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Deep Mukherjee

The equation of a circle with centre( h,k) and radius equal to r is

( x - h)+ ( y - k) = r
i) When the centre of the circle coincides with the origin i.e., h=k= O. Then, equation becomes x+y= r .


When the circle passes through the origin

Let O be the origin and C (h, k) be the centre of the circle. Draw CM perpendicular OX. In triangle OCM, OC= OM + CM ie., r=h+k The equation of the circle then becomes

(x-h) + ( y-k)=h+k


x+y-2hx 2 ky =0.

iii) When the circle touches x-axis Let C (h,k) be the centre of the circle. Since the circle touches the x-axis, r=k hence , the equation of the circle is


(x-h) +(y-r) =r x+y-2hx-2ry+h=O

iv) When the circle touches y-axis Let C (h,k)be the centre of the circle. Since the circle touches the y-axis,

Hence, the equation of the circle is Or, (x-r) + (y-k) =r x+y-2rx-2ky+k=O.


When the circle touches both the axes In this case, we have, h=k=r Hence, the equation of the circle is Or, (x-r) + (y-r) = r x+y-2rx -2ry+ r=O


When the circle passes through the origin and centre lies on x-axis. In this case, we have, k=O and h=r. Hence, the equation of the circle is Or, (x-r) + (y-0) = r x+y 2rx= 0.

vii) When the circle passes through the origin and centre lies on y-axis . In this case, we have, h=0 and k=r. Hence, the equation of the circle is (x-0) + (y-r) = r x+y 2ry = 0


General Equation Of a Circle

x+y+2gx+2fy+c=0 Centre is (-g,-f) and radius = (g +f c) If g+f-c>0 then radius of the circle is real and hence the circle is also real. If g+f-c = 0 then the radius of the circle is zero. Such a circle is known as a point circle. If g+f-c<0, then the radius (g+f-c) of the circle is imaginary but the centre is real. Such a circle is called an imaginary circle as it is not possible to draw such a circle.

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