It is affected by the styles condition and word, see the section Completion System Conguration above.

_match This completer is intended to be used after the _complete completer. It allows one to give patterns on the command line and to complete all strings matching these patterns from the set of possible completions for the context the cursor is in, without having to set the GLOB_COMPLETE option. Normally this will be done by taking the pattern from the line, inserting a at the cursor position and comparing the resulting pattern with the possible completions generated. However, if the matchoriginal style has a value of only, no will be inserted. If matchoriginal has any other nonempty string as its value, this completer will rst try to generate matches without, then with a inserted at the cursor position. The generated matches will be offered in a menu completion unless the insertunambiguous style is set to true. In this case menu completion will only be started if no unambiguous string could be generated that is at least as long as the original string. The style may also be set to the string pattern. This will keep the pattern on the line intact as long as there isnt an unambiguous completion with which it could be replaced. Note that the matcher specications dened globally or used by the completion functions will not be used. _menu This completer is a simple example function implemented to show how menu completion can be done in shell code. It should be used as the rst completer and has the effect of making the code perform menu completion. Note that this is independent of the setting of the MENU_COMPLETE option and does not work with the other menu completion widgets such as reversemenucomplete, or acceptandmenucomplete. _oldlist This completer controls how the standard completion widgets behave when there is an existing list of completions which may have been generated by a special completion (i.e. a separatelybound completion command). It allows the ordinary completion keys to continue to use the list of completions thus generated, instead of producing a new list of ordinary contextual completions. It should appear in the list of completers before any of the widgets which generate matches. It uses two styles: oldlist and oldmenu, see the section Completion System Conguration above. _prex This completer can be used to try completion with the suffix (everything after the cursor) ignored. In other words, the suffix will not be considered to be part of the word to complete and hence does not need to be matched. It uses the completer style to decide which other completers to call to try to generate matches. If this style is unset, the list of completers set for the current context is used except, of course, the _prex completer itself. Furthermore, if this completer appears more than once in the list of completers only those completers not already tried by the last invocation of _prex will be called. For example, consider this global completer style: zstyle :completion: completer \ _complete _prex _correct _prex:foo Here, the _prex completer tries normal completion but ignoring the suffix. If that doesnt generate any matches, and neither does the call to the _correct completer after it, _prex will be called a second time and, now only trying correction with the suffix ignored. If you want to use

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_prex as the last resort and try only normal completion, you can use: zstyle :completion: completer _complete ... _prex zstyle :completion::prex: completer _complete The addspace style is also used. If it is set to true then _prex will insert a space between the matches generated (if any) and the suffix. Note that this completer is only useful if the COMPLETE_IN_WORD option is set; otherwise, the cursor will be moved to the end of the current word before the completion code is called and hence there will be no suffix.

In addition to the contextdependent completions provided, which are expected to work in an intuitively obvious way, there are a few widgets implementing special behaviour which can be bound separately to keys. The following is a list of these and their default bindings. _bash_completions This function is used by two widgets, _bash_completeword and _bash_listchoices. It exists to provide compatibility with completion bindings in bash. The last character of the binding determines what is completed: !, command names; $, environment variables; @, host names; /, le names; user names. In bash, the binding preceded by \e gives completion, and preceded by lists options. As some of these bindings clash with standard zsh bindings, only \e and X are bound by default. To add the rest, the following should be added to .zshrc after comX pinit has been run: for key in ! $ @ / ; do bindkey " \e$key" _bash_completeword bindkey " X$key" _bash_listchoices done This includes the bindings for in case they were already bound to something else; the completion code does not override user bindings. _correct_lename ( XC) Correct the lename path at the cursor position. Allows up to six errors in the name. Can also be called with an argument to correct a lename path, independently of zle; the correction is printed on standard output. _correct_word ( Xc) Performs correction of the current argument using the usual contextual completions as possible choices. This stores the string correctword in the function eld of the context name and then calls the _correct completer. _expand_alias ( Xa) This function can be used as a completer and as a bindable command. It expands the word the cursor is on if it is an alias. The types of aliases expanded can be controlled with the regular, global and disabled styles. When used as a bindable command there is one additional feature that can be selected by setting the complete style to true. In this case, if the word isnt the name of an alias, _expand_alias tries to complete the word to a full alias name without expanding it (but leaving the cursor directly after the completed word so that invoking _expand_alias once more will expand the nowcomplete alias name). _expand_word ( Xe) Performs expansion on the current word: equivalent to the standard expandword command, but using the _expand completer. Before calling it, the function eld is set to expandword. _generic This function is not dened as a widget and not bound by default. However, it can be used to

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dene a widget and will then store the name of the widget in the function eld of the context and call the completion system. This allows custom completion widgets with their own set of style settings to be easily dened. For example, to dene a widget that does normal completion and starts menu selection, one could do: zle C foo completeword _generic bindkey ... foo zstyle :completion:foo: menu yes select=1 _history_complete_word (\e/) Complete words from the shells command history. This uses the list, removealldups, sort, and stop styles. _most_recent_le ( Xm) Complete the name of the most recently modied le matching the pattern on the command line (which may be blank). If given a numeric argument N, complete the Nth most recently modied le. Note the completion, if any, is always unique. _next_tags ( Xn) This command alters the set of matches used to that for the next tag, or set of tags, either as given by the tagorder style or as set by default; these matches would otherwise not be available. Successive invocations of the command cycle through all possible sets of tags. _read_comp ( R) X Prompt the user for a string, and use that to perform completion on the current word. There are two possibilities for the string. First, it can be a set of words beginning _, for example _les /, in which case the function with any arguments will be called to generate the completions. Unambiguous parts of the function name will be completed automatically (normal completion is not available at this point) until a space is typed. Second, any other string will be passed as a set of arguments to compadd and should hence be an expression specifying what should be completed. A very restricted set of editing commands is available when reading the string: DEL and H delete the last character; deletes the line, and and abort the function, while RET U C G accepts the completion. Note the string is used verbatim as a command line, so arguments must be quoted in accordance with standard shell rules. Once a string has been read, the next call to _read_comp will use the existing string instead of reading a new one. To force a new string to be read, call _read_comp with a numeric argument. _complete_debug ( X?) This widget performs ordinary completion, but captures in a temporary le a trace of the shell commands executed by the completion system. Each completion attempt gets its own le. A command to view each of these les is pushed onto the editor buffer stack. _complete_help ( Xh) This widget displays information about the context names, the tags, and the completion functions used when completing at the current cursor position. If given a numeric argument other than 1 (as in ESC2 Xh), then the styles used and the contexts for which they are used will be shown, too. Note that the information about styles may be incomplete; it depends on the information available from the completion functions called, which in turn is determined by the users own styles and other settings. _complete_tag ( Xt) This widget completes symbol tags created by the etags or ctags programmes (note there is no connection with the completion systems tags) stored in a le TAGS, in the format used by etags, or tags, in the format created by ctags. It will look back up the path hierarchy for the rst occurrence of either le; if both exist, the le TAGS is preferred. You can specify the full path to a TAGS or tags le by setting the parameter $TAGSFILE or $tagsle respectively. The

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corresponding completion tags used are etags and vtags, after emacs and vi respectively.

Descriptions follow for utility functions that may be useful when writing completion functions. Most of these reside in the Base subdirectory. Like the example functions for commands in the distribution, the utility functions generating matches all follow the convention of returning zero if they generated completions and nonzero if no matching completions could be added. When writing completion functions or other ZLE widgets that call completion, it might be interesting to know about two more features offered by the _main_complete function. The arrays compprefuncs and comppostfuncs may be set to contain names of functions that are to be called immediately before or after completion has been tried. The functions will only be called once, unless they put themselves into the arrays again. _all_labels [ 12VJ ] tag name descr [ command args ... ] This is a convenient interface to the _next_label function below, implementing the loop shown in the _next_label example. The command is the one that should be called to generate the matches. The options stored in the parameter name will automatically be inserted into the args given to the command. Normally, they are put directly after the command, but if one of the args is a single hyphen, they are inserted directly before that. If the hyphen is the last argument, that will be removed from the argument list before the command is called. This allows _all_labels to be used in almost all cases where the matches can be generated by a single call to the compadd builtin command or by a call to one of the utility functions. For example: local expl ... if _requested foo; then ... _all_labels foo expl ... compadd ... $matches Will complete the strings from the matches parameter, using compadd with additional options which will take precedence over those generated by _all_labels. _alternative [ C name ] specs ... This function is useful in simple cases where multiple tags are available. Essentially, it implements a loop like the one described for the _tags function above. The tags to use and the action to perform if a tag is requested are described using the specs which are of the form: tag:descr:action. The tags are offered using _tags and if the tag is requested, the action is executed with the given description descr. The actions supported are those used by the _arguments function (described below), without the >state and =... forms. For example, the action may be a simple function call. With that one could do: _alternative \ users:user:_users \ hosts:host:_hosts to offer usernames and hostnames as possible matches (which are generated by the _users and _hosts functions respectively). Note that, like _arguments this will also use _all_labels to execute the actions, so one doesnt need to call that explicitly unless another tag is to be used, for example in a function called from _alternative. Like _tags this function supports the C option to give a different name for the argument context eld. _arguments spec ...

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This function can be used to complete words on the line by describing the options and arguments which may be passed to the command for which completion is being performed. The description is given as arguments to this function, with each spec describing one option or normal argument of the command. The forms of spec understood are: n:message:action n::message:action This describes the nth normal argument. The message will be printed above the matches generated and the action says what can be completed in this position (see below). If there are two colons before the message, this describes an optional argument. If the message contains only white space, nothing will be printed above the matches unless the action adds an explanation string itself. :message:action ::message:action Like the previous one, but describing the next argument. I.e. if you want to describe all arguments a command can get, you can leave out the numbers in the description and just use this form to describe them one after another in the order they have to appear on the line. :message:action ::message:action :::message:action This describes how arguments (usually nonoption arguments, those not beginning with or +) are to be completed when no description with one of the rst two forms was given. This also means that any number of arguments can be completed. With two colons before the message, the words special array and the CURRENT special parameter are modied to refer only to the normal arguments when the action is executed or evaluated. With three colons before the message they are modied to refer only to the normal arguments covered by this description. optspec[description ...] This describes an option and (if description is given) the arguments that have to come after the option. If no description is given, this means to offer only the option name as a possible completion in the right places. (Note that the brackets, above, around description, indicate that zero or more descriptions may appear; but the brackets are not themselves part of this format. If brackets are used, they are part of the optspec; see below.) In the descriptions below, the option names represented by optname are normally taken to be multicharacter names, and a word from the line is considered to contain only one option (or none). By giving the s option to _arguments before the rst spec, each optname is considered to be a single character and each word from the line may contain more than one such option letter. However, words beginning with two hyphens (like prex) are still considered to contain only one option name. This allows the use of the s option to describe singleletter options together with such long option names. The s option may be combined with the option w to say that more option characters are to be expected even after an option that takes an argument. For example, if a command takes the options a and b, where a takes an argument in the next word, _arguments would normally not complete the other option directly after a, but it would allow that if given the w option. Similarly, the option W may be given together with s to force completion of singleletter options even after options that get an argument in the same word. For example, if a command takes the options a and b, where a needs an argument in the same word, directly after the option character, _arguments would normally only execute the action for that argument and not offer other singleletter options as possible completions.

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If given the W option, it will offer other options as possible completions after executing the action for the argument. Note that, depending on the action, this may mean that the other options cant really be completed, but at least they will be listed. For more control, use an utility function like _guard in the arguments action. The forms of optspec are: optspec If the option may be given more than once, a star ( must be added in front of ) one of the following forms of optspec. Otherwise, if the option is already on the line and to the left of the cursor, it is not offered as a possible completion again.

optname +optname In the simplest form the optspec is just the option name beginning with a minus or a plus sign, such as foo. The rst argument for the option (if any) must follow as a separate word directly after the option. If the command accepts the option with either a leading minus or a leading plus sign, use either +optname or +optname to dene both variants at once. In all the following forms, the leading may be replaced or paired with + in this way. optname The rst argument of the option must come directly after the option name in the same word, as in foo:.... optname+ The rst argument may appear immediately after optname in the same word, or may instead appear as a separate word after the option. optname= The argument may appear as the next word, or in same word as the option name provided that it is separated from it by an equals sign. optname= The argument to the option must appear after an equals sign in the same word, and may not be given in the next argument. optspec[explanation] An explanation string may be appended to any of the preceding forms of optspec by enclosing it in brackets, as in q[query operation]. The verbose style is used to decide if these explanation strings should be displayed with the option in a completion listing. If no bracketed explanation string is given but the autodescription style is set and only one argument is described for this optspec, the value of the style is displayed, with any appearance of the sequence %d in it replaced by the message of the rst description that follows the optspec; see below. Note that the special meaning of a leading or trailing or + in optspec means that when the command to be completed accepts options like + or =, the second character has to be quoted with a backslash, as in \+. Each description following an optspec must take one of the following forms: :message:action ::message:action Describes a mandatory argument with one colon, or an optional argument with two colons. As in other forms of spec, the message will be printed above the matches

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generated (unless it contains only white space, see above) and the action says what can be completed in this position. : pattern:message:action : pattern::message:action : pattern:::message:action This describes multiple arguments. Only the last description may be given in this form. If the pattern is empty (i.e., : all following words on the line are to be completed as :), described by the action; otherwise, all words up to a word matching the pattern are to be completed using the action. When the message is preceded by two colons, the words special array and the CURRENT special parameter are modied during the execution or evaluation of the action to refer only to the words after the option. When preceded by three colons, they are modied to refer only to the words covered by this description. Note that only one such : specication is useful and no other argument specication may be given after it. To include a colon in any optname, message, or action anywhere above, it has to be preceded by a backslash, as \:. Each of the six forms of spec (yes, there are six, keep track of the nestings) may be preceded by a list of option names and argument numbers with which the option or argument described is mutually exclusive. This list is given in parentheses, as in (two three 1)one:... or (foo):.... In the rst example, the options two and three and the rst argument will not be offered as possible completions if the option one is on the line before the cursor, and in the second example the option foo will not be offered if the argument described by the specication is on the line. The list may also contain a single star ( as one of its elements to specify that the description for the rest ) arguments (i.e. a specication of the form :...) should not be used, a colon (:) to specify that the descriptions for all normal (nonoption) arguments should not be used and a hyphen () to specify that the descriptions for all options should not be used. This paragraph desperately needs rewriting. To simplify writing writing functions that call _arguments more than once, the specs may also start with the character ! (exclamation mark) to make the spec not be completed. However, if this is used with one of the forms describing options, the option (and its arguments, if it takes any) will be understood and skipped if they appear on the command line. Its just that the option itself will not be completed. This is intended to be used with an array containing the options used in the rst call to arguments. The second call can then use \!${ global_options} to ignore those options and complete only the ones understood in the current context. In every case above, the action determines how the possible completions should be generated. In places where no sensible matches can be generated, the action should consist of only a space. This will make the message be displayed but no possible completions listed. Note that even in this case the colon at the end of the message is needed. The only case where it can be left is when neither a message, nor a action is given. Except for the >string form below, the action will be executed by calling the _all_labels function to process all tag labels, so one doesnt need to call that explicitly unless another tag is to be used, for example in a function called in the action. When only one of a xed set of strings can be completed, the action can consist of these strings as a list in parentheses, as in: :foo:(foo bar baz) Such a list in doubled parentheses should contain strings consisting of the string to complete followed by \: and a description, as in:

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:foo:((a\:bar b\:baz)) The matches will be listed together with their descriptions if the description style for the values tag is set. An action of the form >string is used by functions that implement a state machine. In this case, the strings (with all leading and trailing spaces and tabs removed) of all actions that have to be used will be stored in the global array state. The function returns with a nonzero return value if the cursor is not in a position where options can be completed or if the current word could not be completed to an option. But if the R option is given to _arguments, the function will instead return with a return value of 300 (to make it distinguishable from other return values) after setting the global context, line and opt_args parameters as described below, and without resetting any changes made to the special parameters such as PREFIX and words. This enables wrapper functions around _arguments to be able to nd out if they have to make sure that the special completion parameters are not reset when they return. Note that this means that a function calling _arguments with at least one action containing such a >string has to declare appropriate local parameters as in: local context state line typeset A opt_args This will ensure that _arguments does not create unused global parameters. A string in braces is evaluated to generate the matches and if the action does not begin with an opening parentheses or brace, it is also split into separate words and executed. If the action starts with a space, this list of words will be invoked unchanged, otherwise it will be invoked with some extra strings placed after the rst word which can be given as arguments to the compadd builtin command and which make sure that the message given in the description will be shown above the matches. These arguments are taken from the array parameter expl which will be set up before executing the action and hence may be used in it (normally in an expansion like $expl[@]). If the action starts with = (an equals sign followed by a space), _arguments will insert the contents of the argument eld of the current context as the new rst element in the words special array and increments the value of the CURRENT special parameter. In other words, it inserts a dummy element in the words array and makes CURRENT still point to the word in that array where the cursor is. This is only really useful when used with one of the forms that make _arguments modify the words array to contain only some of the words from the line, i.e. one of the argument description forms where the message is preceded by two or three colons. For example, when the function called in the action for such an argument itself uses _arguments, the dummy element is needed to make that second call to _arguments use all words from the restricted range for argument parsing. Without the inserted dummy element, the rst word in the range would be taken (by the second _arguments) to be the command name and hence ignored. During the evaluation or execution of the action the array line will be set to the command name and normal arguments from the command line, i.e. to the words from the command line excluding all options and their arguments. These are stored in the associative array opt_args, using the option names as keys and their arguments as the values. For options that have more than one argument these are given as one string, separated by colons. All colons in the original arguments are preceded with backslashes. The parameter context (set only in the calling function when using an action of the form >string, not during the evaluation of other actions) is set to the automatically created context names. These are either strings of the form optionoptn for the nth argument of the option opt, or strings of the form argumentn for the nth argument (for rest arguments the n is the string rest). For example, when completing the argument of the o option, the name is optiono1 and for the second normal (nonoption) argument it is argument2. Also, during the evaluation of the action, the context name in the curcontext parameter is changed by appending the same string that is stored in the context parameter. It is also possible to specify multiple sets of options and arguments with the sets separated by single hyphens. The specications before the rst hyphen are shared by all sets given after the rst hyphen. The rst word in every other set gives the name of the set. This name may appear in exclusion lists in the

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specications, either alone or before one of the possible values described above (with a between the name and the rest). For example: _arguments \ a \ set1 \ c \ set2 \ d \ :arg:(x2 y2) This denes two sets. When the command line contains the option c, the d option and the argument will not be considered possible completions. When it contains d or an argument, the option c will not be completed any more, but if a is given, both sets will still be considered valid, because it appears before the rst hyphen, so both sets contain this option. If the namestring is of the form (name) then all specications in the set have an implicit exclusion list containing the name of the set, i.e. all specications are mutual exclusive with all other specications in the same set. This is useful for dening multiple sets of options which are mutually exclusive and in which the options are aliases for each other. E.g.: _arguments \ a b \ (compress) \ {c, compress}[compress] \ (uncompress) \ {d, decompress}[decompress] Note that using multiple sets will be slower than using only one set because the completion code has to parse the command line once for every set. So more than one set should only be used if the command syntax is too complicated. Note also that an option specication with restarguments (as in foo: :...) often allows the use of multiple sets to be avoided. To simplify the specications for commands with standard option parsing, the options S and A may be given. With S, no option will be completed after a on the line and this argument will otherwise be ignored. With A, no options will be completed after the rst nonoption argument on the line. The A has to be followed by a pattern matching all strings which are not to be taken as arguments. For example, to make _arguments stop completing options after the rst normal argument, but ignoring all strings starting with a hyphen even if they are not described by one of the optspecs, one would use: A " . " Another option supported is O name. The name will be taken as the name of an array and its elements will be given to functions called to generate matches when executing the actions. For example, this allows one to give options for the compadd builtin that should be used for all actions. Also, the M option followed by a string may be given before the rst description. The string will be used as the match specication when completing option names and values instead of the default r:[_]= r:= . Finally, the option C can be given to make _arguments modify the curcontext parameter when an action of the form >state is used. This parameter is used to keep track of the current context and in this case it (and not the parameter context as explained above) has to be made local to make sure that calling functions dont use the modied value. Also, the local version of curcontext has to be initialised with the old value as in: local curcontext=" $curcontext" The function can also be made to automatically complete long options for commands that support the help option as, for example, most of the GNU commands do. For this, the string must be given as one argument and if it is, the command from the line is invoked with the help option and its output is

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parsed to nd possible option names. Note that this means that you should be careful to make sure that this feature is not used for a command that does not support this option. For such automatically found options that get an argument after an =, the function also tries to automatically nd out what should be completed as the argument. The possible completions for optionarguments can be described with the arguments after the (which are not used as described above). Each argument contains one description of the form pattern:message:action. The message and the action have the same format as for the normal option descriptions described above. The action will be executed to complete arguments of options whose description in the output of the command from the line with the help option matches the pattern. For example: _arguments :toggle:(yes no) \ \ =FILE :le:_les \ =DIR :directory:_les / Here, yes and no will be completed as the argument of options whose description ends in a star, le names for options that contain the substring =FILE in the description, and paths for options whose description contains =DIR. In fact, the last two patterns are not needed since this function always completes les for option descriptions containing =FILE and paths for option descriptions that contain =DIR or =PATH. These builtin patterns can be overridden by patterns given as arguments, however. Note also that _arguments tries to nd out automatically if the argument for an option is optional. If it fails to automatically detect this, the colon before the message can be doubled to tell it about this as described for the normal option descriptions above. If the pattern ends in (), this will removed from the pattern and the action will be used only directly after the =, not in the next word. I.e., this is like a normal specication as described above using =. The option i patterns (which must be given after the ) can be used to give patterns for options which should not be completed. The patterns can be given as the name of an array parameter or as a literal list in parentheses. E.g. i " ( (endis)ableFEATURE will make the options enableFEATURE and )" disableFEATURE be ignored. The option s pairs (again, after the ) can be used to describe option aliases. Each pair consists of a pattern and a replacement. E.g. some congurescripts describe options only as enablefoo, but also accept disablefoo. To allow completion of the second form, one would use s " (# enable disable)" . Example: _arguments l+:left border: \ format:paper size:(letter A4) \ copy:output le:_les::resolution:(300 600) \ :postscript le:_les g \ .\(ps\eps\) \ :page number: This describes three options: l, format, and copy. The rst one gets one argument described as left border for which no completion will be offered because of the empty action. The argument may come directly after the l or it may be given as the next word on the line. The format option gets one argument (in the next word) described as paper size for which only the strings letter and A4 will be completed. The copy option differs from the rst two in that it may appear more than once on the command line and in that it accepts two arguments. The rst one is mandatory and will be completed as a lename. The second one is optional (because of the second colon before the description resolution) and will be completed from the strings 300 and 600. The last two descriptions say what should be completed as arguments. The rst one describes the rst argument as a postscript le and makes les ending in ps or eps be completed. The last description says that all other arguments are page numbers but does not give possible completions. _cache_invalid cache_identier This function returns 0 if the completions cache corresponding to the given cache identier needs rebuilding. It determines this by looking up the cachepolicy style for the current context, and if it exists, runs the

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function of the same name, supplying the full path to the relevant cache le as the only argument. Example: _example_caching_policy () { # rebuild if cache is more than a week old oldp=( " $1" (Nmw+1) ) (( $#oldp )) } _call_function return name [ args ... ] If a function name exists, it is called with the arguments args. Unless it is the empty string or a single hyphen, return is taken as the name of a parameter and the return status from the called function is stored in it. The return value of _call_function itself is zero if the function name exists and was called and nonzero otherwise. _call_program tag string ... This function is used in places where a command is called, making it possible for the user to override the default command call. It looks up the command style with the supplied tag. If the style is set, its value is used as the command to execute. In any case, the strings from the call to _call_program or from the style are concatenated with spaces between them and the resulting string is evaluated. The return value is the return value of the command called. _combination [ s pattern ] tag style specs ... eld opts ... This function is used to complete combinations of values such as pairs of hostnames and usernames. The possible values will be taken from the style whose name is given as the second argument. The rst argument is the tag to use to do the lookup. The style name should consist of multiple parts separated by hyphens which are then used as eld names. Known values for such elds can be given after the second argument in arguments of the form eld=pattern. The rst argument without an equals sign is taken as the name of the eld for which completions should be generated. The matches generated will be taken from the value of the style. These values should contain the possible values for the combinations where the values for the different elds are separated by colons or characters matching the pattern given after the s option to _combination; normally this is used to dene character classes like the s " [:@]" used for the usershosts style. Only the values for the requested elds for which the patterns given in the eld=pattern match the respective elds in the strings from the style value are generated as possible matches. If no style with the given name is dened for the given tag but a function named with the name of the requested eld preceded by an underscore is dened, that function will be called to generate the matches. This is also done if none of the strings in the value of the style match all the patterns given as arguments. If the same name is used for more than one eld, in both the eld=pattern and the argument that gives the eld name to complete for, the number of the eld (starting with one) may be given after the eldname, separated from it by a colon. All arguments after the requested eld name are passed to compadd when generating matches from the style value, or to the functions for the elds if they are called. _contexts names ... This function looks up the denitions for the context and command names given as arguments and calls the handler functions for them if there is a denition (given with the compdef function). For example, the function completing inside subscripts might use _contexts math to include the completions generated for mathematical environments. _describe [ o ] descr name1 [ name2 ] opts ... ... This function is useful for preparing a list of command options or arguments, together with their

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descriptions descr, as matches. Multiple groups separated by can be supplied, potentially with different completion options opts. The descr is taken as a string to display above the matches if the format style for the descriptions tag is set. After this come one or two names of arrays followed by options to pass to compadd. The rst array contains the possible completions with their descriptions in the form completion:description. If a second array is given, it should have the same number of elements as the rst one and the corresponding elements are added as possible completions instead of the completion strings from the rst array. The completion list will retain the descriptions from the rst array. Finally, a set of completion options can appear. If the option o appears before the rst argument, the matches added will be treated as option names (typically following a , or + on the command line). This makes _describe use the prexhidden, prexneeded and verbose styles to nd out if the strings should be added at all and if the descriptions should be shown. Without the o option, only the verbose style is used. _describe uses the _all_labels function to generate the matches, so it does not need to appear inside a loop over tag labels. _description [ 12VJ ] tag name descr [ specs ... ] This function is called before completions are added (typically by a call to compadd); it tests various styles and arranges for any necessary options to be passed on to compadd. The styles are tested in the current context using the given tag; options are put into the array called name for passing on to compadd; the description for the current set of matches is passed in descr. The styles tested are: format (which is rst tested for the given tag and then for the descriptions tag if that isnt dened), hidden, matcher, ignoredpatterns and groupname (the last are tested only for the tag given as the rst argument). This function also calls the _setup function which tests some more styles. The string returned by the format style (if any) will be modied so that the sequence %d is replaced by the descr given as the third argument without any leading or trailing white space. If, after removing the white space, the descr is the empty string, the format style will not be used and the options put into the name array will not contain an explanation string to be displayed above the matches. If _description is called with more than three arguments, the additional specs should be of the form char:str and every appearance of %char in the format string will be replaced by string. The options placed in the array will also make sure that the matches are placed in a separate group, depending on the value of the groupname style. Normally a sorted group will be used for this (with the J option), but if an option starting with V, J, 1, or 2 is given, that option will be included in the array, so that it is possible to make the group unsorted by giving the option V, 1V, or 2V. In most cases, the function will be used like this: local expl _description les expl le compadd " $expl[@]" " $les[@]" Note the use of the parameter expl, the hyphen, and the list of matches. Almost all calls to compadd within the completion system use a similar format; this ensures that userspecied styles are correctly passed down to the builtins which implement the internals of completion. _les The function _les uses the lepatterns style and calls _path_les with all the arguments it was passed except for g and /. These two options are used depending on the setting of the lepatterns style. See _path_les below for a description of the full set of options accepted by _les. _gnu_generic This function is a simple wrapper around the _arguments function described above. It can be used to automatically complete long options for commands that understand the help option. It is not intended to be used from completion functions but as a toplevel completion function in its own right. For example, to enable option completion for the commands foo and bar, one would call:

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compdef _gnu_generic foo bar in one of the initialization les after the call to compinit. The default installation uses this function only to generate completions for some GNUcommands because to complete the options, the command has to be called and hence it shouldnt be used if one cant be sure that the command understands the help option. _guard [ options ] pattern [ descr ] This function is intended to be used in an action of functions like _arguments. It returns immediately with a nonzero return value if the string to be completed does not match the pattern. If the pattern matches, the descr is displayed and the function returns zero if the word to complete is not empty and nonzero otherwise. The pattern may be preceded by those options understood by compadd that are passed down from _description, namely M, J, V, 1, 2, n, F and X. All of these options, except X, will be ignored. If the X option appears, the description following it will be used as the string to display if the pattern matches, unless the option descr is given to _guard itself, which will then take precedence. As an example, consider a command taking the options n and none, where n has to be followed by a numeric value in the same word. By using either of: _argument n:numeric value:_guard " [09]#" none or _argument n: :_guard " [09]#" " numeric value" none _arguments can be made to both display the message numeric value and complete options after n<TAB>. If the n is already followed by one or more digits (matching the pattern given to _guard), only the message will be displayed and if the n is followed by another character, only options are completed. _message [ r ] descr The descr is used like the third argument to the _description function. However, the resulting string will always be shown whether or not matches were generated. This is useful to display help texts in places where no completions can be generated automatically. This function also uses the format style for the messages tag in preference to the format style for the descriptions tag. The latter is used only if the former is unset. If the r option is given, no style is used and the descr is used literally as the string to display. This is only used in cases where that string is taken from some preprocessed argument list containing an expanded description. _multi_parts sep array This function receives two arguments: a separator character and an array. As usual, the array may be either the name of an array parameter or a literal array in the form (foo bar) (i.e. a list of words separated by white space in parentheses). With these arguments, this function will complete to strings from the array where the parts separated by the separator character are completed independently. For example, the _tar function from the distribution caches the pathnames from the tar le in an array, and then calls this function to complete these names in the way normal lenames are completed by the _path_les function, by using _multi_parts / patharray. If the i option is present, then any time there is a unique match it will immediately be inserted even if that requires additional separators to be inserted as well. When completing from a xed set of possible completions which are really words, this is often the expected behaviour; however, if _multi_parts should behave like completing pathnames, the i option should not be used. Like other utility functions, this function accepts the V, J, 1, 2, n, f, X, M, P, S, r, R, and q options and passes them to the compadd builtin. _next_label [ 12VJ ] tag name descr [ options ... ]

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This function should be called repeatedly to generate the tag labels. On each call it will check if another tag label is to be used and, if there is at least one, zero is returned. If no more tag labels are to be used, a nonzero status is returned. The 12JV options and the rst three arguments are given to the _description function using the tag label instead of the rst argument as appropriate. The options given after the descr should be other options to be used for compadd or whatever function is to be called to add the matches. _next_label will store these options in the parameter whose name is given as the second argument. This is done in such a way that the description given by the user to the tagorder style is preferred over the one given to _next_label. Note that this function must not be called without a previous call to _tags or _requested because it uses the tag label for the current tag found by these functions. A normal use of this function for the tag labels of the tag foo looks like this: local expl ret=1 ... if _requested foo; then ... while _next_label foo expl ...; do compadd " $expl[@]" ... && ret=0 done ... return ret _normal This function is used for normal command completion. It has two tasks: completing the rst word on the command line as the name of a command, and completing the arguments to this command. In the second case, the name of the command is looked up to see if special completions exists, including completions dened for patterns which match the name. If none is found, completion is performed for the context default. The function can also be called by other completion functions which need to treat a range of words as a command line. For example, the function to complete after the precommand speciers such as nohup removes the rst word from the words array, decrements the CURRENT parameter, then calls _normal again, with the effect that nohup cmd ... is treated the same way was cmd .... If the command name matches a pattern, the parameter _compskip is checked after the call to the corresponding completion function. This has the same effect here as in the rst context: if it is set, no more completion functions are called even if there are no matches so far. _options This can be used to complete option names. It uses a matching specication that ignores a leading no, ignores underscores and allows the user to type uppercase letters which will match their lowercase counterparts. All arguments passed to this function are propagated unchanged to the compadd builtin. _options_set and _options_unset These functions complete only set or unset options, with the same matching specication used in the _options function. Note that you need to uncomment a few lines in the _main_complete function for these functions to work properly. The lines in question are used to store the option settings in effect before the completion widget locally sets the options it needs. Hence these options are not generally used by the completion system. _parameters This should be used to complete parameter names. _parameters can take a g pattern option which species that only parameters whose type matches the pattern should be completed. Strings of the same form as those returned by the t parameter expansion ag are used here when matching the type. All other

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arguments are passed unchanged to the compadd builtin. _path_les The function _path_les is used throughout the completion system to complete lenames. It allows completion of partial paths. For example, the string /u/i/s/sig may be completed to /usr/include/sys/signal.h. The options accepted by both _path_les and _les are: f / Complete all lenames. This is the default. Species that only directories should be completed.

g pattern Species that only les matching the pattern should be completed. W paths Species path prexes that are to be prepended to the string from the line to generate the lenames but that should not be inserted in the line or shown in a completion listing. Here, paths may be the name of an array parameter, a literal list of paths enclosed in parentheses or an absolute pathname. F This option from the compadd builtin gives direct control over which lenames should be ignored. If the option is not present, the ignoredpatterns style is used.

These functions also accept the J, V, 1, 2, n, X, M, P, S, q, r, and R options from the compadd builtin. Finally, the _path_les function uses the styles expand, ambiguous, specialdirs, listsuffixes and lesort. _regex_arguments name specs ... This function is a compiler to generate a completion function. The rst argument species the name of the generated function while the remaining arguments specify a completion as a set of regular expressions with actions. The generated function has the structure of a nitestate machine whose states correspond to the state (i.e. the context) of the completion. This state machine uses a command line, which comes from the concatenation of the words array up to the current cursor position using null characters as separators with no extra quotation. This is analysed and at the end the appropriate action is executed. Specication arguments take one of following forms, in which metacharacters such as (, ), # and should be quoted. /pattern/ [%lookahead%] [guard] [:tag:descr:action] This is a primitive element, corresponding to one state of the compiled state machine. The state is entered if (#b)((#B)pattern)(#B)lookahead matches the command line string. If it matches, guard is evaluated and its return status is examined; if this is successful, the state is entered, otherwise the test fails and other candidates are tried. The pattern string [] is guaranteed never to match. If the test succeeds and the state is entered, the left part of the command line string matched as pattern is removed and the next state is tried, proceeding from inside to outside and from left to right. If no test succeeds and the remaining command line string contains no null character, the completion target is restricted to the remainder of the command line string and actions for the target are executed. In this case, nothing is actually removed from the command line string so that any previous or neighbouring state may also have actionss. actionss evaluation are ordered by the tagorder style and specied tag by _alternative. So, the various formats supported by _alternative can be used in action. descr is used for setting up the array parameter expl. /pattern/+ [%lookahead%] [guard] [:tag:descr:action] This is similar to /pattern/ ... but the left part of the command line string is also considered as part of the completion target. /pattern/ [%lookahead%] [guard] [:tag:descr:action]

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This is similar to /pattern/ ... but the actions of the current and previous states are ignored even if the following states pattern matches the empty string. ( spec ) This groups specs. spec # This allows any number of repetitions of spec. spec spec This represents the concatenation of two specs. spec spec Either of the two specs can be matched. _requested [ 12VJ ] tag [ name descr [ command args ... ] ] This function is called to decide whether a tag already registered by a call to _tags (see below) is requested and hence completion should be performed for it; it returns status zero if the tag is requested and nonzero otherwise. This will usually be done in a loop such as the following: _tags foo bar baz while _tags; do if _requested foo; then ... # perform completion for foo ... # test the tags bar and baz in the same way ... # exit loop if matches were generated done Note that the test for whether matches were generated is not performed until the end of the _tags loop. This is so that the user can specify a set of tags to be tested at the same time in the tagorder parameter. If the name and the descr are given, _requested calls the _description function with these arguments, including the options. If the command is given, the _all_labels function will be called immediately with the same arguments. This is often useful to do both the testing of the tag, getting the description for the matches and adding the matches at once. For example: local expl ret=1 _tags foo bar baz while _tags; do _requested foo expl description \ compadd foobar foobaz && ret=0 ... (( ret )) break done Note that this means that the command has to accept the options that have to be passed down to compadd. _retrieve_cache cache_identier This function retrieves completion information from the le given by cache_identier, stored in a directory specied by the cachepath style (defaults to /.zsh/cache). The return value is zero if retrieval was successful. It will only attempt retrieval if the usecache style is set, so you can call this function without worrying about whether the user wanted to use the caching layer. See _store_cache below for more details. _sep_parts This function is passed alternating arrays and separators as arguments. The arrays specify completions for parts of strings to be separated by the separators. The arrays may be the names of array parameters or a quoted list of words in parentheses. For example, with the array hosts=(ftp news) the call _sep_parts (foo bar) @ hosts will complete the string f to foo and the string b@n to bar@news.

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This function passes the V, J, 1, 2, n, X, M, P, S, r, R, and q options and their arguments to the compadd builtin used to add the matches. _setup tag [ group ] This function expects a tag as its argument and sets up the special parameters used by the completion system appropriately for the tag, using styles such as listcolors and lastprompt. The optional group gives the name of the group in which the matches will be placed. If it is not given, the tag is used as the group name. Note that this function is called automatically from _description so that one normally doesnt have to call it explicitly. _store_cache cache_identier vars ... This function, when combined with _retrieve_cache and _cache_invalid, makes it easy to implement a caching layer for your completion functions. If a completion function needs to perform a costly operation in order to generate data which is used to calculate completions, you can store that data in variables, and use this function to dump the values of those variables to a le. Then, if they are needed in subsequent shell invocations, they can be retrieved quickly from that le via _retrieve_cache, avoiding the need for repeating the costly operation. The cache_identier species the le which the data should be dumped to, and is stored in a directory specied by the cachepath style (defaults to /.zsh/cache). The remaining vars arguments are the variables to dump to the le. The return value is zero if storage was successful. The function will only attempt storage if the usecache style is set, so you can call this function without worrying about whether the user wanted to use the caching layer. If your completion function avoids calling _retrieve_cache when it already has the completion data in the environment, it should probably at least call _cache_invalid to check whether this data and the data cached on disk is still valid. See the _perl_modules completion function for a simple example of usage of this caching layer. _tags [ C name [ tags ... ] ] If called with arguments, these are taken as the names of the tags for the types of matches the calling completion function can generate in the current context. These tags are stored internally and sorted by using the tagorder style. Following calls to this function without arguments from the same function will then select the rst, second, etc. set of tags requested by the user. To test if a certain tag should be tried, the _requested function has to be called (see above). The return value is zero if at least one of the tags is requested and nonzero otherwise. This function also accepts the C option followed by a name. This name is temporarily (i.e. not visible outside _tags) stored in the argument eld of the context name in the curcontext parameter. This allows _tags to be made to use a more specic context name without having to change and reset the curcontext parameter (which would otherwise have the same effect). _values specs ... This is used to complete values (strings) and their arguments or lists of such values. It can be used in two ways. If the rst argument is the option O name, this will be used in the same way as by the _arguments function, in other words the elements of the name array will be given to calls to compadd and when executing an action. Otherwise, if the rst argument (or the rst argument after the O name option if that is used) is the option s, the next argument is used as the character that separates multiple values. Thus the values completed appear in the same word on the command line, unlike completion using _arguments.

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The rst argument (after the options and separator character if they are given) is used as a string to print as a description before listing the values. All other arguments describe the possible values and their arguments in the same format used for the description of options by the _arguments function (see above). The only differences are that no minus or plus sign is required at the beginning, that values can have only one argument and that those forms of actions beginning with an equal sign are not supported. The character separating a value from its argument can be set using the option S (like s, followed by the character to use as the separator in the next argument). If this option is not used, the equal sign will be used as the separator. Example: _values s , description \ foo[bar] \ (two) one[number]:rst count: \ two[another number]::second count:(1 2 3) This describes three possible values: foo, one, and two. The rst is described as bar, takes no argument and may appear more than once. The second is described as number, may appear more than once, and takes one mandatory argument described as rst count for which no action is specied so that it will not be completed automatically. The (two) at the beginning says that if the value one is on the line, the value two will not be considered to be a possible completion anymore. Finally, the last value (two) is described as another number and takes an optional argument described as second count which will be completed from the strings 1, 2, and 3. The _values function will complete lists of these values separated by commas. Like _arguments this function temporarily adds another context name component to the current context name while executing the action. Here this name is just the name of the value for which the argument is completed. To decide if the descriptions for the values (not those for the arguments) should be printed, the style verbose is used. One last difference from _arguments is that this function uses the associative array val_args to report values and their arguments, although otherwise this is the same as the opt_args association used by _arguments. This also means that the function calling _values should declare the state, line, context and val_args parameters as in: local context state line typeset A val_args when using an action of the form >string. With this function the context parameter will be set to the name of the value whose argument is to be completed. Note also that _values normally adds the character used as the separator between values as a autoremovable suffix so that users dont have to type it themselves. But when using a >string action _values cant do that because the matches for the argument will be generated by the calling function. To get the usual behaviour, the implementor of the calling function has to add the suffix directly by passing the options qS x (where x is the separator character specied with the s option of _values) to the function generating the matches or to the compadd builtin. Like _arguments, _values supports the C option in which case you have to make the parameter curcontext local instead of context (as described above). _wanted [ C name ] [ 12VJ ] tag name descr command args ... In many contexts, completion will generate one particular set of matches (usually corresponding to a single tag); however, it is still necessary to decide whether the user requires matches of this type. This function is useful in such a case.

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Like _requested, it should be passed arguments as for _description. It calls _tags with the given tag and if that returns zero (so that the tag is requested by the user) it calls _description. Hence to offer only one tag and immediately use the description generated: _wanted tag expl description \ compadd matches... Unlike _requested, however, _wanted cannot be called without the command. This is because _wanted also implements the loop over the tags, not just the one for the labels; conversely, it should not be called in the middle of a _tags loop. Note that, as for _requested, the command has to accept the options that have to be passed down to compadd. Like _tags this function supports the C option to give a different name for the argument context eld.

In the source distribution, the les are contained in various subdirectories of the Completion directory. They may have been installed in the same structure, or into one single function directory. The following is a description of the les found in the original directory structure. If you wish to alter an installed le, you will need to copy it to some directory which appears earlier in your fpath than the standard directory where it appears. Base The core functions and special completion widgets automatically bound to keys. You will certainly need most of these, though will probably not need to alter them. Many of these are documented above. Functions for completing arguments of shell builtin commands and utility functions for this. Some of these are also used by functions from the Unix directory. Functions for completing arguments of external commands and suites of commands. They may need modifying for your system, although in many cases some attempt is made to decide which version of a command is present. For example, completion for the mount command tries to determine the system it is running on, while completion for many other utilities try to decide whether the GNU version of the command is in use, and hence whether the help option is supported..

Zsh Unix

X, AIX, BSD, ... Completion and utility function for commands available only on some systems.

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zshcompctl zsh programmable completion


This version of zsh has two ways of performing completion of words on the command line. New users of the shell may prefer to use the newer and more powerful system based on shell functions; this is described in zshcompsys(1), and the basic shell mechanisms which support it are described in zshcompwid(1). This manual entry describes the older compctl command.

compctl [ CDT ] options [ command ... ] compctl [ CDT ] options [ x pattern options ... ] [ + options [ x ... ] ... [+] ] [ command ... ] compctl M matchspecs ... compctl L [ CDTM ] [ command ... ] compctl + command ... Control the editors completion behavior according to the supplied set of options. Various editing commands, notably expandorcompleteword, usually bound to tab, will attempt to complete a word typed by the user, while others, notably deletecharorlist, usually bound to in EMACS editing mode, list D the possibilities; compctl controls what those possibilities are. They may for example be lenames (the most common case, and hence the default), shell variables, or words from a userspecied list.

Completion of the arguments of a command may be different for each command or may use the default. The behavior when completing the command word itself may also be separately specied. These correspond to the following ags and arguments, all of which (except for L) may be combined with any combination of the options described subsequently in the section Option Flags: command ... controls completion for the named commands, which must be listed last on the command line. If completion is attempted for a command with a pathname containing slashes and no completion denition is found, the search is retried with the last pathname component. If the command starts with a =, completion is tried with the pathname of the command. Any of the command strings may be patterns of the form normally used for lename generation. These should be be quoted to protect them from immediate expansion; for example the command string foo arranges for completion of the words of any command beginning with foo. When completion is attempted, all pattern completions are tried in the reverse order of their denition until one matches. By default, completion then proceeds as normal, i.e. the shell will try to generate more matches for the specic command on the command line; this can be overridden by including tn in the ags for the pattern completion. Note that aliases are expanded before the command name is determined unless the COMPLETE_ALIASES option is set. Commands may not be combined with the C, D or T ags. C controls completion when the command word itself is being completed. If no compctl C command has been issued, the names of any executable command (whether in the path or specic to the shell, such as aliases or functions) are completed. controls default completion behavior for the arguments of commands not assigned any special behavior. If no compctl D command has been issued, lenames are completed. supplies completion ags to be used before any other processing is done, even before processing for compctls dened for specic commands. This is especially useful when combined with extended completion (the x ag, see the section Extended Completion below). Using this ag you can dene default behavior which will apply to all commands without exception, or you can alter the standard behavior for all commands. For example, if your access to the user database is too slow and/or it contains too many users (so that completion after is too slow to be usable),


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you can use compctl T x s[] C[0,[ /]#] k friends S/ tn to complete the strings in the array friends after a . The C[...] argument is necessary so that this form of completion is not tried after the directory name is nished. L lists the existing completion behavior in a manner suitable for putting into a startup script; the existing behavior is not changed. Any combination of the above forms, or the M ag (which must follow the L ag), may be specied, otherwise all dened completions are listed. Any other ags supplied are ignored.

no argument If no argument is given, compctl lists all dened completions in an abbreviated form; with a list of options, all completions with those ags set (not counting extended completion) are listed. If the + ag is alone and followed immediately by the command list, the completion behavior for all the commands in the list is reset to the default. In other words, completion will subsequently use the options specied by the D ag. The form with M as the rst and only option denes global matching specications (see zshcompwid). The match specications given will be used for every completion attempt (only when using compctl, not with the new completion system) and are tried in the order in which they are dened until one generates at least one match. E.g.: compctl M m:{azAZ}={AZaz} This will rst try completion without any global match specications (the empty string) and, if that generates no matches, will try case insensitive completion.

[ fcFBdeaRGovNAIOPZEnbjrzu/12 ] [ k array ] [ g globstring ] [ s subststring ] [ K function ] [ Q ] [ P prex ] [ S suffix ] [ W leprex ] [ H num pattern ] [ q ] [ X explanation ] [ Y explanation ] [ y funcorvar ] [ l cmd ] [ h cmd ] [ U ] [ t continue ] [ J name ] [ V name ] [ M matchspec ] The remaining options specify the type of command arguments to look for during completion. Any combination of these ags may be specied; the result is a sorted list of all the possibilities. The options are as follows.
Simple Flags

These produce completion lists made up by the shell itself: f / c F B m w a R Filenames and lesystem paths. Just lesystem paths. Command names, including aliases, shell functions, builtins and reserved words. Function names. Names of builtin commands. Names of external commands. Reserved words. Alias names. Names of regular (nonglobal) aliases.

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G d e

Names of global aliases. This can be combined with F, B, w, a, R and G to get names of disabled functions, builtins, reserved words or aliases. This option (to show enabled commands) is in effect by default, but may be combined with d; de in combination with F, B, w, a, R and G will complete names of functions, builtins, reserved words or aliases whether or not they are disabled. Names of shell options (see zshoptions(1)). Names of any variable dened in the shell. Names of scalar (nonarray) parameters. Array names. Names of integer variables. Names of readonly variables. Names of parameters used by the shell (including special parameters). Names of shell special parameters. Names of environment variables. Named directories. Key binding names. Job names: the rst word of the job leaders command line. This is useful with the kill builtin. Names of running jobs. Names of suspended jobs. User names.

o v N A I O p Z E n b j r z u

Flags with Arguments

These have user supplied arguments to determine how the list of completions is to be made up: k array Names taken from the elements of $array (note that the $ does not appear on the command line). Alternatively, the argument array itself may be a set of space or commaseparated values in parentheses, in which any delimiter may be escaped with a backslash; in this case the argument should be quoted. For example, compctl k " (cputime lesize datasize stacksize coredumpsize resident descriptors)" limit g globstring The globstring is expanded using lename globbing; it should be quoted to protect it from immediate expansion. The resulting lenames are taken as the possible completions. Use (/) instead of for directories. The gnore special parameter is not applied to the resulting les. / More than one pattern may be given separated by blanks. (Note that brace expansion is not part of globbing. Use the syntax (eitheror) to match alternatives.) s subststring The subststring is split into words and these words are than expanded using all shell expansion mechanisms (see zshexpn(1)). The resulting words are taken as possible completions. The gnore special parameter is not applied to the resulting les. Note that g is faster for lenames. K function Call the given function to get the completions. Unless the name starts with an underscore, the function is passed two arguments: the prex and the suffix of the word on which completion is to be attempted, in other words those characters before the cursor position, and those from the cursor

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position onwards. The whole command line can be accessed with the c and l ags of the read builtin. The function should set the variable reply to an array containing the completions (one completion per element); note that reply should not be made local to the function. From such a function the command line can be accessed with the c and l ags to the read builtin. For example, function whoson { reply=(users); } compctl K whoson talk completes only loggedon users after talk. Note that whoson must return an array, so reply=users would be incorrect. H num pattern The possible completions are taken from the last num history lines. Only words matching pattern are taken. If num is zero or negative the whole history is searched and if pattern is the empty string all words are taken (as with A typical use is ). compctl D f + H 0 which forces completion to look back in the history list for a word if no lename matches.
Control Flags

These do not directly specify types of name to be completed, but manipulate the options that do: Q This instructs the shell not to quote any metacharacters in the possible completions. Normally the results of a completion are inserted into the command line with any metacharacters quoted so that they are interpreted as normal characters. This is appropriate for lenames and ordinary strings. However, for special effects, such as inserting a backquoted expression from a completion array (k) so that the expression will not be evaluated until the complete line is executed, this option must be used.

P prex The prex is inserted just before the completed string; any initial part already typed will be completed and the whole prex ignored for completion purposes. For example, compctl j P " %" kill inserts a % after the kill command and then completes job names. S suffix When a completion is found the suffix is inserted after the completed string. In the case of menu completion the suffix is inserted immediately, but it is still possible to cycle through the list of completions by repeatedly hitting the same key. W leprex With directory leprex: for command, le, directory and globbing completion (options c, f, /, g), the le prex is implicitly added in front of the completion. For example, compctl / W /Mail maildirs completes any subdirectories to any depth beneath the directory /Mail, although that prex does not appear on the command line. The leprex may also be of the form accepted by the k ag, i.e. the name of an array or a literal list in parenthesis. In this case all the directories in the list will be searched for possible completions. q If used with a suffix as specied by the S option, this causes the suffix to be removed if the next character typed is a blank or does not insert anything or if the suffix consists of only one character and the next character typed is the same character; this the same rule used for the AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH option. The option is most useful for list separators (comma, colon, etc.).

l cmd This option restricts the range of command line words that are considered to be arguments. If combined with one of the extended completion patterns p[...], r[...], or R[...] (see the section

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Extended Completion below) the range is restricted to the range of arguments specied in the brackets. Completion is then performed as if these had been given as arguments to the cmd supplied with the option. If the cmd string is empty the rst word in the range is instead taken as the command name, and command name completion performed on the rst word in the range. For example, compctl x r[exec,;] l nd completes arguments between exec and the following ; (or the end of the command line if there is no such string) as if they were a separate command line. h cmd Normally zsh completes quoted strings as a whole. With this option, completion can be done separately on different parts of such strings. It works like the l option but makes the completion code work on the parts of the current word that are separated by spaces. These parts are completed as if they were arguments to the given cmd. If cmd is the empty string, the rst part is completed as a command name, as with l. U Use the whole list of possible completions, whether or not they actually match the word on the command line. The word typed so far will be deleted. This is most useful with a function (given by the K option) which can examine the word components passed to it (or via the read builtins c and l ags) and use its own criteria to decide what matches. If there is no completion, the original word is retained. Since the produced possible completions seldom have interesting common prexes and suffixes, menu completion is started immediately if AUTO_MENU is set and this ag is used.

y funcorvar The list provided by funcorvar is displayed instead of the list of completions whenever a listing is required; the actual completions to be inserted are not affected. It can be provided in two ways. Firstly, if funcorvar begins with a $ it denes a variable, or if it begins with a left parenthesis a literal array, which contains the list. A variable may have been set by a call to a function using the K option. Otherwise it contains the name of a function which will be executed to create the list. The function will be passed as an argument list all matching completions, including prexes and suffixes expanded in full, and should set the array reply to the result. In both cases, the display list will only be retrieved after a complete list of matches has been created. Note that the returned list does not have to correspond, even in length, to the original set of matches, and may be passed as a scalar instead of an array. No special formatting of characters is performed on the output in this case; in particular, newlines are printed literally and if they appear output in columns is suppressed. X explanation Print explanation when trying completion on the current set of options. A %n in this string is replaced by the number of matches that were added for this explanation string. The explanation only appears if completion was tried and there was no unique match, or when listing completions. Explanation strings will be listed together with the matches of the group specied together with the X option (using the J or V option). If the same explanation string is given to multiple X options, the string appears only once (for each group) and the number of matches shown for the %n is the total number of all matches for each of these uses. In any case, the explanation string will only be shown if there was at least one match added for the explanation string. The sequences %B, %b, %S, %s, %U, and %u specify output attributes (bold, standout, and underline) and %{...%} can be used to include literal escape sequences as in prompts. Y explanation Identical to X, except that the explanation rst undergoes expansion following the usual rules for strings in double quotes. The expansion will be carried out after any functions are called for the K or y options, allowing them to set variables. t continue

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The continuestring contains a character that species which set of completion ags should be used next. It is useful: (i) With T, or when trying a list of pattern completions, when compctl would usually continue with ordinary processing after nding matches; this can be suppressed with tn. (ii) With a list of alternatives separated by +, when compctl would normally stop when one of the alternatives generates matches. It can be forced to consider the next set of completions by adding t+ to the ags of the alternative before the +. (iii) In an extended completion list (see below), when compctl would normally continue until a set of conditions succeeded, then use only the immediately following ags. With t, compctl will continue trying extended completions after the next ; with tx it will attempt completion with the default ags, in other words those before the x. J name This gives the name of the group the matches should be placed in. Groups are listed and sorted separately; likewise, menu completion will offer the matches in the groups in the order in which the groups were dened. If no group name is explicitly given, the matches are stored in a group named default. The rst time a group name is encountered, a group with that name is created. After that all matches with the same group name are stored in that group. This can be useful with nonexclusive alternative completions. For example, in compctl f J les t+ + v J variables foo both les and variables are possible completions, as the t+ forces both sets of alternatives before and after the + to be considered at once. Because of the J options, however, all les are listed before all variables. V name Like J, but matches within the group will not be sorted in listings nor in menu completion. These unsorted groups are in a different name space from the sorted ones, so groups dened as J les and V les are distinct. 1 2 If given together with the V option, makes only consecutive duplicates in the group be removed. Note that groups with and without this ag are in different name spaces. If given together with the J or V option, makes all duplicates be kept. Again, groups with and without this ag are in different name spaces.

M matchspec This denes additional matching control specications that should be used only when testing words for the list of ags this ag appears in. The format of the matchspec string is described in zshcompwid.

compctl [ CDT ] options + options [ + ... ] [ + ] command ... The form with + species alternative options. Completion is tried with the options before the rst +. If this produces no matches completion is tried with the ags after the + and so on. If there are no ags after the last + and a match has not been found up to that point, default completion is tried. If the list of ags contains a t with a + character, the next list of ags is used even if the current list produced matches.

compctl [ CDT ] options x pattern options ... [ command ... ] compctl [ CDT ] options [ x pattern options ... ] [ + options [ x ... ] ... [+] ] [ command ... ] The form with x species extended completion for the commands given; as shown, it may be combined with alternative completion using +. Each pattern is examined in turn; when a match is found, the

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corresponding options, as described in the section Option Flags above, are used to generate possible completions. If no pattern matches, the options given before the x are used. Note that each pattern should be supplied as a single argument and should be quoted to prevent expansion of metacharacters by the shell. A pattern is built of subpatterns separated by commas; it matches if at least one of these subpatterns matches (they are ored). These subpatterns are in turn composed of other subpatterns separated by white spaces which match if all of the subpatterns match (they are anded). An element of the subpatterns is of the form c[...][...], where the pairs of brackets may be repeated as often as necessary, and matches if any of the sets of brackets match (an or). The example below makes this clearer. The elements may be any of the following: s[string]... Matches if the current word on the command line starts with one of the strings given in brackets. The string is not removed and is not part of the completion. S[string]... Like s[string] except that the string is part of the completion. p[from,to]... Matches if the number of the current word is between one of the from and to pairs inclusive. The comma and to are optional; to defaults to the same value as from. The numbers may be negative: n refers to the nth last word on the line. c[offset,string]... Matches if the string matches the word offset by offset from the current word position. Usually offset will be negative. C[offset,pattern]... Like c but using pattern matching instead. w[index,string]... Matches if the word in position index is equal to the corresponding string. Note that the word count is made after any alias expansion. W[index,pattern]... Like w but using pattern matching instead. n[index,string]... Matches if the current word contains string. Anything up to and including the indexth occurrence of this string will not be considered part of the completion, but the rest will. index may be negative to count from the end: in most cases, index will be 1 or 1. For example, compctl s users x n[1,@] k hosts talk will usually complete usernames, but if you insert an @ after the name, names from the array hosts (assumed to contain hostnames, though you must make the array yourself) will be completed. Other commands such as rcp can be handled similarly. N[index,string]... Like n except that the string will be taken as a character class. Anything up to and including the indexth occurrence of any of the characters in string will not be considered part of the completion. m[min,max]... Matches if the total number of words lies between min and max inclusive. r[str1,str2]... Matches if the cursor is after a word with prex str1. If there is also a word with prex str2 on the command line after the one matched by str1 it matches only if the cursor is before this word. If the comma and str2 are omitted, it matches if the cursor is after a word with prex str1. R[str1,str2]...

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Like r but using pattern matching instead. q[str]... Matches the word currently being completed is in single quotes and the str begins with the letter s, or if completion is done in double quotes and str starts with the letter d, or if completion is done in backticks and str starts with a b.

compctl u x s[+] c[1,f],s[f+] \ g /Mail/ (:t) s[f],c[1,f] f mail This is to be interpreted as follows: If the current command is mail, then if ((the current word begins with + and the previous word is f) or (the current word begins with f+)), then complete the nondirectory part (the :t glob modier) of les in the directory /Mail; else if the current word begins with f or the previous word was f, then complete any le; else complete user names.

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zshmodules zsh loadable modules


Some optional parts of zsh are in modules, separate from the core of the shell. Each of these modules may be linked in to the shell at build time, or can be dynamically linked while the shell is running if the installation supports this feature. The modules that are bundled with the zsh distribution are: zsh/cap Builtins for manipulating POSIX.1e (POSIX.6) capability (privilege) sets. zsh/clone A builtin that can clone a running shell onto another terminal. zsh/compctl The compctl builtin for controlling completion. zsh/complete The basic completion code. zsh/complist Completion listing extensions. zsh/computil A module with utility builtins needed for the shell function based completion system. zsh/deltochar A ZLE function duplicating EMACS zaptochar. zsh/example An example of how to write a module. zsh/les Some basic le manipulation commands as builtins. zsh/maple Access to external les via a special associative array. zsh/mathfunc Standard scientic functions for use in mathematical evaluations. zsh/parameter Access to internal hash tables via special associative arrays. zsh/sched A builtin that provides a timed execution facility within the shell. zsh/stat A builtin command interface to the stat system call. zsh/termcap Interface to the termcap database. zsh/terminfo Interface to the terminfo database. zsh/zftp A builtin FTP client. zsh/zle The Zsh Line Editor, including the bindkey and vared builtins. zsh/zleparameter Access to internals of the Zsh Line Editor via parameters. zsh/zprof A module allowing proling for shell functions. zsh/zpty A builtin for starting a command in a pseudoterminal.

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zsh/zutil Some utility builtins, e.g. the one for supporting conguration via styles.

The zsh/cap module is used for manipulating POSIX.1e (POSIX.6) capability sets. If the operating system does not support this interface, the builtins dened by this module will do nothing. The builtins in this module are: cap [ capabilities ] Change the shells process capability sets to the specied capabilities, otherwise display the shells current capabilities. getcap lename ... This is a builtin implementation of the POSIX standard utility. It displays the capability sets on each specied lename. setcap capabilities lename ... This is a builtin implementation of the POSIX standard utility. It sets the capability sets on each specied lename to the specied capabilities.

The zsh/clone module makes available one builtin command: clone tty Creates a forked instance of the current shell, attached to the specied tty. In the new shell, the PID, PPID and TTY special parameters are changed appropriately. $! is set to zero in the new shell, and to the new shells PID in the original shell. The return value of the builtin is zero in both shells if successful, and nonzero on error.

The zsh/compctl module makes available two builtin commands. compctl, is the old, deprecated way to control completions for ZLE. See zshcompctl(1). The other builtin command, compcall can be used in userdened completion widgets, see zshcompwid(1).

The zsh/complete module makes available several builtin commands which can be used in userdened completion widgets, see zshcompwid(1).

The zsh/complist module offers three extensions to completion listings: the ability to highlight matches in such a list, the ability to scroll through long lists and a different style of menu completion.
Colored completion listings

Whenever one of the parameters ZLS_COLORS or ZLS_COLOURS is set and the zsh/complist module is loaded or linked into the shell, completion lists will be colored. Note, however, that complist will not automatically be loaded if it is not linked in: on systems with dynamic loading, zmodload zsh/complist is required. The parameters ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS describe how matches are highlighted. To turn on highlighting an empty value suffices, in which case all the default values given below will be used. The format of the value of these parameters is the same as used by the GNU version of the ls command: a colonseparated list of specications of the form name=value. The name may be one of the following strings, most of which specify le types for which the value will be used. The strings and their default values are: no 0 0 di 32 ln 36 for normal text (i.e. when displaying something other than a matched le) for regular les for directories for symbolic links

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pi 31 so 33

for named pipes (FIFOs) for sockets

bd 44;37 for block devices cd 44;37 for character devices ex 35 mi none for a nonexistent le (default is the value dened for ) lc \e[ rc m tc 0 sp 0 for the left code (see below) for the right code for the character indicating the le type printed after lenames if the LIST_TYPES option is set for the spaces printed after matches to align the next column for executable les

ec none for the end code Apart from these strings, the name may also be an asterisk ( followed by any string. The value given for ) such a string will be used for all les whose name ends with the string. The name may also be an equals sign (=) followed by a pattern. The value given for this pattern will be used for all matches (not just lenames) whose display string are matched by the pattern. Denitions for both of these take precedence over the values dened for le types and the form with the leading asterisk takes precedence over the form with the leading equal sign. The last form also allows different parts of the displayed strings to be colored differently. For this, the pattern has to use the (#b) globbing ag and pairs of parentheses surrounding the parts of the strings that are to be colored differently. In this case the value may consist of more than one color code separated by equal signs. The rst code will be used for all parts for which no explicit code is specied and the following codes will be used for the parts matched by the subpatterns in parentheses. For example, the specication =(#b)(?) (?)=0=3=7 will be used for all matches which are at least two characters long and will use the code 3 for the rst character, 7 for the last character and 0 for the rest. All three forms of name may be preceded by a pattern in parentheses. If this is given, the value will be used only for matches in groups whose names are matched by the pattern given in the parentheses. For example, (g =43 highlights all matches beginning with m in groups whose names begin with g using the )m color code 43. In case of the lc, rc, and ec codes, the group pattern is ignored. Note also that all patterns are tried in the order in which they appear in the parameter value until the rst one matches which is then used. When printing a match, the code prints the value of lc, the value for the letype or the last matching specication with a the value of rc, the string to display for the match itself, and then the value of ec if , that is dened or the values of lc, no, and rc if ec is not dened. The default values are ISO 6429 (ANSI) compliant and can be used on vt100 compatible terminals such as xterms. On monochrome terminals the default values will have no visible effect. The colors function from the contribution can be used to get associative arrays containing the codes for ANSI terminals (see the section Other Functions in zshcontrib(1)). For example, after loading colors, one could use $colors[red] to get the code for foreground color red and $colors[bggreen] for the code for background color green. If the completion system invoked by compinit is used, these parameters should not be set directly because the system controls them itself. Instead, the listcolors style should be used (see the section Completion System Conguration in zshcompsys(1)).

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Scrolling in completion listings

To enable scrolling through a completion list, the LISTPROMPT parameter must be set. Its value will be used as the prompt; if it is the empty string, a default prompt will be used. The value may contain escapes of the form %x. It supports the escapes %B, %b, %S, %s, %U, %u and %{...%} used also in shell prompts as well as three pairs of additional sequences: a %l or %L is replaced by the number of the last line shown and the total number of lines in the form number/total; a %m or %M is replaced with the number of the last match shown and the total number of matches; and %p or %P is replaced with Top, Bottom or the position of the rst line shown in percent of the total number of lines, respectively. In each of these cases the form with the uppercase letter will be replaced with a string of xed width, padded to the right with spaces, while the lowercase form will not be padded. If the parameter LISTPROMPT is set, the completion code will not ask if the list should be shown. Instead it immediately starts displaying the list, stopping after the rst screenful, showing the prompt at the bottom, waiting for a keypress after temporarily switching to the listscroll keymap. Some of the zle functions have a special meaning while scrolling lists: sendbreak stops listing discarding the key pressed acceptline, downhistory, downlineorhistory downlineorsearch, vidownlineorhistory scrolls forward one line completeword, menucomplete, expandorcomplete expandorcompleteprex, menucompleteorexpand scrolls forward one screenful Every other character stops listing and immediately processes the key as usual. Any key that is not bound in the listscroll keymap or that is bound to undenedkey is looked up in the keymap currently selected. As for the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters, LISTPROMPT should not be set directly when using the shell function based completion system. Instead, the listprompt style should be used.
Menu selection

The zsh/complist module also offers an alternative style of selecting matches from a list, called menu selection, which can be used if the shell is set up to return to the last prompt after showing a completion list (see the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option in zshoptions(1)). It can be invoked directly by the widget menuselect dened by the module. Alternatively, the parameter MENUSELECT can be set to an integer, which gives the minimum number of matches that must be present before menu selection is automatically turned on. This second method requires that menu completion be started, either directly from a widget such as menucomplete, or due to one of the options MENU_COMPLETE or AUTO_MENU being set. If MENUSELECT is set, but is 0, 1 or empty, menu selection will always be started during an ambiguous menu completion. When using the completion system based on shell functions, the MENUSELECT parameter should not be used (like the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters described above). Instead, the menu style should be used with the select=... keyword. After menu selection is started, the matches will be listed. If there are more matches than t on the screen, only the rst screenful is shown. The matches to insert into the command line can be selected from this list. In the list one match is highlighted using the value for ma from the ZLS_COLORS or ZLS_COLOURS parameter. The default value for this is 7 which forces the selected match to be highlighted using standout mode on a vt100compatible terminal. If neither ZLS_COLORS nor ZLS_COLOURS is set, the same terminal control sequence as for the %S escape in prompts is used. If there are more matches than t on the screen and the parameter MENUPROMPT is set, its value will be shown below the matches. It supports the same escape sequences as LISTPROMPT, but the number of the match or line shown will be that of the one where the mark is placed. If its value is the empty string, a default prompt will be used.

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The MENUSCROLL parameter can be used to specify how the list is scrolled. If the parameter is unset, this is done line by line, if it is set to 0 (zero), the list will scroll half the number of lines of the screen. If the value is positive, it gives the number of lines to scroll and if it is negative, the list will be scrolled the number of lines of the screen minus the (absolute) value. As for the ZLS_COLORS, ZLS_COLOURS and LISTPROMPT parameters, neither MENUPROMPT nor MENUSCROLL should be set directly when using the shell function based completion system. Instead, the selectprompt and selectscroll styles should be used. The completion code sometimes decides not to show all of the matches in the list. These hidden matches are either matches for which the completion function which added them explicitly requested that they not appear in the list (using the n option of the compadd builtin command) or they are matches which duplicate a string already in the list (because they differ only in things like prexes or suffixes that are not displayed). In the list used for menu selection, however, even these matches are shown so that it is possible to select them. To highlight such matches the hi and du capabilities in the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters are supported for hidden matches of the rst and second kind, respectively. Selecting matches is done by moving the mark around using the zle movement functions. When not all matches can be shown on the screen at the same time, the list will scroll up and down when crossing the top or bottom line. The following zle functions have special meaning during menu selection: acceptline accepts the current match and leaves menu selection sendbreak leaves menu selection and restores the previous contents of the command line redisplay, clearscreen execute their normal function without leaving menu selection acceptandhold, acceptandmenucomplete accept the currently inserted match and continue selection allowing to select the next match to insert into the line acceptandinfernexthistory accepts the current match and then tries completion with menu selection again; in the case of les this allows one to select a directory and immediately attempt to complete les in it; if there are no matches, a message is shown and one can use undo to go back to completion on the previous level, every other key leaves menu selection (including the other zle functions which are otherwise special during menu selection) undo removes matches inserted during the menu selection by one of the three functions before downhistory, downlineorhistory vidownlineorhistory, downlineorsearch moves the mark one line down uphistory, uplineorhistory viuplineorhistory, uplineorsearch moves the mark one line up forwardchar, viforwardchar moves the mark one column right backwardchar, vibackwardchar moves the mark one column left forwardword, viforwardword viforwardwordend, emacsforwardword moves the mark one screenful down backwardword, vibackwardword, emacsbackwardword

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moves the mark one screenful up viforwardblankword, viforwardblankwordend moves the mark to the rst line of the next group of matches vibackwardblankword moves the mark to the last line of the previous group of matches beginningofhistory moves the mark to the rst line endofhistory moves the mark to the last line beginningofbufferorhistory, beginningofline beginningoflinehist, vibeginningofline moves the mark to the leftmost column endofbufferorhistory, endofline endoflinehist, viendofline moves the mark to the rightmost column completeword, menucomplete, expandorcomplete expandorcompleteprex, menuexpandorcomplete moves the mark to the next match reversemenucomplete moves the mark to the previous match All movement functions wrap around at the edges; any other zle function not listed leaves menu selection and executes that function. It is possible to make widgets in the above list do the same by using the form of the widget with a . in front. For example, the widget .acceptline has the effect of leaving menu selection and accepting the entire command line. During this selection the widget uses the keymap menuselect. Any key that is not dened in this keymap or that is bound to undenedkey is looked up in the keymap currently selected. This is used to ensure that the most important keys used during selection (namely the cursor keys, return, and TAB) have sensible defaults. However, keys in the menuselect keymap can be modied directly using the bindkey builtin command (see zshmodules(1)). For example, to make the return key leave menu selection without accepting the match currently selected one could call bindkey M menuselect sendbreak M after loading the zsh/complist module.

The zsh/computil module adds several builtin commands that are used by some of the completion functions in the completion system based on shell functions (see zshcompsys(1) ). Except for compquote these builtin commands are very specialised and thus not very interesting when writing your own completion functions. In summary, these builtin commands are: comparguments This is used by the _arguments function to do the argument and command line parsing. Like compdescribe it has an option i to do the parsing and initialize some internal state and various options to access the state information to decide what should be completed. compdescribe This is used by the _describe function to build the displays for the matches and to get the strings to add as matches with their options. On the rst call one of the options i or I should be supplied as the rst argument. In the rst case, display strings without the descriptions will be generated, in the second case, the string used to separate the matches from their descriptions must be given as the second argument and the descriptions (if any) will be shown. All other arguments are

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like the denition arguments to _describe itself. Once compdescribe has been called with either the i or the I option, it can be repeatedly called with the g option and the names of ve arrays as its arguments. This will step through the different sets of matches and store the options in the rst array, the strings with descriptions in the second, the matches for these in the third, the strings without descriptions in the fourth, and the matches for them in the fth array. These are then directly given to compadd to register the matches with the completion code. comples Used by the _path_les function to optimize complex recursive lename generation (globbing). It does three things. With the p and P options it builds the glob patterns to use, including the paths already handled and trying to optimize the patterns with respect to the prex and suffix from the line and the match specication currently used. The i option does the directory tests for the ignoreparents style and the r option tests if a component for some of the matches are equal to the string on the line and removes all other matches if that is true. compgroups Used by the _tags function to implement the internals of the grouporder style. This only takes its arguments as names of completion groups and creates the groups for it (all six types: sorted and unsorted, both without removing duplicates, with removing all duplicates and with removing consecutive duplicates). compquote [ p ] names ... There may be reasons to write completion functions that have to add the matches using the Q option to compadd and perform quoting themselves. Instead of interpreting the rst character of the all_quotes key of the compstate special association and using the q ag for parameter expansions, one can use this builtin command. The arguments are the names of scalar or array parameters and the values of these parameters are quoted as needed for the innermost quoting level. If the p option is given, quoting is done as if there is some prex before the values of the parameters, so that a leading equal sign will not be quoted. The return value is nonzero in case of an error and zero otherwise. comptags comptry These implement the internals of the tags mechanism. compvalues Like comparguments, but for the _values function.

The zsh/deltochar module makes available two ZLE functions: deletetochar Read a character from the keyboard, and delete from the cursor position up to and including the next (or, with repeat count n, the nth) instance of that character. Negative repeat counts mean delete backwards. zaptochar This behaves like deletetochar, except that the nal occurrence of the character itself is not deleted.

The zsh/example module makes available one builtin command: example [ ags ] [ args ... ] Displays the ags and arguments it is invoked with.

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The purpose of the module is to serve as an example of how to write a module.


The zsh/les module makes some standard commands available as builtins: chgrp [ Rs ] group lename ... Changes group of les specied. This is equivalent to chown with a userspec argument of :group. chown [ Rs ] userspec lename ... Changes ownership and group of les specied. The userspec can be in four forms: user change owner to user; do not change group user:: change owner to user; do not change group user: change owner to user; change group to users primary group user:group change owner to user; change group to group :group do not change owner; change group to group In each case, the : may instead be a .. The rule is that if there is a : then the separator is :, otherwise if there is a . then the separator is ., otherwise there is no separator. Each of user and group may be either a username (or group name, as appropriate) or a decimal user ID (group ID). Interpretation as a name takes precedence, if there is an allnumeric username (or group name). The R option causes chown to recursively descend into directories, changing the ownership of all les in the directory after changing the ownership of the directory itself. The s option is a zsh extension to chown functionality. It enables paranoid behaviour, intended to avoid security problems involving a chown being tricked into affecting les other than the ones intended. It will refuse to follow symbolic links, so that (for example) chown luser /tmp/foo/passwd cant accidentally chown /etc/passwd if /tmp/foo happens to be a link to /etc. It will also check where it is after leaving directories, so that a recursive chown of a deep directory tree cant end up recursively chowning /usr as a result of directories being moved up the tree. ln [ ds ] lename dest ln [ ds ] lename ... dir Creates hard (or, with s, symbolic) links. In the rst form, the specied destination is created, as a link to the specied lename. In the second form, each of the lenames is taken in turn, and linked to a pathname in the specied directory that has the same last pathname component. Normally, ln will not attempt to create hard links to directories. This check can be overridden using the d option. Typically only the superuser can actually succeed in creating hard links to directories. This does not apply to symbolic links in any case. By default, existing les cannot be replaced by links. The i option causes the user to be queried about replacing existing les. The f option causes existing les to be silently deleted, without querying. f takes precedence. mkdir [ p ] [ m mode ] dir ... Creates directories. With the p option, nonexisting parent directories are rst created if necessary, and there will be no complaint if the directory already exists. The m option can be used to specify (in octal) a set of le permissions for the created directories, otherwise mode 777 modied by the current umask (see umask(2)) is used. mv [ ] lename dest mv [ ] lename ... dir Moves les. In the rst form, the specied lename is moved to the specied destination. In the second form, each of the lenames is taken in turn, and moved to a pathname in the specied

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directory that has the same last pathname component. By default, the user will be queried before replacing any le that the user cannot write to, but writable les will be silently removed. The i option causes the user to be queried about replacing any existing les. The f option causes any existing les to be silently deleted, without querying. f takes precedence. Note that this mv will not move les across devices. Historical versions of mv, when actual renaming is impossible, fall back on copying and removing les; if this behaviour is desired, use cp and rm manually. This may change in a future version. rm [ drs ] lename ... Removes les and directories specied. Normally, rm will not remove directories (except with the r option). The d option causes rm to try removing directories with unlink (see unlink(2)), the same method used for les. Typically only the superuser can actually succeed in unlinking directories in this way. d takes precedence over r. By default, the user will be queried before removing any le that the user cannot write to, but writable les will be silently removed. The i option causes the user to be queried about removing any les. The f option causes les to be silently deleted, without querying, and suppresses all error indications. f takes precedence. The r option causes rm to recursively descend into directories, deleting all les in the directory before removing the directory with the rmdir system call (see rmdir(2)). The s option is a zsh extension to rm functionality. It enables paranoid behaviour, intended to avoid common security problems involving a rootrun rm being tricked into removing les other than the ones intended. It will refuse to follow symbolic links, so that (for example) rm /tmp/foo/passwd cant accidentally remove /etc/passwd if /tmp/foo happens to be a link to /etc. It will also check where it is after leaving directories, so that a recursive removal of a deep directory tree cant end up recursively removing /usr as a result of directories being moved up the tree. rmdir dir ... Removes empty directories specied. sync Calls the system call of the same name (see sync(2)), which ushes dirty buffers to disk. It might return before the I/O has actually been completed.


The zsh/maple module provides one special associative array parameter of the same name. maple This associative array takes as keys the names of les; the resulting value is the content of the le. The value is treated identically to any other text coming from a parameter. The value may also be assigned to, in which case the le in question is written (whether or not it originally existed); or an element may be unset, which will delete the le in question. For example, vared maple[myle] works as expected, editing the le myle. When the array is accessed as a whole, the keys are the names of les in the current directory, and the values are empty (to save a huge overhead in memory). Thus ${(k)maple} has the same affect as the glob operator (D), since les beginning with a dot are not special. Care must be taken with expressions such as rm ${(k)maple}, which will delete every le in the current directory without the usual rm test. The parameter maple may be made readonly; in that case, les referenced may not be written or deleted.

Although reading and writing of the le in question is efficiently handled, zshs internal memory management may be arbitrarily baroque. Thus it should not automatically be assumed that use of maple represents a gain in efficiency over use of other mechanisms. Note in particular that the whole contents of

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the le will always reside physically in memory when accessed (possibly multiple times, due to standard parameter substitution operations). In particular, this means handling of sufficiently long les (greater than the machines swap space, or than the range of the pointer type) will be incorrect. No errors are printed or agged for nonexistent, unreadable, or unwritable les, as the parameter mechanism is too low in the shell execution hierarchy to make this convenient. It is unfortunate that the mechanism for loading modules does not yet allow the user to specify the name of the shell parameter to be given the special behaviour.

The zsh/mathfunc module provides standard mathematical functions for use when evaluating mathematical formulae. The syntax agrees with normal C and FORTRAN conventions, for example, (( f = sin(0.3) )) assigns the sine of 0.3 to the parameter f. Most functions take oating point arguments and return a oating point value. However, any necessary conversions from or to integer type will be performed automatically by the shell. Apart from atan with a second argument and the abs, int and oat functions, all functions behave as noted in the manual page for the corresponding C function, except that any arguments out of range for the function in question will be detected by the shell and an error reported. The following functions take a single oating point argument: acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cbrt, ceil, cos, cosh, erf, erfc, exp, expm1, fabs, oor, gamma, j0, j1, lgamma, log, log10, log1p, logb, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, y0, y1. The atan function can optionally take a second argument, in which case it behaves like the C function atan2. The ilogb function takes a single oating point argument, but returns an integer. The function signgam takes no arguments, and returns an integer, which is the C variable of the same name, as described in gamma(3). Note that it is therefore only useful immediately after a call to gamma or lgamma. Note also that signgam() and signgam are distinct expressions. The following functions take two oating point arguments: copysign, fmod, hypot, nextafter. The following take an integer rst argument and a oating point second argument: jn, yn. The following take a oating point rst argument and an integer second argument: ldexp, scalb. The function abs does not convert the type of its single argument; it returns the absolute value of either a oating point number or an integer. The functions oat and int convert their arguments into a oating point or integer value (by truncation) respectively. Note that the C pow function is available in ordinary math evaluation as the operator and is not pro vided here.

The zsh/parameter module gives access to some of the internal hash tables used by the shell by dening some special parameters. options The keys for this associative array are the names of the options that can be set and unset using the setopt and unsetopt builtins. The value of each key is either the string on if the option is currently set, or the string off if the option is unset. Setting a key to one of these strings is like setting or unsetting the option, respectively. Unsetting a key in this array is like setting it to the value off. commands This array gives access to the command hash table. The keys are the names of external commands, the values are the pathnames of the les that would be executed when the command would be invoked. Setting a key in this array denes a new entry in this table in the same way as with the hash builtin. Unsetting a key as in unset " commands[foo]" removes the entry for the given key from the command hash table. functions

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This associative array maps names of enabled functions to their denitions. Setting a key in it is like dening a function with the name given by the key and the body given by the value. Unsetting a key removes the denition for the function named by the key. dis_functions Like functions but for disabled functions. builtins This associative array gives information about the builtin commands currently enabled. The keys are the names of the builtin commands and the values are either undened for builtin commands that will automatically be loaded from a module if invoked or dened for builtin commands that are already loaded. dis_builtins Like builtins but for disabled builtin commands. reswords This array contains the enabled reserved words. dis_reswords Like reswords but for disabled reserved words. aliases This maps the names of the regular aliases currently enabled to their expansions. dis_aliases Like raliases but for disabled regular aliases. galiases Like raliases, but for global aliases. dis_galiases Like galiases but for disabled global aliases. parameters The keys in this associative array are the names of the parameters currently dened. The values are strings describing the type of the parameter, in the same format used by the t parameter ag, see zshexpn(1) . Setting or unsetting keys in this array is not possible. modules An associative array giving information about modules. The keys are the names of the modules loaded, registered to be autoloaded, or aliased. The value says which state the named module is in and is one of the strings loaded, autoloaded, or alias:name, where name is the name the module is aliased to. Setting or unsetting keys in this array is not possible. dirstack A normal array holding the elements of the directory stack. Note that the output of the dirs builtin command includes one more directory, the current working directory. history This associative array maps history event numbers to the full history lines. historywords A special array containing the words stored in the history. jobdirs This associative array maps job numbers to the directories from which the job was started (which may not be the current directory of the job). jobtexts This associative array maps job numbers to the texts of the command lines that were used to start the jobs. jobstates This associative array gives information about the states of the jobs currently known. The keys are the job numbers and the values are strings of the form jobstate:mark:pid=state.... The jobstate gives the state the whole job is currently in, one of running, suspended, or done. The mark

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is + for the current job, for the previous job and empty otherwise. This is followed by one pid=state for every process in the job. The pids are, of course, the process IDs and the state describes the state of that process. nameddirs This associative array maps the names of named directories to the pathnames they stand for. userdirs This associative array maps user names to the pathnames of their home directories. funcstack This array contains the names of the functions currently being executed. The rst element is the name of the function using the parameter.

The zsh/sched module makes available one builtin command: sched [+]hh:mm command ... sched [ item ] Make an entry in the scheduled list of commands to execute. The time may be specied in either absolute or relative time. With no arguments, prints the list of scheduled commands. With the argument item, removes the given item from the list.

The zsh/stat module makes available one builtin command: stat [ gnNolLtTrs ] [ f fd ] [ H hash ] [ A array ] [ F fmt ] [ +element ] [ le ... ] The command acts as a front end to the stat system call (see stat(2)). If the stat call fails, the appropriate system error message printed and status 1 is returned. The elds of struct stat give information about the les provided as arguments to the command. In addition to those available from the stat call, an extra element link is provided. These elements are: device The number of the device on which the le resides. inode mode The unique number of the le on this device (inode number). The mode of the le; that is, the les type and access permissions. With the s option, this will be returned as a string corresponding to the rst column in the display of the ls l command. The number of hard links to the le. The user ID of the owner of the le. With the s option, this is displayed as a user name. The group ID of the le. With the s option, this is displayed as a group name. The raw device number. This is only useful for special devices. The size of the le in bytes.

nlink uid gid rdev size

atime mtime ctime The last access, modication and inode change times of the le, respectively, as the number of seconds since midnight GMT on 1st January, 1970. With the s option, these are printed as strings for the local time zone; the format can be altered with the F option, and with the g option the times are in GMT. blksize The number of bytes in one allocation block on the device on which the le resides. block link The number of disk blocks used by the le. If the le is a link and the L option is in effect, this contains the name of the le linked to, otherwise it is empty. Note that if this element is selected (stat +link) then the L option is automatically used.

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A particular element may be selected by including its name preceded by a + in the option list; only one element is allowed. The element may be shortened to any unique set of leading characters. Otherwise, all elements will be shown for all les. Options: A array Instead of displaying the results on standard output, assign them to an array, one struct stat element per array element for each le in order. In this case neither the name of the element nor the name of the les appears in array unless the t or n options were given, respectively. If t is given, the element name appears as a prex to the appropriate array element; if n is given, the le name appears as a separate array element preceding all the others. Other formatting options are respected. H hash Similar to A, but instead assign the values to hash. The keys are the elements listed above. If the n option is provided then the name of the le is included in the hash with key name. f fd Use the le on le descriptor fd instead of named les; no list of le names is allowed in this case.

F fmt Supplies a strftime (see strftime(3)) string for the formatting of the time elements. The s option is implied. g l L Show the time elements in the GMT time zone. The s option is implied. List the names of the type elements (to standard output or an array as appropriate) and return immediately; options other than A and arguments are ignored. Perform an lstat (see lstat(2)) rather than a stat system call. In this case, if the le is a link, information about the link itself rather than the target le is returned. This option is required to make the link element useful. Always show the names of les. Usually these are only shown when output is to standard output and there is more than one le in the list. Never show the names of les. If a raw le mode is printed, show it in octal, which is more useful for human consumption than the default of decimal. A leading zero will be printed in this case. Note that this does not affect whether a raw or formatted le mode is shown, which is controlled by the r and s options, nor whether a mode is shown at all. Print raw data (the default format) alongside string data (the s format); the string data appears in parentheses after the raw data. Print mode, uid, gid and the three time elements as strings instead of numbers. In each case the format is like that of ls l. Always show the type names for the elements of struct stat. Usually these are only shown when output is to standard output and no individual element has been selected. Never show the type names of the struct stat elements.

n N o

r s t T


The zsh/termcap module makes available one builtin command: echotc cap [ arg ... ] Output the termcap value corresponding to the capability cap, with optional arguments. The zsh/termcap module makes available one parameter:

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termcap An associative array that maps termcap capability codes to their values.

The zsh/terminfo module makes available one builtin command: echoti cap Output the terminfo value corresponding to the capability cap. The zsh/terminfo module makes available one parameter: terminfo An associative array that maps terminfo capability names to their values.

The zsh/zftp module makes available one builtin command: zftp subcommand [ args ] The zsh/zftp module is a client for FTP (le transfer protocol). It is implemented as a builtin to allow full use of shell command line editing, le I/O, and job control mechanisms. Often, users will access it via shell functions providing a more powerful interface; a set is provided with the zsh distribution and is described in zshzftpsys(1). However, the zftp command is entirely usable in its own right. All commands consist of the command name zftp followed by the name of a subcommand. These are listed below. The return status of each subcommand is supposed to reect the success or failure of the remote operation. See a description of the variable ZFTP_VERBOSE for more information on how responses from the server may be printed.

open host [ user [ password [ account ] ] ] Open a new FTP session to host, which may be the name of a TCP/IP connected host or an IP number in the standard dot notation. Remaining arguments are passed to the login subcommand. Note that if no arguments beyond host are supplied, open will not automatically call login. If no arguments at all are supplied, open will use the parameters set by the params subcommand. After a successful open, the shell variables ZFTP_HOST, ZFTP_IP and ZFTP_SYSTEM are available; see Variables below. login [ name [ password [ account ] ] ] user [ name [ password [ account ] ] ] Login the user name with parameters password and account. Any of the parameters can be omitted, and will be read from standard input if needed (name is always needed). If standard input is a terminal, a prompt for each one will be printed on standard error and password will not be echoed. If any of the parameters are not used, a warning message is printed. After a successful login, the shell variables ZFTP_USER, ZFTP_ACCOUNT and ZFTP_PWD are available; see Variables below. This command may be reissued when a user is already logged in, and the server will rst be reinitialized for a new user. params [ host [ user [ password [ account ] ] ] ] params Store the given parameters for a later open command with no arguments. Only those given on the command line will be remembered. If no arguments are given, the parameters currently set are printed, although the password will appear as a line of stars; the return value is one if no parameters were set, zero otherwise. Any of the parameters may be specied as a ?, which may need to be quoted to protect it from shell expansion. In this case, the appropriate parameter will be read from stdin as with the login subcommand, including special handling of password. If the ? is followed by a string, that is

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used as the prompt for reading the parameter instead of the default message (any necessary punctuation and whitespace should be included at the end of the prompt). The rst letter of the parameter (only) may be quoted with a \; hence an argument " \\$word" guarantees that the string from the shell parameter $word will be treated literally, whether or not it begins with a ?. If instead a single is given, the existing parameters, if any, are deleted. In that case, calling open with no arguments will cause an error. The list of parameters is not deleted after a close, however it will be deleted if the zsh/zftp module is unloaded. For example, zftp params ftp.elsewhere.xx juser ?Password for juser: will store the host ftp.elsewhere.xx and the user juser and then prompt the user for the corresponding password with the given prompt. test Test the connection; if the server has reported that it has closed the connection (maybe due to a timeout), return status 2; if no connection was open anyway, return status 1; else return status 0. The test subcommand is silent, apart from messages printed by the $ZFTP_VERBOSE mechanism, or error messages if the connection closes. There is no network overhead for this test. The test is only supported on systems with either the select(2) or poll(2) system calls; otherwise the message not supported on this system is printed instead. The test subcommand will automatically be called at the start of any other subcommand for the current session when a connection is open. cd directory Change the remote directory to directory. Also alters the shell variable ZFTP_PWD. cdup Change the remote directory to the one higher in the directory tree. Note that cd .. will also work correctly on nonUNIX systems.

dir [ args... ] Give a (verbose) listing of the remote directory. The args are passed directly to the server. The commands behaviour is implementation dependent, but a UNIX server will typically interpret args as arguments to the ls command and with no arguments return the result of ls l. The directory is listed to standard output. ls [ args ] Give a (short) listing of the remote directory. With no args, produces a raw list of the les in the directory, one per line. Otherwise, up to vagaries of the server implementation, behaves similar to dir. type [ type ] Change the type for the transfer to type, or print the current type if type is absent. The allowed values are A (ASCII), I (Image, i.e. binary), or B (a synonym for I). The FTP default for a transfer is ASCII. However, if zftp nds that the remote host is a UNIX machine with 8bit byes, it will automatically switch to using binary for le transfers upon open. This can subsequently be overridden. The transfer type is only passed to the remote host when a data connection is established; this command involves no network overhead. ascii The same as type A. binary The same as type I. mode [ S B ] Set the mode type to stream (S) or block (B). Stream mode is the default; block mode is not widely supported.

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remote les... local [ les... ] Print the size and last modication time of the remote or local les. If there is more than one item on the list, the name of the le is printed rst. The rst number is the le size, the second is the last modication time of the le in the format CCYYMMDDhhmmSS consisting of year, month, date, hour, minutes and seconds in GMT. Note that this format, including the length, is guaranteed, so that time strings can be directly compared via the [[ builtins < and > operators, even if they are too long to be represented as integers. Not all servers support the commands for retrieving this information. In that case, the remote command will print nothing and return status 2, compared with status 1 for a le not found. The local command (but not remote) may be used with no arguments, in which case the information comes from examining le descriptor zero. This is the same le as seen by a put command with no further redirection. get le [...] Retrieve all les from the server, concatenating them and sending them to standard output. put le [...] For each le, read a le from standard input and send that to the remote host with the given name. append le [...] As put, but if the remote le already exists, data is appended to it instead of overwriting it. getat le point putat le point appendat le point Versions of get, put and append which will start the transfer at the given point in the remote le. This is useful for appending to an incomplete local le. However, note that this ability is not universally supported by servers (and is not quite the behaviour specied by the standard). delete le [...] Delete the list of les on the server. mkdir directory Create a new directory directory on the server. rmdir directory Delete the directory directory on the server. rename oldname newname Rename le oldname to newname on the server. site args... Send a hostspecic command to the server. You will probably only need this if instructed by the server to use it. quote args... Send the raw FTP command sequence to the server. You should be familiar with the FTP command set as dened in RFC959 before doing this. Useful commands may include STAT and HELP. Note also the mechanism for returning messages as described for the variable ZFTP_VERBOSE below, in particular that all messages from the control connection are sent to standard error. close quit Close the current data connection. This unsets the shell parameters ZFTP_HOST, ZFTP_IP, ZFTP_SYSTEM, ZFTP_USER, ZFTP_ACCOUNT, ZFTP_PWD, ZFTP_TYPE and ZFTP_MODE.

session [ sessname ] Allows multiple FTP sessions to be used at once. The name of the session is an arbitrary string of

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characters; the default session is called default. If this command is called without an argument, it will list all the current sessions; with an argument, it will either switch to the existing session called sessname, or create a new session of that name. Each session remembers the status of the connection, the set of connectionspecic shell parameters (the same set as are unset when a connection closes, as given in the description of close), and any user parameters specied with the params subcommand. Changing to a previous session restores those values; changing to a new session initialises them in the same way as if zftp had just been loaded. The name of the current session is given by the parameter ZFTP_SESSION. rmsession [ sessname ] Delete a session; if a name is not given, the current session is deleted. If the current session is deleted, the earliest existing session becomes the new current session, otherwise the current session is not changed. If the session being deleted is the only one, a new session called default is created and becomes the current session; note that this is a new session even if the session being deleted is also called default. It is recommended that sessions not be deleted while background commands which use zftp are still active.

The following shell parameters are used by zftp. Currently none of them are special. ZFTP_TMOUT Integer. The time in seconds to wait for a network operation to complete before returning an error. If this is not set when the module is loaded, it will be given the default value 60. A value of zero turns off timeouts. If a timeout occurs on the control connection it will be closed. Use a larger value if this occurs too frequently. ZFTP_IP Readonly. The IP address of the current connection in dot notation. ZFTP_HOST Readonly. The hostname of the current remote server. If the host was opened as an IP number, ZFTP_HOST contains that instead; this saves the overhead for a name lookup, as IP numbers are most commonly used when a nameserver is unavailable. ZFTP_SYSTEM Readonly. The system type string returned by the server in response to an FTP SYST request. The most interesting case is a string beginning " UNIX Type: L8" , which ensures maximum compatibility with a local UNIX host. ZFTP_TYPE Readonly. The type to be used for data transfers , either A or I. Use the type subcommand to change this. ZFTP_USER Readonly. The username currently logged in, if any. ZFTP_ACCOUNT Readonly. The account name of the current user, if any. Most servers do not require an account name. ZFTP_PWD Readonly. The current directory on the server. ZFTP_CODE Readonly. The three digit code of the last FTP reply from the server as a string. This can still be read after the connection is closed, and is not changed when the current session changes. ZFTP_REPLY Readonly. The last line of the last reply sent by the server. This can still be read after the connection is closed, and is not changed when the current session changes.

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ZFTP_SESSION Readonly. The name of the current FTP session; see the description of the session subcommand. ZFTP_PREFS A string of preferences for altering aspects of zftps behaviour. Each preference is a single character. The following are dened: P Passive: attempt to make the remote server initiate data transfers. This is slightly more efficient than sendport mode. If the letter S occurs later in the string, zftp will use sendport mode if passive mode is not available. Sendport: initiate transfers by the FTP PORT command. If this occurs before any P in the string, passive mode will never be attempted. Dumb: use only the bare minimum of FTP commands. This prevents the variables ZFTP_SYSTEM and ZFTP_PWD from being set, and will mean all connections default to ASCII type. It may prevent ZFTP_SIZE from being set during a transfer if the server does not send it anyway (many servers do).


If ZFTP_PREFS is not set when zftp is loaded, it will be set to a default of PS, i.e. use passive mode if available, otherwise fall back to sendport mode. ZFTP_VERBOSE A string of digits between 0 and 5 inclusive, specifying which responses from the server should be printed. All responses go to standard error. If any of the numbers 1 to 5 appear in the string, raw responses from the server with reply codes beginning with that digit will be printed to standard error. The rst digit of the three digit reply code is dened by RFC959 to correspond to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A positive preliminary reply. A positive completion reply. A positive intermediate reply. A transient negative completion reply. A permanent negative completion reply.

It should be noted that, for unknown reasons, the reply Service not available, which forces termination of a connection, is classied as 421, i.e. transient negative, an interesting interpretation of the word transient. The code 0 is special: it indicates that all but the last line of multiline replies read from the server will be printed to standard error in a processed format. By convention, servers use this mechanism for sending information for the user to read. The appropriate reply code, if it matches the same response, takes priority. If ZFTP_VERBOSE is not set when zftp is loaded, it will be set to the default value 450, i.e., messages destined for the user and all errors will be printed. A null string is valid and species that no messages should be printed.

zftp_chpwd If this function is set by the user, it is called every time the directory changes on the server, including when a user is logged in, or when a connection is closed. In the last case, $ZFTP_PWD will be unset; otherwise it will reect the new directory. zftp_progress If this function is set by the user, it will be called during a get, put or append operation each time sufficient data has been received from the host. During a get, the data is sent to standard output, so it is vital that this function should write to standard error or directly to the terminal, not to standard output.

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When it is called with a transfer in progress, the following additional shell parameters are set: ZFTP_FILE The name of the remote le being transferred from or to. ZFTP_TRANSFER A G for a get operation and a P for a put operation. ZFTP_SIZE The total size of the complete le being transferred: the same as the rst value provided by the remote and local subcommands for a particular le. If the server cannot supply this value for a remote le being retrieved, it will not be set. If input is from a pipe the value may be incorrect and correspond simply to a full pipe buffer. ZFTP_COUNT The amount of data so far transferred; a number between zero and $ZFTP_SIZE, if that is set. This number is always available. The function is initially called with ZFTP_TRANSFER set appropriately and ZFTP_COUNT set to zero. After the transfer is nished, the function will be called one more time with ZFTP_TRANSFER set to GF or PF, in case it wishes to tidy up. It is otherwise never called twice with the same value of ZFTP_COUNT. Sometimes the progress meter may cause disruption. It is up to the user to decide whether the function should be dened and to use unfunction when necessary.

A connection may not be opened in the left hand side of a pipe as this occurs in a subshell and the le information is not updated in the main shell. In the case of type or mode changes or closing the connection in a subshell, the information is returned but variables are not updated until the next call to zftp. Other status changes in subshells will not be reected by changes to the variables (but should be otherwise harmless). Deleting sessions while a zftp command is active in the background can have unexpected effects, even if it does not use the session being deleted. This is because all shell subprocesses share information on the state of all connections, and deleting a session changes the ordering of that information. On some operating systems, the control connection is not valid after a fork(), so that operations in subshells, on the left hand side of a pipeline, or in the background are not possible, as they should be. This is presumably a bug in the operating system.

The zsh/zle module contains the Zsh Line Editor. See zshzle(1).

The zsh/zleparameter module denes two special parameters that can be used to access internal information of the Zsh Line Editor (see zshzle(1)). keymaps This array contains the names of the keymaps currently dened. widgets This associative array contains one entry per widget dened. The name of the widget is the key and the value gives information about the widget. It is either the string builtin for builtin widgets, a string of the form user:name for userdened widgets, where name is the name of the shell function implementing the widget, or it is a string of the form completion:type:name, for completion widgets. In the last case type is the name of the builtin widgets the completion widget imitates in its behavior and name is the name of the shell function implementing the completion widget.

When loaded, the zsh/zprof causes shell functions to be proled. The proling results can be obtained with the zprof builtin command made available by this module. There is no way to turn proling off other than unloading the module.

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zprof [ c ] Without the c option, zprof lists proling results to standard output. The format is comparable to that of commands like gprof. At the top there is a summary listing all functions that were called at least once. This summary is sorted in decreasing order of the amount of time spent in each. The lines contain the number of the function in order, which is used in other parts of the list in suffixes of the form [num].RE, then the number of calls made to the function. The next three columns list the time in milliseconds spent in the function and its descendents, the average time in milliseconds spent in the function and its descendents per call and the percentage of time spent in all shell functions used in this function and its descendents. The following three columns give the same information, but counting only the time spent in the function itself. The nal column shows the name of the function. After the summary, detailed information about every function that was invoked is listed, sorted in decreasing order of the amount of time spent in each function and its descendents. Each of these entries consists of descriptions for the functions that called the function described, the function itself, and the functions that were called from it. The description for the function itself has the same format as in the summary (and shows the same information). The other lines dont show the number of the function at the beginning and have their function named indented to make it easier to distinguish the line showing the function described in the section from the surrounding lines. The information shown in this case is almost the same as in the summary, but only refers to the call hierarchy being displayed. For example, for a calling function the column showing the total running time lists the time spent in the described function and its descendents only for the times when it was called from that particular calling function. Likewise, for a called function, this columns lists the total time spent in the called function and its descendents only for the times when it was called from the function described. Also in this case, the column showing the number of calls to a function also shows a slash and then the total number of invocations made to the called function. As long as the zsh/zprof module is loaded, proling will be done and multiple invocations of the zprof builtin command will show the times and numbers of calls since the module was loaded. With the c option, the zprof builtin command will reset its internal counters and will not show the listing. )

The zsh/zpty module offers one builtin: zpty [ e ] [ b ] name [ arg ... ] The arguments following name are concatenated with spaces between, then executed as a command, as if passed to the eval builtin. The command runs under a newly assigned pseudoterminal; this is useful for running commands noninteractively which expect an interactive environment. The name is not part of the command, but is used to refer to this command in later calls to zpty. With the e option, the pseudoterminal is set up so that input characters are echoed. With the b option, input to and output from the pseudoterminal are made nonblocking. zpty d [ names ... ] The second form, with the d option, is used to delete commands previously started, by supplying a list of their names. If no names are given, all commands are deleted. Deleting a command causes the HUP signal to be sent to the corresponding process. zpty w [ n ] name [ strings ... ] The w option can be used to send the to command name the given strings as input (separated by spaces). If the n option is not given, a newline is added at the end.

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If no strings are provided, the standard input is copied to the pseudoterminal; this may stop before copying the full input if the pseudoterminal is nonblocking. Note that the command under the pseudoterminal sees this input as if it were typed, so beware when sending special tty driver characters such as worderase, linekill, and endofle. zpty r [ t ] name [ param [ pattern ] ] The r option can be used to read the output of the command name. With only a name argument, the output read is copied to the standard output. Unless the pseudoterminal is nonblocking, copying continues until the command under the pseudoterminal exits; when nonblocking, only as much output as is immediately available is copied. The return value is zero if any output is copied. When also given a param argument, at most one line is read and stored in the parameter named param. Less than a full line may be read if the pseudoterminal is nonblocking. The return value is zero if at least one character is stored in param. If a pattern is given as well, output is read until the whole string read matches the pattern, even in the nonblocking case. The return value is zero if the string read matches the pattern, or if the command has exited but at least one character could still be read. As of this writing, a maximum of one megabyte of output can be consumed this way; if a full megabyte is read without matching the pattern, the return value is nonzero. In all cases, the return value is nonzero if nothing could be read, and is 2 if this is because the command has nished. If the r option is combined with the t option, zpty tests whether output is available before trying to read. If no output is available, zpty immediately returns the value 1. zpty t name The t option without the r option can be used to test whether the command name is still running. It returns a zero value if the command is running and a nonzero value otherwise. zpty [ L ] The last form, without any arguments, is used to list the commands currently dened. If the L option is given, this is done in the form of calls to the zpty builtin.

The zsh/zutil module only adds some builtins: zstyle [ L ] zstyle [ e ] pattern style strings ... zstyle d [ pattern [ styles ... ] ] zstyle g name [ pattern [ style ] ] zstyle abs context style name [ sep ] zstyle Tt context style [ strings ...] zstyle m context style pattern This builtin command is used to dene and lookup styles. Styles are pairs of names and values, where the values consist of any number of strings. They are stored together with patterns and lookup is done by giving a string, called the context, which is compared to the patterns. The denition stored for the rst matching pattern will be returned. For ordering of comparisons, patterns are searched from most specic to least specic, and patterns that are equally specic keep the order in which they were dened. A pattern is considered to be more specic than another if it contains more components (substrings separated by colons) or if the patterns for the components are more specic, where simple strings are considered to be more specic than patterns and complex patterns are considered to be more specic than the pattern .

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The rst form (without arguments) lists the denitions in the order zstyle will test them. If the L option is given, listing is done in the form of calls to zstyle. Forms with arguments: zstyle [ e ] pattern style strings ... Denes the given style for the pattern with the strings as the value. If the e option is given, the strings will be concatenated (separated by spaces) and the resulting string will be evaluated (in the same way as it is done by the eval builtin command) when the style is looked up. In this case the parameter reply must be assigned to set the strings returned after the evaluation. Before evaluating the value, reply is unset, and if it is still unset after the evaluation, the style is treated as if it were not set. zstyle d [ pattern [ styles ... ] ] Delete style denitions. Without arguments all denitions are deleted, with a pattern all denitions for that pattern are deleted and if any styles are given, then only those styles are deleted for the pattern. zstyle g name [ pattern [ style ] ] Retrieve a style denition. The name is used as the name of an array in which the results are stored. Without any further arguments, all patterns dened are returned. With a pattern the styles dened for that pattern are returned and with both a pattern and a style, the value strings of that combination is returned. The other forms can be used to look up or test patterns. zstyle s context style name [ sep ] The parameter name is set to the value of the style interpreted as a string. If the value contains several strings they are concatenated with spaces (or with the sep string if that is given) between them. zstyle b context style name The value is stored in name as a boolean, i.e. as the string yes if the value has only one string and that string is equal to one of yes, true, on, or 1. If the value is any other string or has more than one string, the parameter is set to no. zstyle a context style name The value is stored in name as an array. If name is declared as an associative array, the rst, third, etc. strings are used as the keys and the other strings are used as the values. zstyle t context style [ strings ...] zstyle T context style [ strings ...] Test the value of a style, i.e. the t option only returns a status (sets $?). Without any strings the return status is zero if the style is dened for at least one matching pattern, has only one string in its value, and that is equal to one of true, yes, on or 1. If any strings are given the status is zero if and only if at least one of the strings is equal to at least one of the strings in the value. If the style is not dened, the status is 2. The T option tests the values of the style like t, but it returns zero (rather than 2) if the style is not dened for any matching pattern. zstyle m context style pattern Match a value. Returns status zero if the pattern matches at least one of the strings in the value. zformat f param format specs ... zformat a array sep specs ... This builtin provides two different forms of formatting. The rst form is selected with the f option. In this case the format string will be modied by replacing sequences starting with a percent sign in it with strings from the specs. Each spec should be of the form char:string which will cause every appearance of the sequence %char in format to be replaced by the string. The % sequence may also contain optional minimum and maximum eld width specications

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between the % and the char in the form %min.maxc, i.e. the minimum eld width is given rst and if the maximum eld width is used, it has to be preceded by a dot. Specifying a minimum eld width makes the result be padded with spaces to the right if the string is shorter than the requested width. Padding to the left can be achieved by giving a negative minimum eld width. If a maximum eld width is specied, the string will be truncated after that many characters. After all % sequences for the given specs have been processed, the resulting string is stored in the parameter param. The second form, using the a option, can be used for aligning strings. Here, the specs are of the form left:right where left and right are arbitrary strings. These strings are modied by replacing the colons by the sep string and padding the left strings with spaces to the right so that the sep strings in the result (and hence the right strings after them) are all aligned if the strings are printed below each other. All strings without a colon are left unchanged and all strings with an empty right string have the trailing colon removed. In both cases the lengths of the strings are not used to determine how the other strings are to be aligned. The resulting strings are stored in the array. zregexparse This implements some internals of the _regex_arguments function. zparseopts [ D ] [ K ] [ E ] [ a array ] [ A assoc ] specs This builtin simplies the parsing of options in positional parameters, i.e. the set of arguments given by $ Each spec describes one option and must be of the form opt[=array]. If an option . described by opt is found in the positional parameters it is copied into the array specied with the a option; if the optional =array is given, it is instead copied into that array. Note that it is an error to give any spec without an =array unless one of the a or A options is used. Unless the E option is given, parsing stops at the rst string that isnt described by one of the specs. Even with E, parsing always stops at a positional parameter equal to or . The opt description must be one of the following. Any of the special characters can appear in the option name provided it is preceded by a backslash. name name+ The name is the name of the option without the leading . To specify a GNUstyle long option, one of the usual two leading must be included in name; for example, a le option is represented by a name of le. If a + appears after name, the option is appended to array each time it is found in the positional parameters; without the + only the last occurrence of the option is preserved. If one of these forms is used, the option takes no argument, so parsing stops if the next positional parameter does not also begin with (unless the E option is used). name: name: name:: If one or two colons are given, the option takes an argument; with one colon, the argument is mandatory and with two colons it is optional. The argument is appended to the array after the option itself. An optional argument is put into the same array element as the option name (note that this makes empty strings as arguments indistinguishable). A mandatory argument is added as a separate element unless the : form is used, in which case the argument is put into the same element. A + as described above may appear between the name and the rst colon. The options of zparseopts itself are:

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a array As described above, this names the default array in which to store the recognised options. A assoc If this is given, the options and their values are also put into an associative array with the option names as keys and the arguments (if any) as the values. D If this option is given, all options found are removed from the positional parameters of the calling shell or shell function, up to but not including any not described by the specs. This is similar to using the shift builtin. With this option, the arrays specied with the a and A options and with the =array forms are kept unchanged when none of the specs for them is used. This allows assignment of default values to them before calling zparseopts. This changes the parsing rules to not stop at the rst string that isnt described by one of the specs. It can be used to test for or (if used together with D) extract options and their arguments, ignoring all other options and arguments that may be in the positional parameters. set a bx c y cz baz cend zparseopts a=foo b:=bar c+:=bar will have the effect of foo=(a) bar=(b x c y c z) The arguments from baz on will not be used. As an example for the E option, consider: set a x b y c z arg1 arg2 zparseopts E D b:=bar will have the effect of bar=(b y) set a x c z arg1 arg2 I.e., the option b and its arguments are taken from the positional parameters and put into the array bar.

For example,

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zshzftpsys zftp function frontend


This describes the set of shell functions supplied with the source distribution as an interface to the zftp builtin command, allowing you to perform FTP operations from the shell command line or within functions or scripts. The interface is similar to a traditional FTP client (e.g. the ftp command itself, see ftp(1)), but as it is entirely done within the shell all the familiar completion, editing and globbing features, and so on, are present, and macros are particularly simple to write as they are just ordinary shell functions. The prerequisite is that the zftp command, as described in zshmodules(1) , must be available in the version of zsh installed at your site. If the shell is congured to load new commands at run time, it probably is: typing zmodload zsh/zftp will make sure (if that runs silently, it has worked). If this is not the case, it is possible zftp was linked into the shell anyway: to test this, type which zftp and if zftp is available you will get the message zftp: shell builtin command. Commands given directly with zftp builtin may be interspersed between the functions in this suite; in a few cases, using zftp directly may cause some of the status information stored in shell parameters to become invalid. Note in particular the description of the variables $ZFTP_TMOUT, $ZFTP_PREFS and $ZFTP_VERBOSE for zftp.

You should make sure all the functions from the Functions/Zftp directory of the source distribution are available; they all begin with the two letters zf. They may already have been installed on your system; otherwise, you will need to nd them and copy them. The directory should appear as one of the elements of the $fpath array (this should already be the case if they were installed), and at least the function znit should be autoloaded; it will autoload the rest. Finally, to initialize the use of the system you need to call the znit function. The following code in your .zshrc will arrange for this; assume the functions are stored in the directory /myfns: fpath=(/myfns $fpath) autoload U znit znit Note that znit assumes you are using the zmodload method to load the zftp command. If it is already built into the shell, change znit to znit n. It is helpful (though not essential) if the call to znit appears after any code to initialize the new completion system, else unnecessary compctl commands will be given.

The sequence of operations in performing a le transfer is essentially the same as that in a standard FTP client. Note that, due to a quirk of the shells getopts builtin, for those functions that handle options you must use rather than to ensure the remaining arguments are treated literally (a single is treated as an argument).
Opening a connection

zfparams [ host [ user [ password ... ] ] ] Set or show the parameters for a future zfopen with no arguments. If no arguments are given, the current parameters are displayed (the password will be shown as a line of asterisks). If a host is given, and either the user or password is not, they will be prompted for; also, any parameter given as ? will be prompted for, and if the ? is followed by a string, that will be used as the prompt. As zfopen calls zfparams to store the parameters, this usually need not be called directly. A single argument will delete the stored parameters. This will also cause the memory of the last directory (and so on) on the other host to be deleted. zfopen [ 1 ] [ host [ user [ password [ account ] ] ] ] If host is present, open a connection to that host under username user with password password (and, on the rare occasions when it is necessary, account account). If a necessary parameter is missing or given as ? it will be prompted for. If host is not present, use a previously stored set of

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parameters. If the command was successful, and the terminal is compatible with xterm or is suncmd, a summary will appear in the title bar, giving the local host:directory and the remote host:directory; this is handled by the function zftp_chpwd, described below. Normally, the host, user and password are internally recorded for later reopening, either by a zfopen with no arguments, or automatically (see below). With the option 1, no information is stored. Also, if an open command with arguments failed, the parameters will not be retained (and any previous parameters will also be deleted). A zfopen on its own, or a zfopen 1, never alters the stored parameters. Both zfopen and zfanon (but not zfparams) understand URLs of the form ftp://host/path... as meaning to connect to the host, then change directory to path (which must be a directory, not a le). The ftp:// can be omitted; the trailing / is enough to trigger recognition of the path. Note prexes other than ftp: are not recognized, and that all characters after the rst slash beyond host are signicant in path. zfanon [ 1 ] host Open a connection host for anonymous FTP. The username used is anonymous. The password (which will be reported the rst time) is generated as user@host; this is then stored in the shell parameter $EMAIL_ADDR which can alternatively be set manually to a suitable string.
Directory management

zfcd [ dir ] zfcd zfcd old new Change the current directory on the remote server: this is implemented to have many of the features of the shell builtin cd. In the rst form with dir present, change to the directory dir. The command zfcd .. is treated specially, so is guaranteed to work on nonUNIX servers (note this is handled internally by zftp). If dir is omitted, has the effect of zfcd . The second form changes to the directory previously current. The third form attempts to change the current directory by replacing the rst occurrence of the string old with the string new in the current directory. Note that in this command, and indeed anywhere a remote lename is expected, the string which on the local host corresponds to is converted back to a before being passed to the remote machine. This is convenient because of the way expansion is performed on the command line before zfcd receives a string. For example, suppose the command is zfcd /foo. The shell will expand this to a full path such as zfcd /home/user2/pws/foo. At this stage, zfcd recognises the initial path as corresponding to and will send the directory to the remote host as /foo, so that the will be expanded by the server to the correct remote host directory. Other named directories of the form name are not treated in this fashion. zfhere Change directory on the remote server to the one corresponding to the current local directory, with special handling of as in zfcd. For example, if the current local directory is /foo/bar, then zfhere performs the effect of zfcd /foo/bar. zfdir [ rfd ] [ ] [ diroptions ] [ dir ] Produce a long directory listing. The arguments diroptions and dir are passed directly to the server and their effect is implementation dependent, but specifying a particular remote directory dir is usually possible. The output is passed through a pager given by the environment variable $PAGER or defaulting to more. The directory is usually cached for reuse. In fact, two caches are maintained. One is for use when there is no diroptions or dir, i.e. a full listing of the current remote directory; it is ushed when the current remote directory changes. The other is kept for repeated use of zfdir with the

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same arguments; for example, repeated use of zfdir /pub/gnu will only require the directory to be retrieved on the rst call. Alternatively, this cache can be reviewed with the r option. As relative directories will confuse zfdir, the f option can be used to force the cache to be ushed before the directory is listed. The option d will delete both caches without showing a directory listing; it will also delete the cache of le names in the current remote directory, if any. zs [ lsoptions ] [ dir ] List les on the remote server. With no arguments, this will produce a simple list of le names for the current remote directory. Any arguments are passed directly to the server. No pager and no caching is used.
Status commands

zftype [ type ] With no arguments, show the type of data to be transferred, usually ASCII or binary. With an argument, change the type: the types A or ASCII for ASCII data and B or BINARY, I or IMAGE for binary data are understood caseinsensitively. zfstat [ v ] Show the status of the current or last connection, as well as the status of some of zftps status variables. With the v option, a more verbose listing is produced by querying the server for its version of events, too.
Retrieving les

The commands for retrieving les all take at least two options. G suppresses remote lename expansion which would otherwise be performed (see below for a more detailed description of that). t attempts to set the modication time of the local le to that of the remote le: this requires version 5 of perl, see the description of the function zfrtime below for more information. zfget [ Gtc ] le1 ... Retrieve all the listed les le1 ... one at a time from the remote server. If a le contains a /, the full name is passed to the remote server, but the le is stored locally under the name given by the part after the nal /. The option c (cat) forces all les to be sent as a single stream to standard output; in this case the t option has no effect. zfuget [ Gvst ] le1 ... As zfget, but only retrieve les where the version on the remote server is newer (has a later modication time), or where the local le does not exist. If the remote le is older but the les have different sizes, or if the sizes are the same but the remote le is newer, the user will usually be queried. With the option s, the command runs silently and will always retrieve the le in either of those two cases. With the option v, the command prints more information about the les while it is working out whether or not to transfer them. zfcget [ Gt ] le1 ... As zfget, but if any of the local les exists, and is shorter than the corresponding remote le, the command assumes that it is the result of a partially completed transfer and attempts to transfer the rest of the le. This is useful on a poor connection which keeps failing. Note that this requires a commonly implemented, but nonstandard, version of the FTP protocol, so is not guaranteed to work on all servers. zfgcp [ Gt ] remotele localle zfgcp [ Gt ] rle1 ... ldir This retrieves les from the remote server with arguments behaving similarly to the cp command. In the rst form, copy remotele from the server to the local le localle. In the second form, copy all the remote les rle1 ... into the local directory ldir retaining the same basenames. This assumes UNIX directory semantics.

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Sending les

zfput [ r ] le1 ... Send all the le1 ... given separately to the remote server. If a lename contains a /, the full lename is used locally to nd the le, but only the basename is used for the remote le name. With the option r, if any of the les are directories they are sent recursively with all their subdirectories, including les beginning with .. This requires that the remote machine understand UNIX le semantics, since / is used as a directory separator. zfuput [ vs ] le1 ... As zfput, but only send les which are newer than their local equivalents, or if the remote le does not exist. The logic is the same as for zfuget, but reversed between local and remote les. zfcput le1 ... As zfput, but if any remote le already exists and is shorter than the local equivalent, assume it is the result of an incomplete transfer and send the rest of the le to append to the existing part. As the FTP append command is part of the standard set, this is in principle more likely to work than zfcget. zfpcp localle remotele zfpcp lle1 ... rdir This sends les to the remote server with arguments behaving similarly to the cp command. With two arguments, copy localle to the server as remotele. With more than two arguments, copy all the local les lle1 ... into the existing remote directory rdir retaining the same basenames. This assumes UNIX directory semantics. A problem arises if you attempt to use zfpcp lle1 rdir, i.e. the second form of copying but with two arguments, as the command has no simple way of knowing if rdir corresponds to a directory or a lename. It attempts to resolve this in various ways. First, if the rdir argument is . or .. or ends in a slash, it is assumed to be a directory. Secondly, if the operation of copying to a remote le in the rst form failed, and the remote server sends back the expected failure code 553 and a reply including the string Is a directory, then zfpcp will retry using the second form.
Closing the connection

zfclose Close the connection.

Session management

zfsession [ lvod ] [ sessname ] Allows you to manage multiple FTP sessions at once. By default, connections take place in a session called default; by giving the command zfsession sessname you can change to a new or existing session with a name of your choice. The new session remembers its own connection, as well as associated shell parameters, and also the host/user parameters set by zfparams. Hence you can have different sessions set up to connect to different hosts, each remembering the appropriate host, user and password. With no arguments, zfsession prints the name of the current session; with the option l it lists all sessions which currently exist, and with the option v it gives a verbose list showing the host and directory for each session, where the current session is marked with an asterisk. With o, it will switch to the most recent previous session. With d, the given session (or else the current one) is removed; everything to do with it is completely forgotten. If it was the only session, a new session called default is created and made current. It is safest not to delete sessions while background commands using zftp are active. zftransfer sess1:le1 sess2:le2 Transfer les between two sessions; no local copy is made. The le is read from the session sess1 as le1 and written to session sess1 as le le2; le1 and le2 may be relative to the current directories of the session. Either sess1 or sess2 may be omitted (though the colon should be retained if there is a possibility of a colon appearing in the le name) and defaults to the current session; le2

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may be omitted or may end with a slash, in which case the basename of le1 will be added. The sessions sess1 and sess2 must be distinct. The operation is performed using pipes, so it is required that the connections still be valid in a subshell, which is not the case under some versions operating systems, presumably due to a system bug.

The two functions zfmark and zfgoto allow you to bookmark the present location (host, user and directory) of the current FTP connection for later use. The le to be used for storing and retrieving bookmarks is given by the parameter $ZFTP_BMFILE; if not set when one of the two functions is called, it will be set to the le .zfbkmarks in the directory where your zsh startup les live (usually ). zfmark [ bookmark ] If given an argument, mark the current host, user and directory under the name bookmark for later use by zfgoto. If there is no connection open, use the values for the last connection immediately before it was closed; it is an error if there is none. Any existing bookmark under the same name will be silently replaced. If not given an argument, list the existing bookmarks and the points to which they refer in the form user@host:directory; this is the format in which they are stored, and the le may be edited directly. zfgoto [ n ] bookmark Return to the location given by bookmark, as previously set by zfmark. If the location has user ftp or anonymous, open the connection with zfanon, so that no password is required. If the user and host parameters match those stored for the current session, if any, those will be used, and again no password is required. Otherwise a password will be prompted for. With the option n, the bookmark is taken to be a nickname stored by the ncftp program in its bookmark le, which is assumed to be /.ncftp/bookmarks. The function works identically in other ways. Note that there is no mechanism for adding or modifying ncftp bookmarks from the zftp functions.
Other functions

Mostly, these functions will not be called directly (apart from znit), but are described here for completeness. You may wish to alter zftp_chpwd and zftp_progress, in particular. znit [ n ] As described above, this is used to initialize the zftp function system. The n option should be used if the zftp command is already built into the shell. zfautocheck [ dn ] This function is called to implement automatic reopening behaviour, as described in more detail below. The options must appear in the rst argument; n prevents the command from changing to the old directory, while d prevents it from setting the variable do_close, which it otherwise does as a ag for automatically closing the connection after a transfer. The host and directory for the last session are stored in the variable $zastsession, but the internal host/user/password parameters must also be correctly set. zfcd_match prex suffix This performs matching for completion of remote directory names. If the remote server is UNIX, it will attempt to persuade the server to list the remote directory with subdirectories marked, which usually works but is not guaranteed. On other hosts it simply calls zfget_match and hence completes all les, not just directories. On some systems, directories may not even look like lenames. zfget_match prex suffix This performs matching for completion of remote lenames. It caches les for the current directory (only) in the shell parameter $zftp_fcache. It is in the form to be called by the K option of

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compctl, but also works when called from a widgetstyle completion function with prex and suffix set appropriately. zfrglob varname Perform remote globbing, as describes in more detail below. varname is the name of a variable containing the pattern to be expanded; if there were any matches, the same variable will be set to the expanded set of lenames on return. zfrtime lle rle [ time ] Set the local le lle to have the same modication time as the remote le rle, or the explicit time time in FTP format CCYYMMDDhhmmSS for the GMT timezone. Currently this requires perl version 5 to perform the conversion from GMT to local time. This is unfortunately difficult to do using shell code alone. zftp_chpwd This function is called every time a connection is opened, or closed, or the remote directory changes. This version alters the title bar of an xtermcompatible or suncmd terminal emulator to reect the local and remote hostnames and current directories. It works best when combined with the function chpwd. In particular, a function of the form chpwd() { if [[ n $ZFTP_USER ]]; then zftp_chpwd else # usual chpwd e.g put host:directory in title bar } ts in well. zftp_progress This function shows the status of the transfer. It will not write anything unless the output is going to a terminal; however, if you transfer les in the background, you should turn off progress reports by hand using zstyle :zftp: progress none. Note also that if you alter it, any output must be to standard error, as standard output may be a le being received. The form of the progress meter, or whether it is used at all, can be congured without altering the function, as described in the next section. zffcache This is used to implement caching of les in the current directory for each session separately. It is used by zfget_match and zfrglob.

Various styles are available using the standard shell style mechanism, described in zshmodules(1). Briey, the command zstyle :zftp: style value .... denes the style to have value value (more than one may be given, although that is not useful in the cases described here). These values will then be used throughout the zftp function system. For more precise control, the rst argument, which gives a context in which the style applies, can be modied to include a particular function, as for example :zftp:zfget: the style will then have the given value only in the zfget function. Values for the same style in different contexts may be set; the most specic function will be used, where strings are held to be more specic than patterns, and longer patterns and shorter patterns. Note that only the top level function name, as called by the user, is used; calling of lower level functions is transparent to the user. Hence modications to the title bar in zftp_chpwd use the contexts :zftp:zfopen, :zftp:zfcd, etc., depending where it was called from. The following styles are understood: progress Controls the way that zftp_progress reports on the progress of a transfer. If empty, unset, or

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none, no progress report is made; if bar a growing bar of inverse video is shown; if percent (or any other string, though this may change in future), the percentage of the le transferred is shown. The bar meter requires that the width of the terminal be available via the $COLUMNS parameter (normally this is set automatically). If the size of the le being transferred is not available, bar and percent meters will simply show the number of bytes transferred so far. When znit is run, if this style is not dened for the context :zftp: it will be set to bar. , update Species the minimum time interval between updates of the progress meter in seconds. No update is made unless new data has been received, so the actual time interval is limited only by $ZFTP_TIMEOUT. As described for progress, znit will force this to default to 1. remoteglob If set to 1, yes or true, lename generation (globbing) is performed on the remote machine instead of by zsh itself; see below. titlebar If set to 1, yes or true, zftp_chpwd will put the remote host and remote directory into the titlebar of terminal emulators such as xterm or suncmd that allow this. As described for progress, znit will force this to default to 1. chpwd If set to 1 yes or true, zftp_chpwd will call the function chpwd when a connection is closed. This is useful if the remote host details were put into the terminal title bar by zftp_chpwd and your usual chpwd also modies the title bar. When znit is run, it will determine whether chpwd exists and if so it will set the default value for the style to 1 if none exists already. Note that there is also an associative array zfcong which contains values used by the function system. This should not be modied or overwritten.
Remote globbing

The commands for retrieving les usually perform lename generation (globbing) on their arguments; this can be turned off by passing the option G to each of the commands. Normally this operates by retrieving a complete list of les for the directory in question, then matching these locally against the pattern supplied. This has the advantage that the full range of zsh patterns (respecting the setting of the option EXTENDED_GLOB) can be used. However, it means that the directory part of a lename will not be expanded and must be given exactly. If the remote server does not support the UNIX directory semantics, directory handling is problematic and it is recommended that globbing only be used within the current directory. The list of les in the current directory, if retrieved, will be cached, so that subsequent globs in the same directory without an intervening zfcd are much faster. If the remoteglob style (see above) is set, globbing is instead performed on the remote host: the server is asked for a list of matching les. This is highly dependent on how the server is implemented, though typically UNIX servers will provide support for basic glob patterns. This may in some cases be faster, as it avoids retrieving the entire list of directory contents.
Automatic and temporary reopening

As described for the zfopen command, a subsequent zfopen with no parameters will reopen the connection to the last host (this includes connections made with the zfanon command). Opened in this fashion, the connection starts in the default remote directory and will remain open until explicitly closed. Automatic reopening is also available. If a connection is not currently open and a command requiring a connection is given, the last connection is implicitly reopened. In this case the directory which was current when the connection was closed again becomes the current directory (unless, of course, the command given changes it). Automatic reopening will also take place if the connection was close by the remote server for whatever reason (e.g. a timeout). It is not available if the 1 option to zfopen or zfanon was used.

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Furthermore, if the command issued is a le transfer, the connection will be closed after the transfer is nished, hence providing a oneshot mode for transfers. This does not apply to directory changing or listing commands; for example a zfdir may reopen a connection but will leave it open. Also, automatic closure will only ever happen in the same command as automatic opening, i.e a zfdir directly followed by a zfget will never close the connection automatically. Information about the previous connection is given by the zfstat function. So, for example, if that reports: Session: default Not connected. Last session: then the command zfget le.txt will attempt to reopen a connection to, retrieve the le /pub/textles/le.txt, and immediately close the connection again. On the other hand, zfcd .. will open the connection in the directory /pub and leave it open. Note that all the above is local to each session; if you return to a previous session, the connection for that session is the one which will be reopened.

Completion of local and remote les, directories, sessions and bookmarks is supported. The older, compctlstyle completion is dened when znit is called; support for the new widgetbased completion system is provided in the function Completion/Zsh/Command/_zftp, which should be installed with the other functions of the completion system and hence should automatically be available.

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zshcontrib user contributions to zsh


The Zsh source distribution includes a number of items contributed by the user community. These are not inherently a part of the shell, and some may not be available in every zsh installation. The most signicant of these are documented here. For documentation on other contributed items such as shell functions, look for comments in the function source les.
UTILITIES Accessing OnLine Help

The key sequence ESC h is normally bound by ZLE to execute the runhelp widget (see zshzle(1)). This invokes the runhelp command with the command word from the current input line as its argument. By default, runhelp is an alias for the man command, so this often fails when the command word is a shell builtin or a userdened function. By redening the runhelp alias, one can improve the online help provided by the shell. The helples utility, found in the Util directory of the distribution, is a Perl program that can be used to process the zsh manual to produce a separate help le for each shell builtin and for many other shell features as well. The autoloadable runhelp function, found in Functions/Misc, searches for these helples and performs several other tests to produce the most complete help possible for the command. There may already be a directory of help les on your system; look in /usr/share/zsh or /usr/local/share/zsh and subdirectories below those, or ask your system administrator. To create your own help les with helples, choose or create a directory where the individual command help les will reside. For example, you might choose /zsh_help. If you unpacked the zsh distribution in your home directory, you would use the commands: mkdir /zsh_help cd /zsh_help man zshall colcrt \ perl /zsh4.0.4/Util/helples Next, to use the runhelp function, you need to add lines something like the following to your .zshrc or equivalent startup le: unalias runhelp autoload runhelp HELPDIR=/zsh_help The HELPDIR parameter tells runhelp where to look for the help les. If your system already has a help le directory installed, set HELPDIR to the path of that directory instead. Note that in order for autoload runhelp to work, the runhelp le must be in one of the directories named in your fpath array (see zshparam(1)). This should already be the case if you have a standard zsh installation; if it is not, copy Functions/Misc/runhelp to an appropriate directory.
Recompiling Functions

If you frequently edit your zsh functions, or periodically update your zsh installation to track the latest developments, you may nd that function digests compiled with the zcompile builtin are frequently out of date with respect to the function source les. This is not usually a problem, because zsh always looks for the newest le when loading a function, but it may cause slower shell startup and function loading. Also, if a digest le is explicitly used as an element of fpath, zsh wont check whether any of its source les has changed. The zrecompile autoloadable function, found in Functions/Misc, can be used to keep function digests up to date.

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zrecompile [ qt ] [ name ... ] zrecompile [ qt ] p args [ args ... ] This tries to nd .zwc les and automatically recompile them if at least one of the original les is newer than the compiled le. This works only if the names stored in the compiled les are full paths or are relative to the directory that contains the .zwc le. In the rst form, each name is the name of a compiled le or a directory containing .zwc les that should be checked. If no arguments are given, the directories and .zwc les in fpath are used. When t is given, no compilation is performed, but a return status of zero (true) is set if there are les that need to be recompiled and nonzero (false) otherwise. The q option quiets the chatty output that describes what zrecompile is doing. Without the t option, the return status is zero if all les that needed recompilation could be compiled and nonzero if compilation for at least one of the les failed. If the p option is given, the args are interpreted as one or more sets of arguments for zcompile, separated by . For example: zrecompile p \ R /.zshrc \ M /.zcompdump \ /zsh/comp.zwc /zsh/Completion/ /_ This compiles /.zshrc into /.zshrc.zwc if that doesnt exist or if it is older than /.zshrc. The compiled le will be marked for reading instead of mapping. The same is done for /.zcompdump and /.zcompdump.zwc, but this compiled le is marked for mapping. The last line recreates the le /zsh/comp.zwc if any of the les matching the given pattern is newer than it. Without the p option, zrecompile does not create function digests that do not already exist, nor does it add new functions to the digest. The following shell loop is an example of a method for creating function digests for all functions in your fpath, assuming that you have write permission to the directories: for ((i=1; i <= $#fpath; ++i)); do dir=$fpath[i] zwc=${dir:t}.zwc if [[ $dir == (...) $dir == (...)/ ]]; then continue les=($dir/ (N.)) if [[ w $dir:h && n $les ]]; then les=(${${(M)les%/ }#/}) / if ( cd $dir:h && zrecompile p U z $zwc $les ); then fpath[i]=$fpath[i].zwc done The U and z options are appropriate for functions in the default zsh installation fpath; you may need to use different options for your personal function directories. Once the digests have been created and your fpath modied to refer to them, you can keep them up to date by running zrecompile with no arguments.
Keyboard Denition

The large number of possible combinations of keyboards, workstations, terminals, emulators, and window systems makes it impossible for zsh to have builtin key bindings for every situation. The zkbd utility, found in Functions/Misc, can help you quickly create key bindings for your conguration.

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Run zkbd either as an autoloaded function, or as a shell script: zsh f /zsh4.0.4/Functions/Misc/zkbd When you run zkbd, it rst asks you to enter your terminal type; if the default it offers is correct, just press return. It then asks you to press a number of different keys to determine characteristics of your keyboard and terminal; zkbd warns you if it nds anything out of the ordinary, such as a Delete key that sends neither nor H ?. The keystrokes read by zkbd are recorded as a denition for an associative array named key, written to a le in the subdirectory .zkbd within either your HOME or ZDOTDIR directory. The name of the le is composed from the TERM, VENDOR and OSTYPE parameters, joined by hyphens. You may read this le into your .zshrc or another startup le with the "source" or "." commands, then reference the key parameter in bindkey commands, like this: source ${ZDOTDIR:$HOME}/.zkbd/$TERM$VENDOR$OSTYPE [[ n ${key[Left]} ]] && bindkey " ${key[Left]}" backwardchar [[ n ${key[Right]} ]] && bindkey " ${key[Right]}" forwardchar # etc. Note that in order for autoload zkbd to work, the zkdb le must be in one of the directories named in your fpath array (see zshparam(1)). This should already be the case if you have a standard zsh installation; if it is not, copy Functions/Misc/zkbd to an appropriate directory.
Dumping Shell State

Occasionally you may encounter what appears to be a bug in the shell, particularly if you are using a beta version of zsh or a development release. Usually it is sufficient to send a description of the problem to one of the zsh mailing lists (see zsh(1)), but sometimes one of the zsh developers will need to recreate your environment in order to track the problem down. The script named reporter, found in the Util directory of the distribution, is provided for this purpose. (It is also possible to autoload reporter, but reporter is not installed in fpath by default.) This script outputs a detailed dump of the shell state, in the form of another script that can be read with zsh f to recreate that state. To use reporter, read the script into your shell with the . command and redirect the output into a le: . /zsh4.0.4/Util/reporter > You should check the le for any sensitive information such as passwords and delete them by hand before sending the script to the developers. Also, as the output can be voluminous, its best to wait for the developers to ask for this information before sending it. You can also use reporter to dump only a subset of the shell state. This is sometimes useful for creating startup les for the rst time. Most of the output from reporter is far more detailed than usually is necessary for a startup le, but the aliases, options, and zstyles states may be useful because they include only changes from the defaults. The bindings state may be useful if you have created any of your own keymaps, because reporter arranges to dump the keymap creation commands as well as the bindings for every keymap. As is usual with automated tools, if you create a startup le with reporter, you should edit the results to remove unnecessary commands. Note that if youre using the new completion system, you should not dump the functions state to your startup les with reporter; use the compdump function instead (see zshcompsys(1)). reporter [ state ... ] Print to standard output the indicated subset of the current shell state. The state arguments may be one or more of: all Output everything listed below. aliases Output alias denitions.

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bindings Output ZLE key maps and bindings. completion Output oldstyle compctl commands. New completion is covered by functions and zstyles. functions Output autoloads and function denitions. limits Output limit commands. options Output setopt commands. styles Same as zstyles. variables Output shell parameter assignments, plus export commands for any environment variables. zstyles Output zstyle commands. If the state is omitted, all is assumed. With the exception of all, every state can be abbreviated by any prex, even a single letter; thus a is the same as aliases, z is the same as zstyles, etc.
PROMPT THEMES Installation

You should make sure all the functions from the Functions/Prompts directory of the source distribution are available; they all begin with the string prompt_ except for the special functionpromptinit. You also need the colors function from Functions/Misc. All of these functions may already have been installed on your system; if not, you will need to nd them and copy them. The directory should appear as one of the elements of the fpath array (this should already be the case if they were installed), and at least the function promptinit should be autoloaded; it will autoload the rest. Finally, to initialize the use of the system you need to call the promptinit function. The following code in your .zshrc will arrange for this; assume the functions are stored in the directory /myfns: fpath=(/myfns $fpath) autoload U promptinit promptinit
Theme Selection

Use the prompt command to select your preferred theme. This command may be added to your .zshrc following the call to promptinit in order to start zsh with a theme already selected. prompt [ c l ] prompt [ p h ] [ theme ... ] prompt [ s ] theme [ arg ... ] Set or examine the prompt theme. With no options and a theme argument, the theme with that name is set as the current theme. The available themes are determined at run time; use the l option to see a list. The special theme random selects at random one of the available themes and sets your prompt to that. In some cases the theme may be modied by one or more arguments, which should be given after the theme name. See the help for each theme for descriptions of these arguments. Options are: c l p h s Show the currently selected theme and its parameters, if any. List all available prompt themes. Preview the theme named by theme, or all themes if no theme is given. Show help for the theme named by theme, or for the prompt function if no theme is given. Set theme as the current theme and save state.

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prompt_theme_setup Each available theme has a setup function which is called by the prompt function to install that theme. This function may dene other functions as necessary to maintain the prompt, including functions used to preview the prompt or provide help for its use. You should not normally call a themes setup function directly.

These functions all implement userdened ZLE widgets (see zshzle(1)) which can be bound to keystrokes in interactive shells. To use them, your .zshrc should contain lines of the form autoload function zle N function followed by an appropriate bindkey command to associate the function with a key sequence. Suggested bindings are described below. cyclecompletionpositions After inserting an unambiguous string into the command line, the new function based completion system may know about multiple places in this string where characters are missing or differ from at least one of the possible matches. It will then place the cursor on the position it considers to be the most interesting one, i.e. the one where one can disambiguate between as many matches as possible with as little typing as possible. This widget allows the cursor to be easily moved to the other interesting spots. It can be invoked repeatedly to cycle between all positions reported by the completion system. editcommandline Edit the command line using your visual editor, as in ksh. bindkey M vicmd v editcommandline historysearchend This function implements the widgets historybeginningsearchbackwardend and historybeginningsearchforwardend. These commands work by rst calling the corresponding builtin widget (see History Control in zshzle(1)) and then moving the cursor to the end of the line. The original cursor position is remembered and restored before calling the builtin widget a second time, so that the same search is repeated to look farther through the history. Although you autoload only one function, the commands to use it are slightly different because it implements two widgets. zle N historybeginningsearchbackwardend \ historysearchend zle N historybeginningsearchforwardend \ historysearchend bindkey \e historybeginningsearchbackwardend P bindkey \e historybeginningsearchforwardend N incarg Typing the keystrokes for this widget with the cursor placed on or to the left of an integer causes that integer to be incremented by one. With a numeric prex argument, the number is incremented by the amount of the argument (decremented if the prex argument is negative). The shell parameter incarg may be set to change the default increment something other than one. bindkey X+ incarg incrementalcompleteword This allows incremental completion of a word. After starting this command, a list of completion choices can be shown after every character you type, which you can delete with or DEL. H Pressing return accepts the completion so far and returns you to normal editing (that is, the command line is not immediately executed). You can hit TAB to do normal completion, to abort G

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back to the state when you started, and to list the matches. D This works only with the new function based completion system. bindkey incrementalcompleteword Xi insertles This function allows you type a le pattern, and see the results of the expansion at each step. When you hit return, all expansions are inserted into the command line. bindkey insertles Xf predicton This set of functions implements predictive typing using history search. After predicton, typing characters causes the editor to look backward in the history for the rst line beginning with what you have typed so far. After predictoff, editing returns to normal for the line found. In fact, you often dont even need to use predictoff, because if the line doesnt match something in the history, adding a key performs standard completion, and then inserts itself if no completions were found. However, editing in the middle of a line is liable to confuse prediction; see the toggle style below. With the function based completion system (which is needed for this), you should be able to type TAB at almost any point to advance the cursor to the next interesting character position (usually the end of the current word, but sometimes somewhere in the middle of the word). And of course as soon as the entire line is what you want, you can accept with return, without needing to move the cursor to the end rst. The rst time predicton is used, it creates several additional widget functions: deletebackwardandpredict Replaces the backwarddeletechar widget. You do not need to bind this yourself. insertandpredict Implements predictive typing by replacing the selfinsert widget. You do not need to bind this yourself. predictoff Turns off predictive typing. Although you autoload only the predicton function, it is necessary to create a keybinding for predictoff as well. zle N predicton zle N predictoff bindkey Z predicton X bindkey predictoff Z smartinsertlastword This function may replace the insertlastword widget, like so: zle N insertlastword smartinsertlastword With a numeric prex, it behaves like insertlastword, except that words in comments are ignored when INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS is set. Otherwise, the rightmost interesting word from the previous command is found and inserted. The default denition of interesting is that the word contains at least one alphabetic character, slash, or backslash. This denition may be overridden by use of the match style. The context used to look up the style is the widget name, so usually the context is :insertlastword. However, you can bind this function to different widgets to use different patterns: zle N insertlastassignment smartinsertlastword zstyle :insertlastassignment match [[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#= bindkey \e= insertlastassignment

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The behavior of several of the above widgets can be controlled by the use of the zstyle mechanism. In particular, widgets that interact with the completion system pass along their context to any completions that they invoke. breakkeys This style is used by the incrementalcompleteword widget. Its value should be a pattern, and all keys matching this pattern will cause the widget to stop incremental completion without the key having any further effect. Like all styles used directly by incrementalcompleteword, this style is looked up using the context :incremental. completer The incrementalcompleteword and insertandpredict widgets set up their toplevel context name before calling completion. This allows one to dene different sets of completer functions for normal completion and for these widgets. For example, to use completion, approximation and correction for normal completion, completion and correction for incremental completion and only completion for prediction one could use: zstyle :completion: completer \ _complete _correct _approximate zstyle :completion:incremental: completer \ _complete _correct zstyle :completion:predict: completer \ _complete It is a good idea to restrict the completers used in prediction, because they may be automatically invoked as you type. The _list and _menu completers should never be used with prediction. The _approximate, _correct, _expand, and _match completers may be used, but be aware that they may change characters anywhere in the word behind the cursor, so you need to watch carefully that the result is what you intended. cursor The insertandpredict widget uses this style, in the context :predict, to decide where to place the cursor after completion has been tried. Values are: complete The cursor is left where it was when completion nished, but only if it is after a character equal to the one just inserted by the user. If it is after another character, this value is the same as key. key The cursor is left after the nth occurrence of the character just inserted, where n is the number of times that character appeared in the word before completion was attempted. In short, this has the effect of leaving the cursor after the character just typed even if the completion code found out that no other characters need to be inserted at that position.

Any other value for this style unconditionally leaves the cursor at the position where the completion code left it. list When using the incrementalcompleteword widget, this style says if the matches should be listed on every key press (if they t on the screen). Use the context prex :completion:incremental. The insertandpredict widget uses this style to decide if the completion should be shown even if there is only one possible completion. This is done if the value of this style is the string always. In this case the context is :predict (not :completion:predict). match This style is used by smartinsertlastword to provide a pattern (using full EXTENDED_GLOB syntax) that matches an interesting word. The context is the name of the widget to which smartinsertlastword is bound (see above). The default behavior of smartinsertlastword is equivalent to:

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zstyle :insertlastword match [[:alpha:]/\\] However, you might want to include words that contain spaces: zstyle :insertlastword match [[:alpha:][:space:]/\\] Or include numbers as long as the word is at least two characters long: zstyle :insertlastword match ([[:digit:]]?[[:alpha:]/\\]) The above example causes redirections like "2>" to be included. prompt The incrementalcompleteword widget shows the value of this style in the status line during incremental completion. The string value may contain any of the following substrings in the manner of the PS1 and other prompt parameters: %c %l Replaced by the name of the completer function that generated the matches (without the leading underscore). When the list style is set, replaced by ... if the list of matches is too long to t on the screen and with an empty string otherwise. If the list style is false or not set, %l is always removed. Replaced by the number of matches generated. Replaced by no match, no prex, or an empty string if there is no completion matching the word on the line, if the matches have no common prex different from the word on the line, or if there is such a common prex, respectively. Replaced by the unambiguous part of all matches, if there is any, and if it is different from the word on the line.

%n %s


Like breakkeys, this uses the :incremental context. stopkeys This style is used by the incrementalcompleteword widget. Its value is treated similarly to the one for the breakkeys style (and uses the same context: :incremental). However, in this case all keys matching the pattern given as its value will stop incremental completion and will then execute their usual function. toggle This boolean style is used by predicton and its related widgets in the context :predict. If set to one of the standard true values, predictive typing is automatically toggled off in situations where it is unlikely to be useful, such as when editing a multiline buffer or after moving into the middle of a line and then deleting a character. The default is to leave prediction turned on until an explicit call to predictoff.

verbose This boolean style is used by predicton and its related widgets in the context :predict. If set to one of the standard true values, these widgets display a message below the prompt when the predictive state is toggled. This is most useful in combination with the toggle style. The default does not display these messages.

There are a large number of helpful functions in the Functions/Misc directory of the zsh distribution. Most are very simple and do not require documentation here, but a few are worthy of special mention.


This function initializes several associative arrays to map color names to (and from) the ANSI standard eightcolor terminal codes. These are used by the prompt theme system (see above). You seldom should need to run colors more than once. The eight base colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. Each of these has codes for foreground and background. In addition there are eight intensity attributes: bold, faint, standout, underline, blink, reverse, and conceal. Finally, there are six codes used to negate attributes: none (reset all attributes to the defaults), normal (neither bold nor faint), nostandout,

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nounderline, noblink, and noreverse. Some terminals do not support all combinations of colors and intensities. The associative arrays are: color colour Map all the color names to their integer codes, and integer codes to the color names. The eight base names map to the foreground color codes, as do names prexed with fg, such as fgred. Names prexed with bg, such as bgblue, refer to the background codes. The reverse mapping from code to color yields base name for foreground codes and the bg form for backgrounds. Although it is a misnomer to call them colors, these arrays also map the other fourteen attributes from names to codes and codes to names. fg fg_bold fg_no_bold Map the eight basic color names to ANSI terminal escape sequences that set the corresponding foreground text properties. The fg sequences change the color without changing the eight intensity attributes. bg bg_bold bg_no_bold Map the eight basic color names to ANSI terminal escape sequences that set the corresponding background properties. The bg sequences change the color without changing the eight intensity attributes. In addition, the scalar parameters reset_color and bold_color are set to the ANSI terminal escapes that turn off all attributes and turn on bold intensity, respectively. fned name Same as zed f. This function does not appear in the zsh distribution, but can be created by linking zed to the name fned in some directory in your fpath. isatleast needed [ present ] Perform a greaterthanorequalto comparison of two strings having the format of a zsh version number; that is, a string of numbers and text with segments separated by dots or dashes. If the present string is not provided, $ZSH_VERSION is used. Segments are paired lefttoright in the two strings with leading nonnumber parts ignored. If one string has fewer segments than the other, the missing segments are considered zero. This is useful in startup les to set options and other state that are not available in all versions of zsh. isatleast 3.1.615 && setopt NO_GLOBAL_RCS isatleast 3.1.0 && setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS isatleast 2.617 print " You cant use isatleast here." nslookup [ arg ... ] This wrapper function for the nslookup command requires the zsh/zpty module (see zshmodules(1)). It behaves exactly like the standard nslookup except that it provides customizable prompts (including a rightside prompt) and completion of nslookup commands, host names, etc. (if you use the functionbased completion system). Completion styles may be set with the context prex :completion:nslookup. See also the pager, prompt and rprompt styles below. runhelp See Accessing OnLine Help above.

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zed [ f ] name This function uses the ZLE editor to edit a le or function. It rebinds the return key to insert a line break, and adds bindings for W in the emacs keymap and ZZ in the vicmd keymap to X accept (and therefore write, in the case of a le) the edited le or function. Keybindings are otherwise the standard ones; completion is available, and styles may be set with the context prex :completion:zed. Only one name argument is recognized (additional arguments are ignored). If the f option is given, the name is taken to be that of a function; if the function is marked for autoloading, zed searches for it in the fpath and loads it. Note that functions edited this way are installed into the current shell, but not written back to the autoload le. Without f, name is the path name of the le to edit, which need not exist; it is created on write, if necessary. zcp [ nqQvw ] srcpat dest zln [ nqQsvw ] srcpat dest Same as zmv C and zmv L, respectively. These functions do not appear in the zsh distribution, but can be created by linking zmv to the names zcp and zln in some directory in your fpath. zkbd See Keyboard Denition above. zmv [ nqQsvw ] [ C L M p program ] [ o optstring ] srcpat dest Move (usually, rename) les matching the pattern srcpat to corresponding les having names of the form given by dest, where srcpat contains parentheses surrounding patterns which will be replaced in turn by $1, $2, ... in dest. For example, zmv ( ).lis $1.txt renames foo.lis to foo.txt, my.old.stuff.lis to my.old.stuff.txt, and so on. The pattern is always treated as an EXTENDED_GLOB pattern. Any le whose name is not changed by the substitution is simply ignored. Any error (a substitution resulted in an empty string, two substitutions gave the same result, the destination was an existing regular le and f was not given) causes the entire function to abort without doing anything. Options: f i Force overwriting of destination les. Not currently passed down to the mv/cp/ln command due to vagaries of implementations (but you can use of to do that). Interactive: show each line to be executed and ask the user whether to execute it. Y or y will execute it, anything else will skip it. Note that you just need to type one character. No execution: print what would happen, but dont do it. Turn bare glob qualiers off: now assumed by default, so this has no effect. Force bare glob qualiers on. Dont turn this on unless you are actually using glob qualiers in a pattern. Symbolic, passed down to ln; only works with L. Verbose: print each command as its being executed. Pick out wildcard parts of the pattern, as described above, and implicitly add parentheses for referring to them.

n q Q s v w

C L M Force cp, ln or mv, respectively, regardless of the name of the function. p program Call program instead of cp, ln or mv. Whatever it does, it should at least understand the form program oldname newname where oldname and newname are lenames generated by zmv. o optstring

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The optstring is split into words and passed down verbatim to the cp, ln or mv command called to perform the work. It should probably begin with a . For more complete examples and other implementation details, see the zmv source le, usually located in one of the directories named in your fpath, or in Functions/Misc/zmv in the zsh distribution. zrecompile See Recompiling Functions above. zstyle+ context style value [ + subcontext style value ... ] This makes dening styles a bit simpler by using a single + as a special token that allows you to append a context name to the previously used context name. Like this: zstyle+ :foo:bar style1 value1 \ + :baz style2 value2 \ + :frob style3 value3 This denes style1 with value1 for the context :foo:bar as usual, but it also denes style2 with value2 for the context :foo:bar:baz and style3 with value3 for :foo:bar:frob. Any subcontext may be the empty string to reuse the rst context unchanged.

inserttab The zed function sets this style in context :completion:zed: to turn off completion when TAB is typed at the beginning of a line. You may override this by setting your own value for this context and style. pager The nslookup function looks up this style in the context :nslookup to determine the program used to display output that does not t on a single screen.

prompt rprompt The nslookup function looks up this style in the context :nslookup to set the prompt and the rightside prompt, respectively. The usual expansions for the PS1 and RPS1 parameters may be used (see zshmisc(1)).

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ZSHALL ( 1 )


$ZDOTDIR/.zshenv $ZDOTDIR/.zprole $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin $ZDOTDIR/.zlogout ${TMPPREFIX} (default is /tmp/zsh) /etc/zshenv /etc/zprole /etc/zshrc /etc/zlogin /etc/zlogout (installationspecic /etc is the default)

sh(1), csh(1), tcsh(1), rc(1), bash(1), ksh(1) IEEE Standard for information Technology Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Part 2: Shell and Utilities, IEEE Inc, 1993, ISBN 1559372559.

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zshall the Z shell metaman page

Because zsh contains many features, the zsh manual has been split into a number of sections. This manual page includes all the separate manual pages in the following order: zshroadmap Informal introduction to the manual zshmisc Anything not tting into the other sections zshexpn Zsh command and parameter expansion zshparam Zsh parameters zshoptions Zsh options zshbuiltins Zsh builtin functions zshzle Zsh command line editing zshcompwid Zsh completion widgets zshcompsys Zsh completion system zshcompctl Zsh completion control zshmodules Zsh loadable modules zshtcpsys Zsh builtin TCP functions zshzftpsys Zsh builtin FTP client zshcontrib Additional zsh functions and utilities

Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command line editing, builtin spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features.

Zsh was originally written by Paul Falstad <>. Zsh is now maintained by the members of the zshworkers mailing list <>. The development is currently coordinated by Peter Stephenson <>. The coordinator can be contacted at <>, but matters relating to the code should generally go to the mailing list.

Zsh is available from the following anonymous FTP sites. These mirror sites are kept frequently up to date. The sites marked with (H) may be mirroring instead of the primary site. Primary site Australia Denmark Finland ftp://ftp.funet./pub/unix/shells/zsh/ Germany (H) Hungary

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Israel Japan Korea Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Slovenia Sweden UK USA The uptodate source code is available via anonymous CVS from Sourceforge. See for details.

Zsh has 3 mailing lists: <> Announcements about releases, major changes in the shell and the monthly posting of the Zsh FAQ. (moderated) <> User discussions. <> Hacking, development, bug reports and patches. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to the associated administrative address for the mailing list. <> <> <> <> <> <> YOU ONLY NEED TO JOIN ONE OF THE MAILING LISTS AS THEY ARE NESTED. All submissions to zshannounce are automatically forwarded to zshusers. All submissions to zshusers are automatically forwarded to zshworkers.

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If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the mailing lists, send mail to <>. The mailing lists are maintained by Karsten Thygesen <>. The mailing lists are archived; the archives can be accessed via the administrative addresses listed above. There is also a hypertext archive, maintained by Geoff Wing <>, available at


Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), maintained by Peter Stephenson <>. It is regularly posted to the newsgroup and the zshannounce mailing list. The latest version can be found at any of the Zsh FTP sites, or at The contact address for FAQrelated matters is <>.


Zsh has a web page which is located at This is maintained by Karsten Thygesen <>, of SunSITE Denmark. The contact address for webrelated matters is <>.


A userguide is currently in preparation. It is intended to complement the manual, with explanations and hints on issues where the manual can be cabbalistic, hierographic, or downright mystifying (for example, the word hierographic does not exist). It can be viewed in its current state at At the time of writing, chapters dealing with startup les and their contents and the new completion system were essentially complete.


A wiki website for zsh has been created at This is a site which can be added to and modied directly by users without any special permission. You can add your own zsh tips and congurations.

The following ags are interpreted by the shell when invoked to determine where the shell will read commands from: c Take the rst argument as a command to execute, rather than reading commands from a script or standard input. If any further arguments are given, the rst one is assigned to $0, rather than being used as a positional parameter. Force shell to be interactive. Force shell to read commands from the standard input. If the s ag is not present and an argument is given, the rst argument is taken to be the pathname of a script to execute.

i s

After the rst one or two arguments have been appropriated as described above, the remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters. For further options, which are common to invocation and the set builtin, see zshoptions(1). Options may be specied by name using the o option. o acts like a singleletter option, but takes a following string as the option name. For example, zsh x o shwordsplit scr runs the script scr, setting the XTRACE option by the corresponding letter x and the SH_WORD_SPLIT option by name. Options may be turned off by name by using +o instead of o. o can be stacked up with preceding singleletter options, so for example xo shwordsplit or xoshwordsplit is equivalent to x o shwordsplit. Options may also be specied by name in GNU long option style, optionname. When this is done, characters in the option name are permitted: they are translated into _, and thus ignored. So, for example, zsh shwordsplit invokes zsh with the SH_WORD_SPLIT option turned on. Like other option syntaxes, options can be turned off by replacing the initial with a +; thus +shwordsplit is equivalent to noshwordsplit. Unlike other option syntaxes, GNUstyle long options cannot be

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stacked with any other options, so for example xshwordsplit is an error, rather than being treated like x shwordsplit. The special GNUstyle option version is handled; it sends to standard output the shells version information, then exits successfully. help is also handled; it sends to standard output a list of options that can be used when invoking the shell, then exits successfully. Option processing may be nished, allowing following arguments that start with or + to be treated as normal arguments, in two ways. Firstly, a lone (or +) as an argument by itself ends option processing. Secondly, a special option (or +), which may be specied on its own (which is the standard POSIX usage) or may be stacked with preceding options (so x is equivalent to x ). Options are not permitted to be stacked after (so xf is an error), but note the GNUstyle option form discussed above, where shwordsplit is permitted and does not end option processing. Except when the sh/ksh emulation singleletter options are in effect, the option b (or +b) ends option processing. b is like , except that further singleletter options can be stacked after the b and will take effect as normal.

Zsh tries to emulate sh or ksh when it is invoked as sh or ksh respectively; more precisely, it looks at the rst letter of the name by which it was invoked, excluding any initial r (assumed to stand for restricted), and if that is s or k it will emulate sh or ksh. Furthermore, if invoked as su (which happens on certain systems when the shell is executed by the su command), the shell will try to nd an alternative name from the SHELL environment variable and perform emulation based on that. In sh and ksh compatibility modes the following parameters are not special and not initialized by the shell: ARGC, argv, cdpath, gnore, fpath, HISTCHARS, mailpath, MANPATH, manpath, path, prompt, PROMPT, PROMPT2, PROMPT3, PROMPT4, psvar, status, watch. The usual zsh startup/shutdown scripts are not executed. Login shells source /etc/prole followed by $HOME/.prole. If the ENV environment variable is set on invocation, $ENV is sourced after the prole scripts. The value of ENV is subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a pathname. Note that the PRIVILEGED option also affects the execution of startup les. The following options are set if the shell is invoked as sh or ksh: NO_BAD_PATTERN, NO_BANG_HIST, NO_BG_NICE, NO_EQUALS, NO_FUNCTION_ARGZERO, GLOB_SUBST, NO_GLOBAL_EXPORT, NO_HUP, INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS, KSH_ARRAYS, NO_MULTIOS, NO_NOMATCH, NO_NOTIFY, POSIX_BUILTINS, NO_PROMPT_PERCENT, RM_STAR_SILENT, SH_FILE_EXPANSION, SH_GLOB, SH_OPTION_LETTERS, SH_WORD_SPLIT. Additionally the BSD_ECHO and IGNORE_BRACES options are set if zsh is invoked as sh. Also, the KSH_OPTION_PRINT, LOCAL_OPTIONS, PROMPT_BANG, PROMPT_SUBST and SINGLE_LINE_ZLE options are set if zsh is invoked as ksh.

When the basename of the command used to invoke zsh starts with the letter r or the r command line option is supplied at invocation, the shell becomes restricted. Emulation mode is determined after stripping the letter r from the invocation name. The following are disabled in restricted mode: changing directories with the cd builtin changing or unsetting the PATH, path, MODULE_PATH, module_path, SHELL, HISTFILE, HISTSIZE, GID, EGID, UID, EUID, USERNAME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_AOUT_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD and LD_AOUT_PRELOAD parameters specifying command names containing / specifying command pathnames using hash redirecting output to les

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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using the exec builtin command to replace the shell with another command using jobs Z to overwrite the shell process argument and environment space using the ARGV0 parameter to override argv[0] for external commands turning off restricted mode with set +r or unsetopt RESTRICTED

These restrictions are enforced after processing the startup les. The startup les should set up PATH to point to a directory of commands which can be safely invoked in the restricted environment. They may also add further restrictions by disabling selected builtins. Restricted mode can also be activated any time by setting the RESTRICTED option. This immediately enables all the restrictions described above even if the shell still has not processed all startup les.

Commands are rst read from /etc/zshenv; this cannot be overridden. Subsequent behaviour is modied by the RCS and GLOBAL_RCS options; the former affects all startup les, while the second only affects those in the /etc directory. If one of the options is unset at any point, any subsequent startup le(s) of the corresponding type will not be read. It is also possible for a le in $ZDOTDIR to reenable GLOBAL_RCS. Both RCS and GLOBAL_RCS are set by default. Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv. If the shell is a login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprole and then $ZDOTDIR/.zprole. Then, if the shell is interactive, commands are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc. Finally, if the shell is a login shell, /etc/zlogin and $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read. When a login shell exits, the les $ZDOTDIR/.zlogout and then /etc/zlogout are read. This happens with either an explicit exit via the exit or logout commands, or an implicit exit by reading endofle from the terminal. However, if the shell terminates due to execing another process, the logout les are not read. These are also affected by the RCS and GLOBAL_RCS options. Note also that the RCS option affects the saving of history les, i.e. if RCS is unset when the shell exits, no history le will be saved. If ZDOTDIR is unset, HOME is used instead. Those les listed above as being in /etc may be in another directory, depending on the installation. As /etc/zshenv is run for all instances of zsh, it is important that it be kept as small as possible. In particular, it is a good idea to put code that does not need to be run for every single shell behind a test of the form if [[ o rcs ]]; then ... so that it will not be executed when zsh is invoked with the f option. Any of these les may be precompiled with the zcompile builtin command (see zshbuiltins(1)). If a compiled le exists (named for the original le plus the .zwc extension) and it is newer than the original le, the compiled le will be used instead.

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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zshroadmap informal introduction to the zsh manual The Zsh Manual, like the shell itself, is large and often complicated. This section of the manual provides some pointers to areas of the shell that are likely to be of particular interest to new users, and indicates where in the rest of the manual the documentation is to be found.


When it starts, the shell reads commands from various les. These can be created or edited to customize the shell. See the section Startup/Shutdown Files in zsh(1). If no personal intialization les exist for the current user, a function is run to help you change some of the most common settings. It wont appear if your administrator has disabled the zsh/newuser module. The function is designed to be selfexplanatory. You can run it by hand with autoload Uz zshnewuserinstall; zshnewuserinstall f.

Interaction with the shell uses the builtin Zsh Line Editor, ZLE. This is described in detail in zshzle(1). The rst decision a user must make is whether to use the Emacs or Vi editing mode as the keys for editing are substantially different. Emacs editing mode is probably more natural for beginners and can be selected explicitly with the command bindkey e. A history mechanism for retrieving previously typed lines (most simply with the Up or Down arrow keys) is available; note that, unlike other shells, zsh will not save these lines when the shell exits unless you set appropriate variables, and the number of history lines retained by default is quite small (30 lines). See the description of the shell variables (referred to in the documentation as parameters) HISTFILE, HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST in zshparam(1). Completion Completion is a feature present in many shells. It allows the user to type only a part (usually the prex) of a word and have the shell ll in the rest. The completion system in zsh is programmable. For example, the shell can be set to complete email addresses in arguments to the mail command from your /.abook/addressbook; usernames, hostnames, and even remote paths in arguments to scp, and so on. Anything that can be written in or glued together with zsh can be the source of what the line editor offers as possible completions.

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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zshmisc everything and then some


A simple command is a sequence of optional parameter assignments followed by blankseparated words, with optional redirections interspersed. The rst word is the command to be executed, and the remaining words, if any, are arguments to the command. If a command name is given, the parameter assignments modify the environment of the command when it is executed. The value of a simple command is its exit status, or 128 plus the signal number if terminated by a signal. For example, echo foo is a simple command with arguments. A pipeline is either a simple command, or a sequence of two or more simple commands where each command is separated from the next by | or |&. Where commands are separated by |, the standard output of the rst command is connected to the standard input of the next. |& is shorthand for 2>&1 |, which connects both the standard output and the standard error of the command to the standard input of the next. The value of a pipeline is the value of the last command, unless the pipeline is preceded by ! in which case the value is the logical inverse of the value of the last command. For example, echo foo | sed s/foo/bar/ is a pipeline, where the output (foo plus a newline) of the rst command will be passed to the input of the second. If a pipeline is preceded by coproc, it is executed as a coprocess; a twoway pipe is established between it and the parent shell. The shell can read from or write to the coprocess by means of the >&p and <&p redirection operators or with print p and read p. A pipeline cannot be preceded by both coproc and !.

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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zshparam zsh parameters

A parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes. A name may be any sequence of alphanumeric characters and underscores, or the single characters *, @, #, ?, , $, or !. The value may be a scalar (a string), an integer, an array (indexed numerically), or an associative array (an unordered set of namevalue pairs, indexed by name). To declare the type of a parameter, or to assign a scalar or integer value to a parameter, use the typeset builtin. The value of a scalar or integer parameter may also be assigned by writing: name=value If the integer attribute, i, is set for name, the value is subject to arithmetic evaluation. Furthermore, by replacing = with +=, a parameter can be added or appended to. See the section Array Parameters for additional forms of assignment. To refer to the value of a parameter, write $name or ${name}. See Parameter Expansion in zshexpn(1) for complete details. In the parameter lists that follow, the mark <S> indicates that the parameter is special. Special parameters cannot have their type changed or their readonly attribute turned off, and if a special parameter is unset, then later recreated, the special properties will be retained. <Z> indicates that the parameter does not exist when the shell initializes in sh or ksh emulation mode.

To assign an array value, write one of: set A name value ...

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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zshbuiltins zsh builtin commands


simple command See the section Precommand Modiers. . le [ arg ... ] Read commands from le and execute them in the current shell environment. If le does not contain a slash, or if PATH_DIRS is set, the shell looks in the components of $path to nd the directory containing le. Files in the current directory are not read unless . appears somewhere in $path. If a le named le.zwc is found, is newer than le, and is the compiled form (created with the zcompile builtin) of le, then commands are read from that le instead of le. If any arguments arg are given, they become the positional parameters; the old positional parameters are restored when the le is done executing. The exit status is the exit status of the last command executed. : [ arg ... ] This command does nothing, although normal argument expansions is performed which may have effects on shell parameters. A zero exit status is returned. alias [ {+|}gmrsL ] [ name[=value] ... ] For each name with a corresponding value, dene an alias with that value. A trailing space in value causes the next word to be checked for alias expansion. If the g ag is present, dene a global alias; global aliases are expanded even if they do not occur in command position. If the s ags is present, dene a sufx alias: if the command word on a command line is in the form, where text is any nonempty string, it is replaced by the text value Note that name is treated as a literal string, not a pattern. A trailing space in value is not special in this case. For example,

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary



zshcompwid zsh completion widgets

The shells programmable completion mechanism can be manipulated in two ways; here the lowlevel features supporting the newer, functionbased mechanism are dened. A complete set of shell functions based on these features is described in zshcompsys(1), and users with no interest in adding to that system (or, potentially, writing their own see dictionary entry for hubris) should skip the current section. The older system based on the compctl builtin command is described in zshcompctl(1). Completion widgets are dened by the C option to the zle builtin command provided by the zsh/zle module (see zshzle(1)). For example, zle C complete expandorcomplete completer denes a widget named complete. The second argument is the name of any of the builtin widgets that handle completions: completeword, expandorcomplete, expandorcompleteprex, menucomplete, menuexpandorcomplete, reversemenucomplete, listchoices, or deletecharorlist. Note that this will still work even if the widget in question has been rebound. When this newly dened widget is bound to a key using the bindkey builtin command dened in the zsh/zle module (see zshzle(1)), typing that key will call the shell function completer. This function is responsible for generating the possible matches using the builtins described below. As with other ZLE widgets, the function is called with its standard input closed. Once the function returns, the completion code takes over control again and treats the matches in the same manner as the specied builtin widget, in this case expandorcomplete.

Inside completion widgets, and any functions called from them, some parameters have special meaning; outside these functions they are not

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

Property of BladeLogic, Inc. Strictly confidential and proprietary



zshmodules zsh loadable modules

Some optional parts of zsh are in modules, separate from the core of the shell. Each of these modules may be linked in to the shell at build time, or can be dynamically linked while the shell is running if the installation supports this feature. The modules that are bundled with the zsh distribution are: zsh/cap Builtins for manipulating POSIX.1e (POSIX.6) capability (privilege) sets. zsh/clone A builtin that can clone a running shell onto another terminal. zsh/compctl The compctl builtin for controlling completion. zsh/complete The basic completion code. zsh/complist Completion listing extensions. zsh/computil A module with utility builtins needed for the shell function based completion system. zsh/datetime Some date/time commands and parameters. zsh/deltochar A ZLE function duplicating EMACS zaptochar. zsh/example An example of how to write a module. zsh/les Some basic le manipulation commands as builtins. zsh/maple Access to external les via a special associative array.

zsh 4.3.4

April 19, 2006

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